    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        e = constants('elementary charge')
        k = constants('Boltzmann constant')
        eps0 = epsilon_0  #constants('vacuum electric permittivity')
        amu = constants('atomic mass constant')

        if 'Z' in kwargs:
            self.q = kwargs['Z'] * e
        elif 'q' in kwargs:
            self.q = kwargs['q']
            self.q = self.def_Z * e

        if 'amu' in kwargs:
            self.m = kwargs['amu'] * amu
        elif 'm' in kwargs:
            self.m = kwargs['m']
            self.m = self.def_amu * amu

        if 'eV' in kwargs:
            self.T = kwargs['eV'] * e / k
        elif 'vth' in kwargs:
            self.T = self.m * kwargs['vth']**2 / k
        elif 'T' in kwargs:
            self.T = kwargs['T']
            self.T = 1000

        if self.T < 0:
            self.T = 0
            logger.warning('Negative temperature interpreted as zero')

        self.n = kwargs.pop('n', 1e11)
        self.alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha', 0)
        self.kappa = kwargs.pop('kappa', float('inf'))

        self.Z = self.q / e
        self.amu = self.m / amu
        self.eV = self.T * k / e
        self.vth = np.sqrt(k * self.T / self.m)
        self.omega_p = np.sqrt(self.q**2 * self.n / (eps0 * self.m))
        self.freq_p = self.omega_p / (2 * np.pi)
        self.period_p = 1 / self.freq_p

        if self.kappa == float('inf'):
            self.debye = np.sqrt(eps0 * k * self.T /
                                 (self.q**2 * self.n)) * np.sqrt(
                                     (1.0 + 15.0 * self.alpha) /
                                     (1.0 + 3.0 * self.alpha))
            self.debye = np.sqrt(eps0 * k * self.T / (self.q**2 * self.n)) *\
                         np.sqrt(((self.kappa - 1.5) / (self.kappa - 0.5)) *\
                        ((1.0 + 15.0 * self.alpha * ((self.kappa - 1.5) / (self.kappa - 2.5))) / (1.0 + 3.0 * self.alpha * ((self.kappa - 1.5) / (self.kappa - 0.5)))))
def test_species_defaults():
    T = 1000
    n = 1e11
    e = constants('elementary charge')
    m = constants('electron mass')
    k = constants('Boltzmann constant')
    s = Species(n=n, T=T)
    assert(s.m == approx(m))
    assert(s.q == approx(-e))
    assert(s.n == approx(n))
    assert(s.T == approx(T))
    assert(s.vth == approx(np.sqrt(k*1000/m)))
    assert(s.alpha == 0)
    assert(s.kappa == float('inf'))
def test_eta(current, electron):

    args = getargspec(current).args
    kwargs = {}
    if 'V' in args or 'eta' in args:

        # Should have both or none
        assert 'V' in args
        assert 'eta' in args

        e = constants('elementary charge')
        k = constants('Boltzmann constant')
        T = 1000
        eta = 10

        geometry = Cylinder(r=electron.debye, l=10 * electron.debye)
        I_eta = current(geometry, electron, eta=eta)
        I_V = current(geometry, electron, V=eta * k * T / e)

        assert I_eta == approx(I_V)
def jacobsen_density(geometry, biases, currents, species=Electron()):
    Density computed according to the slope in current squared versus voltage
    (the Jacobsen-Bekkeng method). This assumes that OML theory for a
    cylindrical probe is exact.

    geometry: Cylinder
        Probe geometry

    biases: array-like of floats
        Probe bias voltages [V] with respect to some common reference

    currents: 2D array-like of floats
        Current measurements. currents[i,j] is sample i, probe current j

    species: Species
        The attracted species. The density and temperature in the species
        object is disregarded by this function.

    Array of computed densities, one element for each row in currents.

    currents = make_array(currents)
    biases = make_array(biases)

    if not isinstance(geometry, Cylinder):
        raise ValueError('Geometry not supported: {}'.format(geometry))

    if len(biases) != currents.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('The number of columns in currents must equal the'\
                         'number of elements in biases')

    m = species.m
    q = species.q
    k = constants('Boltzmann constant')
    C = 2 / np.sqrt(np.pi)
    S = 2 * np.pi * geometry.r * geometry.l  # surface area
    slope_factor = -2 * np.pi * m / ((C * S)**2 * q**3)

    m = len(biases)
    sv = np.sum(biases)
    svv = np.sum(biases**2)
    curr_sq = currents**2
    si = np.sum(curr_sq, axis=1)
    svi = np.sum(biases * curr_sq, axis=1)
    slope = (m * svi - sv * si) / (m * svv - sv**2)
    density = np.sqrt(slope_factor * slope)

    return density
文件: newplot.py 项目: zwghit/PUNCpp
    Plots a moving exponential average of "y" versus "x" in a matplotlib plot
    while showing the raw values of "y" in the background. tau is the relaxation
    time in the same unit as the value on the x-axis.
    dx = x[1] - x[0]

    if tau != 0.0:
        plt.plot(x, y, '#CCCCCC', linewidth=1, zorder=0)

    p = plt.plot(x, expAvg(y, dx, tau), linewidth=1, label=label)

    # returning this allows color to be extracted
    return p

eps0 = constants('electric constant')
e = constants('elementary charge')
me = constants('electron mass')
mp = constants('proton mass')
kB = constants('Boltzmann constant')

ne = 1e10
debye = 1
wpe = np.sqrt(e**2 * ne / (eps0 * me))
vthe = wpe * debye
vthi = vthe * np.sqrt(me / mp)

Rp = 1 * debye
Te = me * vthe**2 / kB
V0 = kB * Te / e
I0_sp = -e * ne * Rp**2 * np.sqrt(8 * np.pi * kB * Te / me)
pat = re.compile('\d+')
files.sort(key=lambda x: int(pat.findall(x)[-1]))

files = files[args.f:args.t:args.s]

vars = parse_xoopic_input(pjoin(folder, 'input.inp'))
lx = vars['Grid'][0]['x1f']
dt = vars['Control'][0]['dt']
mI = vars['Species'][1]['m']
mE = vars['Species'][0]['m']

######## Normalized Units ###############
ne = 1E13  #vars['Load'][0]['density']
ni = ne

eps0 = constants('electric constant')
kb = constants('Boltzmann constant')
e = constants('elementary charge')
gamma_e = 5. / 3

if 'BeamEmitter' in vars:
    units_0 = vars['BeamEmitter'][0]['units']
    if units_0 == 'MKS':
        vthE = vars['BeamEmitter'][0]['temperature']
        tEeV = 0.5 * mE * (vthE * vthE) / e
        tEK = tEeV * 11604.525

    units_1 = vars['BeamEmitter'][1]['units']
    if units_1 == 'MKS':
        vthI = vars['BeamEmitter'][1]['temperature']
        tIeV = 0.5 * mI * (vthI * vthI) / e
    k = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(Mx) / (Mx * dx)
    print('Length of k: ', len(k))
    print('Max of k: ', np.max(k))
    Omega, K = np.meshgrid(omega, k, indexing='ij')
    print('Shape of Omega: ', Omega.shape)
    F = np.fft.fftn(f, norm='ortho')

    halflen = np.array(F.shape, dtype=int) // 2
    Omega = Omega[:halflen[0], :halflen[1]]
    K = K[:halflen[0], :halflen[1]]
    F = F[:halflen[0], :halflen[1]]

    # Analytical ion-acoustic dispresion relation
    ne = vars['Region']['Load'][0]['density']
    ni = ne
    eps0 = constants('electric constant')
    kb = constants('Boltzmann constant')
    me = constants('electron mass')
    e = constants('elementary charge')
    c0 = constants('speed of light in vacuum')

    mi = vars['Region']['Species'][1][
        'm']  #40*constants('atomic mass constant')
    nK = vars['Region']['Grid'][0]['J']
    gamma_e = 5. / 3
    # print(vars['Region']['Load'][0]['units'])

    if 'BeamEmitter' in vars['Region']:
        units_0 = vars['Region']['BeamEmitter'][0]['units']
        if units_0 == 'MKS':
            vthE = vars['Region']['BeamEmitter'][0]['temperature']
def OML_current(geometry, species, V=None, eta=None, normalization=None):
    Current collected by a probe according to the Orbital Motion Limited (OML)
    theory. The model assumes a probe of infinitely small radius compared to
    the Debye length, and for a cylindrical probe, that it is infinitely long.
    Probes with radii up to 0.2 Debye lengths (for spherical probes) or 1.0
    Debye lengths (for cylindrical probes) are very well approximated by this
    theory, although the literature is diverse as to how long cylindrical probes
    must be for this theory to be a good approximation.

    geometry: Plane, Cylinder or Sphere
        Probe geometry

    species: Species or array-like of Species
        Species constituting the background plasma

    V: float or array-like of floats
        Probe voltage(s) in [V]. Overrides eta.

    eta: float or array-like of floats
        Probe voltage(s) normalized by k*T/q, where q and T are the species'
        charge and temperature and k is Boltzmann's constant.

    normalization: 'th', 'thmax', None
        Wether to normalize the output current by, respectively, the thermal
        current, the Maxwellian thermal current, or not at all, i.e., current
        in [A/m].

    float if voltage is float. array of floats corresponding to voltage if
    voltage is array-like.

    if isinstance(species, list):
        if normalization is not None:
            logger.error('Cannot normalize current to more than one species')
            return None
        if eta is not None:
            logger.error('Cannot normalize voltage to more than one species')
            return None
        I = 0
        for s in species:
            I += OML_current(geometry, s, V, eta)
        return I

    q, T = species.q, species.T
    kappa, alpha = species.kappa, species.alpha

    k = constants('Boltzmann constant')

    if V is not None:
        eta_isarray = isinstance(V, (np.ndarray, list, tuple))
        V = make_array(V)
        eta = -q * V / (k * T)
        eta_isarray = isinstance(eta, (np.ndarray, list, tuple))
        eta = make_array(eta)

    eta = deepcopy(eta)  # Prevents this function from changing eta in caller

    I = np.zeros_like(eta, dtype=float)

        eta == 0)] = np.finfo(float).eps  # replace zeros with machine eps
    indices_n = np.where(eta < 0)[0]  # indices for repelled particles
    indices_p = np.where(eta >= 0)[0]  # indices for attracted particles

    if kappa == float('inf'):
        C = 1.0
        D = (1. + 24 * alpha) / (1. + 15 * alpha)
        E = 4. * alpha / (1. + 24 * alpha)
        F = (1. + 8 * alpha) / (1. + 24 * alpha)
        C = np.sqrt(kappa - 1.5) * gamma(kappa - 1.) / gamma(kappa - 0.5)
        D = (1. + 24 * alpha * ((kappa - 1.5)**2 /
                                ((kappa - 2.) *
                                 (kappa - 3.)))) / (1. + 15 * alpha *
                                                    ((kappa - 1.5) /
                                                     (kappa - 2.5)))
        E = 4. * alpha * kappa * (kappa - 1.) / ((kappa - 2.) *
                                                 (kappa - 3.) + 24 * alpha *
                                                 (kappa - 1.5)**2)
        F = ((kappa - 1.) * (kappa - 2.) * (kappa - 3.) + 8 * alpha *
             (kappa - 3.) * (kappa - 1.5)**2) / ((kappa - 2.) * (kappa - 3.) *
                                                 (kappa - 1.5) + 24 * alpha *
                                                 (kappa - 1.5)**3)

    if normalization is None:
        I0 = normalization_current(geometry, species)
    elif normalization.lower() == 'thmax':
        I0 = 1
    elif normalization.lower() == 'th':
        I0 = normalization_current(geometry, species)/\
             thermal_current(geometry, species)
        raise ValueError(
            'Normalization not supported: {}'.format(normalization))

    if isinstance(geometry, Sphere):

        # repelled particles:
        if species.kappa == float('inf'):
            I[indices_n] = I0 * C * D * np.exp(
                eta[indices_n]) * (1. + E * -eta[indices_n] *
                                   (-eta[indices_n] + 4.))

            I[indices_n] = I0 * C * D * (1. - eta[indices_n] /
                                         (kappa - 1.5))**(1. - kappa) * (
                                             1. + E * (-eta[indices_n]) *
                                             (-eta[indices_n] + 4. *
                                              ((kappa - 1.5) / (kappa - 1.))))

        # attracted particles:
        eta[indices_p] = np.abs(eta[indices_p])
        I[indices_p] = I0 * C * D * (1. + F * eta[indices_p])

    elif isinstance(geometry, Cylinder):

        # repelled particles:
        if species.kappa == float('inf'):
            I[indices_n] = I0 * C * D * \
                np.exp(eta[indices_n]) * (1. + E *
                                           (-eta[indices_n]) * (-eta[indices_n] + 4.))

            I[indices_n] = I0 * C * D * (1. - eta[indices_n] /
                                         (kappa - 1.5))**(1. - kappa) * (
                                             1. + E * (-eta[indices_n]) *
                                             (-eta[indices_n] + 4. *
                                              ((kappa - 1.5) / (kappa - 1.))))

        # attracted particles:
        eta[indices_p] = np.abs(eta[indices_p])
        if species.kappa == float('inf'):
            I[indices_p] = I0 * C * D * \
                           ((2. / np.sqrt(np.pi)) * ( 1 - 0.5 * E * eta[indices_p]) * np.sqrt(eta[indices_p]) + \
                           np.exp(eta[indices_p]) * (1. + E * eta[indices_p] * (eta[indices_p] - 4.)) * erfc(np.sqrt(eta[indices_p])))

            C = np.sqrt(kappa - 1.5) * (kappa - .5) / (kappa - 1.0)
            D = (1. + 3 * alpha * ((kappa - 1.5) / (kappa - 0.5))) / \
                (1. + 15 * alpha * ((kappa - 1.5) / (kappa - 2.5)))
            E = 4. * alpha * kappa * \
                (kappa - 1.) / ((kappa - .5) *
                                (kappa - 1.5) + 3. * alpha * (kappa - 1.5)**2)

            I[indices_p] = (2./np.sqrt(np.pi))*I0 * C * D * (eta[indices_p]/(kappa-1.5))**(1.-kappa) * \
                (((kappa - 1.) / (kappa - 3.)) * E * (eta[indices_p]**2) * hyp2f1(kappa - 3, kappa + .5, kappa - 2., 1. - (kappa - 1.5) / (eta[indices_p])) + \
                ((kappa - 1.5 - 2. * (kappa - 1.) * eta[indices_p]) / (kappa - 2.)) * E * eta[indices_p] * hyp2f1(kappa - 2, kappa + .5, kappa - 1., 1. - (kappa - 1.5) / (eta[indices_p])) +
                (1. + E * eta[indices_p] * (eta[indices_p]-((kappa-1.5)/(kappa-1.)))) * hyp2f1(kappa - 1., kappa + .5, kappa, 1. - (kappa - 1.5) / (eta[indices_p])))

        raise ValueError('Geometry not supported: {}'.format(geometry))

    return I if eta_isarray else I[0]
def finite_radius_current(geometry,
    A current model taking into account the effects of finite radius by
    interpolating between tabulated normalized currents. The model only
    accounts for the attracted-species currents (for which eta<0). It does
    not extrapolate, but returns ``nan`` when the input parameters are outside
    the domain of the model. This happens when the normalized potential for any
    given species is less than -25, when kappa is less than 4, when alpha is
    more than 0.2 or when the radius is more than 10 or sometimes all the way
    up towards 100 (as the distribution approaches Maxwellian). Normally finite
    radius effects are negligible for radii less than 0.2 Debye lengths (spheres)
    or 1.0 Debye lengths (cylinders).

    The model can be based on the following tables, as decided by the ``table``

    - ``'laframboise'``.
      The de-facto standard tables for finite radius currents, tables 5c
      and 6c in Laframboise, "Theory of Spherical and Cylindrical Langmuir
      Probes in a Collisionless, Maxwellian Plasma at Rest", PhD Thesis.
      Covers Maxwellian plasmas only, probe radii ranging from 0 to 100 Debye

    - ``'darian-marholm uncomplete'``.
      These tables covers Maxwellian, Kappa, Cairns and Kappa-Cairns
      distributions for radii ranging from 0.2 Debye lengths (spheres) or
      1.0 Debye length (cylinders) up to 10 Debye lengths. They are not as
      accurate as ``'laframboise'`` for pure the Maxwellian, but usually within
      one or two percent.

    - ``'darian-marholm'``.
      Same as above, but this is complemented by adding analytical values from
      OML theory, thereby extending the range of valid radii down to zero Debye
      lengths. In addition, the values for zero potential are replaced by
      analytical values (i.e. the thermal current), since these are amongst the
      most inaccurate in the above, and more accurate values can be analytically

    - ``'laframboise-darian-marholm'``.
      This replaces the tabulated values for the Maxwellian distribution in
      ``'darian-marholm'`` with those of Laframboise. Accordingly this table
      produces the most accurate result available in any situation, and has the
      widest available parameter domain, with the probe radius gradually
      increasing from 10 towards 100 Debye lengths as the distribution
      approaches the Maxwellian.

    geometry: Plane, Cylinder or Sphere
        Probe geometry

    species: Species or array-like of Species
        Species constituting the background plasma

    V: float or array-like of floats
        Probe voltage(s) in [V]. Overrides eta.

    eta: float or array-like of floats
        Probe voltage(s) normalized by k*T/q, where q and T are the species'
        charge and temperature and k is Boltzmann's constant.

    normalization: 'th', 'thmax', 'oml', None
        Wether to normalize the output current by, respectively, the thermal
        current, the Maxwellian thermal current, the OML current, or not at
        all, i.e., current in [A/m].

    table: string
        Which table to use for interpolation. See detailed description above.

    float if voltage is float. array of floats corresponding to voltage if
    voltage is array-like.
    if isinstance(species, list):
        if normalization is not None:
            logger.error('Cannot normalize current to more than one species')
            return None
        if eta is not None:
            logger.error('Cannot normalize voltage to more than one species')
            return None
        I = 0
        for s in species:
            I += finite_radius_current(geometry, s, V, eta, table=table)
        return I

    q, m, n, T = species.q, species.m, species.n, species.T
    kappa, alpha = species.kappa, species.alpha
    k = constants('Boltzmann constant')

    if V is not None:
        V = make_array(V)
        eta = -q * V / (k * T)
        eta = make_array(eta)

    eta = deepcopy(eta)

    I = np.zeros_like(eta)

    indices_n = np.where(eta < 0)[0]  # indices for repelled particles
    indices_p = np.where(eta >= 0)[0]  # indices for attracted particles

    if normalization is None:
        I0 = normalization_current(geometry, species)
    elif normalization.lower() == 'thmax':
        I0 = 1
    elif normalization.lower() == 'th':
        I0 = normalization_current(geometry, species)/\
             thermal_current(geometry, species)
    elif normalization.lower() == 'oml':
        I0 = normalization_current(geometry, species)/\
             OML_current(geometry, species, eta=eta)
        raise ValueError(
            'Normalization not supported: {}'.format(normalization))

    if isinstance(geometry, Sphere):
        table += ' sphere'
    elif isinstance(geometry, Cylinder):
        table += ' cylinder'
        raise ValueError('Geometry not supported: {}'.format(geometry))

    R = geometry.r / species.debye

    if "darian-marholm" in table:
        table = get_table(table)
        pts = table['points']
        vals = table['values'].reshape(-1)
        I[indices_p] = I0 * griddata(pts, vals,
                                     (1 / kappa, alpha, R, eta[indices_p]))

        table = get_table(table)
        pts = table['points']
        vals = table['values'].reshape(-1)
        I[indices_p] = I0 * griddata(pts, vals, (R, eta[indices_p]))
        if (kappa != float('inf') or alpha != 0):
                "Using pure Laframboise tables discards spectral indices kappa and alpha"

    I[indices_n] = I0 * OML_current(
        geometry, species, eta=eta[indices_n], normalization='thmax')

    if any(np.isnan(I)):
            "Data points occurred outside the domain of tabulated values resulting in nan"

    return I[0] if len(I) == 1 else I
def test_species_eV():
    s = Species(n=1e11, eV=0.2)
    e = constants('elementary charge')
    k = constants('Boltzmann constant')
    assert(s.T == approx(0.2*e/k))
def test_species_vth():
    s = Species(n=1e11, vth=1e6)
    assert(s.T == approx(1e6**2*s.m/constants('Boltzmann constant')))
    assert(s.vth == approx(1e6))
def test_species_amu():
    s = Species(n=1e11, T=1000, amu=16)
    assert(s.m == approx(16*constants('atomic mass constant')))
def test_species_Z():
    s = Species(n=1e11, T=1000, Z=2)
    assert(s.q == approx(2*constants('elementary charge')))
def test_species_positron():
    s = Positron()
    assert(s.m == approx(constants('electron mass')))
    assert(s.q == approx(constants('elementary charge')))
def finite_length_current(geometry,
    Current collected by a cylindrical probe according to the Marholm-Marchand
    finite-length model. Assumes small radius compared to the Debye length.

    geometry: Cylinder
        Probe geometry

    species: Species or array-like of Species
        Species constituting the background plasma

    V: float or array-like of floats
        Probe voltage(s) in [V]. Overrides eta.

    eta: float or array-like of floats
        Probe voltage(s) normalized by k*T/q, where q and T are the species'
        charge and temperature and k is Boltzmann's constant.

    normalization: 'th', 'thmax', 'oml', None
        Whether to normalize the output current by, respectively, the thermal
        current, the Maxwellian thermal current, the OML current, or not at
        all, i.e., current in [A/m].

    interpolate: 'I', 'g'
        Whether to interpolate the coefficients of the profile function g and
        then integrate g to get the current (faster), or if g is integrated it
        its present grid to get a grid of currents which can be interpolated
        from. This makes the interpolation linear in I, and avoids the
        irregular behaviour sometimes experienced for shorter probes due to
        irregularities in the coefficients.

    float if voltage is float. array of floats corresponding to voltage if
    voltage is array-like.

    if isinstance(species, list):
        if normalization is not None:
            logger.error('Cannot normalize current to more than one species')
            return None
        if eta is not None:
            logger.error('Cannot normalize voltage to more than one species')
            return None
        I = 0
        for s in species:
            I += finite_length_current(geometry, s, V, eta)
        return I

    q, m, n, T = species.q, species.m, species.n, species.T
    kappa, alpha = species.kappa, species.alpha
    k = constants('Boltzmann constant')

    if kappa != float('inf') or alpha != 0:
        logger.error("Finite length effect data only available for Maxwellian")

    if V is not None:
        eta_isarray = isinstance(V, (np.ndarray, list, tuple))
        V = make_array(V)
        eta = -q * V / (k * T)
        eta_isarray = isinstance(eta, (np.ndarray, list, tuple))
        eta = make_array(eta)

    if (np.any(eta > 100.)):
            'Finite-length theory yields erroneous results for eta>100')

    if not isinstance(geometry, Cylinder):
        raise ValueError('Geometry not supported: {}'.format(geometry))

    lambd_p = geometry.l / species.debye  # Normalized probe length
    lambd_l = geometry.lguard / species.debye  # Normalized left guard length
    lambd_r = geometry.rguard / species.debye  # Normalized right guard length
    lambd_t = lambd_l + lambd_p + lambd_r  # Normalized total length

    if normalization is None:  # I0 = I_OML => I = I_OML * integral of g = actual current
        geonorm = deepcopy(geometry)
        geonorm.l = 1
        I0 = OML_current(geonorm, species, eta=eta)
    elif normalization.lower() in ['th', 'thmax']:  # I = actual current / I_th
        geonorm = deepcopy(geometry)
        geonorm.l = 1
        I0 = OML_current(geonorm, species, eta=eta,
                         normalization='th') / geometry.l
        # Notice the difference between i_th [A/m] and I_th [A]
        # geonorm.l = 1 makes it per unit length, i.e. [A/m].
        # Hence OML_current returns division by i_th and not I_th.
        # To correct this we need to divide by geometry.l
    elif normalization.lower() == 'oml':  # I = integral of g
        I0 = (1 / geometry.l) * np.ones_like(eta)
        raise ValueError(
            'Normalization not supported: {}'.format(normalization))

    if interpolate.lower() == 'g':
        C, A, alpha, delta = get_lerped_coeffs(lambd_t, eta)

        def H(zeta):
            if zeta == float('inf'): return np.zeros_like(alpha)
            return A * (alpha *
                        (delta - zeta) - 2) * np.exp(-alpha * zeta) / alpha**2

        int_g = C * (lambd_p + H(lambd_p + lambd_l) + H(lambd_p + lambd_r) -
                     H(lambd_l) - H(lambd_r))
        I = I0 * species.debye * int_g

    elif interpolate.lower() in ['i', 'i2']:

        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
        file = np.load(fname)

        lambds = file['lambds']
        etas = file['etas']

        ind = np.where(lambds < lambd_t)[0][-1]

        if ind == len(lambds) - 1:  # extrapolate from highest lambda

            lambds = lambds[ind]
            As = file['As'][ind]
            Cs = file['Cs'][ind]
            alphas = file['alphas'][ind]
            deltas = file['deltas'][ind]

            def H(zeta):
                res = np.zeros_like(alphas)
                if (zeta == float('inf')):
                    return np.zeros_like(alphas)
                    return As * (alphas * (deltas - zeta) - 2) * np.exp(
                        -alphas * zeta) / alphas**2

            int_gs = Cs*(lambd_p+H(lambd_p+lambd_l)+H(lambd_p+lambd_r) \

        else:  # interpolate between lambdas

            As = file['As'][ind:ind + 2]
            Cs = file['Cs'][ind:ind + 2]
            alphas = file['alphas'][ind:ind + 2]
            deltas = file['deltas'][ind:ind + 2]

            # Stretch whole probe, including guards
            lambd_ts = lambds[ind:ind + 2]
            lambd_ls = lambd_l * lambd_ts / lambd_t
            lambd_ps = lambd_p * lambd_ts / lambd_t
            lambd_rs = lambd_r * lambd_ts / lambd_t

            # Stretch only probe segment, constant guards
            # lambd_ts = lambds[ind:ind+2]
            # lambd_ps = lambd_ts-lambd_l-lambd_r
            # lambd_ls = np.array([lambd_l, lambd_l])
            # lambd_rs = np.array([lambd_r, lambd_r])

            # if lambd_ps[0]<0:
            #     # Probe segment can't be shorter than zero.
            #     # Let it be zero, and (rightly) let it collect zero current.
            #     lambd_ps[0] = 0
            #     lambd_ts[0] = lambd_l+lambd_r
            #     Cs[0] = 0
            #     print("WARNING")

            def H(zetas):
                return As*(alphas*(deltas-zetas[:,None])-2) \

            int_gs = Cs*( lambd_ps[:,None]     \
                         +H(lambd_ps+lambd_ls) \
                         +H(lambd_ps+lambd_rs) \
                         -H(lambd_ls)          \

            weight = (lambd_ps[1] - lambd_p) / (lambd_ps[1] - lambd_ps[0])
            int_gs = weight * int_gs[0] + (1 - weight) * int_gs[1]

        attracted = np.where(eta >= 0.)[0]
        repelled = np.where(eta < 0.)[0]
        over = np.where(eta > 100.)[0]

        eta[over] = 100

        I = I0 * species.debye * np.ones_like(eta)
        func = interp1d(etas, int_gs)

        I[attracted] *= func(eta[attracted])
        I[repelled] *= lambd_p

        raise ValueError("interpolate must be either 'g' or 'I'")

    return I if eta_isarray else I[0]
class Species(object):
    Defines a species using a set of flags and keyword parameters. Maxwellian
    electrons are the default but Kappa, Cairns, and Kappa-Cairns distributions
    can be specified by setting the spectral indices kappa and alpha. Other
    parameters can be specified/overridden using the keyword parameters.

        >>> # Maxwellian electrons with density 1e11 m^(-3) and 1000 K
        >>> species = Electron(n=1e11, T=1000)

        >>> # Kappa-distributed electrons with kappa=2
        >>> species = Electron(n=1e11, T=1000, kappa=2)

        >>> # Doubly charged Maxwellain Oxygen ions with 0.26 eV
        >>> species = Species(Z=2, amu=16, n=1e11, eV=0.26)

        >>> # Kappa-Cairns-distributed protons with kappa = 5 and alpha=0.2
        >>> species = Proton(n=1e11, T=1000, kappa=5, alpha=0.2)

    A plasma is fully specified by a list of species. E.g. for a Maxwellian
    electron-proton plasma::

        >>> plasma = []
        >>> plasma.append(Electron(n=1e11, T=1000))
        >>> plasma.append(Proton(n=1e11, T=1000))

    Keyword parameters:
    m     : mass [kg]
    amu   : mass [amu]
    q     : charge [C]
    Z     : charge [elementary charges]
    n     : density [m^(-3)]
    T     : temperature [K]
    eV    : temperature [eV]
    vth   : thermal velocity [m/s]
    kappa : spectral index kappa for Kappa and Kappa-Cairns distribution
    alpha : spectral index alpha for Cairns and Kappa-Cairns distribution

    def_Z = 1
    def_amu = constants('electron mass') / constants('atomic mass constant')

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        e = constants('elementary charge')
        k = constants('Boltzmann constant')
        eps0 = epsilon_0  #constants('vacuum electric permittivity')
        amu = constants('atomic mass constant')

        if 'Z' in kwargs:
            self.q = kwargs['Z'] * e
        elif 'q' in kwargs:
            self.q = kwargs['q']
            self.q = self.def_Z * e

        if 'amu' in kwargs:
            self.m = kwargs['amu'] * amu
        elif 'm' in kwargs:
            self.m = kwargs['m']
            self.m = self.def_amu * amu

        if 'eV' in kwargs:
            self.T = kwargs['eV'] * e / k
        elif 'vth' in kwargs:
            self.T = self.m * kwargs['vth']**2 / k
        elif 'T' in kwargs:
            self.T = kwargs['T']
            self.T = 1000

        if self.T < 0:
            self.T = 0
            logger.warning('Negative temperature interpreted as zero')

        self.n = kwargs.pop('n', 1e11)
        self.alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha', 0)
        self.kappa = kwargs.pop('kappa', float('inf'))

        self.Z = self.q / e
        self.amu = self.m / amu
        self.eV = self.T * k / e
        self.vth = np.sqrt(k * self.T / self.m)
        self.omega_p = np.sqrt(self.q**2 * self.n / (eps0 * self.m))
        self.freq_p = self.omega_p / (2 * np.pi)
        self.period_p = 1 / self.freq_p

        if self.kappa == float('inf'):
            self.debye = np.sqrt(eps0 * k * self.T /
                                 (self.q**2 * self.n)) * np.sqrt(
                                     (1.0 + 15.0 * self.alpha) /
                                     (1.0 + 3.0 * self.alpha))
            self.debye = np.sqrt(eps0 * k * self.T / (self.q**2 * self.n)) *\
                         np.sqrt(((self.kappa - 1.5) / (self.kappa - 0.5)) *\
                        ((1.0 + 15.0 * self.alpha * ((self.kappa - 1.5) / (self.kappa - 2.5))) / (1.0 + 3.0 * self.alpha * ((self.kappa - 1.5) / (self.kappa - 0.5)))))

    def omega_c(self, B):
        Returns the angular cyclotron frequency of the species for a given B-field
        return np.abs(B * self.q / self.m)

    def freq_c(self, B):
        Returns the cyclotron frequency of the species for a given B-field
        return self.omega_c(B) / (2 * np.pi)

    def period_c(self, B):
        Returns the cyclotron period of the species for a given B-field
        return 1 / self.freq_c(B)

    def larmor(self, B):
        Returns the Larmor radius of the species for a given B-field
        return self.vth / self.omega_c(B)

    def __repr__(self):

        s = "Species(q={}, m={}, n={}, T={}".format(self.q, self.m, self.n,

        if (self.kappa != float('inf')):
            s += ", kappa={}".format(self.kappa)

        if (self.alpha != 0):
            s += ", alpha={}".format(self.alpha)

        s += ")"

        return s
def finite_length_current_density(geometry,
    Current collected per unit length on a cylindrical probe according to the
    Marholm-Marchand finite-length model. Assumes small radius compared to the
    Debye length.

    geometry: Cylinder
        Probe geometry

    species: Species or array-like of Species
        Species constituting the background plasma

    V: float or array-like of floats
        Probe voltage(s) in [V]. Overrides eta.

    eta: float or array-like of floats
        Probe voltage(s) normalized by k*T/q, where q and T are the species'
        charge and temperature and k is Boltzmann's constant.

    z: float or array-like of floats
        Position(s) along the probe in [m]. Overrides zeta.

    zeta: float or array-like of floats
        Position(s) along the probe normalized by the Debye length.

    normalization: 'th', 'thmax', 'oml', None
        Wether to normalize the output current per unit length by,
        respectively, the thermal current per unit length, the Maxwellian
        thermal current per unit length, the OML current per unit length, or
        not at all, i.e., current in [A/m].

    float if voltage and position are floats. 1D array of floats corresponding
    to voltage or position if one of them is array-like. 2D array of floats if
    voltage and position are both array-like, one row per voltage.

    if isinstance(species, list):
        if normalization is not None:
            logger.error('Cannot normalize current to more than one species')
            return None
        if eta is not None:
            logger.error('Cannot normalize voltage to more than one species')
            return None
        if zeta is not None:
            logger.error('Cannot normalize position to more than one species')
            return None
        i = 0
        for s in species:
            i += finite_length_current_density(geometry, s, V, eta, z, zeta)
        return i

    q, m, n, T = species.q, species.m, species.n, species.T
    kappa, alpha = species.kappa, species.alpha
    k = constants('Boltzmann constant')

    if kappa != float('inf') or alpha != 0:
        logger.error("Finite length effect data only available for Maxwellian")

    if V is not None:
        eta_isarray = isinstance(V, (np.ndarray, list, tuple))
        V = make_array(V)
        eta = -q * V / (k * T)  # V must be array (not list) to allow this
        eta_isarray = isinstance(eta, (np.ndarray, list, tuple))
        eta = make_array(eta)

    # eta = eta[:, None] # Make eta rows

    if not isinstance(geometry, Cylinder):
        raise ValueError('Geometry not supported: {}'.format(geometry))

    if zeta is None:
        zeta = 0.5 * geometry.l / species.debye

    if z is not None:
        zeta_isarray = isinstance(z, (np.ndarray, list, tuple))
        z = make_array(z)
        zeta = z / species.debye  # z must be array (not list) to allow this
        zeta_isarray = isinstance(zeta, (np.ndarray, list, tuple))
        zeta = make_array(zeta)

    lambd_p = geometry.l / species.debye  # Normalized probe length
    lambd_l = geometry.lguard / species.debye  # Normalized left guard length
    lambd_r = geometry.rguard / species.debye  # Normalized right guard length
    lambd_t = lambd_l + lambd_p + lambd_r  # Normalized total length

    C, A, alpha, delta = get_lerped_coeffs(lambd_t, eta)

    # Make these column vectors, i.e. one eta per row
    C = C[:, None]
    A = A[:, None]
    alpha = alpha[:, None]
    delta = delta[:, None]
    eta = eta[:, None]

    if normalization is None:  # i0 = i_OML => i = i_OML * g
        geonorm = deepcopy(geometry)
        geonorm.l = 1
        i0 = OML_current(geonorm, species, eta=eta)
    elif normalization.lower() in ['th', 'thmax']:  # i0 = i_th => i = i_th * g
        geonorm = deepcopy(geometry)
        geonorm.l = 1
        i0 = OML_current(geonorm, species, eta=eta, normalization='th')
    elif normalization.lower() == 'oml':  # i0 = 1 => i = g
        i0 = 1
        raise ValueError(
            'Normalization not supported: {}'.format(normalization))

    def h(zeta):
        res = np.zeros((len(alpha), len(zeta)))
        ind = np.where(zeta != np.inf)[0]  # res=0 where zeta=inf
        zeta = zeta[ind]
        res[:, ind] = A * (zeta - delta + alpha**(-1)) * np.exp(-alpha * zeta)
        return res

    g = C * (1 + h(lambd_l + zeta) + h(lambd_p + lambd_r - zeta))
    i = i0 * g

    if zeta_isarray:
        if eta_isarray:
            return i
            return i.ravel()
        if eta_isarray:
            return i.ravel()
            return i[0][0]
from langmuir import *
from scipy.constants import value as constants
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar

n = 1e11
T = 1000
e = constants('elementary charge')
k = constants('Boltzmann constant')

plasma = [Electron(n=n, T=T), Hydrogen(n=n, T=T)]

geometry = Sphere(r=0.2 * debye(plasma))

def res(V):
    return OML_current(geometry, plasma, V)

sol = root_scalar(res, x0=-3, x1=0)

print(-2.5 * k * T / e)