    def render(self, mode='human'):
        from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering
        from pyglet.gl import glRotatef, glPushMatrix

        def draw_lasting_circle(Viewer, radius=10, res=30, filled=True, **attrs):
            geom = rendering.make_circle(radius=radius, res=res, filled=filled)
            rendering._add_attrs(geom, attrs)
            return geom
        def draw_lasting_line(Viewer, start, end, **attrs):
            geom = rendering.Line(start, end)
            rendering._add_attrs(geom, attrs)
            return geom

        def make_ellipse(major=10, minor=5, res=30, filled=True):
            points = []
            for i in range(res):
                ang = 2*np.pi*i / res
                points.append((np.cos(ang)*major, np.sin(ang)*minor))
            if filled:
                return rendering.FilledPolygon(points)
                return rendering.PolyLine(points, True)

        def draw_ellipse(Viewer, major=10, minor=5, res=30, **attrs):
            geom = make_ellipse(major=major, minor=minor, res=res, filled=True)
            rendering._add_attrs(geom, attrs)
            return geom
        a,b,c = self.a,self.b,self.c
        x,y,theta = self.pos
        alpha_1, alpha_2 = self.shape
        theta = np.array([0, -alpha_1, alpha_2]) + theta
        x1 = x - np.cos(theta[0])*a[0] - np.cos(theta[1])*a[1]
        y1 = y - np.sin(theta[0])*a[0] - np.sin(theta[1])*a[1]
        x2 = x + np.cos(theta[0])*a[0] + np.cos(theta[2])*a[2]
        y2 = y + np.sin(theta[0])*a[0] + np.sin(theta[2])*a[2]
        x = np.array([x,x1,x2])
        y = np.array([y,y1,y2])
        from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering
        if self.viewer is None:
            self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(1000,200)
            background = draw_lasting_circle(self.viewer,radius=100, res=10)
#            background.set_color(.8,.9,.99)
        bound = 4

        axisX = self.viewer.draw_line((-1000., 0), (1000., 0))
        axisY = self.viewer.draw_line((0,-1000.), (0,1000.))
        for i in range(3):
            link = draw_ellipse(self.viewer,major=self.a[i], minor=self.b[i], res=30, filled=True)
            lkTrans = rendering.Transform(rotation=theta[i],translation=(x[i],y[i]))
            if i%3 == 0: link.set_color(.7, .1, .1)
            if i%3 == 1: link.set_color(.1, .7, .1)
            if i%3 == 2: link.set_color(.1, .1, .7)
        for i in range(2):
            eye = draw_ellipse(self.viewer,major=self.a[2]/8, minor=self.a[2]/8, res=30, filled=True)
            eyngle = theta[2]+np.pi/5.5*(i-.5)*2;
            eyeTrans = rendering.Transform(translation=(x[2]+np.cos(eyngle)*self.a[2]/2,y[2]+np.sin(eyngle)*self.a[2]/2))
        Npts = 7*2
        headl = 1.3
        facel = .6
        facew = 2.4
        headw = 2.6
        neckw = 2.3
        bodyw = 2.2
        waist = 2
        tailw = 1.7
        taill = 2.2
        referenceX = np.zeros((Npts,))
        referenceY = np.zeros((Npts,))
        referenceX[7], referenceY[7] = x2 + np.cos(theta[2])*a[2]*headl, y2 + np.sin(theta[2])*a[2]*headl
        referenceX[6], referenceY[6] = x2 + np.cos(theta[2])*a[2]*facel - np.sin(theta[2])*b[2]*facew, y2 + np.sin(theta[2])*a[2]*facel + np.cos(theta[2])*b[2]*facew
        referenceX[-6], referenceY[-6] = x2 + np.cos(theta[2])*a[2]*facel + np.sin(theta[2])*b[2]*facew, y2 + np.sin(theta[2])*a[2]*facel - np.cos(theta[2])*b[2]*facew
        referenceX[5], referenceY[5] = x2 - np.sin(theta[2])*b[2]*headw, y2 + np.cos(theta[2])*b[2]*headw
        referenceX[-5], referenceY[-5] = x2 + np.sin(theta[2])*b[2]*headw, y2 - np.cos(theta[2])*b[2]*headw
        referenceX[4], referenceY[4] = x[0] + np.cos(theta[0])*a[0] - np.sin((theta[0]+theta[2])/2)*(b[2]+b[0])*neckw/2, y[0] + np.sin(theta[0])*a[0] + np.cos((theta[0]+theta[2])/2)*(b[2]+b[0])*neckw/2
        referenceX[-4], referenceY[-4] = x[0] + np.cos(theta[0])*a[0] + np.sin((theta[0]+theta[2])/2)*(b[2]+b[0])*neckw/2, y[0] + np.sin(theta[0])*a[0] - np.cos((theta[0]+theta[2])/2)*(b[2]+b[0])*neckw/2
        referenceX[3], referenceY[3] = x[0] - np.sin(theta[0])*b[0]*bodyw, y[0] + np.cos(theta[0])*b[0]*bodyw
        referenceX[-3], referenceY[-3] = x[0] + np.sin(theta[0])*b[0]*bodyw, y[0] - np.cos(theta[0])*b[0]*bodyw
        referenceX[2], referenceY[2] = x[0] - np.cos(theta[0])*a[0] - np.sin((theta[0]+theta[1])/2)*(b[1]+b[0])*waist/2, y[0] - np.sin(theta[0])*a[0] + np.cos((theta[0]+theta[1])/2)*(b[1]+b[0])*waist/2
        referenceX[-2], referenceY[-2] = x[0] - np.cos(theta[0])*a[0] + np.sin((theta[0]+theta[1])/2)*(b[1]+b[0])*waist/2, y[0] - np.sin(theta[0])*a[0] - np.cos((theta[0]+theta[1])/2)*(b[1]+b[0])*waist/2
        referenceX[1], referenceY[1] = x1 - np.sin(theta[1])*b[1]*tailw, y1 + np.cos(theta[1])*b[1]*tailw
        referenceX[-1], referenceY[-1] = x1 + np.sin(theta[1])*b[1]*tailw, y1 - np.cos(theta[1])*b[1]*tailw
        referenceX[0], referenceY[0] = x1 - np.cos(theta[1])*a[1]*taill, y1 - np.sin(theta[1])*a[1]*taill
        referenceX = np.append(referenceX,referenceX[0])
        referenceY = np.append(referenceY,referenceY[0])
        from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
        p = np.linspace(0,1,num=Npts+1)
        cs = CubicSpline(p, np.stack([referenceX,referenceY]).T,bc_type='periodic')
        pnew = np.linspace(0,1,num=200)
        outout = cs(pnew)
        reference = []
        for i in range(np.size(outout,0)):

#        from scipy.interpolate import splprep, splev
#        tck, u = splprep([referenceX, referenceY], s=0.05)
#        out = splev(pnew, tck)
#        for i in range(out[0].size):
#            reference.append((out[0][i],out[1][i]))
        fish = self.viewer.draw_polygon(reference, filled=False)
        if self.oldpos is not None:
#            trail = draw_lasting_line(self.viewer, (self.oldpos[0],self.oldpos[1]), (self.pos[0],self.pos[1]))
            trail = draw_lasting_circle(self.viewer, radius=0.02, res = 5)
            trTrans = rendering.Transform(translation=(np.sum(x)/3,np.sum(y)/3))
            dx = self.pos[0]-self.oldpos[0]
            dy = self.pos[1]-self.oldpos[1]
#            print((dx**2+dy**2)**0.1)
            trail.set_color(2.2-(dx**2+dy**2)**0.1*4, 2.2-(dx**2+dy**2)**0.1*4, 2.2-(dx**2+dy**2)**0.1*4)
#            trail.linewidth.stroke = 10
        return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
def Mu(t, T, mu):
    cs = CubicSpline([0, 0.5 * T, T], mu)
    return cs(t)  # use when mu a 3-point cubic spline
 def cspline_antideriv(x, y, axis=0):
     return CubicSpline(x, y, axis).antiderivative()
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

global G, c
G = 6.67e-8
c = 3e10

#Interpolating the EOS

sly = np.genfromtxt("SLy.txt", delimiter="  ")
Es = sly[:, 2]
Ps = sly[:, 3]

cPs = CubicSpline(Es, Ps)
crs = CubicSpline(Ps, Es)

fps = np.genfromtxt("FPS.txt", delimiter="    ")
Ef = fps[:, 2]
Pf = fps[:, 3]

cPf = CubicSpline(Ef, Pf)
crf = CubicSpline(Pf, Ef)

apr = np.genfromtxt("apr.txt", delimiter="  ")
Ea = apr[:, 1] * 1e14
def horizontal_geodesic(curve_a, curve_b, n_times=10, threshold=1e-3):
    """Compute the horizontal geodesic between curve_a and curve_b in the fiber bundle
    induced by the action of reparameterizations.
    dim = curve_a.shape[1]
    Rdim = Euclidean(dim)
    curves = DiscreteCurves(ambient_manifold=Rdim)

    n_points = curve_a.shape[0] - 1
    t_space = np.linspace(0., 1., n_points + 1)
    t_time = np.linspace(0., 1., n_times + 1)

    spline_a = CubicSpline(t_space, curve_a, axis=0)
    spline_b = CubicSpline(t_space, curve_b, axis=0)

    initial_curve = curve_a.copy()
    end_curve = curve_b.copy()
    gap = 1.

    while (gap > threshold):

        # Compute geodesic path of curves
        srv_geod_fun = curves.square_root_velocity_metric.geodesic(
            initial_curve=initial_curve, end_curve=end_curve)
        geod = srv_geod_fun(t_time)
        M, K, cs_ver, cs_hor = hvsplit(geod)

        # Compute path of reparameterizations
        phi = np.zeros((n_times + 1, n_points + 1))
        phi_t = np.zeros((n_times + 1, n_points))
        phi_s = np.zeros((n_times, n_points))
        test_phi = np.zeros(n_times)
        phi[0, :] = np.linspace(0., 1., n_points + 1)
        phi[:, -1] = np.ones(n_times + 1)
        for j in range(n_times):
            phi_t[j, 0] = n_points * (phi[j, 1] - phi[j, 0])
            phi_s[j, 0] = phi_t[j, 0] * M[j, 0] / (n_points * K[j, 0])
            phi[j + 1, 0] = phi[j, 0] + 1 / n_times * phi_s[j, 0]
            for k in range(1, n_points):  # Matlab k = 2 : n
                if M[j, k] > 0:
                    phi_t[j, k] = n_points * (phi[j, k + 1] - phi[j, k])
                    phi_t[j, k] = n_points * (phi[j, k] - phi[j, k - 1])

                phi_s[j, k] = phi_t[j, k] * M[j, k] / (n_points * K[j, k])
                phi[j + 1, k] = phi[j, k] + 1 / n_times * phi_s[j, k]

            test_phi[j] = np.sum(phi[j + 1, 2:] - phi[j + 1, 1:-1] < 0)
            if np.any(test_phi):
                    'Warning: phi(s) is non increasing for at least one time s.'

        # Compute horizontal path of curves
        horizontal_path = np.zeros(geod.shape)
        horizontal_path[0, :, :] = curve_a
        for j in range(1, n_times):
            spline_j = CubicSpline(t_space, geod[j, :, :], axis=0)
            phi_inverse = CubicSpline(phi[j, :], t_space)
            horizontal_path[j, :, :] = spline_j(phi_inverse(t_space))

        phi_inverse = CubicSpline(phi[-1, :], t_space)
        horizontal_path[-1, :, :] = spline_b(phi_inverse(t_space))

        new_end_curve = horizontal_path[-1, :, :]
        gap = (np.sum(np.linalg.norm(new_end_curve - end_curve,
                                     axis=-1)**2))**(1 / 2)
        end_curve = new_end_curve.copy()

    return horizontal_path
        bq_t[:,i] = row[8:12]
        bp_t[:,i] = row[12:15]

# clean up temporary CSV
os.system('rm ./' + csvfn)

# assume orientation of plate is constant
Rot_board = Rotation.from_quat(bq_t.T)[0]

rot_t = Rot_board.inv() * Rotation.from_quat(q_t.T)
p_t =  Rot_board.inv().apply(p_t.T - bp_t.T).T

t = t-t[0]
# calculate derivatives with spline interpolation
rspline = RotationSpline(t, rot_t)
pspline = CubicSpline(t, p_t.T)

quat_t = rspline(t).as_quat().T

w_t = rspline(t, 1).T
dp_t = pspline(t, 1).T

# butterworth filter of order 2 to smooth velocity states

# sampling frequency
fs = 40.

# Cut-off frequency of angular velocity filter. < 20.0 (Nyquist)
fc_w = 5.

# Cut-off frequency of linear velocity filter. < 20.0 (Nyquist)
    def generateTrajectory(self, **kwargs):
        from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

        # Load parameters of the trajectory
        t_crouch = self.getParameter('t_crouch')
        t_jump = self.getParameter('t_jump')
        t_air = self.getParameter('t_air')
        dt = self.getParameter('dt')

        # Define trajectory for return
        traj = ActuatorsTrajectory()

        # Define time of the trajectory
        t_traj = np.arange(0, t_air, dt)

        # Define the different configurations of the jump
        pos_crouch = np.array([[0, pi/2, -pi], \
                            [0, pi/2, -pi], \
                            [0, -pi/2, pi], \
                            [0, -pi/2, pi]])

        q_stand = self.getParameter('q_start')
        q_crouch = np.zeros(12)
        q_air = np.zeros(12)
        for leg in range(4):
            for art in range(3):
                q_crouch[3 * leg + art] = 0.7 * pos_crouch[leg, art]
                q_air[3 * leg + art] = 0.4 * pos_crouch[leg, art]

        # interpolation with a cubic spline

        # part 1 : a smooth trajectory for the crouching
        x = np.array([0, t_crouch])
        y = np.zeros((2, 12))
        y[0, :] = q_stand
        y[1, :] = q_crouch

        xnew0 = np.arange(0, t_crouch, dt)
        traj0 = np.zeros((len(xnew0), 12))
        qtraj0 = np.zeros((len(xnew0), 12))
        for art in range(12):
            cs = CubicSpline(x, y[:, art], bc_type='clamped')
            traj0[:, art] = cs(xnew0)
            qtraj0[:, art] = cs(xnew0, 1)

        # part 2 : the jump
        x = np.array([t_crouch, t_jump])
        y = np.zeros((2, 12))
        y[0, :] = q_crouch
        y[1, :] = q_stand

        xnew1 = np.arange(t_crouch, t_jump, dt)
        traj1 = np.zeros((len(xnew1), 12))
        qtraj1 = np.zeros((len(xnew1), 12))

        for art in range(12):
            cs = CubicSpline(x, y[:, art], bc_type='clamped')
            traj1[:, art] = cs(xnew1)
            qtraj1[:, art] = cs(xnew1, 1)

        # part 3 : reaching a good position for the reception
        x = np.array([t_jump, t_air])
        y = np.zeros((2, 12))
        y[0, :] = q_stand
        y[1, :] = q_air

        xnew2 = np.arange(t_jump, t_air, dt)
        traj2 = np.zeros((len(xnew2), 12))
        qtraj2 = np.zeros((len(xnew2), 12))
        for art in range(12):
            cs = CubicSpline(x, y[:, art], bc_type='clamped')
            traj2[:, art] = cs(xnew2)
            qtraj2[:, art] = cs(xnew2, 1)

        # part 4 : building the whole trajectory
        xnew = np.concatenate((xnew0, xnew1, xnew2))
        q_traj = np.concatenate((traj0, traj1, traj2), axis=0)
        qdot_traj = np.concatenate((qtraj0, qtraj1, qtraj2), axis=0)

        # let's set the gain during the trajectory
        gains = np.zeros((len(xnew), 2))
        for i in range(len(xnew)):
            if xnew[i] < t_crouch:
                gains[i, :] = np.array([0.1, 0.01])
            if xnew[i] > t_crouch and xnew[i] < t_jump:
                gains[i, :] = np.array([0.01, 0.001])
                gains[i, :] = np.array([0.1, 0.01])

        # Define trajectory for return
        traj = ActuatorsTrajectory()
        traj.addElement('t', t_traj)
        traj.addElement('q', q_traj)
        traj.addElement('q_dot', qdot_traj)
        traj.addElement('gains', gains)

        return traj
    def trajectoryIK(self, start, end):

        dur = self.config["trajectory_duration"]

        joints = np.array(
            [self.positions[joint] for joint in self.joint_names],
        ).reshape(9, 1)

        constraints = list()
        # Constrain the start position
        start_pose = np.concatenate(start).reshape(9, 1)
        start_constraint = ik.PostureConstraint( self.robot,
            np.array([0.0, 0.0]).reshape([2,1])    # Active time
            start_pose - self.config['pose_tol'],
            start_pose + self.config['pose_tol']

        # Constrain the end position
        end_pose = np.concatenate(end).reshape(9, 1)
        end_constraint = ik.PostureConstraint( self.robot,
            np.array([dur, dur]).reshape([2,1])    # Active time
            end_pose - self.config['pose_tol'],
            end_pose + self.config['pose_tol']

        # Constrain against collisions
        constraints.append( ik.MinDistanceConstraint ( self.robot,
            self.config['collision_min_distance'],   # Minimum distance between bodies
            list(),                                  # Active bodies (empty set means all bodies)
            set()                                    # Active collision groups (not filter groups! Empty set means all)

        # Prepare times of interest for trajectory solve
        times = np.linspace(0, dur, num=self.config['trajectory_count'], endpoint=True)

        # Compute cubic interpolation as seed trajectory
        x = np.array([0, dur])
        y = np.hstack([start_pose, end_pose])
        f = CubicSpline(x, y, axis=1, bc_type='clamped')
        q_seed = f(times)
        # print "q_seed:", q_seed

        # Solve the IK problem
        options = ik.IKoptions(self.robot)
        # print "Iterations limit:", options.getMajorIterationsLimit()
        result = ik.InverseKinTraj(self.robot, times, q_seed, q_seed, constraints, options)

        if result.info[0] != 1:
            print "Could not find safe trajectory!"
            print "Start pose:", start_pose.flatten()
            print "End pose:  ", end_pose.flatten()
            print "Result:", result.info
            return None
            # Clean up: Pack solutions as a matrix, with time as first column
            q_sol = np.vstack(result.q_sol)
            q_sol = np.insert(q_sol, [0], times[:, None], axis=1)

            return q_sol
def main():
    # Location of APS 2018-1 data
    prj_fld = '/mnt/r/X-ray Radiography/APS 2018-1/'

    # Save location for the plots
    plots_folder = create_folder('{0}/Figures/Jet_HorizSumm/'.format(prj_fld))

    # Scintillator
    scintillators = ['LuAG', 'YAG']

    # KI %
    KI_conc = [0, 1.6, 3.4, 5.3, 8, 10, 11.1]

    # Test matrix
    test_matrix = pd.read_csv('{0}/APS White Beam.txt'.format(prj_fld),

    # Crop down the test matrix
    test_matrix = test_matrix[['Test', 'Nozzle Diameter (um)', 'KI %']].copy()

    for scint in scintillators:
        # Processed data sets location
        prc_fld = '{0}/Processed/{1}/Summary/'.format(prj_fld, scint)

        # Groups
        rpkT = 'Ratio Peak T'
        relT = 'Ratio Ellipse T'

        # Horizontal variation
        horiz_matrix = test_matrix[test_matrix['Test'].str.contains(
        horiz_matrix['X Position'] = [
            get_xpos('{0}/{1}_{2}.pckl'.format(prc_fld, scint, x))
            for x in horiz_matrix['Test']

        # Sort horiz_matrix by X position, re-index, and drop the outliers
        horiz_matrix.sort_values(by=['X Position'], inplace=True)
        horiz_matrix.drop([0, len(horiz_matrix) - 1], inplace=True)

        # Get horizontal values
        horiz_matrix[relT] = [
            get_mean_elpsT('{0}/{1}_{2}.pckl'.format(prc_fld, scint, x))
            for x in horiz_matrix['Test']
        horiz_matrix[rpkT] = [
            get_mean_peakT('{0}/{1}_{2}.pckl'.format(prc_fld, scint, x))
            for x in horiz_matrix['Test']
        # Create a fit to the horizontal variation
        xData = horiz_matrix['X Position']
        yData = horiz_matrix[relT]
        yData = savgol_filter(yData, 55, 3)
        XtoCF = CubicSpline(xData, yData)

        # Horizontal plot
        plt.plot(horiz_matrix['X Position'],
        plt.plot(xData, XtoCF(xData), color='cornflowerblue', label='Fit')
        plt.plot(horiz_matrix['X Position'],
        plt.title('{0} - Horizontal Variation - 700 um, 10% KI'.format(scint))
        plt.savefig('{0}/{1}_horiz.png'.format(plots_folder, scint))

        # Save the linear fitted correction factors
        with open('{0}/Processed/{1}/{1}_peakT_cf.txt'.format(prj_fld, scint),
                  'wb') as f:
            np.savetxt(f, peakT_combi_fit['function'](KI_conc))

        with open('{0}/Processed/{1}/{1}_elpsT_cf.txt'.format(prj_fld, scint),
                  'wb') as f:
            np.savetxt(f, elpsT_combi_fit['function'](KI_conc))
def random_curve_generator(ts, magnitude=.1, order=4, noise=None):
    seq_len = ts.shape[-1]
    x = np.linspace(-seq_len, 2 * seq_len - 1, 3 * (order - 1) + 1, dtype=int)
    x2 = np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=magnitude, size=len(x))
    f = CubicSpline(x, x2, axis=-1)
    return f(np.arange(seq_len))
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

os.chdir(DIR + 'fits')
FILE = glob.glob('*fits')
N = 3 * len(FILE)
v = np.linspace(-20, 20, 401)
CCF = np.zeros([401, N])
v_new = np.linspace(-10, 10, 201)
CCF_new = np.zeros([201, N])

for n in range(N):
    i = n % 25
    hdulist = fits.open(FILE[i])
    CCF[:, n] = hdulist[0].data
    v_planet = Model(**truth).get_value(n)
    cs = CubicSpline(v + v_planet, CCF[:, n])
    CCF_new[:, n] = cs(v_new)

#plt.plot(np.arange(N), CCF_new[70, :])
plt.plot(v_new, CCF[100:301, n], v_new, CCF_new[:, n], '--', v_new,
         CCF[100:301, n] - CCF_new[:, n], '-.')
plt.plot(v_new[-50], CCF[301 - 50, n], 'ro')
plt.plot(v_new[-60], CCF[301 - 60, n], 'bo')
plt.plot(v_new[-70], CCF[301 - 70, n], 'mo')
plt.plot(v_new[-70], CCF[301 - 70, n] - CCF_new[-70, n], 'mo')
plt.plot(v_new[-60], CCF[301 - 60, n] - CCF_new[-60, n], 'bo')
plt.plot(v_new[-50], CCF[301 - 50, n] - CCF_new[-50, n], 'ro')
plt.ylabel("Normalized flux")
plt.xlabel("Wavelength [km/s]")
plt.legend(['static line profile', 'shifted line profile', 'variation'])
# Genero una matriz con los niveles isoeléctricos, no tomo un solo punto, si no
# que voy a promediar determinada cantidad L de puntos que se encuentren en el intervalo PQ
L = 30
dt = 70

nIso = []
for i in posQRS:
    nIso.append(ecg_one_lead[i - dt - (L // 2):i - dt + (L // 2)])

nIso = np.array(nIso)

# Promedio los segmentos
nIso = np.transpose(np.mean(nIso, axis=1))

# Interpolo los puntos para obtener el estimador de la señal interferente
cs = CubicSpline(posQRS - dt, nIso)
estBni = cs(np.arange(N))

# Obtengo el estimador x del ecg
estXni = ecg_one_lead - estBni

# Grafico los patrones
plt.plot(hb_1,label = "Patron latido normal")
plt.plot(hb_2,label = "Patron latido ventricular")
plt.plot(qrs_1,label = "Patron qrs")
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.85, 0.98), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
def MW_unred_fitzpatrick99(wave, flux, ebv):
    verbose = 'no'  #'yes'
    R_V = 3.1
    c2 = -0.824 + 4.171 * (R_V**(-1.0))
    c1 = 2.030 - 3.007 * c2
    x0 = 4.596  #um-1 (bump position)
    gamma = 0.99  #um-1 (bump width)
    c3 = 3.23  #(bump strength)
    c4 = 0.41  #(FUV curvature)
    x = 10000. / wave  #Convert to inverse microns
    curve = x * 0.  #Create a list of zeros with the same x size

    xcutuv = 10000.0 / 2700.0
    xspluv = np.zeros(2)
    xspluv[0] = 10000.0 / 2700.0
    xspluv[1] = 10000.0 / 2600.0

    #iuv => UV index:
    iuv = (x >= xcutuv)
    N_UV_where = np.where(iuv == True)
    N_UV = len(iuv[N_UV_where])  #number of elements
    if verbose == 'yes':
        print('iuv: ', iuv, 'N_UV: ', N_UV)

    #Optical and infrared index:
    iopir = x < xcutuv
    N_comp_where = np.where(iopir == True)
    iopir_xval = wave[N_comp_where]
    N_opir = len(iopir[N_comp_where])  #Number of elements, N_comp=N_opir

    if N_UV > 0.0:
        xuv = np.concatenate((xspluv, np.array(x[iuv])))
        xuv = xspluv

    if verbose == 'yes':
        print('xuv: ', xuv)

    xuv = np.array(xuv)
    yuv = c1 + c2 * xuv
    yuv = yuv + c3 * xuv**2 / ((xuv**2 - x0**2)**2 + (xuv * gamma)**2)
    yuv = yuv + c4 * (0.5392 * ((xuv > 5.9) - 5.9)**2 + 0.05644 *
                      ((xuv > 5.9) - 5.9)**3)
    yuv = yuv + R_V

    if verbose == 'yes':
        print('yuv: ', yuv)

    #save spline points in UV:
    yspluv = yuv[0:2]
    if verbose == 'yes':
        print('yspluv: ', yspluv)

    if N_UV > 0.0:
        curve[iuv] = yuv[2:]

    values1 = [26500.0, 12200.0, 6000.0, 5470.0, 4670.0, 4110.0]
    xsplopir = []
    initial_val = 0.
    for i in values1:
        xsplopir_val = 10000.0 / i

    if verbose == 'yes':
        print('xsplopir: ', xsplopir)

    #save spline points in IR:
    values2 = [0.0, 0.26469, 0.82925]
    ysplir = []
    for j in values2:
        ysplir_val = j * R_V / 3.1

    if verbose == 'yes':
        print('ysplir: ', ysplir)

    #save spline points in VIS:
    ysplop = []
    ysplop1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(
        R_V, [-4.22809e-01, 1.00270, 2.13572e-04], tensor=True)
    ysplop2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(
        R_V, [-5.13540e-02, 1.00216, -7.35778e-05], tensor=True)
    ysplop3 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(
        R_V, [7.00127e-01, 1.00184, -3.32598e-05], tensor=True)
    ysplop4 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(
        R_V, [1.19456, 1.01707, -5.46959e-03, 7.97809e-04, -4.45636e-05],
    #print 'ysplop1: ', ysplop1, 'ysplop2: ', ysplop2, 'ysplop3: ', ysplop3, 'ysplop4: ', ysplop4, 'ysplop: ', ysplop

    #save spline points in VIS and IR together:
    ysplopir = np.concatenate((ysplir, ysplop), axis=0)

    if verbose == 'yes':
        print('ysplopir: ', ysplopir)

    #save spline points in UV, VIS and IR together:
    x_splval = np.concatenate((xsplopir, xspluv), axis=0)
    y_splval = np.concatenate((ysplopir, yspluv), axis=0)

    if verbose == 'yes':
        print('x: ', len(x_splval), 'y: ', len(y_splval))

    if N_opir > 0:
        cs = CubicSpline(
            y_splval)  #Create the function to use in the extindtion correction
        #--Plot the extiction law function (MW):

        curve[iopir] = cs(x[iopir])

        plotthis = 0
        if plotthis == 1:
            plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 4))
            plt.plot(x_splval, y_splval, '--r')
            #plt.plot(x_splval, curve(x_splval), 'ok')
            plt.title('Extinction law for MW (Fitzpatrick et al. 1999)')

    #Now apply extinction correction to input flux vector:

    #Derive unreddened flux:
    funred = flux * 10.**(0.4 * ebv * curve)

    return funred
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import random
import warnings

#get QE function from HamamatsuQE.txt for QE function further down, should work on init
module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
QE_file = np.loadtxt(module_dir + '/HamamatsuQE.txt', delimiter="\t")
QE_func = CubicSpline(QE_file.T[0], QE_file.T[1], extrapolate=False)
del QE_file

#if numpy version > 1.16 need rng for random number generator but as of Aug 2020 Illume uses numpy1.14
    rng = np.random.default_rng()
except AttributeError:
    rng = np.random

#return the QE weight for a given energy
def QE(energy):
    Returns the Quantum efficiency (QE) value for the input energy

    def Prediction_expressions(self):

        x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, p, bx = sym.symbols(
            'x y tx ty qp dz p bx')  #qp denotes q/p

        #Magnetic Field Integrals
        S_x = 0.5 * bx * dz**2
        S_y = 0.5 * by * dz**2
        S_xx = bx**2 * dz**3 / 6
        S_yy = by**2 * dz**3 / 6
        S_xy = bx * by * dz**3 / 6
        S_yx = S_xy
        R_x = bx * dz
        R_y = by * dz
        R_xy = 0.5 * bx * by * dz**2
        R_xx = 0.5 * bx * bx * dz**2
        R_yy = 0.5 * by * by * dz**2
        R_yx = R_xy

        def h():
            return (K * qp * (1 + (tx)**2 + (ty)**2)**0.5)

        #Symbolic definitions of Prediction equations(for x, y, tx, ty)

        def f_x():
            return (x + tx * dz + h() * (tx * ty * S_x -
                                         (1 + tx**2) * S_y) + h()**2 *
                    (tx * (3 * ty**2 + 1) * S_xx - ty *
                     (3 * tx**2 + 1) * S_xy - ty *
                     (3 * tx**2 + 1) * S_yx + tx * (3 * tx**2 + 3) * S_yy))

        def f_y():
            return (y + ty * dz + h() * ((1 + ty**2) * S_x - tx * ty * S_y) +
                    h()**2 *
                    (ty * (3 * ty**2 + 3) * S_xx - tx *
                     (3 * ty**2 + 1) * S_xy - tx *
                     (3 * ty**2 + 1) * S_yx + ty * (3 * tx**2 + 1) * S_yy))

        def f_tx():
            return (tx + h() * (tx * ty * R_x - (1 + tx**2) * R_y) + h()**2 *
                    (tx * (3 * ty**2 + 1) * R_xx - ty *
                     (3 * tx**2 + 1) * R_xy - ty *
                     (3 * tx**2 + 1) * R_yx + tx * (3 * tx**2 + 3) * R_yy))

        def f_ty():
            return (ty + h() * ((1 + ty**2) * R_x - tx * ty * R_y) + h()**2 *
                    (ty * (3 * (ty**2) + 3) * R_xx - tx *
                     (3 * ty**2 + 1) * R_xy - tx *
                     (3 * ty**2 + 1) * R_yx + ty * (3 * tx**2 + 1) * R_yy))

        #Converting symbolic to mathematical

        self.Prediction_x = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx), f_x(),
        self.Prediction_y = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx), f_y(),
        self.Prediction_tx = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx), f_tx(),
        self.Prediction_ty = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx), f_ty(),


        #Derivatives of the prediction equations for Propagator Matrix Elements

        #Row 1
        def Prediction_xprimex():
            return f_x().diff(x)

        def Prediction_xprimey():
            return f_x().diff(y)

        def Prediction_xprimetx():
            return f_x().diff(tx)

        def Prediction_xprimety():
            return f_x().diff(ty)

        def Prediction_xprimeqp():
            return f_x().diff(qp)

        #Row 2
        def Prediction_yprimex():
            return f_y().diff(x)

        def Prediction_yprimey():
            return f_y().diff(y)

        def Prediction_yprimetx():
            return f_y().diff(tx)

        def Prediction_yprimety():
            return f_y().diff(ty)

        def Prediction_yprimeqp():
            return f_y().diff(qp)

        #Row 3
        def Prediction_txprimex():
            return f_tx().diff(x)

        def Prediction_txprimey():
            return f_tx().diff(y)

        def Prediction_txprimetx():
            return f_tx().diff(tx)

        def Prediction_txprimety():
            return f_tx().diff(ty)

        def Prediction_txprimeqp():
            return f_tx().diff(qp)

        #Row 4
        def Prediction_typrimex():
            return f_ty().diff(x)

        def Prediction_typrimey():
            return f_ty().diff(y)

        def Prediction_typrimetx():
            return f_ty().diff(tx)

        def Prediction_typrimety():
            return f_ty().diff(ty)

        def Prediction_typrimeqp():
            return f_ty().diff(qp)

        #Converting symbolic to mathematical

        self.dx_dx = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                  Prediction_xprimex(), "numpy")
        self.dx_dy = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                  Prediction_xprimey(), "numpy")
        self.dx_dtx = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                   Prediction_xprimetx(), "numpy")
        self.dx_dty = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                   Prediction_xprimety(), "numpy")
        self.dx_dqp = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                   Prediction_xprimeqp(), "numpy")

        self.dy_dx = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                  Prediction_yprimex(), "numpy")
        self.dy_dy = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                  Prediction_yprimey(), "numpy")
        self.dy_dtx = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                   Prediction_yprimetx(), "numpy")
        self.dy_dty = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                   Prediction_yprimety(), "numpy")
        self.dy_dqp = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                   Prediction_yprimeqp(), "numpy")

        self.dtx_dx = sym.lambdify((tx, ty, qp, dz, bx), Prediction_txprimex(),
        self.dtx_dy = sym.lambdify((tx, ty, qp, dz, bx), Prediction_txprimey(),
        self.dtx_dtx = sym.lambdify((tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                    Prediction_txprimetx(), "numpy")
        self.dtx_dty = sym.lambdify((tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                    Prediction_txprimety(), "numpy")
        self.dtx_dqp = sym.lambdify((tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                    Prediction_txprimeqp(), "numpy")

        self.dty_dx = sym.lambdify((tx, ty, qp, dz, bx), Prediction_typrimex(),
        self.dty_dy = sym.lambdify((tx, ty, qp, dz, bx), Prediction_typrimey(),
        self.dty_dtx = sym.lambdify((tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                    Prediction_typrimetx(), "numpy")
        self.dty_dty = sym.lambdify((tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                    Prediction_typrimety(), "numpy")
        self.dty_dqp = sym.lambdify((tx, ty, qp, dz, bx),
                                    Prediction_typrimeqp(), "numpy")

        #Range-momentum relation for Error Propagation of q/p

        cb = pd.read_csv("muon-iron-energyLossTable3.txt", sep=" ")
        cb1 = np.array(cb)

        pp = cb1[:, 3] * 10**-3  #converting MeV/c into GeV/c
        l_r = cb1[:, 10] * 10 / 7.874  #in q/cm^2 to mm (/iron density)

        #Alternate equation for Energy-loss in Iron
        #self.EnergylossIron_CubicSpline = CubicSpline(pp,ene_r,bc_type='natural')

        self.range_l = CubicSpline(pp, l_r, bc_type='natural')  #l=f(p)

        fl = CubicSpline(l_r, pp, bc_type='natural')  #p=f(l)

        self.fl__1 = CubicSpline.derivative(fl, nu=1)  #f'(l)
        self.fl__2 = CubicSpline.derivative(fl, nu=2)  #f''(l)
        self.fl__3 = CubicSpline.derivative(fl, nu=3)  #f'''(l)


        def Prediction_xprimep():
            def f_x():  #Prediction(x) with p explicitly defined
                h = K * q / p * (1 + (tx)**2 + (ty)**2)**0.5
                return x + tx * dz + h * (
                    tx * ty * S_x -
                    (1 + tx**2) * S_y) + h**2 * (tx *
                                                 (3 * ty**2 + 1) * S_xx - ty *
                                                 (3 * tx**2 + 1) * S_xy - ty *
                                                 (3 * tx**2 + 1) * S_yx + tx *
                                                 (3 * tx**2 + 3) * S_yy)

            return f_x().diff(p)  #dx/dp

        def Prediction_yprimep():
            def f_y():  #Prediction(y) with p explicitly defined
                h = K * q / p * (1 + (tx)**2 + (ty)**2)**0.5
                return y + ty * dz + h * (
                    (1 + ty**2) * S_x -
                    tx * ty * S_y) + h**2 * (ty * (3 * ty**2 + 3) * S_xx - tx *
                                             (3 * ty**2 + 1) * S_xy - tx *
                                             (3 * ty**2 + 1) * S_yx + ty *
                                             (3 * tx**2 + 1) * S_yy)

            return f_y().diff(p)  #dy/dp

        def Prediction_txprimep():
            def f_tx():  #Prediction(tx) with p explicitly defined
                h = K * q / p * (1 + (tx)**2 + (ty)**2)**0.5
                return (tx + h * (tx * ty * R_x - (1 + tx**2) * R_y) + h**2 *
                        (tx * (3 * ty**2 + 1) * R_xx - ty *
                         (3 * tx**2 + 1) * R_xy - ty *
                         (3 * tx**2 + 1) * R_yx + tx * (3 * tx**2 + 3) * R_yy))

            return f_tx().diff(p)  #d(tx)/dp

        def Prediction_typrimep():
            def f_ty():  #Prediction(ty) with p explicitly defined
                h = K * q / p * (1 + (tx)**2 + (ty)**2)**0.5
                return (ty + h * ((1 + ty**2) * R_x - tx * ty * R_y) + h**2 *
                        (ty * (3 * (ty**2) + 3) * R_xx - tx *
                         (3 * ty**2 + 1) * R_xy - tx *
                         (3 * ty**2 + 1) * R_yx + ty * (3 * tx**2 + 1) * R_yy))

            return f_ty().diff(p)  #d(ty)/dp

        #Symbolic to mathematical
        self.dx_dp = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, p, bx),
                                  Prediction_xprimep(), "numpy")
        self.dy_dp = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, p, bx),
                                  Prediction_yprimep(), "numpy")
        self.dtx_dp = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, p, bx),
                                   Prediction_txprimep(), "numpy")
        self.dty_dp = sym.lambdify((x, y, tx, ty, qp, dz, p, bx),
                                   Prediction_typrimep(), "numpy")
def read_profiles_file(pfpath,setParam={}):
   #Developed by Ehab Hassan on 2019-02-17
    from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
    if not os.path.isfile(pfpath):
       print('Fatal: file %s not found.' % pfpath)

    ofh = open(pfpath,'r')

    profiles = {}
    units    = {}
    while True:
          recs = ofh.readline().split()
          if   len(recs)>4:
               nrec = int(recs[0])
               var0 = str(recs[1]).lower()
               var1 = str(recs[2]).lower()
               var2 = str(recs[3]).lower()
               for i in range(nrec):
                   recs = ofh.readline().split()
                   ary0[i] = float(recs[0])
                   ary1[i] = float(recs[1])
                   ary2[i] = float(recs[2])
          elif len(recs)==4:
               nrec = int(recs[0])
               var0 = str(recs[1]).lower()
               temp = str(recs[2]).lower()
               var1 = temp[:temp.index("(")]
               if   var1.strip() in ['ne','ni','nb','nz1']:
                    powr = int(temp[temp.index("^")+1:temp.index("/")])
                    unit = 'm^{-3}'
               elif var1.strip() in ['te','ti']:
                    unit = 'eV'
               elif var1.strip() in ['pb','ptot']:
                    unit = 'Pa'
               elif var1.strip() in ['vtor1','vpol1']:
                    unit = 'm/s'
                    unit = temp[temp.index("(")+1:temp.index(")")]
               var2 = str(recs[3]).lower()
               for i in range(nrec):
                   recs    = ofh.readline().split()
                   ary0[i] = float(recs[0])
                   ary1[i] = float(recs[1])
                   ary2[i] = float(recs[2])
               if var0 in profiles.keys():
                  CS = CubicSpline(ary0,ary1)
                  units[var1]    = unit
                  profiles[var1] = CS(profiles[var0])
                  CS = CubicSpline(ary0,ary2)
                  profiles[var2] = CS(profiles[var0])
                  profiles[var0] = ary0
                  units[var1]    = unit
                  profiles[var1] = ary1
                  profiles[var2] = ary2
               if   var1.strip() in ['ne','ni','nb','nz1']:
                    profiles[var1] *= 10.0**powr
               elif var1.strip() in ['te','ti','pb','ptot','vtor1','vpol1']:
                    profiles[var1] *= 1.0e3

    if 'rhotor' in setParam:
       if 'eqdskfpath' not in setParam:
          eqdskfpath = raw_input('Path to EQDSK file: ')
       elif 'eqdskfpath' in setParam:
          eqdskfpath = setParam['eqdskfpath']

       eqdskdata = read_efit_file(eqdskfpath)

       qpsifn  = interp1d(eqdskdata['PSIN'],eqdskdata['qpsi'])
       qpsi    = qpsifn(profiles['psinorm'])
       qpsifn  = interp1d(profiles['psinorm'],qpsi)
       psinorm = npy.linspace(profiles['psinorm'][0],profiles['psinorm'][-1],setParam['rhotor'])
       qpsi    = qpsifn(psinorm)
       phinorm = npy.zeros_like(psinorm)
       for i in range(1,npy.size(qpsi)):
           x = psinorm[:i+1]
           y = qpsi[:i+1]
           phinorm[i] = npy.trapz(y,x)
       profiles['rhotor'] = npy.sqrt(phinorm)
    return profiles,units
            min_cnt = np.unique(weather_monthly[col])[1]
        month_min = weather_monthly.loc[weather_monthly[col] ==
                                        min_cnt, :].index[0][0]
        site_id_min = weather_monthly.loc[weather_monthly[col] ==
                                          min_cnt, :].index[0][1]

        time_plt = pd.to_datetime(
            weather_train.loc[(weather_train['month'] == month_min) &
                              (weather_train['site_id'] == site_id_min) &
                              (weather_train[col].isnull() == False),
        col_plt = weather_train.loc[(weather_train['month'] == month_min) &
                                    (weather_train['site_id'] == site_id_min) &
                                    (weather_train[col].isnull() == False),
        cs = CubicSpline(time_plt, col_plt)
        time_interp = pd.date_range(time_plt.min(), time_plt.max(), freq='H')
        col_interp = cs(time_interp)

        if plotFig:
            plt.plot(time_plt, col_plt, 'o-')
            plt.plot(time_interp, col_interp, '.-')
            plt.title('{:} interpolation'.format(col))
    del weather_monthly

# Merging building metadata and train/test sets
meter_data = meter_data.merge(building, on='building_id', how='left')
del building

# Align timestamps
def read_efit_file(eqdskfpath,setParam={}):
   #Developed by Ehab Hassan on 2019-02-27
    if os.path.isfile(eqdskfpath) == False:
       errorFunc = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[-2][3]
       errorLine = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[-2][1]
       errorFile = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[-2][2]
       errMSG    = 'Call %s line %5d in file %s Failed.\n'
       errMSG   += 'Fatal: file %s not found.'
       raise IOError(errMSG %(errorFunc,errorLine,errorFile,eqdskfpath))
    ofh = open(eqdskfpath,'r')
    eqdskdata = {}
    cline = ofh.readline()
    eqdskdata['idum']   = int(cline[48:52])
    eqdskdata['RDIM']   = int(cline[52:56])
    eqdskdata['ZDIM']   = int(cline[56:61])
    cline = ofh.readline()
    eqdskdata['RLEN']   = float(cline[0:16])
    eqdskdata['ZLEN']   = float(cline[16:32])
    eqdskdata['RCTR']   = float(cline[32:48])
    eqdskdata['RLFT']   = float(cline[48:64])
    eqdskdata['ZMID']   = float(cline[64:80])
    cline = ofh.readline()
    eqdskdata['RMAX']   = float(cline[0:16])
    eqdskdata['ZMAX']   = float(cline[16:32])
    eqdskdata['PSIMAX'] = float(cline[32:48])
    eqdskdata['PSIBND'] = float(cline[48:64])
    eqdskdata['BCTR']   = float(cline[64:80])
    cline = ofh.readline()
    eqdskdata['CURNT']  = float(cline[0:16])
    eqdskdata['PSIMAX'] = float(cline[16:32])
    eqdskdata['XDUM']   = float(cline[32:48])
    eqdskdata['RMAX']   = float(cline[48:64])
    eqdskdata['XDUM']   = float(cline[64:80])
    cline = ofh.readline()
    eqdskdata['ZMAX']   = float(cline[0:16])
    eqdskdata['XDUM']   = float(cline[16:32])
    eqdskdata['PSIBND'] = float(cline[32:48])
    eqdskdata['XDUM']   = float(cline[48:64])
    eqdskdata['XDUM']   = float(cline[64:80])

    nlines1D = int(npy.ceil(eqdskdata['RDIM']/5.0))

    eqdskdata['fpol'] = npy.zeros(eqdskdata['RDIM'])
    for iline in range(nlines1D):
        cline = ofh.readline()
            eqdskdata['fpol'][iline*5+0] = float(cline[0:16])
            eqdskdata['fpol'][iline*5+1] = float(cline[16:32])
            eqdskdata['fpol'][iline*5+2] = float(cline[32:48])
            eqdskdata['fpol'][iline*5+3] = float(cline[48:64])
            eqdskdata['fpol'][iline*5+4] = float(cline[64:80])
            error = 'empty records'

    eqdskdata['pressure'] = npy.zeros(eqdskdata['RDIM'])
    for iline in range(nlines1D):
        cline = ofh.readline()
            eqdskdata['pressure'][iline*5+0] = float(cline[0:16])
            eqdskdata['pressure'][iline*5+1] = float(cline[16:32])
            eqdskdata['pressure'][iline*5+2] = float(cline[32:48])
            eqdskdata['pressure'][iline*5+3] = float(cline[48:64])
            eqdskdata['pressure'][iline*5+4] = float(cline[64:80])
            error = 'empty records'

    eqdskdata['ffprime'] = npy.zeros(eqdskdata['RDIM'])
    for iline in range(nlines1D):
        cline = ofh.readline()
            eqdskdata['ffprime'][iline*5+0] = float(cline[0:16])
            eqdskdata['ffprime'][iline*5+1] = float(cline[16:32])
            eqdskdata['ffprime'][iline*5+2] = float(cline[32:48])
            eqdskdata['ffprime'][iline*5+3] = float(cline[48:64])
            eqdskdata['ffprime'][iline*5+4] = float(cline[64:80])
            error = 'empty records'

    eqdskdata['pprime'] = npy.zeros(eqdskdata['RDIM'])
    for iline in range(nlines1D):
        cline = ofh.readline()
            eqdskdata['pprime'][iline*5+0] = float(cline[0:16])
            eqdskdata['pprime'][iline*5+1] = float(cline[16:32])
            eqdskdata['pprime'][iline*5+2] = float(cline[32:48])
            eqdskdata['pprime'][iline*5+3] = float(cline[48:64])
            eqdskdata['pprime'][iline*5+4] = float(cline[64:80])
            error = 'empty records'

    nlines2D = int(npy.ceil(eqdskdata['RDIM']*eqdskdata['ZDIM']/5.0))

    eqdskdata['psiRZ'] = npy.zeros(eqdskdata['RDIM']*eqdskdata['ZDIM'])
    for iline in range(nlines2D):
        cline = ofh.readline()
            eqdskdata['psiRZ'][iline*5+0] = float(cline[0:16])
            eqdskdata['psiRZ'][iline*5+1] = float(cline[16:32])
            eqdskdata['psiRZ'][iline*5+2] = float(cline[32:48])
            eqdskdata['psiRZ'][iline*5+3] = float(cline[48:64])
            eqdskdata['psiRZ'][iline*5+4] = float(cline[64:80])
            error = 'empty records'
    eqdskdata['psiRZ'] = npy.reshape(eqdskdata['psiRZ'],(eqdskdata['ZDIM'],eqdskdata['RDIM']))

    eqdskdata['qpsi'] = npy.zeros(eqdskdata['RDIM'])
    for iline in range(nlines1D):
        cline = ofh.readline()
            eqdskdata['qpsi'][iline*5+0] = float(cline[0:16])
            eqdskdata['qpsi'][iline*5+1] = float(cline[16:32])
            eqdskdata['qpsi'][iline*5+2] = float(cline[32:48])
            eqdskdata['qpsi'][iline*5+3] = float(cline[48:64])
            eqdskdata['qpsi'][iline*5+4] = float(cline[64:80])
            error = 'empty records'
    cline = ofh.readline()
    eqdskdata['nbound'] = int(cline[0:5])
    eqdskdata['nlimit'] = int(cline[5:10])

    if eqdskdata['nbound'] > 0:
       nlines1D = int(npy.ceil(2*eqdskdata['nbound']/5.0))

       Ary1D = npy.zeros(2*eqdskdata['nbound'])
       for iline in range(nlines1D):
           cline = ofh.readline()
               Ary1D[iline*5+0] = float(cline[0:16])
               Ary1D[iline*5+1] = float(cline[16:32])
               Ary1D[iline*5+2] = float(cline[32:48])
               Ary1D[iline*5+3] = float(cline[48:64])
               Ary1D[iline*5+4] = float(cline[64:80])
               error = 'empty records'

       eqdskdata['rbound'] = Ary1D[0::2]
       eqdskdata['zbound'] = Ary1D[1::2]

    if eqdskdata['nlimit'] > 0:
       nlines1D = int(npy.ceil(2*eqdskdata['nlimit']/5.0))

       Ary1D = npy.zeros(2*eqdskdata['nlimit'])
       for iline in range(nlines1D):
           cline = ofh.readline()
               Ary1D[iline*5+0] = float(cline[0:16])
               Ary1D[iline*5+1] = float(cline[16:32])
               Ary1D[iline*5+2] = float(cline[32:48])
               Ary1D[iline*5+3] = float(cline[48:64])
               Ary1D[iline*5+4] = float(cline[64:80])
               error = 'empty records'

       eqdskdata['rlimit'] = Ary1D[0::2]
       eqdskdata['zlimit'] = Ary1D[1::2]

    eqdskdata['ZR1D']  = npy.arange(eqdskdata['ZDIM'],dtype=float)*eqdskdata['ZLEN']/(eqdskdata['ZDIM']-1.0)
    eqdskdata['ZR1D'] += eqdskdata['ZMID']-eqdskdata['ZMID']/2.0

    eqdskdata['RR1D']  = npy.arange(eqdskdata['RDIM'],dtype=float)*eqdskdata['RLEN']/(eqdskdata['RDIM']-1.0)
    eqdskdata['RR1D'] += eqdskdata['RLFT']

    eqdskdata['psiRZ'] = (eqdskdata['psiRZ']-eqdskdata['PSIMAX'])/(eqdskdata['PSIBND']-eqdskdata['PSIMAX'])

    eqdskdata['PSI']    = (eqdskdata['PSIBND']-eqdskdata['PSIMAX'])*npy.arange(eqdskdata['RDIM'])/(eqdskdata['RDIM']-1.0)
    eqdskdata['PSIN']   = (eqdskdata['PSI']-eqdskdata['PSI'][0])/(eqdskdata['PSI'][-1]-eqdskdata['PSI'][0])
    eqdskdata['rhopsi'] = npy.sqrt(eqdskdata['PSIN'])

    extendPSI    = npy.linspace(eqdskdata['PSI'][0],eqdskdata['PSI'][-1],10*npy.size(eqdskdata['PSI']))
    extendPHI    = npy.empty_like(extendPSI)
    extendPHI[0] = 0.0
    qfunc        = CubicSpline(eqdskdata['PSI'],eqdskdata['qpsi'])
    for i in range(1,npy.size(extendPSI)):
        x           = extendPSI[:i+1]
        y           = qfunc(x)
        extendPHI[i]= npy.trapz(y,x)

    eqdskdata['PHI'] = npy.empty_like(eqdskdata['PSI'])
    phifunc          = CubicSpline(extendPSI,extendPHI)
    for i in range(npy.size(eqdskdata['PSI'])):
        eqdskdata['PHI'][i] = phifunc(eqdskdata['PSI'][i])

    eqdskdata['PHIN']   = (eqdskdata['PHI']-eqdskdata['PHI'][0])/(eqdskdata['PHI'][-1]-eqdskdata['PHI'][0])
    eqdskdata['rhotor'] = npy.sqrt(eqdskdata['PHIN'])

    return eqdskdata
    def from_endf(cls, photoatomic, relaxation=None):
        """Generate incident photon data from an ENDF evaluation

        photoatomic : str or endf.Evaluation
            ENDF photoatomic data evaluation to read from. If given as a string,
            it is assumed to be the filename for the ENDF file.
        relaxation : str or endf.Evaluation, optional
            ENDF atomic relaxation data evaluation to read from. If given as a
            string, it is assumed to be the filename for the ENDF file.

            Photon interaction data

        if isinstance(photoatomic, Evaluation):
            ev = photoatomic
            ev = Evaluation(photoatomic)

        Z = ev.target['atomic_number']
        data = cls(Z)

        # Read each reaction
        for mf, mt, nc, mod in ev.reaction_list:
            if mf == 23:
                data.reactions[mt] = PhotonReaction.from_endf(ev, mt)

        # Add atomic relaxation data if it hasn't been added already
        if relaxation is not None:
            data.atomic_relaxation = AtomicRelaxation.from_endf(relaxation)

        # If Compton profile data hasn't been loaded, do so
        if not _COMPTON_PROFILES:
            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
            with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f:
                _COMPTON_PROFILES['pz'] = f['pz'].value
                for i in range(1, 101):
                    group = f['{:03}'.format(i)]
                    num_electrons = group['num_electrons'].value
                    binding_energy = group['binding_energy'].value * EV_PER_MEV
                    J = group['J'].value
                    _COMPTON_PROFILES[i] = {
                        'num_electrons': num_electrons,
                        'binding_energy': binding_energy,
                        'J': J

        # Add Compton profile data
        pz = _COMPTON_PROFILES['pz']
        profile = _COMPTON_PROFILES[Z]
        data.compton_profiles['num_electrons'] = profile['num_electrons']
        data.compton_profiles['binding_energy'] = profile['binding_energy']
        data.compton_profiles['J'] = [
            Tabulated1D(pz, J_k) for J_k in profile['J']

        # Load stopping power data if it has not yet been loaded
        if not _STOPPING_POWERS:
            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
            with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f:
                # Units are in MeV; convert to eV
                _STOPPING_POWERS['energy'] = f['energy'].value * EV_PER_MEV
                for i in range(1, 99):
                    group = f['{:03}'.format(i)]

                    # Units are in MeV cm^2/g; convert to eV cm^2/g
                    _STOPPING_POWERS[i] = {
                        'I': group.attrs['I'],
                        's_collision': group['s_collision'].value * EV_PER_MEV,
                        's_radiative': group['s_radiative'].value * EV_PER_MEV

        # Add stopping power data
        if Z < 99:
            data.stopping_powers['energy'] = _STOPPING_POWERS['energy']

        # Load bremsstrahlung data if it has not yet been loaded
        if not _BREMSSTRAHLUNG:
            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'BREMX.DAT')
            brem = open(filename, 'r').read().split()

            # Incident electron kinetic energy grid in eV
            _BREMSSTRAHLUNG['electron_energy'] = np.logspace(3, 9, 200)
            log_energy = np.log(_BREMSSTRAHLUNG['electron_energy'])

            # Get number of tabulated electron and photon energy values
            n = int(brem[37])
            k = int(brem[38])

            # Index in data
            p = 39

            # Get log of incident electron kinetic energy values, used for
            # cubic spline interpolation in log energy. Units are in MeV, so
            # convert to eV.
            logx = np.log(np.fromiter(brem[p:p + n], float, n) * EV_PER_MEV)
            p += n

            # Get reduced photon energy values
            _BREMSSTRAHLUNG['photon_energy'] = np.fromiter(
                brem[p:p + k], float, k)
            p += k

            for i in range(1, 101):
                dcs = np.empty([len(log_energy), k])

                # Get the scaled cross section values for each electron energy
                # and reduced photon energy for this Z. Units are in mb, so
                # convert to b.
                y = np.reshape(np.fromiter(brem[p:p + n * k], float, n * k),
                               (n, k)) * 1.0e-3
                p += k * n

                for j in range(k):
                    # Cubic spline interpolation in log energy and linear DCS
                    cs = CubicSpline(logx, y[:, j])

                    # Get scaled DCS values (millibarns) on new energy grid
                    dcs[:, j] = cs(log_energy)

                _BREMSSTRAHLUNG[i] = {'dcs': dcs}

        # Add bremsstrahlung DCS data
        data.bremsstrahlung['electron_energy'] = _BREMSSTRAHLUNG[
        data.bremsstrahlung['photon_energy'] = _BREMSSTRAHLUNG['photon_energy']
        data.bremsstrahlung['dcs'] = _BREMSSTRAHLUNG[Z]['dcs']

        return data
文件: fit_fcn.py 项目: tsikes/Frhodo
    def time_adjust_func(t_offset,
        def calc_exp_bounds(t_sim, t_exp):
            t_bounds = [max([t_sim[0],
                             t_exp[0]])]  # Largest initial time in SIM and Exp
            t_bounds.append(min([t_sim[-1], t_exp[-1]
                                 ]))  # Smallest final time in SIM and Exp
            # Values within t_bounds
            exp_bounds = np.where(
                np.logical_and((t_exp >= t_bounds[0]),
                               (t_exp <= t_bounds[1])))[0]

            return exp_bounds

        t_sim_shifted = t_sim + t_offset + t_adjust

        # Compare SIM Density Grad vs. Experimental
        exp_bounds = calc_exp_bounds(t_sim_shifted, t_exp)
        t_exp, obs_exp, weights = t_exp[exp_bounds], obs_exp[
            exp_bounds], weights[exp_bounds]
        if opt_type == 'Bayesian':
            obs_bounds = obs_bounds[exp_bounds]

        f_interp = CubicSpline(t_sim_shifted.flatten(), obs_sim.flatten())
        obs_sim_interp = f_interp(t_exp)

        if scale == 'Linear':
            resid = np.subtract(obs_exp, obs_sim_interp)

        elif scale == 'Log':
            ind = np.argwhere(((obs_exp != 0.0) & (obs_sim_interp != 0.0)))
            exp_bounds = exp_bounds[ind]
            weights = weights[ind].flatten()
            m = np.divide(obs_exp[ind], obs_sim_interp[ind])
            resid = np.log10(np.abs(m)).flatten()
            if verbose and opt_type == 'Bayesian':
                obs_exp = np.log10(np.abs(
                    obs_exp[ind])).squeeze()  # squeeze to remove extra dim
                obs_sim_interp = np.log10(np.abs(
                obs_bounds = np.log10(np.abs(obs_bounds[ind])).squeeze()

        resid_outlier = outlier(resid, a=loss_alpha, c=loss_c, weights=weights)
        loss = generalized_loss_fcn(resid, a=loss_alpha, c=resid_outlier)
        loss = rescale_loss_fcn(np.abs(resid), loss, resid_outlier, weights)

        loss_sqr = loss**2
        wgt_sum = weights.sum()
        N = wgt_sum - DoF
        if N <= 0:
            N = wgt_sum
        stderr_sqr = (loss_sqr * weights).sum() / N
        chi_sqr = loss_sqr / stderr_sqr
        std_resid = chi_sqr**(0.5)
        #loss_scalar = (chi_sqr*weights).sum()
        loss_scalar = weighted_quantile(std_resid, 0.5,
                                        weights=weights)  # median value

        if verbose:
            output = {
                'chi_sqr': chi_sqr,
                'resid': resid,
                'resid_outlier': resid_outlier,
                'loss': loss_scalar,
                'weights': weights,
                'obs_sim_interp': obs_sim_interp,
                'obs_exp': obs_exp

            if opt_type == 'Bayesian':  # need to calculate aggregate weights to reduce outliers in bayesian
                SSE = generalized_loss_fcn(resid)
                SSE = rescale_loss_fcn(np.abs(resid), SSE, resid_outlier,
                loss_weights = loss / SSE  # comparison is between selected loss fcn and SSE (L2 loss)
                output['aggregate_weights'] = weights * loss_weights
                output['obs_bounds'] = obs_bounds

            return output

        else:  # needs to return single value for optimization
            return loss_scalar
    def trajFeet_jump1(self, **kwargs):
        from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

        t0 = kwargs.get("traj_t0", 1)  # Duration of initialisation step
        t1 = kwargs.get("traj_t1",
                        0.25)  # Duration of first step (extension of legs)
        t2 = kwargs.get("traj_t2",
                        0.15)  # Duration of second step (spreading legs)

        # Initialization of the variables
        traj_x0 = 0.190 + kwargs.get(
            "traj_dx0", 0.05)  # initial distance on the x axis from strait
        traj_y0 = 0.147 + kwargs.get(
            "traj_dy0", 0)  # initial distance on the y axis from strait
        traj_z0 = kwargs.get("traj_z0",
                             -0.25)  # initial distance on the z axis from body
        traj_zf = kwargs.get("traj_zf",
                             -0.2)  # initial distance on the z axis from body

        dz = kwargs.get("traj_dz", -0.2)  # displacement amplitude by z
        dy = kwargs.get("traj_dy", 0.05)  # displacement amplitude by y
        dx = kwargs.get("traj_dx", dy)  # displacement amplitude by x

        # Gains parameters
        param_kps = kwargs.get("kps", [1.5, 1.5])  # default parameter of kps
        param_kds = kwargs.get("kds", [0.05, 0.05])  # default parameter of kds

        # Definition of the feet trajectory
        self.setParameter('tf', t0 + t1 + t2 * 2)
        times = [0, t0, t0 + t1, t0 + t1 + t2, self.getParameter('tf')]

        x_pos = [traj_x0, traj_x0, traj_x0, traj_x0 + dx, traj_x0 + dx]
        y_pos = [traj_y0, traj_y0, traj_y0, traj_y0 + dy, traj_y0 + dy]
        z_pos = [traj_z0, traj_z0 - dz, traj_z0, traj_zf, traj_zf]
        kp_pos = [
            param_kps[1], param_kps[1], param_kps[1], param_kps[0],
        kd_pos = [
            param_kds[1], param_kds[1], param_kds[1], param_kds[0],

        time = []
        x_feet = []
        y_feet = []
        z_feet = []
        kp_feet = []
        kd_feet = []

        for i in range(len(times) - 1):
            t = np.arange(times[i], times[i + 1], self.getParameter('dt'))
            cur_times = [times[i], times[i + 1]]

            cs_x = CubicSpline(cur_times, [x_pos[i], x_pos[i + 1]],
            cs_y = CubicSpline(cur_times, [y_pos[i], y_pos[i + 1]],
            cs_z = CubicSpline(cur_times, [z_pos[i], z_pos[i + 1]],
            cs_kp = CubicSpline(cur_times, [kp_pos[i], kp_pos[i]],
            cs_kd = CubicSpline(cur_times, [kd_pos[i], kd_pos[i]],

            time = np.concatenate((time, t))
            x_feet = np.concatenate((x_feet, cs_x(t)))
            y_feet = np.concatenate((y_feet, cs_y(t)))
            z_feet = np.concatenate((z_feet, cs_z(t)))
            kp_feet = np.concatenate((kp_feet, cs_kp(t)))
            kd_feet = np.concatenate((kd_feet, cs_kd(t)))

        foot_FL = np.array([+x_feet, +y_feet, z_feet])
        foot_FR = np.array([+x_feet, -y_feet, z_feet])
        foot_HL = np.array([-x_feet, +y_feet, z_feet])
        foot_HR = np.array([-x_feet, -y_feet, z_feet])

        feet_traj = np.array([foot_FL, foot_FR, foot_HL, foot_HR])
        feet_traj = np.swapaxes(feet_traj, 0, 2)
        feet_traj = np.swapaxes(feet_traj, 1, 2)

        gains = np.array([kp_feet, kd_feet])
        gains = np.swapaxes(gains, 0, 1)

        plt.plot(foot_FL[0, :], label='x')
        plt.plot(foot_FL[1, :], label='y')
        plt.plot(foot_FL[2, :], label='z')

        return time, feet_traj, gains
    def generate_kappa(kappa_params=None):
        Returns the dust emissivity in [m^2/kg] at a frequency and in cell ID.
        TODO: Make the input directly file paths or floats?

            kappa_params (str): A string decribing the dust parameters. For the
                use of Ossenkopf & Henning (1994) opacities it must take the
                form of:

                    kappa_params = 'jena, TYPE, COAG'

                where TYPE must be 'bare', 'thin' or 'thick' and COAG must be
                'no', 'e5', 'e6', 'e7' or 'e8'. Otherwise a power law profile
                can be included. Alternatively, a simple power law can be used
                where the parameters are given by:

                    kappa_params = 'powerlaw, freq0, kappa0, beta'

                where freq0 is in [Hz], kappa0 in [cm^2/g], and beta is the
                frequency index. If nothing is given, we assume no opacity.

            kappa: A callable function returning the dust emissivity in

            ValueError: If the parameters cannot be parsed.

        # If no parameters are provided, assume no dust opacity.
        if kappa_params is None:
            def kappa(idx, freq):
                return 0.0
            return kappa

        # Parse the input parameters.
        params = kappa_params.replace(' ', '').lower().split(',')

        # Ossenkopf & Henning (199X) dust opacities.
        if params[0] == 'jena':
            from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
            filename = "kappa/jena_" + params[1] + "_" + params[2] + ".tab"
            table = np.loadtxt(filename)
            lamtab = np.log10(table[:, 0]) - 6.0
            kaptab = np.log10(table[:, 1])
            interp_func = CubicSpline(lamtab, kaptab, extrapolate=True)

            # The 0.1 converts [cm^2/g] to [m^2/kg].
            def kappa(idx, freq):
                lam_lookup = np.log10(sc.c / freq)
                return 0.1 * 10**interp_func(lam_lookup)
            return kappa

        # Simple power law opacity.
        elif params[0] == 'powerlaw':
            freq0 = float(params[1])
            kappa0 = float(params[2])
            beta = float(params[3])

            # The 0.1 converts [cm^2/g] to [m^2/kg].
            def kappa(idx, freq):
                return 0.1 * kappa0 * (freq / freq0)**beta
            return kappa
            raise ValueError("Invalid kappa_params.")
for o in obstacles:
    (get_points_around_ob(0.02, (0.05, 0.07), (0.02, 0.07), (0.08, 0.07)))
#insert intermediate waypoints from navigating around the obstacle


x = [0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.06, 0.07]
y = [0.02, 0.05, 0.07, 0.04, 0.02]

#inputted waypts
plt.scatter(x, y, color='blue', label='given')
if an obstacle exists on the interpolated path within some 
error margin [RADIUS OF OBJECT], route around it within those 2 way pts, use them as start and end

# In[35]:

from scipy.interpolate import *

from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

for i in range(0, len(x) - 1):
    cs = CubicSpline(x[i:i + 2], y[i:i + 2])
    #plt.plot(x[i:i+2], cs(x[i:i+2]), label="S")
    print((x[i:i + 2], cs(x[i:i + 2])))

# In[ ]:
def colorMod():
    from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
    # Load the Filters
    JBandFilterWave, JBandFilterThru = np.loadtxt(
        '2MASS-2MASS.J.dat').T  # load the J filter
    HBandFilterWave, HBandFilterThru = np.loadtxt(
        '2MASS-2MASS.H.dat').T  # load the H filter
    KBandFilterWave, KBandFilterThru = np.loadtxt(
        '2MASS-2MASS.Ks.dat').T  # load the K filter

    # Interpolate the Filters onto the Stellar Model Wavelength Grid
    tempModel = S.Icat(
        'phoenix', 5500, 0.0, 4.5
    )  # we are going to use this to setup the filters in the SYNPHOT framework

    JBandFilterSpline = CubicSpline(JBandFilterWave, JBandFilterThru)
    HBandFilterSpline = CubicSpline(HBandFilterWave, HBandFilterThru)
    KBandFilterSpline = CubicSpline(KBandFilterWave, KBandFilterThru)

    # For some reason pysnphot stores the Vega spectrum with different number of flux points
    JWaveVRange = (S.Vega.wave >= JBandFilterWave.min()) * (
        S.Vega.wave <= JBandFilterWave.max())  # isolate model region in JBand
    HWaveVRange = (S.Vega.wave >= HBandFilterWave.min()) * (
        S.Vega.wave <= HBandFilterWave.max())  # isolate model region in HBand
    KWaveVRange = (S.Vega.wave >= KBandFilterWave.min()) * (
        S.Vega.wave <= KBandFilterWave.max())  # isolate model region in KBand

    VegaJFlux = np.trapz(S.Vega.flux[JWaveVRange] *
    VegaHFlux = np.trapz(S.Vega.flux[HWaveVRange] *
    VegaKFlux = np.trapz(S.Vega.flux[KWaveVRange] *

    # Now to compare the JHK filters to the PHOENIX models
    JWaveRange = (tempModel.wave >= JBandFilterWave.min()) * (
        tempModel.wave <= JBandFilterWave.max()
    )  # isolate model region in JBand
    HWaveRange = (tempModel.wave >= HBandFilterWave.min()) * (
        tempModel.wave <= HBandFilterWave.max()
    )  # isolate model region in HBand
    KWaveRange = (tempModel.wave >= KBandFilterWave.min()) * (
        tempModel.wave <= KBandFilterWave.max()
    )  # isolate model region in KBand

    # Loop over the 30 models
    nModels = 30
    Jmags = np.zeros(nModels)
    Hmags = np.zeros(nModels)
    Kmags = np.zeros(nModels)

    teff_list = [x for x in range(2800, 5500 + 100, 100)] + [5800] + [6000]

    # check if I did that write
    assert (len(teff_list) == nModels)

    for kt, teff in enumerate(teff_list):
        modelTeff = S.Icat('phoenix', teff, 0.0, 4.5)  # load the model
        Jmags[kt] = -2.5 * np.log10(
            np.trapz(modelTeff.flux[JWaveRange] *
                     JBandFilterSpline(tempModel.wave[JWaveRange]) /
                     VegaJFlux))  # integrate the flux in the J bandpass
        Hmags[kt] = -2.5 * np.log10(
            np.trapz(modelTeff.flux[HWaveRange] *
                     HBandFilterSpline(tempModel.wave[HWaveRange]) /
                     VegaHFlux))  # integrate the flux in the H bandpass
        Kmags[kt] = -2.5 * np.log10(
            np.trapz(modelTeff.flux[KWaveRange] *
                     KBandFilterSpline(tempModel.wave[KWaveRange]) /
                     VegaKFlux))  # integrate the flux in the K bandpass

    jhmod = Jmags - Hmags
    hkmod = Hmags - Kmags

    return jhmod, hkmod, teff_list
def evaluate(**kwargs):

    conf = ConfigFactory.parse_file(kwargs['conf'])
    exps_folder_name = kwargs['exps_folder_name']
    evals_folder_name = kwargs['evals_folder_name']
    timestamp = '2020'
    checkpoint = '2000'

    expname = conf.get_string('train.expname')

    geometry_id = kwargs['geometry_id']
    appearance_id = kwargs['appearance_id']

    utils.mkdir_ifnotexists(os.path.join('../', evals_folder_name))
    expdir_geometry = os.path.join('../', exps_folder_name,
                                   expname + '_{0}'.format(geometry_id))
    expdir_appearance = os.path.join('../', exps_folder_name,
                                     expname + '_{0}'.format(appearance_id))
    evaldir = os.path.join(
        '../', evals_folder_name,
        expname + '_{0}_{1}'.format(geometry_id, appearance_id))

    model = utils.get_class(
    if torch.cuda.is_available():

    # Load geometry network model
    old_checkpnts_dir = os.path.join(expdir_geometry, timestamp, 'checkpoints')
    saved_model_state = torch.load(
        os.path.join(old_checkpnts_dir, 'ModelParameters',
                     checkpoint + ".pth"))

    # Load rendering network model
    model_fake = utils.get_class(
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
    old_checkpnts_dir = os.path.join(expdir_appearance, timestamp,
    saved_model_state = torch.load(
        os.path.join(old_checkpnts_dir, 'ModelParameters',
                     checkpoint + ".pth"))

    model.rendering_network = model_fake.rendering_network

    dataset_conf = conf.get_config('dataset')
    dataset_conf['scene_id'] = geometry_id
    eval_dataset = utils.get_class(conf.get_string('train.dataset_class'))(
        False, **dataset_conf)

    eval_dataloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
    total_pixels = eval_dataset.total_pixels
    img_res = eval_dataset.img_res



    gt_pose = utils.to_cuda(eval_dataset.get_gt_pose(scaled=True))
    gt_quat = rend_util.rot_to_quat(gt_pose[:, :3, :3])
    gt_pose_vec = torch.cat([gt_quat, gt_pose[:, :3, 3]], 1)

    indices_all = [11, 16, 34, 28, 11]
    pose = gt_pose_vec[indices_all, :]
    t_in = np.array([0, 2, 3, 5, 6]).astype(np.float32)

    n_inter = 5
    t_out = np.linspace(t_in[0], t_in[-1],
                        n_inter * t_in[-1]).astype(np.float32)

    scales = np.array([4.2, 4.2, 3.8, 3.8, 4.2]).astype(np.float32)

    s_new = CubicSpline(t_in, scales, bc_type='periodic')
    s_new = s_new(t_out)

    q_new = CubicSpline(t_in,
                        pose[:, :4].detach().cpu().numpy(),
    q_new = q_new(t_out)
    q_new = q_new / np.linalg.norm(q_new, 2, 1)[:, None]
    q_new = utils.to_cuda(torch.from_numpy(q_new)).float()

    images_dir = '{0}/novel_views_rendering'.format(evaldir)

    indices, model_input, ground_truth = next(iter(eval_dataloader))

    for i, (new_q, scale) in enumerate(zip(q_new, s_new)):
        if torch.cuda.is_available():

        new_q = new_q.unsqueeze(0)
        new_t = -rend_util.quat_to_rot(new_q)[:, :, 2] * scale

        new_p = utils.to_cuda(torch.eye(4).float()).unsqueeze(0)
        new_p[:, :3, :3] = rend_util.quat_to_rot(new_q)
        new_p[:, :3, 3] = new_t

        sample = {

        split = utils.split_input(sample, total_pixels)
        res = []
        for s in split:
            out = model(s)
                'rgb_values': out['rgb_values'].detach(),

        batch_size = 1
        model_outputs = utils.merge_output(res, total_pixels, batch_size)
        rgb_eval = model_outputs['rgb_values']
        rgb_eval = rgb_eval.reshape(batch_size, total_pixels, 3)

        rgb_eval = (rgb_eval + 1.) / 2.
        rgb_eval = plt.lin2img(rgb_eval, img_res).detach().cpu().numpy()[0]
        rgb_eval = rgb_eval.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        img = Image.fromarray((rgb_eval * 255).astype(np.uint8))
        img.save('{0}/eval_{1}.png'.format(images_dir, '%03d' % i))
def path_planner(start=(0, 2), end=(5, 0), obstacle_coords=[]):

    # Road split into sections
    road_map = [
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0],

    # Road sections as rectangles [x0,y0,x1,y1]
    sections = [
        [[0, 0, 10, 10], [10, 0, 20, 10], [20, 0, 30, 10]],
        [[0, 10, 10, 20], [10, 10, 20, 20], [20, 10, 30, 20]],
        [[0, 20, 10, 30], [10, 20, 20, 30], [20, 20, 30, 30]],
        [[0, 30, 10, 40], [10, 30, 20, 40], [20, 30, 30, 40]],
        [[0, 40, 10, 50], [10, 40, 20, 50], [20, 40, 30, 50]],
        [[0, 50, 10, 60], [10, 50, 20, 60], [20, 50, 30, 60]],

    # Ostacles coordinates as points (x,y)
    obstacle_coords = [
        (0, 5),
        (1, 1),
        (25, 33),
        (9, 45),
        (15, 15),

    # Check for obstacles in each road section and mark on road map
    for obstacle in obstacle_coords:
        for x, rectangles in enumerate(sections):
            for y, rectangle in enumerate(rectangles):
                if rect_contains(rectangle, obstacle):
                    road_map[x][y] = 1

    # Find path from start to end
    path = astar(road_map, start, end)

    # Mark path on road map
    for i in path:
        if road_map[i[0]][i[1]] is not 1:
            road_map[i[0]][i[1]] = 2

    # Print some test data
    print('\nStart_section: ' + str(start) + '\nEnd_section: ' + str(end))
    print('\nObstacle_coordinates: \n' + str(obstacle_coords))
    print('\nPath: \n' + str(path))
    print('\nRectangle_grid: (1=contain_obstacle, 2=path)')
    for section in road_map:

    # Plot path
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    x = []
    y = []
    for i, j in path:

    xo = []
    yo = []
    for k, sections in enumerate(road_map):
        for l, section in enumerate(sections):
            if road_map[k][l] == 1:
    cs = CubicSpline(x, y)
    xs = np.arange(-0.0, 5.1, 0.1)
    plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 3))
    plt.plot(x, y, 'o', label='Waypoint')
    plt.plot(xs, cs(xs), label="Path")
    plt.plot(xo, yo, 'o', label='Obstacle')
    plt.xlim(-0.5, 5.5)
    plt.ylim(-1, 4)
    plt.legend(loc='upper left', ncol=2)
    plt.title('A* path planner')

    return path
def getDiffArraysForNumPrincpalComponents( nComponents, nSamples=100 ):

    New method, test the GPR for the default cosmology
    and then lineraly interpolate this to a new cosmology

    #hubble interpolator over a small number o
    hubbleInterpolator = \
      hubbleModel.hubbleInterpolator( nPrincipalComponents=nComponents )


    allDistributions = \

    #set up an array
    #This one is truth - predictedCDF
    diffArray = np.zeros((nSamples, len(hubbleInterpolator.timeDelays)))
    #this one is truth - true pca with shifted cosmology
    diffPCA= np.zeros((nSamples, len(hubbleInterpolator.timeDelays)))

    #Cosmology labels
    cosmoKeys = hubbleInterpolator.fiducialCosmology.keys()
    doneInts = []
    for i in np.arange(nSamples):
        #Cant do all of them so randomly select one
        randInt = np.random.randint(0, len(allDistributions))

        #Makes sure i dont re-do one
        if randInt in doneInts:

        #Get the raw distriubtion
        iDist = allDistributions[randInt]

        #and determine the cdf
        truth = iDist['y'][ iDist['x'] > \
        truthCumSum = np.cumsum(truth)/np.sum(truth)

        #Get the params of this distribution
        params = iDist['cosmology']
        fileName = iDist['fileNames'][0]
        zLensStr = fileName.split('/')[-2]
        zLens = np.float(zLensStr.split('_')[1])
        densityProfile = \

        totalMassForHalo = getMass.getTotalMass( fileName )

        defaultDistributionIndex = \
              ( hubbleInterpolator.features['densityProfile'] == densityProfile ) &\
              ( hubbleInterpolator.features['zLens'] == zLens ) & \
              ( hubbleInterpolator.features['totalMass'] == totalMassForHalo )

        params['zLens'] = zLens
        params['densityProfile'] = densityProfile
        params['totalMass'] = totalMassForHalo
        params['H0'] /= 100.
        #and get the principal components that describe this
        truePrincpalComponents = \

        #and then the distriubtion described by the PCA in the default cosmology
        pcaCDFinDefaultCosmology =  hubbleInterpolator.pca.inverse_transform( truePrincpalComponents[0] )
        #Get the cosmological interpolated shift and shift it               
        interpolateThisCosmology = \
          np.array([ iDist['cosmology'][i] for i in \
        cosmoShift = \

        spline = CubicSpline( hubbleInterpolator.timeDelays+cosmoShift, pcaCDFinDefaultCosmology)
        #So this is the PDF of the true components, interpolated to the new cosmology
        pcaPDFinShiftedCosmology = spline( hubbleInterpolator.timeDelays)

        diffPCA[i,:] = pcaPDFinShiftedCosmology - truthCumSum
        #This is the predicted CDF from GPR interpolated to the new cosmology
        predictCDF = hubbleInterpolator.predictCDF( hubbleInterpolator.timeDelays, params)
        diffArray[i,:] =  predictCDF - truthCumSum

    return {'x':  hubbleInterpolator.timeDelays, 'diffPredict': diffArray, 'diffPCA':diffPCA}
from initial_condition import InitialConditionOtherTenors

x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10, endpoint=True)
y = norm.cdf(x)

left_deriv = (y[1] - y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
right_deriv = (y[-1] - y[-2]) / (x[-1] - x[-2])

#f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind = 'cubic', fill_value='extrapolate')
f1 = CubicSpline(x, y, bc_type='natural', extrapolate=True)
f2 = CubicSpline(x, y, bc_type=((1, left_deriv), (1, right_deriv)), extrapolate=True)
f3 = CubicSpline_LinearExtrp(x, y)
f4 = InitialConditionOtherTenors(x, y)

xnew = np.linspace(-1, 2, 50, endpoint=True)
ynew1 = f1(xnew)
ynew2 = f2(xnew)
ynew3 = f3.interpolate(xnew)
ynew4 = f4.compute(xnew)

#plt.plot(x, y, 'o', xnew, ynew1, 'r-', xnew, ynew3, 'b-', xnew, ynew4, 'g-')
plt.plot(x, y, 'o', xnew, ynew4, 'g-')
 def test_periodic_eval(self):
     x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 10)
     y = np.cos(x)
     S = CubicSpline(x, y, bc_type='periodic')
     assert_almost_equal(S(1), S(1 + 2 * np.pi), decimal=15)
def prediction_one_point(state,
    Visualize how nearest neighbors look like using SIMPLEX projection method
    E: embedding dimension
    predicting_ind: which row in Mx that we aim to predict its future values
    ## Obtain data
    disease = 'rubella'
    t, locations, tot_data, data_dic = preprocess_Mexico_disease_data(disease)
    x = data_dic[state]  # causal variable, to be constructed
    start_year = 1986
    start_year_num = start_year - 1985 - 1
    start_month = 1
    start_time_ind = start_year_num * 12 + start_month - 1
    end_year = 2008
    end_year_num = end_year - 1985 - 1
    end_month = 12
    end_time_ind = end_year_num * 12 + end_month - 1
    t = t[start_time_ind:end_time_ind:1]
    X = x[start_time_ind:end_time_ind:1]  # chop the series at month/year

    # interpolate data using cubic spline
    if interpolate:
        dt = 0.4  # finer time step size
        t_finer = np.arange(0, len(X), dt)  # finer time array
        cs = CubicSpline(t, X)
        X = cs(t_finer)
        t = t_finer

    Tp = 1  # how many time steps to forecast in the future
    # generate embedding using the 1D time series
    eX = Embed(X)
    Mx = eX.embed_vectors(tau, E)  # shadow manifold of x
    simplex_pred = simplex(E, X, Mx, tau)
    cache = simplex_pred.one_forecasting(Tp, predicting_ind)

    y_pred = cache['prediction']
    y_actual_ind = cache['actual data indices']
    y_actual = X[y_actual_ind]
    t_pred = t[y_actual_ind]  # time plotted with y_actual and y_pred

    y = Mx[predicting_ind, :]  # targeted data to be predicted Tp ahead
    ty = t[predicting_ind:predicting_ind + (E - 1) * tau +
           1:tau]  # time plotted with y

    nn_ind = cache['nearest neighbors indices']
    nn_y = Mx[nn_ind, :]  # y's nearest neighbors
    t_nn = np.array([t[ind:ind + (E - 1) * tau + 1:tau] for ind in nn_ind])

    # plotting
    if plotting:
        plt.plot(t, X)
        plt.plot(ty, y, 'bo', markersize=10)
        for i in range(nn_y.shape[0]):
            plt.plot(t_nn[i, :], nn_y[i, :], '*', markersize=15)

        plt.plot(y, 'bo-', markersize=10)
        plt.plot(np.transpose(nn_y), '*-')
        plt.plot(np.array(range(Tp)) + len(y), y_pred, 'r*', markersize=20)
        plt.plot(np.array(range(Tp)) + len(y), y_actual, 'ro', markersize=20)
    return y_actual, y_pred