def test_recarray(): # check roundtrip of structured array dt = [('f1', 'f8'), ('f2', 'S10')] arr = np.zeros((2,), dtype=dt) arr[0]['f1'] = 0.5 arr[0]['f2'] = 'python' arr[1]['f1'] = 99 arr[1]['f2'] = 'not perl' stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr': arr}) d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False) a20 = d['arr'][0,0] yield assert_equal, a20.f1, 0.5 yield assert_equal, a20.f2, 'python' d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=True) a20 = d['arr'][0,0] yield assert_equal, a20['f1'], 0.5 yield assert_equal, a20['f2'], 'python' # structs always come back as object types yield assert_equal, a20.dtype, np.dtype([('f1', 'O'), ('f2', 'O')]) a21 = d['arr'].flat[1] yield assert_equal, a21['f1'], 99 yield assert_equal, a21['f2'], 'not perl'
def create_Q_matrix(kappa, folder, ridge=1e-6): GiCG = loadmat(folder + "GiCG.mat")["GiCG"] G = loadmat(folder + "G.mat")["G"] C0 = loadmat(folder + "C0.mat")["C0"] Q = GiCG + 2 * (kappa ** 2) * G + (kappa ** 4) * C0 return Q + eye(Q.shape[0], Q.shape[1]) * ridge
def test_compression(): arr = np.zeros(100).reshape((5,20)) arr[2,10] = 1 stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr':arr}) raw_len = len(stream.getvalue()) vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_array_equal, vals['arr'], arr stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr':arr}, do_compression=True) compressed_len = len(stream.getvalue()) vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_array_equal, vals['arr'], arr yield assert_, raw_len > compressed_len # Concatenate, test later arr2 = arr.copy() arr2[0,0] = 1 stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr':arr, 'arr2':arr2}, do_compression=False) vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_array_equal, vals['arr2'], arr2 stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr':arr, 'arr2':arr2}, do_compression=True) vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_array_equal, vals['arr2'], arr2
def test_str_round(): # from report by Angus McMorland on mailing list 3 May 2010 stream = BytesIO() in_arr = np.array(['Hello', 'Foob']) out_arr = np.array(['Hello', 'Foob ']) savemat(stream, dict(a=in_arr)) res = loadmat(stream) # resulted in ['HloolFoa', 'elWrdobr'] assert_array_equal(res['a'], out_arr) stream.truncate(0) # Make Fortran ordered version of string in_str = in_arr.tostring(order='F') in_from_str = np.ndarray(shape=a.shape, dtype=in_arr.dtype, order='F', buffer=in_str) savemat(stream, dict(a=in_from_str)) assert_array_equal(res['a'], out_arr) # unicode save did lead to buffer too small error stream.truncate(0) in_arr_u = in_arr.astype('U') out_arr_u = out_arr.astype('U') savemat(stream, {'a': in_arr_u}) res = loadmat(stream) assert_array_equal(res['a'], out_arr_u)
def test_multiple_open(): # Ticket #1039, on Windows: check that files are not left open tmpdir = mkdtemp() try: x = dict(x=np.zeros((2, 2))) fname = pjoin(tmpdir, "a.mat") # Check that file is not left open savemat(fname, x) os.unlink(fname) savemat(fname, x) loadmat(fname) os.unlink(fname) # Check that stream is left open f = open(fname, 'wb') savemat(f, x) f.close() f = open(fname, 'rb') loadmat(f) f.close() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def plot_gaps(name, axis): """Takes the file name and coordinate axis and plots the marker gaps""" runDict = {} # load the matlab data file into a dictionary mio.loadmat(name, mdict=runDict) # name the rider depending on the filename if name[0] == '1': rider = 'Jodi' runDict['gearing']=runDict['gear'] elif name[0] == '2': rider = 'Victor' else: rider = 'Jason' speed = np.average(runDict['V']) # only look at one marker dimension (i.e. 'xori') v = np.isnan(runDict[axis]) # set the figure size fig = figure(1, figsize=(15., 9.)) matshow(v.T, fignum=1, aspect='auto', cmap=cm.gray) yticks(range(np.shape(v)[1]), labels) xlabel('Sample Number') ylabel('Marker gaps in the {axis} coordinate'.format(axis=axis[0])) title(('File: {name}, {rider} riding the {bike} at {speed} km/h while' + ' {condition} in gear {gear}').format(name=name, rider=rider, bike=runDict['bike'][0], speed=str(speed), condition=runDict['condition'][0], gear=runDict['gearing'][0][0])) fig.savefig('gapImages/'+name[0:-4]+axis[0]+'.png') show()
def test_1d_shape(): # Current 5 behavior is 1D -> column vector arr = np.arange(5) stream = BytesIO() warn_ctx = WarningManager() warn_ctx.__enter__() try: # silence warnings for tests warnings.simplefilter('ignore') savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format='5') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (5,1)) # Current 4 behavior is 1D -> row vector stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format='4') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5)) for format in ('4', '5'): # can be explicitly 'column' for oned_as stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format=format, oned_as='column') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (5,1)) # but different from 'row' stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format=format, oned_as='row') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (1,5)) finally: warn_ctx.__exit__()
def test_1d_shape(): # Current 5 behavior is 1D -> column vector arr = np.arange(5) stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format='5') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (5,1) # Current 4 behavior is 1D -> row vector arr = np.arange(5) stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format='4') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5) for format in ('4', '5'): # can be explicitly 'column' for oned_as stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format=format, oned_as='column') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (5,1) # but different from 'row' stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format=format, oned_as='row') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (1,5)
def test_mat_struct_squeeze(): stream = BytesIO() in_d = {"st": {"one": 1, "two": 2}} savemat_future(stream, in_d) # no error without squeeze out_d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False) # previous error was with squeeze, with mat_struct out_d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)
def load_ozone_data(folder): # actual observations y = loadmat(folder + "y.mat")["y"][:, 0] assert(y.ndim == 1) # triangulation of globe A = loadmat(folder + "A.mat")["A"] return y, A
def create_Q_matrix(self, kappa): folder = OzonePosterior.get_data_folder() GiCG = loadmat(folder + "GiCG.mat")["GiCG"] G = loadmat(folder + "G.mat")["G"] C0 = loadmat(folder + "C0.mat")["C0"] Q = GiCG + 2 * (kappa ** 2) * G + (kappa ** 4) * C0 return Q + eye(Q.shape[0], Q.shape[1]) * OzonePosterior.ridge
def load_ozone_data(): folder = OzonePosterior.get_data_folder() y = loadmat(folder + "y.mat")["y"][:, 0] assert(len(shape(y)) == 1) A = loadmat(folder + "A.mat")["A"] return y, A
def test_miutf8_for_miint8_compromise(): # Check reader accepts ascii as miUTF8 for array names filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'miutf8_array_name.mat') res = loadmat(filename) assert_equal(res['array_name'], [[1]]) # mat file with non-ascii utf8 name raises error filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'bad_miutf8_array_name.mat') with assert_raises(ValueError): loadmat(filename)
def test_warnings(): fname = pjoin(test_data_path, 'testdouble_7.1_GLNX86.mat') warnings.simplefilter('error') # This should not generate a warning mres = loadmat(fname, struct_as_record=True) # This neither mres = loadmat(fname, struct_as_record=False) # This should - because of deprecated system path search yield assert_raises, DeprecationWarning, find_mat_file, fname warnings.resetwarnings()
def test_loadmat_varnames(): # Test that we can get just one variable from a mat file using loadmat eg_file = pjoin(test_data_path, "testmulti_7.4_GLNX86.mat") sys_v_names = ["__globals__", "__header__", "__version__"] vars = loadmat(eg_file) assert_equal(set(vars.keys()), set(["a", "theta"] + sys_v_names)) vars = loadmat(eg_file, variable_names=["a"]) assert_equal(set(vars.keys()), set(["a"] + sys_v_names)) vars = loadmat(eg_file, variable_names=["theta"]) assert_equal(set(vars.keys()), set(["theta"] + sys_v_names))
def test_miuint32_compromise(): # Reader should accept miUINT32 for miINT32, but check signs # mat file with miUINT32 for miINT32, but OK values filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'miuint32_for_miint32.mat') res = loadmat(filename) assert_equal(res['an_array'], np.arange(10)[None, :]) # mat file with miUINT32 for miINT32, with negative value filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'bad_miuint32.mat') with assert_raises(ValueError): loadmat(filename)
def test_mat_struct_squeeze(): stream = BytesIO() in_d = {'st':{'one':1, 'two':2}} savemat(stream, in_d) # no error without squeeze out_d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False) # previous error was with squeeze, with mat_struct out_d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True, )
def test_warnings(): # This test is an echo of the previous behavior, which was to raise a # warning if the user triggered a search for mat files on the Python system # path. We can remove the test in the next version after upcoming (0.13) fname = pjoin(test_data_path, 'testdouble_7.1_GLNX86.mat') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('error') # This should not generate a warning mres = loadmat(fname, struct_as_record=True) # This neither mres = loadmat(fname, struct_as_record=False)
def test_warnings(): fname = pjoin(test_data_path, 'testdouble_7.1_GLNX86.mat') warn_ctx = WarningManager() warn_ctx.__enter__() try: warnings.simplefilter('error') # This should not generate a warning mres = loadmat(fname, struct_as_record=True) # This neither mres = loadmat(fname, struct_as_record=False) # This should - because of deprecated system path search assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, find_mat_file, fname) finally: warn_ctx.__exit__()
def test_save_object(): class C(object): pass c = C() c.field1 = 1 c.field2 = 'a string' stream = BytesIO() savemat_future(stream, {'c': c}) d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False) c2 = d['c'][0,0] assert_equal(c2.field1, 1) assert_equal(c2.field2, 'a string') d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=True) c2 = d['c'][0,0] assert_equal(c2['field1'], 1) assert_equal(c2['field2'], 'a string')
def test_save_object(): class C(object): pass c = C() c.field1 = 1 c.field2 = 'a string' stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'c': c}) d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False) c2 = d['c'][0,0] yield assert_equal, c2.field1, 1 yield assert_equal, c2.field2, 'a string' d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=True) c2 = d['c'][0,0] yield assert_equal, c2['field1'], 1 yield assert_equal, c2['field2'], 'a string'
def test_gzip_simple(): xdense = np.zeros((20,20)) xdense[2,3] = 2.3 xdense[4,5] = 4.5 x = SP.csc_matrix(xdense) name = 'gzip_test' expected = {'x':x} format = '4' tmpdir = mkdtemp() try: fname = pjoin(tmpdir,name) mat_stream =,mode='wb') savemat(mat_stream, expected, format=format) mat_stream.close() mat_stream =,mode='rb') actual = loadmat(mat_stream, struct_as_record=True) mat_stream.close() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) assert_array_almost_equal(actual['x'].todense(), expected['x'].todense(), err_msg=repr(actual))
def test_skip_variable(): # Test skipping over the first of two variables in a MAT file # using mat_reader_factory and put_variables to read them in. # # This is a regression test of a problem that's caused by # using the compressed file reader seek instead of the raw file # I/O seek when skipping over a compressed chunk. # # The problem arises when the chunk is large: this file has # a 256x256 array of random (uncompressible) doubles. # filename = pjoin(test_data_path,'test_skip_variable.mat') # # Prove that it loads with loadmat # d = loadmat(filename, struct_as_record=True) yield assert_, 'first' in d yield assert_, 'second' in d # # Make the factory # factory = mat_reader_factory(filename, struct_as_record=True) # # This is where the factory breaks with an error in MatMatrixGetter.to_next # d = factory.get_variables('second') yield assert_, 'second' in d factory.mat_stream.close()
def test_unicode_mat4(): # Mat4 should save unicode as latin1 bio = BytesIO() var = {'second_cat': u('Schrödinger')} savemat(bio, var, format='4') var_back = loadmat(bio) assert_equal(var_back['second_cat'], var['second_cat'])
def test_fieldnames(): # Check that field names are as expected stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'a': {'a':1, 'b':2}}) res = loadmat(stream) field_names = res['a'].dtype.names assert_equal(set(field_names), set(('a', 'b')))
def test_save_dict(): # Test that dict can be saved (as recarray), loaded as matstruct d = {'a':1, 'b':2} stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'dict':d}) vals = loadmat(stream)
def test_save_dict(): # Test that dict can be saved (as recarray), loaded as matstruct dict_types = ((dict, False),) try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: pass else: dict_types += ((OrderedDict, True),) ab_exp = np.array([[(1, 2)]], dtype=[('a', object), ('b', object)]) ba_exp = np.array([[(2, 1)]], dtype=[('b', object), ('a', object)]) for dict_type, is_ordered in dict_types: # Initialize with tuples to keep order for OrderedDict d = dict_type([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'dict': d}) vals = loadmat(stream)['dict'] assert_equal(set(vals.dtype.names), set(['a', 'b'])) if is_ordered: # Input was ordered, output in ab order assert_array_equal(vals, ab_exp) else: # Not ordered input, either order output if vals.dtype.names[0] == 'a': assert_array_equal(vals, ab_exp) else: assert_array_equal(vals, ba_exp)
def test_multiple_fieldnames(): # Example provided by Dharhas Pothina # Extracted using mio5.varmats_from_mat multi_fname = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, "nasty_duplicate_fieldnames.mat") vars = loadmat(multi_fname) funny_names = vars["Summary"].dtype.names assert_(set(["_1_Station_Q", "_2_Station_Q", "_3_Station_Q"]).issubset(funny_names))
def test_warnings(): fname = join(test_data_path, 'testdouble_7.1_GLNX86.mat') warnings.simplefilter('error') # This should not generate a warning mres = loadmat(fname, struct_as_record=True) # This neither mres = loadmat(fname, struct_as_record=False) # This should yield assert_raises, FutureWarning, loadmat, fname # This too yield assert_raises, FutureWarning, find_mat_file, fname # we need kwargs for this one yield (lambda a, k: assert_raises(*a, **k), (DeprecationWarning, loadmat, fname), {'struct_as_record':True, 'basename':'raw'}) warnings.resetwarnings()
def readSamples(self, fileName, key,recalc=False,samples=None): fn = fileName + ".pre" try: if recalc: raise IOError() with open(fn): pass print "precalculated file present", self.cov = hsplit(mat(fromfile(fn).reshape((3,-1))),[1]) except IOError: if samples != None: self._samples = samples print "got samples: " , self._samples else: print "no file present, calculating..." smpls = loadmat(fileName)[key] print "loaded from mat file" self._samples = mat(smpls) print "reshaped into samples" = sum(self._samples, axis=1) / self._samples.shape[1] print "mu=", str( sampdiffmu = self._samples - self.cov = sampdiffmu*sampdiffmu.T / self._samples.shape[1] print"cov=", str(self.cov) mat(hstack((,self.cov))).tofile(fn) self._invCov = self.cov.I self._detCov = det(self.cov) self._multConst = 1 / sqrt((2 * pi) ** 3 * self._detCov)
def test_empty_struct(): # ticket 885 filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'test_empty_struct.mat') # before ticket fix, this would crash with ValueError, empty data # type d = loadmat(filename, struct_as_record=True) a = d['a'] assert_equal(a.shape, (1, 1)) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype(object)) assert_(a[0, 0] is None) stream = BytesIO() arr = np.array((), dtype='U') # before ticket fix, this used to give data type not understood savemat(stream, {'arr': arr}) d = loadmat(stream) a2 = d['arr'] assert_array_equal(a2, arr)
def test_scalar_squeeze(): stream = BytesIO() in_d = {'scalar': [[0.1]], 'string': 'my name', 'st': {'one': 1, 'two': 2}} savemat(stream, in_d) out_d = loadmat(stream, squeeze_me=True) assert_(isinstance(out_d['scalar'], float)) assert_(isinstance(out_d['string'], string_types)) assert_(isinstance(out_d['st'], np.ndarray))
def test_save_object(): class C(object): pass c = C() c.field1 = 1 c.field2 = 'a string' stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'c': c}) d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False) c2 = d['c'][0, 0] assert_equal(c2.field1, 1) assert_equal(c2.field2, 'a string') d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=True) c2 = d['c'][0, 0] assert_equal(c2['field1'], 1) assert_equal(c2['field2'], 'a string')
def test_sparse_in_struct(): # reproduces bug found by DC where Cython code was insisting on # ndarray return type, but getting sparse matrix st = {'sparsefield': SP.coo_matrix(np.eye(4))} stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'a': st}) d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=True) yield assert_array_equal, d['a'][0, 0]['sparsefield'].todense(), np.eye(4)
def _load_check_case(name, files, case): for file_name in files: matdict = loadmat(file_name, struct_as_record=True) label = "test %s; file %s" % (name, file_name) for k, expected in case.items(): k_label = "%s, variable %s" % (label, k) assert_(k in matdict, "Missing key at %s" % k_label) _check_level(k_label, expected, matdict[k])
def test_save_empty_dict(): # saving empty dict also gives empty struct stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr': {}}) d = loadmat(stream) a = d['arr'] assert_equal(a.shape, (1, 1)) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype(object)) assert_(a[0, 0] is None)
def test_miutf8_for_miint8_compromise(): # Check reader accepts ascii as miUTF8 for array names filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'miutf8_array_name.mat') res = loadmat(filename) assert_equal(res['array_name'], [[1]]) # mat file with non-ascii utf8 name raises error filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'bad_miutf8_array_name.mat') with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # Py3k ResourceWarning assert_raises(ValueError, loadmat, filename)
def load_markers(matfile, label_file_path, fs): mrk_in_samples = matfile['mrk']['pos'][0, 0].squeeze() mrk_in_ms = mrk_in_samples * 1000.0 / fs mrk_code = matfile['mrk']['y'][0, 0].squeeze() labels = loadmat(label_file_path) true_y = labels['true_y'].squeeze() assert len(true_y) == len(mrk_code) mrk_code = true_y return mrk_in_ms, mrk_code
def test_miuint32_compromise(): # Reader should accept miUINT32 for miINT32, but check signs # mat file with miUINT32 for miINT32, but OK values filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'miuint32_for_miint32.mat') res = loadmat(filename) assert_equal(res['an_array'], np.arange(10)[None, :]) # mat file with miUINT32 for miINT32, with negative value filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'bad_miuint32.mat') assert_raises(ValueError, loadmat, filename)
def test_warnings(): fname = join(test_data_path, 'testdouble_7.1_GLNX86.mat') warnings.simplefilter('error') # This should not generate a warning mres = loadmat(fname, struct_as_record=True) # This neither mres = loadmat(fname, struct_as_record=False) # This should yield assert_raises, FutureWarning, loadmat, fname # This too yield assert_raises, FutureWarning, find_mat_file, fname # we need kwargs for this one yield (lambda a, k: assert_raises(*a, **k), (DeprecationWarning, loadmat, fname), { 'struct_as_record': True, 'basename': 'raw' }) warnings.resetwarnings()
def test_multiple_fieldnames(): # Example provided by Dharhas Pothina # Extracted using mio5.varmats_from_mat multi_fname = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'nasty_duplicate_fieldnames.mat') vars = loadmat(multi_fname) funny_names = vars['Summary'].dtype.names assert_( set(['_1_Station_Q', '_2_Station_Q', '_3_Station_Q']).issubset(funny_names))
def test_1d_shape(): # New 5 behavior is 1D -> row vector arr = np.arange(5) for format in ('4', '5'): # Column is the default stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format=format) vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5)) # can be explicitly 'column' for oned_as stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format=format, oned_as='column') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (5, 1)) # but different from 'row' stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format=format, oned_as='row') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5))
def test_regression_653(): # Saving a dictionary with only invalid keys used to raise an error. Now we # save this as an empty struct in matlab space. sio = BytesIO() savemat(sio, {'d': {1: 2}}, format='5') back = loadmat(sio)['d'] # Check we got an empty struct equivalent assert_equal(back.shape, (1, 1)) assert_equal(back.dtype, np.dtype(object)) assert_(back[0, 0] is None)
def test_miutf8_for_miint8_compromise(): # Check reader accepts ascii as miUTF8 for array names filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'miutf8_array_name.mat') res = loadmat(filename) assert_equal(res['array_name'], [[1]]) # mat file with non-ascii utf8 name raises error filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'bad_miutf8_array_name.mat') with suppress_warnings() as sup: sup.filter(message="unclosed file") # Py3k ResourceWarning assert_raises(ValueError, loadmat, filename)
def test_empty_sparse(): # Can we read empty sparse matrices? sio = BytesIO() import scipy.sparse empty_sparse = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]]) savemat(sio, dict(x=empty_sparse)) res = loadmat(sio) assert_array_equal(res['x'].shape, empty_sparse.shape) assert_array_equal(res['x'].todense(), 0)
def test_miuint32_compromise(): # Reader should accept miUINT32 for miINT32, but check signs # mat file with miUINT32 for miINT32, but OK values filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'miuint32_for_miint32.mat') res = loadmat(filename) assert_equal(res['an_array'], np.arange(10)[None, :]) # mat file with miUINT32 for miINT32, with negative value filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'bad_miuint32.mat') with suppress_warnings() as sup: sup.filter(message="unclosed file") # Py3k ResourceWarning assert_raises(ValueError, loadmat, filename)
def test_round_types(): # Check that saving, loading preserves dtype in most cases arr = np.arange(10) stream = BytesIO() for dts in ('f8','f4','i8','i4','i2','i1', 'u8','u4','u2','u1','c16','c8'): stream.truncate(0) # needed for BytesIO in python 3 savemat_future(stream, {'arr': arr.astype(dts)}) vars = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(np.dtype(dts), vars['arr'].dtype)
def load(self): matfile = loadmat(self.filename) cnt, fs = self.load_signal(matfile) # load markers mrk_in_ms, mrk_codes = self.load_markers(matfile, self.label_file_path, fs, len( cnt.markers = zip(mrk_in_ms, mrk_codes) assert fs == 512 cnt.fs = fs return cnt
def test_input_simulation(self): """ This tests that input simulation works. """ self.m_SENS = JMUModel('QuadTankSens.jmu') self.SENS = JMIDAESens(self.m_SENS) path_result = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Results', 'qt_par_est_data.mat') data = loadmat(path_result,appendmat=False) # Extract data series t_meas = data['t'][6000::100,0]-60 u1 = data['u1_d'][6000::100,0] u2 = data['u2_d'][6000::100,0] # Build input trajectory matrix for use in simulation u_data = N.transpose(N.vstack((t_meas,u1,u2))) u_traj = TrajectoryLinearInterpolation(u_data[:,0], u_data[:,1:]) input_object = (['u1','u2'], u_traj) qt_mod = JMIDAESens(self.m_SENS, input_object) qt_sim = IDA(qt_mod) #Store data continuous during the simulation, important when solving a #problem with sensitivites. qt_sim.report_continuously = True #Value used when IDA estimates the tolerances on the parameters qt_sim.pbar = qt_mod.p0 #Let Sundials find consistent initial conditions by use of 'IDA_YA_YDP_INIT' qt_sim.make_consistent('IDA_YA_YDP_INIT') #Simulate qt_sim.simulate(60) #Simulate 4 seconds with 400 communication points #write_data(qt_sim) res = ResultDymolaTextual('QuadTankSens_result.txt') dx1da1 = res.get_variable_data('dx1/da1') dx1da2 = res.get_variable_data('dx1/da2') dx4da1 = res.get_variable_data('dx4/da1')[0], 0.000000, 4)[-1], 0.00000, 4)
def test_save_dict(): # Test that both dict and OrderedDict can be saved (as recarray), # loaded as matstruct, and preserve order ab_exp = np.array([[(1, 2)]], dtype=[('a', object), ('b', object)]) for dict_type in (dict, OrderedDict): # Initialize with tuples to keep order d = dict_type([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'dict': d}) vals = loadmat(stream)['dict'] assert_equal(vals.dtype.names, ('a', 'b')) assert_array_equal(vals, ab_exp)
def test_mat4_3d(): # test behavior when writing 3D arrays to matlab 4 files stream = BytesIO() arr = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4)) warnings.simplefilter('error') assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, savemat_future, stream, {'a': arr}, True, '4') warnings.resetwarnings() # For now, we save a 3D array as 2D warnings.simplefilter('ignore') savemat_future(stream, {'a': arr}, format='4') warnings.resetwarnings() d = loadmat(stream) assert_array_equal(d['a'], arr.reshape((6, 4)))
def test_recarray(): # check roundtrip of structured array dt = [('f1', 'f8'), ('f2', 'S10')] arr = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=dt) arr[0]['f1'] = 0.5 arr[0]['f2'] = 'python' arr[1]['f1'] = 99 arr[1]['f2'] = 'not perl' stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr': arr}) d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False) a20 = d['arr'][0, 0] assert_equal(a20.f1, 0.5) assert_equal(a20.f2, 'python') d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=True) a20 = d['arr'][0, 0] assert_equal(a20['f1'], 0.5) assert_equal(a20['f2'], 'python') # structs always come back as object types assert_equal(a20.dtype, np.dtype([('f1', 'O'), ('f2', 'O')])) a21 = d['arr'].flat[1] assert_equal(a21['f1'], 99) assert_equal(a21['f2'], 'not perl')
def test_1d_shape(): # Current 5 behavior is 1D -> column vector arr = np.arange(5) stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format='5') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (5, 1) # Current 4 behavior is 1D -> row vector arr = np.arange(5) stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format='4') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5) for format in ('4', '5'): # can be explicitly 'column' for oned_as stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format=format, oned_as='column') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (5, 1) # but different from 'row' stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format=format, oned_as='row') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5)
def load_matlab(filename, keys): mat = loadmat(filename) dat = [] if type(keys) == str: keys = [keys] for key in keys: if key not in mat: print('%s not present in %s, skipping.' % (key, filename)) continue dat.append(mat[key]) if len(dat) == 1: return dat[0] return dat
def run_demo(with_plots=True): # Load measurement data from file data = loadmat(os.path.join(curr_dir, 'files', 'FurutaData.mat'), appendmat=False) # Extract data series t_meas = data['time'][:,0] phi_meas = data['phi'][:,0] theta_meas = data['theta'][:,0] data = N.array([t_meas, phi_meas, theta_meas]).transpose() #Compile the model name = compile_fmu("Furuta", os.path.join(curr_dir, 'files', '')) model = load_fmu(name) res_opt = model.estimate(parameters=["armFriction", "pendulumFriction"], measurements = (['armJoint.phi', 'pendulumJoint.phi'], data)) # Set optimal parameter values into the model model.set('armFriction', res_opt["armFriction"]) model.set('pendulumFriction', res_opt["pendulumFriction"]) opts = model.simulate_options() opts['filter'] = ['armJoint.phi', 'pendulumJoint.phi'] # Simulate model response with optimal parameter values res = model.simulate(start_time=0., final_time=40) # Load optimal simulation result phi_opt = res['armJoint.phi'] theta_opt = res['pendulumJoint.phi'] t_opt = res['time'] assert N.abs('armJoint.phi') + 0.313) < 3e-3 assert N.abs('pendulumJoint.phi') - 3.130) < 3e-3 assert N.abs('time') - 40.0) < 1e-3 if with_plots: plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(t_opt, theta_opt, linewidth=1, label='Simulation optimal parameters') plt.plot(t_meas, theta_meas, linewidth=1, label='Physical data') plt.legend() plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(t_opt, phi_opt, linewidth=1, label='Simulation optimal parameters') plt.plot(t_meas, phi_meas, linewidth=1, label='Physical data') plt.legend()
def load(self): matfile = loadmat(self.filename) cnt, fs = self.load_signal(matfile) # load markers if self.label_file_path is None: mrk_in_ms, mrk_codes = self.load_markers_from_signal_file( matfile, fs) else: mrk_in_ms, mrk_codes = self.load_markers_from_label_file( self.label_file_path, fs) cnt.markers = zip(mrk_in_ms, mrk_codes) assert fs == 1000 cnt.fs = fs return cnt
def get_results(**kwargs): """ Gets the labels from precomputed clustering """ configuration = { 'path': '/media/robbis/DATA/fmri/movie_viviana/', 'band': 'alpha', 'filetype': 'masked', 'fname': 'mat_corr_sub_%s.mat', 'conditions': ['movie', 'scramble', 'rest'], 'state_res_fname': "clustering_labels_%s_maxk_%s_%s_%s.pyobj", 'max_k': 15, 'method': 'variance+mean', 'filter': 'none' } configuration.update(kwargs) path = os.path.join(configuration['path'], configuration['band']) filetype = configuration['filetype'] method = configuration['method'] max_k = configuration['max_k'] conditions = configuration['conditions'] filter_type = configuration['filter'] clustering = dict() X = dict() for condition in conditions: path_cluster = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (filetype, method, filter_type, condition) path_cluster = os.path.join(path, path_cluster) fname = configuration['state_res_fname'] % (condition, str(max_k), method, filetype) path_file = os.path.join(path_cluster, fname)"Reading results from " + path_file) clustering_ = pickle.load(file(path_file, 'r')) clustering[condition] = clustering_ X[condition] = loadmat(os.path.join( path_cluster, "filtered_data.mat"))['filtered_data'] return X, clustering
def test_empty_sparse(): # Can we read empty sparse matrices? sio = BytesIO() import scipy.sparse empty_sparse = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]]) savemat(sio, dict(x=empty_sparse)) res = loadmat(sio) assert_array_equal(res['x'].shape, empty_sparse.shape) assert_array_equal(res['x'].todense(), 0) # Do empty sparse matrices get written with max nnz 1? # See reader = MatFile5Reader(sio) reader.initialize_read() reader.read_file_header() hdr, _ = reader.read_var_header() assert_equal(hdr.nzmax, 1)
def test_varmats_from_mat(): # Make a mat file with several variables, write it, read it back names_vars = (('arr', mlarr(np.arange(10))), ('mystr', mlarr('a string')), ('mynum', mlarr(10))) # Dict like thing to give variables in defined order class C(object): def items(self): return names_vars stream = BytesIO() savemat_future(stream, C()) varmats = varmats_from_mat(stream) assert_equal(len(varmats), 3) for i in range(3): name, var_stream = varmats[i] exp_name, exp_res = names_vars[i] assert_equal(name, exp_name) res = loadmat(var_stream) assert_array_equal(res[name], exp_res)
def test_logical_sparse(): # Test we can read logical sparse stored in mat file as bytes. # See # In some files saved by MATLAB, the sparse data elements (Real Part # Subelement in MATLAB speak) are stored with apparent type double # (miDOUBLE) but are in fact single bytes. filename = pjoin(test_data_path, 'logical_sparse.mat') # Before fix, this would crash with: # ValueError: indices and data should have the same size d = loadmat(filename, struct_as_record=True) log_sp = d['sp_log_5_4'] assert_(isinstance(log_sp, SP.csc_matrix)) assert_equal(log_sp.dtype.type, np.bool_) assert_array_equal( log_sp.toarray(), [[True, True, True, False], [False, False, True, False], [False, False, True, False], [False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False]])