def read_mat_files(feature_fname, info_fname): """docstring for read_mat_file""" print "reading features" tic = time.time() #f = h5py.File(feature_fname, 'r') import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() f = io.loadmat(feature_fname) ff = f["feats"] features = sp.array(ff) print "time taken :", time.time() - tic, 'seconds' print "reading actions" tic = time.time() actions = io.loadmat(info_fname)['act'] actions = sp.array([str(actions[i][0][0]) for i in xrange(actions.shape[0])]) print "time taken :", time.time() - tic, 'seconds' print "reading names" tic = time.time() names = io.loadmat(info_fname)['name'] names = sp.array([str(names[i][0][0]) for i in xrange(names.shape[0])]) print "time taken :", time.time() - tic, 'seconds' return features, actions, names
def load_W_and_P(data_dir=LINEAR_MODEL_DIRECTORY): """Load weight and p-value matrices.""" # Load files D_W_ipsi = sio.loadmat(data_dir + '/W_ipsi.mat') D_W_contra = sio.loadmat(data_dir + '/W_contra.mat') D_PValue_ipsi = sio.loadmat(data_dir + '/PValue_ipsi.mat') D_PValue_contra = sio.loadmat(data_dir + '/PValue_contra.mat') # Make weight matrix for each side, then concatenate them W_L = np.concatenate([D_W_ipsi['data'], D_W_contra['data']], 1) W_R = np.concatenate([D_W_contra['data'], D_W_ipsi['data']], 1) W = np.concatenate([W_L, W_R], 0) # Make p_value matrix in the same manner P_L = np.concatenate([D_PValue_ipsi['data'], D_PValue_contra['data']], 1) P_R = np.concatenate([D_PValue_contra['data'], D_PValue_ipsi['data']], 1) P = np.concatenate([P_L, P_R], 0) col_labels = D_W_ipsi['col_labels'] # Add ipsi & contra to col_labels col_labels_L = [label.split(' ')[0] + '_L' for label in col_labels] col_labels_R = [label.split(' ')[0] + '_R' for label in col_labels] labels = col_labels_L + col_labels_R return W, P, labels
def getData(m,dts,ch,rank=0): ''' simple function to grab data returns zero mean, normalized data sample ''' # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if dts == 'plmr': D = spio.loadmat('../data/plmr.mat') cix = 1000 + rank*m # np.random.random_integers(0,upb,1) slz = slice(cix,cix+m) y = D['fs'][slz].astype('complex128').flatten() y = y - np.mean(y) y = [y] if dts == 'mpk': nbr = (np.floor(rank/2) + 900).astype('int64') D = spio.loadmat('../data/lcd' + repr(nbr) + '.mat') y = list() for ix in xrange(ch): yl = D['alldat'][0][ix][:m].astype('complex128').flatten() yl = yl-np.mean(yl) y.append(yl) print 'shape of y ' + repr(len(y)) print [yl.shape for yl in y]
def keypoint_detection(): try: data = sio.loadmat('data.mat') except: load.csv() data = sio.loadmat('data.mat') train_x = data['train_x'] train_y = data['train_y'] test_x = data['test_x'] # data normalization train_x = train_x / 256.0 train_y = (train_y - 48) / 48.0 test_x = test_x / 256.0 sklearn.utils.shuffle(train_x, train_y, random_state=0) train_x, valid_x = train_x[:-400], train_x[-400:] train_y, valid_y = train_y[:-400], train_y[-400:] model = Model(0.01, 0.9, 0.0005, 100, 10000) model.add_layer(layers.FullConnectedLayer(9216, 256, 1, layers.rectify)) model.add_layer(layers.DropoutLayer(0.5)) model.add_layer(layers.FullConnectedLayer(256, 100, 1, layers.rectify)) model.add_layer(layers.DropoutLayer(0.5)) model.add_layer(layers.FullConnectedLayer(100, 30)) model.set_loss_function(layers.EuclideanLoss) print 'build model complete' model.train_model(train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y) model.save_test_result(test_x)
def load_matlab_matrix( matfile, matname=None ): """ Wraps If matname provided, returns np.ndarray representing the index map. Otherwise, the full dict provided by loadmat is returns. """ if not matname: out = spio.loadmat( matfile ) mat = _extract_mat( out ) # if mat is a sparse matrix, convert it to numpy matrix try: mat = np.matrix( mat.toarray() ) except AttributeError: mat = np.matrix( mat ) return mat else: matdict = spio.loadmat( matfile ) mat = matdict[ matname ] # if mat is a sparse matrix, convert it to numpy matrix try: mat = np.matrix( mat.toarray() ) except AttributeError: mat = np.matrix( mat ) return mat #np.matrix( mat[ matname ] )
def predict(filein_name): """预测 """ filein_name = '0908-12.txt' # get models from sklearn.externals import joblib LR010 = joblib.load('0903_uid_ave_010.pkl') LR001 = joblib.load('0903_uid_ave_001.pkl') LR100 = joblib.load('0903_uid_ave_100.pkl') import as sio X = sio.loadmat('uid_dict_X001-12.mat')['X'] y_predict_prob = LR001.predict_proba(X) print(y_predict_prob.shape) sio.savemat(filein_name[:-4] + 'y001.mat', {'y':y_predict_prob}) X = sio.loadmat('uid_dict_X010-12.mat')['X'] y_predict_prob = LR010.predict_proba(X) print(y_predict_prob.shape) sio.savemat(filein_name[:-4] + 'y010.mat', {'y':y_predict_prob}) X = sio.loadmat('uid_dict_X100-12.mat')['X'] y_predict_prob = LR100.predict_proba(X) print(y_predict_prob.shape) sio.savemat(filein_name[:-4] + 'y100.mat', {'y':y_predict_prob})
def __init__(self, complete_path): if complete_path.endswith('.mat.gz'): temp_filename = complete_path.split('.gz')[0] with open(temp_filename, "wb") as tmp: shutil.copyfileobj(, tmp) dict_mr = sio.loadmat(temp_filename) os.remove(temp_filename) elif complete_path.endswith('.mat'): dict_mr = sio.loadmat(complete_path) else: print('Unknown file extension for MountainRange file. Should be ' + '.mat or .mat.gz') self.value = dict_mr['value'] self.trigger_stamp = dict_mr['triggerStamp'] self.SC_numb =['superCycleNb'])) self.first_trigger_t_stamp_unix = dict_mr['first_trigger_t_stamp_unix'] self.sample_interval = float(np.squeeze(dict_mr['sampleInterval'])) self.first_sample_time = dict_mr['firstSampleTime'] self.sensitivity = dict_mr['sensitivity'] self.offset = dict_mr['offset'] self.SPSuser = dict_mr['SPSuser'] self.t_stamp_unix = dict_mr['t_stamp_unix'] self.time_axis = np.float_(range(self.value.shape[1]))*self.sample_interval-self.value.shape[1]*self.sample_interval/2.
def tld_tracker(vid_proto, det): script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../External/tld_matlab/tld_track.m') bbox = det['bbox'] frame_id = det['frame'] fw_frames = frame_path_after(vid_proto, frame_id) bw_frames = frame_path_before(vid_proto, frame_id)[::-1] fw_out = temp_file(suffix='.mat') bw_out = temp_file(suffix='.mat') matlab_command(script, [bbox,] + fw_frames, fw_out) matlab_command(script, [bbox,] + bw_frames, bw_out) try: fw_trk = loadmat(fw_out)['bbox'] except: logging.error("Forward tracking failed.") fw_trk = [bbox+[1.]]+[[float('nan')]*5]*(len(fw_frames)-1) try: bw_trk = loadmat(bw_out)['bbox'] except: logging.error("Backward tracking failed.") bw_trk = [[float('nan')]*5]*(len(bw_frames)-1) + [bbox+[1.]] os.remove(fw_out) os.remove(bw_out) bw_trk = bw_trk[::-1] if len(fw_trk) > 1: trk = np.concatenate((bw_trk, fw_trk[1:])) else: trk = bw_trk tracks_proto = tracks_proto_from_boxes(trk, vid_proto['video']) return tracks_proto
def contrast_session(session, C_path = os.getcwd()): # takes an integer for session ID, and a path. """-\nsession ID, and data path required.\nreturns list of ST_tbc matrices for every image in session.""" session_data = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(C_path, 'goodCh_cont'))['goodCh_cont'] sName = session_data[session,0][0] one_session = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(C_path, sName)) trials = one_session['MUA'] #trials.shape => (32 channel, ~900 trial) img = np.squeeze(one_session['Cond']) img_trialNum = Counter(img) ST = [] for p in range(len(img_trialNum)): st = np.zeros((img_trialNum[p+1],4500,trials.shape[0])) # ST_tbc for channel in range(trials.shape[0]): img_trials = trials[channel, img == p+1] # list of trials here. for trial in range(len(img_trials)): # mert kell az index, hogy el tudjam helyezni. for ap in range(img_trials[trial].shape[1]): b = int(np.ceil(img_trials[trial][0][ap]*1000)) # change to ms! st[trial, b, channel] = 1 # b stands for bin, bin is occ in python. ST.append(st) print sName return ST
def excute_test(pairlist="../data/pairlist_lfw.mat", test_data="../data/lbp_lfw.mat", result_fold="../result/"): with open(result_fold+"A.pkl", "rb") as f: A = pickle.load(f) with open(result_fold+"G.pkl", "rb") as f: G = pickle.load(f) pair_list = loadmat(pairlist)['pairlist_lfw'] test_Intra = pair_list['IntraPersonPair'][0][0] - 1 test_Extra = pair_list['ExtraPersonPair'][0][0] - 1 print test_Intra, test_Intra.shape print test_Extra, test_Extra.shape data = loadmat(test_data)['lbp_lfw'] data = data_pre(data) clt_pca = joblib.load(result_fold+"pca_model.m") data = clt_pca.transform(data) data_to_pkl(data, result_fold+"pca_lfw.pkl") data = read_pkl(result_fold+"pca_lfw.pkl") print data.shape dist_Intra = get_ratios(A, G, test_Intra, data) dist_Extra = get_ratios(A, G, test_Extra, data) dist_all = dist_Intra + dist_Extra dist_all = np.asarray(dist_all) label = np.append(np.repeat(1, len(dist_Intra)), np.repeat(0, len(dist_Extra))) data_to_pkl({"distance": dist_all, "label": label}, result_fold+"result.pkl")
def _loadGEval(self): print('Loading densereg GT..') prefix = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../../DensePoseData/eval_data/' print(prefix) SMPL_subdiv = loadmat(prefix + 'SMPL_subdiv.mat') self.PDIST_transform = loadmat(prefix + 'SMPL_SUBDIV_TRANSFORM.mat') self.PDIST_transform = self.PDIST_transform['index'].squeeze() UV = np.array([ SMPL_subdiv['U_subdiv'], SMPL_subdiv['V_subdiv'] ]).squeeze() ClosestVertInds = np.arange(UV.shape[1])+1 self.Part_UVs = [] self.Part_ClosestVertInds = [] for i in np.arange(24): self.Part_UVs.append( UV[:, SMPL_subdiv['Part_ID_subdiv'].squeeze()==(i+1)] ) self.Part_ClosestVertInds.append( ClosestVertInds[SMPL_subdiv['Part_ID_subdiv'].squeeze()==(i+1)] ) arrays = {} f = h5py.File( prefix + 'Pdist_matrix.mat') for k, v in f.items(): arrays[k] = np.array(v) self.Pdist_matrix = arrays['Pdist_matrix'] print('Loaded')
def unify_newLabel_to_existing(matfiles, LabelName, IDName): flab = [] #final labels ftrjID = [] #final trjID for matidx in range(len(matfiles)): L1 = loadmat(matfiles[matidx])[LabelName][0] # L1 = L1+1 # class label starts from 1 instead of 0 M1 = loadmat(matfiles[matidx])[IDName][0] if len(flab)>0: Labelnowmax = max(flab) L1 = L1+Labelnowmax+1 commonidx = np.intersect1d(M1,ftrjID) #trajectories existing in both 2 trucations print('flab : {0}, new labels : {1} ,common term : {2}').format(len(np.unique(flab)),len(np.unique(L1)),len(commonidx)) for i in commonidx: labelnew = L1[M1==i][0] labelnow = np.array(flab)[ftrjID==i][0] idx1 = np.where(L1==labelnew)[0] L1[idx1] = labelnow ## keep the first appearing label flab[:] = flab +list(L1) ftrjID[:] = ftrjID + list(M1) ftrjID, indices= np.unique(ftrjID,return_index=True) flab = np.array(flab)[indices] return flab, ftrjID
def get_images(self, img_name): stp = str(img_name) if img_name < 10: stp = '0000' + stp elif img_name < 100: stp = '000' + stp elif img_name < 1000: stp = '00' + stp else: stp = '0' + stp img_path = 'data/portraitFCN_data/' + stp + '.mat' alpha_path = 'data/images_mask/' + stp + '_mask.mat' if os.path.exists(img_path) and os.path.exists(alpha_path): imat = sio.loadmat(img_path)['img'] amat = sio.loadmat(alpha_path)['mask'] nimat = np.array(imat, dtype=np.float) namat = np.array(amat, org_mat = np.zeros(nimat.shape, h, w, _ = nimat.shape for i in range(h): for j in range(w): org_mat[i][j][0] = round(nimat[i][j][2] * 255 + 122.675) org_mat[i][j][1] = round(nimat[i][j][1] * 255 + 116.669) org_mat[i][j][2] = round(nimat[i][j][0] * 255 + 104.008) return nimat, namat, org_mat return None, None, None
def __init__(self, db_path='', use_extra=True): Dataset.__init__(self) print("Loading files") self.data_dims = [32, 32, 3] self.range = [0.0, 1.0] = "svhn" self.train_file = os.path.join(db_path, "train_32x32.mat") self.extra_file = os.path.join(db_path, "extra_32x32.mat") self.test_file = os.path.join(db_path, "test_32x32.mat") if use_extra: self.train_file = self.extra_file # Load training images if os.path.isfile(self.train_file): mat = sio.loadmat(self.train_file) self.train_image = mat['X'].astype(np.float32) self.train_label = mat['y'] self.train_image = np.clip(self.train_image / 255.0, a_min=0.0, a_max=1.0) else: print("SVHN dataset train files not found") exit(-1) self.train_batch_ptr = 0 self.train_size = self.train_image.shape[-1] if os.path.isfile(self.test_file): mat = sio.loadmat(self.test_file) self.test_image = mat['X'].astype(np.float32) self.test_label = mat['y'] self.test_image = np.clip(self.test_image / 255.0, a_min=0.0, a_max=1.0) else: print("SVHN dataset test files not found") exit(-1) self.test_batch_ptr = 0 self.test_size = self.test_image.shape[-1] print("SVHN loaded into memory")
def test_spm_hrf_octave(): # Test SPM hrf against output from SPM code running in Octave my_path = dirname(__file__) hrfs_path = pjoin(my_path, 'spm_hrfs.mat') # mat file resulting from make_hrfs.m hrfs_mat = sio.loadmat(hrfs_path, squeeze_me=True) params = hrfs_mat['params'] hrfs = hrfs_mat['hrfs'] for i, pvec in enumerate(params): dt, ppk, upk, pdsp, udsp, rat = pvec t_vec = np.arange(0, 32.1, dt) our_hrf = spm_hrf_compat(t_vec, peak_delay=ppk, peak_disp=pdsp, under_delay=upk, under_disp=udsp, p_u_ratio=rat) # Normalize integral to match SPM assert_almost_equal(our_hrf, hrfs[i]) # Test basis functions # mat file resulting from get_td_dd.m bases_path = pjoin(my_path, 'spm_bases.mat') bases_mat = sio.loadmat(bases_path, squeeze_me=True) dt = bases_mat['dt'] t_vec = np.arange(0, 32 + dt, dt) # SPM function divides by sum of values - revert with dt assert_almost_equal(spmt(t_vec), bases_mat['hrf'] / dt, 4) assert_almost_equal(dspmt(t_vec), bases_mat['dhrf'] / dt, 4) assert_almost_equal(ddspmt(t_vec), bases_mat['ddhrf'] / dt, 4)
def compute_distances(mav_fname, labellist, category_name, featurefilepath, layer = 'fc8'): """ Input: ------- mav_fname : path to filename that contains mean activation vector labellist : list of labels from ilsvrc 2012 category_name : synset_id """ mean_feature_vec = loadmat(mav_fname)[category_name] print '%s/%s/*.mat' %(featurefilepath, category_name) featurefile_list = glob.glob('%s/*.mat' %featurefilepath) correct_features = [] for featurefile in featurefile_list: try: img_arr = loadmat(featurefile) predicted_category = labellist[img_arr['scores'].argmax()] if predicted_category == category_name: correct_features += [img_arr[layer]] except TypeError: continue distance_distribution = compute_channel_distances(mean_feature_vec, correct_features, category_name) return distance_distribution
def loadfile_hfreud(filename, alpha, rho, n): filename = os.path.join(data_directory, filename) try: data = loadmat(filename)['data'].flatten() except: data = np.zeros(0) if data.size < n+1: # Run matlab to generate/populate file print("Calling matlab....") cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) command = "cd(" + "'" + cwd + "'); cd ..; " command += "data = load_fhfreud({:d}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}); ".format(n, alpha, rho) command += "data = fidistinv_hfreud_setup({:d}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}, data); ".format(n, alpha, rho) command += "save_fhfreud(data, {:.4f}, {:.4f}); ".format(alpha, rho) command += "exit" print(command)[matlab_binary, "-nodisplay", "-r", command]) print("...finished") data = loadmat(filename)['data'].flatten() return data
def test_edf_data(): """Test reading raw edf files""" raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_path, misc=range(-4, 0), stim_channel=139, preload=True) picks = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude=['EDF Annotations']) data_py, _ = raw_py[picks] print(raw_py) # to test repr print( # to test Info repr # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_eeglab_path) raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data'] * 1e-6 # data are stored in microvolts data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[picks] assert_array_almost_equal(data_py, data_eeglab, 10) # Make sure concatenation works raw_concat = concatenate_raws([raw_py.copy(), raw_py]) assert_equal(raw_concat.n_times, 2 * raw_py.n_times) # Test uneven sampling raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_uneven_path, stim_channel=None) data_py, _ = raw_py[0] # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_uneven_eeglab_path) raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data'] data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[0] # match upsampling upsample = len(data_eeglab) / len(raw_py) data_py = np.repeat(data_py, repeats=upsample) assert_array_equal(data_py, data_eeglab)
def _download_norb_small(dataset): """ Download the Norb dataset """ from import loadmat print 'Downloading small resized norb data' urllib.urlretrieve('' '5x46789x9x18x6x2x32x32-training-dat-matlab-bicubic.mat', dataset + '/smallnorb_train_x.mat') urllib.urlretrieve('' '5x46789x9x18x6x2x96x96-training-cat-matlab.mat', dataset + '/smallnorb_train_t.mat') urllib.urlretrieve('' '5x01235x9x18x6x2x32x32-testing-dat-matlab-bicubic.mat', dataset + '/smallnorb_test_x.mat') urllib.urlretrieve('' '5x01235x9x18x6x2x96x96-testing-cat-matlab.mat', dataset + '/smallnorb_test_t.mat') data = loadmat(dataset + '/smallnorb_train_x.mat')['traindata'] train_x = np.concatenate([data[:,0,:].T, data[:,0,:].T]).astype('float32') data = loadmat(dataset + '/smallnorb_train_t.mat') train_t = data['trainlabels'].flatten().astype('float32') train_t = np.concatenate([train_t, train_t]) data = loadmat(dataset + '/smallnorb_test_x.mat')['testdata'] test_x = np.concatenate([data[:,0,:].T, data[:,0,:].T]).astype('float32') data = loadmat(dataset + '/smallnorb_test_t.mat') test_t = data['testlabels'].flatten().astype('float32') test_t = np.concatenate([test_t, test_t]) with open(dataset+'/norbsmall32x32.cpkl','w') as f: cPkl.dump([train_x, train_t, test_x, test_t], f, protocol=cPkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def demo_lab1(): # this part will load the dataset one_train=sio.loadmat('one_train.mat') seven_train=sio.loadmat('seven_train.mat') TRAIN_ONES=one_train['one_train'] TRAIN_SEVENS=seven_train['seven_train'] TRAIN=np.concatenate((TRAIN_ONES, TRAIN_SEVENS), axis=0) LABEL_ONES=np.ones((300,1)) LABEL_SEVENS=np.ones((300,1))*-1 LABEL=np.concatenate((LABEL_ONES, LABEL_SEVENS), axis=0) #Trivial Part YOURNAME = ... # eg. 'john_smith' pay attention to the underscore #Challenging Part N_SPLIT = ... # eg. 5 see 'kcv' SPLIT_TYPE = ... # eg. 'Sequential' see 'kcv' KERNEL = ... # eg. 'Linear' see 'KernelMatrix' KERNEL_PARAMETER = ... #fix it manually or by autosigma for example with autosigma(TRAIN,5). see 'KernelMatrix' 'kcv' and 'autosigma' TRANGE = ... # eg. np.logspace(-3, 3, 7) or np.linspace(0.1, 10, 10) t_kcv_idx, avg_err_kcv = kcv(KERNEL, KERNEL_PARAMETER, 'Reg. Least Squared', TRANGE, TRAIN, LABEL, N_SPLIT, 'Classification', SPLIT_TYPE) save_challenge_1(YOURNAME, TRANGE[t_kcv_idx], KERNEL, KERNEL_PARAMETER, avg_err_kcv[0][t_kcv_idx]) return
def read_meta_files(labels_fname, camname_fname, actname_fname, partiname_fname, viewname_fname): print "reading participant names" tic = time.time() partiNames = np.squeeze(io.loadmat(partiname_fname)['myPartis']) partiNames_items = np.squeeze(io.loadmat(partiname_fname+'_items')['myPartis_items']) print "time taken :", time.time() - tic, 'seconds' print "reading labels" tic = time.time() labels = np.squeeze(io.loadmat(labels_fname)['myLabels']) labels_items = np.squeeze(io.loadmat(labels_fname+'_items')['myLabels_items']) print "time taken :", time.time() - tic, 'seconds' print "reading camera names" tic = time.time() camNames = np.squeeze(io.loadmat(camname_fname)['myCams']) camNames_items = np.squeeze(io.loadmat(camname_fname+'_items')['myCams_items']) print "time taken :", time.time() - tic, 'seconds' print "reading action names" tic = time.time() actNames = np.squeeze(io.loadmat(actname_fname)['myActs']) actNames_items = np.squeeze(io.loadmat(actname_fname+'_items')['myActs_items']) print "time taken :", time.time() - tic, 'seconds' print "reading view names" tic = time.time() viewNames = np.squeeze(io.loadmat(viewname_fname)['myViews']) viewNames_items = np.squeeze(io.loadmat(viewname_fname+'_items')['myViews_items']) print "time taken :", time.time() - tic, 'seconds' return labels, camNames, actNames, partiNames, viewNames
def get_data_1(self,numero,radical,suffix='_func_data'): fbd=loadmat('./CEC05_files/fbias_data.mat') # the f_bias dictionary fb=fbd['f_bias'][0,:] # the f_bias array fbias=fb[numero-1] # the desired f_bias for this function od=loadmat('./CEC05_files/'+radical+suffix+'.mat') # the shift data dictionary o=od['o'][0,:] # the shift data array return fbias,o
def load_pertub_data_cifar(dirs='data_imputation/', dataset='cifar10_gcn_var', pertub_type=3, pertub_prob=6): # perturb data print 'Loading perturbed data...' if pertub_type==4: zz = sio.loadmat(dirs+dataset+'_type_'+str(pertub_type)+'_params_'+str(int(pertub_prob*100))+'_noise_rawdata.mat') elif pertub_type==3: pertub_prob = int(pertub_prob) zz = sio.loadmat(dirs+dataset+'_type_'+str(pertub_type)+'_params_'+str(pertub_prob)+'_noise_rawdata.mat') elif pertub_type==5: zz = sio.loadmat(dirs+dataset+'_type_'+str(pertub_type)+'_params_noise_rawdata.mat') else: print 'Error in load_pertub_data' print dirs, pertub_type, pertub_prob exit() data_train = zz['z_train'].T data = zz['z_test_original'].T data_perturbed = zz['z_test'].T pertub_label = zz['pertub_label'].astype(np.float32).T pertub_number = float(np.sum(1-pertub_label)) print pertub_number, data_train.shape, data.shape, data_perturbed.shape, pertub_label.shape data_train = theano.shared(np.asarray(data_train, dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True) data = theano.shared(np.asarray(data, dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True) data_perturbed = theano.shared(np.asarray(data_perturbed, dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True) pertub_label = theano.shared(np.asarray(pertub_label, dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True) return data_train, data, data_perturbed, pertub_label, pertub_number
def loadMAT(slice_filename,parameters_filename): ''' Created to convert .mat files with specific configuration for ECoG data of Newcastle Hospitals and create a dict. If you want to load other .mat file, use loadmat and create_DataObj Parameters ---------- slice_filename: str Name of the slice (.mat) file parameters_filename: str Name of the parameters (.mat) file ''' mat = sio.loadmat(parameters_filename, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True) parameters = mat['parameters'] ch_l = parameters.channels ch_labels = [str(x) for x in ch_l] sample_rate = f = sio.loadmat(slice_filename, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True) Data = f['Data'] time_vec = Data.time_vec signal = Data.raw.T amp_unit = '$\mu V$' Data = DataObj(signal,sample_rate,amp_unit,ch_labels,time_vec,[]) return Data
def load_simTB_data(source_directory): """ Load simTB data along with simulation info. """ nifti_files = natural_sort(glob(path.join(source_directory, "*_DATA.nii"))) sim_files = natural_sort(glob(path.join(source_directory, "*_SIM.mat"))) if len(nifti_files) != len(sim_files): raise ValueError("Different number of DATA and SIM files found int %s" % source_directory) assert len(nifti_files) > 0 param_files = glob(path.join(source_directory, "*PARAMS.mat")) if len(param_files) != 1: raise ValueError("Exactly one param file needed, found %d in %s" % (len(param_files), source_directory)) params = tuple(io.loadmat(param_files[0])["sP"][0][0]) sim_dict = {} for i, (nifti_file, sim_file) in enumerate(zip(nifti_files, sim_files)): assert "%03d" % (i + 1) in nifti_file assert "%03d" % (i + 1) in sim_file sims = io.loadmat(sim_file) tcs = sims["TC"].T sms = sims["SM"] sim_dict[i] = {"SM": sms, "TC": tcs} sim_dict["params"] = params data, labels, base = read_niftis(nifti_files) return data, labels, sim_dict
def read_dataset( stimulus_pattern='stimulus_%d.mat', data_file='data.mat'): from import loadmat data = loadmat(data_file) data = data['data'] spikes = data['spike_rate'][0][0] del data['spike_rate'] data['rgc_ids'] = data['rgc_ids'][0][0][0] data['cone_weights'] = data['cone_weights'][0][0] data['cone_types'] = data['cone_types'][0][0].tolist() data['cone_locations'] = data['cone_locations'][0][0] data['rgc_locations'] = numpy.array([d[0][0] for d in data['rgc_locations'][0][0]]) data['rgc_types'] = dict((d[0][0],d[1][0].tolist()) for d in filter( lambda d : len( d[0] )>0 , [d[0][0] for d in data['cell_types'][0][0][0]] )) try: i = 0 N_timebins = 0 while 1: data['stimulus'] = loadmat(stimulus_pattern % i)['cone_input'].T data['spikes'] = spikes[N_timebins:N_timebins+data['stimulus'].shape[1]] N_timebins += data['stimulus'].shape[1] i += 1 yield data except: raise StopIteration()
def TenTwentyDownslopeBPF(FullPath): TempClipData = spio.loadmat(FullPath) TempDataArray = TempClipData['data'] TempDataArray = TempDataArray.transpose() Fsample = float(TempClipData['freq']) #Sampling frequency dt = 1.0/Fsample #Time between samples TimeValues = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, dt) #Construct ndarray of time values LastChan = int(TempDataArray.shape[1]) #Last channel number Channels = np.arange(0, LastChan,1) #List of channel numbers FeatureOutput = np.zeros(LastChan) #Initialize the output # Read in the digital filter coeficients and place in ndarrays FilterInfo=spio.loadmat('FilterSetTenTwentyDownslopeBPF.mat') FilterCoefI = FilterInfo['FilterCoefI'].flatten() FilterCoefQ = FilterInfo['FilterCoefQ'].flatten() # Calculate the feature values for each channel for i in Channels: Iproduct = FilterCoefI*TempDataArray[:,i] Isum=np.sum(Iproduct[i]) Qproduct = FilterCoefQ*TempDataArray[:,i] Qsum=np.sum(Qproduct) FeatureOutput[i] = np.log( np.sqrt(Isum*Isum + Qsum*Qsum) ) FeatureOutput[i] = bender(FeatureOutput[i], 4.0, 4.0) #Limit to range of 0 to 1. Second arg is mean, third is span FeatureList = FeatureOutput.tolist() #Convert ndarray to list. The returned value will be appended other values; this would be very inefficent with ndarray #Return feature vector in form of a list return(FeatureList)
def main(): predicted_mat = loadmat(args.predicted_mat)['labels'] truth_mat = loadmat(args.truth_mat)['GT'] mode = args.mode min_shape = np.minimum(predicted_mat.shape, truth_mat.shape) error = None if(mode == 'all'): error = compare_all_mats(predicted_mat, truth_mat, min_shape) print 1 - error/(min_shape[0]*min_shape[1]*min_shape[2]) else: error = compare_single_mats(predicted_mat, truth_mat, min_shape) error = 1 - error/(min_shape[0]*min_shape[1]) print error should_graph = args.graph if(should_graph == 'True'): y_axis = error x_axis = np.arange(len(y_axis)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) print type(y_axis) #ax.plot(x_axis, y_axis) ax.scatter(x_axis, y_axis) ax.set_xlim([0,len(x_axis)]) ax.set_ylim([0,1]) plt.savefig(args.output)
def save_crop_images_and_joints(): training_indices = loadmat('data/FLIC-full/tr_plus_indices.mat') training_indices = training_indices['tr_plus_indices'].flatten() examples = loadmat('data/FLIC-full/examples.mat') examples = examples['examples'][0] joint_ids = ['lsho', 'lelb', 'lwri', 'rsho', 'relb', 'rwri', 'lhip', 'lkne', 'lank', 'rhip', 'rkne', 'rank', 'leye', 'reye', 'lear', 'rear', 'nose', 'msho', 'mhip', 'mear', 'mtorso', 'mluarm', 'mruarm', 'mllarm', 'mrlarm', 'mluleg', 'mruleg', 'mllleg', 'mrlleg'] available = joint_ids[:8] available.extend(joint_ids[12:14]) available.extend([joint_ids[16]]) target_joints = ['lsho', 'lelb', 'lwri', 'leye', 'reye', 'nose', 'rsho', 'relb', 'rwri'] fp_train = open('data/FLIC-full/train_joints.csv', 'w') fp_test = open('data/FLIC-full/test_joints.csv', 'w') for i, example in enumerate(examples): joint = example[2].T joint = dict(zip(joint_ids, joint)) fname = example[3][0] joint = get_joint_list(joint) msg = '{},{}'.format(fname, ','.join([str(j) for j in joint.tolist()])) if i in training_indices: print(msg, file=fp_train) else: print(msg, file=fp_test)
def sentCombMat_add(w1,w2,w3): root = u"I:/数据/word12585relation30/rel_30_ref_TFIDF/ref_800_TFIDF/rel_svd/file_word_lus/word_mat_latent_324/" wordList = getWordList() w1Mat = sio.loadmat(root+u"l_"+w1)[w1] w2Mat = sio.loadmat(root+u"l_"+w2)[w2] w3Mat = sio.loadmat(root+u"l_"+w3)[w3] return w1Mat+w2Mat+w3Mat
import cmath import numpy as np import as sio from scipy.stats.mstats import mode eeg = sio.loadmat('data/eeg') #print (eeg.keys()) # keys are 'x_te', 'x_train', 'y_te', 'y_train' X_train = eeg['x_train'] Y_train = eeg['y_train'] X_test = eeg['x_te'] Y_test = eeg['y_te'] N = 64 f, n = np.arange(N), np.arange(N) bm = np.blackman(N) # Creating DFT matrix F def DFT(x): F = np.exp(-2j * cmath.pi / N *, 1), n.reshape(len(n), 1).T)) return F # Creating data matrix X def create_X(x): for i in range(0, len(x), 48): sig = x[i:(i + 64)] l = len(sig) if l < 64:
if __name__ == '__main__': path = r'C:\Users\DE\Downloads\NPC_Renew_Data_1' IDs = os.listdir(path) for id in IDs: idPath = path + '\\' + id print(idPath) labelFiles = os.listdir(idPath) print(labelFiles) for label in labelFiles: filePath = idPath + '\\' + label if os.path.isfile(filePath): (filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(label) pngDir = idPath + '\\' + filename if not os.path.exists(pngDir): os.makedirs(pngDir) data = scio.loadmat(filePath) print(data.keys()) seg = list(data.keys())[-1] data = data[seg] x, y, z = data.shape for i in range(0,z): binaryimg = np.uint8(data[:,:,i]>0) img = binaryimg*255 new_img = Image.fromarray(img, 'L') name = pngDir + '\\' + str(i) + '.png' print(name) # print('It is a file') # Labels = os.listdir(r'C:\Users\DE\Downloads\NPC_Renew_Data_2' + '\\'+id) # print(Labels)
genparam['alpha'] = alpha genparam['delta'] = delta genparam['ndttrialrange'] = ndttrialrange genparam['deltatrialsd'] = deltatrialsd genparam['rt'] = rt genparam['acc'] = acc genparam['y'] = y genparam['participant'] = participant genparam['condition'] = condition genparam['nparts'] = nparts genparam['nconds'] = nconds genparam['ntrials'] = ntrials genparam['N'] = N sio.savemat('data/genparam_test4.mat', genparam) else: genparam = sio.loadmat('data/genparam_test4.mat') # Stan code tostan = ''' functions { /* Wiener diffusion log-PDF for a single response (adapted from brms 1.10.2) * Arguments: * Y: acc*rt in seconds (negative and positive RTs for incorrect and correct responses respectively) * boundary: boundary separation parameter > 0 * ndt: non-decision time parameter > 0 * bias: initial bias parameter in [0, 1] * drift: drift rate parameter * Returns: * a scalar to be added to the log posterior */
""" Created on Wed Dec 11 18:31:17 2019 @author: Yuan Zhang """ import numpy as np import scipy as sp import as sio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.signal as sig from sympy import diff import scipy.stats as scs import math #load data data = sio.loadmat('cw1_data2.mat') dFonF = data['dFonF'] data1 = sio.loadmat('cw1_data1.mat') mouse_theta = data1['mouse_theta'] fs = data1['fs'].flatten()[0] # frequency is the same as coursework 1 row = np.size(dFonF, 0) #75 col = np.size(dFonF, 1) #7420 t = np.linspace(0, (col - 1) * 1 / fs, col) #build time serious matrix ## question 1 yo = dFonF[3] y = sig.savgol_filter( yo, 299, 6, mode='wrap' ) #Too much noise may affect the determination of peak position. #Because Savitzky-Golay filter has the advantage of preserving the area, position and width of peaks, so I choose this filter and find peak position on the filtered curve.
laplace = {'name': 'Laplace', 'weights': tc.laplace_weights, 'params': {'scale': width}} delta = {'name': '$\delta$', 'weights': tc.eye_weights, 'params': tc.eye_params} gaussian = {'name': 'Gaussian', 'weights': tc.gaussian_weights, 'params': {'var': width}} mexican_hat = {'name': 'Mexican hat', 'weights': tc.mexican_hat_weights, 'params': {'sigma': width}} factors = 700 if factors == 100: pieman_name = 'pieman_ica100.mat' else: pieman_name = 'pieman_data.mat' pieman_data = loadmat(os.path.join(config['datadir'], pieman_name)) pieman_conds = ['intact', 'paragraph', 'word', 'rest'] weights_paramter = eval(wp) if debug: data = [] conds = [] for c in pieman_conds: next_data = list(map(lambda i: pieman_data[c][:, i][0][:30, :10], np.arange(4))) data.extend(next_data) conds.extend([c]*len(next_data)) del pieman_data else:
def load_weights(): datas = loadmat('ex3weights.mat') theta1 = datas['Theta1'] # 25*401 theta2 = datas['Theta2'] # 10*26 return theta1, theta2
def load_data(): datas = loadmat('ex3data1.mat') X = datas['X'] # 5000*20*20 y = datas['y'] return X, y
for f in range(FOLDS): idx_test1 = IDX1[offset1: offset1 + fsz1] idx_test2 = IDX2[offset2: offset2 + fsz2] AUC_test1[f], AUC_test2[f] = innerfold(GROUNDTRUTH1, GROUNDTRUTH2, T1, T2, idx_test1, idx_test2, idx_test1, idx_test2, e1, e2, k1, k2, SZ1, SZ2, alpha=alpha, rank=rank) offset1 += fsz1 offset2 += fsz2 return AUC_test1, AUC_test2 if __name__ == '__main__': mat = loadmat('data/uml.mat') #mat = loadmat('data/alyawarradata.mat') K = np.array(mat['Rs'], np.float32) print('K: ', K.shape) # fill nan values with 0s if exist #K = np.nan_to_num(K) n, d = K.shape[0], K.shape[2] n1 = int(n/2) d1 = int(d/2) K1 = K[:n1, :n1, :d1] # note: when lambda_A, lambda_R = 5, 5 => 52 x 52 x 26 tensors -> 0.95 AUCs K2 = K[n1:, n1:, d1:] print('K1: ', K1.shape) print('K2: ', K2.shape)
def prepare_data(gt_2d_bdb=False, patch_h=224, patch_w=224, shift=True, iou_threshold=0.1): """ Generating the ground truth for end-to-end training Parameters ---------- gt_2d_bdb : bool indicates whether to use the ground truth of 2D bounding boxes patch_h: int the height of target resized patch patch_w: int the width of target resized potch iou_threshold : float iou threshold for two 2D bounding boxes """ bin = PATH.bins() data_root = op.join(PATH.metadata_root, 'sunrgbd_train_test_data') train_path = list() test_path = list() layout_centroid = list() layout_coeffs = list() # obj_category = dict() if not op.exists(data_root): os.mkdir(data_root) for i in range(10335): sequence = readsunrgbdframe(image_id=i+1) print i+1 sequence._R_tilt = loadmat(op.join(PATH.metadata_root, 'updated_rtilt', str(i+1) + '.mat'))['r_tilt'] # R_ex is cam to world sequence._R_ex = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]]).dot(sequence.R_tilt).dot(np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0]])) K = sequence.K result = [] for bdb2d in sequence.bdb2d: if check_bdb(bdb2d, 2*sequence.K[0, 2], 2*sequence.K[1, 2]): result.append(bdb2d) else: print 'ground truth not valid' sequence._bdb2d = result bdb2d_from_3d_list = [] with open(op.join(PATH.metadata_root, '2dbdb', str(i + 1) + '.json'), 'r') as f: detected_bdbs = json.load(f) f.close() boxes = list() for bdb3d in sequence.bdb3d: center = bdb3d['centroid'][0] coeffs = bdb3d['coeffs'][0] basis = bdb3d['basis'].astype('float32') if bdb3d['classname'][0] not in OBJ_CATEGORY_CLEAN: continue bdb2d_from_3d = project_struct_bdb_to_2d(basis, coeffs, center, sequence.R_ex.T, K) projected_2d_center = project_3d_points_to_2d(center.reshape(1, 3), sequence.R_ex.T, K) if bdb2d_from_3d is None: print '%s not valid' % (bdb3d['classname'][0]) continue bdb2d_from_3d['classname'] = bdb3d['classname'][0] bdb2d_from_3d_list.append(bdb2d_from_3d) if gt_2d_bdb is True: max_iou = 0 iou_ind = -1 for j, bdb2d in enumerate(sequence.bdb2d): if bdb2d['classname'] == bdb3d['classname'][0]: iou = get_iou(bdb2d_from_3d, bdb2d) if iou > iou_threshold and iou > max_iou: iou_ind = j max_iou = iou if iou_ind >= 0: if shift: shifted_box = random_shift_2d_box(sequence.bdb2d[iou_ind]) boxes.append({'2dbdb': shifted_box, '3dbdb': bdb3d, 'projected_2d_center': projected_2d_center}) else: boxes.append({'2dbdb': sequence.bdb2d[iou_ind], '3dbdb': bdb3d, 'projected_2d_center': projected_2d_center}) else: max_iou = 0 iou_ind = -1 max_bdb = dict() for j, bdb2d in enumerate(detected_bdbs): if bdb2d['class'] == bdb3d['classname'][0]: box = bdb2d['bbox'] box = {'x1': box[0], 'y1': box[1], 'x2': box[2], 'y2': box[3]} iou = get_iou(bdb2d_from_3d, box) if iou > iou_threshold and iou > max_iou: iou_ind = j max_iou = iou box['score'] = bdb2d['score'] box['classname'] = bdb2d['class'] max_bdb = box if iou_ind >= 0: # print max_iou, bdb2d_from_3d, detected_bdbs[iou_ind] if shift: shifted_box = random_shift_2d_box(max_bdb) boxes.append({'2dbdb': shifted_box, '3dbdb': bdb3d, 'projected_2d_center': projected_2d_center}) else: boxes.append({'2dbdb': max_bdb, '3dbdb': bdb3d, 'projected_2d_center': projected_2d_center}) # print boxes camera = dict() camera_flip = dict() camera['yaw_cls'], camera['yaw_reg'], camera['roll_cls'], camera['roll_reg'] = camera_cls_reg(sequence.R_ex.T, bin) camera['K'] = sequence.K # flip the camera camera_flip['yaw_cls'], camera_flip['yaw_reg'], camera_flip['roll_cls'], camera_flip['roll_reg'] = camera_cls_reg(sequence.R_ex.T, bin, flip=True) camera_flip['K'] = sequence.K template_path = op.join(PATH.metadata_root, 'size_avg_category.pickle') layout_pts = loadmat(op.join(PATH.metadata_root, '3dlayout', str(i+1) + '.mat'))['manhattan_layout'].T l_centroid, l_basis, l_coeffs = get_bdb_from_corners(layout_pts) # print l_centroid layout_centroid.append(l_centroid) layout_coeffs.append(l_coeffs) layout = dict() layout['centroid_reg'] = layout_centroid_avg_residual(l_centroid, bin['layout_centroid_avg'], bin['layout_normalize']) layout['coeffs_reg'] = layout_size_avg_residual(l_coeffs, bin['layout_coeffs_avg']) layout['ori_cls'], layout['ori_reg'] = ori_cls_reg(l_basis[1, :], bin, layout=True) layout_flip = dict() layout_flip['centroid_reg'] = layout_centroid_avg_residual(l_centroid, bin['layout_centroid_avg'], bin['layout_normalize'], flip=True) layout_flip['coeffs_reg'] = layout_size_avg_residual(l_coeffs, bin['layout_coeffs_avg']) layout_flip['ori_cls'], layout_flip['ori_reg'] = ori_cls_reg(l_basis[1, :], bin, layout=True, flip=True) # print layout['ori_cls'], layout_flip['ori_cls'] # clean the ground truth with open(template_path, 'r') as f: size_template = pickle.load(f) f.close() boxes_out = list() boxes_out_flip = list() for box in boxes: box_set = dict() # box_set['ori_cls'], box_set['ori_reg'] = ori_cls_reg(box['3dbdb']['orientation']) box_set['ori_cls'], box_set['ori_reg'] = ori_cls_reg(box['3dbdb']['basis'][1, :], bin) # print box['3dbdb']['basis'] # print basis_from_ori(num_from_bins(bin['ori_bin'], box_set['ori_cls'], box_set['ori_reg'])) box_set['size_reg'] = size_avg_residual(box['3dbdb']['coeffs'][0], size_template, box['2dbdb']['classname']) box_set['bdb3d'] = get_corners_of_bb3d_no_index(box['3dbdb']['basis'], box['3dbdb']['coeffs'][0], box['3dbdb']['centroid'][0]) box_set['x_cls'], box_set['x_reg'], box_set['y_cls'], box_set['y_reg'], box_set['z_cls'], box_set['z_reg'] = centroid_cls_reg(box['3dbdb']['centroid'][0], bin) box_set['bdb_pos'] = [box['2dbdb']['x1'], box['2dbdb']['y1'], box['2dbdb']['x2'], box['2dbdb']['y2']] box_set['bdb2d'] = [box['2dbdb']['x1'] / float(K[0, 2]), box['2dbdb']['y1'] / float(K[1, 2]), box['2dbdb']['x2'] / float(K[0, 2]), box['2dbdb']['y2'] / float(K[1, 2])] box_set['centroid_cls'], box_set['centroid_reg'] = bin_cls_reg(bin['centroid_bin'], np.linalg.norm(box['3dbdb']['centroid'][0])) delta_2d = list() delta_2d.append(((box_set['bdb_pos'][0] + box_set['bdb_pos'][2]) / 2 - box['projected_2d_center'][0][0]) / (box_set['bdb_pos'][2] - box_set['bdb_pos'][0])) delta_2d.append(((box_set['bdb_pos'][1] + box_set['bdb_pos'][3]) / 2 - box['projected_2d_center'][1][0]) / (box_set['bdb_pos'][3] - box_set['bdb_pos'][1])) box_set['delta_2d'] = delta_2d box_set['size_cls'] = OBJ_CATEGORY_CLEAN.index(box['2dbdb']['classname']) # print box_set['size_cls'] # print box['2dbdb']['classname'] boxes_out.append(box_set) # print box_set['3dbdb']['classname'], box_set['ori_cls'], box_set['ori_reg'], box_set['size_reg'], box_set['size_cls'], box_set['size_reg'] # flip the boxes box_set_flip = dict() # box_set_flip['ori_cls'], box_set_flip['ori_reg'] = ori_cls_reg(box['3dbdb']['orientation'], flip=True) box_set_flip['ori_cls'], box_set_flip['ori_reg'] = ori_cls_reg(box['3dbdb']['basis'][1, :], bin, flip=True) box_set_flip['size_reg'] = size_avg_residual(box['3dbdb']['coeffs'][0], size_template, box['2dbdb']['classname']) box_set_flip['x_cls'], box_set_flip['x_reg'], box_set_flip['y_cls'], box_set_flip['y_reg'], box_set_flip['z_cls'], box_set_flip['z_reg'] = centroid_cls_reg(box['3dbdb']['centroid'][0], bin, flip=True) box_set_flip['centroid_cls'], box_set_flip['centroid_reg'] = bin_cls_reg(bin['centroid_bin'], np.linalg.norm(box['3dbdb']['centroid'][0])) box_set_flip['bdb_pos'] = [int(2 * K[0, 2] - box['2dbdb']['x2']), box['2dbdb']['y1'], int(2 * K[0, 2] - box['2dbdb']['x1']), box['2dbdb']['y2']] box_set_flip['bdb2d'] = [int(2 * K[0, 2] - box['2dbdb']['x2']) / float(K[0, 2]), box['2dbdb']['y1'] / float(K[1, 2]), int(2 * K[0, 2] - box['2dbdb']['x1']) / float(K[0, 2]), box['2dbdb']['y2'] / float(K[1, 2])] box_set_flip['size_cls'] = OBJ_CATEGORY_CLEAN.index(box['2dbdb']['classname']) coeffs_flip = size_from_template(box_set_flip['size_reg'], size_template, OBJ_CATEGORY_CLEAN[box_set_flip['size_cls']]) centroid_flip = np.array([num_from_bins(bin['x_bin'], box_set_flip['x_cls'], box_set_flip['x_reg']), num_from_bins(bin['y_bin'], box_set_flip['y_cls'], box_set_flip['y_reg']), num_from_bins(bin['z_bin'], box_set_flip['z_cls'], box_set_flip['z_reg'])]) basis_flip = basis_from_ori(num_from_bins(bin['ori_bin'], box_set_flip['ori_cls'], box_set_flip['ori_reg'])) box_set_flip['bdb3d'] = get_corners_of_bb3d(basis_flip, coeffs_flip, centroid_flip) delta_2d_flip = [- delta_2d[0], delta_2d[1]] box_set_flip['delta_2d'] = delta_2d_flip # print box_set['delta_2d'], box_set_flip['delta_2d'] boxes_out_flip.append(box_set_flip) if len(boxes_out) == 0: continue data = dict() data['rgb_path'] = op.join(PATH.metadata_root, 'images', '%06d.jpg' % (i+1)) data['boxes'] = list_of_dict_to_dict_of_list(boxes_out) data['camera'] = camera data['layout'] = layout data['sequence_id'] = i + 1 # fliped data data_flip = dict() data_flip['rgb_path'] = op.join(PATH.metadata_root, 'images', '%06d_flip.jpg' % (i+1)) # img_flip =['rgb_path']).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) #['rgb_path']) data_flip['boxes'] = list_of_dict_to_dict_of_list(boxes_out_flip) data_flip['camera'] = camera_flip data_flip['layout'] = layout_flip data_flip['sequence_id'] = i + 1 if shift: save_path = op.join(PATH.metadata_root, 'sunrgbd_train_test_data', str(i+1) + '_shift_5' + '.pickle') save_path_flip = op.join(PATH.metadata_root, 'sunrgbd_train_test_data', str(i+1) + '_flip' + '_shift_5' + '.pickle') else: save_path = op.join(PATH.metadata_root, 'sunrgbd_train_test_data', str(i + 1) + '.pickle') save_path_flip = op.join(PATH.metadata_root, 'sunrgbd_train_test_data', str(i + 1) + '_flip' + '.pickle') if (i + 1) <= 5050: test_path.append(save_path) else: train_path.append(save_path) with open(save_path, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(data, f) f.close() with open(save_path_flip, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(data_flip, f) f.close() print np.array(layout_centroid).mean(axis=0) print np.array(layout_coeffs).mean(axis=0) if not shift: with open(op.join(PATH.metadata_root, 'train.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(train_path, f) f.close() with open(op.join(PATH.metadata_root, 'test.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(test_path, f) f.close()
class LinearSVM: @staticmethod def do(train_data, train_label, test_data, test_label=None, adjust_parameters=True): train_data = np.array(train_data).squeeze() train_label = np.array(train_label).squeeze() test_data = np.array(test_data).squeeze() if test_label is not None: test_label = np.array(test_label).squeeze() svm = LinearSVC(), train_label) predicts = svm.predict(test_data) acc = None if test_label is not None: acc = accuracy_score(test_label, predicts) print acc return predicts if __name__ == '__main__': data = scio.loadmat('/home/give/PycharmProjects/MedicalImage/BoVW/data_256_False.mat') train_features = data['train_features'] val_features = data['val_features'] train_labels = data['train_labels'] val_labels = data['val_labels'] val_labels = np.squeeze(val_labels) print np.shape(train_features), np.shape(train_labels) predicted_label =, train_labels, val_features, val_labels, adjust_parameters=True)'./predicted_res.npy', predicted_label) # predicted_label = np.load('./predicted_res.npy') calculate_acc_error(predicted_label, val_labels)
def load_file(self, filename: str): full_path = os.path.join(self.path, filename) data = sio.loadmat(full_path) return RabiData(data['power'][0][0], data['taus'][0], data['zs'][0])
import numpy as np import as io import cv2 import NeuralNetwork import SVM import LogisticReg data = io.loadmat("ExtYaleB10.mat") train = data['train'] test = data['test'] train = np.ndarray.tolist(train)[0] test = np.ndarray.tolist(test)[0] train = np.array(train) test = np.array(test) y_train = np.zeros((500, 10)) y_test = np.zeros((140, 10)) k = 0 for i in range(10): for j in range(k, k + 50): y_train[j][i] = 1 k += 50 k = 0 for i in range(10): for j in range(k, k + 14): y_test[j][i] = 1 k += 14 x_train = []
import as sio def gen_line(lista): st = '' z = len(lista) for i in range (0,z): if i > 0: st += ' ' st += str(lista[i]) st += '\n' return st y_fundo = (sio.loadmat('data/y_fundo_30cm.mat'))['y_fundo'][0] y_topo = (sio.loadmat('data/y_topo_30cm.mat'))['y_topo'][0] fp_topo = open("dataWin/y_topo.txt","w") fp_topo.write(gen_line(y_topo)) fp_topo.close() fp_fundo = open("dataWin/y_fundo.txt","w") fp_fundo.write(gen_line(y_fundo)) fp_fundo.close()
# exercise 8.2.6 from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, plot, subplot, title, show, bar import numpy as np from import loadmat import neurolab as nl from sklearn import cross_validation from scipy import stats # Load Matlab data file and extract variables of interest mat_data = loadmat('..\\Data\\wine2.mat') attributeNames = [name[0] for name in mat_data['attributeNames'][0]] X = mat_data['X'] y = X[:, 10] # alcohol contents (target) X = X[:, 1:10] # the rest of features N, M = X.shape C = 2 # Normalize data X = stats.zscore(X) # Normalize and compute PCA (UNCOMMENT to experiment with PCA preprocessing) #Y = stats.zscore(X,0); #U,S,V = np.linalg.svd(Y,full_matrices=False) #V = V.T # Components to be included as features #k_pca = 3 #X = X @ V[:,0:k_pca] #N, M = X.shape # Parameters for neural network classifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from topography import topography if __name__ == '__main__': subject = 1 tmin = -0.5 # in sec. tmax = 1.0 # in sec. cv = 5 # numbers of fold of cross-validation filename = 'data/train_subject%02d.mat' % subject layout_filename = '../additional_files/Vectorview-all.lout' print "Loading %s" % filename data = loadmat(filename, squeeze_me=True) X = data['X'] y = data['y'] sfreq = data['sfreq'] print "Applying the desired time window: [%s, %s] sec." % (tmin, tmax) time = np.linspace(-0.5, 1.0, 375) time_window = np.logical_and(time >= tmin, time <= tmax) X = X[:, :, time_window] time = time[time_window] print "Loading channels name." channel_name = np.loadtxt(layout_filename, skiprows=1, usecols=(5, ), delimiter='\t',
def evaluate_SA(source, target, project, gamma, method, n): """ Report the cross-domain sentiment classification accuracy. """ # Parameters to reduce the number of features in the tail domainTh = {'books': 5, 'dvd': 5, 'kitchen': 5, 'electronics': 5} # gamma = 1.0 print "Source Domain", source print "Target Domain", target if project: print "Projection ON", "Gamma = %f" % gamma else: print "Projection OFF" # Load the projection matrix. M = sp.csr_matrix( sio.loadmat("../work/%s-%s/proj.mat" % (source, target))['proj']) (nDS, h) = M.shape # Load pivots. pivotsFile = "../work/%s-%s/obj/%s" % (source, target, method) features = pi.load_stored_obj(pivotsFile) pivots = dict(features[:n]).keys() print "selecting top-%d features in %s as pivots" % (n, method) # Load features and get domain specific features fname = "../work/%s-%s/obj/freq" % (source, target) if "un_" in method: fname = "../work/%s-%s/obj/un_freq" % (source, target) features = pi.load_stored_obj(fname) feats = selectTh(dict(features), domainTh[source]) print "experimental features = ", len(feats) #print feats DSwords = [item for item in feats if item not in pivots] feats = feats.keys() # write train feature vectors. trainFileName = "../work/%s-%s/trainVects.SCL" % (source, target) testFileName = "../work/%s-%s/testVects.SCL" % (source, target) featFile = open(trainFileName, 'w') count = 0 for (label, fname) in [(1, 'train.positive'), (-1, 'train.negative')]: F = open("../data/%s/%s" % (source, fname)) for line in F: count += 1 #print "Train ", count words = set(line.strip().split()) # write the original features. featFile.write("%d " % label) x = sp.lil_matrix((1, nDS), dtype=np.float64) for w in words: #featFile.write("%s:1 " % w) if w in feats: x[0, feats.index(w)] = 1 # write projected features. if project: y = x.tocsr().dot(M) for i in range(0, h): featFile.write("proj_%d:%f " % (i, gamma * y[0, i])) featFile.write("\n") F.close() featFile.close() # write test feature vectors. featFile = open(testFileName, 'w') count = 0 for (label, fname) in [(1, 'test.positive'), (-1, 'test.negative')]: F = open("../data/%s/%s" % (target, fname)) for line in F: count += 1 #print "Test ", count words = set(line.strip().split()) # write the original features. featFile.write("%d " % label) x = sp.lil_matrix((1, nDS), dtype=np.float64) for w in words: #featFile.write("%s:1 " % w) if w in feats: x[0, feats.index(w)] = 1 # write projected features. if project: y = for i in range(0, h): featFile.write("proj_%d:%f " % (i, gamma * y[0, i])) featFile.write("\n") F.close() featFile.close() # Train using classias. modelFileName = "../work/%s-%s/model.SCL" % (source, target) trainLBFGS(trainFileName, modelFileName) # Test using classias. [acc, correct, total] = testLBFGS(testFileName, modelFileName) intervals = clopper_pearson(correct, total) print "Accuracy =", acc print "Intervals=", intervals print "###########################################\n\n" return acc, intervals
help="ROI image width in pixels") parser.set_defaults(height=648, width=486) return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': args = get_args() data_Craw = [] # raw calcium trace data_A = [] # spatial footprint scores = [] # labels from manual review of ROIs from CNMFE height = args.height width = args.width for filename in tqdm(range(len(args.input))): data = loadmat(args.input[filename]) # spatial downsample factor ds = data['ssub'] data_Craw.append(data['C_raw'][:, :]) A = data['A'].transpose(1, 0) A = A.reshape( (data['C_raw'].shape[0], int(height / ds), int(width / ds))) data_A.append(A) for tt in range(data['C_raw'].shape[0]): # ROI labels (keep, 1, or exclude, 0) if tt in data['keep']: scores.append(1)
def main(meta_data_dir='./data/meta_data', reingest=True): meta_data_dir = pathlib.Path(meta_data_dir) if not meta_data_dir.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Path not found!! {meta_data_dir.as_posix()}') # ==================== DEFINE CONSTANTS ===================== # ---- inferred from paper ---- hemi = 'left' skull_reference = 'bregma' photostim_devices = {473: 'LaserGem473', 594: 'LaserCoboltMambo100', 596: 'LaserCoboltMambo100'} # ---- from lookup ---- probe = 'A4x8-5mm-100-200-177' electrode_config_name = 'silicon32' project_name = 'li2015' # ================== INGESTION OF METADATA ================== # ---- delete all Sessions ---- if reingest: (experiment.Session & (experiment.ProjectSession & {'project_name': project_name}).fetch('KEY')).delete() # ---- insert metadata ---- meta_data_files = meta_data_dir.glob('*.mat') for meta_data_file in tqdm(meta_data_files): print(f'-- Read {meta_data_file} --') meta_data = sio.loadmat(meta_data_file, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)['meta_data'] # ==================== person ==================== person_key = dict(username=meta_data.experimenters, fullname=meta_data.experimenters) lab.Person.insert1(person_key, skip_duplicates=True) # ==================== subject gene modification ==================== modified_genes = (meta_data.animalGeneModification if isinstance(meta_data.animalGeneModification, (np.ndarray, list)) else [meta_data.animalGeneModification]) lab.ModifiedGene.insert((dict(gene_modification=g, gene_modification_description=g) for g in modified_genes), skip_duplicates=True) # ==================== subject strain ==================== animal_strains = (meta_data.animalStrain if isinstance(meta_data.animalStrain, (np.ndarray, list)) else [meta_data.animalStrain]) lab.AnimalStrain.insert(zip(animal_strains), skip_duplicates=True) # ==================== subject ==================== animal_id = (meta_data.animalID[0] if isinstance(meta_data.animalID, (np.ndarray, list)) else meta_data.animalID) animal_source = (meta_data.animalSource[0] if isinstance(meta_data.animalSource, (np.ndarray, list)) else meta_data.animalSource) subject_key = dict(subject_id=int('\d+', animal_id).group()),[0].upper() if len( != 0 else 'U', species=meta_data.species, animal_source=animal_source) try: date_of_birth = parse_date(meta_data.dateOfBirth) subject_key['date_of_birth'] = date_of_birth except: pass lab.AnimalSource.insert1((animal_source,), skip_duplicates=True) with lab.Subject.connection.transaction: if subject_key not in lab.Subject.proj(): lab.Subject.insert1(subject_key) lab.Subject.GeneModification.insert((dict(subject_key, gene_modification=g) for g in modified_genes), ignore_extra_fields=True) lab.Subject.Strain.insert((dict(subject_key, animal_strain=strain) for strain in animal_strains), ignore_extra_fields=True) # ==================== session ==================== session_key = dict(subject_key, username=person_key['username'], session=len(experiment.Session & subject_key) + 1, session_date=parse_date(meta_data.dateOfExperiment + ' ' + meta_data.timeOfExperiment)) experiment.Session.insert1(session_key, ignore_extra_fields=True) experiment.ProjectSession.insert1({**session_key, 'project_name': project_name}, ignore_extra_fields=True) print(f'\tInsert Session - {session_key["subject_id"]} - {session_key["session_date"]}') # ==================== Probe Insertion ==================== brain_location_key = dict(brain_area=meta_data.extracellular.recordingLocation, hemisphere=hemi) insertion_loc_key = dict(skull_reference=skull_reference, ap_location=meta_data.extracellular.recordingCoordinates[0] * 1000, # mm to um ml_location=meta_data.extracellular.recordingCoordinates[1] * 1000, # mm to um dv_location=meta_data.extracellular.recordingCoordinates[2] * -1) # already in um with ephys.ProbeInsertion.connection.transaction: ephys.ProbeInsertion.insert1(dict(session_key, insertion_number=1, probe=probe, electrode_config_name=electrode_config_name), ignore_extra_fields=True) ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation.insert1(dict(session_key, **insertion_loc_key, insertion_number=1), ignore_extra_fields=True) ephys.ProbeInsertion.RecordableBrainRegion.insert1(dict(session_key, **brain_location_key, insertion_number=1), ignore_extra_fields=True) ephys.ProbeInsertion.ElectrodeSitePosition.insert((dict( session_key, insertion_number=1, probe=probe, electrode_config_name=electrode_config_name, electrode_group=0, electrode= site_idx + 1, electrode_posx=x*1000, electrode_posy=y*1000, electrode_posz=z*1000) for site_idx, (x, y, z) in enumerate(meta_data.extracellular.siteLocations)), ignore_extra_fields=True) print(f'\tInsert ProbeInsertion - Location: {brain_location_key}') # ==================== Virus ==================== if 'virus' in meta_data._fieldnames and isinstance(meta_data.virus, sio.matlab.mio5_params.mat_struct): virus_info = dict( virus_source=meta_data.virus.virusSource, virus=meta_data.virus.virusID, virus_lot_number=meta_data.virus.virusLotNumber if len(meta_data.virus.virusLotNumber) != 0 else '', virus_titer=meta_data.virus.virusTiter.replace('x10', '') if meta_data.virus.virusTiter != 'untitered' else None) virus.Virus.insert1(virus_info, skip_duplicates=True) # -- BrainLocation brain_location_key = dict(brain_area=meta_data.virus.infectionLocation, hemisphere=hemi) virus_injection = dict( {**virus_info, **subject_key, **brain_location_key}, injection_date=parse_date(meta_data.virus.injectionDate)) virus.VirusInjection.insert([dict(virus_injection, injection_id=inj_idx + 1, ap_location=coord[0] * 1000, ml_location=coord[1] * 1000, dv_location=coord[2] * 1000 * -1, injection_volume=vol) for inj_idx, (coord, vol) in enumerate(zip(meta_data.virus.infectionCoordinates, meta_data.virus.injectionVolume))], ignore_extra_fields=True, skip_duplicates=True) print(f'\tInsert Virus Injections - Count: {len(meta_data.virus.injectionVolume)}') # ==================== Photostim ==================== if 'photostim' in meta_data._fieldnames and isinstance(meta_data.photostim, sio.matlab.mio5_params.mat_struct): photostimLocation = (meta_data.photostim.photostimLocation if isinstance(meta_data.photostim.photostimLocation, np.ndarray) else np.array([meta_data.photostim.photostimLocation])) photostimCoordinates = (meta_data.photostim.photostimCoordinates if isinstance(meta_data.photostim.photostimCoordinates[0], np.ndarray) else np.array([meta_data.photostim.photostimCoordinates])) photostim_locs = [] for ba in set(photostimLocation): coords = photostimCoordinates[photostimLocation == ba] photostim_locs.append((ba, coords)) for stim_idx, (loc, coords) in enumerate(photostim_locs): experiment.Photostim.insert1(dict( session_key, photo_stim=stim_idx + 1, photostim_device=photostim_devices[meta_data.photostim.photostimWavelength]), ignore_extra_fields=True) experiment.Photostim.PhotostimLocation.insert([ dict(session_key, photo_stim=stim_idx + 1, brain_area=loc, skull_reference=skull_reference, ap_location=coord[0] * 1000, ml_location=coord[1] * 1000, dv_location=coord[2] * 1000 * -1) for coord in coords], ignore_extra_fields=True) print(f'\tInsert Photostim - Count: {len(photostim_locs)}') experiment.PhotostimBrainRegion.populate(display_progress=True)
def setup_training(args, device, batch_size=1024, learning_rate=0.001, step_size=100, gamma=0.5, l1_weight=0.): ################################################################ # create results_dd ################################################################ results_dd = {} ################################################################# # read training data ################################################################ d = sio.loadmat(args.data_fp) usol = d['output'][:, :args.time_idx+1] t_grid = d['t'][:, :args.time_idx+1] x_grid = d['x']"USOL SHAPE {}, T_GRID SHAPE: {}, X_GRID SHAPE: {}".format(usol.shape, t_grid.shape, x_grid.shape)) train_dataset = TimeScalingDataSet(usol, t_grid, x_grid, ones_vector=False)"Dataset: {}".format(train_dataset)) results_dd['ntrain'] = len(train_dataset) results_dd['prediction_time'] = args.time_idx train_data_loader =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True) ################################################################ # read testing data ################################################################ if not args.no_test: d_test = sio.loadmat(args.test_data_fp) usol_test = d_test['output'][:,:args.time_idx] t_grid_test = d_test['t'][:,:args.time_idx] x_grid_test = d_test['x'] test_dataset = TimeScalingDataSet(usol_test, t_grid_test, x_grid_test, ones_vector=False)"Test Dataset: {}".format(test_dataset)) results_dd['ntest'] = len(test_dataset) test_data_loader =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True) ################################################################## # initialize model and optimizer ################################################################## model_params = {'width': args.width, 'modes':args.freq_modes} model = FNO1dComplex(width=args.width, modes=args.freq_modes).to(device) results_dd.update(model_params) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=step_size, gamma=gamma) results_dd['learning_rate'] = learning_rate ################################################################## # Call training loop ##################################################################"Starting FNO training") model = train_loop(model=model, optimizer=optimizer, scheduler=scheduler, start_epoch=0, end_epoch=args.epochs, l1_weight=l1_weight, device=device, train_data_loader=train_data_loader, train_df=args.train_df, do_testing=(not args.no_test), test_every_n=100, test_data_loader=test_data_loader, test_df=args.test_df, model_path=args.model_fp, results_dd=results_dd) return model, results_dd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as sio import numpy as np # Import the .mat files import_mat = sio.loadmat('coordinate_BS.mat') import_traces = sio.loadmat('traces.mat') # Extract .mat file coordinates and data bs_coordinates = import_mat['BSCoordinates'] traces = import_traces['traces_data'] # Extract and get unique vehicleID vehicle_id = traces[:, 1] uniq_id_raw = np.unique(vehicle_id) # Initialize unique ID vector ID_vec = np.zeros(len(uniq_id_raw), dtype=int) N_vehicle = len(ID_vec) # Fill unique ID vector for x in range(N_vehicle): ID_vec[x] = int(uniq_id_raw[x]) # Initialize list vehicle_trace = [] for i in range(1000): # Extract temporal vector containing all parameters tmp = traces[traces[:, 1] == ID_vec[i]] # Append only position parameter to the vehicle_trace list vehicle_trace.append(tmp[:, 2:4])
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Nov 30 14:01:27 2016 @author: jimmijamma """ # we import the .mat file of arrhythmia import as scio import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt mat_file = scio.loadmat('arrhythmia.mat') data = mat_file.get('arrhythmia') data = data[~np.all(data == 0, axis=1)] # deleting eventual zero columns class_id = data[:, -1] n_classes = int(max(class_id)) (N, F) = np.shape(data) mx_classes = np.zeros((N, n_classes)) for i in range(0, N - 1): mx_classes[i][int(class_id[i]) - 1] = 1 data = data[:, :-1] (N, F) = np.shape(data) mean = np.mean(data)
sio.savemat('non_z_simple_output_%s' %(region_key),{'return_dict':return_dict},format='5') return(return_dict) ############################################### #start ######################################## ############################################### ts_filename = glob.glob('Extracted*_timestamps.mat')[0] extracted_filename = ts_filename[:-15] + '.mat' a = sio.loadmat(extracted_filename) timestamps = sio.loadmat(ts_filename) print extracted_filename #create matrix of trial-by-trial info trial_breakdown = timestamps['trial_breakdown'] condensed = np.zeros((np.shape(trial_breakdown)[0],10)) #0: disp_rp, 1: succ scene 2: failure scene, 3: rnum, 4: pnum, 5:succ/fail, 6: value, 7: motiv, 8: disp_rp bin condensed[:,0] = trial_breakdown[:,1] condensed[:,1] = trial_breakdown[:,2] condensed[:,2] = trial_breakdown[:,3] condensed[:,3] = trial_breakdown[:,5] condensed[:,4] = trial_breakdown[:,7]
def load(path): return loadmat(path)
""" FEDFUNDS : Effective Fed Funds Rate, percent. GDP : Real GDP, 3 decimals, billions of Chained 2000 Dollars. INDPRO : Industrial Production Index CPIAUCSL : Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items UNRATE : Civilian Unemployment Rate PAYEMS : All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls """ data = pd.read_csv('quarterly.csv', index_col = 'DATE') import as sio factors_data = sio.loadmat('factors.mat') # process the factors: raw factors_q = pd.DataFrame(factors_data['quarterly']) # drop the last period (as done with the data) factors_q = factors_q[:-1] # drop every col that has missings after the beginning factors_q = factors_q.ix[:, factors_q[5:].isnull().sum(axis=0)==0] df_raw = data.reset_index(drop = True) df_raw.columns = ['GDP', 'CPI', 'FF', 'IP', 'emp', 'unemp']
def classify(model, inputs): in_img = inputs['photo'] img_ori = np.array(in_img) img_fp = 'samples/test1.jpg' face_detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() # 3. forward tri = sio.loadmat('visualize/tri.mat')['tri'] transform = transforms.Compose( [ToTensorGjz(), NormalizeGjz(mean=127.5, std=128)]) #print(transform) rects = face_detector(img_ori, 1) pts_res = [] Ps = [] # Camera matrix collection poses = [] # pose collection, [todo: validate it] vertices_lst = [] # store multiple face vertices ind = 0 suffix = get_suffix(img_fp) for rect in rects: # - use detected face bbox bbox = [rect.left(),, rect.right(), rect.bottom()] roi_box = parse_roi_box_from_bbox(bbox) img = crop_img(img_ori, roi_box) # forward: one step img = cv2.resize(img, dsize=(STD_SIZE, STD_SIZE), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) input = transform(img).unsqueeze(0) print(input) with torch.no_grad(): if mode == 'gpu': input = input.cuda() param = model(input) param = param.squeeze().cpu().numpy().flatten().astype(np.float32) # 68 pts pts68 = predict_68pts(param, roi_box) # two-step for more accurate bbox to crop face if bbox_init == 'two': roi_box = parse_roi_box_from_landmark(pts68) img_step2 = crop_img(img_ori, roi_box) img_step2 = cv2.resize(img_step2, dsize=(STD_SIZE, STD_SIZE), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) input = transform(img_step2).unsqueeze(0) with torch.no_grad(): if mode == 'gpu': input = input.cuda() param = model(input) param = param.squeeze().cpu().numpy().flatten().astype( np.float32) pts68 = predict_68pts(param, roi_box) pts_res.append(pts68) P, pose = parse_pose(param) Ps.append(P) poses.append(pose) vertices = predict_dense(param, roi_box) vertices_lst.append(vertices) ind += 1 pncc_feature = cpncc(img_ori, vertices_lst, tri - 1) output = pncc_feature[:, :, ::-1] print(type(output)) pilImg = transforms.ToPILImage()(np.uint8(output)) return {"image": pilImg}
import tensorflow as tf import as scio import numpy as np # 数据准备 x = np.array(scio.loadmat("D:/cache/Matlab/项目/xSpilit.mat")["xSpilit"]) # (m, 200) y = np.array(scio.loadmat("D:/cache/Matlab/项目/yTrain.mat")["yTrain"]) # (m, 1) def weight_variable(shape): initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.1) return tf.Variable(initial) def bias_variable(shape): initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape) return tf.Variable(initial) # 定义输入 data_x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 200]) data_y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, 1]) # 格式化输入 input_x = tf.reshape(data_x, [-1, 200, 1, 1]) # (m,200,1,1) CLASS = 3 one_hot = tf.one_hot(data_y, CLASS, 1, 0) input_y = tf.reshape(one_hot, [-1, CLASS]) # (m,3) # 定义网络 ''' layer1:
aes =, AES.MODE_ECB) for file_step in range(int(num_traces / file_size)): # Variables we want to store all_key_guesses = [] model_values = [] traces = [] ciphertexts = [] end_size = file_size * (file_step + 1) start = file_size * file_step + step_size # Perform the conversion for file_index in range(start, end_size + 1, step_size): file = "traces{}.mat".format(file_index) x = loadmat('{}/{}'.format(path, file)) ptexts = x['ptexts'] print("Opened {}".format(file_index)) for i in range(step_size): # Do the encryption of the plaintext plain = conv_to_plain(x['ptexts'][i]) bytes_ct = aes.encrypt(plain) # Add the traces traces.append(x['traces'][i]) # Select a byte ct_byte = int(bytes_ct[sub_key]) ciphertexts.append(ct_byte)
loss = -np.mean(np.sum(log_class_prob * data['targets'], axis=0)) print('For the', data_name, 'data, the classification cross-entropy ' 'loss is', loss, ', and the classification error rate (i.e. the ' 'misclassification rate) is', error_rate) report_calls_to_sample_bernoulli = True #### ---- Main program # Part 1 - Initialization # PS: This initialization is analogous to a4_init.m # Load base for pseudorandom generator randomness_source = sio.loadmat('a4_randomness_source.mat')['randomness_source'] # Load data: arrays of 16x16 images of greyscale hand-written digits from_data_file = sio.loadmat('data_set.mat')['data'] training_data = {} training_data['inputs'] = from_data_file[0][0]['training'][0][0]['inputs'] training_data['targets'] = from_data_file[0][0]['training'][0][0]['targets'] validation_data = {} validation_data['inputs'] = from_data_file[0][0]['validation'][0][0]['inputs'] validation_data['targets'] = from_data_file[0][0]['validation'][0][0]['targets'] test_data = {} test_data['inputs'] = from_data_file[0][0]['test'][0][0]['inputs'] test_data['targets'] = from_data_file[0][0]['test'][0][0]['targets'] report_calls_to_sample_bernoulli = False
appear_times = tf.reshape(appear_times, [-1, 1]) diff = diff / tf.cast((1 + appear_times), tf.float32) diff = alpha * diff centers_update_op = tf.scatter_sub(centers, labels, diff) return loss, centers, centers_update_op print('-----Importing Dataset-----') dataset = input('Please input the name of Dataset(IN, SS or KSC):') Dataset = dataset.upper() if Dataset == 'KSC': KSC = sio.loadmat('datasets/KSC.mat') gt_KSC = sio.loadmat('datasets/KSC_gt.mat') data_hsi = KSC['KSC'] gt_hsi = gt_KSC['KSC_gt'] TOTAL_SIZE = 5211 VALIDATION_SPLIT = 0.962875 # 200: 0.962875 400: 0.9245 600: 0.8862 800:84765 if Dataset == 'IN': mat_data = sio.loadmat('datasets/Indian_pines_corrected.mat') data_hsi = mat_data['indian_pines_corrected'] mat_gt = sio.loadmat('datasets/Indian_pines_gt.mat') gt_hsi = mat_gt['indian_pines_gt'] TOTAL_SIZE = 10249 VALIDATION_SPLIT = 0.9812 # 200:0.9812 400:0.9617 600: 0.9422 800: if Dataset == 'SS':
import pvcMetrics as pvc import as sio import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import signal # Parse command line args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute relative mean squared error in space, averaged across time, of two sets of time series electrical potential signals.') parser.add_argument('-gt', '--ground_truth', help='filename of the ground truth .mat file', required=True) parser.add_argument('-sol', '--solution', help='filename of the solution .mat file', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() # Load ground truth data ground_truth_dict = {} ground_truth_dict.update(sio.loadmat(args.ground_truth)) gt_potentials_array = ground_truth_dict['X_GT'] gt_number_of_nodes = (gt_potentials_array.shape)[0] gt_number_of_samples = (gt_potentials_array.shape)[1] # Load solution data solution_dict = {} solution_dict.update(sio.loadmat(args.solution)) sol_potentials_array = solution_dict['X'] sol_number_of_nodes = (sol_potentials_array.shape)[0] sol_number_of_samples = (sol_potentials_array.shape)[1] t = np.arange(0, gt_number_of_samples, 1); X_GT = gt_potentials_array