    def _compute_xDAWN_filters(self, X, D):
        # Compute xDAWN spatial filters

        # QR decompositions of X and D
        if map(int, __import__("scipy").__version__.split('.')) >= [0, 9, 0]:
            # NOTE: mode='economy'required since otherwise the memory
            # consumption is excessive
            Qx, Rx = qr(X, overwrite_a=True, mode='economic')
            Qd, Rd = qr(D, overwrite_a=True, mode='economic')
            # NOTE: econ=True required since otherwise the memory consumption
            # is excessive
            Qx, Rx = qr(X, overwrite_a=True, econ=True)
            Qd, Rd = qr(D, overwrite_a=True, econ=True)

        # Singular value decomposition of Qd.T Qx
        # NOTE: full_matrices=True required since otherwise we do not get
        #       num_channels filters.
        Phi, Lambda, Psi = numpy.linalg.svd(numpy.dot(Qd.T, Qx),
        Psi = Psi.T

        # Construct the spatial filters
        for i in range(Psi.shape[1]):
            # Construct spatial filter with index i as Rx^-1*Psi_i
            ui = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(Rx), Psi[:, i])
            if i == 0:
                filters = numpy.atleast_2d(ui).T
                filters = numpy.hstack((filters, numpy.atleast_2d(ui).T))

        return filters
    def _compute_xDAWN_filters(self, X, D):
        # Compute xDAWN spatial filters
        # QR decompositions of X and D
        if map(int, __import__("scipy").__version__.split('.')) >= [0,9,0]:
            # NOTE: mode='economy'required since otherwise the memory 
            # consumption is excessive
            Qx, Rx = qr(X, overwrite_a=True, mode='economic')     
            Qd, Rd = qr(D, overwrite_a=True, mode='economic')
            # NOTE: econ=True required since otherwise the memory consumption 
            # is excessive 
            Qx, Rx = qr(X, overwrite_a=True, econ=True)      
            Qd, Rd = qr(D, overwrite_a=True, econ=True)       

        # Singular value decomposition of Qd.T Qx
        # NOTE: full_matrices=True required since otherwise we do not get 
        #       num_channels filters. 
        Phi, Lambda, Psi = numpy.linalg.svd(numpy.dot(Qd.T, Qx), 
        Psi = Psi.T

        # Construct the spatial filters
        for i in range(Psi.shape[1]):
            # Construct spatial filter with index i as Rx^-1*Psi_i
            ui = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(Rx), Psi[:,i])
            if i == 0:
                filters = numpy.atleast_2d(ui).T
                filters = numpy.hstack((filters, numpy.atleast_2d(ui).T))
        return filters
    def _stop_training(self, debug=False):
        # The following if statement is needed only to account for
        # different versions of scipy
        if map(int, __import__("scipy").__version__.split('.')) >= [0, 9, 0]:
            # NOTE: mode='economy'required since otherwise
            # the memory consumption is excessive;
            # QR decompositions of X
            Qx, Rx = qr(self.X, overwrite_a=True, mode='economic')
            # QR decompositions of D
            Qd, Rd = qr(self.D, overwrite_a=True, mode='economic')
            # NOTE: econ=True required since otherwise
            #       the memory consumption is excessive
            # QR decompositions of X
            Qx, Rx = qr(self.X, overwrite_a=True, econ=True)
            # QR decompositions of D
            Qd, Rd = qr(self.D, overwrite_a=True, econ=True)

        # self.X = None # Free memory
        # self.D = None # Free memory

        # Singular value decomposition of Qd.T Qx
        # NOTE: full_matrices=True required since otherwise we do not get
        #       num_channels filters.
        self.Phi, self.Lambda, self.Psi = \
                    numpy.linalg.svd(numpy.dot(Qd.T, Qx), full_matrices=True)
        self.Psi = self.Psi.T

        SNR = numpy.zeros(self.X.shape[1])
        # Construct the spatial filters
        for i in range(self.Psi.shape[1]):
            # Construct spatial filter with index i as Rx^-1*Psi_i
            ui = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(Rx), self.Psi[:, i])
            wi = numpy.dot(Rx.T, self.Psi[:, i])
            if i < self.Phi.shape[1]:
                ai = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(Rd), self.Phi[:, i]),
            if i == 0:
                self.filters = numpy.atleast_2d(ui).T
                self.wi = numpy.atleast_2d(wi)
                self.ai = numpy.atleast_2d(ai)
                self.filters = numpy.hstack(
                    (self.filters, numpy.atleast_2d(ui).T))
                self.wi = numpy.vstack((self.wi, numpy.atleast_2d(wi)))
                if i < self.Phi.shape[1]:
                    self.ai = numpy.vstack((self.ai, numpy.atleast_2d(ai)))
            a = numpy.dot(self.D, ai.T)
            b = numpy.dot(self.X, ui)
            #            b.view(numpy.ndarray)
            #            bb = numpy.dot(b.T, b)
            #            aa = numpy.dot(a.T, a)
            SNR[i] = numpy.dot(a.T, a) / numpy.dot(b.T, b)

        self.SNR = SNR
        self.D = None
        self.X = None
    def _stop_training(self, debug=False):
        # The following if statement is needed only to account for
        # different versions of scipy
        if map(int, __import__("scipy").__version__.split('.')) >= [0, 9, 0]:
            # NOTE: mode='economy'required since otherwise
            # the memory consumption is excessive;
            # QR decompositions of X
            Qx, Rx = qr(self.X, overwrite_a=True, mode='economic')
            # QR decompositions of D
            Qd, Rd = qr(self.D, overwrite_a=True, mode='economic')
            # NOTE: econ=True required since otherwise
            #       the memory consumption is excessive
            # QR decompositions of X
            Qx, Rx = qr(self.X, overwrite_a=True, econ=True)
            # QR decompositions of D
            Qd, Rd = qr(self.D, overwrite_a=True, econ=True)
        # self.X = None # Free memory
        # self.D = None # Free memory

        # Singular value decomposition of Qd.T Qx
        # NOTE: full_matrices=True required since otherwise we do not get 
        #       num_channels filters. 
        self.Phi, self.Lambda, self.Psi = \
                    numpy.linalg.svd(numpy.dot(Qd.T, Qx), full_matrices=True)
        self.Psi = self.Psi.T
        SNR = numpy.zeros(self.X.shape[1])
        # Construct the spatial filters
        for i in range(self.Psi.shape[1]):
            # Construct spatial filter with index i as Rx^-1*Psi_i
            ui = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(Rx), self.Psi[:,i])
            wi = numpy.dot(Rx.T, self.Psi[:,i]) 
            if i < self.Phi.shape[1]:
                ai = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(Rd), self.Phi[:,i]),
            if i == 0:
                self.filters = numpy.atleast_2d(ui).T
                self.wi = numpy.atleast_2d(wi)
                self.ai = numpy.atleast_2d(ai)
                self.filters = numpy.hstack((self.filters,
                self.wi = numpy.vstack((self.wi, numpy.atleast_2d(wi)))
                if i < self.Phi.shape[1]:
                    self.ai = numpy.vstack((self.ai, numpy.atleast_2d(ai)))
            a = numpy.dot(self.D, ai.T)
            b = numpy.dot(self.X, ui)
#            b.view(numpy.ndarray)
#            bb = numpy.dot(b.T, b)
#            aa = numpy.dot(a.T, a)
            SNR[i] = numpy.dot(a.T, a)/numpy.dot(b.T, b)

        self.SNR = SNR
        self.D = None
        self.X = None