def test_inv_assumptions(app_inst: ArrayApplication):
    # pylint: disable=no-member, unused-variable
    np_Z = sample_sym_pd_mat(shape=(10, 10))

    # Compute the inverse of np_Z using sym_psd routine.
    Z = app_inst.array(np_Z, np_Z.shape)
    Z_inv = app_inst.inv(Z).get()
    Z_true_inv = np.linalg.inv(np_Z)
    assert np.allclose(Z_true_inv, Z_inv)

    # Try Cholesky approach.
    np_L = np.linalg.cholesky(np_Z)
    np_L_inv = np.linalg.inv(np_L)
    Z_cho_inv = np_L_inv.T @ np_L_inv
    assert np.allclose(Z_cho_inv, Z_true_inv)

    # Test backsub.
    assert np_L.dtype == np.float64
    lp_L_inv, _ = lapack.dtrtri(np_L, lower=1, unitdiag=0, overwrite_c=0)
    assert np.allclose(np_L_inv, lp_L_inv)

    # Test overwrite.
    overwrite_L_inv = np_L.copy(order="F")
    overwrite_L_inv_res, info = lapack.dtrtri(overwrite_L_inv, lower=1, unitdiag=0, overwrite_c=1)
    assert np.allclose(overwrite_L_inv_res, overwrite_L_inv)
    assert np.allclose(np_L_inv, overwrite_L_inv)

    # This should copy.
    overwrite_L_inv = np_L.copy(order="C")
    overwrite_L_inv_res, info = lapack.dtrtri(overwrite_L_inv, lower=1, unitdiag=0, overwrite_c=1)
    assert not np.allclose(overwrite_L_inv_res, overwrite_L_inv)

    # scipy cholesky tests.
    scipy_L_inv, info = lapack.dtrtri(scipy.linalg.cholesky(np.asfortranarray(np_Z),
    assert np.allclose(scipy_L_inv, np_L_inv)

    # Benchmark test.
    np_Z = sample_sym_pd_mat((1500, 1500))
    scipy_runtime = time.time()
    scipy_L_inv, info = lapack.dtrtri(scipy.linalg.cholesky(np.asfortranarray(np_Z),
    scipy_Z_inv = scipy_L_inv.T @ scipy_L_inv
    scipy_runtime = time.time() - scipy_runtime

    np_runtime = time.time()
    np_Z_inv = np.linalg.inv(np_Z)
    np_runtime = time.time() - np_runtime
    assert scipy_runtime < np_runtime
    def log_mvnpdf_low_rank(y: np.ndarray,
                            mu: np.ndarray,
                            M: np.ndarray,
                            d: np.ndarray,
                            scipy_lapack: bool = True) -> float:
        efficiently computes
           log N(y; mu, MM' + diag(d))
        :param y: this_flux, (n_points, )
        :param mu: this_mu, the mean vector of GP, (n_points, )
        :param M: this_M, the low rank decomposition of covariance matrix, (n_points, k)
        :param d: diagonal noise term, (n_points, )
        log_2pi = 1.83787706640934534

        n, k = M.shape

        y = y[:, None] - mu[:, None]

        d_inv = 1 / d[:, None]  # (n_points, 1)
        D_inv_y = d_inv * y  # (n_points, 1)
        D_inv_M = d_inv * M  # (n_points, k)

        # use Woodbury identity, define
        #   B = (I + M' D^-1 M),
        # then
        #   K^-1 = D^-1 - D^-1 M B^-1 M' D^-1
        B = np.matmul(M.T, D_inv_M)  # (k, n_points) * (n_points, k) -> (k, k)
        # add the identity matrix with magic indicing
        B.ravel()[0::(k + 1)] = B.ravel()[0::(k + 1)] + 1
        # numpy cholesky returns lower triangle, different than MATLAB's upper triangle
        L = np.linalg.cholesky(B)
        # C = B^-1 M' D^-1
        if scipy_lapack:
            tmp = np.matmul(
                lapack.dtrtri(np.asfortranarray(L), lower=1)[0], D_inv_M.T)
            C = np.matmul(
                lapack.dtrtri(np.asfortranarray(L.T), lower=0)[0], tmp)
            tmp = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(L, D_inv_M.T,
                                                lower=True)  # (k, n_points)
            C = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(L.T, tmp,
                                              lower=False)  # (k, n_points)

        K_inv_y = D_inv_y - np.matmul(D_inv_M, np.matmul(C,
                                                         y))  # (n_points, 1)

        log_det_K = np.sum(np.log(d)) + 2 * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))

        log_p = -0.5 * (np.matmul(y.T, K_inv_y).sum() + log_det_K +
                        n * log_2pi)

        return log_p
def qrSolve(X, y):
	Uses QR Decomposition to solve X * theta = y

	Uses scipy when use_gpu = False, and uses solve_triangular
	to solve R = QTy.

	This implementation of QR Solve handles ill conditioned
	problems using the following algorithm:

	compute covariance XTX
	try Q, R = qr(XTX)
	if R^-1 * R diag sum > 1.1*p {
		compute Q, R = qr(X + I)
	Solves theta =  R^-1 * QT * y
	XTX = cov(X)

	Q, R = scipy_qr(XTX, mode = 'economic', check_finite = False,
					overwrite_a = True)
	check = 1
	a,b = R.shape
	if use_gpu: R = R.numpy()
	if a == b: _R, check = dtrtri(R)
	if check == 1: _R = pinv(R)

	return _R @ (Q.T @ (X.T @ y))
def wishart_pdf(X, S, v, d, chol=False, log_form = False):
    '''Wishart probability density with possible use of the cholesky decomposition of S.
    Returns the same output as scipy.stats.wishart(df=v, scale=S).pdf(X).
    The equation is (Wikipedia or Kevin P. Murphy, 2007):
        {|X|**[0.5(v-d-1)] exp[-0.5tr(inv(S)X)]}/{2**[0.5vd] |S|**[0.5v] [multivariate_gamma_function(0.5v, d)]}
    Thomas Minka (1998) has a different form for the equation, but both are equivalent for the same inputs:
        {1}/{[multivariate_gamma_function(0.5v, d)] |X|**(0.5(d+1))} {|0.5X inv(S)|**(0.5v)} {exp[-0.5tr(inv(S)X)]}
    X: array-like. 
    Positive definite dxd matrix for which the probability function is to be estimated.
    If chol, this must be the matrix L, instead. L is a lower triangular decomposition of X, such that X = LL'.
    Positive definite dxd scale matrix
    If chol, this must be the matrix L2, instead. L2 is a lower triangular decomposition of S, such that S = L2L2'
    v: int or float.
    degrees of freedom for the distribution. v must be >d
    d: int
    dimension of each row or column of X
    If log_form returns the logpdf estimate of X, else it returns the pdf estimate of X
    if chol:
        det_X = chol_log_determinant(X)
        det_S = chol_log_determinant(S)
        iS = lpack.dtrtri(S, lower=1)[0]
        trace = np.einsum('ij,ji', iS.T.dot(iS), X.dot(X.T))

        det_X = np.linalg.slogdet(X)[1]
        det_S = np.linalg.slogdet(S)[1]
        trace = np.trace(np.linalg.inv(S).dot(X))

    p1 = 0.5*(v-d-1)*det_X
    p2 = -0.5*trace
    p3 = -0.5*(v*d)*math.log(2)
    p4 = -0.5*(v)*det_S
    p5 = -spe.multigammaln(0.5*v,d)
    if log_form:
        return p1+p2+p3+p4+p5
        return math.exp(p1+p2+p3+p4+p5)
def chol_inv(L):
    Inverts a Cholesky lower triangular matrix
    :param L: lower triangular matrix
    :rtype: inverse of L

    return lapack.dtrtri(L, lower=True)[0]
def inv_lower(L):
    Inverts a lower triangular matrix.
        L: A lower triangular matrix
    return np.matrix(dtrtri(L, lower=1)[0])
def chol_inv(L):
    Inverts a Cholesky lower triangular matrix
    :param L: lower triangular matrix
    :rtype: inverse of L

    return lapack.dtrtri(L, lower=True)[0]
def invwishart_pdf(X, S, v, d, chol=False, log_form = False):
    '''Inverse Wishart probability density with possible use of the cholesky decomposition of S and X.
    Returns the output that is comparable to scipy.stats.invwishart(df=v, scale=S).pdf(X). 
    The equation is (Wikipedia or Kevin P. Murphy, 2007):
        {|S|**[0.5v] |X|**[-0.5(v+d+1)] exp[-0.5tr(S inv(X))]}/{2**[0.5vd]  [multivariate_gamma_function(0.5v, d)]}
    X: array-like. 
    Positive definite dxd matrix for which the probability function is to be estimated.
    If chol, this must be the matrix L, instead. L is a lower triangular decomposition of X, such that X = LL'.
    Positive definite dxd scale matrix
    If chol, this must be the matrix L2, instead. L2 is a lower triangular decomposition of S, such that S = L2L2'
    v: int or float.
    degrees of freedom for the distribution. v must be >d
    d: int
    dimension of each row or column of X
    If log_form returns the logpdf estimate of X, else it returns the pdf estimate of X
    if chol:
        det_X = chol_log_determinant(X)
        det_S = chol_log_determinant(S)
        iX = lpack.dtrtri(X, lower=1)[0]
        trace = np.einsum('ij,ji', S.dot(S.T),iX.T.dot(iX))

        det_X = np.linalg.slogdet(X)[1]
        det_S = np.linalg.slogdet(S)[1]
        trace = np.trace(S.dot(np.linalg.inv(X)))

    p1 = -0.5*(v*d)*math.log(2)
    p2 = -spe.multigammaln(0.5*v,d)
    p3 = 0.5*(v)*det_S
    p4 = -0.5*(v+d+1)*det_X
    p5 = -0.5*trace
    if log_form:
        return p1+p2+p3+p4+p5
        return math.exp(p1+p2+p3+p4+p5)
def linear_regression(X, y, algo=None):
    Solves the linear regression problem,
    find :math:`\\beta` which minimizes
    :math:`\\norme{y - X\\beta}`, based on the algorithm
    :ref:`Arbre de décision optimisé pour les régressions linéaires

    @param      X       features
    @param      y       targets
    @param      algo    None to use the standard algorithm
                        :math:`\\beta = (X'X)^{-1} X'y`,
                        `'gram'`, `'qr'`
    @return             beta

    .. runpython::

        import numpy
        from mlstatpy.ml.matrices import linear_regression

        X = numpy.array([[1., 2., 3., 4.],
                         [5., 6., 6., 6.],
                         [5., 6., 7., 8.]]).T
        y = numpy.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.19, 0.29])
        beta = linear_regression(X, y, algo="gram")

    ``algo=None`` computes :math:`\\beta = (X'X)^{-1} X'y`.
    ``algo='qr'`` uses a `QR <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference
    /generated/numpy.linalg.qr.html>`_ decomposition and calls function
    `dtrtri <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.
    linalg.lapack.dtrtri.html>`_ to invert an upper triangular matrix.
    ``algo='gram'`` uses :func:`gram_schmidt
    <mlstatpy.ml.matrices.gram_schmidt>` and then computes
    the solution of the linear regression (see above for a link
    to the algorithm).
    if len(y.shape) != 1:
            "This function is not tested for a multidimensional linear regression."
    if algo is None:
        inv = numpy.linalg.inv(X.T @ X)
        return inv @ (X.T @ y)
    elif algo == "gram":
        T, P = gram_schmidt(X.T, change=True)
        # T = P X
        return (y.T @ T.T @ P).ravel()
    elif algo == "qr":
        Q, R = numpy.linalg.qr(X, "full")
        Ri = dtrtri(R)[0]
        gamma = (y.T @ Q).ravel()
        return (gamma @ Ri.T).ravel()
        raise ValueError("Unknwown algo='{}'.".format(algo))
def dtrtri(L):
    Inverts a Cholesky lower triangular matrix

    :param L: lower triangular matrix
    :rtype: inverse of L


    L = force_F_ordered(L)
    return lapack.dtrtri(L, lower=1)[0]
def dtrtri(L):
    Inverts a Cholesky lower triangular matrix

    :param L: lower triangular matrix
    :rtype: inverse of L


    L = force_F_ordered(L)
    return lapack.dtrtri(L, lower=1)[0]
文件: mygp.py 项目: tagordon/gp2d
    def compute(self, x):
        '''pre-compute the properties of the gp
        x is the list of sample points in the time dimension

        if self.x is not x:
            self.computed = False

        # only recompute if not already computed for this x
        if not self.computed:
            self.covariance = self._make_covariance_matrix(x)
            self.L = cholesky(self.covariance)
            L_inv = np.matrix(dtrtri(self.L, lower=1)[0])
            self.K_inv = L_inv.transpose() * L_inv
            self.x = x
            self.detK = np.prod(np.diag(self.L))**2
            self.log_detK = 2 * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(self.L)))
            self.computed = True
def dtrtri(L):
    L = force_F_ordered(L)
    return lapack.dtrtri(L, lower=1)[0]
 def lapack_dtrtri(self, arr, lower=0, unitdiag=0, overwrite_c=0):
     inv, info = lapack.dtrtri(arr, lower, unitdiag, overwrite_c)
     return inv
def gsvd(A, B, full_matrices=False, extras='uv', X1=False):
    '''Compute the generalized singular value decomposition of
    a pair of matrices ``A`` of shape ``(m, n)`` and ``B`` of
    shape ``(p, n)``

    The GSVD is defined as a joint decomposition, as follows.

        A = U*C*X.T   C = U.T*A*inv(X.T)
        B = V*S*X.T   S = V.T*B*inv(X.T)

        or letting X1 = inv(X.T)

        A = U*C*inv(X1)  C = U.T*A*X1
        B = V*S*inv(X1)  S = V.T*B*X1


        C.T*C + S.T*S = I

    where ``U`` and ``V`` are unitary matrices.

    A, B : ndarray
        Input matrices on which to perform the decomposition. Must
        be no more than 2D (and will be promoted if only 1D). The
        matrices must also have the same number of columns.
    full_matrices : bool, optional
        If ``True``, the returned matrices ``U`` and ``V`` have
        at most ``p`` columns and ``C`` and ``S`` are of length ``p``.
    extras : str, optional
        A string indicating which of the orthogonal transformation
        matrices should be computed. By default, this only computes
        the generalized singular values in ``C`` and ``S``, and the
        right generalized singular vectors in ``X``. The string may
        contain either 'u' or 'v' to indicate that the corresponding
        matrix is to be computed.
    X1 : bool, optional
        If ``True``, X inverse transpose is returned in place of the
        default X matrix.  This may be convenient for regularization
        routines.  This matrix satisfies U.T@A@X = C, V.T@B@X = S.

    C : ndarray
        The generalized singular values of ``A``. These are returned
        in decreasing order.
    S : ndarray
        The generalized singular values of ``B``. These are returned
        in increasing order.
    X : ndarray
        The right generalized singular vectors of ``A`` and ``B``.
    U : ndarray
        The left generalized singular vectors of ``A``, with
        shape ``(m, m)``. This is only returned if
        ``'u' in extras`` is True.
    V : ndarray
        The left generalized singular vectors of ``B``, with
        shape ``(p, p)``. This is only returned if
        ``'v' in extras`` is True.

    A ValueError is raised if ``A`` and ``B`` do not have the same
    number of columns, or if they are not both 2D (1D input arrays
    will be promoted).

    A RuntimeError is raised if the underlying LAPACK routine fails.

    This routine is intended to be as similar as possible to the
    decomposition provided by Matlab and Octave. Note that this is slightly
    different from the decomposition as put forth in Golub and Van Loan [1],
    and that this routine is thus not directly a wrapper for the underlying
    LAPACK routine.

    One important difference between this routine and that provided by
    Matlab is that this routine returns the singular values in decreasing
    order, for consistency with NumPy's ``svd`` routine.

    [1] Golub, G., and C.F. Van Loan, 2013, Matrix Computations, 4th Ed.
    # The LAPACK routine stores R inside A and/or B, so we copy to
    # avoid modifying the caller's arrays.
    dtype = np.complex128 if any(map(np.iscomplexobj, (A, B))) else np.double
    Ac = np.array(A, copy=True, dtype=dtype, order='C', ndmin=2)
    Bc = np.array(B, copy=True, dtype=dtype, order='C', ndmin=2)
    m, n = Ac.shape
    p = Bc.shape[0]
    if (n != Bc.shape[1]):
        raise ValueError('A and B must have the same number of columns')

    # Allocate input arrays to LAPACK routine
    compute_uv = tuple(each in extras for each in 'uv')
    sizes = (m, p)
    U, V = (np.zeros((size, size), dtype=dtype) if compute else np.zeros(
        (1, 1), dtype=dtype) for size, compute in zip(sizes, compute_uv))
    Q = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=dtype)
    C = np.zeros((n, ), dtype=np.double)
    S = np.zeros((n, ), dtype=np.double)
    iwork = np.zeros((n, ), dtype=np.int32)

    # Compute GSVD via LAPACK wrapper, returning the effective rank
    k, l = _gsvd.gsvd(Ac, Bc, U, V, Q, C, S, iwork, compute_uv[0],
    # r is the rank of the matrix (A.T | B.T).T denoted A|B
    # l is the rank of B
    r = k + l
    R = _extract_R(Ac, Bc, k, l)
    tmp = np.eye(n, dtype=R.dtype)
    if X1:
        # Compute X so that U'AX = C and V'BX = S
        # invert R by back substitution
        tmp[n-r:, n-r:] = ztrtri(R, overwrite_c=1)[0] \
            if R.dtype == np.complex128 else dtrtri(R, overwrite_c=1)[0]
        # Compute X so that A = UCX' and B = VCX'
        tmp[n-r:, n-r:] = R.conj().T \
            if R.dtype == np.complex128 else R.T
    X = Q.dot(tmp)

    # Sort columns of X, U and V to achieve the correct ordering of
    # the singular values.
    if m - r >= 0:
        ix = np.argsort(C[k:r])[::-1]  # sort l values
        X[:, -l:] = X[:, -l:][:, ix]
        if compute_uv[0]:
            U[:, k:k + l] = U[:, k:k + l][:, ix]
        if compute_uv[1]:
            V[:, :l] = V[:, :l][:, ix]
        C[k:r] = C[k:r][ix]
        S[k:r] = S[k:r][ix]
    else:  # m - r < 0
        ix = np.argsort(C[k:m])[::-1]  # sort m-k values
        X[:, n - l:n + m - r] = X[:, n - l:n + m - r][:, ix]
        if compute_uv[0]:
            U[:, k:] = U[:, k:][:, ix]
        if compute_uv[1]:
            V[:, :m - k] = V[:, :m - k][:, ix]
        C[k:m] = C[k:m][ix]
        S[k:m] = S[k:m][ix]

    # For convenience in reconstructing A and B from their decompositions,
    # try to move SV's to the diagonal in cases when rank(A|B) < n.
    # This is not possible if rank(A|B) > rank(B) and
    # the number of rows of B is less than rank(A|B).
    if n - r > 0:
        X = np.roll(X, r - n, axis=1)
    if k > 0 and p >= r:
        V = np.roll(V, k, axis=1)
    # If full matrices are not required, limit X, U, and V to at most r
    # columns.
    if not full_matrices:
        X = X[:, :r]
        if compute_uv[0] and m > r:
            U = U[:, :r]
        if compute_uv[1] and p > r:
            V = V[:, :r]

    C = C[:r]
    S = S[:r]

    outputs = (C, S, X) + tuple(
        arr for arr, compute in zip((U, V), compute_uv) if compute)
    return outputs