文件: localpca.py 项目: mvgolub/dipy
def genpca(arr,
    r"""General function to perform PCA-based denoising of diffusion datasets.

    arr : 4D array
        Array of data to be denoised. The dimensions are (X, Y, Z, N), where N
        are the diffusion gradient directions.
    sigma : float or 3D array (optional)
        Standard deviation of the noise estimated from the data. If no sigma
        is given, this will be estimated based on random matrix theory
    mask : 3D boolean array (optional)
        A mask with voxels that are true inside the brain and false outside of
        it. The function denoises within the true part and returns zeros
        outside of those voxels.
    patch_radius : int or 1D array (optional)
        The radius of the local patch to be taken around each voxel (in
        voxels). Default: 2 (denoise in blocks of 5x5x5 voxels).
    pca_method : 'eig' or 'svd' (optional)
        Use either eigenvalue decomposition (eig) or singular value
        decomposition (svd) for principal component analysis. The default
        method is 'eig' which is faster. However, occasionally 'svd' might be
        more accurate.
    tau_factor : float (optional)
        Thresholding of PCA eigenvalues is done by nulling out eigenvalues that
        are smaller than:

        .. math ::

                \tau = (\tau_{factor} \sigma)^2

        \tau_{factor} can be set to a predefined values (e.g. \tau_{factor} =
        2.3 [3]_), or automatically calculated using random matrix theory
        (in case that \tau_{factor} is set to None).
        Default: None.
    return_sigma : bool (optional)
        If true, the Standard deviation of the noise will be returned.
        Default: False.
    out_dtype : str or dtype (optional)
        The dtype for the output array. Default: output has the same dtype as
        the input.

    denoised_arr : 4D array
        This is the denoised array of the same size as that of the input data,
        clipped to non-negative values

    .. [1] Veraart J, Novikov DS, Christiaens D, Ades-aron B, Sijbers,
           Fieremans E, 2016. Denoising of Diffusion MRI using random matrix
           theory. Neuroimage 142:394-406.
           doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.08.016
    .. [2] Veraart J, Fieremans E, Novikov DS. 2016. Diffusion MRI noise
           mapping using random matrix theory. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
           doi: 10.1002/mrm.26059.
    .. [3] Manjon JV, Coupe P, Concha L, Buades A, Collins DL (2013)
           Diffusion Weighted Image Denoising Using Overcomplete Local
           PCA. PLoS ONE 8(9): e73021.
    if mask is None:
        # If mask is not specified, use the whole volume
        mask = np.ones_like(arr, dtype=bool)[..., 0]

    if out_dtype is None:
        out_dtype = arr.dtype

    # We retain float64 precision, iff the input is in this precision:
    if arr.dtype == np.float64:
        calc_dtype = np.float64
    # Otherwise, we'll calculate things in float32 (saving memory)
        calc_dtype = np.float32

    if not arr.ndim == 4:
        raise ValueError("PCA denoising can only be performed on 4D arrays.",

    if pca_method.lower() == 'svd':
        is_svd = True
    elif pca_method.lower() == 'eig':
        is_svd = False
        raise ValueError("pca_method should be either 'eig' or 'svd'")

    if isinstance(patch_radius, int):
        patch_radius = np.ones(3, dtype=int) * patch_radius
    if len(patch_radius) != 3:
        raise ValueError("patch_radius should have length 3")
        patch_radius = np.asarray(patch_radius).astype(int)
    patch_size = 2 * patch_radius + 1

    if np.prod(patch_size) < arr.shape[-1]:
        e_s = "You asked for PCA denoising with a "
        e_s += "patch_radius of {0} ".format(patch_radius)
        e_s += "with total patch size of {0}".format(np.prod(patch_size))
        e_s += "for data with {0} directions. ".format(arr.shape[-1])
        e_s += "This would result in an ill-conditioned PCA matrix. "
        e_s += "Please increase the patch_radius."
        raise ValueError(e_s)

    if isinstance(sigma, np.ndarray):
        var = sigma**2
        if not sigma.shape == arr.shape[:-1]:
            e_s = "You provided a sigma array with a shape"
            e_s += "{0} for data with".format(sigma.shape)
            e_s += "shape {0}. Please provide a sigma array".format(arr.shape)
            e_s += " that matches the spatial dimensions of the data."
            raise ValueError(e_s)
    elif isinstance(sigma, (int, float)):
        var = sigma**2 * np.ones(arr.shape[:-1])

    dim = arr.shape[-1]
    if tau_factor is None:
        tau_factor = 1 + np.sqrt(dim / np.prod(patch_size))

    theta = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype=calc_dtype)
    thetax = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype=calc_dtype)

    if return_sigma is True and sigma is None:
        var = np.zeros(arr.shape[:-1], dtype=calc_dtype)
        thetavar = np.zeros(arr.shape[:-1], dtype=calc_dtype)

    # loop around and find the 3D patch for each direction at each pixel
    for k in range(patch_radius[2], arr.shape[2] - patch_radius[2]):
        for j in range(patch_radius[1], arr.shape[1] - patch_radius[1]):
            for i in range(patch_radius[0], arr.shape[0] - patch_radius[0]):
                # Shorthand for indexing variables:
                if not mask[i, j, k]:
                ix1 = i - patch_radius[0]
                ix2 = i + patch_radius[0] + 1
                jx1 = j - patch_radius[1]
                jx2 = j + patch_radius[1] + 1
                kx1 = k - patch_radius[2]
                kx2 = k + patch_radius[2] + 1

                X = arr[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2,
                        kx1:kx2].reshape(np.prod(patch_size), dim)
                # compute the mean and normalize
                M = np.mean(X, axis=0)
                # Upcast the dtype for precision in the SVD
                X = X - M

                if is_svd:
                    # PCA using an SVD
                    U, S, Vt = svd(X, *svd_args)[:3]
                    # Items in S are the eigenvalues, but in ascending order
                    # We invert the order (=> descending), square and normalize
                    # \lambda_i = s_i^2 / n
                    d = S[::-1]**2 / X.shape[0]
                    # Rows of Vt are eigenvectors, but also in ascending
                    # eigenvalue order:
                    W = Vt[::-1].T

                    # PCA using an Eigenvalue decomposition
                    C = np.transpose(X).dot(X)
                    C = C / X.shape[0]
                    [d, W] = eigh(C, turbo=True)

                if sigma is None:
                    # Random matrix theory
                    this_var, ncomps = _pca_classifier(d, np.prod(patch_size))
                    # Predefined variance
                    this_var = var[i, j, k]

                # Threshold by tau:
                tau = tau_factor**2 * this_var

                # Update ncomps according to tau_factor
                ncomps = np.sum(d < tau)
                W[:, :ncomps] = 0

                # This is equations 1 and 2 in Manjon 2013:
                Xest = X.dot(W).dot(W.T) + M
                Xest = Xest.reshape(patch_size[0], patch_size[1],
                                    patch_size[2], dim)
                # This is equation 3 in Manjon 2013:
                this_theta = 1.0 / (1.0 + dim - ncomps)
                theta[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += this_theta
                thetax[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += Xest * this_theta
                if return_sigma is True and sigma is None:
                    var[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += this_var * this_theta
                    thetavar[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += this_theta

    denoised_arr = thetax / theta
    denoised_arr.clip(min=0, out=denoised_arr)
    denoised_arr[mask == 0] = 0
    if return_sigma is True:
        if sigma is None:
            var = var / thetavar
            var[mask == 0] = 0
            return denoised_arr.astype(out_dtype), np.sqrt(var)
            return denoised_arr.astype(out_dtype), sigma
        return denoised_arr.astype(out_dtype)
def localpca(arr,
    r"""Local PCA-based denoising of diffusion datasets.

    arr : 4D array
        Array of data to be denoised. The dimensions are (X, Y, Z, N), where N
        are the diffusion gradient directions.
    mask : 3D boolean array
        A mask with voxels that are true inside the brain and false outside of
        it. The function denoises within the true part and returns zeros
        outside of those voxels.
    sigma : float or 3D array
        Standard deviation of the noise estimated from the data.
    pca_method : 'eig' or 'svd'
        Use either eigenvalue decomposition (eig) or singular value
        decomposition (svd) for principal component analysis. The default
        method is 'eig' which is faster. However, occasionally 'svd' might be
        more accurate.
    patch_radius : int, optional
        The radius of the local patch to be taken around each voxel (in
        voxels). Default: 2 (denoise in blocks of 5x5x5 voxels).
    tau_factor : float, optional
        Thresholding of PCA eigenvalues is done by nulling out eigenvalues that
        are smaller than:

        .. math ::

                \tau = (\tau_{factor} \sigma)^2

        Default: 2.3, based on the results described in [Manjon13]_.
    out_dtype : str or dtype, optional
        The dtype for the output array. Default: output has the same dtype as
        the input.

    denoised_arr : 4D array
        This is the denoised array of the same size as that of the input data,
        clipped to non-negative values

    .. [Manjon13] Manjon JV, Coupe P, Concha L, Buades A, Collins DL (2013)
                  Diffusion Weighted Image Denoising Using Overcomplete Local
                  PCA. PLoS ONE 8(9): e73021.
    if mask is None:
        # If mask is not specified, use the whole volume
        mask = np.ones_like(arr, dtype=bool)[..., 0]

    if out_dtype is None:
        out_dtype = arr.dtype

    # We retain float64 precision, iff the input is in this precision:
    if arr.dtype == np.float64:
        calc_dtype = np.float64
    # Otherwise, we'll calculate things in float32 (saving memory)
        calc_dtype = np.float32

    if not arr.ndim == 4:
        raise ValueError("PCA denoising can only be performed on 4D arrays.",

    if pca_method.lower() == 'svd':
        is_svd = True
    elif pca_method.lower() == 'eig':
        is_svd = False
        raise ValueError("pca_method should be either 'eig' or 'svd'")

    patch_size = 2 * patch_radius + 1

    if patch_size**3 < arr.shape[-1]:
        e_s = "You asked for PCA denoising with a "
        e_s += "patch_radius of {0} ".format(patch_radius)
        e_s += "for data with {0} directions. ".format(arr.shape[-1])
        e_s += "This would result in an ill-conditioned PCA matrix. "
        e_s += "Please increase the patch_radius."
        raise ValueError(e_s)

    if isinstance(sigma, np.ndarray):
        if not sigma.shape == arr.shape[:-1]:
            e_s = "You provided a sigma array with a shape"
            e_s += "{0} for data with".format(sigma.shape)
            e_s += "shape {0}. Please provide a sigma array".format(arr.shape)
            e_s += " that matches the spatial dimensions of the data."
            raise ValueError(e_s)

    tau = np.median(np.ones(arr.shape[:-1]) * ((tau_factor * sigma)**2))

    theta = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype=calc_dtype)
    thetax = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype=calc_dtype)

    # loop around and find the 3D patch for each direction at each pixel
    for k in range(patch_radius, arr.shape[2] - patch_radius):
        for j in range(patch_radius, arr.shape[1] - patch_radius):
            for i in range(patch_radius, arr.shape[0] - patch_radius):
                # Shorthand for indexing variables:
                if not mask[i, j, k]:
                ix1 = i - patch_radius
                ix2 = i + patch_radius + 1
                jx1 = j - patch_radius
                jx2 = j + patch_radius + 1
                kx1 = k - patch_radius
                kx2 = k + patch_radius + 1

                X = arr[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2,
                        kx1:kx2].reshape(patch_size**3, arr.shape[-1])
                # compute the mean and normalize
                M = np.mean(X, axis=0)
                # Upcast the dtype for precision in the SVD
                X = X - M

                if is_svd:
                    # PCA using an SVD
                    U, S, Vt = svd(X, *svd_args)[:3]
                    # Items in S are the eigenvalues, but in ascending order
                    # We invert the order (=> descending), square and normalize
                    # \lambda_i = s_i^2 / n
                    d = S[::-1]**2 / X.shape[0]
                    # Rows of Vt are eigenvectors, but also in ascending
                    # eigenvalue order:
                    W = Vt[::-1].T

                    # PCA using an Eigenvalue decomposition
                    C = np.transpose(X).dot(X)
                    C = C / X.shape[0]
                    [d, W] = eigh(C, turbo=True)

                # Threshold by tau:
                W[:, d < tau] = 0
                # This is equations 1 and 2 in Manjon 2013:
                Xest = X.dot(W).dot(W.T) + M
                Xest = Xest.reshape(patch_size, patch_size, patch_size,
                # This is equation 3 in Manjon 2013:
                this_theta = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.sum(d > 0))
                theta[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += this_theta
                thetax[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += Xest * this_theta

    denoised_arr = thetax / theta
    denoised_arr.clip(min=0, out=denoised_arr)
    denoised_arr[~mask] = 0
    return denoised_arr.astype(out_dtype)
文件: localpca.py 项目: MarcCote/dipy
def localpca(arr, sigma, mask=None, pca_method='eig', patch_radius=2,
             tau_factor=2.3, out_dtype=None):
    r"""Local PCA-based denoising of diffusion datasets.

    arr : 4D array
        Array of data to be denoised. The dimensions are (X, Y, Z, N), where N
        are the diffusion gradient directions.
    mask : 3D boolean array
        A mask with voxels that are true inside the brain and false outside of
        it. The function denoises within the true part and returns zeros
        outside of those voxels.
    sigma : float or 3D array
        Standard deviation of the noise estimated from the data.
    pca_method : 'eig' or 'svd'
        Use either eigenvalue decomposition (eig) or singular value
        decomposition (svd) for principal component analysis. The default
        method is 'eig' which is faster. However, occasionally 'svd' might be
        more accurate.
    patch_radius : int, optional
        The radius of the local patch to be taken around each voxel (in
        voxels). Default: 2 (denoise in blocks of 5x5x5 voxels).
    tau_factor : float, optional
        Thresholding of PCA eigenvalues is done by nulling out eigenvalues that
        are smaller than:

        .. math ::

                \tau = (\tau_{factor} \sigma)^2

        Default: 2.3, based on the results described in [Manjon13]_.
    out_dtype : str or dtype, optional
        The dtype for the output array. Default: output has the same dtype as
        the input.

    denoised_arr : 4D array
        This is the denoised array of the same size as that of the input data,
        clipped to non-negative values

    .. [Manjon13] Manjon JV, Coupe P, Concha L, Buades A, Collins DL (2013)
                  Diffusion Weighted Image Denoising Using Overcomplete Local
                  PCA. PLoS ONE 8(9): e73021.
    if mask is None:
        # If mask is not specified, use the whole volume
        mask = np.ones_like(arr, dtype=bool)[..., 0]

    if out_dtype is None:
        out_dtype = arr.dtype

    # We retain float64 precision, iff the input is in this precision:
    if arr.dtype == np.float64:
        calc_dtype = np.float64
    # Otherwise, we'll calculate things in float32 (saving memory)
        calc_dtype = np.float32

    if not arr.ndim == 4:
        raise ValueError("PCA denoising can only be performed on 4D arrays.",

    if pca_method.lower() == 'svd':
        is_svd = True
    elif pca_method.lower() == 'eig':
        is_svd = False
        raise ValueError("pca_method should be either 'eig' or 'svd'")

    patch_size = 2 * patch_radius + 1

    if patch_size ** 3 < arr.shape[-1]:
        e_s = "You asked for PCA denoising with a "
        e_s += "patch_radius of {0} ".format(patch_radius)
        e_s += "for data with {0} directions. ".format(arr.shape[-1])
        e_s += "This would result in an ill-conditioned PCA matrix. "
        e_s += "Please increase the patch_radius."
        raise ValueError(e_s)

    if isinstance(sigma, np.ndarray):
        if not sigma.shape == arr.shape[:-1]:
            e_s = "You provided a sigma array with a shape"
            e_s += "{0} for data with".format(sigma.shape)
            e_s += "shape {0}. Please provide a sigma array".format(arr.shape)
            e_s += " that matches the spatial dimensions of the data."
            raise ValueError(e_s)

    tau = np.median(np.ones(arr.shape[:-1]) * ((tau_factor * sigma) ** 2))

    theta = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype=calc_dtype)
    thetax = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype=calc_dtype)

    # loop around and find the 3D patch for each direction at each pixel
    for k in range(patch_radius, arr.shape[2] - patch_radius):
        for j in range(patch_radius, arr.shape[1] - patch_radius):
            for i in range(patch_radius, arr.shape[0] - patch_radius):
                # Shorthand for indexing variables:
                if not mask[i, j, k]:
                ix1 = i - patch_radius
                ix2 = i + patch_radius + 1
                jx1 = j - patch_radius
                jx2 = j + patch_radius + 1
                kx1 = k - patch_radius
                kx2 = k + patch_radius + 1

                X = arr[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2].reshape(
                                patch_size ** 3, arr.shape[-1])
                # compute the mean and normalize
                M = np.mean(X, axis=0)
                # Upcast the dtype for precision in the SVD
                X = X - M

                if is_svd:
                    # PCA using an SVD
                    U, S, Vt = svd(X, *svd_args)[:3]
                    # Items in S are the eigenvalues, but in ascending order
                    # We invert the order (=> descending), square and normalize
                    # \lambda_i = s_i^2 / n
                    d = S[::-1] ** 2 / X.shape[0]
                    # Rows of Vt are eigenvectors, but also in ascending
                    # eigenvalue order:
                    W = Vt[::-1].T

                    # PCA using an Eigenvalue decomposition
                    C = np.transpose(X).dot(X)
                    C = C / X.shape[0]
                    [d, W] = eigh(C, turbo=True)

                # Threshold by tau:
                W[:, d < tau] = 0
                # This is equations 1 and 2 in Manjon 2013:
                Xest = X.dot(W).dot(W.T) + M
                Xest = Xest.reshape(patch_size,
                                    patch_size, arr.shape[-1])
                # This is equation 3 in Manjon 2013:
                this_theta = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.sum(d > 0))
                theta[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += this_theta
                thetax[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += Xest * this_theta

    denoised_arr = thetax / theta
    denoised_arr.clip(min=0, out=denoised_arr)
    denoised_arr[~mask] = 0
    return denoised_arr.astype(out_dtype)
def pca_patchloop(patch_radius,

    patch_size = 2 * patch_radius + 1
    sizei = arr_shape[0] - 2 * patch_radius
    Xesti = np.zeros((sizei, patch_size, patch_size, patch_size, dim))
    this_thetai = np.zeros(sizei)
    this_vari = np.zeros(sizei)
    for ix1 in range(arr_shape[0] - 2 * patch_radius):

        if mask[ix1 + patch_radius]:

            #X = arr[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2].reshape(
            #                patch_size ** 3, dim)
            ix2 = ix1 + 2 * patch_radius + 1

            X = arr[ix1:ix2, :, :].reshape(patch_size**3, dim)
            # compute the mean and normalize
            M = np.mean(X, axis=0)
            # Upcast the dtype for precision in the SVD
            X = X - M
            patch_size = 2 * patch_radius + 1

            if is_svd:
                # PCA using an SVD
                U, S, Vt = svd(X, *svd_args)[:3]
                # Items in S are the eigenvalues, but in ascending order
                # We invert the order (=> descending), square and normalize
                # \lambda_i = s_i^2 / n
                d = S[::-1]**2 / X.shape[0]
                # Rows of Vt are eigenvectors, but also in ascending
                # eigenvalue order:
                W = Vt[::-1].T

                # PCA using an Eigenvalue decomposition
                C = np.transpose(X).dot(X)
                C = C / X.shape[0]
                [d, W] = eigh(C, turbo=True)

            if calc_sigma:
                # Random matrix theory
                this_vari[ix1], ncomps = _pca_classifier(d, patch_size**3)
                # Predefined variance
                this_vari[ix1] = var[ix1 + patch_radius]

            # Threshold by tau:
            tau = tau_factor**2 * this_vari[ix1]

            # Update ncomps according to tau_factor
            ncomps = np.sum(d < tau)
            W[:, :ncomps] = 0

            # This is equations 1 and 2 in Manjon 2013:
            Xest = X.dot(W).dot(W.T) + M
            Xesti[ix1, :, :, :, :] = Xest.reshape(patch_size, patch_size,
                                                  patch_size, dim)
            # This is equation 3 in Manjon 2013:
            this_thetai[ix1] = 1.0 / (1.0 + dim - ncomps)
            theta[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] = this_theta
            thetax[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] = Xest * this_theta
            if calc_sigma:
                var[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] = this_var * this_theta
                thetavar[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] = this_theta
                var = 0
                thetavar = 0

            #return theta,thetax,var,thetavar
            Xesti[ix1] = 0
            this_thetai[ix1] = 0
            this_vari[ix1] = 0
    return [Xesti, this_thetai, this_vari, jx1]