    def add_current_label():
        if cur_format == "StateVec":
            ar = _evalRowList(cur_rows, bComplex=True)
            if ar.shape == (1, 2):
                spam_vecs[cur_label] = _tools.state_to_pauli_density_vec(
                    ar[0, :])
                raise ValueError("Invalid state vector shape for %s: %s" %
                                 (cur_label, ar.shape))

        elif cur_format == "DensityMx":
            ar = _evalRowList(cur_rows, bComplex=True)
            if ar.shape == (2, 2) or ar.shape == (4, 4):
                spam_vecs[cur_label] = _tools.stdmx_to_ppvec(ar)
                raise ValueError("Invalid density matrix shape for %s: %s" %
                                 (cur_label, ar.shape))

        elif cur_format == "PauliVec":
            spam_vecs[cur_label] = _np.transpose(
                _evalRowList(cur_rows, bComplex=False))

        elif cur_format == "UnitaryMx":
            ar = _evalRowList(cur_rows, bComplex=True)
            if ar.shape == (2, 2):
                gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedGate(
            elif ar.shape == (4, 4):
                gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedGate(
                raise ValueError("Invalid unitary matrix shape for %s: %s" %
                                 (cur_label, ar.shape))

        elif cur_format == "UnitaryMxExp":
            ar = _evalRowList(cur_rows, bComplex=True)
            if ar.shape == (2, 2):
                gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedGate(
                    _tools.unitary_to_pauligate_1q(_expm(-1j * ar)))
            elif ar.shape == (4, 4):
                gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedGate(
                    _tools.unitary_to_pauligate_2q(_expm(-1j * ar)))
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid unitary matrix exponent shape for %s: %s" %
                    (cur_label, ar.shape))

        elif cur_format == "PauliMx":
            gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedGate(
                _evalRowList(cur_rows, bComplex=False))
def Ising_tmatrix(nspins, alpha=0.1, gamma=0.95, ratematrix=False):
        Implements Glaubers master equation variant of the (1D) Ising model with periodic boundary conditions

        (J Math Phys 4 294 (1963); doi: 10.1063/1.1703954)
        nspins: number of spins in model (Note: returns 2^nspins times 2^nspins matrix)
        alpha: basal spin flip-rate, defines time-scale (=0.1)
        gamma: gamma is equal to tanh(\beta 2J) where J is the spin-spin coupling constant in a corresponding Ising model, and \beta is the inverse temperature. 
        ratematrix: return rate matrix as well
    W = _np.zeros((2**nspins, 2**nspins))
    for i, s in enumerate(_itrt.product([-1, 1], repeat=nspins)):
        s = _np.array(s)
        for j, c in enumerate(_itrt.product([-1, 1], repeat=nspins)):
            c = _np.array(c)
            if _np.all(s == c):
                #Diagonal is filled later.
                flipped = _np.where(s != c)[0]
                if len(flipped) == 1:
                    f = flipped[0]
                    W[i, j] = 0.5 * alpha * (1. - 0.5 * gamma * s[f] *
                                             (s[f - 1] + s[(f + 1) % nspins]))
    #fill diagonal
    W[_np.diag_indices(2**nspins)] = -W.sum(axis=1)
    #compute transition matrix
    T = _expm(W)
    if ratematrix:
        return T, W
        return T
    def get_liouville_mx(obj, prefix=""):
        """ Process properties of `obj` to extract a single liouville representation """
        props = obj['properties']; lmx = None
        if prefix + "StateVec" in props:
            ar = _evalRowList(props[prefix + "StateVec"], bComplex=True)
            if ar.shape == (1, 2):
                stdmx = _tools.state_to_stdmx(ar[0, :])
                lmx = _tools.stdmx_to_vec(stdmx, basis)
            else: raise ValueError("Invalid state vector shape for %s: %s" % (cur_label, ar.shape))

        elif prefix + "DensityMx" in props:
            ar = _evalRowList(props[prefix + "DensityMx"], bComplex=True)
            if ar.shape == (2, 2) or ar.shape == (4, 4):
                lmx = _tools.stdmx_to_vec(ar, basis)
            else: raise ValueError("Invalid density matrix shape for %s: %s" % (cur_label, ar.shape))

        elif prefix + "LiouvilleVec" in props:
            lmx = _np.transpose(_evalRowList(props[prefix + "LiouvilleVec"], bComplex=False))

        elif prefix + "UnitaryMx" in props:
            ar = _evalRowList(props[prefix + "UnitaryMx"], bComplex=True)
            lmx = _tools.change_basis(_tools.unitary_to_process_mx(ar), 'std', basis)

        elif prefix + "UnitaryMxExp" in props:
            ar = _evalRowList(props[prefix + "UnitaryMxExp"], bComplex=True)
            lmx = _tools.change_basis(_tools.unitary_to_process_mx(_expm(-1j * ar)), 'std', basis)

        elif prefix + "LiouvilleMx" in props:
            lmx = _evalRowList(props[prefix + "LiouvilleMx"], bComplex=False)

        if lmx is None:
            raise ValueError("No valid format found in %s" % str(list(props.keys())))

        return lmx
    def advance(self, state, v, t):
        state = _np.array(state, dtype='complex')
        omega, phase, detuning, dephasing, decoherence = v

        H = (omega * _np.cos(phase) * self.Hx +
             omega * _np.sin(phase) * self.Hy + detuning * self.Hz)
        L = dephasing * self.dephasing_generator + decoherence * self.decoherence_generator

        process = change_basis(_expm((H + L) * t), 'pp', 'col')
        state = unvec(_np.dot(process, vec(_np.outer(state, state.conj()))))
        return state
def _exp_gate(arg,dH,d):
    # REMARK : exp(+arg dH) is before contracted with s..
    #  _|_|_  Wu,l Wu,l+1
    #  |___|
    #   | |   Wd,l Wd,l+1
    # ------- => exp(+arg dH) 
    dU = _expm(+arg*(dH.transpose([0,2,1,3])).reshape(d*d,d*d)).reshape(d,d,d,d)
    # dU.setflags(write=0)
    # [('Wd',(l+1)),('Wd',(l+2)),('Wu',(l+1)),('Wu',(l+2))])
    return dU
    def add_current_label():
        if cur_format == "StateVec":
            ar = _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=True )
            if ar.shape == (1,2):
                spam_vecs[cur_label] = _tools.state_to_pauli_density_vec(ar[0,:])
            else: raise ValueError("Invalid state vector shape for %s: %s" % (cur_label,ar.shape))

        elif cur_format == "DensityMx":
            ar = _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=True )
            if ar.shape == (2,2) or ar.shape == (4,4):
                spam_vecs[cur_label] = _tools.stdmx_to_ppvec(ar)
            else: raise ValueError("Invalid density matrix shape for %s: %s" % (cur_label,ar.shape))

        elif cur_format == "PauliVec":
            spam_vecs[cur_label] = _np.transpose( _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=False ) )

        elif cur_format == "UnitaryMx":
            ar = _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=True )
            if ar.shape == (2,2):
                gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedGate(
            elif ar.shape == (4,4):
                gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedGate(
            else: raise ValueError("Invalid unitary matrix shape for %s: %s" % (cur_label,ar.shape))

        elif cur_format == "UnitaryMxExp":
            ar = _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=True )
            if ar.shape == (2,2):
                gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedGate(
                        _tools.unitary_to_pauligate_1q( _expm(-1j * ar) ))
            elif ar.shape == (4,4):
                gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedGate(
                        _tools.unitary_to_pauligate_2q( _expm(-1j * ar) ))
            else: raise ValueError("Invalid unitary matrix exponent shape for %s: %s" % (cur_label,ar.shape))

        elif cur_format == "PauliMx":
            gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedGate( _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=False ) )
    def add_current():
        """ Adds the current object, described by lots of cur_* variables """

        qty = None
        if cur_format == "StateVec":
            ar = _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=True )
            if ar.shape == (1,2):
                stdmx = _tools.state_to_stdmx(ar[0,:])
                qty = _tools.stdmx_to_vec(stdmx, basis)
            else: raise ValueError("Invalid state vector shape for %s: %s" % (cur_label,ar.shape))

        elif cur_format == "DensityMx":
            ar = _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=True )
            if ar.shape == (2,2) or ar.shape == (4,4):
                qty = _tools.stdmx_to_vec(ar, basis)
            else: raise ValueError("Invalid density matrix shape for %s: %s" % (cur_label,ar.shape))

        elif cur_format == "LiouvilleVec":
            qty = _np.transpose( _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=False ) )

        elif cur_format == "UnitaryMx":
            ar = _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=True )
            qty = _tools.change_basis(_tools.unitary_to_process_mx(ar), 'std', basis)

        elif cur_format == "UnitaryMxExp":
            ar = _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=True )
            qty = _tools.change_basis(_tools.unitary_to_process_mx(_expm(-1j*ar)), 'std', basis)

        elif cur_format == "LiouvilleMx":
            qty = _evalRowList( cur_rows, bComplex=False )

        assert(qty is not None), "Invalid format: %s" % cur_format

        if cur_typ == "PREP":
            gs.preps[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedSPAMVec(qty)
        elif cur_typ == "TP-PREP":
            gs.preps[cur_label] = _objs.TPParameterizedSPAMVec(qty)
        elif cur_typ == "STATIC-PREP":
            gs.preps[cur_label] = _objs.StaticSPAMVec(qty)

        elif cur_typ in ("EFFECT","TP-EFFECT","STATIC-EFFECT"):
            if cur_typ == "EFFECT": qty = _objs.FullyParameterizedSPAMVec(qty)
            elif cur_typ == "TP-EFFECT": qty = _objs.TPParameterizedSPAMVec(qty)
            elif cur_typ == "STATIC-EFFECT": qty = _objs.StaticSPAMVec(qty)
            if "effects" in cur_group_info:
                cur_group_info['effects'].append( (cur_label,qty) )
            else:  cur_group_info['effects'] = [ (cur_label,qty) ]            
        elif cur_typ == "GATE":
            gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.FullyParameterizedGate(qty)
        elif cur_typ == "TP-GATE":
            gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.TPParameterizedGate(qty)
        elif cur_typ == "CPTP-GATE":
            #Similar to gate.convert(...) method
            J = _tools.fast_jamiolkowski_iso_std(qty, basis) #Choi mx basis doesn't matter
            RANK_TOL = 1e-6
            if _np.linalg.matrix_rank(J, RANK_TOL) == 1: 
                unitary_post = qty # when 'gate' is unitary
            else: unitary_post = None

            nQubits = _np.log2(qty.shape[0])/2.0
            bQubits = bool(abs(nQubits-round(nQubits)) < 1e-10) #integer # of qubits?

            proj_basis = "pp" if (basis == "pp" or bQubits) else basis
            ham_basis = proj_basis
            nonham_basis = proj_basis
            nonham_diagonal_only = False; cptp = True; truncate=True
            gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.LindbladParameterizedGate(qty, unitary_post, ham_basis,
                                                                  nonham_basis, cptp, nonham_diagonal_only,
                                                                  truncate, basis)
        elif cur_typ == "STATIC-GATE":
            gs.gates[cur_label] = _objs.StaticGate(qty)

        elif cur_typ in ("IGATE","STATIC-IGATE"):
            mxOrGate = _objs.StaticGate(qty) if cur_typ == "STATIC-IGATE" \
                       else qty #just add numpy array `qty` to matrices list
                                # and it will be made into a fully-param gate.
            if "matrices" in cur_group_info:
                cur_group_info['matrices'].append( (cur_label,mxOrGate) )
            else:  cur_group_info['matrices'] = [ (cur_label,mxOrGate) ]
            raise ValueError("Unknown type: %s!" % cur_typ)