def interpolation(interP,knotP=None):
        Interpolates the given points and returns an object of the Spline class 
                interP: interpolation points, (L x 2) matrix
                knotP: knot points, (L+4 x 1) matrix
                    default: equidistant on [0,1]
    knotP=fixKnotPoints(nip, knotP)
    for i in xrange(nip):
        for k in xrange(nip):
    print nMatrix
    print knotP


    return Spline(ctrlP,knotP)
	def calculate_vd_vL_vR(self):
		for index in xrange(self.neuron.BPcount) :
			if self.test_list[index] :
				i = self.i_list[index]
				j = self.j_list[index]
				self.vL[i:j+1] = solve_banded((1,1),self.ab[:,i:j+1],self.bL[i:j+1],overwrite_ab=False,overwrite_b=False)
				self.vR[i:j+1] = solve_banded((1,1),self.ab[:,i:j+1],self.bR[i:j+1],overwrite_ab=False,overwrite_b=False)
				self.d[i:j+1] = solve_banded((1,1),self.ab[:,i:j+1],[i:j+1],overwrite_ab=False,overwrite_b=False)
 def solve(self,f): # Solves u'=f for u(-1)=0
     fhat = ifcgt(f*(1-self.x)) # Compute (psi_j,f)
     fhat[0] *= 2
     y = solve_banded((1,0),self.Lbands,fhat,\
     uhat = solve_banded((0,1),self.Ubands,y,\
     u = fcgt(uhat)*(1+self.x) # u=phi*uhat
     return u
    def fit_grad_descent(self,r_init=0.001,learning_rate=0.1):
        ''' Calculate fit using gradient decent, as opposed to iteratively
        computing exact solutions
        delta_r = 1
        r = r_init

        r_list = []
        error_list = []

        F_C = solve_banded((1,1),self.ab,self.F_M - r*self.F_N)

        itmax = 10000
        it = 0

        exceed_bounds = False
        while (delta_r > 0.0001 and it < itmax):

            F_C = solve_banded((1,1),self.ab,self.F_M - r*self.F_N)
            r_new = r + learning_rate*np.mean((self.F_M - F_C - r*self.F_N)*self.F_N)

            '''compute error on cross-validation set'''
            F_C_crossval = solve_banded((1,1),self.ab,self.F_M_crossval - r*self.F_N_crossval)
#            error_it = error_calc_outlier(self.F_M_crossval, self.F_N_crossval, F_C_crossval, r)
            error_it = abs(error_calc(self.F_M_crossval, self.F_N_crossval, F_C_crossval, r))
            delta_r = np.abs(r_new - r)/r
            r = r_new

            if error_it > error_list[it-1]: # early stopping

        # if r or error_it go out of acceptable bounds, break 
        if r < 0.0 or r > 1.0:
            exceed_bounds = True
        if error_it > 0.2:
            exceed_bounds = True

        F_C = solve_banded((1,1),self.ab,self.F_M - r*self.F_N)

        r_list = np.array(r_list)
        error_list = np.array(error_list)
        self.r_vals = r_list
        self.error_vals = error_list
        self.r = self.r_vals[-1]
        self.F_C = F_C
        self.F_C_crossval = F_C_crossval = it

        return exceed_bounds
def impl(V, L1, R1x, L2, R2x, dt, n, initial=None, callback=None):
    V = V.copy()

    # L1i = flatten_tensor(L1)
    L1i = L1.copy()
    R1 = np.array(R1x).T

    # L2i = flatten_tensor(L2)
    L2i = L2.copy()
    R2 = np.array(R2x)

    m = 2

    # L  = (As + Ass - H.interest_rate*np.eye(nspots))*-dt + np.eye(nspots) *= -dt[m, :] += 1
    R1 *= -dt *= -dt[m, :] += 1
    R2 *= -dt

    offsets1 = (abs(min(L1i.offsets)), abs(max(L1i.offsets)))
    offsets2 = (abs(min(L2i.offsets)), abs(max(L2i.offsets)))

    dx = np.gradient(spots)[:, np.newaxis]
    dy = np.gradient(vars)
    Y, X = np.meshgrid(vars, spots)
    gradgrid = dt * coeffs[(0, 1)](0, X, Y) / (dx * dy)
    gradgrid[:, 0] = 0
    gradgrid[:, -1] = 0
    gradgrid[0, :] = 0
    gradgrid[-1, :] = 0

    print_step = max(1, int(n / 10))
    to_percent = 100.0 / n
    for k in xrange(n):
        if not k % print_step:
            if np.isnan(V).any():
                print "Impl fail @ t = %f (%i steps)" % (dt * k, k)
                return crumbs
            print int(k * to_percent),
        if callback is not None:
            callback(V, ((n - k) * dt))
        Vsv = np.gradient(np.gradient(V)[0])[1] * gradgrid
        # Vsv = 0.0
        V = spl.solve_banded(offsets2,, (V + Vsv - R2).flat, overwrite_b=True).reshape(V.shape)
        V = spl.solve_banded(offsets1,, (V - R1).T.flat, overwrite_b=True).reshape(V.shape[::-1]).T
    utils.toc(":  \t")
    return crumbs
def crank(V, L1, R1x, L2, R2x, dt, n, crumbs=[], callback=None):
    V = V.copy()
    dt *= 0.5

    L1e = flatten_tensor(L1)
    L1i = L1e.copy()
    R1 = np.array(R1x).T

    L2e = flatten_tensor(L2)
    L2i = L2e.copy()
    R2 = np.array(R2x)

    m = 2

    # L  = (As + Ass - r*np.eye(nspots))*-dt + np.eye(nspots) *= dt[m, :] += 1 *= -dt[m, :] += 1
    R1 *= dt *= dt[m, :] += 1 *= -dt[m, :] += 1
    R2 *= dt

    offsets1 = (abs(min(L1i.offsets)), abs(max(L1i.offsets)))
    offsets2 = (abs(min(L2i.offsets)), abs(max(L2i.offsets)))

    print_step = max(1, int(n / 10))
    to_percent = 100.0 / n
    R = R1 + R2
    normal_shape = V.shape
    transposed_shape = normal_shape[::-1]
    for k in xrange(n):
        if not k % print_step:
            if isnan(V).any():
                print "Crank fail @ t = %f (%i steps)" % (dt * k, k)
                return crumbs
            print int(k * to_percent),
        if callback is not None:
            callback(V, ((n - k) * dt))
        V = ( + R).T
        V = spl.solve_banded(offsets1,, V.flat, overwrite_b=True)
        V = ( + R
        V = spl.solve_banded(offsets2,, V.flat, overwrite_b=True).reshape(normal_shape)
    return crumbs
    def __init__(self, a, b, y, alpha=0, beta=0):
        y = np.asarray(y)
        n = y.shape[0] - 1
        h = (b - a)/n

        coeff = np.zeros(n + 3, dtype=y.dtype)
        # Solutions to boundary coeffcients of spline
        coeff[1] = 1/6. * (y[0] - (alpha * h**2)/6) #C2 in paper
        coeff[n + 1] = 1/6. * (y[n] - (beta * h**2)/6) #cn+2 in paper

        # Compressed tridiagonal matrix 
        ab = np.ones((3, n - 1), dtype=float)
        ab[0,0] = 0 # Because top row is upper diag with one less elem
        ab[1, :] = 4
        ab[-1,-1] = 0 # Because bottom row is lower diag with one less elem
        B = y[1:-1].copy() #grabs elements y[1] - > y[n-2] for reduced array
        B[0] -= coeff[1]
        B[-1] -=  coeff[n + 1]

        coeff[2:-2] = la.solve_banded((1, 1), ab, B, overwrite_ab=True, 
                        overwrite_b=True, check_finite=False)

        coeff[0] = alpha * h**2/6. + 2 * coeff[1] - coeff[2]
        coeff[-1] = beta * h**2/6. + 2 * coeff[-2] - coeff[-3]

        self.a = a          # Lower-bound of domain
        self.b = b          # Uppser-bound of domain
        self.coeffs = coeff # Spline coefficients
        self.is_complex = (y.dtype == complex) #Tells which dtype solver to use
def beamwarming(u, nt, dt, dx):
    ##Tridiagonal setup##
    a = numpy.zeros_like(u)
    b = numpy.ones_like(u)
    c = numpy.zeros_like(u)
    d = numpy.zeros_like(u)

    un = numpy.zeros((nt,len(u)))

    for n in range(1,nt):
        u[0] = 1
        E = utoE(u)
        au = utoA(u)

        a[0] = -dt/(4*dx)*u[0]
        a[1:] = -dt/(4*dx)*u[0:-1]
        a[-1] = -dt/(4*dx)*u[-1]

        #b is all ones

        c[:-1] = dt/(4*dx)*u[1:]

        print str(-.5*dt/dx*(E[2:]-E[0:-2])+dt/(4*dx)*(au[2:]-au[:-2]))
        #print str(dt/(4*dx)*(au[2:]-au[:-2]))
        d[1:-1] = u[1:-1]-.5*dt/dx*(E[2:]-E[0:-2])+dt/(4*dx)*(au[2:]-au[:-2])

        ###subtract a[0]*LHS B.C to 'fix' thomas algorithm
        d[0] = u[0] - .5*dt/dx*(E[1]-E[0])+dt/(4*dx)*(au[1]-au[0]) - a[0]

        ab = numpy.matrix([c,b,a])
        u = linalg.solve_banded((1,1), ab, d)
        un[n] = u.copy()
    return un
    def __init__(self, xp, yp):

        if np.any(np.diff(xp) < 0):
            raise TypeError("xp must be in ascending order")

        # n = len(x)
        self.m = len(xp)

        xk = xp[1:-1]
        yk = yp[1:-1]
        xkp = xp[2:]
        ykp = yp[2:]
        xkm = xp[:-2]
        ykm = yp[:-2]

        b = (ykp - yk) / (xkp - xk) - (yk - ykm) / (xk - xkm)
        l = (xk - xkm) / 6.0
        d = (xkp - xkm) / 3.0
        u = (xkp - xk) / 6.0
        # u[0] = 0.0  # non-existent entries
        # l[-1] = 0.0

        # solve for second derivatives
        fpp = solve_banded((1, 1), np.matrix([u, d, l]), b)
        self.fpp = np.concatenate([[0.0], fpp, [0.0]])  # natural spline
        self.xp = xp
        self.yp = yp
 def __init__(self, pixbound, flux):
     #- If pixbound and flux have same number of elements, assume they
     #- are centers rather than edges
     if len(pixbound) == len(flux):
         pixbound = cen2bound(pixbound)
     npix = len(flux)
     # Test for correct argument dimensions:
     if (len(pixbound) - npix) != 1:
         raise PixSplineError('Need one more element in pixbound than in flux!')
     # The array of "delta-x" values:
     dxpix = pixbound[1:] - pixbound[:-1]
     # Test for monotonic increase:
     if dxpix.min() <= 0.:
         raise PixSplineError('Pixel boundaries not monotonically increasing!')
     self.npix = npix
     self.pixbound = pixbound.copy()
     self.dxpix = dxpix.copy()
     self.xcen = 0.5 * (pixbound[1:] + pixbound[:-1]).copy()
     self.flux = flux.copy()
     maindiag = (dxpix[:-1] + dxpix[1:]) / 3.
     offdiag = dxpix[1:-1] / 6.
     upperdiag = np.append(0., offdiag)
     lowerdiag = np.append(offdiag, 0.)
     band_matrix = np.vstack((upperdiag, maindiag, lowerdiag))
     # The right-hand side:
     rhs = flux[1:] - flux[:-1]
     # Solve the banded matrix for the slopes at the ducks:
     acoeff = la.solve_banded((1,1), band_matrix, rhs)
     self.duckslopes = np.append(np.append(0., acoeff), 0.)
def phi_np1(phi_n, x, dx, t, dt, M, eps, a, Df, verbose=False):
    """ returns phi(x, t=n+1) given phi(x, t=n) using finite difference method.

    Uses *backward* finite difference in time (implicit), central finite
    difference in x

    mu = M * dt / (dx * dx)
    eps2 = eps * eps

    # Set up matrix from 1 to n-2, and handle x = 0 and x = n-1 via boundary
    # conditions
    alpha, beta = boundary(t)
    boundary_vec = zeros_like(phi_n[1:-1])
    boundary_vec[0] = -mu * eps2 * alpha
    boundary_vec[-1] = -mu * eps2 * beta

    fp = fprime(phi_n[1:-1], a, Df)

    b = phi_n[1:-1] - boundary_vec + M * dt * fp

    d = ones_like(phi_n[1:-1]) * (1 + 2 * mu * eps2)
    u = ones_like(phi_n[1:-1]) * (-mu * eps2)
    u[0] = 0
    l = ones_like(phi_n[1:-1]) * (-mu * eps2)
    l[-1] = 0

    ab = np.matrix([u, d, l])

    res = zeros_like(phi_n)
    res[1:-1] = linalg.solve_banded((1, 1), ab, b)
    res[0] = alpha
    res[-1] = beta
    return res
    def _solve_for_angular_rates(self, dt, angular_rates, rotvecs):
        angular_rate_first = angular_rates[0].copy()

        A = _angular_rate_to_rotvec_dot_matrix(rotvecs)
        A_inv = _rotvec_dot_to_angular_rate_matrix(rotvecs)
        M = _create_block_3_diagonal_matrix(
            2 * A_inv[1:-1] / dt[1:-1, None, None],
            2 * A[1:-1] / dt[1:-1, None, None],
            4 * (1 / dt[:-1] + 1 / dt[1:]))

        b0 = 6 * (rotvecs[:-1] * dt[:-1, None] ** -2 +
                  rotvecs[1:] * dt[1:, None] ** -2)
        b0[0] -= 2 / dt[0] * A_inv[0].dot(angular_rate_first)
        b0[-1] -= 2 / dt[-1] * A[-1].dot(angular_rates[-1])

        for iteration in range(self.MAX_ITER):
            rotvecs_dot = _matrix_vector_product_of_stacks(A, angular_rates)
            delta_beta = _angular_acceleration_nonlinear_term(
                rotvecs[:-1], rotvecs_dot[:-1])
            b = b0 - delta_beta
            angular_rates_new = solve_banded((5, 5), M, b.ravel())
            angular_rates_new = angular_rates_new.reshape((-1, 3))

            delta = np.abs(angular_rates_new - angular_rates[:-1])
            angular_rates[:-1] = angular_rates_new
            if np.all(delta < self.TOL * (1 + np.abs(angular_rates_new))):

        rotvecs_dot = _matrix_vector_product_of_stacks(A, angular_rates)
        angular_rates = np.vstack((angular_rate_first, angular_rates[:-1]))

        return angular_rates, rotvecs_dot
文件: 项目: mattjhill/drwfast
	def solve_banded(self, rhs):
		rhsex = np.zeros(self.M)
		rhsex[::self.nBlockSize] = rhs
		if not hasattr(self, 'Aex_diag'):
			Aex_diag = sp.dia_matrix(self.Aex)
		solex = solve_banded((self.m + 1,self.m + 1),[::-1,:], rhsex)
		return solex[::self.nBlockSize]
    def fit_block_coordinate_desc(self, r_init=5.0, min_delta_r=0.00000001):
        F_M = np.concatenate(self.F_M)
        F_N = np.concatenate(self.F_N)

        r_vals = []
        error_vals = []
        r = r_init

        delta_r = None
        it = 0

        ab = ab_from_T(self.T, self.lam, self.dt)
        while delta_r is None or delta_r > min_delta_r:
            F_C = solve_banded((1, 1), ab, F_M - r * F_N)
            new_r = - np.sum((F_C - F_M) * F_N) / np.sum(np.square(F_N))
            error = self.estimate_error(new_r)


            if r is not None:
                delta_r = np.abs(r - new_r) / r

            r = new_r
            it += 1

        self.r_vals = r_vals
        self.error_vals = error_vals
        self.r = r_vals[-1]
        self.error = error_vals.min()
 def test_check_finite(self):
     a = array([[1.0, 20, 0, 0], [-30, 4, 6, 0], [2, 1, 20, 2], [0, -1, 7, 14]])
     ab = array([[0.0, 20, 6, 2], [1, 4, 20, 14], [-30, 1, 7, 0], [2, -1, 0, 0]])
     l, u = 2, 1
     b4 = array([10.0, 0.0, 2.0, 14.0])
     x = solve_banded((l, u), ab, b4, check_finite=False)
     assert_array_almost_equal(dot(a, x), b4)
    def integrate_outwards(self, u_g, rgd, vr_g, g0, e,
                           scalar_relativistic=False, pt_g=None):
        l = self.l
        r_g = rgd.r_g

        cm1_g, c0_g, cp1_g = coefs(rgd, l, vr_g, e, scalar_relativistic)

        c_xg = np.zeros((3, g0 + 2))
        c_xg[0, :2] = 1.0
        c_xg[0, 2:] = cp1_g[1:g0 + 1]
        c_xg[1, 1:-1] = c0_g[1:g0 + 1]
        c_xg[2, :-2] = cm1_g[1:g0 + 1]

        b_g = np.zeros(g0 + 2)
        if pt_g is not None:
            b_g[2:] = -2 * pt_g[1:g0 + 1] * r_g[1:g0 + 1]**(1 - l)
            a0 = pt_g[1] / r_g[1]**l / (vr_g[1] / r_g[1] - e)
            a0 = 1

        a1 = a0 + vr_g[0] * rgd.dr_g[0]
        b_g[:2] = [a0, a1]

        a_g = solve_banded((2, 0), c_xg, b_g,
                           overwrite_ab=True, overwrite_b=True)

        r = r_g[g0]
        dr = rgd.dr_g[g0]
        da = 0.5 * (a_g[g0 + 1] - a_g[g0 - 1])
        dudr = (l + 1) * r**l * a_g[g0] + r**(l + 1) * da / dr

        u_g[:g0 + 2] = a_g * r_g[:g0 + 2]**(l + 1)

        return dudr
def diffuseImplicit(gr, phi, k, dt):
    """ diffuse phi implicitly through timestep dt """

    phinew = gr.scratchArray()
    alpha = k*dt/gr.dx**2

    # create the RHS of the matrix
    R = phi[gr.ilo:gr.ihi+1] 
    # create the diagonal, d+1 and d-1 parts of the matrix
    d = (1.0 + 2.0*alpha)*numpy.ones(gr.nx)
    u = -alpha*numpy.ones(gr.nx)
    u[0] = 0.0

    l = -alpha*numpy.ones(gr.nx)
    l[gr.nx-1] = 0.0

    # set the boundary conditions by changing the matrix elements

    # homogeneous neumann
    d[0] = 1.0 + alpha
    d[gr.nx-1] = 1.0 + alpha

    # solve
    A = numpy.matrix([u,d,l])
    phinew[gr.ilo:gr.ihi+1] = linalg.solve_banded((1,1), A, R)

    return phinew
def radau(alpha,beta,xr):
        Compute the Radau nodes and weights with the preassigned node xr
        alpha - recursion coefficients
        beta - recursion coefficients
        xr - assigned node location

        x - quadrature nodes		
        w - quadrature weights
        Based on the section 7 of the paper "Some modified matrix eigenvalue
        problems" by Gene Golub, SIAM Review Vol 15, No. 2, April 1973, pp.318--334
    from scipy.linalg import solve_banded
    n = len(alpha)-1
    f = np.zeros(n)
    f[-1] = beta[-1]
    A = np.vstack((np.sqrt(beta),alpha-xr))
    J = np.vstack((A[:,0:-1],A[0,1:]))
    delta = solve_banded((1,1),J,f)
    alphar = alpha
    alphar[-1] = xr+delta[-1]  
    x,w = gauss(alphar,beta)
    return x,w
    def _forward_control_points(self, dps):
        num_cps = dps.shape[0] - 1;

        ab = np.matrix([
          np.tile(1, num_cps),
          np.tile(4, num_cps),
          np.tile(1, num_cps)
        # Fixup first and last row
        ab[0,0] = 0
        ab[1,0] = 2
        ab[1, num_cps - 1] = 7
        ab[2, num_cps - 1] = 0
        b = np.empty([num_cps, dps.shape[1]])
        for i in range(0, num_cps - 1):
            b[i] = 4 * dps[i] + 2 * dps[i + 1]
        # Fixup first and last element
        b[0] = dps[0] + 2 * dps[1]
        b[num_cps - 1] = 8 * dps[num_cps - 1] + dps[num_cps]
        return solve_banded((1, 1), ab, b)
 def __call__(self, neuron):
     Updates the state variables.
     if not self._isprepared:
     # Update the membrane currents (should it be after (no real difference though))
     lower = number of lower diagonals = 1
     upper = number of upper diagonals = 1
     ab = array(l+u+1,M)
         each row is one diagonal
     ab = zeros((3,len(neuron))) # part of it could be precomputed
     # a[i,j]=ab[1+i-j,j]
     # ab[1,:]=main diagonal
     # ab[0,1:]=upper diagonal
     # ab[2,:-1]=lower diagonal
def solve(fk):
    N = len(fk)+2
    k = ST.wavenumbers(N)
    if solver == "banded":
        A = np.zeros((N-2, N-2))
        A[-1, :] = -2*np.pi*(k+1)*(k+2)
        for i in range(2, N-2, 2):
            A[-i-1, i:] = -4*np.pi*(k[:-i]+1)
        uk_hat = solve_banded((0, N-3), A, fk)
    elif solver == "sparse":
        aij = [-2*np.pi*(k+1)*(k+2)]
        for i in range(2, N-2, 2):
        A = diags(aij, range(0, N-2, 2))
        uk_hat = la.spsolve(A, fk)
    elif solver == "bs":
        fc = fk.copy()
        uk_hat = np.zeros(N-2)        
        uk_hat = SFTc.BackSubstitution_1D(uk_hat, fc)
        #for i in range(N-3, -1, -1):
            #for l in range(i+2, N-2, 2):
                #fc[i] += (4*np.pi*(i+1)uk_hat[l])
            #uk_hat[i] = -fc[i] / (2*np.pi*(i+1)*(i+2))
    return uk_hat
def _get_natural_f(knots):
    """Returns mapping of natural cubic spline values to 2nd derivatives.

    .. note:: See 'Generalized Additive Models', Simon N. Wood, 2006, pp 145-146

    :param knots: The 1-d array knots used for cubic spline parametrization,
     must be sorted in ascending order.
    :return: A 2-d array mapping natural cubic spline values at
     knots to second derivatives.

    :raise ImportError: if scipy is not found, required for
        from scipy import linalg
    except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
        raise ImportError("Cubic spline functionality requires scipy.")

    h = knots[1:] - knots[:-1]
    diag = (h[:-1] + h[1:]) / 3.
    ul_diag = h[1:-1] / 6.
    banded_b = np.array([np.r_[0., ul_diag], diag, np.r_[ul_diag, 0.]])
    d = np.zeros((knots.size - 2, knots.size))
    for i in range(knots.size - 2):
        d[i, i] = 1. / h[i]
        d[i, i + 2] = 1. / h[i + 1]
        d[i, i + 1] = - d[i, i] - d[i, i + 2]

    fm = linalg.solve_banded((1, 1), banded_b, d)

    return np.vstack([np.zeros(knots.size), fm, np.zeros(knots.size)])
def solve_tridag(A, D):
    # Find the diagonals
    ud = insert(diag(A, 1), 0, 0)  # upper diagonal
    d = diag(A)  # main diagonal
    ld = insert(diag(A, -1), len(d) - 1, 0)  # lower diagonal
    # simplified matrix
    ab = matrix([ud, d, ld])
    return solve_banded((1, 1), ab, D, overwrite_ab=True, overwrite_b=True)
def deriv(d,f,df):
  bcast = np.ones(len(np.shape(f)),int); bcast[0]=5
  for iy in range(0,ny+3):
    iyc = iy*(iy>1 and iy < ny+1) + ny*(iy>=ny+1) + 2*(iy<=1)
    df[iy,...] += np.sum(der[iy,:][d].reshape(bcast)*f[iyc-2:iyc+3,...],axis=0)
  df[2]-=der[2,1]['d0']*df[1]+der[2,0]['d0']*df[0];             df[3]-=der[3,0]['d0']*df[1]
  df[ny]-=der[ny,3]['d0']*df[ny+1]+der[ny,4]['d0']*df[ny+2];    df[ny-1]-=der[ny-1,4]['d0']*df[ny+1]
def symmetric_solve_simple(P, L, tridiagonal, cell_sizes, free_values, alpha=(1. + sqrt(17)) / 8):
    z = linalg.solve_triangular(L,, lower=True, unit_diagonal=True)
    #print tridiagonal
    w = linalg.solve_banded((1, 1), tridiagonal, z)
    tri_inv = tridiagonal_inversion(tridiagonal, cell_sizes, dtype=dtype)
    w1 = tridiagonal_dot(tri_inv, z, dtype=dtype)
    y = linalg.solve_triangular(np.matrix(L, dtype=dtype).getH(), w, lower=False, unit_diagonal=True)
 def __call__(self, neuron):
     Updates the state variables.
     if not self._isprepared:
     # Update the membrane currents (should it be after (no real difference though))
     lower = number of lower diagonals = 1
     upper = number of upper diagonals = 1
     ab = array(l+u+1,M)
         each row is one diagonal
     That is:
     ab[1,:]=main diagonal
     ab[0,1:]=upper diagonal
     ab[2,:-1]=lower diagonal        '''
     # Particular solution
     ab = zeros((3,len(neuron)))
     # Homogeneous solutions
     # Solve the linear system connecting branches
     self.V = solve(self.P,self.B)
     # Calculate solutions by linear combination
def solve_neumann(f):    

    A = np.zeros((N-2, N-2))
    A[-1, :] = -2*np.pi*(k+1)*k**2/(k+2)
    for i in range(2, N-3, 2):
        A[-i-1, i:] = -4*np.pi*(k[:-i]+i)**2*(k[:-i]+1)/(k[:-i]+2)**2
    uk_hat = solve_banded((0, N-4), A[1:, 1:], f)
    return uk_hat
 def test_tridiag_complex(self):
     ab = array([[0.0, 20, 6, 2j], [1, 4, 20, 14], [-30, 1, 7, 0]])
     a = np.diag(ab[0, 1:], 1) + np.diag(ab[1, :], 0) + np.diag(ab[2, :-1], -1)
     b4 = array([10.0, 0.0, 2.0, 14.0j])
     b4by1 = b4.reshape(-1, 1)
     b4by2 = array([[2, 1], [-30, 4], [2, 3], [1, 3]])
     b4by4 = array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]])
     for b in [b4, b4by1, b4by2, b4by4]:
         x = solve_banded((1, 1), ab, b)
         assert_array_almost_equal(dot(a, x), b)
def _solve_implicit_banded(current, banded_matrix):
    #  can improve performance by storing the banded form once and not
    #  recalculating it...
    #  but whatever
    J = banded_matrix.shape[0]
    diag = np.zeros((3, J))
    diag[1, :] = np.diag(banded_matrix, k=0)
    diag[0, 1:] = np.diag(banded_matrix, k=1)
    diag[2, :-1] = np.diag(banded_matrix, k=-1)
    return solve_banded((1, 1), diag, current)
 def test_complex(self):
     a = array([[1.0, 20, 0, 0], [-30, 4, 6, 0], [2j, 1, 20, 2j], [0, -1, 7, 14]])
     ab = array([[0.0, 20, 6, 2j], [1, 4, 20, 14], [-30, 1, 7, 0], [2j, -1, 0, 0]])
     l, u = 2, 1
     b4 = array([10.0, 0.0, 2.0, 14.0j])
     b4by1 = b4.reshape(-1, 1)
     b4by2 = array([[2, 1], [-30, 4], [2, 3], [1, 3]])
     b4by4 = array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1j], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]])
     for b in [b4, b4by1, b4by2, b4by4]:
         x = solve_banded((l, u), ab, b)
         assert_array_almost_equal(dot(a, x), b)
def milcshake_a(dt, bond, r_old, r, v):
    """First part of velocity Verlet algorithm with constraints."""

    # This subroutine iteratively adjusts the positions stored in the array r
    # and the velocities stored in the array v, to satisfy the bond constraints
    # using a tri-diagonal solver
    # See AG Bailey, CP Lowe, and AP Sutton, J Comput Phys, 227, 8949 (2008)
    # and AG Bailey, CP Lowe, and AP Sutton, Comput Phys Commun, 180, 594 (2009)

    # On entry to this routine we assume:
    # r_old stores the positions at the start of the step
    # r stores the positions following the unconstrained drift and
    # v stores the velocities following the first unconstrained half-kick
    # The returned arrays r and v will hold the constrained values

    import numpy as np
    import scipy.linalg as la

    n, d = r.shape
    assert d == 3, 'r dimension error in milcshake_a'

    k = n - 1  # Number of constraints

    tol = 1.0e-9
    iter_max = 500

    r_new = r.copy()  # Saves unconstrained positions

    # Old and new (non-constrained) bond vectors
    rij_old = r_old[:-1, :] - r_old[1:, :]
    rij_new = r_new[:-1, :] - r_new[1:, :]

    # Elements of tridiagonal matrix (dot products of old and new bond vectors)
    # In this example, all masses are equal to unity. Let k=n-1 be number of constraints
    tridiag = np.zeros((3, k), dtype=np.float_)
    tridiag[0, 1:] = -2.0 * np.sum(
        rij_old[1:, :] * rij_new[:-1, :],
        axis=1)  # leading zero to pad, then k-1 elements of upper-diagonal
    tridiag[1, :] = 2.0 * np.sum(rij_old[:, :] * rij_new[:, :],
                                 axis=1) / 0.5  # k elements of diagonal
    tridiag[2, :-1] = -2.0 * np.sum(
        rij_old[:-1, :] * rij_new[1:, :],
        axis=1)  # k-1 elements of lower-diagonal, then trailing zero to pad

    # Set up rhs of constraint equation
    rijsq = np.sum(rij_new**2, axis=1)
    rhs = bond**2 - rijsq
    rhsold = rhs.copy()

    iter = 0

    while True:  # Iterative loop until done

        # Test for done
        max_error = np.max(np.fabs(rijsq - bond**2)) / (2.0 * bond**2)
        if max_error <= tol:

        # Reset tridiagonal elements (may have been over-written by solver)
        tridiag_tmp = tridiag.copy()
        lam = la.solve_banded((1, 1), tridiag_tmp, rhs)

        # Constraint effects on position from lambda multipliers
        r = r_new.copy()
        r[:-1, :] = r[:-1, :] + lam[:, np.newaxis] * rij_old
        r[1:, :] = r[1:, :] - lam[:, np.newaxis] * rij_old

        # New bond vectors
        rij = r[:-1, :] - r[1:, :]

        # Prepare for next iteration
        rijsq = np.sum(rij**2, axis=1)
        rhs = bond**2 - rijsq + rhsold
        rhsold = rhs.copy()

        iter = iter + 1
        assert iter <= iter_max, "{}{:15d}{:15d}".format(
            'Too many iterations', iter, iter_max)

    # Effect of constraints on velocities
    v[:-1, :] = v[:-1, :] + lam[:, np.newaxis] * rij_old / dt
    v[1:, :] = v[1:, :] - lam[:, np.newaxis] * rij_old / dt

    return r, v
    def FDM_Vanilla_Implicit(self, Ns, Nt, m):
        Finite difference method for vanilla option.
        Trivial implicit method.
        Ns: Number of points in price axis
        Nt: Number of points in time axis
        m : monitoring times

        # discretize Nt-1 points between every two monitoring time, total Nt*m + 1 gird in time axis
        step = Nt
        Nt = Nt * m

        # set up parameters
        mu = self.r - self.q
        _range = 3 * self.sig * np.sqrt(self.maturity)
        Smax = self.spot_price * np.exp(
            (mu - self.sig**2 / 2.0) * self.maturity + _range)
        Smin = 0
        # totally Nt + 1 in row grid
        dt = self.maturity / float(Nt)
        ds = (Smax - Smin) / float(Ns)  # totally Ns + 1 in column grid

        # initialize the payoff
        sGrid = np.linspace(Smin, Smax, Ns + 1)

        if self.position.upper() == "CALL":
            V_Nt = np.maximum(sGrid - self.strike, 0)
        elif self.position.upper() == "PUT":
            V_Nt = np.maximum(self.strike - sGrid, 0)

        s = np.linspace(Smin, Smax, Ns + 1)
        payoff = np.maximum(s - self.strike, 0)

        # initialize the Dirichlet boundary condition
        if self.position.upper() == "CALL":
            f_0 = np.linspace(0, 0, Nt + 1)
            f_Ns = Smax * np.exp(-self.q * np.linspace(
                0, self.maturity, Nt + 1)) - self.strike * np.exp(
                    -self.r * (np.linspace(0, self.maturity, Nt + 1)))
        elif self.position.upper() == "PUT":
            f_0 = self.strike * np.exp(
                -self.r * np.linspace(0, self.maturity, Nt + 1))
            f_Ns = np.linspace(0, 0, Nt + 1)
            raise ValueError('Invalid option_type!!')

        # initialize the tridiagonal matrix by scalar-form
        i = np.linspace(1, Ns - 1, Ns - 1)
        # from a_2 to a_I-1 are in the calculation matrix
        a = -(self.sig**2 * i**2 - (self.r - self.q) * i) * dt / 2.0
        # from b_1 to b_I-1 are in the calculation matrix
        b = 1 + self.sig**2 * i**2 * dt + self.r * dt
        # from c_1 to c_I-2 are in the calculation matrix
        c = -(self.sig**2 * i**2 + (self.r - self.q) * i) * dt / 2.0

        # From Nt to 1, calculate V_Nt-1, V_Nt-2, ..., V_0 (vectors)
        V_Nplus = V_Nt[1:Ns]
        for k in range(Nt, 0, -1):
            V_Nplus[0] = V_Nplus[0] - a[0] * f_0[k]
            V_Nplus[Ns - 2] = V_Nplus[Ns - 2] - c[Ns - 2] * f_Ns[k]
            ab = self.tri_bound_to_ab(a, b, c)
            V_N = linalg.solve_banded((1, 1), ab, V_Nplus)
            #American process
            if self.exercise_type == 'AMERICAN':
                V_N = self.Projected_SOR(a[1:], b, c[:-1], V_Nplus, V_N,
                                         payoff[1:-1], k, step, s[1:Ns])
            V_Nplus = V_N

        # linear interpolation
        w = (self.spot_price - sGrid[int(self.spot_price / ds)]) / (
            sGrid[int(self.spot_price / ds) + 1] -
            sGrid[int(self.spot_price / ds)])
        v_0 = V_N[int(self.spot_price /
                      ds)] * (1 - w) + w * V_N[int(self.spot_price / ds) + 1]

        return v_0
    def __init__(self, x, y, axis=0, bc_type='not-a-knot', extrapolate=None):
        x, dx, y, axis, _ = prepare_input(x, y, axis)
        n = len(x)

        bc, y = self._validate_bc(bc_type, y, y.shape[1:], axis)

        if extrapolate is None:
            if bc[0] == 'periodic':
                extrapolate = 'periodic'
                extrapolate = True

        dxr = dx.reshape([dx.shape[0]] + [1] * (y.ndim - 1))
        slope = np.diff(y, axis=0) / dxr

        # If bc is 'not-a-knot' this change is just a convention.
        # If bc is 'periodic' then we already checked that y[0] == y[-1],
        # and the spline is just a constant, we handle this case in the same
        # way by setting the first derivatives to slope, which is 0.
        if n == 2:
            if bc[0] in ['not-a-knot', 'periodic']:
                bc[0] = (1, slope[0])
            if bc[1] in ['not-a-knot', 'periodic']:
                bc[1] = (1, slope[0])

        # This is a very special case, when both conditions are 'not-a-knot'
        # and n == 3. In this case 'not-a-knot' can't be handled regularly
        # as the both conditions are identical. We handle this case by
        # constructing a parabola passing through given points.
        if n == 3 and bc[0] == 'not-a-knot' and bc[1] == 'not-a-knot':
            A = np.zeros((3, 3))  # This is a standard matrix.
            b = np.empty((3, ) + y.shape[1:], dtype=y.dtype)

            A[0, 0] = 1
            A[0, 1] = 1
            A[1, 0] = dx[1]
            A[1, 1] = 2 * (dx[0] + dx[1])
            A[1, 2] = dx[0]
            A[2, 1] = 1
            A[2, 2] = 1

            b[0] = 2 * slope[0]
            b[1] = 3 * (dxr[0] * slope[1] + dxr[1] * slope[0])
            b[2] = 2 * slope[1]

            s = solve(A,
            # Find derivative values at each x[i] by solving a tridiagonal
            # system.
            A = np.zeros((3, n))  # This is a banded matrix representation.
            b = np.empty((n, ) + y.shape[1:], dtype=y.dtype)

            # Filling the system for i=1..n-2
            #                         (x[i-1] - x[i]) * s[i-1] +\
            # 2 * ((x[i] - x[i-1]) + (x[i+1] - x[i])) * s[i]   +\
            #                         (x[i] - x[i-1]) * s[i+1] =\
            #       3 * ((x[i+1] - x[i])*(y[i] - y[i-1])/(x[i] - x[i-1]) +\
            #           (x[i] - x[i-1])*(y[i+1] - y[i])/(x[i+1] - x[i]))

            A[1, 1:-1] = 2 * (dx[:-1] + dx[1:])  # The diagonal
            A[0, 2:] = dx[:-1]  # The upper diagonal
            A[-1, :-2] = dx[1:]  # The lower diagonal

            b[1:-1] = 3 * (dxr[1:] * slope[:-1] + dxr[:-1] * slope[1:])

            bc_start, bc_end = bc

            if bc_start == 'periodic':
                # In case when number of points is 3 we should count derivatives
                # manually
                if n == 3:
                    t = (slope / dx).sum() / (1. / dx).sum()
                    s = [t, t, t]
                    # Due to the periodicity, and because y[-1] = y[0], the linear
                    # system has (n-1) unknowns/equations instead of n:

                    A = A[:, 0:-1]
                    A[1, 0] = 2 * (dx[-1] + dx[0])
                    A[0, 1] = dx[-1]

                    b = b[:-1]

                    # Also, due to the periodicity, the system is not tri-diagonal.
                    # We need to compute a "condensed" matrix of shape (n-2, n-2).
                    # See
                    # for more explanations.
                    # The condensed matrix is obtained by removing the last column
                    # and last row of the (n-1, n-1) system matrix. The removed
                    # values are saved in scalar variables with the (n-1, n-1)
                    # system matrix indices forming their names:
                    a_m1_0 = dx[-2]  # lower left corner value: A[-1, 0]
                    a_m1_m2 = dx[-1]
                    a_m1_m1 = 2 * (dx[-1] + dx[-2])
                    a_m2_m1 = dx[-3]
                    a_0_m1 = dx[0]

                    b[0] = 3 * (dxr[0] * slope[-1] + dxr[-1] * slope[0])
                    b[-1] = 3 * (dxr[-1] * slope[-2] + dxr[-2] * slope[-1])

                    Ac = A[:, :-1]
                    b1 = b[:-1]
                    b2 = np.zeros_like(b1)
                    b2[0] = -a_0_m1
                    b2[-1] = -a_m2_m1

                    # s1 and s2 are the solutions of (n-2, n-2) system
                    s1 = solve_banded((1, 1),

                    s2 = solve_banded((1, 1),

                    # computing the s[n-2] solution:
                    s_m1 = ((b[-1] - a_m1_0 * s1[0] - a_m1_m2 * s1[-1]) /
                            (a_m1_m1 + a_m1_0 * s2[0] + a_m1_m2 * s2[-1]))

                    # s is the solution of the (n, n) system:
                    s = np.empty((n, ) + y.shape[1:], dtype=y.dtype)
                    s[:-2] = s1 + s_m1 * s2
                    s[-2] = s_m1
                    s[-1] = s[0]
                if bc_start == 'not-a-knot':
                    A[1, 0] = dx[1]
                    A[0, 1] = x[2] - x[0]
                    d = x[2] - x[0]
                    b[0] = ((dxr[0] + 2 * d) * dxr[1] * slope[0] +
                            dxr[0]**2 * slope[1]) / d
                elif bc_start[0] == 1:
                    A[1, 0] = 1
                    A[0, 1] = 0
                    b[0] = bc_start[1]
                elif bc_start[0] == 2:
                    A[1, 0] = 2 * dx[0]
                    A[0, 1] = dx[0]
                    b[0] = -0.5 * bc_start[1] * dx[0]**2 + 3 * (y[1] - y[0])

                if bc_end == 'not-a-knot':
                    A[1, -1] = dx[-2]
                    A[-1, -2] = x[-1] - x[-3]
                    d = x[-1] - x[-3]
                    b[-1] = ((dxr[-1]**2 * slope[-2] +
                              (2 * d + dxr[-1]) * dxr[-2] * slope[-1]) / d)
                elif bc_end[0] == 1:
                    A[1, -1] = 1
                    A[-1, -2] = 0
                    b[-1] = bc_end[1]
                elif bc_end[0] == 2:
                    A[1, -1] = 2 * dx[-1]
                    A[-1, -2] = dx[-1]
                    b[-1] = 0.5 * bc_end[1] * dx[-1]**2 + 3 * (y[-1] - y[-2])

                s = solve_banded((1, 1),

        super(CubicSpline, self).__init__(x,
        self.axis = axis
import numpy as np
import time
from scipy.sparse.linalg import bicg
from scipy.linalg import solve_banded
from scipy.sparse import dia_matrix

A = dia_matrix((np.array([[13, 14, 15, 28, 33, 44], [15, 16, 18, 22, 32, 42],
                          [17, 18, 19, 44, 71, 81]]), [0, -1, 1]),
               shape=(6, 6)).toarray()
b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
start_time_1 = time.time()
print(bicg(A, b))
end_time_1 = (time.time() - start_time_1) * 1000

ud = np.insert(np.diag(A, 1), 0, 0)
d = np.diag(A)
ld = np.insert(np.diag(A, -1), len(d) - 1, 0)
ab = [ud, d, ld]

start_time_2 = time.time()
print(solve_banded((1, 1), ab, b))
end_time_2 = (time.time() - start_time_2) * 1000

print('bicg:', end_time_1, 'solve_banded:', end_time_2)
文件: 项目: zseymour/scipy
    def __init__(self, x, y, axis=0, bc_type='not-a-knot', extrapolate=None):
        x, y = map(np.asarray, (x, y))

        if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.complexfloating):
            raise ValueError("`x` must contain real values.")

        if np.issubdtype(y.dtype, np.complexfloating):
            dtype = complex
            dtype = float
        y = y.astype(dtype, copy=False)

        axis = axis % y.ndim
        if x.ndim != 1:
            raise ValueError("`x` must be 1-dimensional.")
        if x.shape[0] < 2:
            raise ValueError("`x` must contain at least 2 elements.")
        if x.shape[0] != y.shape[axis]:
            raise ValueError("The length of `y` along `axis`={0} doesn't "
                             "match the length of `x`".format(axis))

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(x)):
            raise ValueError("`x` must contain only finite values.")
        if not np.all(np.isfinite(y)):
            raise ValueError("`y` must contain only finite values.")

        dx = np.diff(x)
        if np.any(dx <= 0):
            raise ValueError("`x` must be strictly increasing sequence.")

        n = x.shape[0]
        y = np.rollaxis(y, axis)

        bc, y = self._validate_bc(bc_type, y, y.shape[1:], axis)

        if extrapolate is None:
            if bc[0] == 'periodic':
                extrapolate = 'periodic'
                extrapolate = True

        dxr = dx.reshape([dx.shape[0]] + [1] * (y.ndim - 1))
        slope = np.diff(y, axis=0) / dxr

        # If bc is 'not-a-knot' this change is just a convention.
        # If bc is 'periodic' then we already checked that y[0] == y[-1],
        # and the spline is just a constant, we handle this case in the same
        # way by setting the first derivatives to slope, which is 0.
        if n == 2:
            if bc[0] in ['not-a-knot', 'periodic']:
                bc[0] = (1, slope[0])
            if bc[1] in ['not-a-knot', 'periodic']:
                bc[1] = (1, slope[0])

        # This is a very special case, when both conditions are 'not-a-knot'
        # and n == 3. In this case 'not-a-knot' can't be handled regularly
        # as the both conditions are identical. We handle this case by
        # constructing a parabola passing through given points.
        if n == 3 and bc[0] == 'not-a-knot' and bc[1] == 'not-a-knot':
            A = np.zeros((3, 3))  # This is a standard matrix.
            b = np.empty((3, ) + y.shape[1:], dtype=y.dtype)

            A[0, 0] = 1
            A[0, 1] = 1
            A[1, 0] = dx[1]
            A[1, 1] = 2 * (dx[0] + dx[1])
            A[1, 2] = dx[0]
            A[2, 1] = 1
            A[2, 2] = 1

            b[0] = 2 * slope[0]
            b[1] = 3 * (dxr[0] * slope[1] + dxr[1] * slope[0])
            b[2] = 2 * slope[1]

            s = solve(A,
            # Find derivative values at each x[i] by solving a tridiagonal
            # system.
            A = np.zeros((3, n))  # This is a banded matrix representation.
            b = np.empty((n, ) + y.shape[1:], dtype=y.dtype)

            # Filling the system for i=1..n-2
            #                         (x[i-1] - x[i]) * s[i-1] +\
            # 2 * ((x[i] - x[i-1]) + (x[i+1] - x[i])) * s[i]   +\
            #                         (x[i] - x[i-1]) * s[i+1] =\
            #       3 * ((x[i+1] - x[i])*(y[i] - y[i-1])/(x[i] - x[i-1]) +\
            #           (x[i] - x[i-1])*(y[i+1] - y[i])/(x[i+1] - x[i]))

            A[1, 1:-1] = 2 * (dx[:-1] + dx[1:])  # The diagonal
            A[0, 2:] = dx[:-1]  # The upper diagonal
            A[-1, :-2] = dx[1:]  # The lower diagonal

            b[1:-1] = 3 * (dxr[1:] * slope[:-1] + dxr[:-1] * slope[1:])

            bc_start, bc_end = bc

            if bc_start == 'periodic':
                # Due to the periodicity, and because y[-1] = y[0], the linear
                # system has (n-1) unknowns/equations instead of n:
                A = A[:, 0:-1]
                A[1, 0] = 2 * (dx[-1] + dx[0])
                A[0, 1] = dx[-1]

                b = b[:-1]

                # Also, due to the periodicity, the system is not tri-diagonal.
                # We need to compute a "condensed" matrix of shape (n-2, n-2).
                # See
                # for more explanations.
                # The condensed matrix is obtained by removing the last column
                # and last row of the (n-1, n-1) system matrix. The removed
                # values are saved in scalar variables with the (n-1, n-1)
                # system matrix indices forming their names:
                a_m1_0 = dx[-2]  # lower left corner value: A[-1, 0]
                a_m1_m2 = dx[-1]
                a_m1_m1 = 2 * (dx[-1] + dx[-2])
                a_m2_m1 = dx[-2]
                a_0_m1 = dx[0]

                b[0] = 3 * (dxr[0] * slope[-1] + dxr[-1] * slope[0])
                b[-1] = 3 * (dxr[-1] * slope[-2] + dxr[-2] * slope[-1])

                Ac = A[:, :-1]
                b1 = b[:-1]
                b2 = np.zeros_like(b1)
                b2[0] = -a_0_m1
                b2[-1] = -a_m2_m1

                # s1 and s2 are the solutions of (n-2, n-2) system
                s1 = solve_banded((1, 1),

                s2 = solve_banded((1, 1),

                # computing the s[n-2] solution:
                s_m1 = ((b[-1] - a_m1_0 * s1[0] - a_m1_m2 * s1[-1]) /
                        (a_m1_m1 + a_m1_0 * s2[0] + a_m1_m2 * s2[-1]))

                # s is the solution of the (n, n) system:
                s = np.empty((n, ) + y.shape[1:], dtype=y.dtype)
                s[:-2] = s1 + s_m1 * s2
                s[-2] = s_m1
                s[-1] = s[0]
                if bc_start == 'not-a-knot':
                    A[1, 0] = dx[1]
                    A[0, 1] = x[2] - x[0]
                    d = x[2] - x[0]
                    b[0] = ((dxr[0] + 2 * d) * dxr[1] * slope[0] +
                            dxr[0]**2 * slope[1]) / d
                elif bc_start[0] == 1:
                    A[1, 0] = 1
                    A[0, 1] = 0
                    b[0] = bc_start[1]
                elif bc_start[0] == 2:
                    A[1, 0] = 2 * dx[0]
                    A[0, 1] = dx[0]
                    b[0] = -0.5 * bc_start[1] * dx[0]**2 + 3 * (y[1] - y[0])

                if bc_end == 'not-a-knot':
                    A[1, -1] = dx[-2]
                    A[-1, -2] = x[-1] - x[-3]
                    d = x[-1] - x[-3]
                    b[-1] = ((dxr[-1]**2 * slope[-2] +
                              (2 * d + dxr[-1]) * dxr[-2] * slope[-1]) / d)
                elif bc_end[0] == 1:
                    A[1, -1] = 1
                    A[-1, -2] = 0
                    b[-1] = bc_end[1]
                elif bc_end[0] == 2:
                    A[1, -1] = 2 * dx[-1]
                    A[-1, -2] = dx[-1]
                    b[-1] = 0.5 * bc_end[1] * dx[-1]**2 + 3 * (y[-1] - y[-2])

                s = solve_banded((1, 1),

        # Compute coefficients in PPoly form.
        t = (s[:-1] + s[1:] - 2 * slope) / dxr
        c = np.empty((4, n - 1) + y.shape[1:], dtype=t.dtype)
        c[0] = t / dxr
        c[1] = (slope - s[:-1]) / dxr - t
        c[2] = s[:-1]
        c[3] = y[:-1]

        super(CubicSpline, self).__init__(c, x, extrapolate=extrapolate)
        self.axis = axis
 def test_1x1(self):
     x = solve_banded((1, 1), [[0], [1], [0]], [[1, 2, 3]])
     assert_array_equal(x, [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]])
     assert_equal(x.dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
def cubic_with_deriv(x, xp, yp):

    x, n = _checkIfFloat(x)

    if np.any(np.diff(xp) < 0):
        raise TypeError("xp must be in ascending order")

    # n = len(x)
    m = len(xp)

    y = np.zeros(n)
    dydx = np.zeros(n)
    dydxp = np.zeros((n, m))
    dydyp = np.zeros((n, m))

    xk = xp[1:-1]
    yk = yp[1:-1]
    xkp = xp[2:]
    ykp = yp[2:]
    xkm = xp[:-2]
    ykm = yp[:-2]

    b = (ykp - yk) / (xkp - xk) - (yk - ykm) / (xk - xkm)
    l = (xk - xkm) / 6.0
    d = (xkp - xkm) / 3.0
    u = (xkp - xk) / 6.0
    # u[0] = 0.0  # non-existent entries
    # l[-1] = 0.0

    # solve for second derivatives
    fpp = solve_banded((1, 1), np.array([u, d, l]), b)
    fpp = np.concatenate([[0.0], fpp, [0.0]])  # natural spline

    # find location in vector
    for i in range(n):
        if x[i] < xp[0]:
            j = 0
        elif x[i] > xp[-1]:
            j = m - 2
            for j in range(m - 1):
                if xp[j + 1] > x[i]:
        x1 = xp[j]
        y1 = yp[j]
        x2 = xp[j + 1]
        y2 = yp[j + 1]

        A = (x2 - x[i]) / (x2 - x1)
        B = 1 - A
        C = 1.0 / 6 * (A ** 3 - A) * (x2 - x1) ** 2
        D = 1.0 / 6 * (B ** 3 - B) * (x2 - x1) ** 2

        y[i] = A * y1 + B * y2 + C * fpp[j] + D * fpp[j + 1]
        dAdx = -1.0 / (x2 - x1)
        dBdx = -dAdx
        dCdx = 1.0 / 6 * (3 * A ** 2 - 1) * dAdx * (x2 - x1) ** 2
        dDdx = 1.0 / 6 * (3 * B ** 2 - 1) * dBdx * (x2 - x1) ** 2
        dydx[i] = dAdx * y1 + dBdx * y2 + dCdx * fpp[j] + dDdx * fpp[j + 1]

    if n == 1:
        y = y[0]
        dydx = dydx[0]

    return y
def mono(tau, ssa, hg, rsurf, MU0, F0PI=1.0, BTOP=0.0):
    """Monochromatic two-stream radiative transfer solver with:
           tau - optical depths per layer
           ssa - single scattering albedo
           hg  - scattering asymetry parameter
           rsurf - surface reflectivity
           MU0 - cos(theta) where theta is both the 
                 incidence an emission angle.
           F0PI - top of atmosphere incident flux * pi
           BTOP - top of the atmosphere diffuse flux.

    import numpy as np
    nlay = len(tau)

    # Cumulative optical depth
    taub = np.cumsum(tau)
    taut = np.append(0, taub[:-1])

    # Surface reflectance and lower boundary condition
    bsurf = rsurf * MU0[-1] * F0PI * np.exp(-np.sum(tau) / MU0[-1])

    twopi = np.pi + np.pi
    g1 = 0.86602540378 * (2. - ssa * (1 + hg))
    g2 = (1.7320508075688772 * ssa / 2.) * (1 - hg)
    g3 = (1. - 1.7320508075688772 * hg * MU0) / 2
    g4 = 1. - g3

    lam = np.sqrt(g1 * g1 - g2 * g2)
    gamma = (g1 - lam) / g2
    alpha = np.sqrt((1. - ssa) / (1. - ssa * hg))

    Am = F0PI * ssa * (g4 * (g1 + 1. / MU0) + g2 * g3) / (lam * lam - 1. /
                                                          (MU0 * MU0))
    Ap = F0PI * ssa * (g3 * (g1 - 1. / MU0) + g2 * g4) / (lam * lam - 1. /
                                                          (MU0 * MU0))

    # Cpm1 and Cmm1 are the C+ and C- terms evaluated at the top of the layer.
    Cpm1 = Ap * np.exp(-taut / MU0)
    Cmm1 = Am * np.exp(-taut / MU0)
    # Cp and Cm are the C+ and C- terms evaluated at the bottom of the layer.
    Cp = Ap * np.exp(-taub / MU0)
    Cm = Am * np.exp(-taub / MU0)

    #  Solve for the coefficients of system of equations using boundary conditions
    # Exponential terms:
    exptrm = lam * tau
    exptrm[exptrm > 35] = 35  # clipped so that exponential doesn't explode
    Ep = np.exp(exptrm)
    Em = 1. / Ep

    E1 = Ep + gamma * Em
    E2 = Ep - gamma * Em
    E3 = gamma * Ep + Em
    E4 = gamma * Ep - Em

    L = nlay + nlay
    Af = np.empty(L)
    Bf = np.empty(L)
    Cf = np.empty(L)
    Df = np.empty(L)

    # First Term
    Af[0] = 0.0
    Bf[0] = gamma[0] + 1.
    Cf[0] = gamma[0] - 1.
    Df[0] = BTOP - Cmm1[0]

    AA = (E1[:-1] + E3[:-1]) * (gamma[1:] - 1)
    BB = (E2[:-1] + E4[:-1]) * (gamma[1:] - 1)
    CC = 2. * (1. - gamma[1:] * gamma[1:])
    DD = (gamma[1:] - 1) * (Cpm1[1:] - Cp[:-1]) + (1 - gamma[1:]) * (Cm[:-1] -
    Af[1:-1:2] = AA
    Bf[1:-1:2] = BB
    Cf[1:-1:2] = CC
    Df[1:-1:2] = DD

    AA = 2. * (1. - gamma[:-1] * gamma[:-1])
    BB = (E1[:-1] - E3[:-1]) * (gamma[1:] + 1.)
    CC = (E1[:-1] + E3[:-1]) * (gamma[1:] - 1.)
    DD = E3[:-1] * (Cpm1[1:] - Cp[:-1]) + E1[:-1] * (Cm[:-1] - Cmm1[1:])
    Af[2::2] = AA
    Bf[2::2] = BB
    Cf[2::2] = CC
    Df[2::2] = DD
    # Last term:
    Af[-1] = E1[-1] - rsurf * E3[-1]
    Bf[-1] = E2[-1] - rsurf * E4[-1]
    Cf[-1] = 0.0
    Df[-1] = bsurf - Cp[-1] + rsurf * Cm[-1]

    # Match to IDL
    Af2 = np.append(Af[1:], 0)
    Cf2 = np.append(0, Cf[0:-1])

    # Solve tridiagonal matrix
    ab = np.matrix([

    k = solve_banded((1, 1), ab, Df)

    # Unmix coefficients
    even = np.arange(0, 2 * nlay, 2)
    odd = even + 1
    k1 = k[even] + k[odd]
    k2 = k[even] - k[odd]

    #  Iteratively determine upward intensity (along mu) in each layer
    Fsurf = k1[-1] * Ep[-1] + gamma[-1] * k2[-1] * Em[-1] + Cp[
        -1]  # flux at surface
    Isurf = Fsurf / np.pi  # Lambert intensity distribution

    Am = Am * np.exp(-taut / MU0)
    Ap = Ap * np.exp(-taut / MU0)

    F1 = 1 + 1.5 * hg * MU0
    F2 = 1 - 1.5 * hg * MU0

    G = (ssa * k1 * (F1 + gamma * F2)) / (twopi)
    H = (ssa * k2 * (gamma * F1 + F2)) / (twopi)
    A = (ssa * (F1 * Ap + F2 * Am)) / (twopi)

    # Integrate upward intensity starting from surface
    Imu = np.empty(nlay + 1)  # upward intensity at each level (not layer)
    Imu[-1] = Isurf  # upward intensity from surface

    addterms = ((ssa * F0PI / (8 * np.pi)) * (1 - hg) * np.exp(-taut / MU0) *
                (1 - np.exp(-2. * tau / MU0)) + A *
                (1 - np.exp(-2 * tau / MU0)) / 2 + G *
                (np.exp(exptrm - tau / MU0) - 1) / (lam * MU0 - 1) + H *
                (1 - np.exp(-exptrm - tau / MU0)) / (lam * MU0 + 1))
    multterms = np.exp(-tau / MU0)
    for j in np.arange(nlay - 1, -1, -1):
        Imu[j] = Imu[j + 1] * multterms[j] + addterms[j]

    return Imu
    error_counter = 0
    plot_counter = 0

    t = tmax
    while t > dt:
        for i in range(1, N[k] - 1):
            rhs[i - 1] = alpha * u[i + 1] + (
                1 - 2 * alpha) * u[i] + alpha * u[i - 1] + Q[i] * dt

        Ab = np.zeros((3, N[k] - 2))

        Ab[0, 1:] = upper_diag
        Ab[1, 0:] = central_diag
        Ab[2, :-1] = lower_diag

        sol = solve_banded((1, 1), Ab, rhs)

        for i in range(1, N[k] - 1):
            u[i] = sol[i - 1]

        t -= dt

        if error_counter == 1000 - 1:
            for i in range(N[k]):
                error += pow(u[i] - S[i], 2)
            difference.append(math.sqrt(error / (N[k])))
            error = 0
            error_counter = 0

        error_counter += 1
def main():
    # For timing purposes
    start = time.time()
    pr = cProfile.Profile()

    # Initial parameters

    a1 = 1 + TIME_STEP * ((1j * H_BAR) / (2 * ELECTRON_MASS * (A_DIST**2)))
    a2 = -TIME_STEP * H_BAR * 1j / (4 * ELECTRON_MASS * A_DIST**2)
    b1 = 1 - 1j * TIME_STEP * H_BAR / (2 * ELECTRON_MASS * A_DIST**2)
    b2 = -a2

    # initial conditions
    x_points = linspace(0, L, N_SLICES + 1, endpoint=False)
    psi = array(list(map(psi_function, x_points)), complex)
    psi[0] = psi[N_SLICES - 1] = 0

    # Create the matrix A
    A2 = empty([3, N_SLICES + 1], complex)
    A2[0, 0] = 0
    A2[0, 1:] = a2
    A2[1, :] = a1
    A2[2, 0:N_SLICES] = a2
    A2[2, N_SLICES] = 0
    # store the wave function at each time step in a list
    solution = [psi]
    for i in range(500):
        psi[1:N_SLICES] = b1 * psi[1:N_SLICES] + b2 * (psi[2:] +
                                                       psi[0:N_SLICES - 1])
        psi = solve_banded((1, 1), A2, psi)

    plt.plot(x_points, real(solution[25]))
    plt.plot(x_points, real(solution[49])**2)
    plt.plot(x_points, real(solution[250])**2)
    plt.xlabel("x (m)")

    # Animation

    def init():
        line.set_data(x_points, psi_function(xpoints, L, SIGMA, KAPPA))
        return line,

    A_2 = zeros([N_SLICES, N_SLICES], dtype=complex)
    A_2 = TriDiag_Matrix(A_2, a1, a2)
    B = zeros([N_SLICES, N_SLICES], dtype=complex)
    B = TriDiag_Matrix(B, b1, b2, N_SLICES)

    xpoints = (L / N_SLICES) * linspace(
        0, N_SLICES, num=N_SLICES + 1, endpoint=False)
    xpoints = delete(xpoints, 0)

    def animate(i):
        v = dot(B, psi[i])
        psi_2.append(solve(A_2, v))
        x = xpoints
        y = psi[i]
        i += 1
        line.set_data(x, y)
        return line,

        # calling the animation function
        # creating a blank window
        # for the animation

    psi_2 = [psi_function(xpoints, L, SIGMA, KAPPA)]
    fig = plt.figure()
    axis = plt.axes(xlim=(-1e-9, 11e-9), ylim=(-1, 1))
    axis.set_title('Crank-Nicolson Wave')
    line, = axis.plot([], [], lw=.5)

    animate_wave = animation.FuncAnimation(fig,
    my_writer = animation.PillowWriter(fps=30, codec='libx264', bitrate=2)

    # pr.print_stats(sort='time')
    end = time.time()
    print(f"Program took :{end - start} seconds to run")
# - Block matrices diagonal, triangular, periodic,...

# %% {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "fragment"}}
import scipy.linalg as spl 
A=sp.array([[1.,3.,0., 0.,0.],
           [ 2.,1.,-4, 0.,0.],
           [ 6.,1., 2,-3.,0.], 
           [ 0.,1., 4.,-2.,-3.], 
           [ 0.,0., 6.,-3., 2.]])
print("x=",spl.solve(A,b,sym_pos=False)) # LAPACK ( gesv ou posv )
             [1.,1., 2.,-2., 2.],
             [2.,1., 4.,-3., 0.],
             [6.,1., 6., 0., 0.]])
print("x=",spl.solve_banded((2,1),AB,b)) # LAPACK ( gbsv )

# %% {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "slide"}}
P,L,U = #  P A = L U
for M in (P,L,U):
    print(M, end="\n"+20*"-"+"\n")

# %% [markdown] {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "slide"}}
# ##  CSC (Compressed Sparse Column) 
# - All operations are optimized 
# - Efficient "slicing" along axis=1.
# - Fast Matrix-vector product.
# - Conversion to other format could be costly.
#print ht
scheme = ImplicitEulerScheme(M,N, ht)
#print scheme

import scipy as sp
from scipy.linalg import solve_banded

A = np.zeros((3, 5))
A[0, :] = np.ones(5) * 1. # 上对角线
A[1, :] = np.ones(5) * 3. # 对角线
A[2, :] = np.ones(5) * (-1.) # 下对角线
b = [1.,2.,3.,4.,5.]
x = solve_banded((1,1), A,b)
#print 'x = A^-1b = ',x

import scipy as sp
from scipy.linalg import solve_banded

for k in range(0,M):
    udiag = - np.ones(N-1) * rho
    ldiag = - np.ones(N-1) * rho
    cdiag = np.ones(N-1) * (1.0 + 2. * rho)
    mat = np.zeros((3,N-1))
    mat[0,:] = udiag
    #print mat[0,:]
    mat[1,:] = cdiag
    #print mat[1,:]
# create column vector {bb}
bb = np.zeros(m)
bb[0] = Ti
bb[1:m-1] = Ti
bb[m-1] = Ti + 2*Fo*Bi*(1 + b/(2*m))*Tinf

# check: ab and b
#print('ab \n', ab)  # banded matrix of tridiagonal coefficient matrix [A]
#print('bb \n', bb)  # vector {b}

# Solve using scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

for i in range(1, nt+1):
    T = sp.solve_banded((1, 1), ab, bb)
    bb = T.copy()
    bb[m-1] = T[m-1] + 2*Fo*Bi*(1 + b/(2*m))*Tinf
    TT[i, :] = T
# check: display final T, best if nr is small number like nr=5
#print('T \n', T)

# plot results
py.plot(t, TT[:, m-1], '-k', label='surface')
py.plot(t, TT[:, 0], '--k', label='center')
py.axhline(Tinf, color='r', linestyle='-.')
py.ylabel('Temperature (K)')
py.xlabel('Time (s)')
py.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1)
 def solve_func(b):
     return linalg.solve_banded((l, u), diag, b)
 def test_solve_banded(self):
     assert_no_overwrite(lambda ab, b: solve_banded((2, 1), ab, b), [(4, 6),
                                                                     (6, )])
 def solve_func(b: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
     return linalg.solve_banded((l, u), diag, b)
ab = trid(Nx, ksi)  # with NEUMANN CONDITIONS
side = np.zeros((Nx + 1, 2))  # right-hand vector for matrix eq
A = 0.1 * np.ones(Nx + 1)  # FHN main parameter
A[:5] = -0.2  # Reverb
for timeStep in range(Nt):
    runge = RK4(q)
    # Neumann conditions: derivatives at the edges are null.
    side[0] = runge[:, 0] + ksi * 2 * (q[:, 1] - q[:, 0])
    for i in range(1, Nx):
        side[i] = runge[:, i] + ksi * (q[:, i - 1] - 2 * q[:, i] + q[:, i + 1])
        # side = np.array([RK4(q[:, i]) + ksi*(q[:, i-1] - 2*q[:, i] + q[:, i+1]) for i in range(Nx)])
    # side = np.append(side, [RK4(q[:, -1]) + ksi*2*(q[:, -2] - q[:, -1])], axis=0)
    side[-1] = runge[:, -1] + ksi * 2 * (q[:, -2] - q[:, -1])
    # Solve the equation a x = b for x, assuming a is banded matrix  using the matrix diagonal ordered form.
    #        q = np.array(list(map(lambda x: slin.solve_banded((1, 1), ab[x], side.T[x]), [0, 1])))
    q[0] = slin.solve_banded((1, 1), ab[0], side.T[0])
    q[1] = slin.solve_banded((1, 1), ab[1], side.T[1])
    if timeStep % 100 == 0:
        print(timeStep, "/", Nt, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
R = np.array(R)
#R =  0.5 - 0.5*R
# =============================================================================
# Plot block
# plt.ioff()
# plt.ion()
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, range(0, Nt + 1, 5), interval=10)
    def calculate(self):


            Therm.albedo = float(self.entryAlbedo.get())
            Therm.Q_prime = float(self.entrySW.get())
            Therm.Q_prime_var = float(self.entrySW_var.get())
            Therm.l_star = float(self.entryLW.get())
            Therm.l_star_var = float(self.entryLW_var.get())
            Therm.T_air = float(self.entryAir.get())
            Therm.T_air_var = float(self.entryAir_var.get())
            Therm.u_wind = float(self.entryWind.get())
            Therm.RH = float(self.entryRH.get())
            Therm.RH_var = float(self.entryRH_var.get())
            Therm.depth = float(self.entryDebris.get())
            Therm.k_deb = float(self.entryKdeb.get())
            Therm.max_time = 86400 * float(self.entryTime.get())
            temp = float(self.entryFreq.get())
            Therm.plot_frequency = (Therm.delta_t / 600.) * np.round(
                float(self.entryFreq.get()) / (Therm.delta_t / 600.))
            if (temp != Therm.plot_frequency):
                print('Plot frequency rounded to ' +
                      str(Therm.plot_frequency) + ' hours')
            Therm.plot_frequency = Therm.plot_frequency * 3600.

            Therm.meas_begin = 86400 * float(self.entryPlotStart.get())

            T = np.zeros(Therm.n_levels + 1)
            time = np.arange(0, Therm.max_time + Therm.delta_t, Therm.delta_t)
            melt = np.zeros(np.shape(time))
            QS = np.zeros(np.shape(time))
            QLA = np.zeros(np.shape(time))
            QLS = np.zeros(np.shape(time))
            QH = np.zeros(np.shape(time))
            QC = np.zeros(np.shape(time))
            QE = np.zeros(np.shape(time))
            n_plot = int(np.round(self.max_time / self.plot_frequency))
            T_plot = np.zeros([self.n_levels + 2, n_plot + 1])

            Therm.A_bl = (0.4 / np.log(Therm.z_eddy / Therm.z0))**2
            Therm.delta_z = Therm.depth / Therm.n_levels
   = Therm.kappa_deb * Therm.delta_t / Therm.delta_z**2

            Z = np.linspace(0, Therm.depth, Therm.n_levels + 1)

            aa = Therm.fig.add_subplot(121)
            bb = Therm.fig.add_subplot(122)

            for n in range(1, len(time)):

                Therm.Q_prime_t = Therm.Q_prime - np.cos(
                    2 * np.pi * time[n] / 86400) * Therm.Q_prime_var
                Therm.l_star_t = Therm.l_star - np.cos(
                    2 * np.pi * time[n] / 86400) * Therm.l_star_var
                Therm.T_air_t = Therm.T_air - np.cos(
                    2 * np.pi * time[n] / 86400) * Therm.T_air_var
                Therm.RH_t = Therm.RH - np.cos(
                    2 * np.pi * time[n] / 86400) * Therm.RH_var

                if (time[n] % 86400 == 0):
                    print(str(time[n]) + ' seconds')

                T_current = T[:-1]
                T_new = T[:-1]

                for k in range(Therm.max_newton_iter):
                    F, Qs, Ql_atm, Ql_snow, Qh, Qc, Qe = self.residual(
                        T_new, T_current)

                    if ((LA.norm(F) / np.sqrt(Therm.n_levels)) <

                    if (k == (Therm.max_newton_iter - 1)):
                        print('did not converge: ' + str(LA.norm(F)))

                    Jab = self.residual_gradient(T_new)
                    T_new = T_new - LA2.solve_banded((1, 1), Jab, F)

                T[:-1] = T_new

                mr = self.k_deb * (
                    T_new[-2] -
                    T_new[-1]) / self.delta_z / Therm.rho_i / Therm.Lf * 86400.
                melt[n] = max(mr, 0)
                QS[n] = Qs
                QLA[n] = Ql_atm
                QLS[n] = Ql_snow
                QH[n] = Qh
                QC[n] = Qc
                QE[n] = Qe

                if ((time[n] % self.plot_frequency) == 0):
                           int(np.round(time[n] / self.plot_frequency))] = T
                    T_plot[0, int(np.round(time[n] /
                                           self.plot_frequency))] = time[n]
                    bb.plot(time[0:n], melt[0:n])
                    if (time[n] > Therm.meas_begin):
                        aa.plot(T, np.flipud(Z))
#                    tk.Tk.update(self)

            avg_melt = np.mean(melt[time > Therm.meas_begin])

            #            for k in range(0,n_plot+1):
            #                if (k*Therm.plot_frequency > Therm.meas_begin):
            #                    aa.plot(T_plot[1:,k],np.flipud(Z))

            aa.set_xlabel('Temperature (C)')
            aa.set_ylabel('distance from ice (m)')

            bb.plot(time / 86400, melt)
            bb.plot([Therm.meas_begin / 86400, Therm.meas_begin / 86400],
                    [0, avg_melt * 1.2], 'r')
            self.str.set(str(avg_melt) + ' m/day')
            bb.set_ylabel('melt rate (m/day)')

            savevar = np.concatenate(
                (time[1:, None], melt[1:, None], QS[1:, None], QLA[1:, None],
                 QLS[1:, None], QH[1:, None], QE[1:, None], QC[1:, None]), 1)

            str1 = 'Time (s)'
            for n in range(1, self.n_levels + 1):
                str1 = str1 + ',' + str((n - 1) * Therm.delta_z) + 'm depth'

            str1 = str1 + ',base\n'

            str2 = 'Time (s),Melt,Qs,QL_down,QL_up,Qh,Qe,Qc'

            str2 = str2 + '\n'

            overw = self.chekvar.get()

            files = list(
            if ((len(files) > 0) & (overw == 0)):
                files.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(x))
                filenum = int(files[-1].split('.')[0][19:])
                profiles_filename = 'TemperatureProfiles' + str(filenum +
                                                                1) + '.csv'
                profiles_filename = 'TemperatureProfiles' + str(0) + '.csv'

            files = list(
                filter(os.path.isfile, glob.glob("MeltHistory[0-9]*csv")))
            if ((len(files) > 0) & (overw == 0)):
                files.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(x))
                filenum = int(files[-1].split('.')[0][11:])
                hist_filename = 'MeltHistory' + str(filenum + 1) + '.csv'
                hist_filename = 'MeltHistory' + str(0) + '.csv'

            with open(profiles_filename, 'w') as f:
                    f.write('albedo,' + str(Therm.albedo) + '\n')
                    f.write('Shortwave Average,' + str(self.Q_prime) + '\n')
                    f.write('Shortwave Variation,' + str(self.Q_prime_var) +
                    f.write('Atm. Longwave Average,' + str(self.l_star) + '\n')
                    f.write('Atm. Longwave Variation,' + str(self.l_star_var) +
                    f.write('Air temp average,' + str(self.T_air) + '\n')
                    f.write('Air temp variaion,' + str(self.T_air_var) + '\n')
                    f.write('Rel Humidity average,' + str(self.RH) + '\n')
                    f.write('Rel Humidity variaion,' + str(self.RH_var) + '\n')
                    f.write('Debris depth,' + str(self.depth) + '\n')
                    f.write('Wind speed,' + str(self.u_wind) + '\n')
                    f.write('Thermal Conductivity,' + str(self.k_deb) + '\n')
                    f.write('Plot Frequency,' + str(self.plot_frequency) +
                    T_plot = np.transpose(T_plot)
                    xxx = np.shape(T_plot)
                    for i in range(0, xxx[0]):
                        str3 = str(T_plot[i, 0])
                        for n in range(1, xxx[1]):
                            str3 = str3 + ',' + str(T_plot[i, n])
                        str3 = str3 + '\n'
                    self.str.set('ERROR: CLOSE EXCEL FILES')
                    print('GOT HERE')

            with open(hist_filename, 'w') as f:
                    f.write('albedo,' + str(Therm.albedo) + '\n')
                    f.write('Shortwave Average,' + str(self.Q_prime) + '\n')
                    f.write('Shortwave Variation,' + str(self.Q_prime_var) +
                    f.write('Atm. Longwave Average,' + str(self.l_star) + '\n')
                    f.write('Atm. Longwave Variation,' + str(self.l_star_var) +
                    f.write('Air temp average,' + str(self.T_air) + '\n')
                    f.write('Air temp variaion,' + str(self.T_air_var) + '\n')
                    f.write('Rel Humidity average,' + str(self.RH) + '\n')
                    f.write('Rel Humidity variaion,' + str(self.RH_var) + '\n')
                    f.write('Debris depth,' + str(self.depth) + '\n')
                    f.write('Wind speed,' + str(self.u_wind) + '\n')
                    f.write('Thermal Conductivity,' + str(self.k_deb) + '\n')
                    f.write('Plot Frequency,' + str(self.plot_frequency) +
                    xxx = np.shape(savevar)
                    for i in range(0, xxx[0]):
                        str3 = str(savevar[i, 0])
                        for n in range(1, xxx[1]):
                            str3 = str3 + ',' + str(savevar[i, n])
                        str3 = str3 + '\n'
                    self.str.set('ERROR: CLOSE EXCEL FILES')
                    print('GOT HERE')



        except ValueError:
            result = "Please enter numbers only, using . for decimal (e.g. 0.1 instead of 0,1)"
# for debugging, use the built-in banded solver from numpy
u = np.zeros(n - 1)
d = np.zeros(n - 1)
l = np.zeros(n - 1)

d[:] = 4.0 * dx
u[:] = dx
u[0] = 0.0
l[:] = dx
l[n - 2] = 0.0

# create a banded matrix -- this doesn't store every element -- just
# the diagonal and one above and below and solve
A = np.matrix([u, d, l])
xsol_np = linalg.solve_banded((1, 1), A, b[1:n])

# xsol_np now hold all the second derivatives for points 1 to n-1.
# Natural boundary conditions are imposed here
xsol_np = np.insert(xsol_np, 0, 0)
xsol_np = np.insert(xsol_np, n, 0)  # insert at the end

# report error from our iterative method vs. direct solve
err = np.max(np.abs((xsol[1:n] - xsol_np[1:n]) / xsol_np[1:n]))

print("relative error of iterative solution compared to direct: ", err)

# go ahead with our iterative solution -- natural boundary conditions are
# already in place for this
ppp = xsol
def solve_hemholtz(f, boundary_func=lambda x,y: x*y, lap_f=lambda x: None, n=20,xint=(0,1), solver='spdiags', scheme='5-point', k=20):
	h = (xint[1]-xint[0])/float(n+1)

	if scheme == 'deferred':
		#Get the second-order approximation
		u_bar = np.zeros((n+2, n+2))
		u_bar[1:-1,1:-1] = solve_hemholtz(f, boundary_func, lap_f, n, xint,k=k).reshape((n,n))
		#Fill in the boundary data
		grid_1d = np.linspace(xint[0], xint[1], n+2)
		u_bar[0] = boundary_func(xint[0], grid_1d)
		u_bar[-1] = boundary_func(xint[1], grid_1d)
		u_bar[:,0] = boundary_func(grid_1d, xint[0])
		u_bar[:,-1] = boundary_func(grid_1d, xint[1])
		#Compute the xxyy derivative
		u_xx = (u_bar[:-2]+u_bar[2:]-2*u_bar[1:-1])/h**2
		u_xxyy = (u_xx[:,2:]+u_xx[:,:-2]-2*u_xx[:,1:-1])/h**2
	#First, construct the diagonals and the RHS
	#Here we assume that the domain is square
	b = np.zeros((n,n))
	yvals = np.linspace(xint[0], xint[1], n+2)[1:-1]
#	print h, yvals[1]-yvals[0]
	for i in xrange(n):
		xval = yvals[i]
		b[i] = f(xval, yvals)
		if scheme == '9-point':
			b[i] += h**2/12. * (lap_f(xval, yvals) - k**2*f(xval, yvals))
		elif scheme == 'deferred':
			b[i] += h**2/12. * (lap_f(xval, yvals) - k**2*f(xval, yvals) + k**4 * u_bar[i+1,1:-1] - 2*u_xxyy[i] )
	if scheme == '5-point' or scheme == 'deferred':
		b *= h**2
	else: b *= 6*h**2
#	print b
	if scheme=='5-point' or scheme == 'deferred':
		diags = make_5_point_diags(n, h)
		diags[0] += h**2 * k**2
		#Now we need to make use of the boundary conditions
		b[0] -= boundary_func(xint[0], yvals)
		b[-1] -= boundary_func(xint[1], yvals)
		b[:,0] -= boundary_func(yvals, xint[0])
		b[:,-1] -= boundary_func(yvals, xint[1])
	elif scheme=='9-point':
		diags = make_9_point_diags(n, h)
		diags[0] += 6 *((h*k)**2 - 1./12* (h*k)**4)
		#This is like the 5-point stencil
		b[0] -= 4*boundary_func(xint[0], yvals)
		b[-1] -= 4*boundary_func(xint[1], yvals)
		b[:,0] -= 4*boundary_func(yvals, xint[0])
		b[:,-1] -= 4*boundary_func(yvals, xint[1])
		#Here we handle the corners of the stencil
		vals = np.linspace(xint[0], xint[1], n+2)
		#Take care of effects to the top and bottom boundaries
		b[0] -= boundary_func(xint[0], vals[:-2]) + boundary_func(xint[0], vals[2:])
		b[-1] -= boundary_func(xint[1], vals[:-2]) + boundary_func(xint[1], vals[2:])
		#Handle the sides - be careful not to double count the corners
		b[1:,0] -= boundary_func(vals[1:-2], xint[0])
		b[:-1,0] -= boundary_func(vals[2:-1], xint[0])
		b[1:,-1] -= boundary_func(vals[1:-2], xint[1])
		b[:-1,-1] -= boundary_func(vals[2:-1], xint[1])

		raise ValueError("Unrecognized scheme {}".format(scheme))
	#Next, create the sparse matrix and solve the system
#	print([(d, sum(diags[d]!=0)) for d in diags if isinstance(diags[d], np.ndarray)])
	offsets = sorted(diags.keys())
	mat = sparse_diags([diags[d] for d in offsets], offsets, format='csc')
#	print mat.todense()
	if solver == 'spdiags':
#		print b
#		print mat.shape
		return spsolve(mat, b.flatten())
	elif solver == 'solve_banded':
		ab, l_and_u = diags_to_banded(diags)
#		print b.flatten().shape, ab.shape
		return solve_banded(l_and_u,ab, b.flatten())
		return solver(mat, b.flatten())
ab[1, 1:m-1] = 8
ab[1, m-1] = 4

# lower diagonal
ab[2, 0:m-2] = 7
ab[2, m-2] = 3

# create row vector b
b = np.zeros(m)
b[0] = 1
b[1:] = 2
b[-1] = 3

# solve using scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr
ti_sp = timeit.default_timer() # start timer
x_sp = sp.solve_banded((1, 1), ab, b) # solve A*x = B for x
tf_sp = timeit.default_timer() # stop timer

# Print Results
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

print('m is', m)

# numpy approach

if m < 7:
    print('A is\n', A)
    print('B is\n', B)
    print('x is\n', x_np)

print('NumPy time is', tf_np - ti_np, 'seconds')
    def FDM_SingleBarrier_NonUnifromGrid(self, Ns, Nt, theta, ratio, m):
        Finite difference method for barrier option.
        Using a non-uniform grid, with shape controlled by input ratio.
        Discrete monioring.
        Iteration process is only suitable for knock out option.
        For knock in, this funcition uses a vanilla option to minus the identical knock out.
        Ns: Number of points in price axis
        Nt: Number of points in time axis
            0 : Fully implicit method
            0.5 : Crank-nicolson method
            According to reference, fully implicit method is better than crank-nicolson method
            Reference :
            Zvan R, Vetzal K R, Forsyth P A. PDE methods for pricing barrier options ☆[J]. 
            Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 1997, 24(11-12):1563-1590.        
        ratio: The parameter use to controll the shape of the grid
        m : monitoring times
        # discretize Nt-1 points between every two monitoring time, total Nt*m + 1 gird in time axis
        step = Nt
        Nt = Nt * m

        # set up parameters
        mu = self.r - self.q
        _range = 5 * self.sig * np.sqrt(self.maturity)

        if self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-OUT-BARRIER' or self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-IN-BARRIER':
            Smax = self.spot_price * np.exp(
                (mu - self.sig**2 / 2.0) * self.maturity + _range)
            Smin = self.barrier * 0.99999999
        elif self.option_type == 'UP-AND-OUT-BARRIER' or self.option_type == 'UP-AND-IN-BARRIER':
            Smax = max(self.barrier, self.strike) * 1.0000001
            Smin = 0

        # totally Nt + 1 in row grid
        dt = self.maturity / float(Nt)

        # generate non-uniform grid
        s = np.linspace(Smin, Smax, Ns * (1 - ratio) + 1)
        if self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-OUT-BARRIER':
            temp = [self.barrier, self.spot_price]
        elif self.option_type == 'UP-AND-OUT-BARRIER':
            temp = [self.spot_price, self.barrier]
        elif self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-IN-BARRIER':
            temp = [self.barrier, self.spot_price]
            temp = [self.spot_price, self.barrier]
        lower_index = np.array([sum(s < i) for i in temp]) - 1
        upper_index = lower_index + 1
        delta_s = -s[lower_index] + s[upper_index]
        delta_s = delta_s[0]
        if lower_index[1] > lower_index[0]:
            count = int(Ns * ratio / 2.0)
            count = int(Ns * ratio)
        ds = delta_s / (count - 1)

        #enforce the grid density around key value
        insert_vector = [
            np.linspace(s[lower_index[j]] + ds, s[upper_index[j]] - ds, count)
            for j in [0, 1]
        s_temp = np.append(s[:lower_index[0] + 1], insert_vector[0])
        s_temp = np.append(s_temp, s[upper_index[0]:lower_index[1] + 1])
        if lower_index[1] > lower_index[0]:
            s_temp = np.append(s_temp, insert_vector[1])
        s_temp = np.append(s_temp, s[upper_index[1]:])
        s = s_temp
        Ns = len(s) - 1

        # initialize the payoff
        if self.position == 'CALL':
            if self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-OUT-BARRIER' or self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-IN-BARRIER':
                V_Nt = np.maximum(s - self.strike, 0) * np.where(
                    s >= self.barrier, 1, 0)
                V_Nt = np.maximum(s - self.strike, 0) * np.where(
                    s <= self.barrier, 1, 0)
            payoff = np.maximum(s - self.strike, 0)
        elif self.position == 'PUT':
            if self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-OUT-BARRIER' or self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-IN-BARRIER':
                V_Nt = np.maximum(-s + self.strike, 0) * np.where(
                    s >= self.barrier, 1, 0)
                V_Nt = np.maximum(-s + self.strike, 0) * np.where(
                    s <= self.barrier, 1, 0)
            payoff = np.maximum(-s + self.strike, 0)

        # initialize the Dirichlet boundary condition
        if self.position == "CALL":
            f_0 = np.linspace(0, 0, Nt + 1)
            if self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-OUT-BARRIER' or self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-IN-BARRIER':
                f_Ns = Smax * np.exp(-self.r * np.linspace(
                    0, self.maturity, Nt + 1)) - self.strike * np.exp(
                        -self.r * (np.linspace(0, self.maturity, Nt + 1)))
                f_Ns = np.linspace(0, 0, Nt + 1)
        elif self.position == "PUT":
            if self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-OUT-BARRIER' or self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-IN-BARRIER':
                f_0 = np.linspace(0, 0, Nt + 1)
                f_0 = self.strike * np.exp(
                    -self.r * np.linspace(0, self.maturity, Nt + 1))
            f_Ns = np.linspace(0, 0, Nt + 1)

        # initialize the tridiagonal matrix by scalar-form
        delta_s_i = 0.5 * (s[2:] - s[0:Ns - 1])
        delta_s_plus = s[2:] - s[1:Ns]
        delta_s_minus = s[1:Ns] - s[0:Ns - 1]

        # from a_2 to a_I-1 are in the calculation matrix
        a = -(1.0 - theta) * self.sig**2 * s[1:Ns]**2 / (
            2.0 * delta_s_i *
            delta_s_minus) + (1 - theta) * mu * s[1:Ns] / (2 * delta_s_i)
        # from b_1 to b_I-1 are in the calculation matrix
        b = 1.0 / dt + (1 - theta) * self.r + (
            1.0 - theta) * self.sig**2 * s[1:Ns]**2 / (2.0 * delta_s_i *
        b = b + (1.0 - theta) * self.sig**2 * s[1:Ns]**2 / (2.0 * delta_s_i *
        # from c_1 to c_I-2 are in the calculation matrix
        c = -(1.0 - theta) * self.sig**2 * s[1:Ns]**2 / (
            2.0 * delta_s_i *
            delta_s_plus) - (1 - theta) * mu * s[1:Ns] / (2 * delta_s_i)
        # from alpha_2 to alpha_I-1 are in the calculation matrix
        alpha = theta * self.sig**2 * s[1:Ns]**2 / (
            2.0 * delta_s_i *
            delta_s_minus) - theta * mu * s[1:Ns] / (2 * delta_s_i)
        # from beta_1 to beta_I-1 are in the calculation matrix
        beta = 1.0 / dt - theta * self.sig**2 * s[1:Ns]**2 / (
            2.0 * delta_s_i * delta_s_minus) - self.r * theta
        beta = beta - theta * self.sig**2 * s[1:Ns]**2 / (2.0 * delta_s_i *
        # from gamma_1 to gamma_I-2 are in the calculation matrix
        gamma = theta * self.sig**2 * s[1:Ns]**2 / (
            2.0 * delta_s_i *
            delta_s_plus) + theta * mu * s[1:Ns] / (2 * delta_s_i)

        # From Nt to 1, calculate V_Nt-1, V_Nt-2, ..., V_0 (vectors)
        V_Nplus = V_Nt[1:Ns]
        for k in range(Nt, 0, -1):
            #for k in range(1,0,-1):
            #V_Nplus : b of Ax=b
            V_Nplus = self.my_dot_product(alpha, beta, gamma, V_Nplus)
            V_Nplus[0] = V_Nplus[0] - a[0] * f_0[k - 1] + alpha[0] * f_0[k]
            V_Nplus[Ns - 2] = V_Nplus[
                Ns - 2] - c[Ns - 2] * f_Ns[k - 1] + gamma[Ns - 2] * f_Ns[k]

            #V_N : Intial Guess for american case / x of Ax=b for european case
            ab = self.tri_bound_to_ab(a, b, c)
            V_N = linalg.solve_banded((1, 1), ab, V_Nplus)

            #American process
            if self.exercise_type == 'AMERICAN':
                V_N = self.Projected_SOR(a[1:], b, c[:-1], V_Nplus, V_N,
                                         payoff[1:-1], k, step, s[1:Ns])
            V_Nplus = V_N

        # linear interpolation
        index = sum(s < self.spot_price)
        w = (self.spot_price - s[index - 1]) / (s[index] - s[index - 1])
        v_0 = V_Nplus[index - 1] * (1 - w) + w * V_Nplus[index]
        Above process is only for knock out option

        if self.option_type == 'UP-AND-OUT-BARRIER' or self.option_type == 'DOWN-AND-OUT-BARRIER':
            return v_0
            if self.position == 'CALL':
                v_0 = self.Black_Scholes_Call() - v_0
                return v_0
                if self.exercise_type == 'EUROPEAN':
                    v_0 = self.Black_Scholes_Put() - v_0
                    return v_0
                    v_0 = self.BTM_Vanilla(1200) - v_0
                    return v_0
文件: 项目: d00m1r/num_meth
def LibRun(mx, f):
	ud = np.insert(np.diag(mx, 1), 0, 0)
	d = np.diag(mx)
	ld = np.insert(np.diag(mx, -1), len(d)-1, 0)
	return lg.solve_banded((1, 1), np.matrix([ud, d, ld]), f)
def _woodbury_algorithm(A, ur, ll, b, k):
    Solve a cyclic banded linear system with upper right
    and lower blocks of size ``(k-1) / 2`` using
    the Woodbury formula
    A : 2-D array, shape(k, n)
        Matrix of diagonals of original matrix(see 
        ``solve_banded`` documentation).
    ur : 2-D array, shape(bs, bs)
        Upper right block matrix.
    ll : 2-D array, shape(bs, bs)
        Lower left block matrix.
    b : 1-D array, shape(n,)
        Vector of constant terms of the system of linear equations.
    k : int
        B-spline degree.
    c : 1-D array, shape(n,)
        Solution of the original system of linear equations.
    This algorithm works only for systems with banded matrix A plus
    a correction term U @ V.T, where the matrix U @ V.T gives upper right
    and lower left block of A
    The system is solved with the following steps:
        1.  New systems of linear equations are constructed:
            A @ z_i = u_i,
            u_i - columnn vector of U,
            i = 1, ..., k - 1
        2.  Matrix Z is formed from vectors z_i:
            Z = [ z_1 | z_2 | ... | z_{k - 1} ]
        3.  Matrix H = (1 + V.T @ Z)^{-1}
        4.  The system A' @ y = b is solved
        5.  x = y - Z @ (H @ V.T @ y)
    Also, ``n`` should be greater than ``k``, otherwise corner block
    elements will intersect with diagonals.

    Consider the case of n = 8, k = 5 (size of blocks - 2 x 2).
    The matrix of a system:       U:          V:
      x  x  x  *  *  a  b         a b 0 0     0 0 1 0
      x  x  x  x  *  *  c         0 c 0 0     0 0 0 1
      x  x  x  x  x  *  *         0 0 0 0     0 0 0 0
      *  x  x  x  x  x  *         0 0 0 0     0 0 0 0
      *  *  x  x  x  x  x         0 0 0 0     0 0 0 0
      d  *  *  x  x  x  x         0 0 d 0     1 0 0 0
      e  f  *  *  x  x  x         0 0 e f     0 1 0 0

    .. [1] William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling
           and Brian P. Flannery, Numerical Recipes, 2007, Section 2.7.3

    k_mod = k - k % 2
    bs = int((k - 1) / 2) + (k + 1) % 2

    n = A.shape[1] + 1
    U = np.zeros((n - 1, k_mod))
    VT = np.zeros((k_mod, n - 1))  # V transpose

    # upper right block
    U[:bs, :bs] = ur
    VT[np.arange(bs), np.arange(bs) - bs] = 1

    # lower left block
    U[-bs:, -bs:] = ll
    VT[np.arange(bs) - bs, np.arange(bs)] = 1

    Z = solve_banded((bs, bs), A, U)

    H = solve(np.identity(k_mod) + VT @ Z, np.identity(k_mod))

    y = solve_banded((bs, bs), A, b)
    c = y - Z @ (H @ (VT @ y))

    return c
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from export_img import export_img
from time import perf_counter

nb_resolutions = 10000

with open('', 'r+b') as outfile:
    dict_save_arrays = np.load(outfile)['arr_0'].ravel((-1, ))[0]

tridiag_for_scipy = dict_save_arrays['tridiag_for_scipy']
seconde_partie_sec_membre = dict_save_arrays['seconde_partie_sec_membre']

offset = perf_counter()
for _ in range(nb_resolutions):
    la.solve_banded((1, 1), tridiag_for_scipy, seconde_partie_sec_membre)

times_calcul_u = (perf_counter() - offset) / (nb_resolutions)
print("temps utilisé : ", perf_counter() - offset)
times_calcul_alpha = []
imax = 0
    for i in range(1, 30):
        imax = i + 1
        print("i =", i)
        Phi_T_M_Phi = dict_save_arrays['Phi_T_M_Phi' + str(i)]
        sec_membre = dict_save_arrays['sec_membre' + str(i)]
        offset = perf_counter()
        for _ in range(nb_resolutions):
            np.linalg.solve(Phi_T_M_Phi, sec_membre)
H = D + Sub + Sup

# define the identity matrix
I = np.identity(P - 1)

# define L and R from eq 17, lab manual
L_vec = I + 1j * (h / 2 * h_bar) * H
R = I - 1j * (h / 2 * h_bar) * H

# reformatted L_vec to be solved with solve_banded
L_vec_banded = np.zeros((3, L_vec.shape[0]))
L_vec_banded[0, 1:] = L_vec.diagonal(1)
L_vec_banded[1, :] = L_vec.diagonal()
L_vec_banded[2, :-1] = L_vec.diagonal(-1)

# Main loop
# store the wavefunction at each time step in a list
solution = [psi]
for i in range(N):
    x = np.matmul(R, psi)
    psi = solve_banded((1, 1), L_vec_banded, x)

# plotting wave function at different posititons depending on time
plt.plot(x_points, (solution[0]))
plt.plot(x_points, (solution[150]))
plt.plot(x_points, (solution[300]))
plt.xlabel("x (m)")
# B[0, 1] = b2
# B[N, N - 1] = b2
# B[N, N] = b1
# for i in range(N):
#     B[i, i - 1] = b2
#     B[i, i] = b1
#     B[i, i + 1] = b2

# Create the matrix A in the form appropriate for the function solve_banded
A2 = empty([3, N + 1], complex)
A2[0, 0] = 0
A2[0, 1:] = a2
A2[1, :] = a1
A2[2, 0:N] = a2
A2[2, N] = 0

# Main loop
# store the wavefunction at each time step in a list
solution = [psi]
for i in range(300):
    psi[1:N] = b1 * psi[1:N] + b2 * (psi[2:] + psi[0:N - 1])
    psi = solve_banded((1, 1), A2, psi)

plot(x_points, abs(solution[0])**2)
plot(x_points, abs(solution[49])**2)
plot(x_points, abs(solution[250])**2)
xlabel("x (m)")
        cost, penalty, lagrange_mult, xres = calc_loss(x, l, rho)
        print("hey now")
        total_cost = cost + penalty + lagrange_mult
        #total_cost = cost
        gradL, hess = getGradHessBand(total_cost, (NVars + NControls) * 3, x)
        gradL = gradL.reshape(-1)

        #easiest thing might be to put lagrange mutlipleirs into x.
        #Alternatively, use second order step in penalty method.
        bandn = (NVars + NControls) * 3 // 2
        dx = linalg.solve_banded((bandn, bandn), hess, gradL)  #
        newton_dec =, gradL)
        df0 = dx[:NControls].reshape(-1, NControls)
        dx = dx[NControls:].reshape(-1, N - 1, NVars + NControls)

        with torch.no_grad():
            x[:, 1:, :] -= torch.tensor(dx)
            print(x[:, 0, NVars:].shape)
            x[:, 0, NVars:] -= torch.tensor(df0)
            costval = cost.detach().numpy()
            if newton_dec / costval < 1e-10:
    with torch.no_grad():
        l += 2 * rho * xres
    def compute_reference_solution_x_1(self, delta_t=0.005, xb=2.5, nx=1000):

        self.xb = xb  # range of x, [-xb, xb]
        self.nx = nx  # number of discrete interval
        self.dx = 2.0 * self.xb / self.nx
        self.delta_t = delta_t

        beta = 2

        self.xvec = np.linspace(-self.xb, self.xb, self.nx, endpoint=True)

        # A = D^{-1} L D
        # assumes Neumann boundary conditions

        A = np.zeros([self.nx, self.nx])
        for i in range(0, self.nx):

            x = -self.xb + (i + 0.5) * self.dx
            if i > 0:
                x0 = -self.xb + (i - 0.5) * self.dx
                x1 = -self.xb + i * self.dx
                A[i, i - 1] = -exp(
                    beta * 0.5 *
                    (self.V(x0) + self.V(x) - 2 * self.V(x1))) / self.dx**2
                A[i, i] = exp(beta * (self.V(x) - self.V(x1))) / self.dx**2
            if i < self.nx - 1:
                x0 = -self.xb + (i + 1.5) * self.dx
                x1 = -self.xb + (i + 1) * self.dx
                A[i, i + 1] = -exp(
                    beta * 0.5 *
                    (self.V(x0) + self.V(x) - 2 * self.V(x1))) / self.dx**2
                A[i, i] = A[i, i] + exp(beta *
                                        (self.V(x) - self.V(x1))) / self.dx**2

        A = -A / beta
        N = int(self.T / self.delta_t)

        D = np.diag(exp(beta * self.V(self.xvec) / 2))
        D_inv = np.diag(exp(-beta * self.V(self.xvec) / 2))

        np.linalg.cond(np.eye(self.nx) - self.delta_t * A)
        #w, vv = np.linalg.eigh(np.eye(self.nx) - self.delta_t * A)

        self.psi = np.zeros([N + 1, self.nx])
        self.psi[N, :] = exp(-self.g_1(self.xvec))

        for n in range(N - 1, -1, -1):
            band = -self.delta_t * np.vstack([
                np.append([0], np.diagonal(A, offset=1)),
                np.diagonal(A, offset=0) - N / self.T,
                np.append(np.diagonal(A, offset=1), [0])

            self.psi[n, :] =
                solve_banded([1, 1], band,[n + 1, :])))
            #psi[n, :] =, np.linalg.solve(np.eye(self.nx) - delta_t * A,[n + 1, :])));

        self.u = np.zeros([N + 1, self.nx - 1])
        for n in range(N + 1):
            for i in range(self.nx - 1):
                self.u[n, i] = -2 / beta * self.B[0, 0] * (
                    -log(self.psi[n, i + 1]) + log(self.psi[n, i])) / self.dx
def cFunctionUncoupled(ws, Kv, F, Fsurf, Fbed, data, n, hasMatrix=False):
    # Init
    jmax = data.v('grid', 'maxIndex',
                  'x')  # maximum index of x grid (jmax+1 grid points incl. 0)
    kmax = data.v('grid', 'maxIndex',
                  'z')  # maximum index of z grid (kmax+1 grid points incl. 0)
    OMEGA = data.v('OMEGA')

    # Init Ctd
    nRHS = F.shape[-1]
    cCoef = np.zeros((jmax + 1, kmax + 1, 1, nRHS), dtype=complex)
    cMatrix = np.zeros((jmax + 1, 3, kmax + 1), dtype=complex)

        z = ny.dimensionalAxis(data.slice('grid'), 'z')[:, :, 0]
        z = -np.linspace(0, 1, kmax + 1).reshape((1, kmax + 1)) * np.ones(
            (jmax + 1, 1))

    # build, save and solve the matrices in every water column
    for j in range(0, jmax + 1):
        dz = z[j, 1:] - z[j, :-1]
        dz = dz
        dz_down = dz[:-1]
        dz_up = dz[1:]
        dz_av = 0.5 * (dz_up + dz_down)

        if not hasMatrix:
            A = np.zeros((3, kmax + 1), dtype=complex)

            ##### LEFT HAND SIDE #####
            # Build matrix.
            #  NB. can use general numerical schemes as dz < 0
            a = -0.5 * (Kv[j, 0:-2, 0] + Kv[j, 1:-1, 0]) / dz_down + ws[
                j, 0:-2, 0]  # for k-1: from 1..kmax-1
            b = 0.5 * (Kv[j, 0:-2, 0] + Kv[j, 1:-1, 0]) / dz_down + 0.5 * (
                Kv[j, 2:, 0] + Kv[j, 1:-1, 0]) / dz_up - ws[
                    j, 1:-1, 0]  # for k: from 1..kmax-1
            c = -0.5 * (Kv[j, 2:, 0] +
                        Kv[j, 1:-1, 0]) / dz_up  # for k+1: from 1..kmax
            # add inertia later

            # Build matrix k=1..kmax-1
            A[2, :-2] = a
            A[1, 1:-1] = b
            A[0, 2:] = c

            ## surface
            b = ws[j, 0, 0] - Kv[j, 0, 0] / dz[0]
            c = +Kv[j, 0, 0] / dz[0]

            A[1, 0] = b
            A[0, 1] = c

            ## bed
            a = -Kv[j, 0, 0] / dz[-1]
            b = Kv[j, 0, 0] / dz[-1]

            A[2, -2] = a
            A[1, -1] = b

            # save matrix
            cMatrix[j, Ellipsis] = A[Ellipsis]
            A = Kv[j, Ellipsis]

        A[1, 1:-1] += n * 1j * OMEGA * dz_av

        # Right hand side
        RHS = np.zeros([kmax + 1, nRHS], dtype=complex)

        RHS[1:-1, :] = F[j, 1:-1, :] * dz_up.reshape((kmax - 1, 1))
        RHS[0, :] = Fsurf[j, 0, :]
        RHS[-1, :] += Fbed[j, 0, :]

        # Solve
        cstag = solve_banded((1, 1),
        cCoef[j, :, 0, :] = cstag.reshape(kmax + 1, nRHS)

    return cCoef, cMatrix