def bandpass(image, lshort, llong, threshold=None):
    """Convolve with a Gaussian to remove short-wavelength noise,
    and subtract out long-wavelength variations,
    retaining features of intermediate scale.

    image : ndarray
    lshort : small-scale cutoff (noise)
    llong : large-scale cutoff
    threshold : float or integer
        By default, 1 for integer images and 1/256. for float images.

    ndarray, the bandpassed image
    if threshold is None:
        if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer):
            threshold = 1
            threshold = 1 / 256.
    if not 2 * lshort < llong:
        raise ValueError("The smoothing length scale must be more" +
                         "than twice the noise length scale.")
    settings = dict(mode='nearest', cval=0)
    boxcar = uniform_filter(image, 2 * llong + 1, **settings)
    gaussian = ifftn(fourier_gaussian(fftn(image), lshort))
    result = gaussian - boxcar
    return np.where(result > threshold, result.real, 0)
def fft_gaussian_filter(img, sigma):
    """FFT gaussian convolution

    img : ndarray
        Image to convolve with a gaussian kernel
    sigma : int or sequence
        The sigma(s) of the gaussian kernel in _real space_

    filt_img : ndarray
        The filtered image
    # This doesn't help agreement but it will make things faster
    # pull the shape
    s1 = np.array(img.shape)
    # s2 = np.array([int(s * 4) for s in _normalize_sequence(sigma, img.ndim)])
    shape = s1  # + s2 - 1
    # calculate a nice shape
    fshape = [sig.fftpack.helper.next_fast_len(int(d)) for d in shape]
    # pad out with reflection
    pad_img = fft_pad(img, fshape, "reflect")
    # calculate the padding
    padding = tuple(_calc_pad(o, n) for o, n in zip(img.shape, pad_img.shape))
    # so that we can calculate the cropping, maybe this should be integrated
    # into `fft_pad` ...
    fslice = tuple(
        slice(s, -e) if e != 0 else slice(s, None) for s, e in padding)
    # fourier transfrom and apply the filter
    kimg = rfftn(pad_img, fshape)
    filt_kimg = fourier_gaussian(kimg, sigma, pad_img.shape[-1])
    # inverse FFT and return.
    return irfftn(filt_kimg, fshape)[fslice]
def bandpass(image, lshort, llong, threshold=None):
    """Convolve with a Gaussian to remove short-wavelength noise,
    and subtract out long-wavelength variations,
    retaining features of intermediate scale.

    image : ndarray
    lshort : small-scale cutoff (noise)
    llong : large-scale cutoff
    threshold : float or integer
        By default, 1 for integer images and 1/256. for float images.

    ndarray, the bandpassed image
    if threshold is None:
        if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer):
            threshold = 1
            threshold = 1/256.
    if not 2*lshort < llong:
        raise ValueError("The smoothing length scale must be more" +
                         "than twice the noise length scale.")
    settings = dict(mode='nearest', cval=0)
    boxcar = uniform_filter(image, 2*llong+1, **settings)
    gaussian = ifftn(fourier_gaussian(fftn(image), lshort))
    result = gaussian - boxcar
    return np.where(result > threshold, result.real, 0)
def _gaussian_blur_filter(grain_size, domain_size):
    return pipe(
        lambda x: fourier_gaussian(np.ones(x), np.ones(len(x))),
        zero_pad(shape=domain_size, chunks=None),
def legacy_bandpass_fftw(image, lshort, llong, threshold=None):
    """Remove noise and background variation.

    Convolve with a Gaussian to remove short-wavelength noise and subtract out
    long-wavelength variations, retaining features of intermediate scale.

    This implementation performs a Fourier transform using FFTW
    (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West). Without FFTW and pyfftw, it
    will raise an ImportError

    In benchmarks using typical inputs, it was found to be slower than the
    ``bandpass`` function in this module.

    image : ndarray
    lshort : small-scale cutoff (noise)
    llong : large-scale cutoff
    for both lshort and llong:
        give a tuple value for different sizes per dimension
        give int value for same value for all dimensions
        when 2*lshort >= llong, no noise filtering is applied
    threshold : float or integer
        By default, 1 for integer images and 1/256. for float images.

    result : array
        the bandpassed image

    See Also
    bandpass, legacy_bandpass
    if not FFTW_AVAILABLE:
        raise ImportError("This implementation requires pyfftw.")
    lshort = validate_tuple(lshort, image.ndim)
    llong = validate_tuple(llong, image.ndim)
    if np.any([x * 2 >= y for (x, y) in zip(lshort, llong)]):
        raise ValueError("The smoothing length scale must be more" +
                         "than twice the noise length scale.")
    if threshold is None:
        if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer):
            threshold = 1
            threshold = 1 / 256.
    # Perform a rolling average (boxcar) with kernel size = 2*llong + 1
    boxcar = np.asarray(image)
    for (axis, size) in enumerate(llong):
        boxcar = uniform_filter1d(boxcar,
                                  size * 2 + 1,
    # Perform a gaussian filter
    gaussian = ifftn(fourier_gaussian(fftn(image), lshort)).real

    result = gaussian - boxcar
    return np.where(result > threshold, result, 0)
def legacy_bandpass_fftw(image, lshort, llong, threshold=None):
    """Remove noise and background variation.

    Convolve with a Gaussian to remove short-wavelength noise and subtract out
    long-wavelength variations, retaining features of intermediate scale.

    This implementation performs a Fourier transform using FFTW
    (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West). Without FFTW and pyfftw, it
    will raise an ImportError

    In benchmarks using typical inputs, it was found to be slower than the
    ``bandpass`` function in this module.

    image : ndarray
    lshort : small-scale cutoff (noise)
    llong : large-scale cutoff
    for both lshort and llong:
        give a tuple value for different sizes per dimension
        give int value for same value for all dimensions
        when 2*lshort >= llong, no noise filtering is applied
    threshold : float or integer
        By default, 1 for integer images and 1/256. for float images.

    result : array
        the bandpassed image

    See Also
    bandpass, legacy_bandpass
    if not FFTW_AVAILABLE:
        raise ImportError("This implementation requires pyfftw.")
    lshort = validate_tuple(lshort, image.ndim)
    llong = validate_tuple(llong, image.ndim)
    if np.any([x*2 >= y for (x, y) in zip(lshort, llong)]):
        raise ValueError("The smoothing length scale must be more" +
                         "than twice the noise length scale.")
    if threshold is None:
        if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer):
            threshold = 1
            threshold = 1/256.
    # Perform a rolling average (boxcar) with kernel size = 2*llong + 1
    boxcar = np.asarray(image)
    for (axis, size) in enumerate(llong):
        boxcar = uniform_filter1d(boxcar, size*2+1, axis, mode='nearest',
    # Perform a gaussian filter
    gaussian = ifftn(fourier_gaussian(fftn(image), lshort)).real

    result = gaussian - boxcar
    return np.where(result > threshold, result, 0)
def bandpass(image, lshort, llong):
    """Convolve with a Gaussian to remove short-wavelength noise,
    and subtract out long-wavelength variations,
    retaining features of intermediate scale."""
    if not 2 * lshort < llong:
        raise ValueError, ("The smoothing length scale must be more"
                           "than twice the noise length scale.")
    smoothed_background = filters.uniform_filter(image, 2 * llong + 1)
    result = np.fft.ifft2(fourier.fourier_gaussian(np.fft.fft2(image), lshort))
    result -= smoothed_background
    # Where result < 0 that pixel is definitely not a feature. Zero to simplify.
    return result.real.clip(min=0.)
def bandpass(image, lshort, llong, threshold=1):
    """Convolve with a Gaussian to remove short-wavelength noise,
    and subtract out long-wavelength variations,
    retaining features of intermediate scale."""
    if not 2*lshort < llong:
        raise ValueError("The smoothing length scale must be more" +
                         "than twice the noise length scale.")
    settings = dict(mode='nearest', cval=0)
    boxcar = uniform_filter(image, 2*llong+1, **settings)
    gaussian = ifftn(fourier_gaussian(fftn(image), lshort))
    result = gaussian - boxcar
    return np.where(result > threshold, result.real, 0)
def bandpass(image, lshort, llong, threshold=1):
    """Convolve with a Gaussian to remove short-wavelength noise,
    and subtract out long-wavelength variations,
    retaining features of intermediate scale."""
    if not 2 * lshort < llong:
        raise ValueError("The smoothing length scale must be more" +
                         "than twice the noise length scale.")
    settings = dict(mode='nearest', cval=0)
    boxcar = uniform_filter(image, 2 * llong + 1, **settings)
    gaussian = ifftn(fourier_gaussian(fftn(image), lshort))
    result = gaussian - boxcar
    return np.where(result > threshold, result.real, 0)
文件: feature.py 项目: tacaswell/mr
def bandpass(image, lshort, llong):
    """Convolve with a Gaussian to remove short-wavelength noise,
    and subtract out long-wavelength variations,
    retaining features of intermediate scale."""
    if not 2*lshort < llong:
        raise ValueError, ("The smoothing length scale must be more" 
                           "than twice the noise length scale.")
    smoothed_background = filters.uniform_filter(image, 2*llong+1)
    result = np.fft.ifft2(fourier.fourier_gaussian(np.fft.fft2(image), lshort))
    result -= smoothed_background
    # Where result < 0 that pixel is definitely not a feature. Zero to simplify.
    return result.real.clip(min=0.)
    def generate(self):
        Generates a microstructure of dimensions of self.size and grains
        with dimensions self.grain_size.

          periodic microstructure
        if len(self.size) != len(self.grain_size):
            raise RuntimeError("Dimensions of size and grain_size are" " not equal.")
        X = np.random.random((self.n_samples,) + self.size)
        gaussian = fourier_gaussian(np.ones(self.grain_size), np.ones(len(self.size)))
        filter_ = Filter(np.fft.fftn(gaussian)[None, ..., None])
        X_blur = filter_.convolve(X[..., None])
        return self._assign_phases(X_blur).astype(int)
    def generate(self):
        Generates a microstructure of dimensions of self.size and grains
        with dimensions self.grain_size.

          periodic microstructure
        if len(self.size) != len(self.grain_size):
            raise RuntimeError("Dimensions of size and grain_size are"
                               " not equal.")
        X = np.random.random((self.n_samples,) + self.size)
        gaussian = fourier_gaussian(np.ones(self.grain_size),
        filter_ = Filter(np.fft.fftn(gaussian)[None, ..., None])
        X_blur = filter_.convolve(X[..., None])
        return self._assign_phases(X_blur).astype(int)
def bandpass(image, lshort, llong, threshold=None):
    """Convolve with a Gaussian to remove short-wavelength noise,
    and subtract out long-wavelength variations,
    retaining features of intermediate scale.

    image : ndarray
    lshort : small-scale cutoff (noise)
    llong : large-scale cutoff
    for both lshort and llong:
        give a tuple value for different sizes per dimension
        give int value for same value for all dimensions
        when 2*lshort >= llong, no noise filtering is applied

    threshold : float or integer
        By default, 1 for integer images and 1/256. for float images.

    ndarray, the bandpassed image
    lshort = validate_tuple(lshort, image.ndim)      
    llong = validate_tuple(llong, image.ndim)
    if np.any([x*2 >= y for (x, y) in zip(lshort, llong)]):
        raise ValueError("The smoothing length scale must be more" +
                         "than twice the noise length scale.")
    if threshold is None:
        if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer):
            threshold = 1
            threshold = 1/256.
    settings = dict(mode='nearest', cval=0)
    axes = range(image.ndim)
    sizes = [x*2+1 for x in llong]
    boxcar = np.asarray(image)
    for (axis, size) in zip(axes, sizes):
        boxcar = uniform_filter1d(boxcar, size, axis, **settings)
    gaussian = ifftn(fourier_gaussian(fftn(image), lshort)).real
    result = gaussian - boxcar
    return np.where(result > threshold, result, 0)
def bandpass(image, lshort, llong, threshold=None):
    """Convolve with a Gaussian to remove short-wavelength noise,
    and subtract out long-wavelength variations,
    retaining features of intermediate scale.

    image : ndarray
    lshort : small-scale cutoff (noise)
    llong : large-scale cutoff
    for both lshort and llong:
        give a tuple value for different sizes per dimension
        give int value for same value for all dimensions
        when 2*lshort >= llong, no noise filtering is applied

    threshold : float or integer
        By default, 1 for integer images and 1/256. for float images.

    ndarray, the bandpassed image
    lshort = validate_tuple(lshort, image.ndim)
    llong = validate_tuple(llong, image.ndim)
    if np.any([x * 2 >= y for (x, y) in zip(lshort, llong)]):
        raise ValueError("The smoothing length scale must be more" +
                         "than twice the noise length scale.")
    if threshold is None:
        if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer):
            threshold = 1
            threshold = 1 / 256.
    settings = dict(mode='nearest', cval=0)
    axes = range(image.ndim)
    sizes = [x * 2 + 1 for x in llong]
    boxcar = np.asarray(image)
    for (axis, size) in zip(axes, sizes):
        boxcar = uniform_filter1d(boxcar, size, axis, **settings)
    gaussian = ifftn(fourier_gaussian(fftn(image), lshort)).real
    result = gaussian - boxcar
    return np.where(result > threshold, result, 0)
    def diffract(self, rot, cutout=True):
        2D FFT to get diffraction pattern from intensity matrix.

        rot : numpy.ndarray (3, 3),
              rotation matrix
        cutout : bool,
                 return diffraction pattern with circle cutout (default True)

        numpy.ndarray (N,N),
            diffraction pattern
        N = self.N / self.zoom
        inv_shear = self.calc_proj(rot)
        xy = np.copy(np.dot(self.orig, rot)[:, 0:2])
        xy = np.dot(xy, inv_shear.T)
        xy = self.pbc_2d(xy, N)
        im = self.bin(xy, N)

        dp = np.fft.fft2(im)
        dp = fourier_gaussian(dp, self.peak_width / self.zoom)
        dp = np.fft.fftshift(dp)
        dp = np.absolute(dp)
        dp *= dp

        dp = self.scale(dp)
        dp = self.shear_back(dp, inv_shear)
        dp /= dp.max()
        dp[dp < self.bot] = self.bot
        dp[dp > self.top] = self.top
        dp = np.log10(dp)
        if not cutout:
            return dp

        idbig = self.circle_cutout(dp)
        dp[np.unravel_index(idbig, (self.N, self.N))] = np.log10(self.bot)
        return dp
def fft_gaussian_filter(img, sigma):
    """FFT gaussian convolution

    img : ndarray
        Image to convolve with a gaussian kernel
    sigma : int or sequence
        The sigma(s) of the gaussian kernel in _real space_

    filt_img : ndarray
        The filtered image
    # This doesn't help agreement but it will make things faster
    # pull the shape
    s1 = np.array(img.shape)
    # if any of the sizes is 32 or smaller, revert to proper filter
    if any(s1 < 33):
        warnings.warn(("Input is small along a dimension,"
                       " will revert to `gaussian_filter`"))
        return gaussian_filter(img, sigma)
    # s2 = np.array([int(s * 4) for s in _normalize_sequence(sigma, img.ndim)])
    shape = s1  # + s2 - 1
    # calculate a nice shape
    fshape = [sig.fftpack.helper.next_fast_len(int(d)) for d in shape]
    # pad out with reflection
    pad_img = fft_pad(img, fshape, "reflect")
    # calculate the padding
    padding = tuple(_calc_pad(o, n) for o, n in zip(img.shape, pad_img.shape))
    # so that we can calculate the cropping, maybe this should be integrated
    # into `fft_pad` ...
    fslice = tuple(slice(s, -e) if e != 0 else slice(s, None)
                   for s, e in padding)
    # fourier transfrom and apply the filter
    kimg = rfftn(pad_img, fshape)
    filt_kimg = fourier_gaussian(kimg, sigma, pad_img.shape[-1])
    # inverse FFT and return.
    return irfftn(filt_kimg, fshape)[fslice]
 def _grab_real(self):
     sigma = abs((self.motor.position - FOCUS_POSITION).magnitude)
     return fourier.fourier_gaussian(self._original, sigma)
from scipy.ndimage.fourier import fourier_gaussian
import numpy
import scipy

print('numpy version:', numpy.__version__)
print('scipy version:', scipy.__version__)

print('fourier_gaussian:', fourier_gaussian(numpy.ones([1, 1]), 1))
    def smoothPlot(self):
        if not self.plotted_ticket is None:
                if self.filter==0 or 2<=self.filter<=5:
                    congruence.checkStrictlyPositiveNumber(self.filter_sigma_h, "Sigma/Size H")
                    congruence.checkStrictlyPositiveNumber(self.filter_sigma_v, "Sigma/Size V")

                if self.filter == 1: congruence.checkStrictlyPositiveNumber(self.filter_spline_order, "Spline Order")

                ticket = self.plotted_ticket.copy()

                mask = numpy.where(self.plotted_ticket["histogram"] <= self.plotted_ticket["histogram"].max()*self.masking_level)

                histogram = ticket["histogram"]
                h_coord = ticket["bin_h_center"]
                v_coord = ticket["bin_v_center"]

                norm = histogram.sum()

                pixel_area = (h_coord[1]-h_coord[0])*(v_coord[1]-v_coord[0])

                filter_mode = self.cb_filter_mode.currentText()

                if self.filter == 0:
                    histogram = filters.gaussian_filter(histogram, sigma=(self.filter_sigma_h, self.filter_sigma_v), mode=filter_mode, cval=self.filter_cval)
                elif self.filter == 1:
                    histogram = interpolation.spline_filter(histogram, order=int(self.filter_spline_order))
                elif self.filter == 2:
                    histogram = filters.uniform_filter(histogram, size=(int(self.filter_sigma_h), int(self.filter_sigma_v)), mode=filter_mode, cval=self.filter_cval)
                elif self.filter == 3:
                    histogram = numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifft2(fourier.fourier_gaussian(numpy.fft.fft2(histogram), sigma=(self.filter_sigma_h, self.filter_sigma_v))))
                elif self.filter == 4:
                    histogram = numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifft2(fourier.fourier_ellipsoid(numpy.fft.fft2(histogram), size=(self.filter_sigma_h, self.filter_sigma_v))))
                elif self.filter == 5:
                    histogram = numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifft2(fourier.fourier_uniform(numpy.fft.fft2(histogram), size=(self.filter_sigma_h, self.filter_sigma_v))))
                elif self.filter == 6:
                    histogram = self.apply_fill_holes(histogram)

                histogram[mask] = 0.0

                norm /= histogram.sum()

                ticket["histogram"] = histogram*norm
                if self.plot_canvas is None:
                    self.plot_canvas = PowerPlotXYWidget()

                cumulated_power_plot = numpy.sum(histogram)*pixel_area


                self.plot_canvas.cumulated_power_plot = cumulated_power_plot

                self.plotted_ticket = ticket
            except Exception as e:
                QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", str(e), QMessageBox.Ok)

                if self.IS_DEVELOP: raise e
文件: image.py 项目: zshipko/imagepy
 def fourier_gaussian(self, size, *args, **kw):
     '''see scipy.ndimage.fourier.fourier_gaussian'''
     return Image(_fourier.fourier_gaussian(self, size, *args, **kw))
 def _grab_real(self):
     sigma = abs((self.motor.position - FOCUS_POSITION).magnitude)
     return fourier.fourier_gaussian(self._original, sigma)