def generate_extra_data(n=3000, file_name=None, load_file=None, seed=None, rotate=True, emboss=True, elastic=False): print "Creating {} new images".format(n) if load_file: if not load_file.startswith("data/"): load_file = "data/" + load_file return np.load(load_file +".npy"), np.load(load_file+"_targets.npy") if seed: np.random.seed(seed) X = np.load("data/mnist_train_extra_inputs.npy") Y = np.load("data/mnist_train_extra_outputs.npy") positions = np.random.random_integers(0, X.shape[0]-1, n) transformed = X[positions,:] targets = Y[positions] final = np.zeros((n,48*48)) angles = np.random.uniform(0,359, n) for i in range(n): temp = transformed[i,:].reshape((28,28)) temp = imresize(temp, (48,48)) if rotate: temp = imrotate(temp, angles[i], reshape=False) if emboss: temp = imfilter(temp,"emboss") if elastic: temp = elastic_distortion(temp, size=48) final[i,:] = temp.flatten() if file_name: if not file_name.startswith("data/"): file_name = "data/" + file_name, final) + "_targets", targets) return final, targets
def generate_extra_data(X=None, Y=None, n=3000, seed=None, folder=io.DATA_FOLDER + 'train', file_name=None, rotate=True, noise=True): print "Creating {} new images".format(n) if X is None and Y is None: # automatically resizes images to (720, 1028) X, _, _ = io.create_test_train_split(samples=-1, auto_resize=True, folder=folder) X, Y = io.dataset_dict_to_array(X) if seed: np.random.seed(seed) positions = np.random.randint(0, X.shape[0] - 1, n) transformed = X[positions, :] targets = Y[positions, :] final = np.zeros_like(transformed) final_resized_190_320 = np.zeros((n, 190, 320, 3)) final_resized_244_244 = np.zeros_like((n, 244, 244, 3)) final_resized_48_48 = np.zeros_like((n, 48, 48, 3)) # slight pertubations in the angle of the image angles = np.random.uniform(-20, +20, n) for i in range(n): temp = transformed[i, :] if rotate: temp = imrotate(temp, angles[i], reshape=False) if noise: rand_noise = np.random.randint(0, 255, temp.shape) keepers = np.random.binomial(1, 0.95, size=temp.shape) temp = temp * keepers + rand_noise * (1 - keepers) final[i, :] = temp final_resized_190_320[i, :] = imresize(temp, size=(190, 320)) final_resized_244_244[i, :] = imresize(temp, size=(244, 244)) final_resized_48_48[i, :] = imresize(temp, size=(48, 48)) if i % 1000 == 0: print "Created {} images.".format(i) if file_name: if not file_name.startswith("./data/"): file_name = folder + file_name + '.npy', final) + '_190_320.npy', final_resized_190_320) + '_244_244.npy', final_resized_244_244) + '_48_48.npy', final_resized_48_48) + "_targets.npy", targets) return final, targets
def do(image, anno=None): """ Does the rotation for image and rectangles for 90 degrees counterclockwise. Args: image (Image): The target image to rotate. anno (Annotation): The annotations to be rotated with the image. Returns (tuple): Rotated image and annotations for it. """ w = image.shape[1] new_image = imrotate(image, 90, reshape=True) if anno is not None: anno.rects = [al.AnnoRect(r.y1, w - r.x2, r.y2, w - r.x1) for r in anno.rects] return new_image, anno
def perturb_modified_digits(X, Y, n=3000, seed=None, alpha=8, sigma=3): print "Modifying {} digits".format(n) positions = np.random.random_integers(0, X.shape[0]-1, n) transformed = X[positions,:] targets = Y[positions] final = np.zeros((n,48*48)) angles = np.random.uniform(0,359, n) for i in range(n): temp = transformed[i,:].reshape((48,48)) temp = imrotate(temp, angles[i], reshape=False) temp = elastic_distortion(temp, size=48, alpha=alpha, sigma=sigma) final[i,:] = temp.flatten() return final, targets
def find_similar(exp_proj): tic = time.time() grid_size = model_proj_imgs.shape[2] likelihood = np.zeros((grid_size, 360)) psi_step = 3 psi_angles = np.arange(0, 360, psi_step) for i in range(grid_size): ref_proj = model_proj_imgs[:, :, i] for j in psi_angles: rot_ref_proj = imrotate(ref_proj, j, reshape=False, mode='nearest') prob = np.mean((exp_proj - rot_ref_proj) ** 2 / (-2 * exp_proj ** 2)) likelihood[i, j] = prob idx = np.argmax(likelihood) row_idx, col_idx = np.unravel_index(idx, (grid_size, 360)) toc = time.time() - tic if toc > 3: print('\r{0} forloops cost {1:.4f} seconds.'.format( grid_size * 360, toc), end='') return row_idx, col_idx
def find_similar(exp_proj): tic = time.time() grid_size = model_proj_imgs.shape[2] likelihood = np.zeros((grid_size, 360)) psi_step = 3 psi_angles = np.arange(0, 360, psi_step) for i in range(grid_size): ref_proj = model_proj_imgs[:, :, i] for j in psi_angles: rot_ref_proj = imrotate(ref_proj, j, reshape=False, mode='nearest') prob = np.mean((exp_proj - rot_ref_proj)**2 / (-2 * exp_proj**2)) likelihood[i, j] = prob idx = np.argmax(likelihood) row_idx, col_idx = np.unravel_index(idx, (grid_size, 360)) toc = time.time() - tic if toc > 3: print('\r{0} forloops cost {1:.4f} seconds.'.format( grid_size * 360, toc), end='') return row_idx, col_idx
def ctfCorrect(seriesname, rundir, projectid, sessionname, tiltseriesnumber, tiltfilename, frame_aligned_images, pixelsize, DefocusTol, iWidth, amp_contrast): """ Leginondb will be queried to get the 'best' defocus estimate on a per-image basis. Confident defoci will be gathered and unconfident defoci will be interpolated. Images will be CTF corrected by phase flipping using ctfphaseflip from the IMOD package. A plot of the defocus values will is made. A CTF plot using the mean defocus is made. """ try: apDisplay.printMsg('CTF correcting all tilt images using defocus values from Leginon database...') os.chdir(rundir) raw_path=rundir+'/raw/' ctfdir='%s/ctf_correction/' % rundir os.system("mkdir %s" % ctfdir) defocus_file_full=ctfdir+seriesname+'_defocus.txt' tilt_file_full=ctfdir+seriesname+'_tilts.txt' image_list_full=ctfdir+seriesname+'_images.txt' uncorrected_stack=ctfdir+'stack_uncorrected.mrc' corrected_stack=ctfdir+'stack_corrected.mrc' out_full=ctfdir+'out' log_file_full=ctfdir+'ctf_correction.log' project='ap'+projectid sinedon.setConfig('appiondata', db=project) sessiondata = apDatabase.getSessionDataFromSessionName(sessionname) tiltseriesdata = apDatabase.getTiltSeriesDataFromTiltNumAndSessionId(tiltseriesnumber,sessiondata) tiltdata = apTomo.getImageList([tiltseriesdata]) frame_tiltdata, non_frame_tiltdata = frameOrNonFrameTiltdata(tiltdata) tilts,ordered_imagelist,accumulated_dose_list,ordered_mrc_files,refimg = apTomo.orderImageList(frame_tiltdata, non_frame_tiltdata, frame_aligned=frame_aligned_images) cs = tiltdata[0]['scope']['tem']['cs']*1000 voltage = int(tiltdata[0]['scope']['high tension']/1000) if os.path.isfile(ctfdir+'out/out01.mrc'): #Throw exception if already ctf corrected sys.exit() #Get tilt azimuth cmd="awk '/TILT AZIMUTH/{print $3}' %s" % (tiltfilename) proc=subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (tilt_azimuth, err) = proc.communicate() tilt_azimuth=float(tilt_azimuth) estimated_defocus=[] for image in range(len(ordered_imagelist)): imgctfdata=ctfdb.getBestCtfValue(ordered_imagelist[image], msg=False) try: if imgctfdata['resolution_50_percent'] < 100.0: #if there's a yellow ring in Appion, trust defocus estimation estimated_defocus.append((imgctfdata['defocus1']+imgctfdata['defocus2'])*1000000000/2) else: #Poorly estimated. Guess its value later estimated_defocus.append(999999999) except: #No data. Guess its value later estimated_defocus.append(999999999) #Find mean and stdev to prune out confident defocus values that are way off defocus_stats_list=filter(lambda a: a != 999999999, estimated_defocus) avg=np.array(defocus_stats_list).mean() stdev=np.array(defocus_stats_list).std() good_tilts=[] good_defocus_list=[] for tilt, defocus in zip(tilts, estimated_defocus): if (defocus != 999999999) and (defocus < avg + stdev) and (defocus > avg - stdev): good_defocus_list.append(defocus) good_tilts.append(tilt) #Using a linear best fit because quadratic and cubic go off the rails. Estimation doesn't need to be extremely accurate anyways. x=np.linspace(int(round(tilts[0])), int(round(tilts[len(tilts)-1])), 1000) s=scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(good_tilts,good_defocus_list,k=1) y=s(x) #Make defocus list with good values and interpolations for bad values finished_defocus_list=[] for tilt, defocus in zip(tilts, estimated_defocus): if (defocus != 999999999) and (defocus < avg + stdev) and (defocus > avg - stdev): finished_defocus_list.append(int(round(defocus))) else: #Interpolate finished_defocus_list.append(int(round(y[int(round(tilt))]))) new_avg=np.array(finished_defocus_list).mean() new_stdev=np.array(finished_defocus_list).std() #Write defocus file, tilt file, and image list file for ctfphaseflip and newstack f = open(defocus_file_full,'w') f.write("%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\t2\n" % (1,1,tilts[0],tilts[0],finished_defocus_list[0])) for i in range(1,len(tilts)): f.write("%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\n" % (i+1,i+1,tilts[i],tilts[i],finished_defocus_list[i])) f.close() f = open(tilt_file_full,'w') for tilt in tilts: f.write("%.2f\n" % tilt) f.close() mrc_list=[] presetname=tiltdata[0]['preset']['name'] for image in ordered_mrc_files: mrcname=presetname+image.split(presetname)[-1] mrc_list.append(raw_path+'/'+mrcname) f = open(image_list_full,'w') f.write("%d\n" % len(tilts)) for filename in mrc_list: f.write(filename+'\n') f.write("%d\n" % 0) f.close() #Rotate and pad images so that they are treated properly by ctfphaseflip. apDisplay.printMsg("Preparing images for IMOD...") for filename in mrc_list: dimx=len(image[0]) dimy=len(image) #First rotate 90 degrees in counter-clockwise direction. This makes it so positive angle images are higher defocused on the right side of the image image=np.rot90(image, k=-1) #Rotate image and write image=imrotate(image, -tilt_azimuth, order=1) #Linear interpolation is fastest and there is barely a difference between linear and cubic mrc.write(image, filename) f = open(log_file_full,'w') #Make stack for correction,phase flip, extract images, replace images cmd1="newstack -fileinlist %s -output %s > %s" % (image_list_full, uncorrected_stack, log_file_full) f.write("%s\n\n" % cmd1) print cmd1 subprocess.check_call([cmd1], shell=True) cmd2="ctfphaseflip -input %s -output %s -AngleFile %s -defFn %s -pixelSize %s -volt %s -DefocusTol %s -iWidth %s -SphericalAberration %s -AmplitudeContrast %s 2>&1 | tee %s" % (uncorrected_stack, corrected_stack, tilt_file_full, defocus_file_full, pixelsize/10, voltage, DefocusTol, iWidth, cs, amp_contrast, log_file_full) f.write("\n\n%s\n\n" % cmd2) print cmd2 subprocess.check_call([cmd2], shell=True) cmd3="newstack -split 1 -append mrc %s %s >> %s" % (corrected_stack, out_full, log_file_full) f.write("\n\n%s\n\n" % cmd3) print cmd3 subprocess.check_call([cmd3], shell=True) f.write("\n\n") apDisplay.printMsg("Overwriting uncorrected raw images with CTF corrected images") new_images=glob.glob(ctfdir+'out*mrc') new_images.sort() #Unrotate and unpad images for filename in new_images: image=imrotate(image, tilt_azimuth, order=1) image=np.rot90(image, k=1) big_dimx=len(image[0]) big_dimy=len(image) cropx1=int((big_dimx-dimx)/2) cropx2=int(dimx+(big_dimx-dimx)/2) cropy1=int((big_dimy-dimy)/2) cropy2=int(dimy+(big_dimy-dimy)/2) image=image[cropy1:cropy2,cropx1:cropx2] mrc.write(image, filename) for i in range(len(new_images)): cmd4="rm %s; ln %s %s" % (mrc_list[i], new_images[i], mrc_list[i]) f.write("%s\n" % cmd4) os.system(cmd4) #Make plots apProTomo2Aligner.makeDefocusPlot(rundir, seriesname, defocus_file_full) apProTomo2Aligner.makeCTFPlot(rundir, seriesname, defocus_file_full, voltage, cs) cleanup="rm %s %s" % (uncorrected_stack, corrected_stack) os.system(cleanup) output1="%.2f%% of the images for tilt-series #%s had poor defocus estimates or fell outside of one standard deviation from the original mean." % (100*(len(estimated_defocus)-len(defocus_stats_list))/len(estimated_defocus), tiltseriesnumber) output2="The defocus mean and standard deviation for tilt-series #%s after interpolating poor values is %.2f and %.2f microns, respectively." % (tiltseriesnumber, new_avg/1000, new_stdev/1000) f.write("\n");f.write(output1);f.write("\n");f.write(output2);f.write("\n");f.close() apDisplay.printMsg(output1) apDisplay.printMsg(output2) apDisplay.printMsg("CTF correction finished for tilt-series #%s!" % tiltseriesnumber) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: apDisplay.printError("An IMOD command failed, so CTF correction could not be completed. Make sure IMOD is in your $PATH.") except SystemExit: apDisplay.printWarning("It looks like you've already CTF corrected tilt-series #%s. Skipping CTF correction!" % tiltseriesnumber) except: apDisplay.printError("CTF correction could not be completed. Make sure IMOD, numpy, and scipy are in your $PATH. Make sure defocus has been estimated through Appion.\n")