def poly_lsq(x, y, n, verbose=False, itmax=200): ''' Performs a polynomial least squares fit to the data, with errors! Uses scipy odrpack, but for least squares. IN: x,y (arrays) - data to fit n (int) - polinomial order verbose - can be 0,1,2 for different levels of output (False or True are the same as 0 or 1) itmax (int) - optional maximum number of iterations OUT: coeff - polynomial coefficients, lowest order first err - standard error (1-sigma) on the coefficients --Tiago, 20071114 ''' func = models.polynomial(n) mydata = odr.Data(x, y) myodr = odr.ODR(mydata, func, maxit=itmax) # Set type of fit to least-squares: myodr.set_job(fit_type=2) if verbose == 2: myodr.set_iprint(final=2) fit = # Display results: if verbose: fit.pprint() if fit.stopreason[0] == 'Iteration limit reached': print('(WWW) poly_lsq: Iteration limit reached, result not reliable!') # Results and errors coeff = fit.beta err = fit.sd_beta return coeff, err
def poly_lsq(x,y,n,verbose=False,itmax=200): ''' Performs a polynomial least squares fit to the data, with errors! Uses scipy odrpack, but for least squares. IN: x,y (arrays) - data to fit n (int) - polinomial order verbose - can be 0,1,2 for different levels of output (False or True are the same as 0 or 1) itmax (int) - optional maximum number of iterations OUT: coeff - polynomial coefficients, lowest order first err - standard error (1-sigma) on the coefficients --Tiago, 20071114 ''' # # see and use ready made models!!!! func = models.polynomial(n) mydata = odr.Data(x, y) myodr = odr.ODR(mydata, func,maxit=itmax) # Set type of fit to least-squares: myodr.set_job(fit_type=2) if verbose == 2: myodr.set_iprint(final=2) fit = # Display results: if verbose: fit.pprint() if fit.stopreason[0] == 'Iteration limit reached': print '(WWW) poly_lsq: Iteration limit reached, result not reliable!' # Results and errors coeff = fit.beta[::-1] err = fit.sd_beta[::-1] return coeff, err
def poly_lsq(x, y, n, verbose=False, itmax=200): """ Performs a polynomial least squares fit to the data, with errors! Uses scipy odrpack, but for least squares. Parameters ---------- x, y : 1-D arrays Data to fit. n : int Polynomial order verbose : bool or int, optional Can be 0,1,2 for different levels of output (False or True are the same as 0 or 1) itmax : int, optional Maximum number of iterations. Returns ------- coeff : 1-D array Polynomial coefficients, lowest order first. err : 1-D array Standard error (1-sigma) on the coefficients. """ func = models.polynomial(n) mydata = odr.Data(x, y) myodr = odr.ODR(mydata, func, maxit=itmax) # Set type of fit to least-squares: myodr.set_job(fit_type=2) if verbose == 2: myodr.set_iprint(final=2) fit = # Display results: if verbose: fit.pprint() if fit.stopreason[0] == 'Iteration limit reached': print('(WWW) poly_lsq: Iteration limit reached, result not reliable!') # Results and errors coeff = fit.beta err = fit.sd_beta return coeff, err
lwc = float(lines[1].strip()) lwhmag = float(lines[2].strip()) ''' ################################################################################ ''' # def funtion def linear_reg_fix_slope(c, x): from numpy import log10, zeros_like grd = grad # set gradient ans = c[0] + x * grd return ans linreg = models.polynomial(1) im = [7.5, 8.0] isi = [0.2, 0.1] ''' ################################################################################ ''' # set data ftypes = ['Intraslab', 'Outer Rise', 'Strike-Slip'] grads = [lengrd1, widgrd1, areagrd1, mxsgrd, avsgrd, lwgrd] fmag = [intra_fmag, outer_fmag, trans_fmag] flen = [intra_flen, outer_flen, trans_flen] fwid = [intra_fwid, outer_fwid, trans_fwid] farea = [intra_farea, outer_farea, trans_farea] fmxs = [intra_fmxs, outer_fmxs, trans_fmxs] favs = [intra_favs, outer_favs, trans_favs]
def fit_offset(pha, offset, sigma=1, prange=None, orange=None, method='ols', flip=False): """ Fit a pha and an offset (DC level) Parameters (and their default values): pha: pha data (array-like) offset: offset data (array-like) sigma: sigmas allowed for median filter (Default: 1) prange: a tuple of range for pha to fit if not None (Default: None) orange: a tuple of range for offset to fit if not None (Default: None) method: fitting method from ols (ordinal least squares) or odr (orthogonal distance regression) (Default: ols) flip: flip pha and offset when fitting if True (Default: False) Return ((a, b), coef): a, b: fitting results to pha = a*(1+b*offset) coef: correlation coefficient """ # Sanity check if len(pha) != len(offset): raise ValueError("data length of pha and offset does not match") pha = np.asarray(pha) offset = np.asarray(offset) # Reduction if prange is not None: pmask = (pha >= prange[0]) & (pha <= prange[1]) else: pmask = median_filter(pha, sigma=sigma) if orange is not None: omask = (offset >= orange[0]) & (offset <= orange[1]) else: omask = median_filter(offset, sigma=sigma) mask = pmask & omask # Correlation coefficient coef = np.corrcoef(pha[mask], offset[mask])[0,1] # Fitting to a*x+b if method.lower() == 'ols': if flip: _a, _b = np.polyfit(pha[mask], offset[mask], 1) else: _a, _b = np.polyfit(offset[mask], pha[mask], 1) elif method.lower() == 'odr': f = models.polynomial(1) if flip: data = odrpack.Data(pha[mask], offset[mask]) else: data = odrpack.Data(offset[mask], pha[mask]) odr = odrpack.ODR(data, f, maxit=100) fit = _a, _b = fit.beta[::-1] else: raise ValueError('Unknown method: %s' % method) if flip: a = -_b/_a b = -1/_b else: a = _b b = _a/_b return (a, b), coef
coeftxt = 'Function,a,b,SEa,SEb,sig,Condition\n' # make uncertainty arrays for weighting for ODR reg_logMo = (mw2m0(array(reg_fmag))) #sx = ones(len(reg_fmag))*0.1 # uniform uncertainty of 0.2 mu #sx = ones(len(reg_fmag))*0.2 im = [7.5, 8.0] isi = [0.2, 0.1] sx = interp(reg_fmag, im, isi) #idx = reg_fmag >= 8.0 #sx[idx] = 0.1 sy = sx # do ODR on raw data func = models.polynomial(1) #data = Data(array(inter_fmag),log10(array(inter_flen))) data = odrpack.RealData(array(reg_fmag), log10(array(reg_flen)), sx=sx, sy=sy) # set data mrng = arange(7., 9.61, 0.01) ''' ######################################################################################## test linear vs ODR linear vs ODR bi-linear ''' # regress M vs L - ODR beta0 = [-2.7, 0.62] odr = ODR(data, func, beta0) odr.set_job(fit_type=0) #if set fit_type=2, returns the same as leastsq out =