    def test_fullrank(self):
        X = R.standard_normal((40,10))
        X[:,0] = X[:,1] + X[:,2]

        Y = utils.fullrank(X)
        self.assertEquals(Y.shape, (40,9))
        self.assertEquals(utils.rank(Y), 9)

        X[:,5] = X[:,3] + X[:,4]
        Y = utils.fullrank(X)
        self.assertEquals(Y.shape, (40,8))
        self.assertEquals(utils.rank(Y), 8)
def isestimable(C, D):
    From an q x p contrast matrix C and an n x p design matrix D, checks
    if the contrast C is estimable by looking at the rank of vstack([C,D]) and
    verifying it is the same as the rank of D.
    if C.ndim == 1:
        C.shape = (C.shape[0], 1)
    new = N.vstack([C, D])
    if utils.rank(new) != utils.rank(D):
        return False
    return True
    def initialize(self, design):
        Set design for model, prewhitening design matrix and precomputing
        covariance of coefficients (up to scale factor in front).

            design : TODO

        self.design = design
        self.wdesign = self.whiten(design)
        self.calc_beta = L.pinv(self.wdesign)
        self.normalized_cov_beta = N.dot(self.calc_beta,
        self.df_resid = self.wdesign.shape[0] - utils.rank(self.design)
def contrastfromcols(T, D, pseudo=None):
    From an n x p design matrix D and a matrix T, tries
    to determine a p x q contrast matrix C which
    determines a contrast of full rank, i.e. the
    n x q matrix

    dot(transpose(C), pinv(D))

    is full rank.

    T must satisfy either T.shape[0] == n or T.shape[1] == p.

    Note that this always produces a meaningful contrast, not always
    with the intended properties because q is always non-zero unless
    T is identically 0. That is, it produces a contrast that spans
    the column space of T (after projection onto the column space of D).


    n, p = D.shape

    if T.shape[0] != n and T.shape[1] != p:
        raise ValueError, "shape of T and D mismatched"

    if pseudo is None:
        pseudo = pinv(D)

    if T.shape[0] == n:
        C = N.transpose(N.dot(pseudo, T))
        C = T

    Tp = N.dot(D, N.transpose(C))

    if utils.rank(Tp) != Tp.shape[1]:
        Tp = utils.fullrank(Tp)
        C = N.transpose(N.dot(pseudo, Tp))

    return N.squeeze(C)
    def test_rank(self):
        X = R.standard_normal((40,10))
        self.assertEquals(utils.rank(X), 10)

        X[:,0] = X[:,1] + X[:,2]
        self.assertEquals(utils.rank(X), 9)