def findDotsCorrelateoff(self, baseimg, offsetimg, iy, ix): '''finds new spots using each section correlated with the center''' hsp = self.hsp r = int(N.floor(self.diameter / 2.)) bot_base = self.y_center_base - r * self.px_spacing left_base = self.x_center_base - r * self.px_spacing vert_base = int(bot_base + iy * self.px_spacing) horiz_base = int(left_base + ix * self.px_spacing) bot_offset = self.y_center_offset - r * self.px_spacing left_offset = self.x_center_offset - r * self.px_spacing vert_offset = int(bot_offset + iy * self.px_spacing) horiz_offset = int(left_offset + ix * self.px_spacing) sec = offsetimg[(vert_offset - hsp):(vert_offset + hsp), (horiz_offset - hsp):(horiz_offset + hsp)] secbase = baseimg[(vert_base - hsp):(vert_base + hsp), (horiz_base - hsp):(horiz_base + hsp)] # indsec = N.where(sec == N.amax(sec)) # indsecbase = N.where(sec == N.amax(secbase)) sec = self.suback(sec) secbase = self.suback(secbase) seccorr = corr(1.0 * secbase, 1.0 * sec[::-1, ::-1], mode='full') # secbasecorr = corr(1.0*secbase, 1.0*secbase[::-1,::-1], mode='full') px, py = self.Parabolicfit(seccorr) # self.CorrCenter = N.unravel_index(secbasecorr.argmax(), secbasecorr.shape) gradx = self.CorrCenter[1] - px grady = self.CorrCenter[0] - py[0, iy * 2 * self.hsp:iy * 2 * self.hsp + 2 * self.hsp, ix * 2 * self.hsp:ix * 2 * self.hsp + 2 * self.hsp] = secbase[1, iy * 2 * self.hsp:iy * 2 * self.hsp + 2 * self.hsp, ix * 2 * self.hsp:ix * 2 * self.hsp + 2 * self.hsp] = sec return gradx, grady
def crop_align(img, imgc): """Find crop in img aligned to imgc.""" if np.amax(img) < np.amax(imgc) // 2: return imgc _py, _px = int(0.05 * imgc.shape[0]), int(0.05 * imgc.shape[1]) imgp = np.pad(img, [[_py], [_px], [0]]) imgpg = np.mean(imgp.astype(np.float32), -1) imgc = np.mean(imgc.astype(np.float32), -1) imgpc = np.sum(imgc**2) - 2 * corr(imgpg, imgc, 'valid') imgpc = imgpc + corr(imgpg**2, np.ones_like(imgc), 'valid') amin = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(imgpc), imgpc.shape) return imgp[amin[0]:(amin[0] + imgc.shape[0]), amin[1]:(amin[1] + imgc.shape[1]), :]
def _check_winner(self) -> Optional[Color]: """:return: color of the winner. `None` if unfinished or for a draw""" patterns = [ np.ones(5, dtype=np.int8).reshape(1, 5), np.ones(5, dtype=np.int8).reshape(5, 1), np.eye(5, dtype=np.int8), np.fliplr(np.eye(5, dtype=np.int8)) ] black = (self.chessboard_data == Color.BLACK).astype(np.int8) white = (self.chessboard_data == Color.WHITE).astype(np.int8) black_win = max( [np.max(corr(black, p, mode='same')) for p in patterns]) == 5 white_win = max( [np.max(corr(white, p, mode='same')) for p in patterns]) == 5 if black_win == white_win: # draw return None elif black_win: return Color.BLACK else: # white_win return Color.WHITE
def __init__(self): # set up inital parameters to determine size of the scene composition #self.adapt = opencv.adaptivethreshold() self.radius = 17 # 1/2 the total number of lenslets in linear direction self.x_center = 1022 self.y_center = 586 self.px_spacing = 32.85 # spacing between each lenslet self.barrier = 256.0 # maximum intensity value accepted by the camera self.threshold = 100.0 # minimum intensity value accepted by the camera self.nx = 2 * self.radius # number of lenslets x-direction self.ny = 2 * self.radius # number of lenslets y-direction self.hsp = 8 # size of subimage is 2*hsp self.calfactor = (.00586 / 6.7) * ( 150) # pixel size * focalLength * pitch self.NaN_Mask = self.mask_nan() self.Zero_Mask = self.mask_zero() # set up seccorr center section = N.ones((2 * self.hsp, 2 * self.hsp)) sectioncorr = corr(1.0 * section, 1.0 * section[::-1, ::-1], mode='full') self.CorrCenter = N.unravel_index(sectioncorr.argmax(), sectioncorr.shape) # Set up T and W filters for waffle removal # T self.T_Filter = N.zeros((3, 3)) self.T_Filter[0, 1] = self.T_Filter[1, 0] = self.T_Filter[ 1, 2] = self.T_Filter[2, 1] = 0.25 self.T_Filter[1, 1] = 1 self.T_Filter = 0.5 * self.T_Filter # W self.W_Filter = N.ones((3, 3)) self.W_Filter[0, 0] = self.W_Filter[0, 2] = self.W_Filter[ 2, 0] = self.W_Filter[2, 2] = 0.25 self.W_Filter[0, 1] = self.W_Filter[1, 0] = self.W_Filter[ 1, 2] = self.W_Filter[2, 1] = 0.5 self.W_Filter = 0.25 * self.W_Filter self.Test_Waffle = N.zeros((3, 3)) self.Test_Waffle2 = N.zeros((3, 3)) self.Test_Waffle[0, 1] = self.Test_Waffle[1, 0] = self.Test_Waffle[ 1, 2] = self.Test_Waffle[2, 1] = 1.0 self.Test_Waffle2[0, 0] = self.Test_Waffle2[0, 2] = self.Test_Waffle2[ 1, 1] = self.Test_Waffle2[2, 0] = self.Test_Waffle2[2, 2] = 1.0 # initialize Arrays self.gradx = N.zeros((self.ny, self.nx)) self.grady = N.zeros((self.ny, self.nx)) self.gradx_guide = N.zeros((self.ny, self.nx)) self.grady_guide = N.zeros((self.ny, self.nx)) self.gradx_Ref = N.zeros((self.ny, self.nx)) self.grady_Ref = N.zeros((self.ny, self.nx)) self.hudgins_prep()
def matched_filter(self, matching_template, signal, method='lfilt'): """ Implementation of a matched filter, using either the FIR method using an lfilter, or by using correlation directly. matching_template - waveform to match to, must be smaller than signal [1-D numpy array] signal - signal under test, must be longer than matching_template [1-D numpy array] fs - sample rate of the signal [Hz, float] method: 'lfilt' - Uses scipys lfilter with the reversed template acting as the b coefficients. 'conv'- using scipys convolution function to convolve the reversed template with the signal. 'fftconv' - using scipys fftconv function function to convolve the reversed template with the signal. 'corr'- using scipys correlate function to directly correlate the template to the signal. """ if method is 'lfilt': matching_template = matching_template[::-1] # flip the template matched_signal = lfilt(matching_template, [1.0], signal) elif method is 'conv': matching_template = matching_template[::-1] # flip the template matched_signal = conv(signal, matching_template, mode='same', method='direct') elif method is 'fftconv': matching_template = matching_template[::-1] # flip the template matched_signal = conv(signal, matching_template, mode='same', method='fft') elif method is 'corr': matched_signal = corr(signal, matching_template, mode='same', method='auto') return matched_signal
def __init__(self): # set up inital parameters to determine size of the scene composition # self.radius = 8 # 1/2 the total number of lenslets in linear direction self.diameter = 16 self.x_center_base = 1186 self.y_center_base = 903 self.x_center_offset = 1186 self.y_center_offset = 903 self.px_spacing = 26 # spacing between each lenslet self.hsp = 12 # size of subimage is 2*hsp self.calfactor = (.0065 / 4.1) * (150 ) # pixel size * focalLength * pitch # set up seccorr center section = N.ones((2 * self.hsp, 2 * self.hsp)) sectioncorr = corr(1.0 * section, 1.0 * section[::-1, ::-1], mode='full') self.CorrCenter = N.unravel_index(sectioncorr.argmax(), sectioncorr.shape)
def findDotsCorrelateoff(self, baseimg, offsetimg, iy, ix): '''finds new spots using each section correlated with the center''' hsp = self.hsp bot = self.y_center - (self.radius) * self.px_spacing left = self.x_center - (self.radius) * self.px_spacing vert = int(bot + iy * self.px_spacing) horiz = int(left + ix * self.px_spacing) sec = offsetimg[(vert - hsp):(vert + hsp), (horiz - hsp):(horiz + hsp)] secbase = baseimg[(vert - hsp):(vert + hsp), (horiz - hsp):(horiz + hsp)] seccorr = corr(1.0 * secbase, 1.0 * sec[::-1, ::-1], mode='full') #seccorrnorm = seccorr*(1.0/N.sum(seccorr)) try: # Corrects for sub-images leaving the sub-field of view by setting the local gradient to zero px, py = self.Parabolicfit(seccorr) except: #IndexError px, py = self.CorrCenter[1], self.CorrCenter[0] #print ix,iy, "Scene Left SubImage" gradx = self.CorrCenter[1] - px grady = self.CorrCenter[0] - py return gradx, grady
def signal_sync(reference, signal): """ Returns the optimal shift to maximize correlation between reference signal and the analyzed signal to be shifted. Parameters ---------- reference: Leading (static) signal; signal: Signal to be shifted. Returns ------- shift: int the shift for signal, corrected because of distorsion in correlation. """ corr_data = corr(reference, signal) shift = np.argmax(corr_data) return shift - int(len(corr_data) / 2)
def findDotsRef(self, image, iy, ix): ''' find dot location using correlations and parabolic fit''' #image = self.high_pass_filter(image) hsp = self.hsp bot = self.y_center - (self.radius) * self.px_spacing left = self.x_center - (self.radius) * self.px_spacing vert = int(bot + iy * self.px_spacing) horiz = int(left + ix * self.px_spacing) vertmiddle = int(self.y_center) horizmiddle = int(self.x_center) sec = image[(vert - hsp):(vert + hsp), (horiz - hsp):(horiz + hsp)] #sec = self.Threshold_local(self,sec) #sec = self.high_pass_filter(sec) secmiddle = image[(vertmiddle - hsp):(vertmiddle + hsp), (horizmiddle - hsp):(horizmiddle + hsp)] #secmiddle = self.Threshold_local(self,secmiddle) #secmiddle = self.high_pass_filter(secmiddle) seccorr = corr(1.0 * secmiddle, 1.0 * sec[::-1, ::-1], mode='full') px, py = self.Parabolicfit(seccorr) gradx = px grady = py return gradx, grady