def build_filter():
    die_window = 3
    live_window = 4
    live_gain = 2 ** 0.5

    freq_full = [0, 3, 5,
            50-live_window, 50-die_window, 50+die_window, 50+live_window,
            100-live_window, 100-die_window, 100+die_window, 100+live_window,

    gain_full = [0, 0, 2 ** 0.5,
            live_gain, 0, 0, live_gain,
            live_gain, 0, 0, live_gain,

    freq_low = [0, 3, 5,
               40, 45, nyq]

    gain_low = [0, 0, live_gain,
               live_gain, 0, 0]

    b = signal.firwin2(sfreq, freq_low, gain_low, nyq=nyq, antisymmetric=False)
    return b
def lab6_ex2():

    # set parameters of system
    fn = 1.0
    nt = 50 #number of taps
    freq = array([0,0.1,0.2,0.5,1.0]) #frequency sampling points
    gain = array([1.0,1.0,0.01,0.001,0])
    b = firwin2(nt,freq,gain,nyq=fn) #calc FIR coefficients with given frequency response
    a = array([1.0,0]) #(no feedback (FIR), poles at origin reduced to 1 for simplification)  

    # calc frequency response of filter and plot
    w,h = freqz(b,a)
    plot(w/pi, 20*log10(abs(h)),'b-')
    title('FIR of given frequency response')
    xlabel('normalized frequency (1 = fn)')
    ylabel('magnitude (dB scale)')

    print('\nResponses in dB scale (all frequencies are relative to fn):\nf = 0, gain = 0 dB\nf = 0.1, gain = -1.05 dB\nf = 0.2, gain = -18.25 dB\nf = 0.5, gain = -56.4 dB\nf = 1.0, gain =~ -92 dB (filter tries to approach -inf and goes off the scale around f = 0.999)')
    print('\nThe filter has 49 zeros (the same as number of taps - 1)')
    print('The filter should also have 49 poles (all at the origin) so that it is causal. However, in this implementation (firwin2) there are no poles (except those added by the user)')
    # calc and show zeros and poles on zplane
    z,p,k = tf2zpk(b,a)
    title('zplane of FIR of given frequency response (50 taps)')

    print('\nFrom the zplane diagram, we can see pairs of conjugate pairs of zeros that follow along the unit circle. For each pair of conjugate pairs, one conjugate pair is inside of the unit circle and one is on the outside. As the frequency increases to fn, each pair of zeros generally gets closer and closer to the unit circle, thus attenuating the signal even further, up to a gain of 0 @ f = fn)')
def fir2FiltAlt(f1, f2, f3, f4, filterType, snd, fs, filterOrder):
    fs = float(fs)
    f1 = (f1 * 2) / fs
    f2 = (f2 * 2) / fs
    f3 = (f3 * 2) / fs
    f4 = (f4 * 2) / fs

    n = filterOrder

    if filterType == 'lowpass':
        f = [0, f3, f4, 1]
        m = [1, 1, 0.00003, 0]
    elif filterType == 'highpass':
        f = [0, f1, f2, 0.999999, 1] #high pass
        m = [0, 0.00003, 1, 1, 0]
    elif filterType == 'bandpass':
        f = [0, f1, f2, ((f2+f3)/2), f3, f4, 1]
        m = [0, 0.00003, 1, 1, 1, 0.00003, 0]
    elif filterType == 'bandstop':
        f = [0, f1, f2, ((f2+f3)/2), f3, f4, 0.999999, 1] #band stop
        m = [1, 1, 0.00003, 0, 0.00003, 1, 1, 0] 

    b = firwin2 (n,f,m);
    x = copy.copy(snd)
    x = convolve(snd, b, 1)
    #x[:, 1] = convolve(snd[:,1], b, 1)
    return x
def filter_VE(data):
    a = np.ones(50000)
    #Switching power supply frequency (~290 KHz)
    a[2850:2950] =0
    #1.49 MHz
    #AM 1.37 MHz
    a[13650:13750] = 0
    #80 m Ham band (3.97 MHz)
    a[39650:39750] = 0
    #80 m Ham band (4 MHz)
    a[39950:40050]= 0
    [h, fpoints] = sigs.freqz(b, 1, 50000,10E6)
    #Run the FIR filter
    vec = sigs.lfilter(b,1,data)
    return vec
def get_channelizer_taps(M, n_taps=100):
    taps = signal.firwin2(100, [0, 1.0/M, 1.0/M+0.05, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0])
    # Divide by integral of absolute values to prevent the possibility
    # of overflow.
    chantaps = [taps[i::M] for i in range(M)]
    scaledtaps, tapscalefactor = scale_taps(chantaps)
    return scaledtaps, tapscalefactor
 def test03(self):
     width = 0.02
     ntaps, beta = kaiserord(120, width)
     # ntaps must be odd for positive gain at Nyquist.
     ntaps = int(ntaps) | 1
     freq = [0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]
     gain = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]
     taps = firwin2(ntaps, freq, gain, window=("kaiser", beta))
     freq_samples = np.array([0.0, 0.4 - width, 0.4 + width, 0.45, 0.5 - width, 0.5 + width, 0.75, 1.0])
     freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=np.pi * freq_samples)
     assert_array_almost_equal(np.abs(response), [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], decimal=5)
 def test04(self):
     """Test firwin2 when window=None."""
     ntaps = 5
     # Ideal lowpass: gain is 1 on [0,0.5], and 0 on [0.5, 1.0]
     freq = [0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]
     gain = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
     taps = firwin2(ntaps, freq, gain, window=None, nfreqs=8193)
     alpha = 0.5 * (ntaps - 1)
     m = np.arange(0, ntaps) - alpha
     h = 0.5 * sinc(0.5 * m)
     assert_array_almost_equal(h, taps)
文件: filt.py 项目: GrantRVD/pacpy
def firf(x, f_range, fs = 1000, w = 7, tw = .15):
    Filter signal with an FIR filter

    x : array-like, 1d
        Time series to filter
    f_range : (low, high), Hz
        Cutoff frequencies of bandpass filter
    fs : float, Hz
        Sampling rate
    w : float
        Length of the filter in terms of the number of cycles of the oscillation
        whose frequency is the center of the bandpass filter
    tw : float
        Transition width of the filter in normalized frequency space

    x_filt : array-like, 1d
        Filtered time series
    if w <= 0:
        raise ValueError('Number of cycles in a filter must be a positive number.')
    if np.logical_or(tw < 0, tw > 1):
        raise ValueError('Transition width must be between 0 and 1.')        
    nyq = fs/2
    if np.any(np.array(f_range) > nyq):
        raise ValueError('Filter frequencies must be below nyquist rate.')
    if np.any(np.array(f_range) < 0):
        raise ValueError('Filter frequencies must be positive.')
    cf = np.mean(f_range)
    Ntaps = np.floor(w * fs / cf)
    if len(x) < Ntaps:
        raise RuntimeError('Length of filter is loger than data. Provide more data or a shorter filter.')
    # Characterize desired filter
    f = [0, (1-tw)*f_range[0]/nyq, f_range[0]/nyq, f_range[1]/nyq, (1+tw)*f_range[1]/nyq, 1]
    m = [0,0,1,1,0,0]
    if any(np.diff(f)<0):
        raise RuntimeError('Invalid FIR filter parameters. Please decrease the transition width parameter.')
    # Perform filtering
    taps = firwin2(Ntaps, f, m)
    x_filt = filtfilt(taps,[1],x)
    if any(np.isnan(x_filt)):
        raise RuntimeError('Filtered signal contains nans. Adjust filter parameters.')
    return x_filt
    def test05(self):
        """Test firwin2 for calculating Type IV filters"""
        ntaps = 1500

        freq = [0.0, 1.0]
        gain = [0.0, 1.0]
        taps = firwin2(ntaps, freq, gain, window=None, antisymmetric=True)
        assert_array_almost_equal(taps[: ntaps // 2], -taps[ntaps // 2:][::-1])

        freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=2048)
        assert_array_almost_equal(abs(response), freqs / np.pi, decimal=4)
 def test02(self):
     width = 0.04
     beta = 12.0
     # ntaps must be odd for positive gain at Nyquist.
     ntaps = 401
     # An ideal highpass filter.
     freq = [0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]
     gain = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]
     taps = firwin2(ntaps, freq, gain, window=("kaiser", beta))
     freq_samples = np.array([0.0, 0.25, 0.5 - width, 0.5 + width, 0.75, 1.0])
     freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=np.pi * freq_samples)
     assert_array_almost_equal(np.abs(response), [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], decimal=5)
 def test01(self):
     width = 0.04
     beta = 12.0
     ntaps = 400
     # Filter is 1 from w=0 to w=0.5, then decreases linearly from 1 to 0 as w
     # increases from w=0.5 to w=1  (w=1 is the Nyquist frequency).
     freq = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
     gain = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
     taps = firwin2(ntaps, freq, gain, window=("kaiser", beta))
     freq_samples = np.array([0.0, 0.25, 0.5 - width / 2, 0.5 + width / 2, 0.75, 1.0 - width / 2])
     freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=np.pi * freq_samples)
     assert_array_almost_equal(np.abs(response), [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 - width, 0.5, width], decimal=5)
    def test06(self):
        """Test firwin2 for calculating Type III filters"""
        ntaps = 1501

        freq = [0.0, 0.5, 0.55, 1.0]
        gain = [0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
        taps = firwin2(ntaps, freq, gain, window=None, antisymmetric=True)
        assert_equal(taps[ntaps // 2], 0.0)
        assert_array_almost_equal(taps[: ntaps // 2], -taps[ntaps // 2 + 1:][::-1])

        freqs, response1 = freqz(taps, worN=2048)
        response2 = np.interp(freqs / np.pi, freq, gain)
        assert_array_almost_equal(abs(response1), response2, decimal=3)
def design_filter(filter_type, f_p, f_w, filter_dur, window):
    if filter_type == 'highpass':
        f_s = f_p - f_w
        freq = [0., f_s, f_p, sfreq / 2.]
        gain = [0., 0., 1., 1.]
        f_s = f_p + f_w
        freq = [0., f_p, f_s, sfreq / 2.]
        gain = [1., 1., 0., 0.]

    n = int(sfreq * filter_dur)
    n += ~(n % 2)  # Type II filter can't have 0 attenuation at nyq

    h = signal.firwin2(n, freq, gain, nyq=sfreq / 2., window=window)
    return h
def lock2(f0, fp, fc, fs, coeff_ratio=8.0, coeffs=None,
          window='blackman', print_response=True):
    """Create a gentle fir filter. Pass frequencies below fp, cutoff frequencies
    above fc, and gradually taper to 0 in between."""

    # Convert to digital frequencies, normalizing f_nyq to 1,
    # as requested by scipy.signal.firwin2
    nyq = fs / 2
    fp = fp / nyq
    fc = fc / nyq

    if coeffs is None:
        coeffs = int(round(coeff_ratio / fc, 0))

    # Force number of tukey coefficients odd
    alpha = (1-fp*1.0/fc)
    n = int(round(1000. / alpha) // 2)

    N = n * 2 + 1
    f = np.linspace(0, fc, n+1)

    fm = np.zeros(n + 2)
    mm = np.zeros(n + 2)
    fm[:-1] = f
    # Append fm = nyquist frequency by hand; needed by firwin2
    fm[-1] = 1.
    m = signal.tukey(N, alpha=alpha)
    # Only take the falling part of the tukey window,
    # not the part equal to zero
    mm[:-1] = m[n:]

    # Use approx. 8x more frequencies than total coefficients we need
    nfreqs = 2**(int(round(np.log2(coeffs)))+3)+1

    b = signal.firwin2(coeffs, fm, mm,

    # Force filter gain to 1 at DC; corrects for small rounding errors
    b = b / np.sum(b)

    w, rep = signal.freqz(b, worN=np.pi*np.array([0., fp/2, fp, fc, 2*fc,
                                                  0.5*f0/nyq, f0/nyq, 1.]))
    if print_response:
        _print_magnitude_data(w, rep, fs)

    return b
def get_filter(sfreq=125., band='alpha'):

    f_low_lb = band_bounds[band][0] - 1
    f_low_ub = band_bounds[band][0]
    f_high_lb = band_bounds[band][1]
    f_high_ub = band_bounds[band][1] + 1

    nyq = sfreq / 2.  # the Nyquist frequency is half our sample rate

    freq = [0., f_low_lb, f_low_ub, f_high_lb, f_high_ub, nyq]
    gain = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]
    n = int(round(1 * sfreq)) + 1

    filt = signal.firwin2(n, freq, gain, nyq=nyq)

    return filt
 def test01(self):
     width = 0.04
     beta = 12.0
     ntaps = 400
     # Filter is 1 from w=0 to w=0.5, then decreases linearly from 1 to 0 as w
     # increases from w=0.5 to w=1  (w=1 is the Nyquist frequency).
     freq = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
     gain = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
     taps = firwin2(ntaps, freq, gain, window=('kaiser', beta))
     freq_samples = np.array([
         0.0, 0.25, 0.5 - width / 2, 0.5 + width / 2, 0.75, 1.0 - width / 2
     freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=np.pi * freq_samples)
                               [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 - width, 0.5, width],
 def test03(self):
     width = 0.02
     ntaps, beta = kaiserord(120, width)
     # ntaps must be odd for positive gain at Nyquist.
     ntaps = int(ntaps) | 1
     freq = [0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]
     gain = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]
     taps = firwin2(ntaps, freq, gain, window=('kaiser', beta))
     freq_samples = np.array([
         0.0, 0.4 - width, 0.4 + width, 0.45, 0.5 - width, 0.5 + width,
         0.75, 1.0
     freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=np.pi * freq_samples)
                               [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
def preprocess(abd, chest, orig_freq=200):
    sigs[0] should be ABD
    sigs[1] should be Chest
    # Resample to 64Hz
    abd_64, chest_64 = resample_signals([abd, chest], orig_freq)

    bands =   (0, 0.05, 0.1, 5, 10, 32)
    desired = (0, 0,    1,   1, 0, 0)
    b_firwin = signal.firwin2(73, bands, desired, fs=64)
    #b_firls = signal.firls(73, bands, desired, fs=64)

    abd_64_filt = signal.filtfilt(b_firwin, 1, abd_64)
    chest_64_filt = signal.filtfilt(b_firwin, 1, chest_64)
    return abd_64_filt, chest_64_filt
文件: main.py 项目: j9ac9k/equalizer
        def callback(in_data, frame_count, time_info, status):
            data = wf.readframes(frame_count)
            if len(data) == 0:
                return data, pyaudio.paComplete
            signal = bytes_to_float(data)  # converting data
            gains = 10**((np.array([
                                   dtype=np.float64)) / 20)


            a = [1.]
            b = firwin2(self.n_taps,
                        np.concatenate(([0], gains, [0]), axis=0),
                        nyq=f_rate / 2,

            # need to give an initial condition for self.z other than 0
            filtered, self.z = lfilter(b, a, signal,
                                       zi=self.z)  # when using data
            self.update_filter_plot((a, b))
            output = float_to_bytes(filtered)
            return output, pyaudio.paContinue
def _apply_notches(X, notches, rate, fft=True):
    """Low-level code which applies notch filters.

    X : ndarray, (n_time, n_channels)
        Input data.
    notches : ndarray
        Frequencies to notch filter.
    rate : float
        Number of samples per second for X.
    fft : bool
        Whether to filter in the time or frequency domain.

    Xp : ndarray, (n_time, n_channels)
        Notch filtered data.
    delta = 1.
    if fft:
        fs = rfftfreq(X.shape[0], 1. / rate)
        fd = rfft(X, axis=0)
        nyquist = rate / 2.
        n_taps = 1001
        gain = [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]
    for notch in notches:
        if fft:
            window_mask = np.logical_and(fs > notch - delta,
                                         fs < notch + delta)
            window_size = window_mask.sum()
            window = np.hamming(window_size)
            fd[window_mask] = fd[window_mask] * (1. - window)[:, np.newaxis]
            freq = np.array([
                0, notch - delta, notch - delta / 2., notch + delta / 2.,
                notch + delta, nyquist
            ]) / nyquist
            filt = firwin2(n_taps, freq, gain)
            Xp = filtfilt(filt, np.array([1]), X, axis=0)
    if fft:
        Xp = irfft(fd, n=X.shape[0], axis=0)
    return Xp
文件: r2daq.py 项目: project8/phasmid
    def _built_in_filter_design(self, f_ch):
		Design basic shape-matching 127th order FIR filter.
		The filter will attempt to match the following gain envelope:
		    w = [0, s1, p1, p2, s1, 1]
		    h = [0,  0,  1,  1,  0, 0]
		    s1 = f_ch - DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH*0.6
		    p1 = f_ch - DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH*0.4
		    p2 = f_ch + DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH*0.4
		    s2 = f_ch + DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH*0.6,
		h is normalized to a maximum of 1, and w is the angular frequency 
		normalized to pi.
		f_ch : float
		    Center frequency of bandpass filter.
		B : ndarray
		    FIR filter coefficients.
        # filter channel should be at least more than digital bandwidth from sampled boundaries
        f_lower = self.DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH
        f_upper = self.ADC_SAMPLE_RATE / 2 - self.DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH
        if f_ch <= f_lower or f_ch >= f_upper:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Digital channel center frequency is {0:7.3f}MHz, but should be within ({1:7.3f},{2:7.3f}) MHz"
                .format(f_ch / 1e6, f_lower / 1e6, f_upper / 1e6))
        # construct envelope
        f_pass = f_ch + array([-1, 1]) * self.DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH * 0.4
        f_stop = f_ch + array([-1, 1]) * self.DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH * 0.6
        w_pass = f_pass / (self.ADC_SAMPLE_RATE / 2)
        w_stop = f_stop / (self.ADC_SAMPLE_RATE / 2)
        filt_gain = array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0])
        filt_freq = concatenate(([0], [w_stop[0]], w_pass, [w_pass[1]], [1.0]))
        B = firwin2(128, filt_freq, filt_gain, window='boxcar')
        # normalize to absolute maximum of 0.5
        B = 0.5 * B / (abs(B).max())
        return B
def computefir(fc, L: int, ofn, fs: int, method: str):
    bandpass FIR design


    L: number of taps

    b: FIR filter coefficients

    assert len(fc) == 2, 'specify lower and upper bandpass filter corner frequencies in Hz.'

    if method == 'remez':
        b = signal.remez(numtaps=L,
                         bands=[0, 0.9*fc[0], fc[0], fc[1], 1.1*fc[1], 0.5*fs],
                         desired=[0, 1, 0],
    elif method == 'firwin':
        b = signal.firwin(L, [fc[0], fc[1]],
                          pass_zero=False, nyq=fs//2)
    elif method == 'firwin2':
        b = signal.firwin2(L, [0, fc[0], fc[1], fs//2], [0, 1, 1, 0],
                           # antisymmetric=True,
        raise ValueError(f'unknown filter design method {method}')

    if ofn:
        ofn = Path(ofn).expanduser()
        print(f'writing {ofn}')
# FIXME make binary
        with ofn.open('w') as h:
            h.write(f'{b.size}\n')  # first line is number of coefficients
            b.tofile(h, sep=" ")  # second line is space-delimited coefficents

    return b
def fir_filter_bank(scale, taps, samplerate, window):
    basis = np.zeros((len(scale), taps))
    basis = ArrayWithUnits(
        basis, [FrequencyDimension(scale),

    nyq = samplerate.nyquist

    if window.ndim == 1:
        window = repeat(window, len(scale))

    for i, band, win in zip(range(len(scale)), scale, window):
        start_hz = max(0, band.start_hz)
        stop_hz = min(nyq, band.stop_hz)
        freqs = np.linspace(start_hz / nyq, stop_hz / nyq, len(win))
        freqs = [0] + list(freqs) + [1]
        gains = [0] + list(win) + [0]
        basis[i] = firwin2(taps, freqs, gains)

    return basis
文件: fir.py 项目: Koheron/zynq-sdk
def get_taps(N, R, M, ntaps=128, cutoff=0.45):
    Find the coefficients of the half-band FIR filter that compensate the CIC filter from 0 to cutoff
    N : number of CIC stages
    R : decimation rate
    M : differential delay in the comb section stages of the filter
    f = np.arange(2048) / 2047.
    cic_response = lambda f : abs( M/R * (np.sin((f*R)/2)) / (np.sin((f*M)/2.)) )**N if f !=0 else 1

    H = np.array(map(cic_response, f*np.pi))

    # Define frequency reponse of ideal compensation filter
    H = np.array(map(cic_response, f*np.pi / R))
    Hc = 1/H * (f < cutoff)

    beta = 8
    taps = signal.firwin2(ntaps, f, Hc, nfreqs = 1025, window=('kaiser', beta))
    taps /= np.sum(taps)
    return taps, cic_response
def get_taps(N, R, M, ntaps=256, cutoff=0.45):
    Find the coefficients of the half-band FIR filter that compensate the CIC filter from 0 to cutoff
    N : number of CIC stages
    R : decimation rate
    M : differential delay in the comb section stages of the filter
    f = np.arange(2048) / 2047.
    cic_response = lambda f : abs( M/R * (np.sin((f*R)/2)) / (np.sin((f*M)/2.)) )**N if f !=0 else 1

    H = np.fromiter(map(cic_response, f*np.pi), dtype=np.float64)

    # Define frequency reponse of ideal compensation filter
    H = np.fromiter(map(cic_response, f*np.pi / R), dtype=np.float64)
    Hc = 1/H * (f < cutoff)

    beta = 8
    taps = signal.firwin2(ntaps, f, Hc, nfreqs = 1025, window=('kaiser', beta))
    taps /= np.sum(taps)
    return taps, cic_response
文件: pmefm.py 项目: ryanpdwyer/pmefm
def _matched_filters(ks, x_m, N_pts, dec=16, window='hann', n_pts_eval_fir=48000):
    ks = ks / dec
    N = N_pts // dec
    k = np.linspace(0, ks/2, n_pts_eval_fir)

    resp_ac = _j1filt(k * 2 * np.pi * x_m)

    fir_ac_dec = signal.firwin2(N, k, resp_ac, nyq=k[-1], window=window)
    fir_dc_dec = signal.firwin(N, jn_zeros(0, 1)[0] / (2*np.pi*x_m),
                               nyq=k[-1], window=window)

    # Manually force gain to 1 at DC; firwin2 rounding errors probable cause of
    # minor losses (< 1 percent)
    fir_ac_dec = fir_ac_dec / np.sum(fir_ac_dec)
    fir_dc_dec = fir_dc_dec / np.sum(fir_dc_dec)

    fir_ac = np.fft.irfft(np.fft.rfft(fir_ac_dec), fir_ac_dec.size * dec)
    fir_dc = np.fft.irfft(np.fft.rfft(fir_dc_dec), fir_dc_dec.size * dec)

    return fir_ac, fir_dc
文件: r2daq.py 项目: project8/phasmid
	def _built_in_filter_design(self,f_ch):
		Design basic shape-matching 127th order FIR filter.
		The filter will attempt to match the following gain envelope:
		    w = [0, s1, p1, p2, s1, 1]
		    h = [0,  0,  1,  1,  0, 0]
		    s1 = f_ch - DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH*0.6
		    p1 = f_ch - DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH*0.4
		    p2 = f_ch + DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH*0.4
		    s2 = f_ch + DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH*0.6,
		h is normalized to a maximum of 1, and w is the angular frequency 
		normalized to pi.
		f_ch : float
		    Center frequency of bandpass filter.
		B : ndarray
		    FIR filter coefficients.
		# filter channel should be at least more than digital bandwidth from sampled boundaries
		f_lower = self.DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH
		if f_ch <= f_lower or f_ch >= f_upper:
			raise RuntimeError("Digital channel center frequency is {0:7.3f}MHz, but should be within ({1:7.3f},{2:7.3f}) MHz".format(f_ch/1e6,f_lower/1e6,f_upper/1e6))
		# construct envelope
		f_pass = f_ch + array([-1,1])*self.DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH*0.4
		f_stop = f_ch + array([-1,1])*self.DIGITAL_CHANNEL_WIDTH*0.6
		w_pass = f_pass/(self.ADC_SAMPLE_RATE/2)
		w_stop = f_stop/(self.ADC_SAMPLE_RATE/2)
		filt_gain = array([0,0,1,1,0,0])
		filt_freq = concatenate(([0],[w_stop[0]], w_pass, [w_pass[1]], [1.0]))
		B = firwin2(128,filt_freq,filt_gain,window='boxcar')
		# normalize to absolute maximum of 0.5
		B = 0.5*B/(abs(B).max())
		return B
def outmidear(n,fs):
# This funtion creates an N-coefficients FIR filter that simulates the
# outer-middle ear. FS is the sampling frequency of the signal to be
# filtered.
# The specification of the filter is taken from a figure in:
# B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, A model of loudness applicable to 
# time-varying sounds, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 50: 331-342 (2002)
    f = array([             0, .02, .05,    .1, .2,  .5,  .6, .7, 1, 2, 3, 4,  5,  8,   9,  10, 12,  13,  14,  15]) * 1000
    g = array([ float('-inf'), -39, -19, -12.5, -8,  -2,  -1,  0, 0, 4, 8, 8,  5, -9, -11, -11, -9, -13, -19, -15]) # gain
    m = 10 ** (g/20)
    if fs/2 > f[-1]:
        f = concatenate( (f, [fs/2]) )
        m = concatenate( (m, [0]) )
        mend = interp( fs/2, f, m )
        i = f < fs/2
        f = concatenate( ( f[i], [fs/2] ) )
        m = concatenate( ( m[i], [mend] ) )
    oddsize = 2*ceil(n/2) + 1
    b = firwin2( oddsize, f/(fs/2), m )
    return b
def build_filter():
    die_window = 3
    live_window = 4
    live_gain = 2**0.5

    freq_full = [
        0, 3, 5, 50 - live_window, 50 - die_window, 50 + die_window,
        50 + live_window, 100 - live_window, 100 - die_window,
        100 + die_window, 100 + live_window, nyq

    gain_full = [
        0, 0, 2**0.5, live_gain, 0, 0, live_gain, live_gain, 0, 0, live_gain, 1

    freq_low = [0, 3, 5, 40, 45, nyq]

    gain_low = [0, 0, live_gain, live_gain, 0, 0]

    b = signal.firwin2(sfreq, freq_low, gain_low, nyq=nyq, antisymmetric=False)
    return b
 def __init__(self,
     self.n_taps = n_taps
     self.buffer = SlidingWindowBuffer(self.n_taps)
     self.ba_bandpass = sg.firwin2(
         64 * butter_order, [0, band[0], band[0], band[1], band[1], fs / 2],
         [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
         fs=fs), [1., 0]
     self.n_taps_edge = n_taps_edge
     self.ar_order = ar_order
     self.band = band
     self.fs = fs
     self.max_chunk_size = max_chunk_size
def equalize_with_absolute_frequencies(sound: np.ndarray,
                                       event: 'sinethesizer.synth.core.Event',
                                       breakpoint_frequencies: List[float],
                                       gains: List[float],
                                       **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
    Change power and amplitude distribution across frequencies.

    :param sound:
        sound to be modified
    :param event:
        parameters of sound event for which this function is called
    :param breakpoint_frequencies:
        frequencies (in Hz) that correspond to breaks in frequency response of equalizer
    :param gains:
        relative gains at corresponding breakpoint frequencies; a gain at an intermediate frequency
        is linearly interpolated
        sound with altered frequency balance
    nyquist_frequency = 0.5 * event.frame_rate
    breakpoint_frequencies = [
        min(x / nyquist_frequency, 1) for x in breakpoint_frequencies
    gains = [x for x in gains]  # Copy it to prevent modifying original list.
    if breakpoint_frequencies[0] != 0:
        breakpoint_frequencies.insert(0, 0)
        gains.insert(0, gains[0])
    if breakpoint_frequencies[-1] != 1:
    # `fir_size` is odd, because else there are constraints on `gains`.
    fir_size = 2 * int(round(event.frame_rate / 100)) + 1
    fir = firwin2(fir_size, breakpoint_frequencies, gains, **kwargs)
    sound = np.vstack((
        convolve(sound[0, :], fir, mode='same'),
        convolve(sound[1, :], fir, mode='same'),
    return sound
    def _design_window(self):
        self._nyquist = self.sample_rate / 2

        # firwin2 requires that the freqs vector begin at 0 and end at nyquist.
        # therefore we will add those manually if they're not there.

        if len(self.freqs) != len(self.gains):
            raise ValueError("Lengths of freqs and gains should be the same.")

        self.freqs = [float(freq) for freq in self.freqs]
        self.gains = [float(gain) for gain in self.gains]

        if self.freqs[0] != 0:

        if self.freqs[-1] != self._nyquist:

        # Pad the filter appropriately.
        my_type = self.get_filter_type()
        print("Type of filter is ", my_type)

        if my_type == 2 or my_type == 3:
            if self.gains[-1] != 0:
        if my_type == 3 or my_type == 4:
            if self.gains[0] != 0:

        while len(self.freqs) > len(self.gains):
            print("Had to pad so that len freqs = len gains...")

        print("freqs vector became ", self.freqs)
        print("gains vector became ", self.gains)

        self.B = signal.firwin2(self.taps, self.freqs, self.gains,
                                window=self.window, nyq=self._nyquist,
def get_filter(bounds = [8,13], sfreq=125.):
        bounds: np.array, (2,)
        sfreq: float
        filt: np.array, (int(round(1 * sfreq)) + 1,)
    f_low_lb = bounds[0] - 1
    f_low_ub = bounds[0]
    f_high_lb = bounds[1]
    f_high_ub = bounds[1] + 1

    nyq = sfreq / 2.  # the Nyquist frequency is half our sample rate

    freq = [0., f_low_lb, f_low_ub, f_high_lb, f_high_ub, nyq]
    gain = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]
    n = int(round(1 * sfreq)) + 1

    filt = signal.firwin2(n, freq, gain, nyq=nyq)

    return filt
def create_lowpass_filter(band_center=0.5,
    Calculate the highest frequency we need to preserve and the lowest frequency we allow
    to pass through.
    Note that frequency is on a scale from 0 to 1 where 0 is 0 and 1 is Nyquist frequency of
    the signal BEFORE downsampling.

    # transitionBandwidth = 0.03
    passbandMax = band_center / (1 + transitionBandwidth)
    stopbandMin = band_center * (1 + transitionBandwidth)

    # Unlike the filter tool we used online yesterday, this tool does
    # not allow us to specify how closely the filter matches our
    # specifications. Instead, we specify the length of the kernel.
    # The longer the kernel is, the more precisely it will match.
    # kernelLength = 256

    # We specify a list of key frequencies for which we will require
    # that the filter match a specific output gain.
    # From [0.0 to passbandMax] is the frequency range we want to keep
    # untouched and [stopbandMin, 1.0] is the range we want to remove
    keyFrequencies = [0.0, passbandMax, stopbandMin, 1.0]

    # We specify a list of output gains to correspond to the key
    # frequencies listed above.
    # The first two gains are 1.0 because they correspond to the first
    # two key frequencies. the second two are 0.0 because they
    # correspond to the stopband frequencies
    gainAtKeyFrequencies = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    # This command produces the filter kernel coefficients
    filterKernel = signal.firwin2(kernelLength, keyFrequencies,

    return filterKernel.astype(np.float32)
def absorption_filter(fs, ntaps=31, nfreqs=64, distance=1000, temperature=27, salinity=35, depth=10):
    """Design a FIR filter with response based on acoustic absorption in water.

    :param fs: sampling frequency in Hz
    :param ntaps: number of FIR taps
    :param nfreqs: number of frequencies to use for modeling frequency response
    :param distance: distance in m
    :param temperature: temperature in deg C
    :param salinity: salinity in ppt
    :param depth: depth in m
    :returns: tap weights for a FIR filter that represents absorption at the given distance

    >>> import arlpy
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> fs = 250000
    >>> b = arlpy.uwa.absorption_filter(fs, distance=500)
    >>> x = arlpy.signal.sweep(20000, 40000, 0.5, fs)
    >>> y = arlpy.signal.lfilter0(b, 1, x)
    >>> y /= 500**2      # apply spreading loss for 500m
    nyquist = fs/2.0
    f = _np.linspace(0, nyquist, num=nfreqs)
    g = absorption(f, distance, temperature, salinity, depth)
    return _sp.firwin2(ntaps, f, g, nyq=nyquist)
    # elimina banda
    frecs = [0.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 1.0]
    gains = [0.0, -ripple, -atenuacion, -atenuacion, -ripple, 0.0]

gains = 10**(np.array(gains) / 20)

fs = 2.0

# algunas ventanas para evaluar
#win_name = 'boxcar'
win_name = 'hamming'
#win_name = 'blackmanharris'
#win_name = 'flattop'

# FIR design
num_win = sig.firwin2(cant_coef, frecs, gains, window=win_name)
num_firls = sig.firls(cant_coef, frecs, gains, fs=fs)
num_remez = sig.remez(cant_coef, frecs, gains[::2], fs=fs)

# coeficientes a_0 = 1; a_i = 0, i=1:cant_coef para los filtros FIR
den = 1

ww, hh_win = sig.freqz(num_win, den)
_, hh_firls = sig.freqz(num_firls, den)
_, hh_remez = sig.freqz(num_remez, den)
ww = ww / np.pi


plt.plot(ww, 20 * np.log10(abs(hh_win)), label='win')
plt.plot(ww, 20 * np.log10(abs(hh_firls)), label='ls')
filt_gains_linear = 10**(diff_resp/20)

st_freq = 1
en_freq = RATE // 2

plot_log = True

freq_filt_str = 'none'

filt_gains_clean, filt_gains_freq = utils.cleanup_desired_filter_gain(filt_gains_linear.copy(), freqs.copy(), freq_range=freq_filt_str, fs=RATE)

# plot_resp(filt_gains_linear, freqs, '-', 'Filter gain', meas_type='filter gains', plot_in_db=True, xlim=[st_freq, en_freq], log_x=plot_log)
# plot_resp(filt_gains_clean, filt_gains_freq, '-', 'Cleaned filter gain', meas_type='diff', plot_in_db=True, xlim=[st_freq, en_freq], log_x=plot_log)

numtaps_fir = 769
taps = firwin2(numtaps_fir, filt_gains_freq, filt_gains_clean, fs=RATE)
for tap in taps:
w, h = freqz(taps, 1.0, worN=32768)
w_hz = w / max(w) * RATE / 2

with open('filt_taps_fir.txt', 'w') as out_file:
    for tap in taps:

in_data = [0] * RATE

in_data[0] = len(in_data) / 2
    # der DurchlassbÀnder. F=[0.35 0.55] und pass_zero = 1 erzeugt Bandpass
        bb = sig.firwin( L, F_DB*2.0, window=FILT_FIR_WINDOW )

    elif FILT_FIR_METHOD == 'WIN2':
    ## FIRWIN2: Frequency Sampling FIR-Filterentwurf: Es wird ein linearphas.
    #           Filter erzeugt, das bei den Frequenzen 'freq' die VerstÀrkung
    #           'gain' hat (entsprechend fir2 bei Matlab / Octave)
    # scipy.signal.firwin2(numtaps, freq, gain, nfreqs=None, window='hamming',
    #                           nyq=1.0, antisymmetric=False)
    # Mit antisymmetric = True werden Filter mit ungerader Symmetrie gewÀhlt
    # (Typ III oder IV), je nachdem ob numtaps gerade oder ungerade ist, wird
    # der Typ weiter eingeschrÀnkt.
        bb = sig.firwin2( L, [0, F_DB, F_SB, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0],
                         window=FILT_FIR_WINDOW )
    # Example for Multi-band Hilbert Filter taken from Matlab firls reference
    #    F = [0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9, 1]; A = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0]
    #    bb = sig.firwin2( 25, F,A, window='boxcar', antisymmetric=True )

    elif FILT_FIR_METHOD == 'REMEZ':
    # Filterentwurf mit Parks-McClellan / Remez / Equiripple ... Algorithmus
    # Angabe von Frequenz/Amplituden Punkten im Durchlassband und Sperrband,
    #    optional mit Gewichtung (hier: 1 im Durchlassband, 4 im Sperrband)
#        print dsp.remlplen_kaiser(F_DB,F_SB,del_DB,del_SB)
        print (dsp.remlplen_herrmann(F_DB,F_SB,del_DB,del_SB))
        print (dsp.remlplen_ichige(F_DB,F_SB,del_DB,del_SB))
        L = dsp.remlplen_ichige(F_DB,F_SB,del_DB,del_SB) + 1
def filter_DBY(data):
    a = np.ones(50000)

    #Switching power supply frequency (~290 KHz)
    #AM 540 KHz
    a[5350:5450] = 0
    #AM 580 KHz
    a[5750:5850] =0
    #AM 740 KHz
    a[7350:7450] = 0
    #AM 810 KHz
    a[8050:8150] =0
    #AM 840 KHz
    a[8350:8450] =0
    #AM 920 KHz
    a[9150:9250] =0
    #AM 990 KHz
    a[9850:9950] =0
    #AM 1030 KHz
    a[10250:10350] = 0
    #AM 1060 KHz
    a[10550:10650] = 0
    #AM 1180 KHz
    a[11750:11850] = 0
    #AM 1240 KHz
    a[12350:12450] =0
    #AM 1300 KHz
    a[12950:13050] = 0
    #AM 1350 KHz
    a[13450:13550] = 0
    #AM 1510 KHz
    a[15050:15150] = 0
    #80 m Ham band (3.97 MHz)
    a[39650:39750] = 0
    #80 m Ham band (4 MHz)
    a[39950:40050]= 0
    [h, fpoints] = sigs.freqz(b, 1, 50000,10E6)
    #Run the FIR filter
    vec = sigs.lfilter(b,1,data)
    return vec
 def test_input_modyfication(self):
     freq1 = np.array([0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0])
     freq2 = np.array(freq1)
     firwin2(80, freq1, [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
     assert_equal(freq1, freq2)
def CicComp(fc : float, fstop : float, fs_cicout : float,
            cic_order : int, cic_ratio : int,
            fir_order : int, fir_ratio : int,
            cic_diffDel: int = 1, window: str = None, suppressionDb: float = 80.0, minPhase: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
    Design CIC compensation filter. The compensatio filter does additional decimation since this is the most common
    approach to build compound filters.

    :param fc: Cutoff frequency in Hz
    :param fstop: Start frequency of the stop-band in Hz
    :param fs_cicout: Sampling frequency at the CIC output in Hz
    :param cic_order: Order of the CIC filter
    :param cic_ratio: CIC filter decimation ratio
    :param fir_order: Order of the FIR filter
    :param fir_ratio: Decimation ratio of the FIR filter
    :param cic_diffDel: Differential delay of CIC filter (optional, default = 1)
    :param window: Window type as string (e.g. "flattop", "hamming", "blackman")
    :param suppressionDb: Stopband suppression in dB
    :param minPhase: True = Design a minimum phase FIR, False = design a linear phase FIR
    :return: FIR coefficients
    #Derived parameters
    fsFirOut = fs_cicout/fir_ratio
    fsCicIn = fs_cicout*cic_ratio
    if window is None:
        window = "flattop"
    POINTS = 16384
    gainStop = 1/dB2Lin(suppressionDb)

    #Check parameters
    if fc >= fstop: raise ValueError("fc must be < fstop")
    if fstop >= fsFirOut/2: raise ValueError("fstop must be < FIR output sample rate / 2")

    #Calculate Parameters
    fCicCorr = np.linspace(0, fs_cicout/2, POINTS)
    cicResp = CicFreqResp(fCicCorr, fsCicIn, cic_ratio, cic_order, normalize=True, diffDelay=cic_diffDel)
    hCicCorr = 1/cicResp
    fFir = []
    hFir = []
    addedFstop = False
    for f, h in zip(fCicCorr, hCicCorr):
        if f < fc:
        elif (f > fstop) and (f < fs_cicout/2):
        elif not addedFstop:
            addedFstop = True
    #Filter must have a zero at fs/2
    fFirNorm = np.array(fFir) / (fs_cicout/2)
    firCoefs = sps.firwin2(fir_order+1, fFirNorm, hFir, window=window)
    #Correct DC gain has priority
    firCoefs = firCoefs / np.sum(firCoefs)
    #Convert to minimum phase if required
    if minPhase:
        return MinPhaseFromLinPhase(firCoefs)
    return firCoefs
F_SB = f_SB/(f_S/2) # auf HALBE Abtastfreq.
A_DB = 0.1 # max. Ripple im DB in dB
A_DB_lin = (10**(A_DB/20.0)-1) / \
  (10**(A_DB/20.0)+1)*2 # und linear
A_SB = 60 # min. Dämpfung im SB in dB
A_SB_lin = 10**(-A_SB/20.0) # und linear
L = 44 # Manuelle Vorgabe Filterordnung
############## FIR-Filterentwurf ##########
a = [1] # Nennerpolynom = 1 bei FIR-Filtern
#=== Windowed FIR / Least Square =========
F_c  = f_DB / (f_S/2)  # -6dB - Frequenz
b = sig.firwin(L, F_c) # Hamming-Window
#=== Frequency Sampling ==================
b = sig.firwin2(L, [0, F_DB, F_SB, 1],
           [1, 1, 0, 0])
#=== REMEZ / Parks-McClellan / Equiripple
W_DB = 1;  W_SB = 1 # manuelle Ordnung:
b = sig.remez(L, [0, F_DB, F_SB, 1],
            [0, 1], [W_DB, W_SB], Hz = 2)
# minimale Ordnung:
(L_min,F,A,W) = dsp.remezord([F_DB, F_SB],
    [1, 0], [A_DB_lin, A_SB_lin], Hz = 2)
b = sig.remez(L_min, F, A, W )
##############  IIR-Filterentwurf  ########
#=== Butterworth Filter===================
[Lb,F_b] = sig.buttord(F_DB,F_SB,A_DB,A_SB)
#[b, a] = sig.butter(Lb, F_b)
#=== IIR-Wrapper (nur Python) =====
#[b, a] = sig.iirdesign(F_DB, F_SB,
#              A_DB, A_SB, ftype='ellip')
def test_firwin2():
    """Test firwin2 backport
    taps1 = mne_firwin2(150, [0.0, 0.5, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    taps2 = signal.firwin2(150, [0.0, 0.5, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    assert_array_equal(taps1, taps2)
def cic_calc():
    Main function: calculate fir filter compensator

    # Cutoff frequency after decimation by R:
    fr = Fo / R

    flin = np.linspace(0, 1, NFFT // 2)
    fhlf = np.linspace(0, 0.5, NFFT // 2)

    hcic = np.zeros(NFFT)
    hfir = np.zeros(NFFT // 2)

    # Calculate CIC responce:
    for i in range(NFFT):
        if i == 0:
            hcic[i] = 1
            hcic[i] = R**(-N) * M**N * np.abs(
                np.sin(np.pi * M * R * i / NFFT) / np.sin(np.pi * i / NFFT))**N
    hcic_db = 20 * np.log10(hcic)

    # Calculate Ideal FIF filter responce:
    # NB! You can change FIR corrector freq bandwidth. Just multiply sine
    # arguments for the next equation by 2.
    for i in range(NFFT // 2):
        if i < int(Fo * NFFT):
            if i == 0:
                hfir[i] = 1
                hfir[i] = np.abs(M * R * np.sin(np.pi * i / R / NFFT) /
                                 np.sin(np.pi * M * i / NFFT))**N
            hfir[i] = 0

    # Calculate FIR by using firwin2() function:
    fir_win = signal.firwin2(numtaps=NFIR,
                             window=("kaiser", BETA))

    fir_win /= np.max(fir_win)

    # Calculate freq responce for FIR filter
    fir_fft = np.abs(fft(fir_win, int(np.ceil(NFFT / R))))
    fir_fft[fir_fft == 0] = 1e-10  # For log(x) function

    fir_db2 = 20 * np.log10(fir_fft)
    fir_db2 -= np.max(fir_db2)

    fir_rep = np.tile(fir_db2, R)
    fir_dif = hcic_db + fir_rep
    fir_dif -= np.max(fir_dif)

    if IS_COE:
        fix_coe = np.round(fir_win * ((2**NWDT - 1) - 1))
        with open("fir_taps.coe", "w") as fl:
            fl.write("; XILINX FIR filter coefficient (.COE) File\n")
            fl.write("; Generated by Python " + version[0:5] + "\n")
            fl.write("; Generated on " +
                     dt.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + "\n")
            fl.write("Radix = 10;\nCoefficient_Width = %d;\n" % NWDT)
            fl.write("CoefData = \n")
            for i in range(NFIR):
                fl.write("%s" % int(fix_coe[i]))
                if i == (NFIR - 1):

    if IS_HDR:
        with open("fir_taps.h", "w") as fl:
            fl.write("/*\n * Filter Coefficients (C Source) file header\n"
                     " * Generated by Python " + version[0:5] + "\n")
            fl.write(" * Generated on " +
                     dt.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") +
                     "\n */\n\n")
            fl.write("const int BL = %d;\n" % NWDT)
            fl.write("const float B[%d] = {\n" % NWDT)
            for i in range(NFIR):
                fl.write("\t%f" % fir_win[i])
                if i == (NFIR - 1):
                if (i + 1) % 4 == 0:

    # Passband irregularity: calculate mean value and freq error
    p_band = int(np.ceil(0.9 * fr * fir_dif.size))
    i_band = fir_dif[2:p_band]
    i_mean = np.mean(i_band) * np.ones(int(NFFT / 2 / R))
    i_stdx = 0.5 * (np.max(i_band) - np.min(i_band))

    # Plot results
    plt.figure("FIR Filter Compensator ideal response")
    plt.subplot(3, 2, 1)
    plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 0.5, NFFT // 2),
             label="Fo = %0.2f" % Fo)
    plt.title("Ideal freq response")
    plt.xlim([0, 0.5])

    plt.subplot(3, 2, 2)
    plt.plot(np.linspace(-NFIR / 2, NFIR / 2, NFIR),
             label="N = %d" % NFIR)
    plt.title("FIR impulse response")
    plt.xlim([-NFIR / 2, NFIR / 2])

    plt.subplot(3, 2, 3)
    plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 1, NFFT),
             label="R = %d\nN = %d" % (R, N))
    plt.title("CIC freq responce")
    plt.xlim([0, 1])
    plt.ylim([-140, 5])

    plt.subplot(3, 2, 4)
    plt.plot(fhlf, hcic_db[0:NFFT // 2], "-.", linewidth=0.95)
    plt.plot(fhlf, fir_rep[0:NFFT // 2], "--", linewidth=0.95)
    plt.plot(fhlf, fir_dif[0:NFFT // 2], "-", linewidth=1.20)
    plt.title("CIC, FIR, SUM")
    plt.xlim([0, 0.5])
    plt.ylim([-120, 5])

    plt.subplot(3, 2, 5)
    plt.plot(fhlf, hcic_db[0:NFFT // 2], "-.", linewidth=0.90)
    plt.plot(fhlf, fir_rep[0:NFFT // 2], "--", linewidth=0.90)
    plt.plot(fhlf, fir_dif[0:NFFT // 2], "-", linewidth=1.20)
    plt.title("Zoom result")
    plt.xlim([0, 0.5 / R])
    plt.ylim([-120, 5])

    plt.subplot(3, 2, 6)
    plt.plot(fhlf, fir_dif[0:NFFT // 2], "--", linewidth=0.75)
    plt.plot(i_mean, "-", linewidth=1.00, label="Error = %0.4f" % i_stdx)
    # label="Mean = %0.4f \nError = %0.4f" % (i_mean[0], i_stdx))
    plt.title("Passband irregularity")
    plt.xlim([0, fr])
    plt.ylim([i_mean[0] - 3 * i_stdx, i_mean[0] + 3 * i_stdx])

trans_bandwidth = 10  # 10 Hz transition band
f_s = f_p + trans_bandwidth  # = 50 Hz

freq = [0., f_p, f_s, nyq]
gain = [1., 1., 0., 0.]
ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=third_height)[1]
title = '%s Hz lowpass with a %s Hz transition' % (f_p, trans_bandwidth)
plot_ideal_filter(freq, gain, ax, title=title, flim=flim)

# Accepting a shallower roll-off of the filter in the frequency domain makes
# our time-domain response potentially much better. We end up with a
# smoother slope through the transition region, but a *much* cleaner time
# domain signal. Here again for the 1 sec filter:

h = signal.firwin2(n, freq, gain, nyq=nyq)
plot_filter(h, sfreq, freq, gain, 'Windowed 10-Hz transition (1.0 sec)',

# Since our lowpass is around 40 Hz with a 10 Hz transition, we can actually
# use a shorter filter (5 cycles at 10 Hz = 0.5 sec) and still get okay
# stop-band attenuation:

n = int(round(sfreq * 0.5)) + 1
h = signal.firwin2(n, freq, gain, nyq=nyq)
plot_filter(h, sfreq, freq, gain, 'Windowed 10-Hz transition (0.5 sec)',

# But then if we shorten the filter too much (2 cycles of 10 Hz = 0.2 sec),
def test_firwin2():
    """Test firwin2 backport
    taps1 = mne_firwin2(150, [0.0, 0.5, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    taps2 = signal.firwin2(150, [0.0, 0.5, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    assert_equal(taps1, taps2)
文件: porc.py 项目: AchimTuran/porc
def roomcomp(impresp, filter, target, ntaps, mixed_phase, opformat, trim, nsthresh, noplot):

  print "Loading impulse response"
  # Read impulse response
  Fs, data = wavfile.read(impresp)
  data = norm(np.hstack(data))

  if trim:
    print "Removing leading silence"
    for spos,sval in enumerate(data):
        if abs(sval)>nsthresh:
            ld =len(data)
            print 'Impulse starts at position ', spos, '/', len(data)
            print 'Trimming ', float(lzs)/float(Fs), ' seconds of silence'
            data=data[lzs:len(data)] #remove everything before sample at spos
  print "\nSample rate = ", Fs
  print "\nGenerating correction filter"

  ## Logarithmic pole positioning

  fplog = np.hstack((sp.logspace(sp.log10(20.), sp.log10(200.), 14.), sp.logspace(sp.log10(250.), 
             sp.log10(20000.), 13.))) 
  plog = freqpoles(fplog, Fs)

  ## Preparing data

  # making the measured response minumum-phase
  cp, minresp = rceps(data)

  # Impulse response
  imp = np.zeros(len(data), dtype=np.float64)

  # Target
  outf = []
  db = []

  if target is 'flat':
    # Make the target output a bandpass filter
    Bf, Af = sig.butter(4, 30/(Fs/2), 'high')
    outf = sig.lfilter(Bf, Af, imp) 
    # load target file
    t = np.loadtxt(target)
    frq = t[:,0]; pwr = t[:,1]
    # calculate the FIR filter via windowing method
    fir = sig.firwin2(501, frq, np.power(10, pwr/20.0), nyq = frq[-1])	
    # Minimum phase, zero padding	
    cp, outf = rceps(np.append(fir, np.zeros(len(minresp) - len(fir))))
  ## Filter design

  #Parallel filter design
  (Bm, Am, FIR) = parfiltid(minresp, outf, plog)

  # equalized loudspeaker response - filtering the 
  # measured transfer function by the parallel filter
  equalizedresp = parfilt(Bm, Am, FIR, data)

  # Equalizer impulse response - filtering a unit pulse
  equalizer = norm(parfilt(Bm, Am, FIR, imp))

  # Windowing with a half hanning window in time domain
  han = np.hanning(ntaps*2)[-ntaps:]
  equalizer = han * equalizer[:ntaps]

  ## Mixed-phase compensation
  ## Based on the paper "Mixed Time-Frequency approach for Multipoint
  ## Room Rosponse Equalization," by A. Carini et al.
  ## To use this feature, your Room Impulse Response should have all
  ## the leading zeros removed.
  if mixed_phase is True:
    # prototype function
    hp = norm(np.real(equalizedresp))

    # time integration of the human ear is ~24ms
    # See "Measuring the mixing time in auditoria," by Defrance & Polack
    hop_size = 0.024
    samples = hop_size * Fs

    bins = np.int(np.ceil(len(hp) / samples))

    tmix = 0

    # Kurtosis method
    for b in range(bins):
      start = np.int(b * samples)
      end = np.int((b+1) * samples)
      k = kurtosis(hp[start:end])
      if k <= 0:
        tmix = b * hop_size

    # truncate the prototype function
    taps = np.int(tmix*Fs)

    print "\nmixing time(secs) = ", tmix, "; taps = ", taps
    if taps > 0:
      # Time reverse the array
      h = hp[:taps][::-1]
      # create all pass filter
      phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(h))
      H = np.exp(1j*phase)
      # convert from db to linear
      mixed = np.power(10, np.real(H)/20.0)
      # create filter's impulse response
      mixed = np.real(ifft(mixed))
      # convolve and window to desired length
      equalizer = conv(equalizer, mixed)
      equalizer = han * equalizer[:ntaps]
      #data = han * data[:ntaps]
      #eqresp = np.real(conv(equalizer, data))
      print "zero taps; skipping mixed-phase computation"
  if opformat in ('wav', 'wav24'):      
  # Write data
    wavwrite_24(filter, Fs, norm(np.real(equalizer)))
    print '\nOutput format is wav24'
    print 'Output filter length =', len(equalizer), 'taps'
    print 'Output filter written to ' + filter
    print "\nUse sox to convert output .wav to raw 32 bit IEEE floating point if necessary,"
    print "or to merge left and right channels into a stereo .wav"
    print "\nExample: sox leq48.wav -t f32 leq48.bin"
    print "         sox -M le148.wav req48.wav output.wav\n"

  elif opformat == 'wav32':
    wavwrite_32(filter, Fs, norm(np.real(equalizer)))
    print '\nOutput format is wav32'
    print 'Output filter length =', len(equalizer), 'taps'
    print 'Output filter written to ' + filter
    print "\nUse sox to convert output .wav to raw 32 bit IEEE floating point if necessary,"
    print "or to merge left and right channels into a stereo .wav"
    print "\nExample: sox leq48.wav -t f32 leq48.bin"
    print "         sox -M le148.wav req48.wav output.wav\n"
  elif opformat == 'bin':
    # direct output to bin avoids float64->pcm16->float32 conversion by going direct 
    f = open(filter, 'wb')
    print '\nOutput filter length =', len(equalizer), 'taps'
    print 'Output filter written to ' + filter
    print 'Output format not recognized, no file generated.'

  ## Plots
  if not noplot:
    data *= 500
    # original loudspeaker-room response
    tfplot(data, Fs, avg = 'abs')
    # 1/3 Octave smoothed
    tfplots(data, Fs, 'r')

    #tfplot(mixed, Fs, 'r')

    # equalizer transfer function
    tfplot(0.75*equalizer, Fs, 'g')
    # indicating pole frequencies
    plt.vlines(fplog, -2, 2, color='k', linestyles='solid')

    # equalized loudspeaker-room response
    tfplot(equalizedresp*0.01, Fs, avg = 'abs')
    # 1/3 Octave smoothed
    tfplots(equalizedresp*0.01, Fs, 'r')

    # Add labels
    # May need to reposition these based on input data
    plt.text(325,30,'Unequalized loudspeaker-room response')
    plt.text(100,-15,'Equalizer transfer function')
    plt.text(100,-21,'(Black lines: pole locations)')
    plt.text(130,-70,'Equalized loudspeaker-room response')

    a = plt.gca()
    a.set_xlim([20, 20000])
    a.set_ylim([-80, 80])
    plt.ylabel('Amplitude (dB)', color='b')
    plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
def artifact_rejection_with_lcf(eeg_data, fs,
            freq=(0.5, None),
            ref_ch=None, eeg_ch=None):
    Example function covering the steps defined in :ref:`step_by_step`.

    1. **Filter the data**: FIR filters are applied within the specified range

    2. **Check reference channel**: Re-reference the data to the specified
       channel (*ref_ch*).

    3. **Remove the baseline**: Baseline is computed using function
       :func:`eeglcf.mixnp.zscore_outliers`, which ignores outliers.

    4. **Reject noisy EEG channels**: Channel rejected using sample function

    5. **Reject noisy EEG trials**: Trial rejected using sample function

    6. **Apply the BSS algorithm**: `FastICA`_ algorithm is applied as the BSS
       technique, via the sample function :func:`eeglcf.lazy.fastica`.

    7. **Identify artifactual components**: In this case, we do not apply this
       step. Hence, the architecture corresponds to the application of the LCF
       method by itself.

    8. **Process artifactual components**: All 0s components are used as
       alternative components.

    9. **Apply LCF**: This is:

       .. code-block:: python

         c_data = eeglcf.lcf(b_data, a_data)

       where *b_data* is a numpy.ndarray containing the result of applying a BSS method
       to EEG data, and *a_data* is an alternative "cleaner" version of the previous.
       Both variable have dimensions CxTxE, where C, T and E are the number of
       channels, time samples and events respectively.

    10. **Apply the BSS^{-1} algorithm**: Back-project `FastICA`_ via the
        sample function :func:`eeglcf.lazy.inv_fastica`.

    11. **Remove baseline**. Baseline is computed using function
       :func:`eeglcf.mixnp.zscore_outliers`, which ignores outliers.

    12. **Reject channels inside events**: Not coded.

    13. **Interpolate channels**: Not coded.

    eeg_data : array
        EEG data.
    fs : float
        EEG sampling frequency.
    freq : tuple
        Tuple with the lower and higher cut-off frequencies respectively. If
        freq[0] is None, no high-pass filter is applied. If freq[1] is None, no
        low-pass filter is applied.
    ref_ch : int, None
        Index of the EEG reference channel. If None, the EEG will be
        re-referenced to channel 0.
    eeg_ch : list, None
        List of the channel indices corresponding to EEG signals (i.e.
        excluding EOG, EMG, ...). If None, all channels will be considered EEG

    res : array
        Clean EEG data


    # Set the dimensions of eeg_data
    ch_dim = 0
    t_dim = 1

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 1. Filter the data to remove uninteresting frequencies, which can
    #    potentially carry noise.

    if freq[0] is not None:  # High-pass filter the data
        # Design the filter. We will use a FIR filter of order 100 and a
        # Hamming window
        if freq[0] > 2:  # Set a transition band of 2 Hz.
            x_freq = [0, freq[0]/fs, (freq[0]-2)/fs, 1]
            gain = [0, 0, 1, 1]
        else:  # freq[0] <= 2  # No transition band
            x_freq = [0, freq[0]/fs, 1]
            gain = [0, 1, 1]
        filt_ba = [sp_signal.firwin2(numtaps=100, freq=x_freq, gain=gain,
                                     window='hamming', antisymmetric=True),
        # High-pass filtered data
        hpf_data = sp_signal.filtfilt(b=filt_ba[0], a=filt_ba[1], x=eeg_data,
                                      axis=t_dim, padtype='odd',
    else:  # Do not filter
        hpf_data = eeg_data

    if freq[1] is not None:  # Low-pass filter the data
        # Design the filter. We will use a FIR filter of order 101 and a
        # Hamming window
        if freq[1]+2 < fs:  # Use a transition band of 2 Hz
            x_freq = [0, freq[1]/fs, (freq[1]+2)/fs, 1]
            gain = [1, 1, 0, 0]
        else:  # freq[1]+2 >= fs  # No transition band
            x_freq = [0, freq[1]/eeg_data.fs, 1]
            gain = [1, 1, 0]
        filt_ba = [sp_signal.firwin2(numtaps=101, freq=x_freq, gain=gain,
                                     window='hamming', antisymmetric=False),
        # Low-pass filtered data
        f_data = sp_signal.filtfilt(b=filt_ba[0], a=filt_ba[1], x=hpf_data,
                                    axis=t_dim, padtype='odd',

    else:  # Do not filter
        f_data = hpf_data

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 2. Make sure that the data has a reference channel.
    #    Avoid common average reference before cleaning the signal, as it will
    # spread the noise throughout all channels.
    #    Some systems, such as BIOSEMI, provide signal without reference.

    if ref_ch is None:  # Re-reference the data to channel 0
        ref_ch = 0
        ref_data = f_data - f_data.take([ref_ch], axis=ch_dim)
        ref_data = f_data

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 3. Remove the baseline

    # We compute the average rejecting outliers
    rb_data = ref_data - mixnp.zscore_outliers(ref_data, axis=t_dim, keep_dims=True)[1]

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 4. Reject noisy EEG channels

    # Apply your preferred method for channel rejection. In this case, we will
    # use *noisy_ch* function as an example.
    if eeg_ch is None:  # All channels are EEG channels
        eeg_ch = range(rb_data.shape[ch_dim])
    sel_chs = np.array([ch_n for ch_n in range(rb_data.shape[ch_dim])
                        if (ch_n != ref_ch) and (ch_n in eeg_ch)])
    rej_ch = noisy_ch(rb_data.take(sel_chs, axis=ch_dim))
    # Adapt the list of rejected channels to consider all channels
    rej_ch = sel_chs[rej_ch]
    # Remove channels
    kept_ch = [ch_n for ch_n in range(rb_data.shape[ch_dim])
               if ch_n not in rej_ch]
    ch_data = rb_data.take(kept_ch, axis=ch_dim)

    # You should keep the list of rejected channels if you wish to interpolate
    # them back into the data later on.

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 5. Reject noisy EEG events/trials

    # Apply your preferred method for event rejection. We will use the support
    # function *noisy_ev*.
    rej_ev = noisy_ev(ch_data)
    kept_ev = [ev_n for ev_n in range(rb_data.shape[ev_dim])
               if ev_n not in rej_ev]
    ev_data = ch_data.take(kept_ev, axis=ev_dim)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 6. Apply the BSS algorithm

    ica, comp = fastica(ev_data)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 7. Apply the artifactual component detection and processing algorithm

    # In this example, we do not apply any artifactual component detection or
    # processing algorithm. We evaluate all components with LCF using all 0s
    # alternative signals.

    pp_comp = None
    rej_comps = None

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 8. Apply LCF

    if rej_comps is None:  # All components considered
        lcf_comp = lcf(comp, pp_comp)

    else:  # Apply LCF only to the rejected components
        rej_slice = [None]*3
        rej_slice[ch_dim] = rej_comps
        lcf_comp = copy.copy(comp)
        lcf_comp[rej_slice] = lcf(comp[rej_slice], pp_comp[rej_slice])

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 9. Back-project to the original space

    rc_data = inv_fastica(ica, lcf_comp)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 10. Remove baseline

    # The baseline can be offset by the BSS processing. It is recommended to
    # re-remove the baseline
    rb_data = rc_data - mixnp.zscore_outliers(rc_data, axis=t_dim,

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 11. Reject channels inside events
    #   Analyze channels within each event to reject and interpolate those that
    # are still too noisy. Note that the interpolation is also done within
    # individual events.


    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 12. Interpolate channels rejected in step 4


    return rb_data
trans_bandwidth = 10  # 10 Hz transition band
f_s = f_p + trans_bandwidth  # = 50 Hz

freq = [0., f_p, f_s, nyq]
gain = [1., 1., 0., 0.]
ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=third_height)[1]
title = '%s Hz lowpass with a %s Hz transition' % (f_p, trans_bandwidth)
plot_ideal_filter(freq, gain, ax, title=title, flim=flim)

# Accepting a shallower roll-off of the filter in the frequency domain makes
# our time-domain response potentially much better. We end up with a
# smoother slope through the transition region, but a *much* cleaner time
# domain signal. Here again for the 1 sec filter:

h = signal.firwin2(n, freq, gain, nyq=nyq)
plot_filter(h, sfreq, freq, gain, 'Windowed 10-Hz transition (1.0 sec)',

# Since our lowpass is around 40 Hz with a 10 Hz transition, we can actually
# use a shorter filter (5 cycles at 10 Hz = 0.5 sec) and still get okay
# stop-band attenuation:

n = int(round(sfreq * 0.5)) + 1
h = signal.firwin2(n, freq, gain, nyq=nyq)
plot_filter(h, sfreq, freq, gain, 'Windowed 10-Hz transition (0.5 sec)',

# But then if we shorten the filter too much (2 cycles of 10 Hz = 0.2 sec),
 def test_nyq(self):
     taps1 = firwin2(80, [0.0, 0.5, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
     taps2 = firwin2(80, [0.0, 30.0, 60.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], nyq=60.0)
     assert_array_almost_equal(taps1, taps2)
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

b = signal.firwin2(150, [0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0], [1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.0])
w, h = signal.freqz(b)

plt.title('Digital filter frequency response')
plt.plot(w, np.abs(h))
plt.title('Digital filter frequency response')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude Response')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (rad/sample)')
freq_pal4fsc = 4 * 4.43361875
Npilot = 16
#pilot_filter = sps.firwin(Npilot + 1, [3.7 / (freq_pal4fsc / 2), 3.8 / (freq_pal4fsc / 2)], window='hamming', pass_zero=False)
pilot_filter = sps.firwin(Npilot + 1, [3.74 / 7.5, 3.76 / 7.5], window='hamming', pass_zero=False)
WriteFilter("pilot", pilot_filter)

# fm deemphasis (75us)
table = [[.000, 0], [.1, -.01], [.5, -.23], [1, -.87], [2, -2.76], [3, -4.77], [4, -6.58], [5, -8.16], [6, -9.54], [7, -10.75], [8, -11.82], [9, -12.78], [10, -13.66], [11, -14.45], [12, -15.18], [13, -15.86], [14, -16.49], [15, -17.07], [16, -17.62], [17, -18.14], [18, -18.63], [19, -19.09], [20, -19.53], [24, -20]]

Fr = np.empty([len(table)])
Am = np.empty([len(table)])
for i in range(0, len(table)):
	Fr[i] = (table[i][0] / 24.0)
	Am[i] = (np.exp(table[i][1] / 9.0))

Bfmdeemp = sps.firwin2(33, Fr, Am)
WriteFilter("fmdeemp", Bfmdeemp)

# bandpass filter for smoothing out EFM audio, fsc=8
efm_filter_bf = sps.firwin(49, [.05/freq, 1.10/freq], pass_zero=False)
efm_filter_af = [1.0]
WriteFilter("efm8", efm_filter_bf, efm_filter_af)

# Used to determine sync status - feed it a 1 when level < 12000 (fsc8) or IRE -10 or so (fsc4) 
f_syncid_b, f_syncid_a = sps.butter(3, 0.002)
WriteFilter("syncid8", f_syncid_b, f_syncid_a)

f_syncid_b, f_syncid_a = sps.butter(3, 0.004)
WriteFilter("syncid4", f_syncid_b, f_syncid_a)

f_syncid_b, f_syncid_a = sps.butter(3, 0.0018)
 def test_tuple(self):
     taps1 = firwin2(150, (0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
     taps2 = firwin2(150, [0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
     assert_array_almost_equal(taps1, taps2)
    for j in range(0, 511):
        k = -i + 512 - 256
        l = -j + 512 - 256
        L_MATRIX[j, i] = np.sqrt(k**2 + (D - l)**2)

L_MATRIX = L_MATRIX**(-2) / np.max(np.max(L_MATRIX**(-2)))
DATA = 0

#Design of the weighted ramp filter
deltaterm = np.divide((delta**2), (np.sin(delta)**2))
deltaterm[278] = 1
deltaterm[279] = 1
deltaterm[280] = 1
m = np.concatenate((np.array(np.linspace(0.1, 1 - 1 / 558, 557)), [0]), axis=0)
MODIMPULSERESPONSE = (1 / 2) * signal.firwin2(
    558, np.linspace(0, 1, 558), m, window='hamming')
# tansformation of the weighted ramp filter after zero padding.
MODFILTER = fft(MODIMPULSERESPONSE, 1117, norm="ortho")

fanbeamprojection_modified1 = np.zeros((360, 558))
fanbeamprojection_modified2 = np.zeros((360, 1117), dtype=complex)
fanbeamprojection_modified3 = np.zeros((360, 1117))

DATA = np.zeros((511, 511))
for k in range(0, 359):
    RECONSTRUCTEDMATRIX = np.zeros((511, 511))
    #Compuation of the Modified fanbeam projection
    fanbeamprojection_modified1[k] = np.multiply((D * np.cos(delta)),
 def test_fs_nyq(self):
     taps1 = firwin2(80, [0.0, 0.5, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
     taps2 = firwin2(80, [0.0, 30.0, 60.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], fs=120.0)
     assert_array_almost_equal(taps1, taps2)
     taps2 = firwin2(80, [0.0, 30.0, 60.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], nyq=60.0)
     assert_array_almost_equal(taps1, taps2)
bp_sos_cheby2 = sig.iirdesign(wp=np.array([wp1, wp2]) / nyq_frec,
                              ws=np.array([ws1, ws2]) / nyq_frec,
#bp_sos_bessel = sig.iirdesign(wp=np.array([wp1, wp2]) / nyq_frec, ws=np.array([ws1, ws2]) / nyq_frec, gpass=ripple, gstop=atenuacion, analog=False, ftype='bessel', output='sos')

cant_coef = 501
den = 1.0
num_win = sig.firwin2(cant_coef, frecs, gains, window='blackmanharris')

# el _ es porque todo devuelve lo mismo,no?
# Devuelve un vector de frecuencias y un vector con sus respuestas
w, h_butter = sig.sosfreqz(bp_sos_butter)
_, h_cheby = sig.sosfreqz(bp_sos_cheby)
_, h_cauer = sig.sosfreqz(bp_sos_cauer)
_, h_cheby2 = sig.sosfreqz(bp_sos_cheby2)
#_, h_bessel = sig.sosfreqz(bp_sos_bessel)
_, hh_win = sig.freqz(num_win, den)

w = w / np.pi * nyq_frec

plt.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(h_butter)), label='IIR-Butter')
plt.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(h_cheby)), label='IIR-Cheby')
def design_FIR(taps, sample_rate):
    nyquist = sample_rate/2
    return signal.firwin2(taps, [0, nyquist/2, nyquist], [1, 1, 0], nyq=nyquist)