文件: firwin.py 项目: chipmuenk/pyFDA
 def _firwin_ord(self, F, W, A, alg):
     delta_f = abs(F[1] - F[0]) * 2 # referred to f_Ny
     delta_A = np.sqrt(A[0] * A[1])
     if self.fir_window_name == 'kaiser':
         N, beta = sig.kaiserord(20 * np.log10(np.abs(fb.fil[0]['A_SB'])), delta_f)
         fb.fil[0]['wdg_fil'][1] = beta
         return N
     if self.firWindow == 'hann':
         gamma = 3.11
         sidelobe = 44
     elif self.firWindow == 'hamming':
         gamma = 3.32
         sidelobe = 53
     elif self.firWindow == 'blackman':
         gamma = 5.56
         sidelobe = 75
         gamma = 1
     N = remezord(F, W, A, Hz = 1, alg = alg)[0]
     return N
    def test_multi(self):
        width = 0.04
        ntaps, beta = kaiserord(120, width)
        taps = firwin(ntaps, cutoff=[0.2, 0.5, 0.8], window=("kaiser", beta), pass_zero=True, scale=False)

        # Check the symmetry of taps.
        assert_array_almost_equal(taps[: ntaps // 2], taps[ntaps : ntaps - ntaps // 2 - 1 : -1])

        # Check the gain at a few samples where we know it should be approximately 0 or 1.
        freq_samples = np.array(
                0.2 - width / 2,
                0.2 + width / 2,
                0.5 - width / 2,
                0.5 + width / 2,
                0.8 - width / 2,
                0.8 + width / 2,
        freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=np.pi * freq_samples)
            np.abs(response), [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=5
def highpass(CutOffFreq, SamplingRate, StopGain, TranWidth):
    NiquistRate = SamplingRate/2.0
    N, beta = sig.kaiserord(StopGain,TranWidth/NiquistRate)
    print 'the order of the FIR filter is:' + str(N) + ', If this is bigger than the size of the data please adjust the width and gain of the filter'
    taps = sig.firwin(N, CutOffFreq, window=('kaiser', beta), pass_zero=False, scale=True, nyq=NiquistRate)   
    return taps
文件: sim.py 项目: djtrance/ardrone
def lowpass(sig):
      # The Nyquist rate of the signal.
      nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0
      # The desired width of the transition from pass to stop,
      # relative to the Nyquist rate.  We'll design the filter
      # with a 10 Hz transition width.
      width = 5.0/nyq_rate

      # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
      ripple_db = 10.0
      # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
      N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
      #print "N is " , N
      # The cutoff frequency of the filter.
      cutoff_hz = 15
      # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
      taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz/nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
      # Use lfilter to filter x with the FIR filter.
      #print taps
      delay = 0.5 * (N-1) / sample_rate
      print "Phase delay is "  , delay

      return lfilter(taps, 1.0, sig)
def filter_sig(sig, width=10 / sampling_rate, ripple_db=60.,
    N, beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    taps = signal.firwin(
        N, cutoff_hz * 2 / sampling_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
    filtered_sig = signal.lfilter(taps, 1.0, sig)
    filtered_sig = np.round(filtered_sig).astype(np.int16)
    return filtered_sig
 def test_lowpass(self):
     width = 0.04
     ntaps, beta = kaiserord(120, width)
     taps = firwin(ntaps, cutoff=0.5, window=('kaiser', beta))
     freq_samples = np.array([0.0, 0.25, 0.5-width/2, 0.5+width/2, 0.75, 1.0])
     freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=np.pi*freq_samples)
                                 [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=5)
def HighPassFilter(data, vel, width=5, linearize=False):
    Function to apply a high-pass filter to data.
      Data must be in an xypoint container, and have linear wavelength spacing
      vel is the width of the features you want to remove, in velocity space (in cm/s)
      width is how long it takes the filter to cut off, in units of wavenumber

    if linearize:
        original_data = data.copy()
        datafcn = spline(data.x, data.y, k=3)
        errorfcn = spline(data.x, data.err, k=3)
        contfcn = spline(data.x, data.cont, k=3)
        linear = DataStructures.xypoint(data.x.size)
        linear.x = np.linspace(data.x[0], data.x[-1], linear.size())
        linear.y = datafcn(linear.x)
        linear.err = errorfcn(linear.x)
        linear.cont = contfcn(linear.x)
        data = linear

    # Figure out cutoff frequency from the velocity.
    featuresize = 2 * data.x.mean() * vel / constants.c.cgs.value  # vel MUST be given in units of cm
    dlam = data.x[1] - data.x[0]  # data.x MUST have constant x-spacing
    Npix = featuresize / dlam

    nsamples = data.size()
    sample_rate = 1.0 / dlam
    nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0  # The Nyquist rate of the signal.
    width /= nyq_rate
    cutoff_hz = min(1.0 / featuresize, nyq_rate - width * nyq_rate / 2.0)  # Cutoff frequency of the filter

    # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
    ripple_db = 60.0

    # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
    N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    if N % 2 == 0:
        N += 1

    # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
    taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz / nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta), pass_zero=False)

    # Extend data to prevent edge effects
    y = np.r_[data.y[::-1], data.y, data.y[::-1]]

    # Use lfilter to filter data with the FIR filter.
    smoothed_y = lfilter(taps, 1.0, y)

    # The phase delay of the filtered signal.
    delay = 0.5 * (N - 1) / sample_rate
    delay_idx = np.searchsorted(data.x, data.x[0] + delay)
    smoothed_y = smoothed_y[data.size() + delay_idx:-data.size() + delay_idx]
    if linearize:
        fcn = spline(data.x, smoothed_y)
        return fcn(original_data.x)
        return smoothed_y
def kaiser_design(fs,width_hz,ripple_db,cutoff_hz):
    # The Nyquist rate of the signal.
    nyq_rate = fs / 2.0
    width = width_hz/nyq_rate
    # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
    N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
    taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz/nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
    return taps
def FIRfilter(signal, rate, numSamples):
	filtered = signal
	nyquist = rate/2
	width = 5.0/nyquist
	rippleDB = 60
	N, beta = sig.kaiserord(rippleDB, width)
	cutoffHz = 20
	taps = sig.firwin(N, nyquist/2000, window=('kaiser', beta), nyq = nyquist)
	filtered = sig.lfilter(taps, 1.0, signal)
	return filtered
 def test03(self):
     width = 0.02
     ntaps, beta = kaiserord(120, width)
     # ntaps must be odd for positive gain at Nyquist.
     ntaps = int(ntaps) | 1
     freq = [0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]
     gain = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]
     taps = firwin2(ntaps, freq, gain, window=("kaiser", beta))
     freq_samples = np.array([0.0, 0.4 - width, 0.4 + width, 0.45, 0.5 - width, 0.5 + width, 0.75, 1.0])
     freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=np.pi * freq_samples)
     assert_array_almost_equal(np.abs(response), [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], decimal=5)
def low_pass_filter(cutoff,width,sample_rate) : 
        Get low pass filter kernel  for cutoff freq in Hz width in Hz
        Borrowed from http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/FIRFilter '''
    nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0
    width = width/nyq_rate # normalize to Nyq Rate 
    ripple_db = 30.0 # 60 dB attenuation in the stop band
    # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
    N,beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    taps = firwin(N, cutoff, window=('kaiser', beta))
    return taps
 def bandreject(self, S, low=700, high=800):
     # http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/FIRFilter
     # http://mpastell.com/2010/01/18/fir-with-scipy/
     nyq_rate = self.spl_rate / 2.0
     width = 50.0 / nyq_rate
     ripple_db = 60.0
     N, beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
     tapsL = signal.firwin(N, low / nyq_rate, window=("kaiser", beta))
     tapsH = signal.firwin(N, high / nyq_rate, window=("kaiser", beta))
     tapsB = -(tapsL + tapsH)
     tapsB[N / 2] = tapsB[N / 2] + 1
     return signal.lfilter(tapsB, 1.0, S)
    def test_lowpass(self):
        width = 0.04
        ntaps, beta = kaiserord(120, width)
        taps = firwin(ntaps, cutoff=0.5, window=('kaiser', beta), scale=False)

        # Check the symmetry of taps.
        assert_array_almost_equal(taps[:ntaps//2], taps[ntaps:ntaps-ntaps//2-1:-1])

        # Check the gain at a few samples where we know it should be approximately 0 or 1.
        freq_samples = np.array([0.0, 0.25, 0.5-width/2, 0.5+width/2, 0.75, 1.0])
        freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=np.pi*freq_samples)
                                    [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=5)
def bandpass(data, sampling, fmin, fmax, ripple_db=50, width=2.0,\
             return_filter=False, verbose=False):

    This function will bandpass filter data in the given [fmin,fmax] band
    using a kaiser window.


      data : numpy.ndarray
        array of data points
      sampling : int
        number of data points per second
      fmin : float
        frequency of lowpass
      fmax : float
        frequency of highpass

    Keyword arguments:

      ripple_db : int
        Attenuation in the stop band, in dB
      width : float
        Desired width of the transition from pass to stop, in Hz
      return_filter: boolean
        Return filter
      verbose : boolean

  # construct filter
  order, beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width*2/sampling)

  lowpass = signal.firwin(order, fmin*2/sampling, window=('kaiser', beta))
  highpass = - signal.firwin(order, fmax*2/sampling, window=('kaiser', beta))
  highpass[order//2] = highpass[order//2] + 1

  bandpass = -(lowpass + highpass); bandpass[order//2] = bandpass[order//2] + 1

  # filter data forward then backward
  data = signal.lfilter(bandpass,1.0,data)
  data = data[::-1]
  data = signal.lfilter(bandpass,1.0,data)
  data = data[::-1]

  if verbose: sys.stdout.write("Bandpass filter applied to data.\n")

  if return_filter:
    return data, bandpass
    return data
文件: rtfi.py 项目: jcarrano/rtfi
def decimator_design(f0, fr_w, fs, att, force_n = None):
	fpass = f0[-1] + frw[-1]/(2*np.pi)
	fstop = fs/2 - fpass
	n, beta = sig.kaiserord(att, 2*(fstop-fpass)/float(fs))
	if force_n is not None:
		if force_n < n:
			raise Exception('Required order is more than specified')
			n = force_n
	h = sig.firwin(n, (fstop+fpass)/2, fstop-fpass,'kaiser', nyq = fs/2)
	return fpass, fstop, h
def low_pass_filter(torig, Corig):
    sample_rate = 50  # per second
    nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0  # The Nyquist rate of the signal
    width = 5.0 / nyq_rate  # the desired width of the transition from pass to stop,
    # relative to the Nyquist rate
    ripple_db = 60.0  # the desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB
    N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)  # compute the order and kaiser parameter
    # for the FIR filter
    cutoff_hz = 2  # the cutoff frequency of the filter
    taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz / nyq_rate, window=("kaiser", beta))  # use firwin with a Kaiser
    # window to create a
    # lowpass FIR filter
    C = lfilter(taps, 1.0, Corig)
    delay = 0.5 * (N - 1) / sample_rate
    t = torig - delay
    return (t, C)
def kaiser_lowpass(delta_db, cutoff, width, fs):
    Design a lowpass filter using the Kaiser window method.
    # Convert to normalized frequencies
    nyq = 0.5*fs
    cutoff = cutoff / nyq
    width = width / nyq

    # Design the parameters for the Kaiser window FIR filter.
    numtaps, beta = kaiserord(delta_db, width)
    numtaps |= 1  # Ensure a Type I FIR filter.

    taps = firwin(numtaps, cutoff, window=('kaiser', beta), scale=False)

    return taps, beta
def kaiser_filter(func, mask, cutoff=0.1):
    Low-passes each time series using a bi-directional FIR kaiser filter.
    Useful in cases where the preservation of phase information is more
    important than strong attenuation of high frequencies.

    The default cutoff is the traditional resting-state cutoff.
    # load in everything
    func, func_aff, func_head, func_dims  = loadnii(func)
    mask, mask_aff, mask_head, mask_dims  = loadnii(mask)
    tmp, idx = maskdata(func, mask)

    # init output array
    filt = np.zeros(tmp.shape)

    # get sampling rate, nyquist frequency
    TR_len = func_head.values()[15][4]
    if TR_len > 1000:
        TR_len = TR_len / 1000.0
    samp_rate = 1.0/TR_len
    nyq = samp_rate/2.0

    # return a kaiser window with 60 Hz attenuation over a 0.1 Hz transition
    width = 0.1
    ripple_db = 60.0
    numtap, beta = sig.kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    # enforce odd filter order
    if np.remainder(numtap, 2.0) == 0:
        numtap = numtap -1

    # design and apply lowpass filter
    b = sig.firwin(numtap, cutoff/nyq, window=('kaiser', beta))
    a = [1.0]

    for x in np.arange(tmp.shape[0]):
        filt[x, :] = sig.filtfilt(b, a, tmp[x, :], axis=0)

    # create a 4D output array
    output = np.zeros(func.shape)
    output[idx, :] = filt
    output = output.reshape(func_dims)
    output_aff = func_aff
    output_head = func_head

    return output, output_aff, output_head
    def design(self, sample_rate, cutoff_hz, width, ripple_db):
        # Create a FIR filter and apply it to x.

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        nyq_rate = self.nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0
        self.cutoff_hz = cutoff_hz
        self.width = width

        # The desired width of the transition from pass to stop,
        # relative to the Nyquist rate.  We'll design the filter
        # with a 5 Hz transition width.
        #width = (audio_min * 2)/nyq_rate

        # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
        #ripple_db = 40.0

        # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
        N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width/nyq_rate)

        # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
        taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz/nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))

        self.unweighted_taps = array(taps)

        non_zero_coeffs = len([i for i in taps if int(i*10000000) != 0])
        print 'cost', non_zero_coeffs, 'taps', N

        #Scaling factor
        input_bit_width = self.input.bits
        accumulator_bit_width = 9 + 18 + 1 #2 * input_bit_width + 1
        sum_interval = (-2**(accumulator_bit_width-1), 2**(accumulator_bit_width-1) - 1)
        product_interval = (sum_interval[0] / non_zero_coeffs, sum_interval[1] / non_zero_coeffs)
        input_interval = (-2**(input_bit_width-1), 2**(input_bit_width-1) - 1)
        tap_interval = (- (product_interval[0] / input_interval[0]), product_interval[1] / input_interval[1])
        tap_max = max(abs(tap_interval[0]), tap_interval[1])
        print sum_interval, product_interval, input_interval, tap_interval

        fudge_factor = 2**(log(non_zero_coeffs, 2)-1)
        self.taps = (taps * tap_max * fudge_factor).astype(int32)
        import numpy as np
        assert np.all([abs(t) < 2**17-1 for t in taps])

        print 'taps', [t for t in self.taps]
        return self.taps
    def test_nyq(self):
        """Test the nyq keyword."""
        nyquist = 1000
        width = 40.0
        relative_width = width / nyquist
        ntaps, beta = kaiserord(120, relative_width)
        taps = firwin(ntaps, cutoff=[300, 700], window=("kaiser", beta), pass_zero=False, scale=False, nyq=nyquist)

        # Check the symmetry of taps.
        assert_array_almost_equal(taps[: ntaps // 2], taps[ntaps : ntaps - ntaps // 2 - 1 : -1])

        # Check the gain at a few samples where we know it should be approximately 0 or 1.
        freq_samples = np.array(
            [0.0, 200, 300 - width / 2, 300 + width / 2, 500, 700 - width / 2, 700 + width / 2, 800, 1000]
        freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=np.pi * freq_samples / nyquist)
        assert_array_almost_equal(np.abs(response), [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=5)
def convert_to_pow(fdata=[],sample_time=0.5):

    """Converts the signal to a list of powers in alpha and beta bands.
    **Keyword arguments:**
        * fdata -- signal (list of samples)
        * sample_time -- interval between samples
    Returns a list of powers in alpha/beta bands over time."""
    N, beta = signal.kaiserord(80, 0.1)
    falpha = signal.firwin(N, [freq0, freq1], pass_zero=False, nyq = 64.0)
    fbeta = signal.firwin(N, [freq1, freq2], pass_zero=False, nyq = 64.0)

    sample_size = int(128.0 * sample_time)
    i = 0
    out_data = []
    tmp = {'F3':[], 'F4':[], 'P7':[], 'FC6':[], 'F7':[], 'F8':[], 'T7':[], 'P8':[], 'AF4':[], 'T8':[], 'AF3':[], 'O2':[], 'O1':[], 'FC5':[]}
    for x in fdata:
        i += 1
        for n in emotiv.channels:
        if i == sample_size:
            i = 0
            dumpable = []
            for n in emotiv.channels:
                sample = tmp[n]
                sample_alpha = signal.lfilter(falpha, 1.0, sample)
                sample_beta = signal.lfilter(fbeta, 1.0, sample)
                power_alpha = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda z: z * z, sample_alpha)) / (sample_size * 1000000.0)
                power_beta = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda z: z * z, sample_beta)) / (sample_size * 1000000.0)
                dumpable.append( power_alpha )
                dumpable.append( power_beta )
                tmp[n] = []
    return out_data
    def test_bandpass(self):
        width = 0.04
        ntaps, beta = kaiserord(120, width)
        kwargs = dict(cutoff=[0.3, 0.7], window=('kaiser', beta), scale=False)
        taps = firwin(ntaps, pass_zero=False, **kwargs)

        # Check the symmetry of taps.
        assert_array_almost_equal(taps[:ntaps//2], taps[ntaps:ntaps-ntaps//2-1:-1])

        # Check the gain at a few samples where we know it should be approximately 0 or 1.
        freq_samples = np.array([0.0, 0.2, 0.3-width/2, 0.3+width/2, 0.5,
                                0.7-width/2, 0.7+width/2, 0.8, 1.0])
        freqs, response = freqz(taps, worN=np.pi*freq_samples)
                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=5)

        taps_str = firwin(ntaps, pass_zero='bandpass', **kwargs)
        assert_allclose(taps, taps_str)
def fir_filter(datalist, sampling_interval, cutoff=450.0, rolloff=10.0):
    """Filters hdf5 array data through a bandpass filter with upper
    cut off frequency of cutoff"""
    if not datalist:
        print "Empty data list"
        return []
    nyquist_rate = 0.5 / sampling_interval
    width = rolloff / nyquist_rate
    ripple_db = 60.0
    N, beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    taps = signal.firwin(N, cutoff / nyquist_rate, window=("kaiser", beta))
    filtered_data_list = []
    for data in datalist:
        if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
            tmp = np.zeros(len(data))
            tmp[:] = data[:]
            data = tmp
        filtered_data_list.append(signal.lfilter(taps, 1.0, data))
    return filtered_data_list
  def __init__(self, from_rate, to_rate, depth = 32):
    self.from_rate = from_rate
    self.to_rate = to_rate
    self.depth = depth

    samp_rate = calc_samp_rate(self.from_rate, self.to_rate)
    nyq_rate = calc_nyq_rate(samp_rate)
    print("upsample rate: %f kHz\n" % (samp_rate/1000))
    self.ups_ratio = int(samp_rate / self.from_rate)
    self.dec_ratio = int(samp_rate / self.to_rate)
    print("ups: %d, dec: %d\n" % (self.ups_ratio, self.dec_ratio))

    # width = 5.0/nyq_rate
    width = 100.0/nyq_rate
    ripple_db = 30.0
    N, beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    print("suggested N: %d, beta: %d" % (N,beta))

    beta = 6
    N = self.depth * self.ups_ratio
    print("N: %d, beta: %d" % (N,beta))
    print("polyphase depth: %d\n" % (N/self.ups_ratio))

    # reqmem = N * 16 / 1024.0 / 2;
    # print("reqmem: %fKb\n" % reqmem)

    audible_freq = 22000.0
    w = 'blackmanharris'
    # w = ('kaiser', beta)
    self.taps = signal.firwin(N, cutoff = audible_freq, window = w, nyq = nyq_rate)

    self.htaps = half_filter(self.taps)
    self.rhtaps = reorder_half_filter(self.htaps, self.ups_ratio, self.dec_ratio)

    self.tapsbits = 24
    self.rhetaps = float_to_fixed(self.rhtaps * self.ups_ratio, self.tapsbits)

    self.srcbits = 24
def keiser_bandpass_filter(signal, signal_rate, lowcut, highcut):
    """ Apply bandpass filter. Everything below 'lowcut' and above 'highcut'
        frequency level will be greatly reduced. Keiser edition. """
    # The Nyquist rate of the signal.
    nyq_rate = 0.5 * signal_rate

    # The desired width of the transition from pass to stop,
    # relative to the Nyquist rate.  We'll design the filter
    # with a 5 Hz transition width.
    width = 5.0 / nyq_rate
    # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
    ripple_db = 60.0
    # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
    N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
    lowpass = firwin(N, lowcut / nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
    highpass = - firwin(N, highcut / nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
    highpass[N/2] = highpass[N/2] + 1
    bandpass = - (lowpass + highpass)
    bandpass[N/2] = bandpass[N/2] + 1
    # Use lfilter to filter x with the FIR filter.
    filteredSignal = lfilter(bandpass, 1.0, signal)
    return filteredSignal
def build_filter(fs,cutoff,width,attenuation):
    Building low pass filter impulse response0
    :param fs: sampling rate
    :return: 1D array impulse response of lp filter
    # define params:
    nyq_rate = fs / 2.0 # Nyquist frequency
    if type(cutoff)==list:
        cutoff = [c/nyq_rate for c in cutoff]

    # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter:
    N, beta = kaiserord(attenuation, width/nyq_rate)

    # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter:

    if N%2==0:
        N+=1# odd trick

    taps = firwin(N, cutoff, window=('kaiser', beta),pass_zero=True)

    return taps
    def processExampleWiFi(self, example_label, dir_name):
        # Process ONLY one specific sequence example_label
        example_file = os.path.join(dir_name, example_label)
        exp_data = spio.loadmat(example_file)

        complexSignal = exp_data['complexSignal'][0]
        central_freq = exp_data['central_freq'][0][0]
        freq_low = exp_data['freq_low'][0][0]
        freq_high = exp_data['freq_high'][0][0]
        fs = exp_data['fs'][0][0]

        # 2e-6*Fs, number of guard samples before and after the signal (this is given by DARPA)
        guardSamp = self.num_guard_samp * fs

        # it is a 5GHz signal. note that the same annotation is not available in the 5GHz
        # dataset annotations
        if self.signal_BW_useful:
            signal_BW_useful = self.signal_BW_useful
            if freq_high > 3e9:
                signal_BW_useful = self.signal_BW_useful_5ghz
                signal_BW_useful = self.signal_BW_useful_2ghz

        # WiFi Signal information
        signal_BW_full = freq_high - freq_low
        guard_BW_wifi_singleside = (signal_BW_full - signal_BW_useful) / 2
        signal_BW_wifi_singleside = signal_BW_full / 2 - guard_BW_wifi_singleside

        # Channel Frequency of the Example
        f_channel = (freq_high - (freq_high - freq_low) / 2)

        # Get Signal
        y = complexSignal
        t = (np.arange(y.shape[0]) + 1) / fs

        # Move Signal to Base Band and center it around 0
        f_shift = (freq_high - central_freq) - signal_BW_full / 2
        y_base = np.multiply(y, np.conj(np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f_shift * t)))

        # Design Filter 10MHz wide + bandguard
        fcuts = [signal_BW_wifi_singleside,
                 signal_BW_wifi_singleside+self.percentage_guardband_include_filter \
        width = fcuts[1] - fcuts[0]
        cutoff = fcuts[0] + width / 2

        n, beta = kaiserord(40, width / (0.5 * fs))
        hh = firwin(n,
                    window=('kaiser', beta),
                    nyq=0.5 * fs)

        # Add padding to the signal
        y_base_padded = np.pad(y_base, (0, n), 'constant', constant_values=0)

        # Filter Signal and remove padding (recall it is base band)
        filtered_signal = lfilter(hh, 1, y_base_padded)
        filtered_signal = filtered_signal[int(n / 2 - 1):int(y_base.shape[0] +
                                                             n / 2 - 1)]

        # Get Noise Measurements for SNR AFTER-Filter
        guard_left_signal = filtered_signal[:int(guardSamp)]
        guard_right_signal = filtered_signal[int(filtered_signal.shape[0] -
        actual_signal = filtered_signal[int(guardSamp
                                            ):int(filtered_signal.shape[0] -
        power_signal = np.sum(np.abs(actual_signal)**
                              2) / actual_signal.shape[0]
        power_noise = np.min((np.sum(np.abs(guard_left_signal)**2)/guard_left_signal.shape[0], \
        SNR = power_signal / power_noise
        SNRdB = 20 * np.log10(SNR)

            os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir_name, 'filtered_sig'))

        spio.savemat(os.path.join(dir_name, 'filtered_sig', example_label+'_filtered.mat'), \
                                         {'f_sig': filtered_signal, \
                                          'SNRdb':SNRdB, 'f_channel':f_channel, \
                                          'freq_high':freq_high, 'freq_low':freq_low, 'fs': fs})
文件: error.py 项目: rvelseg/FiVoNAGI
                # plt.plot(ref_x1, ref_u1, 'bo')
                # plt.plot(int_x1, int_u1,'ro')
                # plt.show()

                # from http://wiki.scipy.org/Cookbook/FIRFilter

                sample_rate = 1/(int_x1[1]-int_x1[0])
                t = int_x1
                x = int_u1
                # print "sample_rate = {0}".format(sample_rate)

                nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0
                width = 5.0/nyq_rate
                ripple_db = 30.0
                N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
                cutoff_hz = 60.0
                taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz/nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
                filtered_x = lfilter(taps, 1.0, x)

                # The phase delay of the filtered signal.
                delay = 0.5 * (N-1) / sample_rate

                # # Plot the raw data
                # plot(ref_x1, ref_u1, 'bo')
                # # Plot the original signal (interpolated).
                # plot(t, x, 'ro')
                # # Plot the filtered signal, shifted to compensate for the phase delay.
                # plot(t-delay, filtered_x, 'r-')
                # # Plot just the "good" part of the filtered signal.  The first N-1
                # # samples are "corrupted" by the initial conditions.
coeff_hpp = env.get_template("templates/fir_coeff.tpl")

print('sample rate: ' + str(component.sr))
print('transition bw: ' + str(component.tbw))
print('stop-band attenuation: ' + str(component.sba))
print('cutoff freq: ' + str(component.cut))

# Create a FIR filter and apply it to x.

# Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
N, beta = kaiserord(component.sba, component.tbw)
print('resulting filter order: ' + str(N))

# Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
taps = firwin(N, component.cut, window=('kaiser', beta))

# Writes coefficients and metadata to header file

fir = {}
fir['dtype'] = 'double'
fir['type'] = 'lpf'
fir['name'] = component.name
fir['num_coeff'] = N
fir['cutoff'] = component.cut
def test_kaiserord():
    assert_raises(ValueError, kaiserord, 1.0, 1.0)
    numtaps, beta = kaiserord(2.285 + 7.95 - 0.001, 1/np.pi)
    assert_equal((numtaps, beta), (2, 0.0))
def MCD_read(MCDFilePath):

    # open file using the neuroshare bindings
    fd = ns.File(MCDFilePath)

    #entity_type: 3 is spikes, 2 in analogue

    for i, entity in enumerate(fd.entities):
        print((i, entity.label, entity.entity_type))

    # (108, 'filt0001 0059 0048       57', 2)
    # 0059 is the number of the corresponding channel in spk, 0048 is the number in analogue
    # 57 is name of channel in matrix notation, 8*8 - 4 on corner channels
    # use matrix notation to spk to lfp

    #create empty dictionary
    data = dict()

    numCh = 60
    analog1 = fd.entities[numCh]  # open analog signal entity
    print(analog1.units)  #V
    print(analog1.sample_rate)  # 25,000/second

    temp_data_fft = dict()

    #get E names
    chNamesList = get_chNamesList(fd, LFP='True')

    fft_byE = pd.DataFrame(0,
                           columns=('delta', 'theta', 'alpha', 'beta',

    chNamesList_spikes = get_chNamesList(fd, LFP='False')
    #spikes=get_spikes(fd, chNamesList_spikes)

    for numCh in range(60, 120):

        print("numCh is " + str(numCh))
        analog1 = fd.entities[numCh]  # open analog signal entity

        entity = fd.entities[numCh]
        print(fd.entities[numCh].label, entity.entity_type)
        # spikes is 0-59
        # filt0001 is 60 on
        # len(fd.entities) 120

        data1, times, count = analog1.get_data()
        # count 7,657,500 is number of samples
        # times a numeric array of when samples took place (s)
        # analog1.entity_type

        # create channel names
        channelName = entity.label[0:4] + entity.label[23:]
        channelNum = channelName.split(" ")[2]

        # store data with name in the dictionary
        data2 = np.array(data1)

        temp_data_fft = np.zeros(shape=(math.floor(max(times)), 50))
        sec = 1
        totalSec = math.floor(max(times))

        # August 10, 2019 downsample to 1k/sec from 25k/sec
        data3 = data2[0:(totalSec * 25000)]  # remove tail partial second

        # August 10, 2019 low pass FIR filter to eliminate aliasing
        sample_rate = 25000
        # The Nyquist rate of the signal.
        nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0

        # The desired width of the transition from pass to stop,
        # relative to the Nyquist rate.  We'll design the filter
        # with a 5 Hz transition width.
        width = 5.0 / nyq_rate

        # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
        ripple_db = 60.0

        # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
        N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)

        # The cutoff frequency of the filter.
        cutoff_hz = 200.0

        # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
        taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz / nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))

        # Use lfilter to filter x with the FIR filter.
        data4 = lfilter(taps, 1.0, data3)

        #down sample to 1000 samples/sec
        data[channelName] = signal.resample(data4,
                                            num=(1000 * totalSec),

        #make an empty data frame
        fft_r = pd.DataFrame(0,
                             index=np.arange(totalSec * 2),
                             columns=('delta', 'theta', 'alpha', 'beta',
        # fft_r.loc[:,"alpha" ], fft_r.loc[1,:]

        iterations = np.arange(1, totalSec, 0.5)
        for sec in iterations:

            fs = 1000

            #August 10, 2019: move along the signal in 0.5s increments
            # take 2 full seconds of data
            start_signal = int((sec - 1) * fs)
            end_signal = int((sec) * fs)
            curData_temp = data[channelName][start_signal:end_signal]

            beta = 0.5  # default in matlab documentation
            w_kaiser = signal.get_window(window=('kaiser', beta),

            curData = w_kaiser * curData_temp
            # element wise operation

            #band pass filter
            # she would use firwin to create the filter, convolve will take the filter
            order = 3  #order of filter is same as number of obs that go into filter

            def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order):
                nyq = 0.5 * fs
                low = lowcut / nyq
                high = highcut / nyq
                b, a = signal.butter(N=order, Wn=[low, high], btype='bandpass')
                return b, a

            def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order):
                # b in coming out nan, a is fine
                b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
                y = lfilter(b, a, data)
                return y

            #sample rate and desired cutoff frequencies in Hz
            band_want = "delta"
            lowcut = 1
            highcut = 4
            y = butter_bandpass_filter(curData,
            power_delta = get_fft(y, band_want)
            fft_r.loc[sec * 2, "delta"] = power_delta

            band_want = "theta"
            lowcut = 5
            highcut = 8
            y = butter_bandpass_filter(curData,
            power_theta = get_fft(curData, band_want)
            fft_r.loc[sec * 2, "theta"] = power_theta

            band_want = "alpha"
            lowcut = 9
            highcut = 14
            y = butter_bandpass_filter(curData,
            power_alpha = get_fft(curData, band_want)
            fft_r.loc[sec * 2, "alpha"] = power_alpha

            band_want = "beta"
            lowcut = 15
            highcut = 30
            y = butter_bandpass_filter(curData,
            power_beta = get_fft(curData, band_want)
            fft_r.loc[sec * 2, "beta"] = power_beta

            band_want = "gamma"
            lowcut = 31
            highcut = 50
            y = butter_bandpass_filter(curData,
            power_gamma = get_fft(curData, band_want)
            fft_r.loc[sec * 2, "gamma"] = power_gamma

        #end of for loop

        # do averaging across all seconds for each band put in the right electrode
        fft_byE.loc[channelNum, :] = fft_r.mean(axis=0)

    # end of loop through Channels

    return fft_byE
def LP_filter_preprocess_signal(signal_data, T, num_samples, f_s):
    nyq_rate = f_s / 2.0

    # The desired width of the transition from pass to stop, relative to the Nyquist rate.  We'll design the filter
    # with a 5 Hz transition width.
    # width = 5.0 / nyq_rate # FIXME: large the (5.) distortion span is less !
    width = 100.0 / nyq_rate  # GOOD; but smoothing is higher
    # width = 20.0 / nyq_rate
    # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
    ripple_db = 60.0
    # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
    N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    # The cutoff frequency of the filter.
    cutoff_hz = 60.0
    # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
    taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz / nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
    # Use lfilter to filter x with the FIR filter.
    filtered_x = lfilter(taps, 1.0, signal_data)
    # ------------------------------------------------
    # Plot the FIR filter coefficients.
    # ------------------------------------------------
    if DO_PLOT and not DO_DISABLE:
        plt.plot(taps, 'bo-', linewidth=2)
        plt.title('Filter Coefficients (%d taps)' % N)
    # ------------------------------------------------
    # Plot the magnitude response of the filter.
    # ------------------------------------------------
    w, h = freqz(taps, worN=8000)
    if DO_PLOT and not DO_DISABLE:
        plt.plot((w / np.pi) * nyq_rate, np.absolute(h), linewidth=2)
        plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
        plt.title('Frequency Response')
        plt.ylim(-0.05, 1.05)

    # Upper inset plot.
    if DO_PLOT and not DO_DISABLE:
        ax1 = plt.axes([0.42, 0.6, .45, .25])
        plt.plot((w / np.pi) * nyq_rate, np.absolute(h), linewidth=2)
        plt.xlim(0, 8.0)
        plt.ylim(0.9985, 1.001)

    # Lower inset plot
    if DO_PLOT and not DO_DISABLE:
        ax2 = plt.axes([0.42, 0.25, .45, .25])
        plt.plot((w / np.pi) * nyq_rate, np.absolute(h), linewidth=2)
        plt.xlim(12.0, 20.0)
        plt.ylim(0.0, 0.0025)
    # ------------------------------------------------
    # Plot the original and filtered signals.
    # ------------------------------------------------
    # The phase delay of the filtered signal.
    delay = 0.5 * (N - 1) / f_s

    t = np.linspace(0, 1, num_samples)
    front_pad = np.zeros(int(np.floor((N - 1) / 2)))
    back_pad = np.zeros(int(np.ceil((N - 1) / 2)))
    processed_sig = np.append(np.append(front_pad, filtered_x[N - 1:]),
    if DO_PLOT:
        # Plot the original signal.
        plt.plot(t, signal_data)
        # Plot the filtered signal, shifted to compensate for the phase delay.
        # plt.plot(t - delay, filtered_x, 'r-') # FIXME:
        # Plot just the "good" part of the filtered signal.  The first N-1
        # samples are "corrupted" by the initial conditions.
        # plt.plot(t[N - 1:] - delay, filtered_x[N - 1:], 'g', linewidth=2) # FIXME:
        plt.plot(t, processed_sig, 'g', linewidth=2)

    return processed_sig, T, N, f_s
import os
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import matplotlib as mpl
import seaborn as sb
import scipy.signal as sp





for i in range(N):
    # If passzero=0, something here

# normalized_audio = [i/max(one_channel_data) for i in one_channel_data]
max_value = max(one_channel_data)
normalized_audio = list(map(lambda x: x/max_value, one_channel_data))

normalized_audio += [0]*20000
plt.title("Fourier do audio normalizado")


#exemplo de filtragem do sinal yAudioNormalizado
# https://scipy.github.io/old-wiki/pages/Cookbook/FIRFilter.html
nyq_rate = samplerate/2
width = 5.0/nyq_rate
ripple_db = 60.0 #dB
N , beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
cutoff_hz = 4000.0
taps = signal.firwin(N, cutoff_hz/nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
filtered_audio = signal.lfilter(taps, 1.0, normalized_audio)

plt.title("Fourier do audio filtrado")
x,carrier = sig.generateSin(freq,amplitude,len(filtered_audio)/samplerate,samplerate)

am_audio = list(map(lambda x,y: (x)*y, filtered_audio,carrier))
# am_audio = filtered_audio*carrier
plt.title("Fourier do audio AM")
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal

sample_rate = 48e3
cutoff_hz = 8e3
width_hz = 1e3
atten_db = 60

nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0
N, beta = signal.kaiserord(atten_db, width_hz / nyq_rate)
taps = signal.firwin(N, cutoff_hz / nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
n = np.arange(N)
plt.plot(n, taps)
plt.title('Fir Taps')
plt.ylabel('Tap Value')
plt.xlim(0, N)

_, h = signal.freqz(taps)
w = np.linspace(0, nyq_rate, len(h))
plt.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h)), 'b')
plt.title('Frequency Response')
plt.ylim(-90, 20)
plt.xlim(0, nyq_rate)
plt.ylabel('Amplitude (dB)')
plt.xlabel('Frequncy (Hz)')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_response(fs, w, h, title):
    "Utility function to plot response functions"
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(0.5 * fs * w / np.pi, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(h)))
    ax.set_xlim(0, 0.5 * fs)
    ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Gain (dB)')

fs = 16000.0
nyq_rate = fs / 2
cutoff = 4000.0
trans_width = 100
ripple_db = 60.0
numtaps = 64
N, beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, trans_width / nyq_rate)
print('order', N)
taps = signal.firwin(N, cutoff / nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
w, h = signal.freqz(taps, [1], worN=2000)
reversed = taps[::-1]
print('taps', taps)
print('reversed', reversed)
print('polyphase', repr(reversed[1::2]), repr(reversed[0::2]))
plot_response(fs, w, h, "Low-pass Filter")
nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0

# The desired width of the transition from pass to stop,
# relative to the Nyquist rate.  We'll design the filter
# with a 5 Hz transition width.
width = 5.0 / nyq_rate

# The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
ripple_db = 60.0


# Create FIR Filter and apply to x

# Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)

# The cutoff frequency of the filter.
low = 20.0
high = 20000.0

# For the sake of FIR filter, take order as 11 to get better gain.
N1 = 11

# Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a bandpass FIR filter.
taps = firwin(N1, [low / nyq_rate, high / nyq_rate], window=('kaiser', beta))

# Use lfilter to filter x with the FIR filter.
filtered_x = lfilter(taps, 1.0, x)

filterRate = 20000
nyquistRate = 10000
passBandWidth = 1000
transWidth = 250
stopBandEdge = 1250
centerFreq = 5000
lpfCut = 1125

pass_nyq = passBandWidth / nyquistRate
tranWid_nyq = transWidth / nyquistRate
stopEdge_nyq = stopBandEdge / nyquistRate
lpfCut_nyq = lpfCut / nyquistRate

ripple_dB = 55.0

numtaps, beta = sigs.kaiserord(ripple_dB, tranWid_nyq)

taps = sigs.firwin(numtaps=numtaps,
                   window=('kaiser', beta),

# use filtfilt
def lowpass(testSignal):
    b = sigs.firwin2(numtaps=255, freq=[0, .1, .125, 1.0], gain=[1, 1, 0, 0])

    Fsig = sigs.lfilter(b, 1, testSignal)

def main():
    # == 1) Parameters =======================================================
    pair = str(sys.argv[1])
    freq_band_s = str(sys.argv[2])
    freq_band_t = str(sys.argv[3])
    sub_a = str(sys.argv[4])
    sub_b = str(sys.argv[5])
    delay = int(sys.argv[6])

    freq_all = {
        'delta': [1., 3.],
        'theta': [4., 7.],
        'alpha': [8., 12.],
        'beta': [13., 29.],
        'gamma': [30., 45.]
    fsample = 2400.
    patches_to_remove = [
        'Basal Ganglia Left', 'Basal Ganglia Right', 'Limbic Left',
        'Limbic Right', 'Cerebellum Left', 'Cerebellum Right', 'Cerebellum Mid'
    freq_bound_s = freq_all[freq_band_s]
    freq_bound_t = freq_all[freq_band_t]

    # == 2) Get data from mat files ==========================================
    temp = sio.loadmat('/home/horozco/2-STE_graham/' + pair + '/' + sub_a +
    sub_a_trials_labels = [
        temp['trials_labels'][n][0][0].encode("utf-8") for n in range(21)
    del temp

    temp = sio.loadmat('/home/horozco/2-STE_graham/' + pair + '/' + sub_a +
    sub_a_patch_labels = [
        temp['source_labels'][n][0][0].encode("utf-8") for n in range(19)
    [sub_a_patch_labels.remove(n) for n in patches_to_remove]
    patch_labels = sub_a_patch_labels
    del temp

    temp = sio.loadmat('/home/horozco/2-STE_graham/' + pair + '/' + sub_a +
    sub_a_trials_data = [temp['sources'][n][0] for n in range(21)]
    del temp

    temp = sio.loadmat('/home/horozco/2-STE_graham/' + pair + '/' + sub_b +
    sub_b_trials_labels = [
        temp['trials_labels'][n][0][0].encode("utf-8") for n in range(21)
    del temp

    temp = sio.loadmat('/home/horozco/2-STE_graham/' + pair + '/' + sub_b +
    sub_b_trials_data = [temp['sources'][n][0] for n in range(21)]
    del temp

    # == 3) Time-frequency decomposition =====================================
    # source frequency band
    # Get transition badnwdith using MNE's rule of thumb
    freq_l_trans_s = min(max(freq_bound_s[0] * 0.25, 2), freq_bound_s[0])
    freq_h_trans_s = min(max(freq_bound_s[1] * 0.25, 2.),
                         fsample / 2. - freq_bound_s[1])

    # Compute the filter
    filter_nyq = fsample / 2.0
    filter_s_width = np.mean(np.array([freq_l_trans_s, freq_h_trans_s]))
    filter_s_n, _ = signal.kaiserord(30.0, filter_s_width / filter_nyq)
    filter_s_taps = signal.firwin(filter_s_n,

    # sub a
    # Get rid of the deep brain structures
    sub_a_baseline_sfreq = sub_a_trials_data[
        -1]  # baseline is always the last file
    sub_a_baseline_sfreq = sub_a_baseline_sfreq[
        [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], :]

    # get triggers from raw file to allign both files
    temp_df = pd.read_csv(
        '/home/horozco/3-STE_baseline_graham/baseline_start.csv', header=None)
    event_df = temp_df[temp_df.iloc[:, 0] == pair]
    event_duration_a = event_df[event_df.iloc[:, 1] == sub_a].iloc[0, -1]
    sub_a_baseline_sfreq = sub_a_baseline_sfreq[:, event_duration_a:(
        event_duration_a + 432000)]  # get 3 minutes of baseline

    # Apply filter (forward and backward  using filtfilt)
    sub_a_base_s_filt = signal.filtfilt(filter_s_taps,

    # Get power from Hilbert Transform
    orig_n = sub_a_base_s_filt.shape[1]
    hilt_n = sp.fftpack.next_fast_len(orig_n)  # Make HT go faster
    sub_a_base_s_env = signal.hilbert(sub_a_base_s_filt, axis=1, N=hilt_n)
    sub_a_base_s_env = sub_a_base_s_env[:, :orig_n]  # Crop out the padding
    sub_a_base_s_env_power = np.abs(sub_a_base_s_env)**2

    # Get rid of padding (3s at the begining and at the end) to take care of
    # HT and filtering edge artifacts
    padding = int(3 * fsample)
    sub_a_base_s_env_power = sub_a_base_s_env_power[:, padding:-padding]
    sub_a_base_s = signal.decimate(sub_a_base_s_env_power,

    # sub b
    # Get rid of the deep brain structures
    sub_b_baseline_sfreq = sub_b_trials_data[-1]
    sub_b_baseline_sfreq = sub_b_baseline_sfreq[
        [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], :]

    # get triggers from raw file to allign both files
    event_df = temp_df[temp_df.iloc[:, 0] == pair]
    event_duration_b = event_df[event_df.iloc[:, 1] == sub_b].iloc[0, -1]
    sub_b_baseline_sfreq = sub_b_baseline_sfreq[:, event_duration_b:(
        event_duration_b + 432000)]  # get 3 minutes of baseline

    # Apply filter (forward and backward  using filtfilt)
    sub_b_base_s_filt = signal.filtfilt(filter_s_taps,

    # Get power from Hilbert Transform
    orig_n = sub_b_base_s_filt.shape[1]  # baseline is always the last file
    hilt_n = sp.fftpack.next_fast_len(orig_n)  # Make HT go faster
    sub_b_base_s_env = signal.hilbert(sub_b_base_s_filt, axis=1, N=hilt_n)
    sub_b_base_s_env = sub_b_base_s_env[:, :orig_n]  # Crop out the padding
    sub_b_base_s_env_power = np.abs(sub_b_base_s_env)**2

    # Get rid of padding (3s at the begining and at the end) to take care of
    # HT and filtering edge artifacts
    padding = int(3 * fsample)
    sub_b_base_s_env_power = sub_b_base_s_env_power[:, padding:-padding]
    sub_b_base_s = signal.decimate(sub_b_base_s_env_power,

    if freq_band_s == freq_band_t:
        sub_a_base_t = sub_a_base_s
        sub_b_base_t = sub_b_base_s
        # source frequency band
        # Get transition bandwidth using MNE's rule of thumb
        freq_l_trans_t = min(max(freq_bound_t[0] * 0.25, 2), freq_bound_t[0])
        freq_h_trans_t = min(max(freq_bound_t[1] * 0.25, 2.),
                             fsample / 2. - freq_bound_t[1])

        # Compute the filter
        filter_nyq = fsample / 2.0
        filter_t_width = np.mean(np.array([freq_l_trans_t, freq_h_trans_t]))
        filter_t_n, _ = signal.kaiserord(30.0, filter_t_width / filter_nyq)
        filter_t_taps = signal.firwin(filter_t_n,

        # sub a
        # Get rid of the deep brain structures
        sub_a_baseline_tfreq = sub_a_trials_data[-1]
        sub_a_baseline_tfreq = sub_a_baseline_tfreq[
            [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], :]

        # trim the file around triggers
        sub_a_baseline_tfreq = sub_a_baseline_tfreq[:, event_duration_a:(
            event_duration_a + 432000)]  # get 3 minutes of baseline

        # Apply filter (forward and backward using filtfilt)
        sub_a_base_t_filt = signal.filtfilt(filter_t_taps,

        # Get power from Hilbert Transform
        orig_n = sub_a_base_t_filt.shape[1]
        hilt_n = sp.fftpack.next_fast_len(orig_n)  # Make HT go faster
        sub_a_base_t_env = signal.hilbert(sub_a_base_t_filt, axis=1, N=hilt_n)
        sub_a_base_t_env = sub_a_base_t_env[:, :orig_n]  # Crop out the padding
        sub_a_base_t_env_power = np.abs(sub_a_base_t_env)**2

        # Get rid of padding (3s at the begining and at the end) to take
        # care of HT and filtering edge artifacts
        padding = int(3 * fsample)
        sub_a_base_t_env_power = sub_a_base_t_env_power[:, padding:-padding]
        sub_a_base_t = signal.decimate(sub_a_base_t_env_power,

        # sub b
        # Get rid of the deep brain structures
        sub_b_baseline_tfreq = sub_b_trials_data[-1]
        sub_b_baseline_tfreq = sub_b_baseline_tfreq[
            [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], :]

        # trim the file around triggers
        sub_b_baseline_tfreq = sub_b_baseline_tfreq[:, event_duration_b:(
            event_duration_b + 432000)]  # get 3 minutes of baseline

        # Apply filter (forward and backward  using filtfilt)
        sub_b_base_t_filt = signal.filtfilt(filter_t_taps,

        # Get power from Hilbert Transform
        orig_n = sub_b_base_t_filt.shape[1]
        hilt_n = sp.fftpack.next_fast_len(orig_n)  # Make HT go faster
        sub_b_base_t_env = signal.hilbert(sub_b_base_t_filt, axis=1, N=hilt_n)
        sub_b_base_t_env = sub_b_base_t_env[:, :orig_n]  # Crop out the padding
        sub_b_base_t_env_power = np.abs(sub_b_base_t_env)**2

        # Get rid of padding (3s at the begining and at the end) to take
        # care of HT and filtering edge artifacts
        padding = int(3 * fsample)
        sub_b_base_t_env_power = sub_b_base_t_env_power[:, padding:-padding]
        sub_b_base_t = signal.decimate(sub_b_base_t_env_power,

    # == 5) Symbolic Transfer Entropy ========================================
    temp_columns = [
        'sub_source', 'sub_target', 'freq_source', 'freq_target',
        'neuro_source', 'neuro_target', 'trial', 'pair', 'ste'
    temp_data = np.zeros(
        ((sub_a_base_s.shape[0] + sub_b_base_s.shape[0]) *
         (sub_a_base_t.shape[0] + sub_b_base_t.shape[0]), len(temp_columns)))
    temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data=temp_data, columns=temp_columns)
    temp_df['freq_source'] = freq_band_s
    temp_df['freq_target'] = freq_band_t
    temp_df['pair'] = pair
    temp_df['trial'] = 'baseline'

    if sub_a_base_s.shape[1] != sub_b_base_s.shape[1]:
        n_base = min(sub_a_base_s.shape[1], sub_b_base_s.shape[1])
        sub_a_base_s = sub_a_base_s[:, :n_base]
        sub_b_base_s = sub_b_base_s[:, :n_base]
        sub_a_base_t = sub_a_base_t[:, :n_base]
        sub_b_base_t = sub_b_base_t[:, :n_base]

    for n_source in range(len(patch_labels)):
        print("--- Starting %s ---" % patch_labels[n_source])
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source):(47 * (n_source + 1) + n_source),
                    'neuro_source'] = patch_labels[n_source]
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source):(47 * (n_source + 1) + n_source),
                    'neuro_target'] = (patch_labels * 4)

        # sub_a to sub_a
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source):(48 * n_source + 11), 'ste'] = [
            symb_transfer_entropy(sub_a_base_s[n_source, :],
                                  sub_a_base_t[i, :], delay, 3)
            for i in range(sub_a_base_s.shape[0])
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source):(48 * n_source + 11), 'sub_source'] = sub_a
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source):(48 * n_source + 11), 'sub_target'] = sub_a

        # sub_a to sub_b
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source + 12):(48 * n_source + 23), 'ste'] = [
            symb_transfer_entropy(sub_a_base_s[n_source, :],
                                  sub_b_base_t[i, :], delay, 3)
            for i in range(sub_a_base_s.shape[0])
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source + 12):(48 * n_source + 23),
                    'sub_source'] = sub_a
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source + 12):(48 * n_source + 23),
                    'sub_target'] = sub_b

        # sub_b to sub_a
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source + 24):(48 * n_source + 35), 'ste'] = [
            symb_transfer_entropy(sub_b_base_s[n_source, :],
                                  sub_a_base_t[i, :], delay, 3)
            for i in range(sub_a_base_s.shape[0])
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source + 24):(48 * n_source + 35),
                    'sub_source'] = sub_b
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source + 24):(48 * n_source + 35),
                    'sub_target'] = sub_a

        # sub_b to sub_b
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source + 36):(48 * n_source + 47), 'ste'] = [
            symb_transfer_entropy(sub_b_base_s[n_source, :],
                                  sub_b_base_t[i, :], delay, 3)
            for i in range(sub_a_base_s.shape[0])
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source + 36):(48 * n_source + 47),
                    'sub_source'] = sub_b
        temp_df.loc[(48 * n_source + 36):(48 * n_source + 47),
                    'sub_target'] = sub_b
    temp_df.to_csv('/home/horozco/3-STE_baseline_graham/baseline_grand_matrices/' + pair +\
                   '_' + freq_band_s + '_' + freq_band_t + '_baseline_' +\
                   str(delay) + '.csv')
def calcPAC(datafileDirectory, fileName, channelNum, endTime, startTime, lcut,
            hcut, samplingFrequency, ripple_db, bw, attenHz, originalFileName):

    outf = open("/www/projects/EEG_Portal/webEEGPortal/analysisLogmain.txt",
    outf.write(" in calc pac \n")
    outf.write(" in calc pac endTime " + str(endTime) + " startTime " +
               str(startTime) + "\n")


        if originalFileName.find('edf') != -1:

            edfFile = pyedflib.EdfReader(datafileDirectory + fileName)

                numChannels = edfFile.signals_in_file
                channels = edfFile.getSignalLabels()
                samplingFrequency = edfFile.getSampleFrequencies()[0]
                fileDuration = edfFile.file_duration
                beginTime = 0
                endTime = int(fileDuration)
                print(" 1 numSignals = " + str(fileDuration))

                data = np.zeros((numSignals, edfFile.getNSamples()[0]))
                for i in np.arange(numSignals):
                    data[i, :] = edfFile.readSignal(i)

                del edfFile

                edfFile = pyedflib.EdfReader(datafileDirectory + fileName)
                numChannels = edfFile.signals_in_file
                channels = edfFile.getSignalLabels()

                samplingFrequency = edfFile.getSampleFrequencies()[0]
                fileDuration = edfFile.file_duration
                print(" 2 numSignals = " + str(fileDuration))
                beginTime = 0
                endTime = int(fileDuration)

                data = np.zeros((numSignals, edfFile.getNSamples()[0]))
                for i in np.arange(numSignals):
                    data[i, :] = edfFile.readSignal(i)

            del edfFile

        elif originalFileName.find('mat') != -1:
            eegmat = loadmat(datafileDirectory + fileName)

            channels = [str(x[0]) for x in eegmat["channelLabels"][0]]

            samplingFrequency = int(eegmat["eegFS"])

            numChannels = len(channels)

            fileDuration = round(len(eegmat["eegData"][0]) / samplingFrequency)
            beginTime = 0
            endTime = int(fileDuration)
            data = eegmat["eegData"]

        eeg = data[channelNum]

        eeg = eeg[startTime * samplingFrequency -
                  1:endTime * samplingFrequency - 1]

        eeg = eeg - np.mean(eeg, axis=0)
        edges = np.linspace(-math.pi, math.pi, 21)

        lcut = 9.0
        hcut = 13.0

        # Set the sampling frequency to 100. Sample period is 0.01.
        # A frequency of 1 will have 100 samples per cycle, and
        # therefore have 4 cycles in the 400 samples.

        sample_rate = 250.0
        nyq = sample_rate / 2.0
        width = 2.0 / nyq  # pass to stop transition width

        # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
        ripple_db = 40.0

        # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
        N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)

        #print ('N = ',N, 'beta = kaiser param = ', beta)

        # The cutoff frequency of the filter.
        cutoff_hz = lcut

        # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
        hpftaps = firwin(N,
                         cutoff_hz / nyq,
                         window=('kaiser', beta),

        #print (hpftaps[:10])

        # now create the taps for a high pass filter.
        # by multiplying tap coefficients by -1 and
        # add 1 to the centre tap ( must be even order filter)

        hpftaps = [-1 * a for a in hpftaps]
        midPoint = int(np.round(len(hpftaps) / 2))
        if midPoint % 2 != 0:
            midPoint = midPoint - 1
        hpftaps[midPoint] = hpftaps[midPoint] + 1

        # Now calculate the tap weights for a lowpass filter at say 15hz

        cutoff_hz = hcut
        lpftaps = firwin(N,
                         cutoff_hz / nyq,
                         window=('kaiser', beta),

        # Subtract 1 from lpf centre tap for gain adjust for hpf + lpf
        lpftaps[midPoint] = lpftaps[midPoint] - 1

        taps = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(hpftaps, lpftaps)]

        denom = [0] * len(taps)
        denom[0] = 1
        #denom[-1] = 1

        [a, f] = group_delay([taps, denom], int(nyq))

        #print ( " num taps = " + str(len(taps)))
        #print ( " taps [:10] = " + str(taps[:10]))
        #print ( " a = " + str(a) )
        #print ( " f = " + str(len(f)) )

        bAlpha = taps

        bAlphax = np.array(a) * sample_rate / (2 * math.pi)
        #print ( " bAlpha **** = " + str(bAlpha) )

        k = [f[i] for i, m in enumerate(bAlphax) if m >= 9 and m <= 13]
        #print ( " k = " + str(k) )

        gdAlpha = math.floor(np.mean(k))
        #print ( "gdAlpha = " + str(gdAlpha ) )

        fGamma = np.arange(20, 101, 5)

        #print ( " fGamma = " + str(fGamma) )

        bw = 20  #bandwidth
        attendB = ripple_db  #attenuation
        attenHz = 4  #transition band

        filtersGamma = {}

        for fI in range(len(fGamma)):

            lcut = fGamma[fI] - bw / 2
            hcut = fGamma[fI] + bw / 2

            Fstop1 = (lcut - attenHz) / nyq
            Fpass1 = lcut / nyq
            Fpass2 = hcut / nyq

            Fstop2 = (hcut + attenHz) / nyq
            Astop1 = attendB
            Apass = 1
            Astop2 = attendB

            hpftaps = firwin(N, lcut / nyq, window=('kaiser', beta))
            hpftaps = [-1 * a for a in hpftaps]

            midPoint = int(np.round(len(hpftaps) / 2))
            if midPoint % 2 != 0:
                midPoint = midPoint - 1

            hpftaps[midPoint] = hpftaps[midPoint] + 1

            lpftaps = firwin(N, hcut / nyq, window=('kaiser', beta))
            lpftaps[midPoint] = lpftaps[midPoint] - 1

            taps = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(hpftaps, lpftaps)]

            denom = [0] * len(taps)
            denom[0] = 1

            [a, f] = group_delay([taps, denom], int(nyq))

            x = np.array(a) * sample_rate / (2 * math.pi)

            k = [f[i] for i, m in enumerate(x) if m >= 9 and m <= 13]
            val = math.floor(np.mean(k))

            filtersGamma[fI] = []


        MIs = []

        # phase (alpha)

        #print ( " bAlpha = " + str(bAlpha[:20] ) )
        #print ( " eeg = " + str(eeg[:20] ) )

        ph = lfilter(bAlpha, 1, eeg)

        #print ( " ph before angle = " + str(ph[:10] ) )

        ph = np.append(ph[gdAlpha + 1:], np.zeros(gdAlpha))
        ph = np.angle(hilbert(ph))

        #print ( " ph after angle = " + str(ph[:10] ) )

        ##amplitude for gamma range + MI
        for key, value in filtersGamma.items():

            amp = lfilter(value[0], 1, eeg)
            gd = value[1]

            amp = np.append(amp[gd + 1:], np.zeros(gd))
            amp = abs(hilbert(amp))

            #compute raw modulation index
            #print (" amp = " + str(amp[:20]) )
            #print (" ph = " + str(ph[:20]) )
            #print (" edges = " + str(edges) )

            MI = getMI(amp, ph, edges)

            #print (" MI = " + str(MI))

        #print ( " MIs = " + str(MIs))
        outf.write(" before save in calc pac \n")

            "/home/siddhartha/self/andre/outplots/outpac_fGamma_" +
            str(channelNum) + ".txt", fGamma)
            "/home/siddhartha/self/andre/outplots/outpac_MIs_" +
            str(channelNum) + ".txt", MIs)

    except Exception as e:

def calcPAC(filePath, channelNum, startTime, stopTime, lcut, hcut, sample_rate, ripple_db, bw, attenHz):
#  '''

#     Set the sampling frequency to 100. Sample period is 0.01.
#     A frequency of 1 will have 100 samples per cycle, and
#     therefore have 4 cycles in the 400 samples.

#     The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
#     ripple_db = 40.0

#     # bw = 20 #bandwidth
#     attendB = ripple_db #attenuation
#     # attenHz = 4 #transition band

#  '''

    #eegData = loadmat('/content/drive/My Drive/andre/EEG181.mat')

    eegData = loadmat(filePath)
    eegFS = 250 # sampling frequency

    eegData = eegData["eegData"]

    eeg1 = eegData[channelNum]

    print ( eeg1[:5])

    eeg1 = eeg1[startTime * eegFS - 1 : stopTime * eegFS - 1 ]

    eeg1 = eeg1 - np.mean(eeg1, axis = 0)

    eeg2 = eegData[15]

    print ( eeg2[:5])

    eeg2 = eeg2[startTime * eegFS - 1 : stopTime * eegFS - 1 ]

    eeg2 = eeg2 - np.mean(eeg2, axis = 0)

    # edges for phase
    edges = np.linspace(-math.pi,math.pi,21)

    x = np.linspace(0,200,5000);

    s1 = np.sin( x * pi / 180 )

    s2 = np.sin( x * pi / 18 )

    s2 = np.array ( [x*y for x,y in zip(s1,s2) ] )

    s3 = s1 + s2

    eeg = s3

    #edges = np.array(list(edges).append(math.pi))

    # lcut = 9.0
    # hcut = 13.0

    nyq = sample_rate / 2.0
    width = 2.0/nyq # pass to stop transition width

    # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
    N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)

    #print ('N = ',N, 'beta = kaiser param = ', beta)

    # The cutoff frequency of the filter.
    cutoff_hz = lcut

    winLen = N
    # to be in conformance with MATLAB ( check documentation of fir1 in MATLAB, it automatically adds 1 for even sized windows)
    if N % 2 ==0:
            winLen = N + 1

    # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
    hpftaps = firwin(winLen, cutoff_hz/nyq, window=('kaiser', beta), pass_zero=False)

    #print (hpftaps[:10])

    # now create the taps for a high pass filter.
    # by multiplying tap coefficients by -1 and
    # add 1 to the centre tap ( must be even order filter)

    hpftaps = [-1*a for a in hpftaps]
    print ( len(hpftaps))
    midPoint = int(np.round(len(hpftaps)/2))
    if midPoint % 2 != 0:
        midPoint = midPoint -1
    hpftaps[midPoint] = hpftaps[midPoint] + 1

    # Now calculate the tap weights for a lowpass filter at say 15hz

    cutoff_hz = hcut

    lpftaps = firwin(winLen, cutoff_hz/nyq, window=('kaiser', beta), pass_zero=False)

    # Subtract 1 from lpf centre tap for gain adjust for hpf + lpf
    lpftaps[midPoint] = lpftaps[midPoint] - 1

    taps = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(hpftaps, lpftaps)]

    denom = [0]*len(taps)
    denom[0] = 1
    #denom[-1] = 1

    [a,f] = group_delay( [ taps , denom ] , int(nyq))

    #print ( " num taps = " + str(len(taps)))
    #print ( " taps [:10] = " + str(taps[:10]))

    #print ( " a = " + str(a) )
    #print ( " f = " + str(len(f)) )

    bAlpha = taps

    bAlphax = np.array(a) * sample_rate/(2*math.pi)
    #print ( " bAlpha **** = " + str(bAlpha) )

    k = [f[i] for i,m in enumerate(bAlphax) if m >= 9 and m <= 13]
    #print ( " k = " + str(k) )

    gdAlpha = math.floor(np.mean(k))
    #print ( "gdAlpha = " + str(gdAlpha ) )

    fGamma = np.arange(20,101,5)

    #print ( " fGamma = " + str(fGamma) )

    # bw = 20 #bandwidth
    attendB = ripple_db #attenuation
    # attenHz = 4 #transition band

    filtersGamma = {}

    for fI in range ( len(fGamma) ):

        lcut = fGamma[fI]-bw/2
        hcut = fGamma[fI]+bw/2

        Fstop1 = (lcut - attenHz)  / nyq
        Fpass1 = lcut  / nyq
        Fpass2 = hcut / nyq

        Fstop2 = (hcut + attenHz) / nyq
        Astop1 = attendB
        Apass  = 1
        Astop2 = attendB

        hpftaps = firwin(N, lcut/nyq, window=('kaiser', beta))
        hpftaps = [-1*a for a in hpftaps]

        midPoint = int(np.round(len(hpftaps)/2))
        if midPoint % 2 != 0:
            midPoint = midPoint -1

        hpftaps[midPoint] = hpftaps[midPoint] + 1

        lpftaps = firwin(N, hcut/nyq, window=('kaiser', beta))
        lpftaps[midPoint] = lpftaps[midPoint] - 1

        taps = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(hpftaps, lpftaps)]

        denom = [0]*len(taps)
        denom[0] = 1

        [a,f] = group_delay( [ taps , denom ] , int(nyq))

        x = np.array(a) * sample_rate/(2*math.pi)

        k = [f[i] for i,m in enumerate(x) if m >= 9 and m <= 13]
        val = math.floor(np.mean(k))

        filtersGamma[fI] = []

        filtersGamma[fI].append (taps)
        filtersGamma[fI].append (val)

    PLVs = []

    # phase (alpha)

    #print ( " bAlpha = " + str(bAlpha[:20] ) )
    #print ( " eeg = " + str(eeg[:20] ) )

    #ph = lfilter(bAlpha,1,eeg)

    ##print ( " ph before angle = " + str(ph[:10] ) )

    #ph = np.append(ph[gdAlpha+1:], np.zeros(gdAlpha))
    #ph = np.angle(hilbert(ph))

    #print ( " ph after angle = " + str(ph[:10] ) )

    ##amplitude for gamma range + MI
    for key, value in filtersGamma.items():

        amp1 = lfilter(value[0],1,eeg1)
        amp2 = lfilter(value[0],1,eeg2)
        gd = value[1]

        amp1 = np.append(amp1[gd+1:], np.zeros(gd))
        amp2 = np.append(amp2[gd+1:], np.zeros(gd))

        ph1 = np.angle(hilbert(amp1))
        ph2 = np.angle(hilbert(amp2))

        phd = ph1 - ph2
        #compute raw modulation index
        #print (" amp = " + str(amp[:20]) )
        #print (" ph = " + str(ph[:20]) )
        #print (" edges = " + str(edges) )



    print ( " MIs = " + str(PLVs))

 def design_low_pass(cls, sample_rate, cutoff_hz, width_hz, ripple_db):
     nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0
     N, beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width_hz / nyq_rate)
     taps = signal.firwin(N, cutoff_hz / nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
     unweighted_taps = list(taps)
     return taps
def calcPLV(filePath, channelNum, startTime, stopTime, lcut, hcut, sample_rate, ripple_db, bw, attenHz):

    eegData = loadmat('/content/drive/My Drive/andre/EEG181.mat')

    eegFS = 250 # sampling frequency

    eegData = eegData["eegData"]

    eeg = eegData[14]

    #print ( eeg[:5])

    eeg = eeg[50 * eegFS - 1 : 80 * eegFS - 1 ]

    eeg = eeg - np.mean(eeg, axis = 0)

    x = np.linspace(0,200,5000);

    s1 = np.sin( x * pi / 180 )

    s2 = np.sin( x * pi / 18 )

    s2 = np.array ( [x*y for x,y in zip(s1,s2) ] )

    s3 = s1 + s2

    eeg = s3

    # edges for phase
    edges = np.linspace(-math.pi,math.pi,21)

    #edges = np.array(list(edges).append(math.pi))

    lcut = 9.0
    hcut = 13.0

    # Set the sampling frequency to 100. Sample period is 0.01.
    # A frequency of 1 will have 100 samples per cycle, and
    # therefore have 4 cycles in the 400 samples.

    sample_rate = 250.0
    nyq = sample_rate / 2.0
    width = 2.0/nyq # pass to stop transition width

    # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
    ripple_db = 40.0

    # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
    N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)

    #print ('N = ',N, 'beta = kaiser param = ', beta)

    # The cutoff frequency of the filter.
    cutoff_hz = lcut

    # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
    hpftaps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz/nyq, window=('kaiser', beta), pass_zero=False)

    #print (hpftaps[:10])

    # now create the taps for a high pass filter.
    # by multiplying tap coefficients by -1 and
    # add 1 to the centre tap ( must be even order filter)

    hpftaps = [-1*a for a in hpftaps]
    print ( len(hpftaps))
    midPoint = int(np.round(len(hpftaps)/2))
    if midPoint % 2 != 0:
        midPoint = midPoint -1
    hpftaps[midPoint] = hpftaps[midPoint] + 1

    # Now calculate the tap weights for a lowpass filter at say 15hz

    cutoff_hz = hcut
    lpftaps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz/nyq, window=('kaiser', beta), pass_zero=False)

    # Subtract 1 from lpf centre tap for gain adjust for hpf + lpf
    lpftaps[midPoint] = lpftaps[midPoint] - 1

    taps = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(hpftaps, lpftaps)]

    denom = [0]*len(taps)
    denom[0] = 1
    #denom[-1] = 1

    [a,f] = group_delay( [ taps , denom ] , int(nyq))

    #print ( " num taps = " + str(len(taps)))
    #print ( " taps [:10] = " + str(taps[:10]))

    #print ( " a = " + str(a) )
    #print ( " f = " + str(len(f)) )

    bAlpha = taps

    bAlphax = np.array(a) * sample_rate/(2*math.pi)
    #print ( " bAlpha **** = " + str(bAlpha) )

    k = [f[i] for i,m in enumerate(bAlphax) if m >= 9 and m <= 13]
    #print ( " k = " + str(k) )

    gdAlpha = math.floor(np.mean(k))
    #print ( "gdAlpha = " + str(gdAlpha ) )

    fGamma = np.arange(20,101,5)

    #print ( " fGamma = " + str(fGamma) )

    bw = 20 #bandwidth
    attendB = ripple_db #attenuation
    attenHz = 4 #transition band

    filtersGamma = {}

    for fI in range ( len(fGamma) ):

        lcut = fGamma[fI]-bw/2
        hcut = fGamma[fI]+bw/2

        Fstop1 = (lcut - attenHz)  / nyq
        Fpass1 = lcut  / nyq
        Fpass2 = hcut / nyq

        Fstop2 = (hcut + attenHz) / nyq
        Astop1 = attendB
        Apass  = 1
        Astop2 = attendB

        hpftaps = firwin(N, lcut/nyq, window=('kaiser', beta))
        hpftaps = [-1*a for a in hpftaps]

        midPoint = int(np.round(len(hpftaps)/2))
        if midPoint % 2 != 0:
            midPoint = midPoint -1

        hpftaps[midPoint] = hpftaps[midPoint] + 1

        lpftaps = firwin(N, hcut/nyq, window=('kaiser', beta))
        lpftaps[midPoint] = lpftaps[midPoint] - 1

        taps = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(hpftaps, lpftaps)]

        denom = [0]*len(taps)
        denom[0] = 1

        [a,f] = group_delay( [ taps , denom ] , int(nyq))

        x = np.array(a) * sample_rate/(2*math.pi)

        k = [f[i] for i,m in enumerate(x) if m >= 9 and m <= 13]
        val = math.floor(np.mean(k))

        filtersGamma[fI] = []

        filtersGamma[fI].append (taps)
        filtersGamma[fI].append (val)

    MIs = []
    # phase (alpha)

    #print ( " bAlpha = " + str(bAlpha[:20] ) )
    #print ( " eeg = " + str(eeg[:20] ) )

    ph = lfilter(bAlpha,1,eeg)

    #print ( " ph before angle = " + str(ph[:10] ) )

    ph = np.append(ph[gdAlpha+1:], np.zeros(gdAlpha))
    ph = np.angle(hilbert(ph))

    #print ( " ph after angle = " + str(ph[:10] ) )

    ##amplitude for gamma range + MI
    for key, value in filtersGamma.items():

        amp = lfilter(value[0],1,eeg)
        gd = value[1]

        amp = np.append(amp[gd+1:], np.zeros(gd))
        amp = abs(hilbert(amp))

        #compute raw modulation index
        #print (" amp = " + str(amp[:20]) )
        #print (" ph = " + str(ph[:20]) )
        #print (" edges = " + str(edges) )

        MI = getMI(amp,ph,edges)
        #print (" MI = " + str(MI))

    #print ( " MIs = " + str(MIs))



  def tridisolve(d, e, b, overwrite_b=True):
    """Symmetric tridiagonal system solver, from Golub and Van Loan pg 157.

    Note: Copied from NiTime


    d : ndarray
      main diagonal stored in d[:]
    e : ndarray
      superdiagonal stored in e[:-1]
    b : ndarray
      RHS vector


    x : ndarray
      Solution to Ax = b (if overwrite_b is False). Otherwise solution is
      stored in previous RHS vector b

    N = len(b)
    # work vectors
    dw = d.copy()
    ew = e.copy()
    if overwrite_b:
        x = b
        x = b.copy()
    for k in range(1, N):
        # e^(k-1) = e(k-1) / d(k-1)
        # d(k) = d(k) - e^(k-1)e(k-1) / d(k-1)
        t = ew[k - 1]
        ew[k - 1] = t / dw[k - 1]
        dw[k] = dw[k] - t * ew[k - 1]
    for k in range(1, N):
        x[k] = x[k] - ew[k - 1] * x[k - 1]
    x[N - 1] = x[N - 1] / dw[N - 1]
    for k in range(N - 2, -1, -1):
        x[k] = x[k] / dw[k] - ew[k] * x[k + 1]

    if not overwrite_b:
        return x
def main():
    data, samplerate = sf.read(
        "10convert.com_High-School-Musical-1-We-re-All-in-This-Together-Lyrics-1080pHD_iFu8Z-cV0Xk (online-audio-converter.com).wav"

    sinal = signalMeu()

    f = 44100

    audio = data[0:10 * samplerate]

    dados = []
    for e in audio[:, 0]:

    t = np.linspace(0, 10, len(dados))

    # 5a

    plt.plot(t, dados)
    plt.title("Audio original x Tempo")


    sinal.plotFFT(dados, f)

    # 5b

    dados = np.asarray(dados)

    normal = dados / max(dados)

    plt.plot(t, normal)
    plt.title("Audio normalizado x Tempo")


    sinal.plotFFT(normal, f)

    # 5c

    # exemplo de filtragem do sinal yAudioNormalizado

    # https://scipy.github.io/old-wiki/pages/Cookbook/FIRFilter.html

    nyq_rate = f / 2
    width = 5.0 / nyq_rate
    ripple_db = 60.0  #dB
    N, beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    cutoff_hz = 4000.0
    taps = signal.firwin(N, cutoff_hz / nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))

    yFiltrado = signal.lfilter(taps, 1.0, normal)

    plt.plot(t, yFiltrado)
    plt.title("Audio passa baixa x Tempo")


    sinal.plotFFT(yFiltrado, f)

    # 5d

    t, s = sinal.generateSin(14000, 1, 10, f)

    modulado = yFiltrado * s

    plt.plot(t, modulado)
    plt.title("Audio modulado x Tempo")


    sinal.plotFFT(modulado, f)

    sf.write("save.wav", modulado, f)
def _design_firwin_filter(
    ftype=None, cutoff_hz=None, sfreq=None, width_hz=None, ripple_db=None, window=None
    """calculate odd length, symmetric, linear phase FIR filter coefficients

    FIRLS at https://scipy-cookbook.readthedocs.io/items/FIRFilter.html


    ftype : string
        filter type, one of 'lowpass' , 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop'

    cutoff_hz : float or 1D array_like
        cutoff frequency in Hz, e.g., 5.0, 30.0 for lowpass or
        highpass. 1D array_like, e.g. [10.0, 30.0] for bandpass or

    sfreq : float
        sampling frequency, e.g., 250.0, 500.0

    width_hz : float
        transition band width start to stop in Hz

    ripple_db : float
        attenuation in the stop band, in dB, e.g., 24.0, 60.0

    taps : np.array
        coefficients of FIR filter.


    for kwarg in [ftype, cutoff_hz, sfreq, width_hz, ripple_db, window]:
        assert kwarg is not None


    # Nyquist frequency
    nyq_rate = sfreq / 2.0

    # transition band width in normalizied frequency
    width = width_hz / nyq_rate

    # order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
    N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)

    if N % 2 == 0:
        N = N + 1  # enforce odd number of taps

    # create a FIR filter using firwin
    if ftype.lower() == "lowpass":
        if window.lower() == "kaiser":
            taps = firwin(
                N, cutoff_hz, window=("kaiser", beta), pass_zero="lowpass", fs=sfreq,
            taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz, window=window, pass_zero="lowpass", fs=sfreq)
    elif ftype.lower() == "highpass":
        if window.lower() == "kaiser":
            taps = firwin(
                N, cutoff_hz, window=("kaiser", beta), pass_zero="highpass", fs=sfreq,
            taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz, window=window, pass_zero="highpass", fs=sfreq)
    elif ftype.lower() == "bandpass":
        if window.lower() == "kaiser":
            taps = firwin(
                N, cutoff_hz, window=("kaiser", beta), pass_zero="bandpass", fs=sfreq,
            taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz, window=window, pass_zero="bandpass", fs=sfreq)
    elif ftype.lower() == "bandstop":
        if window.lower() == "kaiser":
            taps = firwin(
                N, cutoff_hz, window=("kaiser", beta), pass_zero="bandstop", fs=sfreq,
            taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz, window=window, pass_zero="bandstop", fs=sfreq)

    return taps
def HIGHPASS(x):
    hpf_data = open("hpf.txt", "w")
    # The Nyquist rate of the signal.
    sample_rate = FILTER_RATE
    nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0

    width = 250.0 / nyq_rate

    # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
    ripple_db = 60.0

    # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
    N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)

    # The cutoff frequency of the filter.
    bpCut1 = 3875 / nyq_rate
    bpCut2 = 6125 / nyq_rate

    # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
    taps = firwin(N, [bpCut1, bpCut2],
                  window=('kaiser', beta),

    # ------------------------------------------------
    # Apply filter to signal
    # ------------------------------------------------
    filtered_x = lfilter(taps, 1.0, x)

    # ------------------------------------------------
    # Plot the FIR filter coefficients.
    # ------------------------------------------------

    plt.plot(taps, 'bo-', linewidth=2)
    plt.title('Filter Coefficients (%d taps)' % N)

        dpi=600,  # Dots per inch
    hpf_data.write("Coeffs: \n")
    hpf_data.write(np.array2string(taps, 5, 5, True, ','))
    # ------------------------------------------------
    # Plot the magnitude response of the filter.
    # ------------------------------------------------

    w, h = freqz(taps, worN=8000)
    plt.plot((w / scipy.pi) * nyq_rate, scipy.absolute(h), linewidth=2)
    plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
    plt.title('Frequency Response')
    plt.ylim(-0.05, 1.05)

    # Upper inset plot.
    plt.ax1 = plt.axes([0.22, 0.55, .35, .25])
    plt.title("Passband Ripple")
    plt.plot((w / scipy.pi) * nyq_rate, scipy.absolute(h), linewidth=2)
    plt.xlim(8950, 9200)
    plt.ylim(0.995, 1.0025)

    # Lower inset plot
    plt.ax2 = plt.axes([0.22, 0.2, .35, .25])
    plt.title("Stopband Ripple")
    plt.plot((w / scipy.pi) * nyq_rate, scipy.absolute(h), linewidth=2)
    plt.xlim(8600.0, 8900.0)
    plt.ylim(0.0, 0.011)

        dpi=600,  # Dots per inch
    hpf_data.write("normalized freq: \n")
        np.array2string(w, precision=5, suppress_small=True, separator=','))
    hpf_data.write("complex freq: \n")
        np.array2string(h, precision=5, suppress_small=True, separator=','))

    # ------------------------------------------------
    # Plot the original and filtered signals.
    # ------------------------------------------------

    # create time array for time plot
    timearray = scipy.arange(0, numSamp, 1)
    timearray = timearray / sampRate
    t = timearray * 1000  # scale to milliseconds

    # The phase delay of the filtered signal.
    delay = 0.5 * (N - 1) / sample_rate

    # Plot the original signal.
    plt.plot(t, x)
    # Plot the filtered signal, shifted to compensate for the phase delay.
    plt.plot(t - delay, filtered_x, 'r-')
    # Plot just the "good" part of the filtered signal.  The first N-1
    # samples are "corrupted" by the initial conditions.
    plt.plot(t[N - 1:] - delay, filtered_x[N - 1:], 'g', linewidth=4)

        dpi=600,  # Dots per inch
    graph_spectrogram(filtered_x, sampRate, 'hpf')
文件: dsp.py 项目: markseel/xio

if sys.argv[1] == "fir":

    import numpy as np
    from scipy.signal import kaiserord, firwin, freqz
    import math

    fs = float(sys.argv[2])
    passband_freq = float(sys.argv[3]) / fs
    stopband_freq = float(sys.argv[4]) / fs
    stopband_atten = float(sys.argv[5])

    width = abs(passband_freq - stopband_freq) / 0.5
    (tap_count, beta) = kaiserord(ripple=stopband_atten, width=width)

    #if len(sys.argv) > 6: tap_count = int( sys.argv[6] )

    taps = firwin( numtaps = tap_count, \
                   cutoff  = ((passband_freq+stopband_freq)/2)/0.5, \
                   window  = ('kaiser', beta) )

    #nn = 25
    #taps = []
    #for ii in range(0,nn): taps.append(1.0/nn)

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    w, h = freqz(taps, worN=8000)
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.title('Digital filter frequency response')
 def __init__(self,
              signal: np.array,
         Fir filter:
             signal: is the data in an np.array.
             sample_rate: What rate was the signal reqorded at?
             ripple_db: The desierd attenuation in the stopbond, in dB.
             cutoff_hz: The cutoff frequency of the filter.
     if higpas == True:
         print("--Init highpass --")
         print("--Init lowpass --")
     assert (len(signal) > 1)
     # self._signal = signal
     self._signal = np.pad(signal, (3, 6), 'constant')
     self._sample_rate = sample_rate
     self._cutoff_hz = cutoff_hz
     self._ripple_db = ripple_db
     self._window_type = win
     self._nsamples = len(signal)
     self._t = np.arange(len(signal)) / sample_rate
     self._nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2
     self._width = with_rate / self._nyq_rate
     if cutoff_hz / self._nyq_rate % 2 == 0:
         while self._cutoff_hz / self._nyq_rate % 2 == 0:
             self._cutoff_hz -= 0.001
         print("not even")
     print(self._cutoff_hz / self._nyq_rate)
     # Compute the Kaizer parameter for the FIR filter.
     self._N = 0
     count = 0
     print("ever loop")
     while self._N % 2 == 0:
         print("N = {} is even".format(self._N))
         count += 0.000001
         self._N, self._beta = kaiserord(self._ripple_db,
                                         self._width + count)
     print("N = {} is od with with={}".format(self._N, self._width + count))
     self._ishigpass = higpas
     #Spectral inversion if higpass is true
     if self._ishigpass == True:
         print("Higpass filter init")
         self._bands = (0, self._cutoff_hz, self._cutoff_hz + 0.5,
                        self._cutoff_hz + 1.0, self._cutoff_hz + 2,
         self._desierd = (0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
         assert (len(self._bands) == len(self._desierd))
         self._taps = firls(self._N,
         # self._taps = firwin(self._N ,self._cutoff_hz/self._nyq_rate ,  pass_zero=False)
         # self._taps = -self._taps
         # self._taps[self._N//2] += 1
         self._taps = firwin(self._N,
                             cutoff_hz / self._nyq_rate,
                             window=(win, self._beta))
     self._freqz = freqz(self._taps, worN=8000)
     self._h_dB = 20 * np.log(np.abs(self._freqz[1]) + 0.00001)
     self._filterd_x = lfilter(self._taps, 1.0, signal)
     print("filterd median ={}".format(np.median(self._filterd_x)))
     delay = 0.5 * (self._N - 1) / self._sample_rate
     self._good_t = self._t[self._N - 1:] - delay,
     self._good_signal = self._filterd_x[self._N - 1:]
     self._supblot_limmits = list()
     m, s = self.get_statistics()
     # Step responce for the lit system.
     self._responce = False
FIR filter design example; requires SciPy 0.9 or later.

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import firwin2, freqz, kaiserord
from matplotlib.pylab import plot, show, grid, xlabel, ylabel, legend, title

# Bandpass with a notch.
desired_freq = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.56, 0.6,  0.64, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0]
desired_gain = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0,  0.75, 1.0,  1.0, 0.0, 0.0]

# Use firwin2 with a Kaiser window to design the filter.
ntaps, beta = kaiserord(ripple=65, width=0.08)
taps = firwin2(ntaps, desired_freq, desired_gain, window=('kaiser', beta))

# Compute the filter's response.
w, h = freqz(taps, [1.0], worN=8000)

# Plot the desired and actual responses.
plot(desired_freq, desired_gain, 'g-', label='Desired')
plot(w/np.pi, np.abs(h), 'b', label='Computed')
xlabel('Frequency (rel. to Nyquist)')
title('FIR Filter Frequency Response (%d taps)' % ntaps)
 def step(self, node):
     N, beta = signal.kaiserord(node.getIn('R'), node.getIn('W'))
     node.setOut('N', N)
     node.setOut('B', beta)
def FIR_filter(sample_rate = 1 / (float(CONFIG['Track Generation']['Timestep']) * 10**(-9)), ripple_db = 20.0, cutoff_hz = 50000):
    nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0
    width = 10000.0/nyq_rate
    N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz/nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
    return taps
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import *

window = Tk()
window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", window.quit)

sfreq = 48000
nfreq = sfreq // 2
fsamples = nfreq // 10

def avg_coeffs(n):
    return np.array([1 / n] * n)

nopt, bopt = signal.kaiserord(-20, 10 / nfreq)

def kaiser_coeffs(n, beta=0.5):
    return signal.firwin(n, 0.01, window=('kaiser', beta), scale=True)

# https://plotly.com/python/v3/fft-filters/
def win_sinc_coeffs(n, beta=0.5):
    xs = np.arange(n)
    sinc = np.sinc(2 * 0.01 * (xs - (n - 1)) / 2)
    window = signal.windows.kaiser(n, beta)
    sw = sinc * window
    return sw / np.sum(sw)

    ts = data_all[['time']].values
    linacce = data_all[['linacce_x', 'linacce_y', 'linacce_z']].values
    orientations = data_all[['rv_w', 'rv_x', 'rv_y', 'rv_z']].values
    positions = data_all[['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z']].values
    positions[:, 2] = 0
    gravity = data_all[['grav_x', 'grav_y', 'grav_z']].values
    steps = np.genfromtxt(args.path + '/step.txt')

    labels = np.ones(ts.shape[0], dtype=np.int) * class_map[args.placement]

    # Pro-processing
    sample_rate = 200
    nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0
    transition_width = 5.0 / nyq_rate
    ripple_db = 60.0
    order, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, transition_width)
    cutoff_hz = 5
    taps = firwin(order, cutoff_hz / nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))
    threshold = 1.0

    linacce_filtered = lfilter(taps, 1.0, linacce, axis=0)
    acce_grav = geometry.align_3dvector_with_gravity(linacce_filtered, gravity)

    print('Detecting steps')
    step_locs, chn = detect_steps(linacce_filtered, gravity, labels, threshold)
    print('Step from system: %d, estimated: %d' %
          (steps[-1, 1], step_locs.shape[0]))

    # Compose the detected steps
    est_steps = np.concatenate(
from scipy.signal import kaiserord, firwin, freqz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fs = 1000.0
cutoff = 175
width = 24

# The Kaiser method accepts just a single parameter to control the pass
# band ripple and the stop band rejection, so we use the more restrictive
# of the two.  In this case, the pass band ripple is 0.005, or 46.02 dB,
# so we will use 65 dB as the design parameter.

# Use `kaiserord` to determine the length of the filter and the
# parameter for the Kaiser window.

numtaps, beta = kaiserord(65, width / (0.5 * fs))
# 167
# 6.20426

# Use `firwin` to create the FIR filter.

taps = firwin(numtaps,
              window=('kaiser', beta),
              nyq=0.5 * fs)

# Compute the frequency response of the filter.  ``w`` is the array of
# frequencies, and ``h`` is the corresponding complex array of frequency
    def spectral_filt(self, t, x, cutoff_freq=1., stop_band=1., atten_db=60.):
        """Low-pass filter a time series.

        Design and use a low-pass FIR filter using functions from 
        scipy.signal. It applies a forward-backward filter (for zero 
        phase-shift) with replication of the signal at the ends (to 
        avoid `losses` in the filtered signal).
        From: http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/FIRFilter

        t : 1-D array
            The time/space domain of the series.
        x : 1-D array
            The signal.
        cutoff_freq : float
            The frequency limit for low-pass filtering.
        stop_band : float
            The `width` (in freq) of the stop band (around `cutoff_freq`).
        atten_db : float (in dB)
            The `slope` of the transition (from 1 to 0) in the `stop_band`.

        filtered_x : 1-D array
            The filtered inputed signal.
        from numpy import cos, sin, pi, absolute, arange
        from scipy.signal import kaiserord, lfilter, firwin

        self.cutoff_freq = cutoff_freq
        self.stop_band = stop_band
        self.atten_db = atten_db

        # sampling rate (freq)
        self.sample_freq = 1. / (t[1] - t[0])
        print 'sample freq: %.3f samples per unit time' % self.sample_freq

        # The Nyquist rate of the signal
        self.nyq_freq = self.sample_freq / 2.0
        print 'Nyquist freq: %.3f' % self.nyq_freq

        # The desired width of the transition from pass to stop,
        # relative to the Nyquist rate.
        width = self.stop_band / self.nyq_freq
        print 'stop band width %.3f' % self.stop_band

        # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB (between 20-120).
        self.atten_db = atten_db
        print 'stop band attenuation %.3f dB' % self.atten_db

        # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
        self.N, self.beta = kaiserord(atten_db, width)

        # The cutoff frequency of the filter.
        self.cutoff_freq = cutoff_freq
        print 'cutoff freq: %.3f' % self.cutoff_freq

        # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
        self.b = firwin(self.N,
                        self.cutoff_freq / self.nyq_freq,
                        window=('kaiser', self.beta))
        self.a = np.array([1.0])

        # filter x with a `zero phase-shift` FIR filter.
        filtered_x = sg.filtfilt(self.b, self.a, x)

        return filtered_x
sample_rate = 100000.0
nyquist_rate = sample_rate/2.0
width = 10000.0/nyquist_rate
cutoff = 2000.0/nyquist_rate
ripple_db = 60.0

# Bandpass filter
high_pass = (tx_freq+100.0)/nyquist_rate
low_pass = (tx_freq-100.0)/nyquist_rate
high_cutoff = (tx_freq+300.0)/nyquist_rate
low_cutoff = (tx_freq-300.0)/nyquist_rate
ord, wn = signal.buttord([low_pass, high_pass],[low_cutoff,high_cutoff],1.0,30.0)
b,a = signal.butter(ord,wn, btype="band")

## Low pass filter
N, beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
taps = signal.firwin(N, cutoff/nyquist_rate, window=('kaiser', beta))

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Echidna client")
parser.add_argument('--server', '-s', type=str, default = "localhost",
                    help="select the server to connect to")
parser.add_argument('--port','-p',type=int, default=5555,
                    help="select the port to connect to")

                    help="file to write to")

                    help="experiment duration")

def test_kaiserord():
    assert_raises(ValueError, kaiserord, 1.0, 1.0)
    numtaps, beta = kaiserord(2.285 + 7.95 - 0.001, 1 / np.pi)
    assert_equal((numtaps, beta), (2, 0.0))