def autocorrel(signal, tmax, dt): """ argument : signal (np.array), tmax and dt (float) tmax, is the maximum length of the autocorrelation that we want to see returns : autocorrel (np.array), time_shift (np.array) take a signal of time sampling dt, and returns its autocorrelation function between [0,tstop] (normalized) !! """ steps = int(tmax / dt) # number of steps to sum on signal = (signal - signal.mean()) / signal.std() cr = np.correlate(signal[steps:], signal) / steps time_shift = np.arange(len(cr)) * dt return cr / cr.max(), time_shift
def generate_feat_opts(path=None, cfg={ 'pkg': 'pysp', 'type': 'logfbank', 'nfilt': 40, 'delta': 2 }, signal=None, rate=16000): cfg = dict(cfg) if cfg['pkg'] == 'pysp': # python_speech_features # if signal is None: rate, signal = if cfg['type'] == 'logfbank': feat_mat = pyspfeat.base.logfbank(signal, rate, nfilt=cfg.get('nfilt', 40)) elif cfg['type'] == 'mfcc': feat_mat = pyspfeat.base.mfcc(signal, rate, numcep=cfg.get('nfilt', 26) // 2, nfilt=cfg.get('nfilt', 26)) elif cfg['type'] == 'wav': feat_mat = pyspfeat.base.sigproc.framesig( signal, frame_len=cfg.get('frame_len', 400), frame_step=cfg.get('frame_step', 160)) else: raise NotImplementedError( "feature type {} is not implemented/available".format( cfg['type'])) pass # delta # comb_feat_mat = [feat_mat] delta = cfg['delta'] if delta > 0: delta_feat_mat =, 2) comb_feat_mat.append(delta_feat_mat) if delta > 1: delta2_feat_mat =, 2) comb_feat_mat.append(delta2_feat_mat) if delta > 2: raise NotImplementedError( "max delta is 2, larger than 2 is not normal setting") return np.hstack(comb_feat_mat) elif cfg['pkg'] == 'rosa': if signal is None: signal, rate = librosa.core.load(path, sr=cfg['sample_rate']) assert rate == cfg[ 'sample_rate'], "sample rate is different with current data" if cfg.get('preemphasis', None) is not None: # signal = np.append(signal[0], signal[1:] - cfg['preemphasis']*signal[:-1]) signal = signal_util.preemphasis(x, self.cfg['preemphasis']) if cfg.get('pre', None) == 'meanstd': signal = (signal - signal.mean()) / signal.std() elif cfg.get('pre', None) == 'norm': signal = (signal - signal.min()) / (signal.max() - signal.min()) * 2 - 1 # raw feature if cfg['type'] == 'wav': if cfg.get('post', None) == 'mu': signal = linear2mu(signal) feat_mat = pyspfeat.base.sigproc.framesig( signal, frame_len=cfg.get('frame_len', 400), frame_step=cfg.get('frame_step', 160)) return feat_mat # spectrogram-based feature raw_spec = signal_util.rosa_spectrogram( signal, n_fft=cfg['nfft'], hop_length=cfg.get('winstep', None), win_length=cfg.get('winlen', None))[0] if cfg['type'] in ['logmelfbank', 'melfbank']: mel_spec = signal_util.rosa_spec2mel(raw_spec, nfilt=cfg['nfilt']) if cfg['type'] == 'logmelfbank': return np.log(mel_spec) else: return mel_spec elif cfg['type'] == 'lograwfbank': return np.log(raw_spec) elif cfg['type'] == 'rawfbank': return raw_spec else: raise NotImplementedError() elif cfg['pkg'] == 'taco': # SPECIAL FOR TACOTRON # tacohelper = TacotronHelper(cfg) if signal is None: signal = tacohelper.load_wav(path) assert len(signal) != 0, ('file {} is empty'.format(path)) try: if cfg['type'] == 'raw': feat = tacohelper.spectrogram(signal).T elif cfg['type'] == 'mel': feat = tacohelper.melspectrogram(signal).T else: raise NotImplementedError() except: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() pass return feat elif cfg['pkg'] == 'world': if path is None: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpfile: wavfile.write(, rate, signal) logf0, bap, mgc = world_vocoder_util.world_analysis(, cfg['mcep']) else: logf0, bap, mgc = world_vocoder_util.world_analysis( path, cfg['mcep']) vuv, f0, bap, mgc = world_vocoder_util.world2feat(logf0, bap, mgc) # ignore delta, avoid curse of dimensionality # return vuv, f0, bap, mgc else: raise NotImplementedError() pass
def dom_wn(signal, input_smooth, output_smooth, hann_width_z): """Calculation of dominant wavelength at every longitude INPUT: signal (array like): Input signal array input_smooth (boolean): If True, the input signal is smoothed to wavenumbers 0-20 before we do the wavelet analysis output_smooth (boolean): If True, the dominant wavenumber series is smoothed with a Hann window of hann_width before we output it hann_width (integer): Number of grid points in longitude for the smoothing (Hann window width). OUTPUT: dom_wavenumber (array like) : Dominant wavenumber in every longitude of the input signal. """ rectify = True # If we don't use the rectification technique there is a bias toward low wavenumbers. kmin = 0 kmax = 20 mother = Morlet(6) # Morlet mother wavelet with wavenumber=6 sigma = 0.7 ap = 3 # append the signal 2 times std = signal.std() # Standard deviation std2 = std ** 2 # Variance if input_smooth: signal = wnedit(signal, kmin, kmax) # Edit function to only contain the frequencies we are interested in var_temp = append(signal,signal,0) var = append(var_temp,signal,0) N = var.size # Which scales (wavenumbers) to resolve with CWT dx = 0.1 s0 = 2 * dx # Smallest resolvable scale (largest wavenumber) dj = 0.02 # Determines scale resolution J = 6 / dj # Largest resolvable scale. Determines total number of scales wave, scales, freqs, coi, fft, fftfreqs = cwt(var, ap, sigma, dx, dj, s0, J, mother) wnumber = 2*pi*freqs power = (abs(wave)) ** 2 /std2 # Normalized wavelet power spectrum if rectify: power = power / (scales[:,None]) max_wn = zeros(N) max_wn_smooth = zeros(N) for l in range(0,N): wnu = argmax(power[:,l]) # array index of dominant wavenumber in this latitude max_wn[l] = wnumber[wnu] # the dominant wavenumber in this latitude # remove padding added for wavelets # limit1 = int(N/3) limit2 = int(2*N/3) max_wn = max_wn[limit1:limit2] # smooth along the zonal with circular comvolution (periodic b'ries) # if output_smooth: hann_zon = hann(hann_width_z) max_wn_smooth = ndimage.convolve(max_wn, hann_zon, mode='wrap')/sum(hann_zon) if output_smooth: return max_wn_smooth else: return max_wn
def add_noise(self, signal, relative_noise_power=0.05, seed=0): noise_std = signal.std() * relative_noise_power random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed) return signal + random_state.randn(*signal.shape) * noise_std
def main_examples(ntrains): alphas, threshes, ks, snrs, freqs, t, base_frequency, \ train_freq_hists, example_trains, example_signals, waves, peaks = get_results(ntrains) # remove the alpha=0.5, doesn't really add anything alphas = alphas[1:] waves = waves[1:, ...] peaks = peaks[1:, ...] example_trains = example_trains[1:, ...] example_signals = example_signals[1:, ...] train_freq_hists = train_freq_hists[1:, ...] nalpha, nsnr, ntrains, nthresh, nfreq = peaks.shape nks = len(ks) log2_freqs = np.log2(freqs) np.random.seed(2002171330) bootci_kwargs = dict(statfunc=lambda _x: np.nanmean(_x, axis=0), alpha=0.05, n_samples=1000) snr_example_idxs = [0] for s in [0.1, 0.3, 1, 3]: snr_example_idxs.append(np.argmin(np.abs(snrs - s))) log2_freq_edges = utils.make_edges(log2_freqs) freq_ticks = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] freq_ticklabels = freq_ticks wave_kwargs = [ dict(facecolor=c, edgecolor=c, alpha=0.5, zorder=100 - ci) for ci, c in enumerate(['0', '0.3', '0.5']) ] peak_kwargs = [ dict(facecolor=c, edgecolor=c, alpha=0.5, zorder=90 - ci) for ci, c in enumerate(plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'][:nthresh]) ] # axes widths and x-positions (indexed from left) left_margin = 0.5 right_margin = 0.1 column_margin = 0.15 width_ratios = [left_margin] + reduce( (lambda a, b: a + [column_margin] + b), [[1]] * nalpha) + [right_margin] xs, ws = ratios_to_pos_and_size(width_ratios) # axes heights and y-positions (indexed from bottom) top_margin = 0.8 bottom_margin = 0.6 height_ratios = [[1.0]] * len(snr_example_idxs) + [[1.5], [0.5], [0.5]] height_ratios = [bottom_margin] + reduce( (lambda a, b: a + [0.1] + b), height_ratios) + [top_margin] height_ratios[-3] = 0.8 height_ratios[-5] = 0.6 height_ratios[-7] = 1.1 ys, hs = ratios_to_pos_and_size(height_ratios) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 12)) fig.text(0.5, 0.98, 'Exploration of noise and irregularity', fontsize=16, ha='center', va='center') for ai, alpha in enumerate(alphas): alpha_value_label = f'{alpha}'.rstrip('0').rstrip('.') if alpha > 1: sigma_value_label = f'1/{alpha_value_label}' else: sigma_value_label = f'{1/alpha}'.rstrip('0').rstrip('.') print(f'alpha = {alpha_value_label} ({ai+1}/{nalpha})') # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # 1/ISI histogram print(' histogram') # plot ax_isi = fig.add_subplot(position=[xs[ai], ys[-1], ws[ai], hs[-1]])[:-1], train_freq_hists[ai], width=np.diff(log2_freq_edges), align='edge', color='k') # configure axes ax_isi.set_xticks([], minor=True) ax_isi.set_xticks(np.log2(freq_ticks)) ax_isi.set_xticklabels(freq_ticklabels) ax_isi.set_title(f'$\\sigma$ = {sigma_value_label}') for spine in ['left', 'top', 'right']: ax_isi.spines[spine].set_visible(False) ax_isi.set_yticks([]) if ai == 0: ax_isi.set_ylabel('True\ndistribution', labelpad=10) ax_isi.set_xlabel('Frequency (ISI$^{-1}$)') ax_isi.set_xlim([log2_freq_edges[0], log2_freq_edges[-1]]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Raster and signal examples print(' raster and signal examples') # plot raster ax_r = fig.add_subplot(position=[xs[ai], ys[-2], ws[ai], hs[-2]]) for i in range(example_trains.shape[1]): train = example_trains[ai, i] spikes = t[np.where(train > 0)[0]] ax_r.scatter(spikes, [i] * len(spikes), marker='.', color='k', s=1) # plot noisy signal ax_s = fig.add_subplot(position=[xs[ai], ys[-3], ws[ai], hs[-3]]) for y, snri in enumerate(snr_example_idxs): signal = example_signals[ai, snri] signal = (signal - signal.mean()) / ( 0.3 + signal.std()) # wierd scaling for visual aesthetic ax_s.plot(t, signal + 4 * y, c='k', lw=1) # configure axes if ai == 0: ax_r.set_ylabel('True\nraster', labelpad=10) ax_s.set_ylabel('SNR examples') for ax in [ax_r, ax_s]: ax.set_xlim([0, 1]) for spine in ['left', 'top', 'right']: ax.spines[spine].set_visible(False) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_xticks([0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]) ax.set_xticklabels([f'{tick:g}' for tick in ax.get_xticks()]) if ai == 0: ax_s.set_yticks(4 * np.arange(len(snr_example_idxs))) ax_s.set_yticklabels([f'{s:.2g}' for s in snrs[snr_example_idxs]]) ax_s.yaxis.set_tick_params(length=0) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Wavelet and peak examples print(' wavelet and peak examples') for i, snr_idx in enumerate(snr_example_idxs): ax = fig.add_subplot(position=[xs[ai], ys[i], ws[ai], hs[i]]) snr_label = f'{snrs[snr_idx]:.2g}' print( f' example snr {snr_label} ({i+1}/{len(snr_example_idxs)})') # nalpha, nsnr, ntrains, nthresh, nfreq = peaks.shape # nalpha, nsnr, ntrains, nks , nfreq = waves.shape # plot wavelet for j in range(nks): y = waves[ai, snr_idx, :, j] y = y / np.sum(y, axis=-1, keepdims=True) ci = np.sqrt(bootci_pi(y, **bootci_kwargs)) ax.fill_between(log2_freqs, ci[0], ci[1], label=f'Mesaclip ($k$={ks[j]})', **wave_kwargs[j]) # plot peak for j in range(nthresh): y = peaks[ai, snr_idx, :, j] y = y / np.sum(y, axis=-1, keepdims=True) ci = np.sqrt(bootci_pi(y, **bootci_kwargs)) ax.fill_between(log2_freqs, ci[0], ci[1], label=f'Peak ($\\theta$={threshes[j]})', **peak_kwargs[j]) # configure axes ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_xlim(log2_freq_edges[0], log2_freq_edges[-1]) if ai == 0: ax.set_ylabel(f'SNR\n{snr_label}', fontsize=10, labelpad=10) if i == 0: ax.set_xticks(np.log2(freq_ticks)) ax.set_xticklabels(freq_ticklabels) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency') if ai == 0: handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles = list(np.array(handles).reshape(2, -1).T.flatten()) labels = list(np.array(labels).reshape(2, -1).T.flatten()) ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper left', ncol=3, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.05, 1.6)) fig.savefig('../output/snr_vs_peak_detect_examples.png', dpi=600) plt.close(fig)
def add_signal_to_noise(signal, noise, snr, start): std_signal = signal.std() signal = zero_pad(signal, len(noise), start) return signal * ((noise.std() * 10 ** (snr / 20)) / std_signal) + noise