def make_semiposdef(
    matrix: np.ndarray,
    maxiter: Optional[int] = 10,
    tol: Optional[float] = 1e-12,
    verbose: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Make quadratic matrix positive semi-definite by increasing its eigenvalues

    matrix : array_like of shape (N,N)
        the matrix to process
    maxiter : int, optional
        the maximum number of iterations for increasing the eigenvalues, defaults to 10
    tol : float, optional
        tolerance for deciding if pos. semi-def., defaults to 1e-12
    verbose : bool, optional
        If True print smallest eigenvalue of the resulting matrix, if False (default)
        be quiet

    (N,N) array_like
        quadratic positive semi-definite matrix

        If matrix is not square.
    n, m = matrix.shape
    if n != m:
        raise ValueError("Matrix has to be quadratic")
    # use specialised functions for sparse matrices
    if issparse(matrix):
        # enforce symmetric matrix
        matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T)
        # calculate smallest eigenvalue
        e = np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR", return_eigenvectors=False)).min()
        count = 0
        # increase the eigenvalues until matrix is positive semi-definite
        while e < tol and count < maxiter:
            matrix += (np.absolute(e) + tol) * eye(n, format=matrix.format)
            e = np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR",
            count += 1
        e = np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR", return_eigenvectors=False)).min()
    # same procedure for non-sparse matrices
        matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T)
        count = 0
        e = np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix)).min()
        while e < tol and count < maxiter:
            e = np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix)).min()
            matrix += (np.absolute(e) + tol) * np.eye(n)
        e = np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix)).min()
    if verbose:
        print("Final result of make_semiposdef: smallest eigenvalue is %e" % e)
    return matrix
    def calculate_one(self, evsearch, searchnum):
        Calculate single mode using fixed point iterations
        calculate_one(evsearch, searchnum)
        m0 = self.m0; k0 = self.k0
        wl = self.wl
        bcstart, bcend = self.equation.diff.bc_extents()
        coord = self.wg.get_coord(self.base_shape, border=1)

        #Create new mode
        mode = self.mode_class(coord=coord, symmetry=self.wg.symmetry, m0=m0, wl=wl, evalue=evsearch, wg=self.wg)
        mode.right = ones(mode.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        mode.discard_vectors = self.discard_vectors

        residue = inf; numit=0; evtol=1e-10
        while residue>self.abc_convergence and numit<self.abc_iterations:
            #Update equation with new BCs and update LU decomp
            if self.equation.coord.rmin==0:
                self.si.update(self.matrix, uprows=bcend)
                self.si.set_shift(self.matrix, complex(mode.evalue))

            #Solve linear eigenproblem
            if use_arpack:
                evals, revecs = eigs(self.si, k=searchnum, \
                    which='LM', return_eigenvectors=True)
                evals = self.si.eigenvalue_transform(evals)
                evals, revecs = eigs(self.si, searchnum, tol=evtol)
                revecs = revecs.T
            #Locate closest eigenvalue
            itrack = absolute(evals-mode.evalue).argmin()
            mode.evalue = evals[itrack]
            mode.right = asarray(revecs)[:,itrack]
            #Residue and convergence
            evconverge = abs(mode.evalue - evals[itrack])
            residue = mode.residue = self.residue(mode)
            mode.convergence += [ residue ]
            mode.track += [ mode.evalue ]
            logging.debug( "[%d] neff: %s conv: %.3g, res:%.3g" % (numit, mode.neff, evconverge, mode.residue) )

        mode.iterations = numit

        #Discard vectors at this stage, to free up memory if we can
        return mode, evals
def make_semiposdef(matrix, maxiter=10, tol=1e-12, verbose=False):
    Make quadratic matrix positive semi-definite by increasing its eigenvalues

        matrix : (N,N) array_like
        maxiter: int
            the maximum number of iterations for increasing the eigenvalues
        tol: float
            tolerance for deciding if pos. semi-def.
        verbose: bool
            If True print some more detail about input parameters.

        (N,N) array_like
            quadratic positive semi-definite matrix

    n, m = matrix.shape
    if n != m:
        raise ValueError("Matrix has to be quadratic")
    # use specialised functions for sparse matrices
    if issparse(matrix):
        # enforce symmetric matrix
        matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T)
        # calculate smallest eigenvalue
        e = np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR", return_eigenvectors=False)).min()
        count = 0
        # increase the eigenvalues until matrix is positive semi-definite
        while e < tol and count < maxiter:
            matrix += (np.absolute(e) + tol) * eye(n, format=matrix.format)
            e = np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR",
            count += 1
        e = np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR", return_eigenvectors=False)).min()
    # same procedure for non-sparse matrices
        matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T)
        count = 0
        e = np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix)).min()
        while e < tol and count < maxiter:
            e = np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix)).min()
            matrix += (np.absolute(e) + tol) * np.eye(n)
        e = np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix)).min()
    if verbose:
        print("Final result of make_semiposdef: smallest eigenvalue is %e" % e)
    return matrix
def main():
    #K = 2
    #N = 9
    #fileMat,labList = fileTomatrix('german.txt')

    K = 10
    N = 9
    fileMat,labList = fileTomatrix('mnist.txt')

    disMat = np.zeros((np.shape(fileMat)[0],np.shape(fileMat)[0]))
    graphMat = disMat.copy()

    disMat = distance.cdist(fileMat,fileMat,'euclidean')
    print 1
    for i in range(np.shape(disMat)[0]):
        temp = np.argpartition(disMat[i],(1,N+1))
        result_args = temp[1:N+1]
        graphMat[i][result_args] = 1
    print 2
    D = graphMat.sum(1)
    D = sparse.spdiags(D, 0, np.shape(graphMat)[0], np.shape(graphMat)[0]).toarray()

    L = D - graphMat

    vals,vecs = arpack.eigs(L,k=K,tol=0,which='LM')
    print vecs
    clustermatch,randcluster = k_means(vecs,labList,K)

    a,b = calcuPuri(clustermatch,labList,K)
    print a,b
    def worker():
        x = diags([1, -2, 1], [-1, 0, 1], shape=(50, 50))
        w, v = eigs(x, k=3, v0=v0)

        w, v = eigsh(x, k=3, v0=v0)
def computeEigenValsVectors(mat, dimensionReductionNum):
	eigenVals, eigenVecs = arpack.eigs(mat, k = dimensionReductionNum, tol=0, which = "LM")

	if pv.outputDebugMsg:
		Utils.logMessage("\nCompute eigen values vectors finished")

	return eigenVals, eigenVecs
    def worker():
        x = diags([1, -2, 1], [-1, 0, 1], shape=(50, 50))
        w, v = eigs(x, k=3, v0=v0)

        w, v = eigsh(x, k=3, v0=v0)
    def eval_evec(self,d,typ,k,which,v0=None):
        if v0 == None:
            v0 = d['v0']
        # get exact eigenvalues
        if verbose >= 3:
            print "exact"
            print exact_eval

        # compute eigenvalues
        if verbose >= 3:
            print eval
        # check eigenvalues
        # check eigenvectors A*evec=eval*evec
        for i in range(k):
    def eval_evec(self, d, typ, k, which, v0=None):
        a = d['mat'].astype(typ)
        if v0 == None:
            v0 = d['v0']
        # get exact eigenvalues
        exact_eval = d['eval'].astype(typ.upper())
        ind = self.sort_choose(exact_eval, typ, k, which)
        exact_eval = exact_eval[ind]
        if verbose >= 3:
            print "exact"
            print exact_eval

        # compute eigenvalues
        eval, evec = eigs(a, k, which=which, v0=v0)
        ind = self.sort_choose(eval, typ, k, which)
        eval = eval[ind]
        evec = evec[:, ind]
        if verbose >= 3:
            print eval
        # check eigenvalues
        # check eigenvectors A*evec=eval*evec
        for i in range(k):
            assert_array_almost_equal_cc(dot(a, evec[:, i]),
                                         eval[i] * evec[:, i],
    def calculate(self, number=inf):
        m0=self.m0; k0=self.k0
        number = min(number, self.totalnumber)
        logging.info( "Center solver. Finding modes, m0=%d, wl=%.3g" % (m0, self.wl) )
        #Create new matrix if there is no existing one
        if self.si is None:
            self.si = ShiftInvertBlock(overwrite=self.overwrite)
        #Time mode solve
        tick = timer.timer()

        #Array to store solved modes
        evrange = array(self.bracket)**2*self.k0**2
        #Update equation with new BCs and update LU decomp
        self.update_lambda(self.evapprox, not self.overwrite)
        self.si.set_shift(self.matrix, self.evapprox+0j)

        #Find modes of linearized system
        if use_arpack:
            cev = eigen(self.si, k=self.totalnumber, which='LM', return_eigenvectors=False)
            cev = self.si.eigenvalue_transform(cev)
            cev, cvecs = eigs(self.si, self.totalnumber, tol=1e-6)
        #Filter cev within range
        if self.ignore_outside_interval:
            cev = filter(lambda x: min(evrange)<=real(x)<=max(evrange), cev)
        #Refine modes
        for ii in range(len(cev)):
            evsearch = cev[ii]
            #If the matrix is overwritten we must recreate it
            if self.overwrite: self.generate()
            self.si.set_shift(self.matrix, evsearch+0j)

            #Calculate next mode
            mode, evals = self.calculate_one(evsearch, self.searchnumber)

            #Add mode to list
            if (mode.residue<self.abc_convergence) or self.add_if_unconverged:
                self.modes += [ mode ]

            avtime = tick.lap()/(ii+1)
            logging.info( "Mode #%d [%d/%.3gs], neff=%s, res: %.2e" % \
                (self.numbersolved, mode.iterations, avtime, mode.neff, mode.residue) )

        #Clean up if calculation is finished!
        if self.isfinished(): self.finalize()

        return self.modes
 def test_no_convergence(self):
     m = np.random.rand(30, 30) + 1j*np.random.rand(30, 30)
         w, v = eigs(m, 3, which='LM', v0=m[:,0], maxiter=30)
         raise AssertionError("Spurious no-error exit")
     except ArpackNoConvergence, err:
         k = len(err.eigenvalues)
         if k <= 0:
             raise AssertionError("Spurious no-eigenvalues-found case")
         w, v = err.eigenvalues, err.eigenvectors
         for ww, vv in zip(w, v.T):
             assert_array_almost_equal(dot(m, vv), ww*vv,
def test_standard_nonsymmetric_no_convergence():
    m = generate_matrix(30, complex=True)
    tol, rtol, atol = _get_test_tolerance('d')
        w, v = eigs(m, 4, which='LM', v0=m[:, 0], maxiter=5, tol=tol)
        raise AssertionError("Spurious no-error exit")
    except ArpackNoConvergence as err:
        k = len(err.eigenvalues)
        if k <= 0:
            raise AssertionError("Spurious no-eigenvalues-found case")
        w, v = err.eigenvalues, err.eigenvectors
        for ww, vv in zip(w, v.T):
            assert_allclose(dot(m, vv), ww * vv, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
 def test_no_convergence(self):
     m = np.random.rand(30, 30) + 1j*np.random.rand(30, 30)
         w, v = eigs(m, 3, which='LM', v0=m[:,0], maxiter=30)
         raise AssertionError("Spurious no-error exit")
     except ArpackNoConvergence, err:
         k = len(err.eigenvalues)
         if k <= 0:
             raise AssertionError("Spurious no-eigenvalues-found case")
         w, v = err.eigenvalues, err.eigenvectors
         for ww, vv in zip(w, v.T):
             assert_array_almost_equal(dot(m, vv), ww*vv,
def test_standard_nonsymmetric_no_convergence():
    m = generate_matrix(30, complex=True)
    tol, rtol, atol = _get_test_tolerance('d')
        w, v = eigs(m, 4, which='LM', v0=m[:, 0], maxiter=5, tol=tol)
        raise AssertionError("Spurious no-error exit")
    except ArpackNoConvergence as err:
        k = len(err.eigenvalues)
        if k <= 0:
            raise AssertionError("Spurious no-eigenvalues-found case")
        w, v = err.eigenvalues, err.eigenvectors
        for ww, vv in zip(w, v.T):
            assert_allclose(dot(m, vv), ww * vv, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
def correlation_length(B):
    " Constructs the mixed transfermatrix and returns correlation length"
    chi = B[0].shape[1]
    L = len(B)

    T = np.tensordot(B[0], np.conj(B[0]), axes=(0, 0))  #a,b,a',b'
    T = T.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)  #a,a',b,b'
    for i in range(1, L):
        T = np.tensordot(T, B[i], axes=(2, 1))  #a,a',b',i,b
        T = np.tensordot(T, np.conj(B[i]), axes=([2, 3], [1, 0]))  #a,a',b,b'
    T = np.reshape(T, (chi**2, chi**2))

    # Obtain the 2nd largest eigenvalue
    eta = arp.eigs(T, k=2, which='LM', return_eigenvectors=False, ncv=20)
    return -L / np.log(np.min(np.abs(eta)))
def test_eigs_for_k_greater():
    # Test eigs() for k beyond limits.
    A_sparse = diags([1, -2, 1], [-1, 0, 1], shape=(4, 4))  # sparse
    A = generate_matrix(4, sparse=False)
    M_dense = np.random.random((4, 4))
    M_sparse = generate_matrix(4, sparse=True)
    M_linop = aslinearoperator(M_dense)
    eig_tuple1 = eig(A, b=M_dense)
    eig_tuple2 = eig(A, b=M_sparse)

    with suppress_warnings() as sup:

        assert_equal(eigs(A, M=M_dense, k=3), eig_tuple1)
        assert_equal(eigs(A, M=M_dense, k=4), eig_tuple1)
        assert_equal(eigs(A, M=M_dense, k=5), eig_tuple1)
        assert_equal(eigs(A, M=M_sparse, k=5), eig_tuple2)

        # M as LinearOperator
        assert_raises(TypeError, eigs, A, M=M_linop, k=3)

        # Test 'A' for different types
        assert_raises(TypeError, eigs, aslinearoperator(A), k=3)
        assert_raises(TypeError, eigs, A_sparse, k=3)
def test_eigs_for_k_greater():
    # Test eigs() for k beyond limits.
    A_sparse = diags([1, -2, 1], [-1, 0, 1], shape=(4, 4))  # sparse
    A = generate_matrix(4, sparse=False)
    M_dense = np.random.random((4, 4))
    M_sparse = generate_matrix(4, sparse=True)
    M_linop = aslinearoperator(M_dense)
    eig_tuple1 = eig(A, b=M_dense)
    eig_tuple2 = eig(A, b=M_sparse)

    with suppress_warnings() as sup:

        assert_equal(eigs(A, M=M_dense, k=3), eig_tuple1)
        assert_equal(eigs(A, M=M_dense, k=4), eig_tuple1)
        assert_equal(eigs(A, M=M_dense, k=5), eig_tuple1)
        assert_equal(eigs(A, M=M_sparse, k=5), eig_tuple2)

        # M as LinearOperator
        assert_raises(TypeError, eigs, A, M=M_linop, k=3)

        # Test 'A' for different types
        assert_raises(TypeError, eigs, aslinearoperator(A), k=3)
        assert_raises(TypeError, eigs, A_sparse, k=3)
def test_regression_arpackng_1315():
    # Check that issue arpack-ng/#1315 is not present.
    # Adapted from arpack-ng/TESTS/bug_1315_single.c
    # If this fails, then the installed ARPACK library is faulty.

    for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]:

        w0 = np.arange(1, 1000 + 1).astype(dtype)
        A = diags([w0], [0], shape=(1000, 1000))

        v0 = np.random.rand(1000).astype(dtype)
        w, v = eigs(A, k=9, ncv=2 * 9 + 1, which="LM", v0=v0)

        assert_allclose(np.sort(w), np.sort(w0[-9:]), rtol=1e-4)
def test_regression_arpackng_1315():
    # Check that issue arpack-ng/#1315 is not present.
    # Adapted from arpack-ng/TESTS/bug_1315_single.c
    # If this fails, then the installed ARPACK library is faulty.

    for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]:

        w0 = np.arange(1, 1000+1).astype(dtype)
        A = diags([w0], [0], shape=(1000, 1000))

        v0 = np.random.rand(1000).astype(dtype)
        w, v = eigs(A, k=9, ncv=2*9+1, which="LM", v0=v0)

        assert_allclose(np.sort(w), np.sort(w0[-9:]),
 def correlation_length(self):
     """Diagonalize transfer matrix to obtain the correlation length."""
     import scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.arpack as arp
     assert self.bc == 'infinite'  # works only in the infinite case
     B = self.Bs[0]  # vL i vR
     chi = B.shape[0]
     T = np.tensordot(B, np.conj(B), axes=[1, 1])  # vL [i] vR, vL* [i*] vR*
     T = np.transpose(T, [0, 2, 1, 3])  # vL vL* vR vR*
     for i in range(1, self.L):
         B = self.Bs[i]
         T = np.tensordot(T, B, axes=[2, 0])  # vL vL* [vR] vR*, [vL] i vR
         T = np.tensordot(T, np.conj(B), axes=[[2, 3], [0, 1]])
         # vL vL* [vR*] [i] vR, [vL*] [i*] vR*
     T = np.reshape(T, (chi**2, chi**2))
     # Obtain the 2nd largest eigenvalue
     eta = arp.eigs(T, k=2, which='LM', return_eigenvectors=False, ncv=20)
     return -self.L / np.log(np.min(np.abs(eta)))
def test_ticket_1459_arpack_crash():
    for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]:
        # XXX: this test does not seem to catch the issue for float32,
        #      but we made the same fix there, just to be sure

        N = 6
        k = 2

        A = np.random.random((N, N)).astype(dtype)
        v0 = np.array([-0.71063568258907849895, -0.83185111795729227424,
                       -0.34365925382227402451, 0.46122533684552280420,
                       -0.58001341115969040629, -0.78844877570084292984e-01],

        # Should not crash:
        evals, evecs = eigs(A, k, v0=v0)
def test_ticket_1459_arpack_crash():
    for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]:
        # This test does not seem to catch the issue for float32,
        # but we made the same fix there, just to be sure

        N = 6
        k = 2

        A = np.random.random((N, N)).astype(dtype)
        v0 = np.array([-0.71063568258907849895, -0.83185111795729227424,
                       -0.34365925382227402451, 0.46122533684552280420,
                       -0.58001341115969040629, -0.78844877570084292984e-01],

        # Should not crash:
        evals, evecs = eigs(A, k, v0=v0)
def extern_pca(data,k):
    Performs the eigen decomposition of the covariance matrix based
    on the eigen decomposition of the exterior product matrix.
    * data: 2D numpy array where each row is a sample and
            each column a feature.
    * k: number of principal components to keep.
    * w: the eigen values of the covariance matrix sorted in from 
          highest to lowest.
    * u: the corresponding eigen vectors. u[:,i] is the vector
         corresponding to w[i]
    Notes: This function computes PCA, based on the exterior product
           matrix (C = X*X.T/(n-1)) instead of the covariance matrix
           (C = X.T*X) and uses relations based of the singular
           value decomposition to compute the corresponding the
           final eigen vectors. While this can be much faster when 
           the number of samples is much smaller than the number
           of features, it can lead to loss of precisions.
           The (centered) data matrix X can be decomposed as:
                X.T = U * S * v.T
           On computes the eigen decomposition of :
                X * X.T = v*S^2*v.T
           and the eigen vectors of the covariance matrix are
           computed as :
                U = X.T * v * S^(-1)
#    raise NotImplementedError('Need to curate this method')
    # Should I take last line and remove the [::-1] stuff?
    data_m = data - data.mean(0)
    K = np.dot(data_m,data_m.T)
    w,v = eigs(K,k = k,which = 'LM')
    U = np.dot(data.T,v/np.sqrt(w))
    # Normalizes eigenvalues by length of data (?)
#    return w[::-1]/(len(data)-1),U[:,::-1]
    return w/(len(data)-1),U
def extern_pca(data, k):
    Performs the eigen decomposition of the covariance matrix based
    on the eigen decomposition of the exterior product matrix.
    * data: 2D numpy array where each row is a sample and
            each column a feature.
    * k: number of principal components to keep.
    * w: the eigen values of the covariance matrix sorted in from 
          highest to lowest.
    * u: the corresponding eigen vectors. u[:,i] is the vector
         corresponding to w[i]
    Notes: This function computes PCA, based on the exterior product
           matrix (C = X*X.T/(n-1)) instead of the covariance matrix
           (C = X.T*X) and uses relations based of the singular
           value decomposition to compute the corresponding the
           final eigen vectors. While this can be much faster when 
           the number of samples is much smaller than the number
           of features, it can lead to loss of precisions.
           The (centered) data matrix X can be decomposed as:
                X.T = U * S * v.T
           On computes the eigen decomposition of :
                X * X.T = v*S^2*v.T
           and the eigen vectors of the covariance matrix are
           computed as :
                U = X.T * v * S^(-1)

    #    raise NotImplementedError('Need to curate this method')
    # Should I take last line and remove the [::-1] stuff?
    data_m = data - data.mean(0)
    K = np.dot(data_m, data_m.T)
    w, v = eigs(K, k=k, which='LM')
    U = np.dot(data.T, v / np.sqrt(w))
    # Normalizes eigenvalues by length of data (?)
    #    return w[::-1]/(len(data)-1),U[:,::-1]
    return w / (len(data) - 1), U
def test_real_eigs_real_k_subset():

    n = 10
    A = rand(n, n, density=0.5)
    A.data *= 2
    A.data -= 1

    v0 = np.ones(n)

    whichs = ['LM', 'SM', 'LR', 'SR', 'LI', 'SI']
    dtypes = [np.float32, np.float64]

    for which, sigma, dtype in itertools.product(whichs, [None, 0, 5], dtypes):
        prev_w = np.array([], dtype=dtype)
        eps = np.finfo(dtype).eps
        for k in range(1, 9):
            w, z = eigs(A.astype(dtype),
            assert_allclose(np.linalg.norm(A.dot(z) - z * w),

            # Check that the set of eigenvalues for `k` is a subset of that for `k+1`
            dist = abs(prev_w[:, None] - w).min(axis=1)
            assert_allclose(dist, 0, atol=np.sqrt(eps))

            prev_w = w

            # Check sort order
            if sigma is None:
                d = w
                d = 1 / (w - sigma)

            if which == 'LM':
                # ARPACK is systematic for 'LM', but sort order
                # appears not well defined for other modes
                assert np.all(np.diff(abs(d)) <= 1e-6)
def calculate_large_eigens(matrix, k=1):
    """Calculate the largest-magnitude eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of
    a matrix.
        matrix: a numpy 2D array or scipy sparse matrix.
        k: an integer, how many eigenvalues and eigenvectors to calculate. Default is 1
    Returns: values, vectors. Eigenvalues are in descending order of magnitude.
    sparse = issparse(matrix)
    key = lambda v: -np.abs(v)  # opposite of magnitude
    if sparse:
        eigensystem = eigs(matrix, k=k, which='LM')
        eigensystem = reorder_eigensystem(eigensystem, key=key)
        return eigensystem
        eigensystem = eig(matrix)
        values, vectors = reorder_eigensystem(eigensystem, key=key)
        return values[0:k], vectors[:, 0:k]
def kpca(data,k):
        Performs the eigen decomposition of the kernel matrix.
        * data: 2D numpy array representing the symmetric kernel matrix.
        * k: number of principal components to keep.
        * w: the eigen values of the covariance matrix sorted in from 
              highest to lowest.
        * u: the corresponding eigen vectors. u[:,i] is the vector
             corresponding to w[i]
        Notes: If you want to perform the full decomposition, consider 
               using 'full_kpca' instead.
    w,u = eigs(data,k = k,which = 'LM')
#    return w[::-1],u[:,::-1]
    return w,u
def kpca(data, k):
        Performs the eigen decomposition of the kernel matrix.
        * data: 2D numpy array representing the symmetric kernel matrix.
        * k: number of principal components to keep.
        * w: the eigen values of the covariance matrix sorted in from 
              highest to lowest.
        * u: the corresponding eigen vectors. u[:,i] is the vector
             corresponding to w[i]
        Notes: If you want to perform the full decomposition, consider 
               using 'full_kpca' instead.
    w, u = eigs(data, k=k, which='LM')
    #    return w[::-1],u[:,::-1]
    return w, u
文件: utils.py 项目: Joey-Shen/pb-dfs
def chebyshev_polynomials(adj, k):
    """Calculate Chebyshev polynomials up to order k. Return a list of sparse matrices (tuple representation)."""
    # print("Calculating Chebyshev polynomials up to order {}...".format(k))

    adj_normalized = normalize_adj(adj)
    laplacian = sp.eye(adj.shape[0]) - adj_normalized
    largest_eigval, _ = eigs(laplacian, 1, which='LR', maxiter=5000)
    scaled_laplacian = (2. / largest_eigval[0]) * laplacian - sp.eye(

    t_k = list()

    def chebyshev_recurrence(t_k_minus_one, t_k_minus_two, scaled_lap):
        s_lap = sp.csr_matrix(scaled_lap, copy=True)
        return 2 * s_lap.dot(t_k_minus_one) - t_k_minus_two

    for i in range(2, k + 1):
        t_k.append(chebyshev_recurrence(t_k[-1], t_k[-2], scaled_laplacian))

    return sparse_to_tuple(t_k)
def pca(data,k):
    Performs the eigen decomposition of the covariance matrix.
    * data: 2D numpy array where each row is a sample and
            each column a feature.
    * k: number of principal components to keep.
    * w: the eigen values of the covariance matrix sorted in from 
          highest to lowest.
    * u: the corresponding eigen vectors. u[:,i] is the vector
         corresponding to w[i]
    Notes: If the number of samples is much smaller than the number
           of features, you should consider the use of 'svd_pca'.
    cov = np.cov(data.T)
    # kw "which" means return largest magnitude k eigenvalues
    w,u = eigs(cov,k = k,which = 'LM')
#    return w[::-1],u[:,::-1]
    return w,u #(No need to reverse w,u because eigs does it using 'LM')
def pca(data, k):
    Performs the eigen decomposition of the covariance matrix.
    * data: 2D numpy array where each row is a sample and
            each column a feature.
    * k: number of principal components to keep.
    * w: the eigen values of the covariance matrix sorted in from 
          highest to lowest.
    * u: the corresponding eigen vectors. u[:,i] is the vector
         corresponding to w[i]
    Notes: If the number of samples is much smaller than the number
           of features, you should consider the use of 'svd_pca'.
    cov = np.cov(data.T)
    # kw "which" means return largest magnitude k eigenvalues
    w, u = eigs(cov, k=k, which='LM')
    #    return w[::-1],u[:,::-1]
    return w, u  #(No need to reverse w,u because eigs does it using 'LM')
def spectalCluster(data, sigma, num_clusters):
    # 先完成sigma != 0
    data = sparse.csc_matrix.multiply(data, data)

    data = -data / (2 * sigma * sigma)

    S = sparse.csc_matrix.expm1(data) + sparse.csc_matrix.multiply(sparse.csc_matrix.sign(data),

    # 转换成Laplacian矩阵
    D = S.sum(1)  # 相似矩阵是对称矩阵
    D = sqrt(1 / D)
    n = len(D)
    D = D.T
    D = sparse.spdiags(D, 0, n, n)
    L = D * S * D

    # 求特征值和特征向量
    vals, vecs = arpack.eigs(L, k=num_clusters, tol=0, which="LM")

    # 利用k-Means
    # 对vecs做正规化
    sq_sum = sqrt(multiply(vecs, vecs).sum(1))
    m_1, m_2 = shape(vecs)
    for i in range(m_1):
        for j in range(m_2):
            vecs[i, j] = vecs[i, j] / sq_sum[i]

    myCentroids, clustAssing = kMeans(vecs, num_clusters)

    for i in range(shape(clustAssing)[0]):
        print(clustAssing[i, 0])
def spectral_clustering(similarity, sigma, clusters):
    print("get matrix S")
    sparse_similarity = sparse.csr_matrix(similarity)
    data = sparse.csc_matrix.multiply(sparse_similarity, sparse_similarity)
    data = -data / (2 * sigma * sigma)
    S = sparse.csc_matrix.expm1(data) + sparse.csc_matrix.multiply(sparse.csc_matrix.sign(data),sparse.csc_matrix.sign(data))

    print("get matrix L")
    D = S.sum(1)
    D = sqrt(1 / D)
    n = len(D)
    D = D.T
    D = sparse.spdiags(D, 0, n, n)
    L = D * S * D

    print("get the eigenvalue and eigenvector")
    values, vectors = arpack.eigs(L, k=clusters,tol=0,which="LM")

    print(" vectors normalization")

    sqrt_sum = sqrt(multiply(vectors,vectors).sum(1))
    row, column = shape(vectors)
    #print(row, column)
    for i in range(row):
        for j in range(column):
            vectors[i][j] = vectors[i][j] / sqrt_sum[i]
        #print(" ")
    print("perform k-means")
    centers, clusters_category = kMeans(vectors, clusters)

    for i in range(shape(clusters_category)[0]):
    return clusters_category
 def A_matvec(x):
     x = diags([1, -2, 1], [-1, 0, 1], shape=(50, 50))
     w, v = eigs(x, k=1)
     return v / w[0]
def compute(inv_dict, save=True):
  @param inv_dict: is a dict optinally containing any of these:
    - inv_dict['edge']: boolean for global edge count
    - inv_dict['ver']: boolean for global vertex number
    - inv_dict['tri']: boolean for local triangle count
    - inv_dict['tri_fn']: the path of a precomputed triangle count (.npy)
    - inv_dict['eig']: boolean for eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    - inv_dict['eigvl_fn']: the path of a precomputed eigenvalues (.npy)
    - inv_dict['eigvect_fn']: the path of a precomputed eigenvectors (.npy)
    - inv_dict['deg']: boolean for local degree count
    - inv_dict['deg_fn']: the path of a precomputed triangle count (.npy)
    - inv_dict['ss1']: boolean for scan 1 statistic
    - inv_dict['cc']: boolean for clustering coefficient
    - inv_dict['mad']: boolean for maximum average degree
    - inv_dict['save_dir']: the base path where all invariants will create sub-dirs & be should be saved

  @param save: boolean for auto save or not. TODO: use this
    # Popualate inv_dict
    inv_dict = populate_inv_dict(inv_dict)

    if inv_dict['save_dir'] is None:
        inv_dict['save_dir'] = os.path.dirname(inv_dict['graph_fn'])

    if (inv_dict.has_key('G')):
        if inv_dict['G'] is not None:
            G = inv_dict['G']
    elif (inv_dict['graphsize'] == 'b' or inv_dict['graphsize'] == 'big'):
        G = loadAdjMat(inv_dict['graph_fn'], inv_dict['lcc_fn'])  # TODO: test
    # small graphs
        G = loadAnyMat(inv_dict['graph_fn'], inv_dict['data_elem'])
        if isinstance(G, str):
            print G
            return G  # Error message

    num_nodes = G.shape[0]  # number of nodes

    # CC requires deg_fn and tri_fn. Load if available
    if inv_dict['cc']:
        # if either #tri or deg is undefined
        if not inv_dict['tri_fn']:
            inv_dict['tri'] = True
        if not inv_dict['deg_fn']:
            inv_dict['deg'] = True

        cc_array = np.zeros(num_nodes)

    # All invariants that require eigenvalues
    if ((inv_dict['tri'] and not inv_dict['tri_fn']) or (inv_dict['mad'])):
        if not inv_dict['eigvl_fn']:
            inv_dict['eig'] = True

    # Only create arrays if the computation will be done
    if inv_dict['tri']:
        if inv_dict['tri_fn']:
            tri_array = np.load(inv_dict['tri_fn'])  # load if precomputed
            tri_array = np.zeros(num_nodes)  # local triangle count

    if inv_dict['deg'] or inv_dict['edge']:  # edge is global number of edges
        inv_dict['deg'] = True
        if inv_dict['deg_fn']:
            deg_array = np.load(inv_dict['deg_fn'])
            deg_array = np.zeros(num_nodes)  # Vertex degrees of all vertices

    if (inv_dict['ss1']):
        ss1_array = np.zeros(
            num_nodes)  # Induced subgraph edge number i.e scan statistic

    if (not inv_dict['k'] or inv_dict['k'] > 100
            or inv_dict['k'] > G.shape[0] - 2):
        k = 100 if G.shape[0] - 2 > 101 else G.shape[
            0] - 2  # Maximum of 100 eigenvalues

    start = time()
    # Calculate Eigenvalues & Eigen vectors
    if inv_dict['eig']:
        if not (inv_dict['eigvl_fn'] or inv_dict['eigvect_fn']):
            l, u = arpack.eigs(G, k=k, which='LM')  # LanczosMethod(A,0)
            print 'Time taken to calc Eigenvalues: %f secs\n' % (time() -
                l = np.load(inv_dict['eigvl_fn'])
                u = l = np.load(inv_dict['eigvect_fn'])
            except Exception:
                return "[IOERROR: ]Eigenvalues failed to load"

    # All other invariants
    start = time()
    #### For loop ####
    if (inv_dict['cc'] or inv_dict['ss1'] or (inv_dict['tri'] and not inv_dict['tri_fn'])\
        or (inv_dict['deg'] and not inv_dict['deg_fn'])  ): # one of the others
        for j in range(num_nodes):
            # tri
            if not inv_dict['tri_fn'] and inv_dict[
                    'tri']:  # if this is still None we need to compute it
                tri_array[j] = abs(
                    round((sum(np.power(l.real, 3) * (u[j][:].real**2))) /
                          6.0))  # Divide by six because we count locally

            # ss1 & deg
            if inv_dict['ss1'] or (not inv_dict['deg_fn'] and inv_dict['deg']):
                nbors = G[:, j].nonzero()[0]
                # deg
                if (not inv_dict['deg_fn'] and inv_dict['deg']):
                    deg_array[j] = nbors.shape[0]
                # ss1
                if inv_dict['ss1']:
                    if (nbors.shape[0] > 0):
                        nbors_mat = G[:, nbors][nbors, :]
                        ss1_array[j] = nbors.shape[0] + (
                            nbors_mat.nnz / 2.0
                        )  # scan stat 1 # Divide by two because of symmetric matrix
                            j] = 0  # zero neighbors hence zero cardinality enduced subgraph

            # cc
            if inv_dict['cc']:
                if (deg_array[j] > 2):
                    cc_array[j] = (2.0 * tri_array[j]) / (
                        deg_array[j] * (deg_array[j] - 1))  # Jari et al
                    cc_array[j] = 0

        print 'Time taken to compute loop dependent invariants: %f secs\n' % (
            time() - start)

    ### End For ###
    # global edge
    if inv_dict['edge']:
        edge_count = deg_array.sum()

    # global vertices is num_nodes
    ''' MAD '''
    if (inv_dict['mad']):
        max_ave_deg = np.max(l.real)

    # Computation complete - handle the saving now ...
    ''' Top eigenvalues & eigenvectors '''
    if not inv_dict['eigvl_fn'] and inv_dict['eig']:
        eigvDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'],
                               "Eigen")  #if eigvDir is None else eigvDir

        # Immediately write eigs to file
        inv_dict['eigvl_fn'] = os.path.join(
            getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_eigvl.npy')
        inv_dict['eigvect_fn'] = os.path.join(
            getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_eigvect.npy')
        createSave(inv_dict['eigvl_fn'], l.real)  # eigenvalues
        createSave(inv_dict['eigvect_fn'], u)  # eigenvectors
        print 'Eigenvalues and eigenvectors saved ...'
    ''' Triangle count '''
    if not inv_dict['tri_fn'] and inv_dict['tri']:
        triDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'],
                              "Triangle")  #if triDir is None else triDir
        inv_dict['tri_fn'] = os.path.join(triDir,
                                          getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) +
                                          '_triangles.npy')  # TODO HERE
        createSave(inv_dict['tri_fn'], tri_array)
        print 'Triangle Count saved ...'
    ''' Degree count'''
    if not inv_dict['deg_fn'] and inv_dict['deg']:
        degDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'],
                              "Degree")  #if degDir is None else degDir
        inv_dict['deg_fn'] = os.path.join(
            getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_degree.npy')
        createSave(inv_dict['deg_fn'], deg_array)
        print 'Degree saved ...'
    ''' MAD '''
    if inv_dict['mad']:
        MADdir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'],
                              "MAD")  #if MADdir is None else MADdir
        inv_dict['mad_fn'] = os.path.join(
            getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_mad.npy')
        createSave(inv_dict['mad_fn'], max_ave_deg)
        print 'Maximum average Degree saved ...'
    ''' Scan Statistic 1'''
    if inv_dict['ss1']:
        ss1Dir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'],
                              "SS1")  #if ss1Dir is None else ss1Dir
        inv_dict['ss1_fn'] = os.path.join(
            getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_scanstat1.npy')
        createSave(inv_dict['ss1_fn'], ss1_array)  # save it
        print 'Scan 1 statistic saved ...'
    ''' Clustering coefficient '''
    if inv_dict['cc']:
        ccDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'],
                             "ClustCoeff")  #if ccDir is None else ccDir
        inv_dict['cc_fn'] = os.path.join(
            getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_clustcoeff.npy')
        createSave(inv_dict['cc_fn'], cc_array)  # save it
        print 'Clustering coefficient saved ...'
    ''' Global Vertices '''
    if inv_dict['ver']:
        vertDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'],
                               "Globals")  #if vertDir is None else vertDir
        inv_dict['ver_fn'] = os.path.join(
            getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_numvert.npy')
        createSave(inv_dict['ver_fn'], num_nodes)  # save it
        print 'Global vertices number saved ...'
    ''' Global number of edges '''
    if inv_dict['edge']:
        edgeDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'],
                               "Globals")  #if edgeDir is None else edgeDir
        inv_dict['edge_fn'] = os.path.join(
            getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_numedges.npy')
        createSave(inv_dict['edge_fn'], edge_count)  # save it
        print 'Global edge number saved ...'

    #if test: # bench test
    #  tri_fn = os.path.join('bench', str(G.shape[0]), getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_triangles.npy')
    #  eigvl_fn = os.path.join('bench', str(G.shape[0]), getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_eigvl.npy')
    #  eigvect_fn = os.path.join('bench', str(G.shape[0]), getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_eigvect.npy')
    #  MAD_fn = os.path.join('bench', str(G.shape[0]), getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_MAD.npy')

    return inv_dict  # TODO: Fix code this breaks. Originally was [tri_fn, deg_fn, MAD_fn, eigvl_fn, eigvect_fn]
def test_eigs_operator():
    # Check inferring LinearOperator dtype
    fft_op = LinearOperator((6, 6), np.fft.fft)
    w, v = eigs(fft_op, k=3)
    assert_equal(w.dtype, np.complex_)
    def calculate(self, number=inf):
        m0 = self.m0
        k0 = self.k0
        number = min(number, self.totalnumber)

        logging.info("Center solver. Finding modes, m0=%d, wl=%.3g" %
                     (m0, self.wl))

        #Create new matrix if there is no existing one
        if self.si is None:
            self.si = ShiftInvertBlock(overwrite=self.overwrite)

        #Time mode solve
        tick = timer.timer()

        #Array to store solved modes
        evrange = array(self.bracket)**2 * self.k0**2

        #Update equation with new BCs and update LU decomp
        self.update_lambda(self.evapprox, not self.overwrite)
        self.si.set_shift(self.matrix, self.evapprox + 0j)

        #Find modes of linearized system
        if use_arpack:
            cev = eigen(self.si,
            cev = self.si.eigenvalue_transform(cev)
            cev, cvecs = eigs(self.si, self.totalnumber, tol=1e-6)

        #Filter cev within range
        if self.ignore_outside_interval:
            cev = [x for x in cev if min(evrange) <= real(x) <= max(evrange)]

        #Refine modes
        for ii in range(len(cev)):
            evsearch = cev[ii]

            #If the matrix is overwritten we must recreate it
            if self.overwrite: self.generate()
            self.si.set_shift(self.matrix, evsearch + 0j)

            #Calculate next mode
            mode, evals = self.calculate_one(evsearch, self.searchnumber)

            #Add mode to list
            if (mode.residue <
                    self.abc_convergence) or self.add_if_unconverged:
                self.modes += [mode]

            avtime = tick.lap() / (ii + 1)
            logging.info( "Mode #%d [%d/%.3gs], neff=%s, res: %.2e" % \
                (self.numbersolved, mode.iterations, avtime, mode.neff, mode.residue) )


        #Clean up if calculation is finished!
        if self.isfinished(): self.finalize()

        return self.modes
def test_eigs_operator():
    # Check inferring LinearOperator dtype
    fft_op = LinearOperator((6, 6), np.fft.fft)
    w, v = eigs(fft_op, k=3)
    assert_equal(w.dtype, np.complex_)
 def A_matvec(x):
     x = diags([1, -2, 1], [-1, 0, 1], shape=(50, 50))
     w, v = eigs(x, k=1)
     return v / w[0]
    def calculate_one(self, evsearch, searchnum):
        Calculate single mode using fixed point iterations
        calculate_one(evsearch, searchnum)
        m0 = self.m0
        k0 = self.k0
        wl = self.wl

        bcstart, bcend = self.equation.diff.bc_extents()
        coord = self.wg.get_coord(self.base_shape, border=1)

        #Create new mode
        mode = self.mode_class(coord=coord,
        mode.right = ones(mode.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        mode.discard_vectors = self.discard_vectors

        residue = inf
        numit = 0
        evtol = 1e-10
        while residue > self.abc_convergence and numit < self.abc_iterations:
            numit += 1

            #Update equation with new BCs and update LU decomp
            if self.equation.coord.rmin == 0:
                self.si.update(self.matrix, uprows=bcend)
                self.si.set_shift(self.matrix, complex(mode.evalue))

            #Solve linear eigenproblem
            if use_arpack:
                evals, revecs = eigs(self.si, k=searchnum, \
                    which='LM', return_eigenvectors=True)
                evals = self.si.eigenvalue_transform(evals)
                evals, revecs = eigs(self.si, searchnum, tol=evtol)
                revecs = revecs.T

            #Locate closest eigenvalue
            itrack = absolute(evals - mode.evalue).argmin()
            mode.evalue = evals[itrack]
            mode.right = asarray(revecs)[:, itrack]

            #Residue and convergence
            evconverge = abs(mode.evalue - evals[itrack])
            residue = mode.residue = self.residue(mode)
            mode.convergence += [residue]
            mode.track += [mode.evalue]

            logging.debug("[%d] neff: %s conv: %.3g, res:%.3g" %
                          (numit, mode.neff, evconverge, mode.residue))

        mode.iterations = numit

        #Discard vectors at this stage, to free up memory if we can

        return mode, evals
def compute(inv_dict, save=True):
  @param inv_dict: is a dict optinally containing any of these:
    - inv_dict['edge']: boolean for global edge count
    - inv_dict['ver']: boolean for global vertex number
    - inv_dict['tri']: boolean for local triangle count
    - inv_dict['tri_fn']: the path of a precomputed triangle count (.npy)
    - inv_dict['eig']: boolean for eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    - inv_dict['eigvl_fn']: the path of a precomputed eigenvalues (.npy)
    - inv_dict['eigvect_fn']: the path of a precomputed eigenvectors (.npy)
    - inv_dict['deg']: boolean for local degree count
    - inv_dict['deg_fn']: the path of a precomputed triangle count (.npy)
    - inv_dict['ss1']: boolean for scan 1 statistic
    - inv_dict['cc']: boolean for clustering coefficient
    - inv_dict['mad']: boolean for maximum average degree
    - inv_dict['save_dir']: the base path where all invariants will create sub-dirs & be should be saved

  @param save: boolean for auto save or not. TODO: use this
  # Popualate inv_dict
  inv_dict = populate_inv_dict(inv_dict)

  if inv_dict['save_dir'] is None:
   inv_dict['save_dir'] = os.path.dirname(inv_dict['graph_fn'])

  if (inv_dict.has_key('G')):
    if inv_dict['G'] is not None:
      G = inv_dict['G']
  elif (inv_dict['graphsize'] == 'b' or inv_dict['graphsize'] == 'big'):
    G = loadAdjMat(inv_dict['graph_fn'], inv_dict['lcc_fn']) # TODO: test
  # small graphs
    G = loadAnyMat(inv_dict['graph_fn'], inv_dict['data_elem'])
    if isinstance(G, str):
      print G
      return G # Error message

  num_nodes = G.shape[0] # number of nodes

  # CC requires deg_fn and tri_fn. Load if available
  if inv_dict['cc']:
    # if either #tri or deg is undefined
    if not inv_dict['tri_fn']:
      inv_dict['tri'] = True
    if not inv_dict['deg_fn']:
      inv_dict['deg'] = True

    cc_array = np.zeros(num_nodes)

  # All invariants that require eigenvalues
  if ((inv_dict['tri'] and not inv_dict['tri_fn'])
      or (inv_dict['mad'])):
    if not inv_dict['eigvl_fn']:
      inv_dict['eig'] = True

  # Only create arrays if the computation will be done
  if inv_dict['tri']:
    if inv_dict['tri_fn']:
      tri_array = np.load(inv_dict['tri_fn']) # load if precomputed
      tri_array = np.zeros(num_nodes) # local triangle count

  if inv_dict['deg'] or inv_dict['edge']: # edge is global number of edges
    inv_dict['deg'] = True
    if inv_dict['deg_fn']:
      deg_array = np.load(inv_dict['deg_fn'])
      deg_array = np.zeros(num_nodes) # Vertex degrees of all vertices

  if (inv_dict['ss1']):
    ss1_array = np.zeros(num_nodes) # Induced subgraph edge number i.e scan statistic

  if (not inv_dict['k'] or inv_dict['k'] > 100 or inv_dict['k'] > G.shape[0] - 2):
    k = 100 if G.shape[0]-2 > 101 else G.shape[0] - 2 # Maximum of 100 eigenvalues

  start = time()
  # Calculate Eigenvalues & Eigen vectors
  if inv_dict['eig']:
    if not (inv_dict['eigvl_fn'] or inv_dict['eigvect_fn']):
      l, u = arpack.eigs(G, k=k, which='LM') # LanczosMethod(A,0)
      print 'Time taken to calc Eigenvalues: %f secs\n' % (time() - start)
        l = np.load(inv_dict['eigvl_fn'])
        u = l = np.load(inv_dict['eigvect_fn'])
      except Exception:
        return "[IOERROR: ]Eigenvalues failed to load"

  # All other invariants
  start = time()
  #### For loop ####
  if (inv_dict['cc'] or inv_dict['ss1'] or (inv_dict['tri'] and not inv_dict['tri_fn'])\
      or (inv_dict['deg'] and not inv_dict['deg_fn'])  ): # one of the others
    for j in range(num_nodes):
      # tri
      if not inv_dict['tri_fn'] and inv_dict['tri']: # if this is still None we need to compute it
        tri_array[j] = abs(round((sum( np.power(l.real,3) * (u[j][:].real**2)) ) / 6.0)) # Divide by six because we count locally

      # ss1 & deg
      if inv_dict['ss1'] or (not inv_dict['deg_fn'] and inv_dict['deg']):
        nbors = G[:,j].nonzero()[0]
        # deg
        if (not inv_dict['deg_fn'] and inv_dict['deg']):
          deg_array[j] = nbors.shape[0]
        # ss1
        if inv_dict['ss1']:
          if (nbors.shape[0] > 0):
            nbors_mat = G[:,nbors][nbors,:]
            ss1_array[j] = nbors.shape[0] + (nbors_mat.nnz/2.0)  # scan stat 1 # Divide by two because of symmetric matrix
            ss1_array[j] = 0 # zero neighbors hence zero cardinality enduced subgraph

      # cc
      if inv_dict['cc']:
        if (deg_array[j] > 2):
          cc_array[j] = (2.0 * tri_array[j]) / ( deg_array[j] * (deg_array[j] - 1) ) # Jari et al
          cc_array[j] = 0

    print 'Time taken to compute loop dependent invariants: %f secs\n' % (time() - start)

  ### End For ###
  # global edge
  if inv_dict['edge']:
    edge_count = deg_array.sum()

  # global vertices is num_nodes

  ''' MAD '''
  if (inv_dict['mad']):
    max_ave_deg = np.max(l.real)

  # Computation complete - handle the saving now ...

  ''' Top eigenvalues & eigenvectors '''
  if not inv_dict['eigvl_fn'] and inv_dict['eig'] :
    eigvDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'], "Eigen") #if eigvDir is None else eigvDir

    # Immediately write eigs to file
    inv_dict['eigvl_fn'] = os.path.join(eigvDir, getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_eigvl.npy')
    inv_dict['eigvect_fn'] = os.path.join(eigvDir, getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_eigvect.npy')
    createSave(inv_dict['eigvl_fn'], l.real) # eigenvalues
    createSave(inv_dict['eigvect_fn'], u) # eigenvectors
    print 'Eigenvalues and eigenvectors saved ...'

  ''' Triangle count '''
  if not inv_dict['tri_fn'] and inv_dict['tri']:
    triDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'], "Triangle") #if triDir is None else triDir
    inv_dict['tri_fn'] = os.path.join(triDir, getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_triangles.npy') # TODO HERE
    createSave(inv_dict['tri_fn'], tri_array)
    print 'Triangle Count saved ...'

  ''' Degree count'''
  if not inv_dict['deg_fn'] and inv_dict['deg']:
    degDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'], "Degree") #if degDir is None else degDir
    inv_dict['deg_fn'] = os.path.join(degDir, getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_degree.npy')
    createSave(inv_dict['deg_fn'], deg_array)
    print 'Degree saved ...'

  ''' MAD '''
  if inv_dict['mad']:
    MADdir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'], "MAD") #if MADdir is None else MADdir
    inv_dict['mad_fn'] = os.path.join(MADdir, getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_mad.npy')
    createSave(inv_dict['mad_fn'], max_ave_deg)
    print 'Maximum average Degree saved ...'

  ''' Scan Statistic 1'''
  if inv_dict['ss1']:
    ss1Dir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'], "SS1") #if ss1Dir is None else ss1Dir
    inv_dict['ss1_fn'] = os.path.join(ss1Dir, getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_scanstat1.npy')
    createSave(inv_dict['ss1_fn'], ss1_array) # save it
    print 'Scan 1 statistic saved ...'

  ''' Clustering coefficient '''
  if inv_dict['cc']:
    ccDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'], "ClustCoeff") #if ccDir is None else ccDir
    inv_dict['cc_fn'] = os.path.join(ccDir, getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_clustcoeff.npy')
    createSave(inv_dict['cc_fn'], cc_array) # save it
    print 'Clustering coefficient saved ...'

  ''' Global Vertices '''
  if inv_dict['ver']:
    vertDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'], "Globals") #if vertDir is None else vertDir
    inv_dict['ver_fn'] = os.path.join(vertDir, getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_numvert.npy')
    createSave(inv_dict['ver_fn'], num_nodes) # save it
    print 'Global vertices number saved ...'

  ''' Global number of edges '''
  if inv_dict['edge']:
    edgeDir = os.path.join(inv_dict['save_dir'], "Globals") #if edgeDir is None else edgeDir
    inv_dict['edge_fn'] = os.path.join(edgeDir, getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_numedges.npy')
    createSave(inv_dict['edge_fn'], edge_count) # save it
    print 'Global edge number saved ...'

  #if test: # bench test
  #  tri_fn = os.path.join('bench', str(G.shape[0]), getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_triangles.npy')
  #  eigvl_fn = os.path.join('bench', str(G.shape[0]), getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_eigvl.npy')
  #  eigvect_fn = os.path.join('bench', str(G.shape[0]), getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_eigvect.npy')
  #  MAD_fn = os.path.join('bench', str(G.shape[0]), getBaseName(inv_dict['graph_fn']) + '_MAD.npy')

  return inv_dict # TODO: Fix code this breaks. Originally was [tri_fn, deg_fn, MAD_fn, eigvl_fn, eigvect_fn]