    def print_network(self, time):
        s = "TIME {0:.5f}\n".format(time)
        adj_matrix = sparse_matrix((self.node_number, self.node_number))
        adj_matrix2 = sparse_matrix((self.node_number, self.node_number))
        for n in self.network.nodes:
            adj_list = self.network.adj[n]
            #             for nbr in adj_list:
            #                 mlogp = adj_list[nbr]['mlogp']
            #                 adj_matrix[n, nbr] += mlogp
            #                 if n < nbr:
            #                     adj_matrix[n, nbr] += mlogp
            #                 else:
            #                     adj_matrix[nbr, n] += mlogp
            # s += "{0:d}; {1:d}; {2:.5f}\n".format(n,nbr,mlogp)
            # print dynamic network
            if not self.event_network is None:
                adj_list = self.event_network.adj[n]
                for nbr in adj_list:
                    mlogp = adj_list[nbr]['mlogp']
                    adj_matrix[n, nbr] += mlogp

#                     if n < nbr:
#                         adj_matrix[n, nbr] += mlogp
#                     else:
#                         adj_matrix[nbr, n] += mlogp
# s += "{0:d}; {1:d}; {2:.5f}\n".format(n,nbr,mlogp)

        row, col = adj_matrix.nonzero()
        for i, j in zip(row, col):
            s += "{0:d}; {1:d}; {2:.5f}\n".format(i, j, adj_matrix[i, j])
        return s
    def __rotate__(self):
        # First shrink the buffer
        [Vt, s] = simIter(self.buffer, self.ell)

        # insert the shrunk part into the sketch
        if len(s) >= self.ell:
            sShrunk = sqrt(s[:self.ell]**2 - s[self.ell - 1]**2)
            self._sketch[self.ell:, :] = dot(diag(sShrunk), Vt[:self.ell, :])
            self._sketch[self.ell:self.ell + len(s), :] = dot(
                diag(s), Vt[:len(s), :])

        # resetting the buffer matrix
        del self.buffer
        self.buffer = sparse_matrix((self.buffer_ell, self.d))
        self.buffer_nnz = 0
        self.buffer_nextZeroRow = 0

        # A dense shrink of the sketch
        [_, s, Vt] = svd(self._sketch, full_matrices=False)
        if len(s) >= self.ell:
            sShrunk = sqrt(s[:self.ell]**2 - s[self.ell - 1]**2)
            self._sketch[:self.ell, :] = dot(diag(sShrunk), Vt[:self.ell, :])
            self._sketch[self.ell:, :] = 0
            self._sketch[:len(s), :] = dot(diag(s), Vt[:len(s), :])
            self._sketch[len(s):, :] = 0
def create_user_item_matrix(ratings, user_key="user", item_key="item"):

    n = len(set(ratings[user_key]))
    d = len(set(ratings[item_key]))

    user_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(ratings[user_key]), list(range(n))))
    item_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(ratings[item_key]), list(range(d))))

    user_inverse_mapper = dict(
        zip(list(range(n)), np.unique(ratings[user_key])))
    item_inverse_mapper = dict(
        zip(list(range(d)), np.unique(ratings[item_key])))

    #Number of
    user_ind = [user_mapper[i] for i in ratings[user_key]]
    item_ind = [item_mapper[i] for i in ratings[item_key]]
    plt.ylabel("# of ratings")

    X = sparse_matrix((ratings["rating"], (user_ind, item_ind)), shape=(n, d))

    return X, user_mapper, item_mapper, user_inverse_mapper, item_inverse_mapper, user_ind, item_ind
def create_recipe_ingredients_matrix(data,recipe_id="id",ingredients_key="ingredients"):

    recipe_ids = list(recipe[recipe_id] for recipe in data)
    ingredients = list(set([i for recipe in data for i in recipe[ingredients_key]]))
    cuisines = list(set([recipe["cuisine"] for recipe in data]))

    n = len(data)
    d = len(ingredients)
    k = len(cuisines)
    print("Number of recipes:",n)
    print("Number of ingredients:",d)
    print("Different kinds of cuisines:",k)

    # {'recipe-name': index}
    # {'ingredient-name': index}
    recipe_mapper = dict(zip(recipe_ids, list(range(n))))
    ingredient_mapper = dict(zip(ingredients, list(range(d))))
    cuisine_mapper = dict(zip(cuisines, list(range(k))))

    # {index: 'recipe-name'}
    # {index: 'ingredient-name'}
    recipe_inverse_mapper = dict(zip(list(range(n)), recipe_ids))
    ingredient_inverse_mapper = dict(zip(list(range(d)), ingredients))
    cuisines_inverse_mapper = dict(zip(range(k), cuisines))

    X = sparse_matrix([[int(ingredient_inverse_mapper[i] in recipe[ingredients_key]) for i in range(d)] for recipe in data])
    y = np.array([cuisine_mapper[recipe["cuisine"]] for recipe in data])

    sparse.save_npz('../data/train.npz', X)
    with open('../data/ingredients.csv','w') as outfile:
        writer = csv.DictWriter(outfile, ingredient_mapper.keys())
    def __rotate__(self):
        # First shrink the buffer
        [Vt, s] = simIter(self.buffer, self.ell)

        # insert the shrunk part into the sketch
        if len(s) >= self.ell:
            sShrunk = sqrt(s[:self.ell]**2 - s[self.ell-1]**2)
            self._sketch[self.ell:,:] = dot(diag(sShrunk), Vt[:self.ell,:])
            self._sketch[self.ell : self.ell+len(s),:] = dot(diag(s), Vt[:len(s),:])

        # resetting the buffer matrix
        del self.buffer
        self.buffer = sparse_matrix( (self.buffer_ell, self.d) )
        self.buffer_nnz = 0
        self.buffer_nextZeroRow = 0

        # A dense shrink of the sketch
        [_,s,Vt] = svd(self._sketch, full_matrices = False)
        if len(s) >= self.ell:
            sShrunk = sqrt(s[:self.ell]**2 - s[self.ell-1]**2)
            self._sketch[:self.ell,:] = dot(diag(sShrunk), Vt[:self.ell,:])
            self._sketch[self.ell:,:] = 0
            self._sketch[:len(s),:] = dot(diag(s), Vt[:len(s),:])
            self._sketch[len(s):,:] = 0
文件: model.py 项目: zaycev/n7
 def save_fm(X, file_path=None, sparse=False):
     if file_path is None:
         file_path = "%s/models/X.pkl" % N7_DATA_DIR
         file_path = "%s/models/%s" % (N7_DATA_DIR, file_path)
     if sparse:
         X = sparse_matrix(X, dtype=X.dtype)
     logging.info("SAVING FEATURE MATRIX %r -> %s" % (X.shape, file_path))
     joblib.dump(X, file_path, compress=9)
    def __init__(self, d, ell):
        self.class_name = 'SparseSketcher'
        self.d = d
        self.ell = ell
        self._sketch = zeros((2 * self.ell, self.d))
        self.sketch_nextZeroRow = 0

        self.buffer_ell = self.d
        self.buffer = sparse_matrix((self.buffer_ell, self.d))
        self.buffer_nnz = 0
        self.buffer_nextZeroRow = 0
        self.buffer_nnz_threshold = 2 * self.ell * self.d
    def __init__(self, d, ell):
        self.class_name = 'SparseSketcher'
        self.d = d
        self.ell = ell
        self._sketch = zeros( (2*self.ell, self.d) )
        self.sketch_nextZeroRow = 0 

        self.buffer_ell = self.d
        self.buffer = sparse_matrix( (self.buffer_ell, self.d) )
        self.buffer_nnz = 0
        self.buffer_nextZeroRow = 0
        self.buffer_nnz_threshold = 2 * self.ell * self.d
def create_X(ratings,n,d,user_key="user",item_key="item"):
    user_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(ratings[user_key]), list(range(n))))
    item_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(ratings[item_key]), list(range(d))))

    user_inverse_mapper = dict(zip(list(range(n)), np.unique(ratings[user_key])))
    item_inverse_mapper = dict(zip(list(range(d)), np.unique(ratings[item_key])))

    user_ind = [user_mapper[i] for i in ratings[user_key]]
    item_ind = [item_mapper[i] for i in ratings[item_key]]

    X = sparse_matrix((ratings["rating"], (user_ind, item_ind)), shape=(n,d))
    return X, user_mapper, item_mapper, user_inverse_mapper, item_inverse_mapper, user_ind, item_ind
    def UpdateJSimMatrix(self, IncludeUpdate=True):
        if IncludeUpdate:

        IntersectionMatrix = np.array(

        self.GroupSizeMatrix = np.array(
            [self.GroupSizes] * len(self.GroupNames)) + np.array(
                [self.GroupSizes] * len(self.GroupNames)).T
        self.JSimMatrix = sparse_matrix(
            IntersectionMatrix / (self.GroupSizeMatrix - IntersectionMatrix))
        self.JSimMatrix = triu(self.JSimMatrix, k=1)
def build_vertex_edge_adjacency_matrix(mesh: List[List[Any]]) -> sparse_matrix:
	vertex_mapping, edge_mapping, face_mapping = assign_element_indices(mesh)
	vertex_edge_adjacency_matrix = np.zeros((len(vertex_mapping.keys()), len(edge_mapping.keys())))

	for v in vertex_mapping.keys():
		for e in edge_mapping.keys():
			if v[0] in e:
				vertex_edge_adjacency_matrix[vertex_mapping[v], edge_mapping[e]] = 1
				vertex_edge_adjacency_matrix[vertex_mapping[v], edge_mapping[e]] = 0

	sparse_adjacency_matrix = sparse_matrix(vertex_edge_adjacency_matrix)
	return sparse_adjacency_matrix
def build_edge_face_adjacency_matrix(mesh: List[List[Any]]) -> sparse_matrix:
	vertex_mapping, edge_mapping, face_mapping = assign_element_indices(mesh)
	edge_face_adjacency_matrix = np.zeros((len(edge_mapping.keys()), len(face_mapping.keys())))

	for e in edge_mapping.keys():
		for f in face_mapping.keys():
			if e[0] in f and e[1] in f:
				edge_face_adjacency_matrix[edge_mapping[e], face_mapping[f]] = 1
				edge_face_adjacency_matrix[edge_mapping[e], face_mapping[f]] = 0

	sparse_adjacency_matrix = sparse_matrix(edge_face_adjacency_matrix)
	return sparse_adjacency_matrix
    def create_user_item_matrix(self, user_key="user",item_key="item"):
        n = len(set(self.ratings[user_key]))
        d = len(set(self.ratings[item_key]))
        self.user_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(self.ratings[user_key]), list(range(n))))
        self.item_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(self.ratings[item_key]), list(range(d))))

        self.user_inverse_mapper = dict(zip(list(range(n)), np.unique(self.ratings[user_key])))
        self.item_inverse_mapper = dict(zip(list(range(d)), np.unique(self.ratings[item_key])))

        self.user_ind = [self.user_mapper[i] for i in self.ratings[user_key]]
        self.item_ind = [self.item_mapper[i] for i in self.ratings[item_key]]

        self.ratings_matrix = sparse_matrix((self.ratings["rating"]-3, (self.user_ind, self.item_ind)), shape=(n,d))
        print("user-item matrix generated.")
def create_X(ratings, n, d, user_key="user", item_key="item"):
    Creates a sparse matrix using scipy.csr_matrix and mappers to relate indexes to items' id.
    ratings: pd.DataFrame
        the ratings to be stored in the matrix;
    n: int
        the number of items
    d: int
        the number of users
    user_key: string
        the column in ratings that contains the users id
    item_key: string
        the column in ratings that contains the items id
    Returns: (X, user_mapper, item_mapper, user_inverse_mapper, item_inverse_mapper, user_ind, item_ind)
    X: np.sparse
        the sparse matrix containing the ratings.
    user_mapper: dict
        stores the indexes of the users - the user_id is the key;
    item_mapper: dict
        stores the indexes of the items - the item_id is the key;
    user_inverse_mapper: dict
        stores the user id - the user index is the key;
    item_inverse_mapper: dict
        stores the item id - the item index is the key;
    user_ind: list
        indexes of the users (in the order they are in ratings);
    item_ind: list
        indexes of the items;

    user_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(ratings[user_key]), list(range(d))))
    item_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(ratings[item_key]), list(range(n))))

    user_inverse_mapper = dict(
        zip(list(range(d)), np.unique(ratings[user_key])))
    item_inverse_mapper = dict(
        zip(list(range(n)), np.unique(ratings[item_key])))

    user_ind = [user_mapper[i] for i in ratings[user_key]]
    item_ind = [item_mapper[i] for i in ratings[item_key]]

    X = sparse_matrix((ratings["Rating"], (item_ind, user_ind)), shape=(n, d))

    return X, user_mapper, item_mapper, user_inverse_mapper, item_inverse_mapper, user_ind, item_ind
def create_user_item_matrix(ratings, user_key="user", item_key="item"):

    n = len(set(ratings[user_key]))
    d = len(set(ratings[item_key]))

    user_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(ratings[user_key]), list(range(n))))
    #zip(*iterables) creates dict with key unique userkey and unique value 1,2,3 assigned to that key
    # if list is more than the first array the end elements will not appear
    item_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(ratings[item_key]), list(range(d))))

    user_inverse_mapper = dict(
        zip(list(range(n)), np.unique(ratings[user_key])))
    item_inverse_mapper = dict(
        zip(list(range(d)), np.unique(ratings[item_key])))

    user_ind = [user_mapper[i] for i in ratings[user_key]
                ]  #returns unique value in the list for that user id
    item_ind = [item_mapper[i] for i in ratings[item_key]
                ]  #returns unique value in the list for that item id
    # so their intersection is the rating
    # to get total rating for an item, get sum of ratings for a column in a spare matrix
    X = sparse_matrix((ratings["rating"], (user_ind, item_ind)), shape=(n, d))
    # where data, row_ind and col_ind satisfy the relationship a[row_ind[k], col_ind[k]] = data[k].
    return X, user_mapper, item_mapper, user_inverse_mapper, item_inverse_mapper, user_ind, item_ind
def get_binary_frame(evs, size=(346, 260), ds=1):
    tr = sparse_matrix((2 * evs[:, 3] - 1, (evs[:, 1] // ds, evs[:, 2] // ds)),
    return tr.toarray()
def sbfemAssembly(coord, sdConn, sdSC, mat):
    Original name: SBFEMAssembly (p.88)
    Assembly of global stiffness and mass matrices.
    :param coord: coord[i,:] - coordinates of node i
    :param sdConn: sdConn{isd,:}(ie,:) - S-element connectivity. The nodes of line element ie in S-element isd.
    :param sdSC: sdSC(isd,:) - coordinates of scaling centre of S-element isd
    :param mat: material constants (elasticity matrix, mass density)
    :return: sdSln, K, M
    sdSln - solutions for S-element
    K - global stiffness matrix
    M - global mass matrix

    # Solution of subdomains

    # number of S-elements
    Nsd = len(sdConn)

    # store solutions for S-elements
    sdSln = []

    if len(sdSC.shape) == 1:
        # add row dim
        sdSC = np.expand_dims(sdSC, axis=0)

    # loop over S-elements
    for isd in range(Nsd):
        # sdNode contains global nodal numbers of the nodes in an S-element.
        # Vector ic maps the global connectivity to the local connectivity of the S-element
        sdNode, ic = np.unique(sdConn[isd].flatten(),
                               return_inverse=True)  # remove duplicates
        xy = coord[sdNode]  # nodal coordinates
        # transform coordinate origin to scaling centre
        xy = xy - sdSC[
            isd, :]  # add column indexes too to be sure that number of columns are equal (xy and sdSC)
        # line element connectivity in local nodal numbers of an S-element
        LConn = np.reshape(ic, sdConn[isd].shape)
        # compute S-element coefficient matrices
        E0, E1, E2, M0 = coeffMatricesOfSElement(xy, LConn, mat)
        # compute solution for S-element
        K, d, v, M = sbfem(E0, E1, E2, M0)
        # store S-element data and solution
            'xy': xy,
            'sc': sdSC[isd],
            'conn': LConn,
            'node': sdNode,
            'K': K,
            'M': M,
            'd': d,
            'v': v

    # Assembly
    # sum of entries of stiffness matrices of all S-elements
    ncoe = 0
    for sln in sdSln:
        ncoe += sln['K'].size

    # initializing non-zero entries in global stiffness and mass matrix
    K = np.zeros(ncoe)
    M = np.zeros(ncoe)
    # rows and columns of non-zero entries in global stiffness matrix
    Ki = np.zeros(ncoe, dtype=np.int32)
    Kj = np.zeros(ncoe, dtype=np.int32)

    StartInd = 0  # starting position of an S-element stiffness matrix
    # loop over subdomains
    for sln in sdSln:
        # global DOFs of nodes in an S-element
        # for Python        # Original
        # for ux => 2*i     # 2*i -1
        # for uy => 2*i + 1 # 2*i
        dof = np.concatenate(
            (np.reshape(2 * sln['node'],
                        (-1, 1)), np.reshape(2 * sln['node'] + 1, (-1, 1))),
            axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
        # number of DOFs of an S-element
        Ndof = dof.shape[0]
        # row and column numbers of stiffness coefficients of an S-element
        sdI = np.tile(dof, (1, Ndof))
        sdJ = sdI.T

        # store stiffness, row and column indices
        EndInd = StartInd + Ndof**2  # ending position
        K[StartInd:EndInd] = sln['K'].flatten(order='F')
        M[StartInd:EndInd] = sln['M'].flatten(order='F')
        Ki[StartInd:EndInd] = sdI.flatten(order='F')
        Kj[StartInd:EndInd] = sdJ.flatten(order='F')

        StartInd = EndInd  # increment the starting position

    # form global stiffness matrix in sparse storage
    K = sparse_matrix((K, (Ki, Kj)))
    # ensure symmetry
    K = (K + K.T) / 2
    # form global mass matrix in sparse storage
    M = sparse_matrix((M, (Ki, Kj)))
    # ensure symmetry
    M = (M + M.T) / 2

    return sdSln, K, M
文件: lab1.py 项目: apolicky/nswi166
        for recommendation in topK:
            if recommendation in user_hidden[u]:
                hits += 1
                misses += 1

        recommendation_times.append(time.time() - start)

        users_scanned += 1
        if users_scanned % 100 == 99:

    print("hits: {}, missed:{}, hit rate:{}".format(hits, misses,
                                                    hits / misses))
    print("avg recommendation time {}".format(
        sum(recommendation_times) / len(recommendation_times)))


data, title_id, id_title = get_ratings()

data = sparse_matrix(data)

users, user_hidden = hide_data(data)

model = train_model(data, k=K)

evaluate_model(model, data, users, user_hidden)
 def UpdateIntersectionMatrix(self, IncludeUpdate=True):
     if IncludeUpdate:
     RMIntForm = sparse_matrix(self.RelationshipMatrix.astype(np.float))
     self.IntersectionMatrix = np.dot(RMIntForm, RMIntForm.T)
def PEG_construct(frame_len, syndrom_len, lam, ro):
    Generate H-matrix.
    data_dt = np.int32
    N_1 = np.round(frame_len * (np.sum(lam[1, :] / lam[0, :]) ** (-1)))

    ds = []
    for i in range(lam.shape[1]):
        ds.extend([int(lam[0, i])] * int(np.round(N_1 * (lam[1, i] / lam[0, i]))))

    if len(ds) < frame_len:
        # fill ds with lam[0,-1] to n elements
        ds.extend([int(lam[0, -1])] * (frame_len - len(ds)))

    while len(ds) > frame_len:
    ds = np.array(ds, dtype=data_dt)

    dc = []
    for i in range(ro.shape[1]):
        dc.extend([int(ro[0, i])] * int(np.round(N_1 * (ro[1, i] / ro[0, i]))))
    if len(dc) < syndrom_len:
        dc.extend([int(ro[0, -1])] * (syndrom_len - len(dc)))  # fill dc with ro[0,-1] to m elements
    while len(dc) > syndrom_len:
        dc.pop()  # substract last elements
    if not (len(ds) == frame_len and len(dc) == syndrom_len):
        print('some error with dimensions of the matrix', len(ds), len(dc))
    dc = np.array(dc, dtype=data_dt)
    fc = dc.copy()

    O_c = np.arange(syndrom_len, dtype=data_dt)
    O_c_free = O_c.copy()

    H = sparse_matrix((syndrom_len, frame_len), dtype=data_dt)

    E_s = []
    for i in range(frame_len):
        E_s.append(np.array([], dtype=data_dt))
    E_c = []
    for i in range(frame_len):
        E_c.append(np.array([], dtype=data_dt))

    for j in range(frame_len):
        if ds[j] == 2 and j < syndrom_len - 1:  # zig-zag pattern
            i = j
            E_s[j] = np.union1d(E_s[j], np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
            E_c[i] = np.union1d(E_c[i], np.array([j], dtype=data_dt))
            H[i, j] = 1
            fc[i] = fc[i] - 1
            if fc[i] == 0:
                O_c_free = np.setdiff1d(O_c_free, np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))

            i = j + 1
            E_s[j] = np.union1d(E_s[j], np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
            E_c[i] = np.union1d(E_c[i], np.array([j], dtype=data_dt))
            H[i, j] = 1
            fc[i] = fc[i] - 1
            if fc[i] == 0:
                O_c_free = np.setdiff1d(O_c_free, np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
            # First node
            i = highest_check_degree(O_c, fc)
            E_s[j] = np.union1d(E_s[j], np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
            E_c[i] = np.union1d(E_c[i], np.array([j], dtype=data_dt))
            H[i, j] = 1
            fc[i] = fc[i] - 1
            if fc[i] == 0:
                O_c_free = np.setdiff1d(O_c_free, np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
            # All other nodes
            for k in range(1, ds[j]):
                O_c_tmp = find_N(O_c, j, E_c, E_s)
                O_c_tmp = np.setdiff1d(O_c_tmp, E_s[j], assume_unique=True)
                i = highest_check_degree(O_c_tmp, fc)

                E_s[j] = np.union1d(E_s[j], np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
                E_c[i] = np.union1d(E_c[i], np.array([j], dtype=data_dt))
                H[i, j] = 1
                fc[i] = fc[i] - 1
                if fc[i] == 0:
                    O_c_free = np.setdiff1d(O_c_free, np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))

    return H
num_cols = 2*n
num_rows = 2*len(edges) + 2
def x_var(i): return 2*i
def y_var(i): return 2*i + 1
rows = [ i for i in range(2*len(edges)) for _ in range(4)] + [num_rows-2,num_rows-1]
cols = [ f(e) for e in edges for f in (lambda e: x_var(e[0]),
                                       lambda e: x_var(e[1]),
                                       lambda e: y_var(e[0]),
                                       lambda e: y_var(e[1]),
                                       lambda e: x_var(e[0]),
                                       lambda e: x_var(e[1]),
                                       lambda e: y_var(e[0]),
                                       lambda e: y_var(e[1]))] + [0,1]
vals = [ val for e in edges for val in (-e[2], e[2], -e[3], e[3],
                                         straightness*e[3],-straightness*e[3], -straightness*e[2], straightness*e[2])] + [1,1]
A = sparse_matrix((vals,(rows,cols)),shape=(num_rows,num_cols))

b = [ val for e in edges for val in (sqrt(e[2]**2+e[3]**2),0) ] + [0,0]

# Solve least squares problem by solving Gauß normal form: `A^T A positions = A^T b`
AtA = A.transpose()*A
Atb = A.transpose()*b
positions = sparse_solve(AtA,Atb)

# read the solution and apply scale
scale = float(arguments['--scale'])
pos = [ (scale*positions[x_var(i)],scale*positions[y_var(i)]) for i in range(n) ]

## Output
if( arguments['--ipe']):
  from miniipe import Document, polyline
def PEG_construct(frame_len, syndrom_len, lam, ro):
    Generate H-matrix.
    data_dt = np.int32
    N_1 = np.round(frame_len * (np.sum(lam[1, :] / lam[0, :])**(-1)))

    ds = []
    for i in range(lam.shape[1]):
        ds.extend([int(lam[0, i])] *
                  int(np.round(N_1 * (lam[1, i] / lam[0, i]))))

    if len(ds) < frame_len:
        # fill ds with lam[0,-1] to n elements
        ds.extend([int(lam[0, -1])] * (frame_len - len(ds)))

    while len(ds) > frame_len:
    ds = np.array(ds, dtype=data_dt)

    dc = []
    for i in range(ro.shape[1]):
        dc.extend([int(ro[0, i])] * int(np.round(N_1 * (ro[1, i] / ro[0, i]))))
    if len(dc) < syndrom_len:
            [int(ro[0, -1])] *
            (syndrom_len - len(dc)))  # fill dc with ro[0,-1] to m elements
    while len(dc) > syndrom_len:
        dc.pop()  # substract last elements
    if not (len(ds) == frame_len and len(dc) == syndrom_len):
        print('some error with dimensions of the matrix', len(ds), len(dc))
    dc = np.array(dc, dtype=data_dt)
    fc = dc.copy()

    O_c = np.arange(syndrom_len, dtype=data_dt)
    O_c_free = O_c.copy()

    H = sparse_matrix((syndrom_len, frame_len), dtype=data_dt)

    E_s = []
    for i in range(frame_len):
        E_s.append(np.array([], dtype=data_dt))
    E_c = []
    for i in range(frame_len):
        E_c.append(np.array([], dtype=data_dt))

    for j in range(frame_len):
        if ds[j] == 2 and j < syndrom_len - 1:  # zig-zag pattern
            i = j
            E_s[j] = np.union1d(E_s[j], np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
            E_c[i] = np.union1d(E_c[i], np.array([j], dtype=data_dt))
            H[i, j] = 1
            fc[i] = fc[i] - 1
            if fc[i] == 0:
                O_c_free = np.setdiff1d(O_c_free, np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))

            i = j + 1
            E_s[j] = np.union1d(E_s[j], np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
            E_c[i] = np.union1d(E_c[i], np.array([j], dtype=data_dt))
            H[i, j] = 1
            fc[i] = fc[i] - 1
            if fc[i] == 0:
                O_c_free = np.setdiff1d(O_c_free, np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
            # First node
            i = highest_check_degree(O_c, fc)
            E_s[j] = np.union1d(E_s[j], np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
            E_c[i] = np.union1d(E_c[i], np.array([j], dtype=data_dt))
            H[i, j] = 1
            fc[i] = fc[i] - 1
            if fc[i] == 0:
                O_c_free = np.setdiff1d(O_c_free, np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
            # All other nodes
            for k in range(1, ds[j]):
                O_c_tmp = find_N(O_c, j, E_c, E_s)
                O_c_tmp = np.setdiff1d(O_c_tmp, E_s[j], assume_unique=True)
                i = highest_check_degree(O_c_tmp, fc)

                E_s[j] = np.union1d(E_s[j], np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))
                E_c[i] = np.union1d(E_c[i], np.array([j], dtype=data_dt))
                H[i, j] = 1
                fc[i] = fc[i] - 1
                if fc[i] == 0:
                    O_c_free = np.setdiff1d(O_c_free,
                                            np.array([i], dtype=data_dt))

    return H
    def inject_knowledge(self, instance_and_corpus):
        # This implementation borrows conceptually from K-BERT (Liu et al.) implementation, but is more efficient and adapted to English
        token_emb_corpus = []
        segment_mask_corpus = []
        soft_ids_corpus = []
        visibility_matrix_corpus = []
        vm_values_corpus = []
        vm_indices_corpus = []
        corpus = instance_and_corpus

        for injection_iteration, text in enumerate(corpus):
            sentence_tree = []
            soft_ids = []
            hard_ids = []
            soft_tree = []
            hard_tree = []
            history = ["[START]"] * self.LOOK_BACK
            token_emb = []
            segment_mask = []
            hard_position = 0
            turn_off_injection = False
            for soft_position, token in enumerate(text):
                if token in ["a", "b", "c", "d"]:
                    turn_off_injection = True
                if not turn_off_injection:
                    relations = [entity for combination in range(self.LOOK_BACK + 1) for entity in self.kg.get(" ".join(history[combination:self.LOOK_BACK] + [token]), [])][:self.MAX_RELATIONS]
                elif turn_off_injection:# or len(token) < 2:
                    relations = []

                sentence_tree.append((token, relations))
                relations_hard_pos = []
                relations_soft_pos = []
                previous_hard = hard_position


                soft_position += 1

                for j, relation in enumerate(relations):
                    if relation == ["is", "a", "word"]:
                    self.unique_insert.add(" ".join(relation))
                    self.entity_insertions += 1
                    relations_soft_pos.append([soft_position + offset for offset in range(1, len(relation)+1)])
                    relations_hard_pos.append([hard_position + offset for offset in range(1, len(relation)+1)])
                    token_emb += relation
                    segment_mask += [1] * len(relation)
                    soft_ids += range(soft_position, len(relation) + soft_position)
                    hard_position += len(relation)

                hard_tree.append(([previous_hard], relations_hard_pos))
                hard_position += 1
                soft_tree.append(([soft_position], relations_soft_pos))
                history.append(token + " ")
                if len(history) > self.LOOK_BACK:
            # Calculate visible matrix
            sentence_len = len(soft_ids)
            visibility_matrix = sparse_matrix((sentence_len, sentence_len)) #np.zeros((sentence_len, sentence_len))#
            for token_idx, relation_ids in hard_tree:
                for idx in token_idx:
                    visible_abs_idx = hard_ids + [idx for ent in relation_ids for idx in ent]
                    visibility_matrix[idx, visible_abs_idx] = 1
                for ent in relation_ids:
                    for idx in ent:
                        visible_abs_idx = ent + token_idx
                        visibility_matrix[idx, visible_abs_idx] = 1

            if sentence_len < self.MAX_LEN:
                pad_num = self.MAX_LEN - sentence_len
                segment_mask += [0] * pad_num
                soft_ids += [self.MAX_LEN - 1] * pad_num
                #visibility_matrix = np.pad(visibility_matrix, ((0, pad_num), (0, pad_num)), 'constant')  # pad 0
                segment_mask = segment_mask[:self.MAX_LEN]
                soft_ids = soft_ids[:self.MAX_LEN]
                visibility_matrix = visibility_matrix[:self.MAX_LEN, :self.MAX_LEN]

            #attention_mask_corpus.append([1 if token is not "[PAD]" else 0 for token in token_emb])
            #snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
            visibility_matrix = visibility_matrix.tocoo()
            values = visibility_matrix.data
            indices = np.vstack((visibility_matrix.row, visibility_matrix.col))

            indices = torch.LongTensor(indices)
            values = torch.FloatTensor(values)

            #visibility_matrix = torch.sparse.LongTensor(i, v, (self.MAX_LEN, self.MAX_LEN))
            #yield token_emb, segment_mask, soft_ids, visibility_matrix

        return token_emb_corpus, segment_mask_corpus, soft_ids_corpus, vm_values_corpus, vm_indices_corpus
    def create_user_item_matrix( self, ratings, userKey="user", itemKey="movie", ratingKey="rating" ):

        userMap = { 
            userId: index for index, userId in enumerate( 
                map( lambda q: q[ userKey ], 
                        .order_by( userKey ).values( userKey ).distinct() ) 
        itemMap = { 
            itemId: index for index, itemId in enumerate(
                np.unique( list( map( lambda q: q[ itemKey ], 
                                            .order_by( userKey ).values( itemKey ) ) ) )
                # DISTINCT ON sql only works with postgre
                # map( lambda q: q[ itemKey ], 
                #     ratings.objects.all()
                #         .order_by( userKey ).values( itemKey ).distinct( itemKey ) )

        userInvMap = { 
            index: userId for index, userId in enumerate( 
                map( lambda q: q[ userKey ], 
                        .order_by( userKey ).values( userKey ).distinct() ) 
        itemInvMap = { 
            index: itemId for index, itemId in enumerate( 
                np.unique( list( map( lambda q: q[ itemKey ], 
                                            .order_by( userKey ).values( itemKey ) ) ) )
                # DISTINCT ON sql only works with postgre
                # map( lambda q: q[ itemKey ], 
                #     ratings.objects.all()
                #         .order_by( userKey ).values( itemKey ).distinct() ) 

        userInd = [ 
            userMap[ userId ] 
            for userId in map( 
                lambda q: q[ userKey ],
                ratings.objects.all().order_by( userKey ).values( userKey ) ) 
        itemInd = [ 
            itemMap[ itemId ] 
            for itemId in map( 
                lambda q: q[ itemKey ],
                ratings.objects.all().order_by( userKey ).values( itemKey ) ) 

        n = len( userMap )
        d = len( itemMap )

        X = sparse_matrix( ( 
            list( map( lambda q: q[ ratingKey ],
                        ratings.objects.all().order_by( userKey ).values( ratingKey ) ) ),
            ( userInd, itemInd ) ), shape=( n, d ) )
        return X, userMap, itemMap, userInvMap, itemInvMap, userInd, itemInd