def to_realimag(z): """ Convert a complex hermitian matrix to a real valued doubled up representation, i.e., for ``Z = Z_r + 1j * Z_i`` return ``R(Z)``:: R(Z) = [ Z_r Z_i] [-Z_i Z_r] A complex hermitian matrix ``Z`` with elementwise real and imaginary parts ``Z = Z_r + 1j * Z_i`` can be isomorphically represented in doubled up form as:: R(Z) = [ Z_r Z_i] [-Z_i Z_r] R(X)*R(Y) = [ (X_r*Y_r-X_i*Y_i) (X_r*Y_i + X_i*Y_r)] [-(X_r*Y_i + X_i*Y_r) (X_r*Y_r-X_i*Y_i) ] = R(X*Y). In particular, ``Z`` is complex positive (semi-)definite iff ``R(Z)`` is real positive (semi-)definite. :param (qutip.Qobj|scipy.sparse.base.spmatrix) z: The operator representation matrix. :returns: R(Z) the doubled up representation. :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix """ if isinstance(z, qt.Qobj): z = if not is_hermitian(z): # pragma no coverage raise ValueError("Need a hermitian matrix z") return spvstack([sphstack([z.real, z.imag]), sphstack([z.imag.T, z.real])]).tocsr().real
def M(self, x, dx, t): r""" Returns the constrained mass matrix Parameters ---------- x: numpy.array Global state vector of the system dx: numpy.array First time derivative of global state vector of the constrained system t: float time Returns ------- M: csr_matrix Constrained mass matrix Notes ----- In this formulation this returns .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} L^T M_{raw} \\ s B(u, t) \end{bmatrix} """ u = self.u(x, t) du = self.du(x, dx, t) M = self._M_func(u, du, t) return spvstack((csr_matrix(self.L( x, t), self._scaling * self._B_func(u, t)), format='csr')
def test_K(self): x = np.arange(self.formulation.dimension, dtype=float) dx = x.copy() K_desired = spvstack((sphstack((self.K_unconstr, self.B_holo_func(x[:self.no_of_dofs_unconstrained], 0.0).T), format='csr'), sphstack((self.B_holo_func(x[:self.no_of_dofs_unconstrained], 0.0), csr_matrix((1, 1))), format='csr')), format='csr') K_actual = self.formulation.K(x, dx, 0.0) assert_array_equal(K_actual.todense(), K_desired.todense())
def test_M(self): x = np.arange(self.formulation.dimension, dtype=float) dx = x.copy() M_desired = spvstack((sphstack((self.M_unconstr, csr_matrix((self.no_of_dofs_unconstrained, self.no_of_constraints))), format='csr'), sphstack((csr_matrix((self.no_of_constraints, self.no_of_dofs_unconstrained)), csr_matrix((1, 1))), format='csr')), format='csr') M_actual = self.formulation.M(x, dx, 0.0) assert_array_equal(M_actual.todense(), M_desired.todense())
def K(self, x, dx, t): r""" Returns the constrained stiffness matrix Parameters ---------- x: numpy.array Global state vector of the system dx: numpy.array First time derivative of global state vector of the constrained system t: float time Returns ------- K: csr_matrix Constrained mass matrix Notes ----- In this formulation this returns .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} K_{raw} + psB^T B & sB^T \\ sB & 0 \end{bmatrix} Attention: d(B.T@g)/dq is evaluated as = B.T@dg/dq, which means that dB/dq is assumed to be zero. This is done because dB/dq could be expensive to evaluate. """ B = self._B_func(self.u(x, t), t) K = self._jac_h_u(self.u(x, t), self.du(x, dx, t), t) if self._penalty is not None: K += self._penalty * self._scaling * return spvstack( (sphstack((K, self._scaling * B.T), format='csr'), sphstack( (self._scaling * B, csr_matrix( (self._no_of_constraints, self._no_of_constraints))), format='csr')), format='csr')
def K(self, x, dx, t): r""" Returns the constrained stiffness matrix This is an approximation! The upper part, namely the B of the internal and external forces is exactly evaluated. But the B of the a_function is not available and set to zero! Parameters ---------- x: numpy.array Global state vector of the system dx: numpy.array First time derivative of global state vector of the constrained system t: float time Returns ------- K: csr_matrix Constrained mass matrix Notes ----- In this formulation this returns .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} L^T K_{raw}\\ 0 \end{bmatrix} """ u = self.u(x, t) du = self.du(x, dx, t) K = self._jac_h_u(u, du, t) if self._jac_p_u is not None: K -= self._jac_p_u(u, du, t) return spvstack( (self.L(x, t), csr_matrix( (self._no_of_constraints, self._no_of_dofs_unconstrained))), format='csr')
def _prepare_b_jkl_mn(readout_povm, pauli_basis, pre_channel_ops, post_channel_ops, rho0): """ Prepare the coefficient matrix for process tomography. This function uses sparse matrices for much greater efficiency. The coefficient matrix is defined as: .. math:: B_{(jkl)(mn)}=\sum_{r,q}\pi_{jr}(\mathcal{R}_{k})_{rm} (\mathcal{R}_{l})_{nq} (\rho_0)_q where :math:`\mathcal{R}_{k}` is the transfer matrix of the quantum map corresponding to the k-th pre-measurement channel, while :math:`\mathcal{R}_{l}` is the transfer matrix of the l-th state preparation process. We also require the overlap between the (generalized) Pauli basis ops and the projection operators :math:`\pi_{jl}:=\sbraket{\Pi_j}{P_l} = \tr{\Pi_j P_l}`. See the grove documentation on tomography for detailed information. :param DiagonalPOVM readout_povm: The POVM corresponding to the readout plus classifier. :param OperatorBasis pauli_basis: The (generalized) Pauli basis employed in the estimation. :param list pre_channel_ops: The state preparation channel operators as `qutip.Qobj` :param list post_channel_ops: The pre-measurement (post circuit) channel operators as `qutip.Qobj` :param qutip.Qobj rho0: The initial state as a density matrix. :return: The coefficient matrix necessary to set up the binomial state tomography problem. :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix """ c_jk_m = state_tomography._prepare_c_jk_m(readout_povm, pauli_basis, post_channel_ops) pre_channel_transfer_matrices = [pauli_basis.transfer_matrix(qt.to_super(ek)) for ek in pre_channel_ops] rho0_q = pauli_basis.project_op(rho0) # These next lines hide some very serious (sparse-)matrix index magic, # basically we exploit the same index math as in `qutip.sprepost()` # i.e., if a matrix X is linearly mapped `X ->` # then this can be rewritten as # `np.kron(B.T, A).dot(X.T.ravel()).reshape((B.shape[1], A.shape[0])).T` # The extra matrix transpose operations are necessary because numpy by default # uses row-major storage, whereas these operations are conventionally defined for column-major # storage. d_ln = spvstack([(rlnq * rho0_q).T for rlnq in pre_channel_transfer_matrices]).tocoo() b_jkl_mn = spkron(d_ln, c_jk_m).real return b_jkl_mn
def initial(a, size, N=self.N, factory=factory): return spvstack(size * (factory(a, (1, N)), ))
def admm_for_dmd(P, q, s, gamma_vec, rho=1, maxiter=10000, eps_abs=1e-6, eps_rel=1e-4): # blank return value answer = type('ADMMAnswer', (object, ), {})() # check input vars P = np.squeeze(P) q = np.squeeze(q)[:, np.newaxis] gamma_vec = np.squeeze(gamma_vec) if P.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('invalid P') if q.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('invalid q') if gamma_vec.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('invalid gamma_vec') # number of optimization variables n = len(q) # identity matrix I = np.eye(n) # allocate memory for gamma-dependent output variables answer.gamma = gamma_vec answer.Nz = np.zeros([ len(gamma_vec), ]) # number of non-zero amplitudes answer.Jsp = np.zeros([ len(gamma_vec), ]) # square of Frobenius norm (before polishing) answer.Jpol = np.zeros([ len(gamma_vec), ]) # square of Frobenius norm (after polishing) answer.Ploss = np.zeros([ len(gamma_vec), ]) # optimal performance loss (after polishing) answer.xsp = np.zeros( [n, len(gamma_vec)], dtype='complex') # vector of amplitudes (before polishing) answer.xpol = np.zeros( [n, len(gamma_vec)], dtype='complex') # vector of amplitudes (after polishing) # Cholesky factorization of matrix P + (rho/2)*I Prho = P + (rho / 2) * I Plow = cholesky(Prho) Plow_star = Plow.conj().T # sparse P (for KKT system) Psparse = sparse(P) for i, gamma in enumerate(gamma_vec): # initial conditions y = np.zeros([n, 1], dtype='complex') # Lagrange multiplier z = np.zeros([n, 1], dtype='complex') # copy of x # Use ADMM to solve the gamma-parameterized problem for step in range(maxiter): # x-minimization step u = z - (1 / rho) * y # x = solve((P + (rho/2) * I), (q + rho * u)) xnew = solve(Plow_star, solve(Plow, q + (rho / 2) * u)) # z-minimization step a = (gamma / rho) * np.ones([n, 1]) v = xnew + (1 / rho) * y # soft-thresholding of v znew = multiply(multiply(np.divide(1 - a, np.abs(v)), v), (np.abs(v) > a)) # primal and dual residuals res_prim = norm(xnew - znew, 2) res_dual = rho * norm(znew - z, 2) # Lagrange multiplier update step y += rho * (xnew - znew) # stopping criteria eps_prim = np.sqrt(n) * eps_abs + eps_rel * np.max( [norm(xnew, 2), norm(znew, 2)]) eps_dual = np.sqrt(n) * eps_abs + eps_rel * norm(y, 2) if (res_prim < eps_prim) and (res_dual < eps_dual): break else: z = znew # record output data answer.xsp[:, i] = z.squeeze() # vector of amplitudes answer.Nz[i] = np.count_nonzero( answer.xsp[:, i]) # number of non-zero amplitudes answer.Jsp[i] = (np.real(dot(dot(z.conj().T, P), z)) - 2 * np.real(dot(q.conj().T, z)) + s ) # Frobenius norm (before polishing) # polishing of the nonzero amplitudes # form the constraint matrix E for E^T x = 0 ind_zero = np.flatnonzero( np.abs(z) < 1e-12) # find indices of zero elements of z m = len(ind_zero) # number of zero elements if m > 0: # form KKT system for the optimality conditions E = I[:, ind_zero] E = sparse(E, dtype='complex') KKT = spvstack([ sphstack([Psparse, E], format='csc'), sphstack( [E.conj().T, sparse((m, m), dtype='complex')], format='csc'), ], format='csc') rhs = np.vstack([q, np.zeros([m, 1], dtype='complex')]) # stack vertically # solve KKT system sol = spsolve(KKT, rhs) else: sol = solve(P, q) # vector of polished (optimal) amplitudes xpol = sol[:n] # record output datas answer.xpol[:, i] = xpol.squeeze() # polished (optimal) least-squares residual answer.Jpol[i] = (np.real(dot(dot(xpol.conj().T, P), xpol)) - 2 * np.real(dot(q.conj().T, xpol)) + s) # polished (optimal) performance loss answer.Ploss[i] = 100 * np.sqrt(answer.Jpol[i] / s) print(i) return answer
def _solver_arc_length_riks(an, silent=False): r"""Arc-Length solver using the Riks method """ msg('___________________________________________', level=1, silent=silent) msg(' ', level=1, silent=silent) msg('Arc-Length solver using Riks implementation', level=1, silent=silent) msg('___________________________________________', level=1, silent=silent) msg('Initializing...', level=1, silent=silent) lbd = 0. arc_length = an.initialInc length = arc_length dlbd = arc_length max_arc_length = an.maxArcLength modified_NR = an.modified_NR kC = an.calc_kC(silent=True) fext = an.calc_fext(inc=1., silent=True) kT = kC c = solve(kC, arc_length * fext, silent=True) fint = kC * c dc = c c_last = 0 * c step_num = 1 if modified_NR: compute_NL_matrices = False else: compute_NL_matrices = True while step_num < 1000: msg('Step %d, lbd %1.5f, arc-length %1.5f' % (step_num, lbd, arc_length), level=1, silent=silent) min_Rmax = 1.e6 prev_Rmax = 1.e6 converged = False iteration = 0 varlbd = 0 varc = 0 phi = 1 # spheric arc-length while True: iteration += 1 if iteration > an.maxNumIter: warn('Maximum number of iterations achieved!', level=2, silent=silent) break q = fext TMP = sphstack((kT, -q[:, None]), format='lil') dcext = np.concatenate((dc, [0.])) TMP = spvstack((TMP, 2 * dcext[None, :]), format='lil') TMP[-1, -1] = 2 * phi**2 * dlbd *, q) TMP = TMP.tocsr() right_vec = np.zeros(q.shape[0] + 1, dtype=q.dtype) R = fint - (lbd + dlbd) * q A = -(, dc) + phi**2 * dlbd**2 *, q) - arc_length**2) right_vec[:-1] = -R right_vec[-1] = A solution = solve(TMP, right_vec, silent=True) varc = solution[:-1] varlbd = solution[-1] dlbd = dlbd + varlbd dc = dc + varc msg('iter %d, lbd+dlbd %1.5f' % (iteration, lbd + dlbd), level=2, silent=silent) # computing the Non-Linear matrices if compute_NL_matrices: kC = an.calc_kC(c=(c + dc), NLgeom=True, silent=True) kG = an.calc_kG(c=(c + dc), NLgeom=True, silent=True) kT = kC + kG if modified_NR: compute_NL_matrices = False else: if not modified_NR: compute_NL_matrices = True # calculating the residual fint = an.calc_fint(c + dc, silent=True) Rmax = np.abs((lbd + dlbd) * fext - fint).max() if iteration >= 2 and Rmax <= an.absTOL: converged = True break if (Rmax > min_Rmax and Rmax > prev_Rmax and iteration > 3): warn('Diverged - Rmax value significantly increased', level=2, silent=silent) break else: min_Rmax = min(min_Rmax, Rmax) change_rate_Rmax = abs(1 - Rmax / prev_Rmax) if (iteration > 2 and change_rate_Rmax < an.too_slow_TOL): warn('Diverged - convergence too slow', level=2, silent=silent) break prev_Rmax = Rmax if converged: step_num += 1 msg('Converged at lbd+dlbd of %1.5f, total length %1.5f' % (lbd + dlbd, length), level=2, silent=silent) length += arc_length lbd = lbd + dlbd arc_length *= 1.1111 dlbd = arc_length c_last = c.copy() c = c + dc an.increments.append(lbd) an.cs.append(c.copy()) else: msg('Reseting step with reduced arc-length', level=2, silent=silent) arc_length *= 0.90 if length >= max_arc_length: msg('Maximum specified arc-length of %1.5f achieved' % max_arc_length, level=2, silent=silent) break dc = c - c_last dlbd = arc_length kC = an.calc_kC(c=c, NLgeom=True, silent=True) kG = an.calc_kG(c=c, NLgeom=True, silent=True) kT = kC + kG fint = an.calc_fint(c=c, silent=True) compute_NL_matrices = False msg('Finished Non-Linear Static Analysis', silent=silent) msg(' total arc-length %1.5f' % length, level=1, silent=silent)