    def measure_homodyne(self, phi, mode, select=None, **kwargs):
        Performs a homodyne measurement on a mode.
        m_omega_over_hbar = 1 / self._hbar

        # Make sure the state is mixed for reduced density matrix
        if self._pure:
            state = ops.mix(self._state, self._num_modes)
            state = self._state

        if select is not None:
            meas_result = select
            if isinstance(meas_result, numbers.Number):
                homodyne_sample = float(meas_result)
                raise TypeError(
                    "Selected measurement result must be of numeric type.")
            # Compute reduced density matrix
            unmeasured = [i for i in range(self._num_modes) if not i == mode]
            reduced = ops.partial_trace(state, self._num_modes, unmeasured)

            # Rotate to measurement basis
            args = [
                ops.phase(-phi, self._trunc), reduced, False, [0], 1,
            if self._mode == 'blas':
                reduced = ops.apply_gate_BLAS(*args)
            elif self._mode == 'einsum':
                reduced = ops.apply_gate_einsum(*args)

            # Create pdf. Same as tf implementation, but using
            # the recursive relation H_0(x) = 1, H_1(x) = 2x, H_{n+1}(x) = 2xH_n(x) - 2nH_{n-1}(x)
            q_mag = kwargs.get('max', 10)
            num_bins = kwargs.get('num_bins', 100000)

            q_tensor, Hvals = ops.hermiteVals(q_mag, num_bins,
                                              m_omega_over_hbar, self._trunc)
            H_matrix = np.zeros((self._trunc, self._trunc, num_bins))
            for n, m in product(range(self._trunc), repeat=2):
                H_matrix[n][m] = 1 / sqrt(
                    2**n * bang(n) * 2**m * bang(m)) * Hvals[n] * Hvals[m]
            H_terms = np.expand_dims(reduced, -1) * np.expand_dims(H_matrix, 0)
            rho_dist = np.sum(H_terms, axis=(1, 2)) \
                                 * (m_omega_over_hbar/pi)**0.5 \
                                 * np.exp(-m_omega_over_hbar * q_tensor**2) \
                                 * (q_tensor[1] - q_tensor[0]) # Delta_q for normalization (only works if the bins are equally spaced)

            # Sample from rho_dist. This is a bit different from tensorflow due to how
            # numpy treats multinomial sampling. In particular, numpy returns a
            # histogram of the samples whereas tensorflow gives the list of samples.
            # Numpy also does not use the log probabilities
            probs = rho_dist.flatten().real
            probs /= np.sum(probs)
            sample_hist = np.random.multinomial(1, probs)
            sample_idx = list(sample_hist).index(1)
            homodyne_sample = q_tensor[sample_idx]

        # Project remaining modes into the conditional state
        inf_squeezed_vac = \
            np.array([(-0.5)**(n//2) * sqrt(bang(n)) / bang(n//2) if n%2 == 0 else 0.0 + 0.0j \
                for n in range(self._trunc)], dtype=ops.def_type)
        alpha = homodyne_sample * sqrt(m_omega_over_hbar / 2)

        composed = np.dot(ops.phase(phi, self._trunc),
                          ops.displacement(alpha, self._trunc))
        args = [composed, inf_squeezed_vac, True, [0], 1, self._trunc]
        if self._mode == 'blas':
            eigenstate = ops.apply_gate_BLAS(*args)
        elif self._mode == 'einsum':
            eigenstate = ops.apply_gate_einsum(*args)

        vac_state = np.array(
            [1.0 + 0.0j if i == 0 else 0.0 + 0.0j for i in range(self._trunc)],
        projector = np.outer(vac_state, eigenstate.conj())
        self._apply_gate(projector, [mode])

        # Normalize
        self._state = self._state / self.norm()

        return homodyne_sample
    def measure_homodyne(self, phi, mode, select=None, **kwargs):
        Performs a homodyne measurement on a mode.
        m_omega_over_hbar = 1 / self._hbar

        # Make sure the state is mixed for reduced density matrix
        if self._pure:
            state = ops.mix(self._state, self._num_modes)
            state = self._state

        if select is not None:
            meas_result = select
            if isinstance(meas_result, numbers.Number):
                homodyne_sample = float(meas_result)
                raise TypeError(
                    "Selected measurement result must be of numeric type.")
            # Compute reduced density matrix
            unmeasured = [i for i in range(self._num_modes) if not i == mode]
            reduced = ops.partial_trace(state, self._num_modes, unmeasured)

            # Rotate to measurement basis
            reduced = self.apply_gate_BLAS(ops.phase(-phi, self._trunc), [0],

            # Create pdf. Same as tf implementation, but using
            # the recursive relation H_0(x) = 1, H_1(x) = 2x, H_{n+1}(x) = 2xH_n(x) - 2nH_{n-1}(x)
            q_mag = kwargs.get("max", 10)
            num_bins = kwargs.get("num_bins", 100000)

            q_tensor, Hvals = ops.hermiteVals(q_mag, num_bins,
                                              m_omega_over_hbar, self._trunc)
            H_matrix = np.zeros((self._trunc, self._trunc, num_bins))
            for n, m in product(range(self._trunc), repeat=2):
                H_matrix[n][m] = 1 / sqrt(
                    2**n * bang(n) * 2**m * bang(m)) * Hvals[n] * Hvals[m]
            H_terms = np.expand_dims(reduced, -1) * np.expand_dims(H_matrix, 0)
            rho_dist = (
                np.sum(H_terms, axis=(1, 2)) * (m_omega_over_hbar / pi)**0.5 *
                np.exp(-m_omega_over_hbar * q_tensor**2) *
                (q_tensor[1] - q_tensor[0])
            )  # Delta_q for normalization (only works if the bins are equally spaced)

            # Sample from rho_dist. This is a bit different from tensorflow due to how
            # numpy treats multinomial sampling. In particular, numpy returns a
            # histogram of the samples whereas tensorflow gives the list of samples.
            # Numpy also does not use the log probabilities
            probs = rho_dist.flatten().real
            probs /= np.sum(probs)

            # Due to floating point precision error, values in the calculated probability distribution
            # may have a very small negative value of -epsilon. The following sets
            # these small negative values to 0.
            probs[np.abs(probs) < 1e-10] = 0

            sample_hist = np.random.multinomial(1, probs)
            sample_idx = list(sample_hist).index(1)
            homodyne_sample = q_tensor[sample_idx]

        # Project remaining modes into the conditional state
        inf_squeezed_vac = np.array(
            [(-0.5)**(n // 2) * sqrt(bang(n)) / bang(n // 2) if n %
             2 == 0 else 0.0 + 0.0j for n in range(self._trunc)],
        alpha = homodyne_sample * sqrt(m_omega_over_hbar / 2)

        composed = np.dot(
            ops.phase(phi, self._trunc),
            ops.displacement(np.abs(alpha), np.angle(alpha), self._trunc),
        eigenstate = self.apply_gate_BLAS(composed, [0],

        vac_state = np.array(
            [1.0 + 0.0j if i == 0 else 0.0 + 0.0j for i in range(self._trunc)],
        projector = np.outer(vac_state, eigenstate.conj())

        self._state = self.apply_gate_BLAS(projector, [mode])

        # Normalize
        self._state = self._state / self.norm()

        # `homodyne_sample` will always be a single value since multiple shots is not supported
        return np.array([[homodyne_sample]])