def A22(x_, a_, b_):
    b_sqrt = np.sqrt(b_)
    term1 = ((1. - a_) / 2. + 1. + cs_sqd) * x_**((1. - a_) / 2. - 1.) * ss.yv(
        (a_ - 1.) / 2., b_sqrt * x_)
    term2 = b_sqrt / 2. * x_**((1. - a_) / 2.) * (ss.yv(
        (a_ - 1.) / 2. - 1., b_sqrt * x_) - ss.yv(
            (a_ - 1.) / 2. + 1., b_sqrt * x_))
    return term1 + term2
def func_for_findroot_sce_nwfet0(k1, tOX0, epsOX, epsS):
    Function to find k (Eq.(8) in the Ref.[1])
    Normalized with radius R (tOX0=tOX/radius)
    k2 = k1 * (1 + tOX0)
    lhs = epsS * jv(1, k1) * (jv(0, k1) * yv(0, k2) - jv(0, k2) * yv(0, k1))
    rhs = epsOX * (jv(1, k1) * yv(0, k2) - jv(0, k2) * yv(1, k1)) * jv(0, k1)
    return (lhs - rhs)
def CoreShell_ab(mCore,mShell,xCore,xShell):
#  http://pymiescatt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/forwardCS.html#CoreShell_ab
  m = mShell/mCore
  u = mCore*xCore
  v = mShell*xCore
  w = mShell*xShell

  mx = max(np.abs(mCore*xShell),np.abs(mShell*xShell))
  nmax = np.round(2+xShell+4*(xShell**(1/3)))
  nmx = np.round(max(nmax,mx)+16)
  n = np.arange(1,nmax+1)
  nu = n+0.5

  sv = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi*v)
  sw = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi*w)
  sy = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi*xShell)

  pv = sv*jv(nu,v)
  pw = sw*jv(nu,w)
  py = sy*jv(nu,xShell)

  chv = -sv*yv(nu,v)
  chw = -sw*yv(nu,w)
  chy = -sy*yv(nu,xShell)

  p1y = np.append([np.sin(xShell)], [py[0:int(nmax)-1]])
  ch1y = np.append([np.cos(xShell)], [chy[0:int(nmax)-1]])
  gsy = py-(0+1.0j)*chy
  gs1y = p1y-(0+1.0j)*ch1y

  # B&H Equation 4.89
  Dnu = np.zeros((int(nmx)),dtype=complex)
  Dnv = np.zeros((int(nmx)),dtype=complex)
  Dnw = np.zeros((int(nmx)),dtype=complex)
  for i in range(int(nmx)-1,1,-1):
    Dnu[i-1] = i/u-1/(Dnu[i]+i/u)
    Dnv[i-1] = i/v-1/(Dnv[i]+i/v)
    Dnw[i-1] = i/w-1/(Dnw[i]+i/w)

  Du = Dnu[1:int(nmax)+1]
  Dv = Dnv[1:int(nmax)+1]
  Dw = Dnw[1:int(nmax)+1]

  uu = m*Du-Dv
  vv = Du/m-Dv
  fv = pv/chv

  dns = ((uu*fv/pw)/(uu*(pw-chw*fv)+(pw/pv)/chv))+Dw
  gns = ((vv*fv/pw)/(vv*(pw-chw*fv)+(pw/pv)/chv))+Dw
  a1 = dns/mShell+n/xShell
  b1 = mShell*gns+n/xShell

  an = (py*a1-p1y)/(gsy*a1-gs1y)
  bn = (py*b1-p1y)/(gsy*b1-gs1y)

  return an, bn
def CoreShell_ab(mCore,mShell,xCore,xShell):
#    http://pymiescatt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/forwardCS.html#CoreShell_ab
    m = mShell/mCore
    u = mCore*xCore
    v = mShell*xCore
    w = mShell*xShell

    mx = max(np.abs(mCore*xShell),np.abs(mShell*xShell))
    nmax = np.round(2+xShell+4*(xShell**(1/3)))
    nmx = np.round(max(nmax,mx)+16)
    n = np.arange(1,nmax+1)
    nu = n+0.5

    sv = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi*v)
    sw = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi*w)
    sy = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi*xShell)

    pv = sv*jv(nu,v)
    pw = sw*jv(nu,w)
    py = sy*jv(nu,xShell)

    chv = -sv*yv(nu,v)
    chw = -sw*yv(nu,w)
    chy = -sy*yv(nu,xShell)

    p1y = np.append([np.sin(xShell)], [py[0:int(nmax)-1]])
    ch1y = np.append([np.cos(xShell)], [chy[0:int(nmax)-1]])
    gsy = py-(0+1.0j)*chy
    gs1y = p1y-(0+1.0j)*ch1y

    # B&H Equation 4.89
    Dnu = np.zeros((int(nmx)),dtype=complex)
    Dnv = np.zeros((int(nmx)),dtype=complex)
    Dnw = np.zeros((int(nmx)),dtype=complex)
    for i in range(int(nmx)-1,1,-1):
        Dnu[i-1] = i/u-1/(Dnu[i]+i/u)
        Dnv[i-1] = i/v-1/(Dnv[i]+i/v)
        Dnw[i-1] = i/w-1/(Dnw[i]+i/w)

    Du = Dnu[1:int(nmax)+1]
    Dv = Dnv[1:int(nmax)+1]
    Dw = Dnw[1:int(nmax)+1]

    uu = m*Du-Dv
    vv = Du/m-Dv
    fv = pv/chv

    dns = ((uu*fv/pw)/(uu*(pw-chw*fv)+(pw/pv)/chv))+Dw
    gns = ((vv*fv/pw)/(vv*(pw-chw*fv)+(pw/pv)/chv))+Dw
    a1 = dns/mShell+n/xShell
    b1 = mShell*gns+n/xShell

    an = (py*a1-p1y)/(gsy*a1-gs1y)
    bn = (py*b1-p1y)/(gsy*b1-gs1y)

    return an, bn
def AxialEigenfunction(r, ri, m, mu):
    """Axial flow eigenfunction
    r  --> radial location to evaluate eigenfunction at
    ri --> inner radius of axial jet engine
    m  --> circumfrential acoustic mode
    mu --> eigenvalue (dependent on radial mode n)
    X = mu * ri
    return ( jv(m, mu * r) - (0.5 * (jv(m-1, X) - jv(m+1, X)))
                / (0.5 * (yv(m-1, X) - yv(m+1, X))) * yv(m, mu * r) )
def coefsb1_dgfet(k, tSi, tOX, epsOX, epsS):
    coefficient E in Eq.(14) of Ref.[1]
    k1 = k * radius
    k2 = k * (radius + tOX)
    A = jv(0, k1) / ((jv(0, k1) * yv(0, k2) - jv(0, k2) * yv(0, k1)))
    B = jv(1, k1) / (jv(1, k1) * yv(0, k2) - jv(0, k2) * yv(1, k1))
    C = (1 - epsOX / epsS) * jv(0, k1)**2 + (1 - epsS / epsOX) * jv(1, k1)**2
    E = math.pi**2 * jv(0,
                        k1) * epsOX / (2 * math.log(1 + tOX / radius) * epsS *
                                       (A * B + (math.pi / 2 * k1)**2 * C))
    return E
def sphericalHankel_deriv(n, z):
    if n == 0:
        Hankel_n = (np.sqrt((np.pi) / (2 * z ))) * ss.jv(n+1/2, z)+\
        1j * (np.sqrt ( np.pi / (2 * z ))) * ss.yv(n + 1 / 2, z)
        Hankel_nplus1 = (np.sqrt(np.pi / ( 2 * z))) * ss.jv(n + 3 / 2, z) +\
        1j * (np.sqrt ( np.pi / (2 * z ))) * ss.yv(n + 3 / 2,z)
        return ((n / z) * Hankel_n - Hankel_nplus1)
    elif n > 0:
        Hankel_n = (np.sqrt(np.pi / (2 * n))) * ss.jv(n + 1 / 2, z)+ \
        1j * (np.sqrt(np.pi / ( 2 * z))) * ss.yv(n + 1 / 2 , z)
        Hankel_ntake1 = (np.sqrt( np.pi / (2 * z))) * ss.jv(n - 1 / 2,z) +\
        1j * (np.sqrt(np.pi / (2 * z))) * ss.yv(n - 1 / 2, z)
        return (Hankel_ntake1 - ((n + 1) / z) * Hankel_n)
def AxialEigenvalFunc(x, m, ri, ro):
    """Determinant of axial flow boundary condition eigenfunctions, which is
    equal to zero.  Use scipy solver to get eigenvalues
    x  --> dependent variable (eigenvalue mu in axial flow eigenfunction)
    m  --> Order of bessel function
    ri --> inner radius of jet engine
    ro --> ourter radius of jet engine

    X = x * ro
    Y = x * ri
    return ( 0.5 * (jv(m-1, X) - jv(m+1, X)) * 0.5 * (yv(m-1, Y) - yv(m+1, Y))
           - 0.5 * (jv(m-1, Y) - jv(m+1, Y)) * 0.5 * (yv(m-1, X) - yv(m+1, X))
def plot_fig1():

    X = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
    fig = plt.figure()

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
    for m in range(5):
        ax1.plot(X, ss.jv(m, X), label="m = %s" % m)
    ax1.set_xlim(0, np.max(X))

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
    for m in range(5):
        ax2.plot(X, ss.yv(m, X), label="m = %s" % m)
    ax2.set_xlim([0, np.max(X)])
    ax2.set_ylim([-1, .7])


    fig.savefig(parent + "Jm_Ym.png")
    print("plot saved to /T13_BesselFunctions/Jm_Ym.png")
def Mie_abcd(m, x, nmax):
    """based on the MATLAB code by C. Maetzler, 2002
    Ref.: (Maetzler 2002)
    n = arange(1,(nmax+1))*1.0
    nu = n+0.5
    z = m*x
    m2 = m*m
    sqx = sqrt(0.5 * pi / x)
    sqz = sqrt(0.5 * pi / z)
    bx = special.jv(nu, x) * sqx
    bz = special.jv(nu, z) * sqz
    yx = special.yv(nu, x) * sqx
    hx = (complex(1,0)*bx + complex(0,1)*yx)
    b1x = concatenate((array([(sin(x)/x)]),bx[0:(nmax-1)]))
    b1z = concatenate((array([(sin(z)/z)]),bz[0:(nmax-1)]))
    y1x = concatenate((array([(-cos(x)/x)]),yx[0:(nmax-1)]))
    h1x = complex(1,0)*b1x + complex(0,1)*y1x
    ax = x*b1x - n*bx
    az = z*b1z - n*bz
    ahx = x*h1x - n*hx
    an = (m2*bz*ax - bx*az)/(m2*bz*ahx - hx*az)
    bn = (bz*ax - bx*az)/(bz*ahx - hx*az)
    cn = (bx*ahx - hx*ax)/(bz*ahx - hx*az)
    dn = m*(bx*ahx - hx*ax)/(m2*bz*ahx - hx*az)
    return (an,bn,cn,dn)
 def mie_abcd(self, m, x):
     nmax = round(2 + x + (4 * x**(1. / 3.)))
     i = 1.0j
     n = np.arange(1, nmax + 1, 1)
     nu = (n + 0.5)
     z = np.multiply(m, x)
     m2 = np.multiply(m, m)
     sqx = np.sqrt(0.5 * (math.pi) / x)
     sqz = np.sqrt(0.5 * (math.pi) / z)
     bx = (np.multiply((special.jv(nu, x)), sqx))
     bz = np.multiply((special.jv(nu, z)), sqz)
     yx = np.multiply((special.yv(nu, x)), sqx)
     hx = bx + (i * yx)
     sinx = np.array((cmath.sin(x)) / x)
     b1x = np.append(sinx, bx[0:int(nmax - 1)])
     sinz = (cmath.sin(z)) / z
     b1z = np.append(sinz, bz[0:int(nmax - 1)])
     cosx = np.array((cmath.cos(x)) / x)
     y1x = np.append(-cosx, yx[0:int(nmax - 1)])
     h1x = b1x + (i * y1x)
     ax = (np.multiply(x, b1x)) - (np.multiply(n, bx))
     az = (np.multiply(z, b1z)) - (np.multiply(n, bz))
     ahx = (np.multiply(x, h1x)) - (np.multiply(n, hx))
     m2bz = np.multiply(m2, bz)
     antop = (np.multiply(m2bz, ax)) - np.multiply(bx, az)
     anbot = (m2 * bz * ahx) - (hx * az)
     an = np.true_divide(antop, anbot)
     bn = (bz * ax - bx * az) / (bz * ahx - hx * az)
     cn = (bx * ahx - hx * ax) / (bz * ahx - hx * az)
     dn = m * (bx * ahx - hx * ax) / (m2 * bz * ahx - hx * az)
     return np.array([an, bn, cn, dn])
def compute_eigenvector(r, sigma, m, zero):
    """ Return the eigenvector for the system.

        r (np.array(float)): array of radial locations.
        sigma (float): ratio of inner to outer radius, ri/ro.
        m (int): circumferential wavenumber.
        zero (float): a zero of the determinant of the convected wave equation

        the eigenvector associated with the input 'm' and 'zero', evaluated at
        radial locations defined by the input array 'r'. Length of the return
        array is len(r).
    Q_mn = -sp.jvp(m, sigma * zero) / sp.yvp(m, sigma * zero)

    eigenvector = np.zeros(len(r))
    for irad in range(len(r)):
        eigenvector[irad] = \
            sp.jv(m, zero*r[irad]) + Q_mn*sp.yv(m, zero*r[irad])

    # Normalize the eigenmode. Find abs of maximum value.
    ev_mag = np.absolute(eigenvector)
    ev_max = np.max(ev_mag)

    eigenvector = eigenvector / ev_max

    return eigenvector
文件: mie.py 项目: dalerxli/nplab
def Mie_ab(m, x, n_max):
    #  http://pymiescatt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/forward.html#Mie_ab
    mx = m * x
    nmax = np.round(2 + x + 4 * (x**(1 / 3)))
    nmx = np.round(max(nmax, np.abs(mx)) + 16)
    n = np.arange(1, nmax + 1)
    nu = n + 0.5

    sx = np.sqrt(0.5 * np.pi * x)
    px = sx * jv(nu, x)

    p1x = np.append(np.sin(x), px[0:int(nmax) - 1])
    chx = -sx * yv(nu, x)

    ch1x = np.append(np.cos(x), chx[0:int(nmax) - 1])
    gsx = px - (0 + 1j) * chx
    gs1x = p1x - (0 + 1j) * ch1x

    # B&H Equation 4.89
    Dn = np.zeros(int(nmx), dtype=complex)
    for i in range(int(nmx) - 1, 1, -1):
        Dn[i - 1] = (i / mx) - (1 / (Dn[i] + i / mx))

    D = Dn[1:int(nmax) + 1]  # Dn(mx), drop terms beyond nMax
    da = D / m + n / x
    db = m * D + n / x

    an = (da * px - p1x) / (da * gsx - gs1x)
    bn = (db * px - p1x) / (db * gsx - gs1x)

    return an, bn
文件: mie.py 项目: clegett/mie
def mie_abcd(m: complex, x: float) -> np.ndarray:
    nmax = np.int(np.round(2 + x + 4 * x**(1 / 3)))
    n = np.arange(1, nmax + 1).astype(int)
    nu = n + 0.5
    z = m * x
    m2 = m * m
    sqx = np.sqrt(0.5 * np.pi / x)
    sqz = np.sqrt(0.5 * np.pi / z)
    bx = jv(nu, x) * sqx
    bz = jv(nu, z) * sqz
    yx = yv(nu, x) * sqx
    hx = bx + yx * 1j
    b1x = np.append(np.sin(x) / x, bx[0:nmax - 1])
    b1z = np.append(np.sin(z) / z, bz[0:nmax - 1])
    y1x = np.append(-np.cos(x) / x, yx[0:nmax - 1])
    h1x = b1x + y1x * 1j
    ax = x * b1x - n * bx
    az = z * b1z - n * bz
    ahx = x * h1x - n * hx

    an = (m2 * bz * ax - bx * az) / (m2 * bz * ahx - hx * az)
    bn = (bz * ax - bx * az) / (bz * ahx - hx * az)
    cn = (bx * ahx - hx * ax) / (bz * ahx - hx * az)
    dn = m * (bx * ahx - hx * ax) / (m2 * bz * ahx - hx * az)
    return np.array([an, bn, cn, dn])
def bessel_function_2nd(x_input, order):
    This is a wrapper function around scipy's bessel function of the
    second kind, given any real order value. This wrapper also includes
    input verification.

    x_input = The x value input of the bessel function.
    order = The value(s) of orders wanting to be computed.
    center = The x displacement from center (i.e. the new center)
    height = The y displacement from center (i.e. the new height offset)

    y_output = The y value(s) from the bessel function.

    # Type check.
    x_input = valid.validate_float_array(x_input)
    if isinstance(order, (float, int)):
        order = valid.validate_float_value(order)
        order = valid.validate_float_array(order, deep_validate=True)

    # Compute the value(s) of the bessel_function
    y_output = sp_spcl.yv(order, x_input)

    return np.array(y_output, dtype=float)
文件: dlm2D.py 项目: anmarques/DLM2D
def g1(z):
    Function G1 (Fromme and Golberg, 1980)

    z = z + 0. * 1j
    return -0.5 * np.pi * yv(1, z) - 1. / z + np.log(0.5 * z) * jv(1, z)
def Mie_ab(m,x):
#  http://pymiescatt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/forward.html#Mie_ab
  mx = m*x
  nmax = np.round(2+x+4*(x**(1/3)))
  nmx = np.round(max(nmax,np.abs(mx))+16)
  n = np.arange(1,nmax+1)
  nu = n + 0.5

  sx = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi*x)
  px = sx*jv(nu,x)

  p1x = np.append(np.sin(x), px[0:int(nmax)-1])
  chx = -sx*yv(nu,x)

  ch1x = np.append(np.cos(x), chx[0:int(nmax)-1])
  gsx = px-(0+1j)*chx
  gs1x = p1x-(0+1j)*ch1x

  # B&H Equation 4.89
  Dn = np.zeros(int(nmx),dtype=complex)
  for i in range(int(nmx)-1,1,-1):
    Dn[i-1] = (i/mx)-(1/(Dn[i]+i/mx))

  D = Dn[1:int(nmax)+1] # Dn(mx), drop terms beyond nMax
  da = D/m+n/x
  db = m*D+n/x

  an = (da*px-p1x)/(da*gsx-gs1x)
  bn = (db*px-p1x)/(db*gsx-gs1x)

  return an, bn
 def weights(self,nu,zeroArr):
     return the weights for quadrature
     w_{ mu k} = Y_mu( pi xi_{nu k}/J_nu+1(Pi xi_{nu k})
     piXi = M.pi*zeroArr
     return SS.yv(nu,piXi)/SS.jv(nu+1,piXi)
def nu_L(L, v):
    #return sp.riccati_jn(L,v)
    nu_list = []
    for l in range(1, L + 1):

        nu_list.append(v * np.sqrt(np.pi / (2 * v)) *
                       (sp.jv(l + 0.5, v) + 1j * sp.yv(l + 0.5, v)))
    return np.array(nu_list)
 def sphhankel(self, order, x, mode):
 #general form of calculating spherical hankel functions of the first kind at x
     if np.isscalar(x):
         return np.sqrt(np.pi / (2*x)) * (sp.jv(order + 0.5 + mode, x) + 1j * sp.yv(order + 0.5 + mode, x))
     elif np.asarray(x).ndim == 1:
         ans = np.zeros((len(x), len(order)), dtype = np.complex128)
         for i in range(len(order)):
             ans[:,i] = np.sqrt(np.pi / (2*x)) * (sp.jv(i + 0.5 + mode, x) + 1j * sp.yv(i + 0.5 + mode, x))
         return ans
         ans = np.zeros((x.shape + (len(order),)), dtype = np.complex128)
         for i in range(len(order)):
             ans[...,i] = np.sqrt(np.pi / (2*x)) * (sp.jv(i + 0.5 + mode, x) + 1j * sp.yv(i + 0.5 + mode, x))
         return ans
文件: dlm2D.py 项目: anmarques/DLM2D
def g0(z):
    Function G0 (Fromme and Golberg, 1980)

    z = z + 0. * 1j
    return 0.5 * np.pi * yv(0, z) - (np.euler_gamma + np.log(0.5 * z)) * jv(
        0, z)
def bessel():
  for i in range(1,360):
    x = i / 6.28
    y1 = spl.jv(1,x)
    y2 = spl.yv(1,x)
    y3 = spl.jv(3,x)
    print("%7.3f, %7.3f, %7.3f, %7.3f" % (x, y1, y2, y3))
    def sphneumm(self,order,vect):

        #calculates the spherical neumann function of order 'order' for the passed
        import numpy
        from scipy.special import yv
        return sphneumm
 def test_bessely_complex(self):
     def mpbessely(v, x):
         r = complex(mpmath.bessely(v, x, **HYPERKW))
         if abs(r) > 1e305:
             # overflowing to inf a bit earlier is OK
             r = np.inf * np.sign(r)
         return r
     assert_mpmath_equal(lambda v, z: sc.yv(v.real, z),
                         [Arg(), ComplexArg()],
    def test_bessely_complex(self):
        def mpbessely(v, x):
            r = complex(mpmath.bessely(v, x, **HYPERKW))
            if abs(r) > 1e305:
                # overflowing to inf a bit earlier is OK
                r = np.inf * np.sign(r)
            return r

        assert_mpmath_equal(lambda v, z: sc.yv(v.real, z),
                            [Arg(), ComplexArg()],
 def ogata(self, f,h,N, nu):
     w=yv(nu, np.pi * xi) / Jp1
     get_psi=lambda t: t*np.tanh(np.pi/2*np.sinh(t))
     get_psip=lambda t:np.pi*t*(-np.tanh(np.pi*np.sinh(t)/2)**2 + 1)*np.cosh(t)/2 + np.tanh(np.pi*np.sinh(t)/2)
     return np.pi*np.sum(w*F*Jnu*psip)
def riccati_bessel(order, argument, kind=1, overflow_protection=True):
    if overflow_protection:
        if kind == 1:
            return np.sqrt(np.pi * argument / 2) * spc.jv(
                order + 1 / 2, argument)
        elif kind == 2:
            return (np.sqrt(np.pi * argument / 2) \
                   * (spc.jv(order + 1 / 2, argument) \
                   - 1j * spc.yv(order + 1 / 2, argument)))
        elif kind == 3:
            return np.sqrt(np.pi * argument / 2) * spc.yv(
                order + 1 / 2, argument)
            raise ValueError("Only kind=1 and kind=2 allowed.")

    if kind == 1:
        return argument * spherical_jn(order, argument)
    elif kind == 2:
        return argument * spherical_hankel2(order, argument)
    elif kind == 3:
        return argument * spherical_yn(order, argument)
        raise ValueError("Only kind=1 and kind=2 allowed.")
def bessely(l, x):
    """The Bessel polynomial of the second kind.

    l : int, float
        Polynomial order
    x : number, ndarray
        The point(s) the polynomial is evaluated at

    float, ndarray
        The polynomial evaluated at x

    return yv(l, x)
def mie_coeff(m, x, nmax):
	calculate Mie coefficients a_n, b_n
		* m [complex] - index of refraction
		* x [] - size parameter, x = 2*pi*r*m_medium/lambda
		* nmax [] - number of terms in expansion
		* an [] - Mie coefficients
		* bn [] - Mie coefficients

    #create n array
    n = np.arange(1, nmax + 1)
    nu = n + 0.5
    y = m * x
    m2 = m * m

    #calculate Bessel function quantities
    bx = ss.jv(nu, x) * (0.5 * np.pi / x)**0.5
    by = ss.jv(nu, y) * (0.5 * np.pi / y)**0.5
    yx = ss.yv(nu, x) * (0.5 * np.pi / x)**0.5

    # change inf evals to very very large number instead
    yx[np.isinf(yx)] = 1e100

    hx = bx + 1j * yx
    b1x = np.zeros(nmax, dtype=complex)
    b1x[0] = np.sin(x) / x
    b1x[1:nmax] = bx[0:nmax - 1]
    b1y = np.zeros(nmax, dtype=complex)
    b1y[0] = np.sin(y) / y
    b1y[1:nmax] = by[0:nmax - 1]
    y1x = np.zeros(nmax, dtype=complex)
    y1x[0] = -np.cos(x) / x
    y1x[1:nmax] = yx[0:nmax - 1]
    h1x = b1x + 1j * y1x
    ax = x * b1x - n * bx
    ay = y * b1y - n * by
    ahx = x * h1x - n * hx

    #finally the coefficients themselves
    an = (m2 * by * ax - bx * ay) / (m2 * by * ahx - hx * ay)
    bn = (by * ax - bx * ay) / (by * ahx - hx * ay)

    return an, bn
def CylWaveField(X,
    unused TBD
    NumBodies = len2(Bodiescoord)
    Nm = (len2(amplitudes) / NumBodies - 1) / 2
    mode = range(-Nm, Nm + 1)
    XX, YY = meshgrid(X, Y, indexing='ij', sparse=True)
    Phii = zeros((NumBodies, XX.shape[0], YY.shape[1]), dtype=complex)
    for i in range(NumBodies):
        Xi, Yi = Bodiescoord[i]
        ri = sqrt((XX - Xi)**2 + (YY - Yi)**2)
        thetai = arctan2(YY - Yi, XX - Xi)
        Phii[i][ri <= disregard] = NaN
        a = amplitudes[(2 * Nm + 1) * i:(2 * Nm + 1) * (i + 1)]
        for m in mode[Nm:]:
            Psii = jv(m, wnumber * ri) - 1j * yv(m, wnumber * ri)
            if plane == 1:
                Phii[i] += a[Nm + m] * real(Psii) * exp(1j * m * thetai)
                if m > 0:
                    Phii[i] += a[Nm - m] * real(
                        (-1)**m * Psii) * exp(1j * -m * thetai)
                Phii[i] += a[Nm + m] * Psii * exp(1j * m * thetai)
                if m > 0:
                    Phii[i] += a[Nm - m] * (-1)**m * Psii * exp(
                        1j * -m * thetai)
    Phii *= 1j * g / freq
    if len2(Z) == 1:
        return cosh(wnumber * (Z + wdepth)) / cosh(wnumber * wdepth) * Phii
        "Velocity potential"
        return array([
            cosh(wnumber * (z + wdepth)) / cosh(wnumber * wdepth) * Phii
            for z in Z
    def get_covmatrix(self):
        Red covariance matrix depends on (i,j) matrix tau=abs(ToA_i - ToA_j)
        tau = np.abs(self.toa[:, np.newaxis] - self.toa)

        pow1 = .5 - self.params['alpha'] / 2
        pow2 = -.5 - self.params['alpha'] / 2
        pow3 = -.5 + self.params['alpha'] / 2
        part1 = 2**pow1 / self.params['fc']**pow2
        part2 = self.params['p0'] * spc.year**3 * np.sqrt(np.pi)
        part3 = (2 * np.pi * tau)**pow3
        part4 = sps.yv(pow1, 2 * np.pi * tau * self.params['fc']) / sps.gamma(
            self.params['alpha'] / 2)
        np.fill_diagonal(part4, 0)  # Replace inf by 0
        self.cov_matrix = part1 * part2 * np.multiply(part3, part4)
        return self.cov_matrix
    def __init__(self,xmin,xmax,nu):

        zero1 = jn_zeros(nu, 1)[0]
        h = fsolve(lambda h: xmin-zero1*np.tanh(np.pi/2*np.sinh(h/np.pi*zero1)), xmin)[0]
        k = fsolve(lambda k: xmax-np.pi*k*np.tanh(np.pi/2*np.sinh(h*k)), xmax)[0]
        N = int(k)
        #print '\nogata N=',N
        self.w=yv(nu, np.pi * xi) / Jp1
        get_psi=lambda t: t*np.tanh(np.pi/2*np.sinh(t))
        get_psip=lambda t:np.pi*t*(-np.tanh(np.pi*np.sinh(t)/2)**2 + 1)*np.cosh(t)/2 + np.tanh(np.pi*np.sinh(t)/2)
def dricbesy(l, x):
    """The first derivative of the Riccati-Bessel polynomial of the second kind.

    l : int, float
        Polynomial order
    x : number, ndarray
        The point(s) the polynomial is evaluated at

    float, ndarray
        The polynomial evaluated at x

    return -0.5 * np.sqrt(np.pi / 2 / x) * yv(l + 0.5, x) - np.sqrt(
        np.pi * x / 2) * dbessely(l + 0.5, x)
def jquad(func, v=0, h=1.e-3, N=200, **kwargs):
    ''' Numerically evaluate integrals of the following form
        I = | f(x).*besselj(v,x)dx

        func : function handle
            Function to integrate, f(x).
        v : int
            Bessel function order.
        h : float
            Step size.
        N : int
            Number of nodes.

        I : float
            Approximation of integral.

        Based on Ogata's method,
        [1] H. Ogata, A Numerical Integration Formula Based on the Bessel Functions,
         Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 949970, 2005.

        Python reimplementation of MATLAB code by AmirNader Askarpour (2011). Original source at https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/33929-quadrature-rule-for-evaluating-integrals-containing-bessel-functions

    # calculating zeros of Bessel function
    xi_vk = jn_zeros(v, N) / np.pi

    # weights
    w_vk = yv(v, np.pi * xi_vk) / jv(v + 1, np.pi * xi_vk)

    # quadrature
    S = np.pi * w_vk * func(np.pi / h * psi(h * xi_vk), **kwargs) * jv(
        v, np.pi / h * psi(h * xi_vk)) * d_psi(h * xi_vk)

    return np.sum(S)
def single_mie_coeff(eps,mu,x):
    """Mie coefficients for the single-layered sphere.

        eps: The complex relative permittivity.
        mu: The complex relative permeability.
        x: The size parameter.

        A tuple containing (an, bn, nmax) where an and bn are the Mie
        coefficients and nmax is the maximum number of coefficients.
    z = sqrt(eps*mu)*x
    m = sqrt(eps/mu)

    nmax = int(round(2+x+4*x**(1.0/3.0)))
    nmax1 = nmax-1
    nmx = int(round(max(nmax,abs(z))+16))
    n = arange(nmax)
    nu = n+1.5

    sx = sqrt(0.5*pi*x)
    px = sx*jv(nu,x)
    p1x = hstack((sin(x), px[:nmax1]))
    chx = -sx*yv(nu,x)
    ch1x = hstack((cos(x), chx[:nmax1]))
    gsx = px-complex(0,1)*chx
    gs1x = p1x-complex(0,1)*ch1x

    dnx = zeros(nmx,dtype=complex)
    for j in range(nmx-1,0,-1):
        r = (j+1.0)/z
        dnx[j-1] = r - 1.0/(dnx[j]+r)
    dn = dnx[:nmax]
    n1 = n+1
    da = dn/m + n1/x
    db = dn*m + n1/x

    an = (da*px-p1x)/(da*gsx-gs1x)
    bn = (db*px-p1x)/(db*gsx-gs1x)

    return (an, bn, nmax)
def single_mie_coeff(eps, mu, x):
    """Mie coefficients for the single-layered sphere.

        eps: The complex relative permittivity.
        mu: The complex relative permeability.
        x: The size parameter.

        A tuple containing (an, bn, nmax) where an and bn are the Mie
        coefficients and nmax is the maximum number of coefficients.
    z = sqrt(eps * mu) * x
    m = sqrt(eps / mu)

    nmax = int(round(2 + x + 4 * x**(1.0 / 3.0)))
    nmax1 = nmax - 1
    nmx = int(round(max(nmax, abs(z)) + 16))
    n = arange(nmax)
    nu = n + 1.5

    sx = sqrt(0.5 * pi * x)
    px = sx * jv(nu, x)
    p1x = hstack((sin(x), px[:nmax1]))
    chx = -sx * yv(nu, x)
    ch1x = hstack((cos(x), chx[:nmax1]))
    gsx = px - complex(0, 1) * chx
    gs1x = p1x - complex(0, 1) * ch1x

    dnx = zeros(nmx, dtype=complex)
    for j in xrange(nmx - 1, 0, -1):
        r = (j + 1.0) / z
        dnx[j - 1] = r - 1.0 / (dnx[j] + r)
    dn = dnx[:nmax]
    n1 = n + 1
    da = dn / m + n1 / x
    db = dn * m + n1 / x

    an = (da * px - p1x) / (da * gsx - gs1x)
    bn = (db * px - p1x) / (db * gsx - gs1x)

    return (an, bn, nmax)
def Mie_cd(m,x):
#  http://pymiescatt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/forward.html#Mie_cd
  mx = m*x
  nmax = np.round(2+x+4*(x**(1/3)))
  nmx = np.round(max(nmax,np.abs(mx))+16)
  n = np.arange(1,int(nmax)+1)
  nu = n+0.5

  cnx = np.zeros(int(nmx),dtype=complex)

  for j in np.arange(nmx,1,-1):
    cnx[int(j)-2] = j-mx*mx/(cnx[int(j)-1]+j)

  cnn = np.array([cnx[b] for b in range(0,len(n))])

  jnx = np.sqrt(np.pi/(2*x))*jv(nu, x)
  jnmx = np.sqrt((2*mx)/np.pi)/jv(nu, mx)

  yx = np.sqrt(np.pi/(2*x))*yv(nu, x)
  hx = jnx+(1.0j)*yx

  b1x = np.append(np.sin(x)/x, jnx[0:int(nmax)-1])
  y1x = np.append(-np.cos(x)/x, yx[0:int(nmax)-1])

  hn1x =  b1x+(1.0j)*y1x
  ax = x*b1x-n*jnx
  ahx =  x*hn1x-n*hx

  numerator = jnx*ahx-hx*ax
  c_denominator = ahx-hx*cnn
  d_denominator = m*m*ahx-hx*cnn

  cn = jnmx*numerator/c_denominator
  dn = jnmx*m*numerator/d_denominator

  return cn, dn
ea1 = N.array(0.0,dtype='complex')
ea1 = EM_parameters.eps_r_by_subdomain[1]*eps_0 + 1j*EM_parameters.sigma_by_subdomain[1]/EM_parameters.om
ea2 = N.array(0.0,dtype='complex')
ea2 = EM_parameters.eps_r_by_subdomain[2]*eps_0 + 1j*EM_parameters.sigma_by_subdomain[2]/EM_parameters.om
k1 = EM_parameters.om*N.sqrt(mu_0*ea1)
k2 = EM_parameters.om*N.sqrt(mu_0*ea2)
a = 0.12
R = 0.25

# construct system of equations
A = N.matrix(N.zeros([3,3],dtype='complex'))
b = N.matrix(N.zeros([3,1],dtype='complex'))

A[0,0] = -special.jv(0,k1*a)
A[0,1] = special.jv(0,k2*a)
A[0,2] = special.yv(0,k2*a)

A[1,0] = -k1*special.jv(1,k1*a)
A[1,1] = k2*special.jv(1,k2*a)
A[1,2] = k2*special.yv(1,k2*a)

A[2,0] = 0.0
A[2,1] = special.jv(0,k2*R)
A[2,2] = special.yv(0,k2*R)

b[0] = 0.0
b[1] = 0.0
b[2] = 1.0

# solve system
soln = N.linalg.solve(A,b)
文件: hankel.py 项目: diazona/hankel
 def _weight(self):
     return yv(self._nu, np.pi * self._zeros) / self._j1(np.pi * self._zeros)
def spneumann(n, kr):
    """Spherical Neumann (Bessel second kind) of order n"""
    # spb2 = scy.sph_yn(n, kr)
    # return spb2[0][-1]
    return _np.sqrt(_np.pi / (2 * kr)) * scy.yv(n + 0.5, kr)
def coated_mie_coeff(eps1,eps2,x,y):
    """Mie coefficients for the dual-layered (coated) sphere.

          eps: The complex relative permittivity of the core.
          eps2: The complex relative permittivity of the shell.
          x: The size parameter of the core.
          y: The size parameter of the shell.

          A tuple containing (an, bn, nmax) where an and bn are the Mie
          coefficients and nmax is the maximum number of coefficients.
    m1 = sqrt(eps1)
    m2 = sqrt(eps2)
    m = m2/m1
    u = m1*x
    v = m2*x
    w = m2*y

    nmax = int(round(2+y+4*y**(1.0/3.0)))
    mx = max(abs(m1*y),abs(w))
    nmx = int(round(max(nmax,mx)+16))
    nmax1 = nmax-1
    n = arange(nmax)

    dnu = zeros(nmax,dtype=complex)
    dnv = zeros(nmax,dtype=complex)
    dnw = zeros(nmax,dtype=complex)
    dnx = zeros(nmx,dtype=complex)

    for (z, dn) in zip((u,v,w),(dnu,dnv,dnw)):
        for j in range(nmx-1,0,-1):
            r = (j+1.0)/z
            dnx[j-1] = r - 1.0/(dnx[j]+r)
        dn[:] = dnx[:nmax]

    nu = n+1.5
    vwy = [v,w,y]
    sx = [sqrt(0.5*pi*xx) for xx in vwy]
    (pv,pw,py) = [s*jv(nu,xx) for (s,xx) in zip(sx,vwy)]
    (chv,chw,chy) = [-s*yv(nu,xx) for (s,xx) in zip(sx,vwy)]
    p1y = hstack((sin(y), py[:nmax1]))
    ch1y = hstack((cos(y), chy[:nmax1]))
    gsy = py-complex(0,1)*chy
    gs1y = p1y-complex(0,1)*ch1y

    uu = m*dnu-dnv
    vv = dnu/m-dnv
    fv = pv/chv
    fw = pw/chw
    ku1 = uu*fv/pw
    kv1 = vv*fv/pw
    pt = pw-chw*fv
    prat = pw/pv/chv
    ku2 = uu*pt+prat
    kv2 = vv*pt+prat
    dns1 = ku1/ku2
    gns1 = kv1/kv2

    dns = dns1+dnw
    gns = gns1+dnw
    nrat = (n+1)/y
    a1 = dns/m2+nrat
    b1 = m2*gns+nrat
    an = (py*a1-p1y)/(gsy*a1-gs1y)
    bn = (py*b1-p1y)/(gsy*b1-gs1y)

    return (an, bn, nmax)
文件: miesphere.py 项目: zimoun/mtf
def mie_N4grid(field, kk, R, C, ce, ci, jumpe, jumpi, N, point):
     kk : numpy.array([kx, ky, kz])
     R  : radius of the sphere
     C  : center of the sphere
     ce, ci : contrast sqrt(epsExt), sqrt*espInt)
     jumpe: coeff jump exterior (alpha_Dir, beta_Neu)
     jumpi: coeff jump interior (alpha_Dir, beta_Neu)
     N  : Number of modes
    pt = point[:]
    kk = Cartesian(kk)
    k = kk.norm()
    kk = kk.normalized()
    # be careful with this test !!
    if sp.linalg.norm(sp.linalg.norm(pt - C) - R) > 0.3:
        return 0.0 + 0j
        p = Cartesian((pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]))
        pnorm = p.norm()
        pn = p.normalized()
        costheta = pn.dot(kk)

        kpnorm = k * pnorm
        ke, ki = ce * k, ci * k
        keR, kiR = ke * R, ki * R

        ae, be = jumpe
        ai, bi = jumpi

        ke_aeai = ke * ae * ai
        ki_aebi = ki * ae * bi
        ke_aibe = ke * ai * be

        ke_beae = ke * be * ae
        ke_bebe = ke * be * be
        ki_bebe = ke * ae * bi
        ke_aibe = ke * ai * be

        sqrt_e = sp.sqrt(sp.pi / (2 * keR))
        sqrt_i = sp.sqrt(sp.pi / (2 * kiR))
        sqrt_n = sp.sqrt(sp.pi / (2 * kpnorm))
        sqrt_m = sp.sqrt(sp.pi / (2 * ci * kpnorm))

        val = 0
        for n in myrange(N):
            Je = sqrt_e * jv(n + 0.5, keR)
            Ji = sqrt_i * jv(n + 0.5, kiR)

            Jpe = (n / keR) * Je - sqrt_e * jv(n + 1.5, keR)
            Jpi = (n / kiR) * Ji - sqrt_i * jv(n + 1.5, kiR)

            Ye = sqrt_e * yv(n + 0.5, keR)
            Ype = (n / keR) * Ye - sqrt_e * yv(n + 1.5, keR)

            locH1 = Je + 1j * Ye
            locH1p = Jpe + 1j * Ype

            if field == "sca":

                a = ke_aeai * Ji * Jpe
                b = ki_aebi * Jpi * Je
                c = ki_aebi * locH1 * Jpi
                d = ke_aibe * locH1p * Ji

                v = (2 * n + 1) * ((1j) ** n) * (a - b) / (c - d)

                Jn = sqrt_n * jv(n + 0.5, kpnorm)
                Jpn = (n / kpnorm) * Jn - sqrt_n * jv(n + 1.5, kpnorm)

                Yn = sqrt_n * yv(n + 0.5, kpnorm)
                Ypn = (n / kpnorm) * Yn - sqrt_n * yv(n + 1.5, kpnorm)

                locH1p = Jpn + 1j * Ypn

                cn = k * v * locH1p

            elif field == "int":

                a = ke_beae * locH1 * Jpe
                b = ke_bebe * Je * locH1p
                c = ki_aebi * locH1 * Jpi
                d = ke_aibe * locH1p * Ji

                v = (2 * n + 1) * ((1j) ** n) * (a - b) / (c - d)

                Jn = sqrt_m * jv(n + 0.5, ci * kpnorm)
                Jpn = (n / (ci * kpnorm)) * Jn - sqrt_m * jv(n + 1.5, ci * kpnorm)

                cn = ci * k * v * Jpn

                cn = k * ((1j) ** n) * (2 * n + 1) * Jp(n, k * pnorm)
            c = eval_legendre(n, costheta)
            val += cn * c
    return val
def h(eta, k, w, Cj=1, Cy=0):
    n = 2./(1.+3.*w)
    p = n - 1./2.
    return eta**(-p) * (Cj*jv(p, k*eta) + Cy*yv(p, k*eta))
 def test_bessely_complex(self):
     assert_mpmath_equal(lambda v, z: sc.yv(v.real, z),
                         lambda v, z: _exception_to_nan(mpmath.bessely)(v, z, **HYPERKW),
                         [Arg(), ComplexArg()],
def yl(l, x):
  return numpy.sqrt(0.5 * numpy.pi / x) * yv(l + 0.5, x)
 def eval(self,values,x):
     if x[0] < a:
         values[0] = N.abs(soln[0]*special.jv(0,k1*x[0]))
         values[0] = N.abs(soln[1]*special.jv(0,k2*x[0]) + soln[2]*special.yv(0,k2*x[0]))