def plot_pdf_fit(self, label=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import exponweib, rayleigh from scipy import linspace, diff[1][:len(self.pdf[0])], self.pdf[0], width=diff(self.pdf[1]), label=label, alpha=0.5, color='k') x = linspace(0, 50, 1000) plt.plot(x, exponweib.pdf(x, a=self.weibull_params[0], c=self.weibull_params[1], scale=self.weibull_params[3]), 'b--', label='Exponential Weibull pdf') plt.plot(x, rayleigh.pdf(x, scale=self.rayleigh_params[1]), 'r--', label='Rayleigh pdf') plt.title('Normalized distribution of wind speeds') plt.grid() plt.legend()
def expectatedCapacityFactorFromWeibull(powerCurve, meanWindspeed=5, weibullShape=2): """Computes the expected capacity factor of a wind turbine based on an assumed Weibull distribution of observed wind speeds """ from scipy.special import gamma from scipy.stats import exponweib # Get windspeed distribution lam = meanWindspeed / gamma(1 + 1 / weibullShape) dws = 0.001 ws = np.arange(0, 40, dws) pdf = exponweib.pdf(ws, 1, weibullShape, scale=lam) # Estimate generation powerCurveInterp = splrep(, gen = splev(ws, powerCurveInterp) # Do some "just in case" clean-up cutin = ) # use the first defined windspeed as the cut in cutout = ) # use the last defined windspeed as the cut out gen[gen < 0] = 0 # floor to zero gen[ws < cutin] = 0 # Drop power to zero before cutin gen[ws > cutout] = 0 # Drop power to zero after cutout # Done totalGen = (gen * pdf).sum() * dws return totalGen
def returnDistData(cls, self): gammaParam =**( / 10)) gammaDist = gamma.pdf(, *gammaParam) rayleighParam = rayleighDist = rayleigh.pdf(, *rayleighParam) normParam = normDist = norm.pdf(, *normParam) logNormParam = lognormDist = lognorm.pdf(, *logNormParam) nakagamiParam = nakagamiDist = nakagami.pdf(, *nakagamiParam) exponParam = exponDist = expon.pdf(, *exponParam) exponweibParam = weibDist = exponweib.pdf(, *exponweibParam) distDF = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack([ gammaDist, rayleighDist, normDist, lognormDist, nakagamiDist, exponDist, weibDist ]), columns=[ 'gammaDist', 'rayleighDist', 'normDist', 'lognormDist', 'nakagamiDist', 'exponDist', 'weibDist' ]) self.distDF = distDF
def fit_tests(features, ind=True, q=0.90, verbose=False): """ Input: features: a dictionary like with the numerical results from the QC tests. For example, the gradient test values, not the flags, but the floats itself, like {'gradient': ma.array([.23, .12, .08]), 'spike': ...} ind: The features values positions to be considered in the fit. It's usefull to eliminate out of range data, or to restrict to a subset of the data, like in the calibration procedure. q: The lowest percentile to be considered. For example, .90 means that only the top 10% data (i.e. percentiles higher than .90) are considered in the fitting. """ output = {} for test in features: samp = features[test][ind & np.isfinite(features[test])] ind_top = samp > samp.quantile(q) if ind_top.any(): param =[ind_top]) output[test] = {'param': param, 'qlimit': samp.quantile(q)} if verbose is True: import pylab x = np.linspace(samp[ind_top].min(), samp[ind_top].max(), 100) pdf_fitted = exponweib.pdf(x, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1]) pylab.plot(x, pdf_fitted, 'b-') pylab.hist(ma.array(samp[ind_top]), 100, normed=1, alpha=.3) pylab.title(test) return output
def score(x): """ DOCSTRING NEEDED """ c, r, h = unpack(x) s = np.log(h / roughness) / _s pdf = exponweib.pdf(ws, a=1, c=weibK, loc=0, scale=weibL * s) pc = SyntheticPowerCurve(capacity=c, rotordiam=r) cf = np.interp(ws,, expectedCapFac = (cf * pdf).sum() * dws capex = costModel(capacity=c, hubHeight=h, rotordiam=r) lcoe = simpleLCOE(capex, expectedCapFac * 8760 * c) # Dissuade against too low specific-capacity values if not minSpecificCapacity is None: specificCapacity = 1000 * c / (np.pi * r * r / 4) if specificCapacity < minSpecificCapacity: lcoe += np.power(minSpecificCapacity - specificCapacity, 3) # Dissuade against too-low hub height compared to the rotor diameter tmp = (groundClearance + r / 2) - h if tmp > 0: lcoe += np.power(tmp, 3) # Done! return lcoe
def test_with_scipy(self): if not SP: raise nose.SkipTest("SciPy not installed.") parameters = {"alpha": 2, "k": 0.3, "loc": 1, "scale": 3} r = rexponweib(size=10, **parameters) a = exponweib.pdf(r, 2, 0.3, 1, 3) b = exponweib_like(r, **parameters) assert_almost_equal(log(a).sum(), b, 5)
def Likelihood(self, data, hypo): age, alive = data k, lam = hypo if alive: prob = 1-exponweib.cdf(age, k, lam) else: prob = exponweib.pdf(age, k, lam) return prob
def Likelihood(self, data, hypo): age, alive = data k, lam = hypo if alive: prob = 1 - exponweib.cdf(age, k, lam) else: prob = exponweib.pdf(age, k, lam) return prob
def test_with_scipy(self): if not SP: raise nose.SkipTest("SciPy not installed.") parameters = {'alpha': 2, 'k': .3, 'loc': 1, 'scale': 3} r = rexponweib(size=10, **parameters) a = exponweib.pdf(r, 2, .3, 1, 3) b = exponweib_like(r, **parameters) assert_almost_equal(log(a).sum(), b, 5)
def Likelihood(self, data, hypo): """Determines how well a given k and lam predict the life/death of a character """ age, alive = data k, lam = hypo if alive: prob = 1 - exponweib.cdf(age, k, lam) else: prob = exponweib.pdf(age, k, lam) return prob
def Likelihood(self, data, hypo): """Determines how well a given k and lam predict the life/death of a character """ age, alive = data k, lam = hypo if alive: prob = 1-exponweib.cdf(age, k, lam) else: prob = exponweib.pdf(age, k, lam) return prob
def test_fit_weibull(y): """The PDF really doesn't look like the data. Might the parameters be wrong? """ a, b, loc, scale = x = linspace(0, y.max()) pdf_fitted = exponweib.pdf(x, a, b, loc, scale) title("Weibull distribution: (a=%.2f,b=%.2f) loc = %.2f, scale = %.2f" % (a, b, loc, scale)) plot(x, pdf_fitted, 'r-') hist(y, normed=1, alpha=.3, bins=int(y.max())) show() return a, b, loc, scale
def fit_weib2(): # 生成韦伯分布数据 sample = exponweib.rvs(a=10, c=1, scale=3, loc=0, size=1000) x = np.linspace(0, np.max(sample), 100) #拟合 a, c, loc, scale =, floc=0, fa=1) print(a, c, loc, scale) y = exponweib.pdf(x, a, c, loc, scale) for x1, y1 in zip(x, y): print(x1, y1) plt.plot(x, y)
def expected_capacity_factor_from_weibull(self, mean_wind_speed=5, weibull_shape=2): """ Computes the expected average capacity factor of a wind turbine based on a Weibull distribution of wind speeds. Parameters ---------- mean_wind_speed : int, optional mean wind speed at the location in m/s, by default 5 weibull_shape : int, optional Weibull shape parameter, by default 2 Returns ------- numeric Average capacity factor See also ------- PowerCurve.expected_capacity_factor_from_distribution """ from scipy.special import gamma from scipy.stats import exponweib # Get windspeed distribution lam = mean_wind_speed / gamma(1 + 1 / weibull_shape) dws = 0.001 ws = np.arange(0, 40, dws) pdf = exponweib.pdf(ws, 1, weibull_shape, scale=lam) # Estimate generation power_curveInterp = splrep(self.wind_speed, self.capacity_factor) gen = splev(ws, power_curveInterp) # Do some "just in case" clean-up cutin = self.wind_speed.min( ) # use the first defined windspeed as the cut in cutout = self.wind_speed.max( ) # use the last defined windspeed as the cut out gen[gen < 0] = 0 # floor to zero gen[ws < cutin] = 0 # Drop power to zero before cutin gen[ws > cutout] = 0 # Drop power to zero after cutout # Done meanCapFac = (gen * pdf).sum() * dws return meanCapFac
def example_4(): a, c = 3, 1 data = exponweib.rvs(a, c, size=1000) pf = lambda ah, ch=c, d=data: -np.sum(np.log(exponweib.pdf(data, ah, ch))) x0 = 2 sols = {} methods = ["nelder-mead", "powell", "Anneal", "BFGS", "TNC", "L-BFGS-B", "SLSQP"] for method in sorted(methods): th = {'success': False} while not th['success']: th = minimizer(x0, pf, method) print '{0} ({1}): {2}'.format(method, x0, th['message']) x0 = np.random.uniform(0, 10) sols[method] = th['x'] for i, (method, sol) in enumerate(sols.iteritems()): print '{0}: {1}'.format(method, sol)
def example_1(): a, c = 3, 1 xs = np.linspace(exponweib.ppf(0.01, a, c), exponweib.ppf(0.99, a, c), 100) l = round(max(xs) - min(xs)) pf = lambda x: exponweib.pdf(x, a, c) e = 1 # step size of random-walk qrf = lambda x: norm.rvs(x, e) x0 = 2 xhs0 = metropolis_hastings(x0, 100000, pf, qrf, None, None, False) xhs = prune(xhs0, l, e) plt.plot(xs, pf(xs), color='b', label='actual posterior') plt.hist(xhs, 100, color='c', normed=True, label='pruned m-h samples') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('normalized count') plt.legend() # plt.savefig('../img/example-1.png')
def fit_distribution(data, fit_type, x_min, x_max, n_points=1000): # Initialization of the variables param, x, cdf, pdf = [-1, -1, -1, -1] if fit_type == 'exponweib': x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, n_points) # Fit data to the theoretical distribution param =, 1, 1, scale=02, loc=0) # param =, fa=1, floc=0) # param = cdf = exponweib.cdf(x, param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]) pdf = exponweib.pdf(x, param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]) elif fit_type == 'lognorm': x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, n_points) # Fit data to the theoretical distribution param =, loc=0) cdf = lognorm.cdf(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) pdf = lognorm.pdf(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif fit_type == 'norm': x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, n_points) # Fit data to the theoretical distribution param =, loc=0) cdf = norm.cdf(x, param[0], param[1]) pdf = norm.pdf(x, param[0], param[1]) elif fit_type == 'weibull_min': x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, n_points) # Fit data to the theoretical distribution param =, floc=0) cdf = weibull_min.cdf(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) pdf = weibull_min.pdf(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) return param, x, cdf, pdf
def example_2(): a, c = 3, 1 data = exponweib.rvs(a, c, size=1000) l = round(max(data) - min(data)) pf = lambda ah, ch=c, d=data: np.sum(np.log(exponweib.pdf(data, ah, ch))) e = 1 # step size of random-walk qrf = lambda x, e=e: norm.rvs(x, e) x0 = 2 ahs0 = metropolis_hastings(x0, 100000, pf, qrf) # ahs = ahs0 ahs = prune(ahs0, l, e) print 'Generated {0} samples after pruning from {1}.'.format(len(ahs), len(ahs0)) print min(ahs), max(ahs) plt.axvline(a, label='theta', color='b', linestyle='--') plt.hist(ahs, 100, normed=True, label='pruned m-h samples') plt.legend() # plt.savefig('../img/example-2.png')
def fit_tests(features, q=0.90, verbose=False): """ Input: features: a dictionary like with the numerical results from the QC tests. For example, the gradient test values, not the flags, but the floats itself, like {'gradient': ma.array([.23, .12, .08]), 'spike': ...} It also works with a pandas.DataFrame() q: The lowest percentile to be considered. For example, .90 means that only the top 10% data (i.e. percentiles higher than .90) are considered in the fitting. """ assert (q >= 0) & (q < 1), "q must be in [0, 1)" output = {} for f in features: # Sample only valid values samp = ma.compressed(features[f][np.isfinite(features[f])]) # Identify the percentile q qlimit = np.percentile(samp, 1e2 * q) # Restricts to the top q values samp = samp[samp > qlimit] if samp.any(): param = output[f] = {'param': param, 'qlimit': qlimit} if verbose is True: import pylab x = np.linspace(samp.min(), samp.max(), 100) pdf_fitted = exponweib.pdf(x, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1]) pylab.plot(x, pdf_fitted, 'b-') pylab.hist(ma.array(samp), 100, normed=1, alpha=.3) pylab.title(f) return output
def example_3(): a, c = 3, 1 data = exponweib.rvs(a, c, size=1000) l = round(max(data) - min(data)) pf = lambda ah, ch=c, d=data: np.sum(np.log(exponweib.pdf(data, ah, ch))) d = 1.0 Tf = lambda i: d/np.log(i+2) # cooling function e = 1 # step size of random-walk qrf = lambda x, e=e: norm.rvs(x, e) x0 = 2 ahs0 = simulated_annealing(x0, 100000, pf, qrf, Tf) print 'Generated {0} samples. MAP estimate is {1}'.format(len(ahs0), ahs0[-1]) plt.hist(ahs0, 100, normed=True, label='samples') plt.axvline(a, label='theta', color='b', linestyle='--') plt.axvline(ahs0[-1], label='theta-hat', color='c', linestyle='--') plt.xlim([2.8, 3.4]) plt.legend() # plt.savefig('../img/example-3.png')
from scipy.stats import exponweib print(exponweib.pdf(2,1,3,0,4))
def optfun(theta): return -np.sum(np.log(exponweib.pdf(x, 1, theta[0], scale = theta[1], loc = 0)))
def fexpweib(x,a,c,s,l): return exponweib.pdf(x,a,c,loc=l,scale=s);
#for a in np.arange(1.0,1, 1.0): a = 1.0; #cvals = np.linspace(1.0,3.14,10) cvals = [1.0,1.5,1.8,2.1,3.34] scvals = np.linspace(50.0,50.0,1) cmapp = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,len(scvals)); colors = [ cm.jet(x) for x in cmapp ] for i in range(len(scvals)): #np.arange(1.0,5.1, 0.5): sc = scvals[i] color = colors[i] for j in range(len(cvals)): c = cvals[j] x = np.linspace(0, exponweib.ppf(0.9999,a,c,scale=sc),1000) plt.plot(x,exponweib.pdf(x,a,c,scale=sc),color=color,alpha=0.5,label=str(c)) plt.ylim((0.0,0.028)) plt.xlim((0.0,200.0)) plt.legend(); exit() def fexpweib(x,a,c,s,l): return exponweib.pdf(x,a,c,loc=l,scale=s); bins = 1000;
def fitDist(self): n = len( # gamma distribution gammaParam = gammaNumPar = len(gammaParam) gammaSum = -1 * np.sum(np.log(gamma.pdf(, *gammaParam))) aicGamma = 2 * gammaNumPar + 2 * gammaSum + (2 * gammaNumPar * (gammaNumPar + 1) / (n - gammaNumPar - 1)) # rayleigh distribution rayleighParam = rayleighNumPar = len(rayleighParam) rayleighSum = -1 * np.sum( np.log(rayleigh.pdf(, *rayleighParam))) aicRayleigh = 2 * rayleighNumPar + 2 * rayleighSum + ( 2 * rayleighNumPar * (rayleighNumPar + 1) / (n - rayleighNumPar - 1)) # normal distribution normParam = normNumPar = len(normParam) normSum = -1 * np.sum(np.log(norm.pdf(, *normParam))) aicNorm = 2 * normNumPar + 2 * normSum + (2 * normNumPar * (normNumPar + 1) / (n - normNumPar - 1)) # LogNormal distribution logNormParam = logNormNumPar = len(logNormParam) logNormSum = -1 * np.sum(np.log(lognorm.pdf(, *logNormParam))) aicLogNorm = 2 * logNormNumPar + 2 * logNormSum + ( 2 * logNormNumPar * (logNormNumPar + 1) / (n - logNormNumPar - 1)) # Nakagami distribution nakagamiParam = nakagamiNumPar = len(nakagamiParam) nakagamiSum = -1 * np.sum( np.log(nakagami.pdf(, *nakagamiParam))) aicNakagami = 2 * nakagamiNumPar + 2 * nakagamiSum + ( 2 * nakagamiNumPar * (nakagamiNumPar + 1) / (n - nakagamiNumPar - 1)) # exponential distribution exponParam = exponNumPar = len(exponParam) exponSum = -1 * np.sum(np.log(expon.pdf(, *exponParam))) aicExpon = 2 * exponNumPar + 2 * exponSum + (2 * exponNumPar * (exponNumPar + 1) / (n - exponNumPar - 1)) # weibul distribution exponweibParam = exponweibNumPar = len(exponweibParam) exponweibSum = -1 * np.sum( np.log(exponweib.pdf(, *exponweibParam))) aicExpWeib = 2 * exponweibNumPar + 2 * exponweibSum + ( 2 * exponweibNumPar * (exponweibNumPar + 1) / (n - exponweibNumPar - 1)) return (aicGamma, aicRayleigh, aicNorm, aicLogNorm, aicNakagami, aicExpon, aicExpWeib)
# start tensorboard # tb = program.TensorBoard() # tb.configure(argv=[None, '--logdir', 'checkpoints']) # url = tb.launch() # # plot empirical distributions of MNIST and Fashion-MNIST plot_mnist_dist() plot_alt_dist() # plot exemplary marginal gaussianization # ToDo: plot_marginal_gauss causes error in gaussian_mixture_generate if not exists(config('PATHS')['marginal_gauss']): x1 = np.arange(0, 3, .01) x2 = np.arange(-3, 3, .01) pdf = exponweib.pdf( x1, 2, 2) + randn(len(x1)) * norm.pdf(x1, loc=1, scale=.5) / 20 pdf = (pdf - min(pdf)) pdf /= np.sum(np.abs(pdf)) emp = empiric(values=(x1, pdf), reconstruct=True) plot_marginal_gauss((x1, x2), (emp, norm), 1.5, config('PATHS')['marginal_gauss']) # prepare data file = config('DATA')['normal_samples'] if not exists(file): seed(randint(10**9)) prepare_z(file, samples=60000, dim=10) file = config('DATA')['gaussian_mixture'] if not exists(file): seed(randint(10**9)) # ToDo: numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: SVD did not converge
def fit_weibull_distribution_sp(data, init_a=1, init_c=1, scale=1, loc=0): vals =, init_a, init_c, scale=scale, loc=loc) return vals, data, exponweib.pdf(data, *vals)
def plot_fall_distributions(fallScores): plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 26}) plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = [r'\usepackage{amsmath}'] fig, axs = plt.subplots(5, 1) fig.set_size_inches(10, 20) lines = [] bins = [[], [], [], [], []] y = [[], [], [], [], []] y2 = [[], [], [], [], []] fallScores[4] = [fallScores[4][i] / 0.8 for i in range(len(fallScores[4]))] labels = [ r'$\mathrm{Deterministic}$', r'$\mathrm{Probabilistic-CVaR~Cost}$', r'$\mathrm{Probabilistic-Expected+CVaR~Cost}$', r'$\mathrm{Probabilistic-Expected~Cost}$', r'$\mathrm{No~Intervention}$' ] for i in range(5): # (mu, sigma) =[i]) prameters =[i], floc=0) # print(mu,sigma) n, bins[i], patches = axs[i].hist(fallScores[i], density=True, stacked=True, color="royalblue", bins=40, alpha=1) # y[i] = rayleigh.pdf(bins[i], mu, sigma) y2[i] = exponweib.pdf(bins[i], *prameters) # axs[i].plot(bins[i], y[i], "red", linewidth=3) axs[i].plot(bins[i], y2[i], "black", linewidth=3) axs[i].grid(True) axs[i].set_xlim(0, 17) axs[i].set_ylim(0, 1) axs[i].set_xticklabels([]) axs[i].set_yticklabels( [r'$\mathrm{0.0}$', r'$\mathrm{0.5}$', r'$\mathrm{1.0}$'], fontsize=20) props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=1) axs[i].text(0.7, 0.9, labels[i], transform=axs[i].transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top', bbox=props, ha='center') axs[4].set_xticklabels([ r'$\mathrm{0}$', r'$\mathrm{2.5}$', r'$\mathrm{5.0}$', r'$\mathrm{7.5}$', r'$\mathrm{10.0}$', r'$\mathrm{12.5}$', r'$\mathrm{15}$' ], fontsize=20) axs[4].set_xlabel(r'$\mathrm{Fall~Score}$', fontsize=20) axs[2].set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{Density}$', fontsize=20) fig5, ax6 = plt.subplots() fig5.set_size_inches(15, 10) labels = [ r'$\mathrm{Deterministic}$', r'$\mathrm{Probabilistic-CVaR~Cost}$', r'$\mathrm{Probabilistic-Expected+CVaR~Cost}$', r'$\mathrm{Probabilistic-Expected~Cost}$', r'$\mathrm{No~Intervention}$' ] colors = ['k-.', 'b--', 'r', 'b:', "k"] for i in range(5): lines.append( ax6.plot(bins[i], y2[i], colors[i], linewidth=3, label=labels[i])) # Add labels ax6.set_xticklabels([ r'$\mathrm{}$', r'$\mathrm{2}$', r'$\mathrm{4}$', r'$\mathrm{6}$', r'$\mathrm{8}$', r'$\mathrm{10}$', r'$\mathrm{12}$', r'$\mathrm{14}$', r'$\mathrm{16}$' ], fontsize=20) ax6.set_yticklabels([ r'$\mathrm{0.00}$', r'$\mathrm{0.05}$', r'$\mathrm{0.10}$', r'$\mathrm{0.15}$', r'$\mathrm{0.20}$', r'$\mathrm{0.25}$', r'$\mathrm{0.30}$' ], fontsize=20) ax6.set_xlabel(r'$\mathrm{Fall~Score}$', fontsize=20) ax6.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{Density}$', fontsize=20) ax6.legend(fontsize=20) ax6.grid(True)
def distribution(data, column, norm=True, plotWeibull=False, upperLimit=1.0, title=''): x = np.linspace(data[column].min(), data[column].max(), 1000) if plotWeibull: plt.plot(x, exponweib.pdf(x, *[column], 1, 1))) plt.title(title) return plt.hist(data[column], bins=np.linspace(0, upperLimit), normed=norm, alpha=0.5);
def downtime_accepted_models(D=list(), alpha=.05): params = list() params.append( params.append( params.append( params.append( params.append( params.append( params.append( params.append( params.append( params.append( llf_value = list() llf_value.append(log(product(uniform.pdf(D, *params[0])))) llf_value.append(log(product(expon.pdf(D, *params[1])))) llf_value.append(log(product(rayleigh.pdf(D, *params[2])))) llf_value.append(log(product(weibull_min.pdf(D, *params[3])))) llf_value.append(log(product(gamma.pdf(D, *params[4])))) llf_value.append(log(product(gengamma.pdf(D, *params[5])))) llf_value.append(log(product(invgamma.pdf(D, *params[6])))) llf_value.append(log(product(gompertz.pdf(D, *params[7])))) llf_value.append(log(product(lognorm.pdf(D, *params[8])))) llf_value.append(log(product(exponweib.pdf(D, *params[9])))) AIC = list() AIC.append(2 * len(params[0]) - 2 * llf_value[0]) AIC.append(2 * len(params[1]) - 2 * llf_value[1]) AIC.append(2 * len(params[2]) - 2 * llf_value[2]) AIC.append(2 * len(params[3]) - 2 * llf_value[3]) AIC.append(2 * len(params[4]) - 2 * llf_value[4]) AIC.append(2 * len(params[5]) - 2 * llf_value[5]) AIC.append(2 * len(params[6]) - 2 * llf_value[6]) AIC.append(2 * len(params[7]) - 2 * llf_value[7]) AIC.append(2 * len(params[8]) - 2 * llf_value[8]) AIC.append(2 * len(params[9]) - 2 * llf_value[9]) model = list() model.append( ["uniform", params[0], kstest(D, "uniform", params[0])[1], AIC[0]]) model.append( ["expon", params[1], kstest(D, "expon", params[1])[1], AIC[1]]) model.append( ["rayleigh", params[2], kstest(D, "rayleigh", params[2])[1], AIC[2]]) model.append([ "weibull_min", params[3], kstest(D, "weibull_min", params[3])[1], AIC[3] ]) model.append( ["gamma", params[4], kstest(D, "gamma", params[4])[1], AIC[4]]) model.append( ["gengamma", params[5], kstest(D, "gengamma", params[5])[1], AIC[5]]) model.append( ["invgamma", params[6], kstest(D, "invgamma", params[6])[1], AIC[6]]) model.append( ["gompertz", params[7], kstest(D, "gompertz", params[7])[1], AIC[7]]) model.append( ["lognorm", params[8], kstest(D, "lognorm", params[8])[1], AIC[8]]) model.append( ["exponweib", params[9], kstest(D, "exponweib", params[9])[1], AIC[9]]) accepted_models = [i for i in model if i[2] > alpha] if accepted_models: aic_values = [i[3] for i in accepted_models] final_model = min(range(len(aic_values)), key=aic_values.__getitem__) return accepted_models, accepted_models[final_model] elif not accepted_models: aic_values = [i[3] for i in model] final_model = min(range(len(aic_values)), key=aic_values.__getitem__) return model, model[final_model]
from scipy.stats import exponweib print(exponweib.pdf(2, 1, 3, 0, 4))
import scipy.stats as stat import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt """x = np.linspace(-1, 3000, 5000) #y = stat.norm.pdf(x) y = stat.exponweib.pdf(x, 1.74, 500) plt.plot(x, y, linewidth=2) #plt.xlim(-3, 3) #plt.ylim(-0.2, 0.7) """ from scipy.stats import exponweib fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) a, c = 1, 1.35 mean, var, skew, kurt = exponweib.stats(a, c, moments='mvsk') x = np.linspace(exponweib.ppf(0.01, a, c), exponweib.ppf(0.99, a, c), 100) ax.plot(x, exponweib.pdf(x, a, c), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='exponweib pdf')