    def test_moments_normal_distribution(self):
        data = np.random.randn(12345)
        moments = []
        for n in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
            moments.append(stats.kstat(data, n))

        expected = [0.011315, 1.017931, 0.05811052, 0.0754134]
        assert_allclose(moments, expected, rtol=1e-4)
    def test_moments_normal_distribution(self):
        data = np.random.randn(12345)
        moments = []
        for n in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
            moments.append(stats.kstat(data, n))

        expected = [0.011315, 1.017931, 0.05811052, 0.0754134]
        assert_allclose(moments, expected, rtol=1e-4)
def transform_ts(ts, n_dim=200, min_max=(-1, 1)):
    # convert data into -1 to 1
    ts_std = min_max_transf(ts, min_data=min_num, max_data=max_num)
    # bucket or chunk size, 5000 in this case (800000 / 160)
    bucket_size = int(sample_size / n_dim)
    # new_ts will be the container of the new data
    new_ts = []
    # this for iteract any chunk/bucket until reach the whole sample_size (800000)
    for i in range(0, sample_size, bucket_size):
        # cut each bucket to ts_range
        ts_range = ts_std[i:i + bucket_size]
        ts_range = waveletSmooth(ts_range, level=1)
        # calculate each feature
        mean = ts_range.mean()
        std = ts_range.std()  # standard deviation
        std_top = mean + std  # I have to test it more, but is is like a band
        std_bot = mean - std
        # I think that the percentiles are very important, it is like a distribuiton analysis from eath chunk
        percentil_calc = np.percentile(ts_range, [0, 1, 25, 50, 75, 99, 100])
        max_range = percentil_calc[-1] - percentil_calc[
            0]  # this is the amplitude of the chunk
        relative_percentile = percentil_calc - mean  # maybe it could heap to understand the asymmetry

        k4 = sts.kstat(ts_range, 4)
        kurts = sts.kurtosis(ts_range)
        skew = sts.skew(ts_range)
        mode = sts.mode(ts_range)
        iqr = sts.iqr(ts_range)
        vartion = sts.variation(ts_range)
        gm = sts.gmean(ts_range)
        peaks, _ = (signal.find_peaks(ts_range, distance=20))
        num_peaks = len(peaks)
        width_of_peaks = signal.peak_widths(ts_range, peaks, rel_height=0.3)
        width_of_peaks = width_of_peaks[0]
        mean_w_p = width_of_peaks.mean()
        min_w_p = np.min(width_of_peaks)
        max_w_p = np.max(width_of_peaks)
        peak_prom = signal.peak_prominences(ts_range, peaks)
        mean_prom = peak_prom[0].mean()

                    mean, std, std_top, std_bot, max_range, k4, kurts, skew,
                    mode, iqr, vartion, gm, num_peaks, width_of_peaks,
                    mean_w_p, min_w_p, max_w_p, mean_prom
                ]), percentil_calc, relative_percentile
    return np.asarray(new_ts)
    def test_moments_normal_distribution(self):
        data = np.random.randn(12345)
        moments = []
        for n in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
            moments.append(stats.kstat(data, n))

        expected = [0.011315, 1.017931, 0.05811052, 0.0754134]
        assert_allclose(moments, expected, rtol=1e-4)

        # test equivalence with `stats.moment`
        m1 = stats.moment(data, moment=1)
        m2 = stats.moment(data, moment=2)
        m3 = stats.moment(data, moment=3)
        assert_allclose((m1, m2, m3), expected[:-1], atol=0.02, rtol=1e-2)
    def test_moments_normal_distribution(self):
        data = np.random.randn(12345)
        moments = []
        for n in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
            moments.append(stats.kstat(data, n))

        expected = [0.011315, 1.017931, 0.05811052, 0.0754134]
        assert_allclose(moments, expected, rtol=1e-4)

        # test equivalence with `stats.moment`
        m1 = stats.moment(data, moment=1)
        m2 = stats.moment(data, moment=2)
        m3 = stats.moment(data, moment=3)
        assert_allclose((m1, m2, m3), expected[:-1], atol=0.02, rtol=1e-2)
def find_kurtosis_cumulants(r):
    Finds the Kurtosis of the inputted vector, r, as
    well as its cumulants of orders 1 through 4.
    y = np.transpose(np.array(r[10:], ndmin=2))
    x = np.zeros([r.size-10, 10])
    x = np.insert(x, 0, 1, axis=1) # for the delta term (y-intercept)
    for k in range(10, r.size):
        for j in range(1, 10+1):
            x[k-10, j] = r[k-j]

    beta = np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(x) @ x) @ np.transpose(x) @ y

    v = y - x @ beta

    kurtosis = (((v-v.mean())**4)/(np.var(v)**2)).mean()
    cumulants = []
    for i in range(1, 5):
        cumulants.append(stats.kstat(v, i))
    return kurtosis, cumulants
    def features(self, x, y, seg_id):
        feature_dict = dict()
        feature_dict['target'] = y
        feature_dict['seg_id'] = seg_id

        # lists with parameters to iterate over them
        percentiles = [
            1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 95, 99
        hann_windows = [50, 150, 1500, 15000]
        spans = [300, 3000, 30000, 50000]
        windows = [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 10000]
        borders = list(range(-4000, 4001, 1000))
        peaks = [10, 20, 50, 100]
        coefs = [1, 5, 10, 50, 100]
        autocorr_lags = [5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000]

        # basic stats
        feature_dict['mean'] = x.mean()
        feature_dict['std'] = x.std()
        feature_dict['max'] = x.max()
        feature_dict['min'] = x.min()

        # basic stats on absolute values
        feature_dict['mean_change_abs'] = np.mean(np.diff(x))
        feature_dict['abs_max'] = np.abs(x).max()
        feature_dict['abs_mean'] = np.abs(x).mean()
        feature_dict['abs_std'] = np.abs(x).std()

        # geometric and harmonic means
        feature_dict['hmean'] = stats.hmean(np.abs(x[np.nonzero(x)[0]]))
        feature_dict['gmean'] = stats.gmean(np.abs(x[np.nonzero(x)[0]]))

        # k-statistic and moments
        for i in range(1, 5):
            feature_dict[f'kstat_{i}'] = stats.kstat(x, i)
            feature_dict[f'moment_{i}'] = stats.moment(x, i)

        for i in [1, 2]:
            feature_dict[f'kstatvar_{i}'] = stats.kstatvar(x, i)

        # aggregations on various slices of data
        for agg_type, slice_length, direction in product(
            ['std', 'min', 'max', 'mean'], [1000, 10000, 50000],
            ['first', 'last']):
            if direction == 'first':
                    f'{agg_type}_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = x[:
            elif direction == 'last':
                feature_dict[f'{agg_type}_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = x[

        feature_dict['max_to_min'] = x.max() / np.abs(x.min())
        feature_dict['max_to_min_diff'] = x.max() - np.abs(x.min())
        feature_dict['count_big'] = len(x[np.abs(x) > 500])
        feature_dict['sum'] = x.sum()

        feature_dict['mean_change_rate'] = self.calc_change_rate(x)

        # calc_change_rate on slices of data
        for slice_length, direction in product([1000, 10000, 50000],
                                               ['first', 'last']):
            if direction == 'first':
                    f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = self.calc_change_rate(
            elif direction == 'last':
                    f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = self.calc_change_rate(

        # percentiles on original and absolute values
        for p in percentiles:
            feature_dict[f'percentile_{p}'] = np.percentile(x, p)
            feature_dict[f'abs_percentile_{p}'] = np.percentile(np.abs(x), p)

        feature_dict['trend'] = self.add_trend_feature(x)
        feature_dict['abs_trend'] = self.add_trend_feature(x, abs_values=True)

        feature_dict['mad'] = x.mad()
        feature_dict['kurt'] = x.kurtosis()
        feature_dict['skew'] = x.skew()
        feature_dict['med'] = x.median()

        feature_dict['Hilbert_mean'] = np.abs(signal.hilbert(x)).mean()

        for hw in hann_windows:
            feature_dict[f'Hann_window_mean_{hw}'] = (
                signal.convolve(x, signal.hann(hw), mode='same') /

        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta1_mean'] = self.classic_sta_lta(
            x, 500, 10000).mean()
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta2_mean'] = self.classic_sta_lta(
            x, 5000, 100000).mean()
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta3_mean'] = self.classic_sta_lta(
            x, 3333, 6666).mean()
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta4_mean'] = self.classic_sta_lta(
            x, 10000, 25000).mean()
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta5_mean'] = self.classic_sta_lta(
            x, 50, 1000).mean()
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta6_mean'] = self.classic_sta_lta(
            x, 100, 5000).mean()
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta7_mean'] = self.classic_sta_lta(
            x, 333, 666).mean()
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta8_mean'] = self.classic_sta_lta(
            x, 4000, 10000).mean()

        # exponential rolling statistics
        ewma = pd.Series.ewm
        for s in spans:
            feature_dict[f'exp_Moving_average_{s}_mean'] = (ewma(
                x, span=s).mean(skipna=True)).mean(skipna=True)
            feature_dict[f'exp_Moving_average_{s}_std'] = (ewma(
                x, span=s).mean(skipna=True)).std(skipna=True)
            feature_dict[f'exp_Moving_std_{s}_mean'] = (ewma(
                x, span=s).std(skipna=True)).mean(skipna=True)
            feature_dict[f'exp_Moving_std_{s}_std'] = (ewma(
                x, span=s).std(skipna=True)).std(skipna=True)

        feature_dict['iqr'] = np.subtract(*np.percentile(x, [75, 25]))
        feature_dict['iqr1'] = np.subtract(*np.percentile(x, [95, 5]))
        feature_dict['ave10'] = stats.trim_mean(x, 0.1)

        for slice_length, threshold in product([50000, 100000, 150000],
                                               [5, 10, 20, 50, 100]):
            feature_dict[f'count_big_{slice_length}_threshold_{threshold}'] = (
                np.abs(x[-slice_length:]) > threshold).sum()
                f'count_big_{slice_length}_less_threshold_{threshold}'] = (
                    np.abs(x[-slice_length:]) < threshold).sum()

        feature_dict['range_minf_m4000'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
            x, -np.inf, -4000)
        feature_dict['range_p4000_pinf'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
            x, 4000, np.inf)

        for i, j in zip(borders, borders[1:]):
            feature_dict[f'range_{i}_{j}'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
                x, i, j)

        for autocorr_lag in autocorr_lags:
                f'autocorrelation_{autocorr_lag}'] = feature_calculators.autocorrelation(
                    x, autocorr_lag)
            feature_dict[f'c3_{autocorr_lag}'] = feature_calculators.c3(
                x, autocorr_lag)

        for p in percentiles:
                f'binned_entropy_{p}'] = feature_calculators.binned_entropy(
                    x, p)

        feature_dict['num_crossing_0'] = feature_calculators.number_crossing_m(
            x, 0)

        for peak in peaks:
                f'num_peaks_{peak}'] = feature_calculators.number_peaks(
                    x, peak)

        for c in coefs:
            feature_dict[f'spkt_welch_density_{c}'] = \
            list(feature_calculators.spkt_welch_density(x, [{'coeff': c}]))[0][1]
                f'time_rev_asym_stat_{c}'] = feature_calculators.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(
                    x, c)

        for w in windows:
            x_roll_std = x.rolling(w).std().dropna().values
            x_roll_mean = x.rolling(w).mean().dropna().values

            feature_dict[f'ave_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.mean()
            feature_dict[f'std_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.std()
            feature_dict[f'max_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.max()
            feature_dict[f'min_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.min()

            for p in percentiles:
                    f'percentile_roll_std_{p}_window_{w}'] = np.percentile(
                        x_roll_std, p)

            feature_dict[f'av_change_abs_roll_std_{w}'] = np.mean(
            feature_dict[f'av_change_rate_roll_std_{w}'] = np.mean(
                np.nonzero((np.diff(x_roll_std) / x_roll_std[:-1]))[0])
            feature_dict[f'abs_max_roll_std_{w}'] = np.abs(x_roll_std).max()

            feature_dict[f'ave_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.mean()
            feature_dict[f'std_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.std()
            feature_dict[f'max_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.max()
            feature_dict[f'min_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.min()

            for p in percentiles:
                    f'percentile_roll_mean_{p}_window_{w}'] = np.percentile(
                        x_roll_mean, p)

            feature_dict[f'av_change_abs_roll_mean_{w}'] = np.mean(
            feature_dict[f'av_change_rate_roll_mean_{w}'] = np.mean(
                np.nonzero((np.diff(x_roll_mean) / x_roll_mean[:-1]))[0])
            feature_dict[f'abs_max_roll_mean_{w}'] = np.abs(x_roll_mean).max()

        # Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs)
        x = x.values.astype('float32')
        mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=x)
        for i in range(len(mfcc)):
            feature_dict[f'mfcc_{i}_avg'] = np.mean(np.abs(mfcc[i]))

        # spectral features
        feature_dict['spectral_centroid'] = np.mean(
        feature_dict['zero_crossing_rate'] = np.mean(
        feature_dict['spectral_flatness'] = np.mean(
        feature_dict['spectral_contrast'] = np.mean(
        feature_dict['spectral_bandwidth'] = np.mean(

        return feature_dict
    alpha = 1.

    dG_FEP = np.zeros((n_bins,Eij.shape[1]))
    dG_cumulant_exp = np.array([ np.zeros((n_bins,Eij.shape[1])) for x in range(4) ])
    for i in range(n_bins):
    #for i in range(3):
        #bin_frames = states[i]
        bin_frames = ((Q > bins[i]).astype(int)*(Q <= bins[i + 1]).astype(int)).astype(bool)
        n_frames = float(sum(bin_frames))

        dG_FEP[i,:]  = -np.log(np.sum(np.exp(alpha*Eij[bin_frames,:]),axis=0)/n_frames)
        print "Bin %4d" % i
        for k in range(1,5):
            for j in range(Eij.shape[1]):
                dG_cumulant_exp[k - 1,i,j] = ((alpha**k)/gamma(k + 1))*kstat(Eij[bin_frames,j],n=k)

    if not os.path.exists("FEPestimate"):

    for i in range(4):
        np.save("cumulant_exp_term_%d_vs_Q.npy" % i,dG_cumulant_exp[i,:,:])

    raise SystemExit

    dG_fluct_sum = -np.sum(dG_cumulant_exp[1:,:,:],axis=0)
    dG_cumu_mean = -dG_cumulant_exp[0,:,:]
def sig_cumulants(sig, orders):
    cumulants = np.array([], dtype=np.float)
    for order in orders:
        cumulants = np.hstack((cumulants, stats.kstat(sig, order)))
    return cumulants
    def test_nan_input(self):
        data = np.arange(10.)
        data[6] = np.nan

        assert_equal(stats.kstat(data), np.nan)
 def kstat3(x):
     return stats.kstat(x, 3)
    def features(x: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame:
        feature_dict = pd.DataFrame(dtype=np.float64)
        seg_id = 1

        # lists with parameters to iterate over them
        percentiles = [1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 95, 99]
        hann_windows = [50, 150, 1500, 15000]
        spans = [300, 3000, 30000, 50000]
        windows = [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 10000]

        # basic stats
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'mean'] = x.mean()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'std'] = x.std()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'max'] = x.max()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'min'] = x.min()

        # basic stats on absolute values
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'mean_change_abs'] = np.mean(np.diff(x))
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'abs_max'] = np.abs(x).max()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'abs_mean'] = np.abs(x).mean()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'abs_std'] = np.abs(x).std()

        # geometric and harminic means
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'hmean'] = stats.hmean(np.abs(x[np.nonzero(x)[0]]))
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'gmean'] = stats.gmean(np.abs(x[np.nonzero(x)[0]]))

        # k-statistic and moments
        for i in range(1, 5):
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'kstat_{i}'] = stats.kstat(x, i)
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'moment_{i}'] = stats.moment(x, i)

        for i in [1, 2]:
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'kstatvar_{i}'] = stats.kstatvar(x, i)

        # aggregations on various slices of data
        for agg_type, slice_length, direction in product(['std', 'min', 'max', 'mean'], [1000, 10000, 50000],
                                                         ['first', 'last']):
            if direction == 'first':
                feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'{agg_type}_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = x[:slice_length].agg(agg_type)
            elif direction == 'last':
                feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'{agg_type}_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = x[-slice_length:].agg(agg_type)

        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'max_to_min'] = x.max() / np.abs(x.min())
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'max_to_min_diff'] = x.max() - np.abs(x.min())
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'count_big'] = len(x[np.abs(x) > 500])
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'sum'] = x.sum()

        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'mean_change_rate'] = calc_change_rate(x)
        # calc_change_rate on slices of data
        for slice_length, direction in product([1000, 10000, 50000], ['first', 'last']):
            if direction == 'first':
                feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = calc_change_rate(
            elif direction == 'last':
                feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = calc_change_rate(

        # percentiles on original and absolute values
        for p in percentiles:
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'percentile_{p}'] = np.percentile(x, p)
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'abs_percentile_{p}'] = np.percentile(np.abs(x), p)

        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'trend'] = add_trend_feature(x)
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'abs_trend'] = add_trend_feature(x, abs_values=True)

        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'mad'] = x.mad()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'kurt'] = x.kurtosis()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'skew'] = x.skew()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'med'] = x.median()

        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'Hilbert_mean'] = np.abs(hilbert(x)).mean()

        for hw in hann_windows:
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'Hann_window_mean_{hw}'] = (
                    convolve(x, hann(hw), mode='same') / sum(hann(hw))).mean()

        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'classic_sta_lta1_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 500, 10000).mean()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'classic_sta_lta2_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 5000, 100000).mean()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'classic_sta_lta3_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 3333, 6666).mean()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'classic_sta_lta4_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 10000, 25000).mean()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'classic_sta_lta5_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 50, 1000).mean()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'classic_sta_lta6_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 100, 5000).mean()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'classic_sta_lta7_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 333, 666).mean()
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'classic_sta_lta8_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 4000, 10000).mean()

        # exponential rolling statistics
        ewma = pd.Series.ewm
        for s in spans:
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'exp_Moving_average_{s}_mean'] = (ewma(x, span=s).mean(skipna=True)).mean(
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'exp_Moving_average_{s}_std'] = (ewma(x, span=s).mean(skipna=True)).std(
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'exp_Moving_std_{s}_mean'] = (ewma(x, span=s).std(skipna=True)).mean(skipna=True)
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'exp_Moving_std_{s}_std'] = (ewma(x, span=s).std(skipna=True)).std(skipna=True)

        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'iqr'] = np.subtract(*np.percentile(x, [75, 25]))
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'iqr1'] = np.subtract(*np.percentile(x, [95, 5]))
        feature_dict.loc[seg_id, 'ave10'] = stats.trim_mean(x, 0.1)

        for slice_length, threshold in product([50000, 100000, 150000],
                                               [5, 10, 20, 50, 100]):
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'count_big_{slice_length}_threshold_{threshold}'] = (
                    np.abs(x[-slice_length:]) > threshold).sum()
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'count_big_{slice_length}_less_threshold_{threshold}'] = (
                    np.abs(x[-slice_length:]) < threshold).sum()

            # statistics on rolling windows of various sizes
        for w in windows:
            x_roll_std = x.rolling(w).std().dropna().values
            x_roll_mean = x.rolling(w).mean().dropna().values

            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'ave_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.mean()
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'std_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.std()
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'max_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.max()
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'min_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.min()

            for p in percentiles:
                feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'percentile_roll_std_{p}_window_{w}'] = np.percentile(x_roll_std, p)

            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'av_change_abs_roll_std_{w}'] = np.mean(np.diff(x_roll_std))
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'av_change_rate_roll_std_{w}'] = np.mean(
                np.nonzero((np.diff(x_roll_std) / x_roll_std[:-1]))[0])
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'abs_max_roll_std_{w}'] = np.abs(x_roll_std).max()

            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'ave_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.mean()
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'std_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.std()
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'max_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.max()
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'min_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.min()

            for p in percentiles:
                feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'percentile_roll_mean_{p}_window_{w}'] = np.percentile(x_roll_mean, p)

            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'av_change_abs_roll_mean_{w}'] = np.mean(np.diff(x_roll_mean))
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'av_change_rate_roll_mean_{w}'] = np.mean(
                np.nonzero((np.diff(x_roll_mean) / x_roll_mean[:-1]))[0])
            feature_dict.loc[seg_id, f'abs_max_roll_mean_{w}'] = np.abs(x_roll_mean).max()

        return feature_dict
    def features(self, x, y, seg_id):
        feature_dict = dict()
        feature_dict['target'] = y
        feature_dict['seg_id'] = seg_id

        # create features here

        # lists with parameters to iterate over them
        percentiles = [
            1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 95, 99
        hann_windows = [50, 150, 1500, 15000]
        spans = [300, 3000, 30000, 50000]
        windows = [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 10000]
        borders = list(range(-4000, 4001, 1000))
        peaks = [10, 20, 50, 100]
        coefs = [1, 5, 10, 50, 100]
        lags = [10, 100, 1000, 10000]
        autocorr_lags = [5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000]

        # basic stats
        feature_dict['mean'] = x.mean()
        feature_dict['std'] = x.std()
        feature_dict['max'] = x.max()
        feature_dict['min'] = x.min()

        # basic stats on absolute values
        feature_dict['mean_change_abs'] = np.mean(np.diff(x))
        feature_dict['abs_max'] = np.abs(x).max()
        feature_dict['abs_mean'] = np.abs(x).mean()
        feature_dict['abs_std'] = np.abs(x).std()

        # geometric and harminic means
        feature_dict['hmean'] = stats.hmean(np.abs(x[np.nonzero(x)[0]]))
        feature_dict['gmean'] = stats.gmean(np.abs(x[np.nonzero(x)[0]]))

        # k-statistic and moments
        for i in range(1, 5):
            feature_dict[f'kstat_{i}'] = stats.kstat(x, i)
            feature_dict[f'moment_{i}'] = stats.moment(x, i)

        for i in [1, 2]:
            feature_dict[f'kstatvar_{i}'] = stats.kstatvar(x, i)

        # aggregations on various slices of data
        for agg_type, slice_length, direction in product(
            ['std', 'min', 'max', 'mean'], [1000, 10000, 50000],
            ['first', 'last']):
            if direction == 'first':
                    f'{agg_type}_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = x[:
            elif direction == 'last':
                feature_dict[f'{agg_type}_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = x[

        feature_dict['max_to_min'] = x.max() / np.abs(x.min())
        feature_dict['max_to_min_diff'] = x.max() - np.abs(x.min())
        feature_dict['count_big'] = len(x[np.abs(x) > 500])
        feature_dict['sum'] = x.sum()

        feature_dict['mean_change_rate'] = calc_change_rate(x)
        # calc_change_rate on slices of data
        for slice_length, direction in product([1000, 10000, 50000],
                                               ['first', 'last']):
            if direction == 'first':
                    f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = calc_change_rate(
            elif direction == 'last':
                    f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = calc_change_rate(

        # percentiles on original and absolute values
        for p in percentiles:
            feature_dict[f'percentile_{p}'] = np.percentile(x, p)
            feature_dict[f'abs_percentile_{p}'] = np.percentile(np.abs(x), p)

        feature_dict['trend'] = add_trend_feature(x)
        feature_dict['abs_trend'] = add_trend_feature(x, abs_values=True)

        feature_dict['mad'] = x.mad()
        feature_dict['kurt'] = x.kurtosis()
        feature_dict['skew'] = x.skew()
        feature_dict['med'] = x.median()

        feature_dict['Hilbert_mean'] = np.abs(hilbert(x)).mean()

        for hw in hann_windows:
            feature_dict[f'Hann_window_mean_{hw}'] = (
                convolve(x, hann(hw), mode='same') / sum(hann(hw))).mean()

        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta1_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 500,
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta2_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(
            x, 5000, 100000).mean()
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta3_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 3333,
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta4_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(
            x, 10000, 25000).mean()
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta5_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 50,
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta6_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 100,
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta7_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(x, 333,
        feature_dict['classic_sta_lta8_mean'] = classic_sta_lta(
            x, 4000, 10000).mean()

        # exponential rolling statistics
        ewma = pd.Series.ewm
        for s in spans:
            feature_dict[f'exp_Moving_average_{s}_mean'] = (ewma(
                x, span=s).mean(skipna=True)).mean(skipna=True)
            feature_dict[f'exp_Moving_average_{s}_std'] = (ewma(
                x, span=s).mean(skipna=True)).std(skipna=True)
            feature_dict[f'exp_Moving_std_{s}_mean'] = (ewma(
                x, span=s).std(skipna=True)).mean(skipna=True)
            feature_dict[f'exp_Moving_std_{s}_std'] = (ewma(
                x, span=s).std(skipna=True)).std(skipna=True)

        feature_dict['iqr'] = np.subtract(*np.percentile(x, [75, 25]))
        feature_dict['iqr1'] = np.subtract(*np.percentile(x, [95, 5]))
        feature_dict['ave10'] = stats.trim_mean(x, 0.1)

        for slice_length, threshold in product([50000, 100000, 150000],
                                               [5, 10, 20, 50, 100]):
            feature_dict[f'count_big_{slice_length}_threshold_{threshold}'] = (
                np.abs(x[-slice_length:]) > threshold).sum()
                f'count_big_{slice_length}_less_threshold_{threshold}'] = (
                    np.abs(x[-slice_length:]) < threshold).sum()

        # tfresh features take too long to calculate, so I comment them for now

#         feature_dict['abs_energy'] = feature_calculators.abs_energy(x)
#         feature_dict['abs_sum_of_changes'] = feature_calculators.absolute_sum_of_changes(x)
#         feature_dict['count_above_mean'] = feature_calculators.count_above_mean(x)
#         feature_dict['count_below_mean'] = feature_calculators.count_below_mean(x)
#         feature_dict['mean_abs_change'] = feature_calculators.mean_abs_change(x)
#         feature_dict['mean_change'] = feature_calculators.mean_change(x)
#         feature_dict['var_larger_than_std_dev'] = feature_calculators.variance_larger_than_standard_deviation(x)
        feature_dict['range_minf_m4000'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
            x, -np.inf, -4000)
        feature_dict['range_p4000_pinf'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
            x, 4000, np.inf)

        for i, j in zip(borders, borders[1:]):
            feature_dict[f'range_{i}_{j}'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
                x, i, j)

#         feature_dict['ratio_unique_values'] = feature_calculators.ratio_value_number_to_time_series_length(x)
#         feature_dict['first_loc_min'] = feature_calculators.first_location_of_minimum(x)
#         feature_dict['first_loc_max'] = feature_calculators.first_location_of_maximum(x)
#         feature_dict['last_loc_min'] = feature_calculators.last_location_of_minimum(x)
#         feature_dict['last_loc_max'] = feature_calculators.last_location_of_maximum(x)

#         for lag in lags:
#             feature_dict[f'time_rev_asym_stat_{lag}'] = feature_calculators.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(x, lag)
        for autocorr_lag in autocorr_lags:
                f'autocorrelation_{autocorr_lag}'] = feature_calculators.autocorrelation(
                    x, autocorr_lag)
            feature_dict[f'c3_{autocorr_lag}'] = feature_calculators.c3(
                x, autocorr_lag)

#         for coeff, attr in product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ['real', 'imag', 'angle']):
#             feature_dict[f'fft_{coeff}_{attr}'] = list(feature_calculators.fft_coefficient(x, [{'coeff': coeff, 'attr': attr}]))[0][1]

#         feature_dict['long_strk_above_mean'] = feature_calculators.longest_strike_above_mean(x)
#         feature_dict['long_strk_below_mean'] = feature_calculators.longest_strike_below_mean(x)
#         feature_dict['cid_ce_0'] = feature_calculators.cid_ce(x, 0)
#         feature_dict['cid_ce_1'] = feature_calculators.cid_ce(x, 1)

        for p in percentiles:
                f'binned_entropy_{p}'] = feature_calculators.binned_entropy(
                    x, p)

        feature_dict['num_crossing_0'] = feature_calculators.number_crossing_m(
            x, 0)

        for peak in peaks:
                f'num_peaks_{peak}'] = feature_calculators.number_peaks(
                    x, peak)

        for c in coefs:
            feature_dict[f'spkt_welch_density_{c}'] = list(
                feature_calculators.spkt_welch_density(x, [{
                    'coeff': c
                f'time_rev_asym_stat_{c}'] = feature_calculators.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(
                    x, c)

        # statistics on rolling windows of various sizes
        for w in windows:
            x_roll_std = x.rolling(w).std().dropna().values
            x_roll_mean = x.rolling(w).mean().dropna().values

            feature_dict[f'ave_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.mean()
            feature_dict[f'std_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.std()
            feature_dict[f'max_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.max()
            feature_dict[f'min_roll_std_{w}'] = x_roll_std.min()

            for p in percentiles:
                    f'percentile_roll_std_{p}_window_{w}'] = np.percentile(
                        x_roll_std, p)

            feature_dict[f'av_change_abs_roll_std_{w}'] = np.mean(
            feature_dict[f'av_change_rate_roll_std_{w}'] = np.mean(
                np.nonzero((np.diff(x_roll_std) / x_roll_std[:-1]))[0])
            feature_dict[f'abs_max_roll_std_{w}'] = np.abs(x_roll_std).max()

            feature_dict[f'ave_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.mean()
            feature_dict[f'std_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.std()
            feature_dict[f'max_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.max()
            feature_dict[f'min_roll_mean_{w}'] = x_roll_mean.min()

            for p in percentiles:
                    f'percentile_roll_mean_{p}_window_{w}'] = np.percentile(
                        x_roll_mean, p)

            feature_dict[f'av_change_abs_roll_mean_{w}'] = np.mean(
            feature_dict[f'av_change_rate_roll_mean_{w}'] = np.mean(
                np.nonzero((np.diff(x_roll_mean) / x_roll_mean[:-1]))[0])
            feature_dict[f'abs_max_roll_mean_{w}'] = np.abs(x_roll_mean).max()

        return feature_dict
def compute_standard_features_block(xc, seg_id, X, fs, prefix=''):
    # Generic stats
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'mean'] = xc.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'std'] = xc.std()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'max'] = xc.max()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'min'] = xc.min()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'hmean'] = stats.hmean(np.abs(xc[np.nonzero(xc)[0]]))
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'gmean'] = stats.gmean(np.abs(xc[np.nonzero(xc)[0]])) 
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'mad'] = xc.mad()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'kurt'] = xc.kurtosis()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'skew'] = xc.skew()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'med'] = xc.median()

    for p in [1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 95, 99]:
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'percentile_{p}'] = np.percentile(xc, p)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'abs_percentile_{p}'] = np.percentile(np.abs(xc), p)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'num_crossing_0'] = feature_calculators.number_crossing_m(xc, 0)

    for p in [95,99]:
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'binned_entropy_{p}'] = feature_calculators.binned_entropy(xc, p)

    # Andrew stats
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'mean_diff'] = np.mean(np.diff(xc))
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'mean_abs_diff'] = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(xc)))
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'mean_change_rate'] = change_rate(xc, method='original')
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'mean_change_rate_v2'] = change_rate(xc, method='modified')
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'abs_max'] = np.abs(xc).max()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'abs_min'] = np.abs(xc).min()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'mean_change_abs'] = np.mean(np.diff(xc))

    # Classical stats by segment
    for agg_type, slice_length, direction in product(['std', 'min', 'max', 'mean'], [1000, 10000, 50000], ['first', 'last']):
        if direction == 'first':
            X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'{agg_type}_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = xc[:slice_length].agg(agg_type)
        elif direction == 'last':
            X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'{agg_type}_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = xc[-slice_length:].agg(agg_type)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'avg_first_50000'] = xc[:50000].mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'avg_last_50000'] = xc[-50000:].mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'avg_first_10000'] = xc[:10000].mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'avg_last_10000'] = xc[-10000:].mean()

    # k-statistic and moments
    for i in range(1, 5):
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'kstat_{i}'] = stats.kstat(xc, i)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'moment_{i}'] = stats.moment(xc, i)

    for i in [1, 2]:
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'kstatvar_{i}'] = stats.kstatvar(xc, i)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'range_minf_m4000'] = feature_calculators.range_count(xc, -np.inf, -4000)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'range_p4000_pinf'] = feature_calculators.range_count(xc, 4000, np.inf)
    for i, j in zip(borders, borders[1:]):
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'range_{i}_{j}'] = feature_calculators.range_count(xc, i, j)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'ratio_unique_values'] = feature_calculators.ratio_value_number_to_time_series_length(xc)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'max_to_min'] = xc.max() / np.abs(xc.min())
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'max_to_min_diff'] = xc.max() - np.abs(xc.min())
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'count_big'] = len(xc[np.abs(xc) > 500])
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'sum'] = xc.sum()

    # calc_change_rate on slices of data
    for slice_length, direction in product([1000, 10000, 50000], ['first', 'last']):
        if direction == 'first':
            X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = change_rate(xc[:slice_length], method='original')
            X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}_v2'] = change_rate(xc[:slice_length], method='modified')
        elif direction == 'last':
            X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = change_rate(xc[-slice_length:], method='original')
            X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}_v2'] = change_rate(xc[-slice_length:], method='modified')

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q95'] = np.quantile(xc, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q99'] = np.quantile(xc, 0.99)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q05'] = np.quantile(xc, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q01'] = np.quantile(xc, 0.01)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'abs_q95'] = np.quantile(np.abs(xc), 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'abs_q99'] = np.quantile(np.abs(xc), 0.99)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'abs_q05'] = np.quantile(np.abs(xc), 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'abs_q01'] = np.quantile(np.abs(xc), 0.01)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'trend'] = add_trend_feature(xc)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'abs_trend'] = add_trend_feature(xc, abs_values=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'abs_mean'] = np.abs(xc).mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'abs_std'] = np.abs(xc).std()

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'Hilbert_mean'] = np.abs(hilbert(xc)).mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'Hann_window_mean'] = (convolve(xc, hann(150), mode='same') / sum(hann(150))).mean()
    for hw in [50, 150, 1500, 15000]:
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'Hann_window_mean_{hw}'] = (convolve(xc, hann(hw), mode='same') / sum(hann(hw))).mean()

    sta_lta_method = 'original'
    classic_sta_lta1 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 500, 10000, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta2 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 5000, 100000, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta3 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 3333, 6666, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta4 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 10000, 25000, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta5 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 50, 1000, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta6 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 100, 5000, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta7 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 333, 666, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta8 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 4000, 10000, method=sta_lta_method)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta1_mean'] = classic_sta_lta1.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta2_mean'] = classic_sta_lta2.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta3_mean'] = classic_sta_lta3.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta4_mean'] = classic_sta_lta4.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta5_mean'] = classic_sta_lta5.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta6_mean'] = classic_sta_lta6.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta7_mean'] = classic_sta_lta7.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta8_mean'] = classic_sta_lta8.mean()

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta1_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta1, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta2_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta2, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta3_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta3, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta4_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta4, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta5_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta5, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta6_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta6, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta7_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta7, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta8_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta8, 0.95)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta1_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta1, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta2_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta2, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta3_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta3, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta4_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta4, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta5_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta5, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta6_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta6, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta7_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta7, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'classic_sta_lta8_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta8, 0.05)

    sta_lta_method = 'modified'
    classic_sta_lta1 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 500, 10000, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta2 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 5000, 100000, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta3 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 3333, 6666, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta4 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 10000, 25000, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta5 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 50, 1000, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta6 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 100, 5000, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta7 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 333, 666, method=sta_lta_method)
    classic_sta_lta8 = sta_lta_ratio(xc, 4000, 10000, method=sta_lta_method)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta1_mean'] = classic_sta_lta1.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta2_mean'] = classic_sta_lta2.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta3_mean'] = classic_sta_lta3.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta4_mean'] = classic_sta_lta4.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta5_mean'] = classic_sta_lta5.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta6_mean'] = classic_sta_lta6.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta7_mean'] = classic_sta_lta7.mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta8_mean'] = classic_sta_lta8.mean()

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta1_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta1, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta2_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta2, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta3_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta3, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta4_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta4, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta5_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta5, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta6_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta6, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta7_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta7, 0.95)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta8_q95'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta8, 0.95)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta1_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta1, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta2_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta2, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta3_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta3, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta4_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta4, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta5_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta5, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta6_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta6, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta7_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta7, 0.05)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'modified_sta_lta8_q05'] = np.quantile(classic_sta_lta8, 0.05)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'Moving_average_700_mean'] = xc.rolling(window=700).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'Moving_average_1500_mean'] = xc.rolling(window=1500).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'Moving_average_3000_mean'] = xc.rolling(window=3000).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'Moving_average_6000_mean'] = xc.rolling(window=6000).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'Moving_average_30000_mean'] = xc.rolling(window=30000).mean().mean(skipna=True)

    ewma = pd.Series.ewm
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_average_300_mean'] = ewma(xc, span=300).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_average_3000_mean'] = ewma(xc, span=3000).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_average_6000_mean'] = ewma(xc, span=6000).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_average_30000_mean'] = ewma(xc, span=30000).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_average_50000_mean'] = ewma(xc, span=50000).mean().mean(skipna=True)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_average_300_std'] = ewma(xc, span=300).mean().std(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_average_3000_std'] = ewma(xc, span=3000).mean().std(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_average_6000_std'] = ewma(xc, span=6000).mean().std(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_average_30000_std'] = ewma(xc, span=30000).mean().std(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_average_50000_std'] = ewma(xc, span=50000).mean().std(skipna=True)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_std_300_mean'] = ewma(xc, span=300).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_std_3000_mean'] = ewma(xc, span=3000).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_std_6000_mean'] = ewma(xc, span=6000).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_std_30000_mean'] = ewma(xc, span=30000).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_std_50000_mean'] = ewma(xc, span=50000).mean().mean(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_std_300_std'] = ewma(xc, span=300).std().std(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_std_3000_std'] = ewma(xc, span=3000).std().std(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_std_6000_std'] = ewma(xc, span=6000).std().std(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_std_30000_std'] = ewma(xc, span=30000).std().std(skipna=True)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'exp_Moving_std_50000_std'] = ewma(xc, span=50000).std().std(skipna=True)

    no_of_std = 2
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'MA_700MA_std_mean'] = xc.rolling(window=700).std().mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'MA_700MA_BB_high_mean'] = (X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'Moving_average_700_mean'] + no_of_std * X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'MA_700MA_std_mean']).mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'MA_700MA_BB_low_mean'] = (X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'Moving_average_700_mean'] - no_of_std * X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'MA_700MA_std_mean']).mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'MA_400MA_std_mean'] = xc.rolling(window=400).std().mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'MA_400MA_BB_high_mean'] = (X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'Moving_average_700_mean'] + no_of_std * X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'MA_400MA_std_mean']).mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'MA_400MA_BB_low_mean'] = (X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'Moving_average_700_mean'] - no_of_std * X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'MA_400MA_std_mean']).mean()
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'MA_1000MA_std_mean'] = xc.rolling(window=1000).std().mean()

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'iqr'] = np.subtract(*np.percentile(xc, [75, 25]))
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'iqr1'] = np.subtract(*np.percentile(xc, [95, 5]))

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q999'] = np.quantile(xc, 0.999)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q001'] = np.quantile(xc, 0.001)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'ave10'] = stats.trim_mean(xc, 0.1)

    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'freq_cross_first_50000'] = freq_from_crossings(xc.values[:50000], fs)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'freq_cross_last_50000'] = freq_from_crossings(xc.values[-50000:], fs)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'freq_cross_first_10000'] = freq_from_crossings(xc.values[:10000], fs)
    X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'freq_cross_last_10000'] = freq_from_crossings(xc.values[-10000:], fs)

    for peak in [10, 20, 50, 100]:
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'num_peaks_{peak}'] = feature_calculators.number_peaks(xc, peak)

    for c in [1, 5, 10, 50, 100]:
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'spkt_welch_density_{c}'] = list(feature_calculators.spkt_welch_density(xc, [{'coeff': c}]))[0][1]
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'time_rev_asym_stat_{c}'] = feature_calculators.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(xc, c) 

    for autocorr_lag in [5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000]:
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'autocorrelation_{autocorr_lag}'] = feature_calculators.autocorrelation(xc, autocorr_lag)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'c3_{autocorr_lag}'] = feature_calculators.c3(xc, autocorr_lag)

    for windows in [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 10000]:
        x_roll_std = xc.rolling(windows).std().dropna().values
        x_roll_mean = xc.rolling(windows).mean().dropna().values

        for p in [1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 95, 99]:
            X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'percentile_roll_std_{p}_window_{windows}'] = np.percentile(x_roll_std, p)
            X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'percentile_roll_mean_{p}_window_{windows}'] = np.percentile(x_roll_mean, p)

        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'ave_roll_std_' + str(windows)] = x_roll_std.mean()
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'std_roll_std_' + str(windows)] = x_roll_std.std()
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'max_roll_std_' + str(windows)] = x_roll_std.max()
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'min_roll_std_' + str(windows)] = x_roll_std.min()
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q01_roll_std_' + str(windows)] = np.quantile(x_roll_std, 0.01)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q05_roll_std_' + str(windows)] = np.quantile(x_roll_std, 0.05)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q95_roll_std_' + str(windows)] = np.quantile(x_roll_std, 0.95)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q99_roll_std_' + str(windows)] = np.quantile(x_roll_std, 0.99)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'av_change_abs_roll_std_' + str(windows)] = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(x_roll_std)))
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'av_change_rate_roll_std_' + str(windows)] = change_rate(pd.Series(x_roll_std), method='original')
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'av_change_rate_roll_std_' + str(windows) + 'v2'] = change_rate(pd.Series(x_roll_std), method='modified')
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'abs_max_roll_std_' + str(windows)] = np.abs(x_roll_std).max()
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'ave_roll_mean_' + str(windows)] = x_roll_mean.mean()
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'std_roll_mean_' + str(windows)] = x_roll_mean.std()
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'max_roll_mean_' + str(windows)] = x_roll_mean.max()
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'min_roll_mean_' + str(windows)] = x_roll_mean.min()
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q01_roll_mean_' + str(windows)] = np.quantile(x_roll_mean, 0.01)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q05_roll_mean_' + str(windows)] = np.quantile(x_roll_mean, 0.05)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q95_roll_mean_' + str(windows)] = np.quantile(x_roll_mean, 0.95)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'q99_roll_mean_' + str(windows)] = np.quantile(x_roll_mean, 0.99)
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'av_change_abs_roll_mean_' + str(windows)] = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(x_roll_mean)))
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'av_change_rate_roll_mean_' + str(windows)] = change_rate(pd.Series(x_roll_mean), method='original')
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'av_change_rate_roll_mean_' + str(windows) + '_v2'] = change_rate(pd.Series(x_roll_mean), method='modified')
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + 'abs_max_roll_mean_' + str(windows)] = np.abs(x_roll_mean).max()

    for p in [1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 95, 99]:
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'percentile_roll_std_{p}'] = X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'percentile_roll_std_{p}_window_10000']
        X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'percentile_roll_mean_{p}'] = X.loc[seg_id, prefix + f'percentile_roll_mean_{p}_window_10000']
def transform_pack3(df):
    """ augment X from tsfresh features"""
    x = df.values
    output = {}

    output['kstat_1'] = stats.kstat(x, 1)
    output['kstat_2'] = stats.kstat(x, 2)
    output['kstat_3'] = stats.kstat(x, 3)
    output['kstat_4'] = stats.kstat(x, 4)
    output['abs_energy'] = feature_calculators.abs_energy(x)
    output['abs_sum_of_changes'] = feature_calculators.absolute_sum_of_changes(
    output['count_above_mean'] = feature_calculators.count_above_mean(x)
    output['count_below_mean'] = feature_calculators.count_below_mean(x)
    output['range_minf_m4000'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
        x, -np.inf, -4000)
    output['range_m4000_m3000'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
        x, -4000, -3000)
    output['range_m3000_m2000'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
        x, -3000, -2000)
    output['range_m2000_m1000'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
        x, -2000, -1000)
    output['range_m1000_0'] = feature_calculators.range_count(x, -1000, 0)
    output['range_0_p1000'] = feature_calculators.range_count(x, 0, 1000)
    output['range_p1000_p2000'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
        x, 1000, 2000)
    output['range_p2000_p3000'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
        x, 2000, 3000)
    output['range_p3000_p4000'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
        x, 3000, 4000)
    output['range_p4000_pinf'] = feature_calculators.range_count(
        x, 4000, np.inf)

        'ratio_unique_values'] = feature_calculators.ratio_value_number_to_time_series_length(
    output['first_loc_min'] = feature_calculators.first_location_of_minimum(x)
    output['first_loc_max'] = feature_calculators.first_location_of_maximum(x)
    output['last_loc_min'] = feature_calculators.last_location_of_minimum(x)
    output['last_loc_max'] = feature_calculators.last_location_of_maximum(x)
        'time_rev_asym_stat_10'] = feature_calculators.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(
            x, 10)
        'time_rev_asym_stat_100'] = feature_calculators.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(
            x, 100)
        'time_rev_asym_stat_1000'] = feature_calculators.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(
            x, 1000)

    output['autocorrelation_10'] = feature_calculators.autocorrelation(x, 10)
    output['autocorrelation_100'] = feature_calculators.autocorrelation(x, 100)
    output['autocorrelation_1000'] = feature_calculators.autocorrelation(
        x, 1000)
    output['autocorrelation_5000'] = feature_calculators.autocorrelation(
        x, 5000)

    output['c3_5'] = feature_calculators.c3(x, 5)
    output['c3_10'] = feature_calculators.c3(x, 10)
    output['c3_100'] = feature_calculators.c3(x, 100)

        'long_strk_above_mean'] = feature_calculators.longest_strike_above_mean(
        'long_strk_below_mean'] = feature_calculators.longest_strike_below_mean(
    output['cid_ce_0'] = feature_calculators.cid_ce(x, 0)
    output['cid_ce_1'] = feature_calculators.cid_ce(x, 1)
    output['binned_entropy_10'] = feature_calculators.binned_entropy(x, 10)
    output['binned_entropy_50'] = feature_calculators.binned_entropy(x, 50)
    output['binned_entropy_80'] = feature_calculators.binned_entropy(x, 80)
    output['binned_entropy_100'] = feature_calculators.binned_entropy(x, 100)

    tmp = np.abs(x)
    output['num_crossing_0'] = feature_calculators.number_crossing_m(tmp, 0)
    output['num_crossing_10'] = feature_calculators.number_crossing_m(tmp, 10)
    output['num_crossing_100'] = feature_calculators.number_crossing_m(
        tmp, 100)
    output['num_peaks_10'] = feature_calculators.number_peaks(tmp, 10)
    output['num_peaks_50'] = feature_calculators.number_peaks(tmp, 50)
    output['num_peaks_100'] = feature_calculators.number_peaks(tmp, 100)
    output['num_peaks_500'] = feature_calculators.number_peaks(tmp, 500)

    output['spkt_welch_density_1'] = list(
        feature_calculators.spkt_welch_density(x, [{
            'coeff': 1
    output['spkt_welch_density_10'] = list(
        feature_calculators.spkt_welch_density(x, [{
            'coeff': 10
    output['spkt_welch_density_50'] = list(
        feature_calculators.spkt_welch_density(x, [{
            'coeff': 50
    output['spkt_welch_density_100'] = list(
        feature_calculators.spkt_welch_density(x, [{
            'coeff': 100

        'time_rev_asym_stat_1'] = feature_calculators.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(
            x, 1)
        'time_rev_asym_stat_10'] = feature_calculators.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(
            x, 10)
        'time_rev_asym_stat_100'] = feature_calculators.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(
            x, 100)

    return output
def generate_features(x):
    # collection of features
    feature_collection = {}

    # collection of intervals
    feature_intervals = {
        'k_static': list(range(1, 5)),
        'variable_k_static': [1, 2]

    for interval in [50, 10, 100, 20]:
        feature_collection[f'discrimination_power_{interval}'] = feature_calculators.c3(x, interval)

    for interval in [500, 10000, 1000, 10, 50, 100]:
        standard_dev = pd.DataFrame(x).rolling(interval).std().dropna().values

        for sub_interval in [50, 60, 70, 75, 1, 40, 80, 90, 95, 99, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30]:
            feature_collection[f'{interval}_{sub_interval}_standard_percentile'] = np.percentile(standard_dev, sub_interval)

    for interval in feature_intervals['k_static']:
        feature_collection[f'{interval}_k_static'] = stats.kstat(x, interval)

    feature_collection['median_abs_dev'] = stats.median_absolute_deviation(x)

    for interval in feature_intervals['variable_k_static']:
        feature_collection[f'{interval}_variable_k_static'] = stats.kstatvar(x, interval)

    feature_collection['kurtosis'] = stats.kurtosis(x)

    for interval in feature_intervals['k_static']:
        feature_collection[f'{interval}_moments'] = stats.moment(x, interval)

    feature_collection['median'] = statistics.median(x)

    feature_collection['skewness'] = stats.skew(x)

    for interval in [1000, 5000, 10000, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500]:
        feature_collection[f'{interval}_correlation'] = feature_calculators.autocorrelation(x, interval)

    for interval in [50, 10, 100, 20]:
        feature_collection[f'{interval}_peak_number'] = feature_calculators.number_peaks(x, interval)

    # geometric and harmonic means
    x_val = x[x.to_numpy().nonzero()[0]]
    feature_collection['geometric_mean'] = stats.gmean(np.abs(x_val))
    feature_collection['harmonic_mean'] = stats.hmean(np.abs(x_val))

    # basic stats
    feature_collection['mean'] = mean(x)
    feature_collection['std'] = x.std()
    feature_collection['max'] = max(x)
    feature_collection['min'] = min(x)

    # basic stats on absolute values
    feature_collection['mean_change_abs'] = (np.diff(x)).mean()
    feature_collection['abs_max'] = max(np.abs(x))
    feature_collection['abs_mean'] = np.mean(np.abs(x))
    feature_collection['abs_std'] = np.abs(x).std()

    percentile_divisions = [1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 95, 99]

    for p in percentile_divisions:
        feature_collection[f'{p}th_abs_percentile'] = np.percentile(np.abs(x), p)
        feature_collection[f'{p}th_percentile'] = np.percentile(x, p)

    feature_collection['maximum_absoluteMinimum_ratio'] = max(x) / np.abs(min(x))
    feature_collection['diff_maximum_and_minimum'] = max(x) - np.abs(min(x))
    feature_collection['x_sum'] = x.sum()
    feature_collection['count_x_greater_than_500_BIG'] = len(x[np.abs(x) > 500])

    feature_collection['max_to_min'] = x.max() / np.abs(x.min())
    feature_collection['max_to_min_diff'] = x.max() - np.abs(x.min())
    feature_collection['count_big'] = len(x[np.abs(x) > 500])
    feature_collection['sum'] = x.sum()

    feature_collection['valid_mean_change_rate'] = change_rate_calculation(x)

    # calc_change_rate on slices of data
    for slice, movement_direction in product([50000, 1000, 1000], ['last', 'first']):
        if movement_direction == 'last':
            x_sliced = x[-slice:]
            feature_collection[f'from_{movement_direction}_slice_{slice}_valid_mean_change_rate'] = change_rate_calculation(x_sliced)
        elif movement_direction == 'first':
            x_sliced = x[:slice]
            feature_collection[f'from_{movement_direction}_slice_{slice}_valid_mean_change_rate'] = change_rate_calculation(x_sliced)

    for slice_length, direction in product([50000, 1000, 1000], ['last', 'first']):
        if direction == 'first':
            feature_collection[f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = change_rate_calculation(x[:slice_length])
        elif direction == 'last':
            feature_collection[f'mean_change_rate_{direction}_{slice_length}'] = change_rate_calculation(x[-slice_length:])

    feature_collection['linear_trend'] = trend_adding_feature(x)
    feature_collection['absolute_linear_trend'] = trend_adding_feature(x, absolute=True)

    for slice, threshold_limit in product([50000, 100000, 150000], [5, 10, 20, 50, 100]):
        x_sliced = np.abs(x[-slice:])
        feature_collection[f'count_{slice}_greater_than_threshold_{threshold_limit}'] = (x_sliced > threshold_limit).sum()
        feature_collection[f'count_{slice}_less_than_threshold_{threshold_limit}'] = (x_sliced < threshold_limit).sum()

    # aggregations on various slices of data
    for type_of_aggregation, movement_direction, slice in product(['std', 'mean', 'max', 'min'], ['last', 'first'], [50000, 10000, 1000]):
        if movement_direction == 'last':
            feature_collection[f'from_{movement_direction}_slice_{slice}_typeOfAggregation{type_of_aggregation}'] = pd.DataFrame(x[-slice:]).agg(type_of_aggregation)[0]
        elif movement_direction == 'first':
            feature_collection[f'from_{movement_direction}_slice_{slice}_typeOfAggregation{type_of_aggregation}'] = pd.DataFrame(x[:slice]).agg(type_of_aggregation)[0]

    return feature_collection
def create_features2(seg, ):
    data_row = {}

    xcz = des_filter(seg, high=CUTOFF)

    zc = np.fft.fft(xcz)
    zc = zc[:MAX_FREQ]

    # FFT transform values
    realFFT = np.real(zc)
    imagFFT = np.imag(zc)

    freq_bands = list(range(0, MAX_FREQ, FREQ_STEP))
    magFFT = np.abs(zc)
    phzFFT = np.angle(zc)
    phzFFT[phzFFT == -np.inf] = -np.pi / 2.0
    phzFFT[phzFFT == np.inf] = np.pi / 2.0
    phzFFT = np.nan_to_num(phzFFT)

    for freq in freq_bands:
        data_row['FFT_Mag_01q%d' % freq] = np.quantile(magFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP], 0.01)
        data_row['FFT_Mag_10q%d' % freq] = np.quantile(magFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP], 0.1)
        data_row['FFT_Mag_90q%d' % freq] = np.quantile(magFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP], 0.9)
        data_row['FFT_Mag_99q%d' % freq] = np.quantile(magFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP], 0.99)

        data_row['FFT_Mag_mean%d' % freq] = np.mean(magFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP])
        data_row['FFT_Mag_std%d' % freq] = np.std(magFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP])
        data_row['FFT_Mag_max%d' % freq] = np.max(magFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP])
        data_row['FFT_Mag_min%d' % freq] = np.min(magFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP])

        data_row['FFT_Phz_mean%d' % freq] = np.mean(phzFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP])
        data_row['FFT_Phz_std%d' % freq] = np.std(phzFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP])
        data_row['FFT_Phz_max%d' % freq] = np.max(phzFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP])
        data_row['FFT_Phz_min%d' % freq] = np.min(phzFFT[freq: freq + FREQ_STEP])

    data_row['FFT_Rmean'] = realFFT.mean()
    data_row['FFT_Rstd'] = realFFT.std()
    data_row['FFT_Rmax'] = realFFT.max()
    data_row['FFT_Rmin'] = realFFT.min()
    data_row['FFT_Imean'] = imagFFT.mean()
    data_row['FFT_Istd'] = imagFFT.std()
    data_row['FFT_Imax'] = imagFFT.max()
    data_row['FFT_Imin'] = imagFFT.min()

    data_row['FFT_Rmean_first_6000'] = realFFT[:6000].mean()
    data_row['FFT_Rstd__first_6000'] = realFFT[:6000].std()
    data_row['FFT_Rmax_first_6000'] = realFFT[:6000].max()
    data_row['FFT_Rmin_first_6000'] = realFFT[:6000].min()
    data_row['FFT_Rmean_first_18000'] = realFFT[:18000].mean()
    data_row['FFT_Rstd_first_18000'] = realFFT[:18000].std()
    data_row['FFT_Rmax_first_18000'] = realFFT[:18000].max()
    data_row['FFT_Rmin_first_18000'] = realFFT[:18000].min()

    del xcz
    del zc
    # gc.collect()

    sigs = [seg]
    for freq in range(0, MAX_FREQ + FREQ_STEP, FREQ_STEP):
        if freq == 0:
            xc_ = des_filter(seg, high=FREQ_STEP)
        elif freq == MAX_FREQ:
            xc_ = des_filter(seg, low=freq)
            xc_ = des_filter(seg, low=freq, high=freq + FREQ_STEP)

    for window in [50, 200, 1000]:
        roll_mean = seg.rolling(window).mean().dropna()
        roll_std = seg.rolling(window).std().dropna()

    for span in [30, 300, 3000]:
        exp_mean = seg.ewm(span).mean().dropna()
        exp_std = seg.ewm(span).std().dropna()

    for i, sig in enumerate(sigs):

        data_row['mean_%d' % i] = sig.mean()
        data_row['std_%d' % i] = sig.std()
        data_row['max_%d' % i] = sig.max()
        data_row['min_%d' % i] = sig.min()

        data_row['mean_change_abs_%d' % i] = np.mean(np.diff(sig))
        data_row['mean_change_rate_%d' % i] = np.mean(np.nonzero((np.diff(sig) / sig[:-1]))[0])
        data_row['abs_max_%d' % i] = np.abs(sig).max()
        data_row['abs_min_%d' % i] = np.abs(sig).min()

        data_row['std_first_50000_%d' % i] = sig[:50000].std()
        data_row['std_last_50000_%d' % i] = sig[-50000:].std()
        data_row['std_first_10000_%d' % i] = sig[:10000].std()
        data_row['std_last_10000_%d' % i] = sig[-10000:].std()

        data_row['avg_first_50000_%d' % i] = sig[:50000].mean()
        data_row['avg_last_50000_%d' % i] = sig[-50000:].mean()
        data_row['avg_first_10000_%d' % i] = sig[:10000].mean()
        data_row['avg_last_10000_%d' % i] = sig[-10000:].mean()

        data_row['min_first_50000_%d' % i] = sig[:50000].min()
        data_row['min_last_50000_%d' % i] = sig[-50000:].min()
        data_row['min_first_10000_%d' % i] = sig[:10000].min()
        data_row['min_last_10000_%d' % i] = sig[-10000:].min()

        data_row['max_first_50000_%d' % i] = sig[:50000].max()
        data_row['max_last_50000_%d' % i] = sig[-50000:].max()
        data_row['max_first_10000_%d' % i] = sig[:10000].max()
        data_row['max_last_10000_%d' % i] = sig[-10000:].max()

        data_row['max_to_min_%d' % i] = sig.max() / np.abs(sig.min())
        data_row['max_to_min_diff_%d' % i] = sig.max() - np.abs(sig.min())
        data_row['count_big_%d' % i] = len(sig[np.abs(sig) > 500])
        data_row['sum_%d' % i] = sig.sum()

        data_row['mean_change_rate_first_50000_%d' % i] = np.mean(
            np.nonzero((np.diff(sig[:50000]) / sig[:50000][:-1]))[0])
        data_row['mean_change_rate_last_50000_%d' % i] = np.mean(
            np.nonzero((np.diff(sig[-50000:]) / sig[-50000:][:-1]))[0])
        data_row['mean_change_rate_first_10000_%d' % i] = np.mean(
            np.nonzero((np.diff(sig[:10000]) / sig[:10000][:-1]))[0])
        data_row['mean_change_rate_last_10000_%d' % i] = np.mean(
            np.nonzero((np.diff(sig[-10000:]) / sig[-10000:][:-1]))[0])

        for p in [1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 99]:
            data_row['percentile_p{}_{}'.format(p, i)] = np.percentile(sig, p)
            data_row['abd_percentile_p{}_{}'.format(p, i)] = np.percentile(np.abs(sig), p)

        data_row['trend_%d' % i] = add_trend_feature(sig)
        data_row['abs_trend_%d' % i] = add_trend_feature(sig, abs_values=True)
        data_row['abs_mean_%d' % i] = np.abs(sig).mean()
        data_row['abs_std_%d' % i] = np.abs(sig).std()

        data_row['mad_%d' % i] = sig.mad()
        data_row['kurt_%d' % i] = sig.kurtosis()
        data_row['skew_%d' % i] = sig.skew()
        data_row['med_%d' % i] = sig.median()

        # data_row['Hilbert_mean_%d' % i] = np.abs(hilbert(sig)).mean()
        data_row['Hann_window50_%d' % i] = (convolve(sig, hann(50), mode='same') / sum(hann(50))).mean()
        data_row['Hann_window500_%d' % i] = (convolve(sig, hann(500), mode='same') / sum(hann(500))).mean()

        data_row['classic_sta_lta0_mean_%d' % i] = classic_sta_lta(sig, 50, 1000).mean()
        data_row['classic_sta_lta1_mean_%d' % i] = classic_sta_lta(sig, 500, 10000).mean()
        data_row['classic_sta_lta2_mean_%d' % i] = classic_sta_lta(sig, 5000, 100000).mean()
        data_row['classic_sta_lta3_mean_%d' % i] = classic_sta_lta(sig, 3333, 6666).mean()
        data_row['classic_sta_lta4_mean_%d' % i] = classic_sta_lta(sig, 10000, 25000).mean()

        no_of_std = 2
        for w in [10, 100, 500]:
            signal_mean = sig.rolling(window=w).mean()
            signal_std = sig.rolling(window=w).std()
            data_row['high_bound_mean_win{}_{}'.format(w, i)] = (signal_mean + no_of_std * signal_std).mean()
            data_row['low_bound_mean_win{}_{}'.format(w, i)] = (signal_mean - no_of_std * signal_std).mean()

        data_row['range_inf_4000_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.range_count(sig, -np.inf, -4000)
        data_row['range_4000_inf_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.range_count(sig, 4000, np.inf)
        for l, h in [[-4000, -2000], [-2000, 0], [0, 2000], [2000, 4000]]:
            data_row['range_{}_{}_{}'.format(np.abs(l), np.abs(h), i)] = feature_calculators.range_count(sig, l, h)

        data_row['iqr0_%d' % i] = np.subtract(*np.percentile(sig, [75, 25]))
        data_row['iqr1_%d' % i] = np.subtract(*np.percentile(sig, [95, 5]))
        data_row['ave10_%d' % i] = stats.trim_mean(sig, 0.1)
        data_row['num_cross_0_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.number_crossing_m(sig, 0)
        data_row['ratio_value_number_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.ratio_value_number_to_time_series_length(sig)
        # data_row['var_larger_than_std_dev_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.variance_larger_than_standard_deviation(sig)
        data_row['ratio_unique_values_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.ratio_value_number_to_time_series_length(sig)
        data_row['abs_energy_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.abs_energy(sig)
        data_row['abs_sum_of_changes_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.absolute_sum_of_changes(sig)
        data_row['count_above_mean_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.count_above_mean(sig)
        data_row['count_below_mean_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.count_below_mean(sig)
        data_row['mean_abs_change_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.mean_abs_change(sig)
        data_row['mean_change_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.mean_change(sig)
        data_row['first_loc_min_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.first_location_of_minimum(sig)
        data_row['first_loc_max_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.first_location_of_maximum(sig)
        data_row['last_loc_min_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.last_location_of_minimum(sig)
        data_row['last_loc_max_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.last_location_of_maximum(sig)
        data_row['long_strk_above_mean_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.longest_strike_above_mean(sig)
        data_row['long_strk_below_mean_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.longest_strike_below_mean(sig)
        # data_row['cid_ce_0_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.cid_ce(sig, 0)
        # data_row['cid_ce_1_%d' % i] = feature_calculators.cid_ce(sig, 1)

        for j in [10, 50, ]:
            data_row['peak_num_p{}_{}'.format(j, i)] = feature_calculators.number_peaks(sig, j)
        for j in [1, 10, 50, 100]:
            data_row['spkt_welch_density_coeff{}_{}'.format(j, i)] = \
            list(feature_calculators.spkt_welch_density(sig, [{'coeff': j}]))[0][1]
        for j in [5, 10, 100]:
            data_row['c3_c{}_{}'.format(j, i)] = feature_calculators.c3(sig, j)
        for j in [5, 10, 50, 100, 1000]:
            data_row['autocorrelation_auto{}_{}'.format(j, i)] = feature_calculators.autocorrelation(sig, j)
        for j in [10, 100, 1000]:
            data_row['time_rev_asym_stat_t{}_{}'.format(j, i)] = feature_calculators.time_reversal_asymmetry_statistic(
                sig, j)
        for j in range(1, 5):
            data_row['kstat_k{}_{}'.format(j, i)] = stats.kstat(sig, j)
            data_row['moment_m{}_{}'.format(j, i)] = stats.moment(sig, j)
        for j in range(1, 3):
            data_row['kstatvar_k{}_{}'.format(j, i)] = stats.kstatvar(sig, j)
        for j in [5, 10, 50, 100]:
            data_row['binned_entropy_b{}_{}'.format(j, i)] = feature_calculators.binned_entropy(sig, j)

    return data_row
 def kstat4(x):
     return stats.kstat(x, 4)
    def test_nan_input(self):
        data = np.arange(10.)
        data[6] = np.nan

        assert_equal(stats.kstat(data), np.nan)
def find_pdf(snapshot, grid, MAS, do_RSD, axis, threads, ptype, fpdf,
             smoothing, Filter):

    if os.path.exists(fpdf): return 0

    # read header
    head = readgadget.header(snapshot)
    BoxSize = head.boxsize / 1e3  #Mpc/h
    Nall = head.nall  #Total number of particles
    Masses = head.massarr * 1e10  #Masses of the particles in Msun/h
    Omega_m = head.omega_m
    Omega_l = head.omega_l
    redshift = head.redshift
    Hubble = 100.0 * np.sqrt(Omega_m *
                             (1.0 + redshift)**3 + Omega_l)  #km/s/(Mpc/h)
    h = head.hubble

    # read snapshot
    pos = readgadget.read_block(snapshot, "POS ", ptype) / 1e3  #Mpc/h

    # move particles to redshift-space
    if do_RSD:
        vel = readgadget.read_block(snapshot, "VEL ", ptype)  #km/s
        RSL.pos_redshift_space(pos, vel, BoxSize, Hubble, redshift, axis)

    # calculate the overdensity field
    delta = np.zeros((grid, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
    if len(ptype) > 1:  #for multiple particles read masses
        mass = np.zeros(pos.shape[0], dtype=np.float32)
        offset = 0
        for j in ptype:
            mass[offset:offset + Nall[j]] = Masses[j]
            offset += Nall[j]
        MASL.MA(pos, delta, BoxSize, MAS, W=mass)
        del mass
        MASL.MA(pos, delta, BoxSize, MAS)
    delta /= np.mean(delta, dtype=np.float64)
    #delta -= 1.0
    del pos

    # define the array containing the variance
    var = np.zeros(smoothing.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
    var_log = np.zeros(smoothing.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
    mom2 = np.zeros(smoothing.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
    mom3 = np.zeros(smoothing.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
    mom4 = np.zeros(smoothing.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)

    # do a loop over the different smoothing scales
    for i, smooth_scale in enumerate(smoothing):

        # smooth the overdensity field
        W_k = SL.FT_filter(BoxSize, smooth_scale, grid, Filter, threads)
        delta_smoothed = SL.field_smoothing(delta, W_k, threads)
        del W_k

        # compute the variance of the field
        var[i] = np.var(delta_smoothed)

        #indexes = np.where(delta_smoothed>0.0)
        #var_log[i] = np.var(np.log10(delta_smoothed[indexes]))

        # compute the different moments
        mom2[i] = stats.kstat(delta_smoothed, 2)
        mom3[i] = stats.kstat(delta_smoothed, 3)
        mom4[i] = stats.kstat(delta_smoothed, 4)

    # save results to file
               np.transpose([smoothing, var, mom2, mom3, mom4]),
     tmp = kde(delta_xis_ext)[:-1]
     n_tmp = np.sum(tmp)
     dAu_dxis_pb_w += (-kbT_w * np.diff(np.log(kde(delta_xis_ext))) / dxi -
                       k_w * delta_xis_ref) * tmp / n_tmp
 elif mode == 'kastner':
     m1 = xi_mean_w
     m2 = xi_var_w
     m3 = np.mean(window_data**3)
     m4 = np.mean(window_data**4)
     gamma1 = m3 / m2**1.5
     gamma2 = m4 / m2**2 - 3
     a1_w = kbT_w * (0.5 * m3 / m2**2 - m1 / m2)
     a2_w = kbT_w * (0.5 / m2)
     a3_w = kbT_w * (-m3 / (6 * m2**3))
     a4_w = np.abs(kbT_w * (-gamma2 / (24 * m2**2) + m3**2 / (8 * m2**5)))
     xi_k2_w = kstat(window_data, n=2)
     # data is unwrapped in the whole period with zero mean,
     # for lightly skewed data.
     xi_k3_w = kstat(window_data, n=3)
     xi_k4_w = kstat(window_data, n=4)
     xi_g2_w = xi_k4_w / xi_k2_w**2
     if order == 3:
         tmp = np.exp(
             -(a1_w * delta_xis + a2_w * delta_xis**2 + a3_w * delta_xis**3)
             / kbT_w)
         n_tmp = np.sum(tmp)
         dAu_dxis_pb_w += (kbT_w * delta_xis / xi_k2_w +
                           0.5 * kbT_w * xi_k3_w / xi_k2_w**2 *
                           (1 - delta_xis**2 / xi_k2_w) -
                           k_w * delta_xis_ref) * tmp / n_tmp
     if order == 4:
def feature_extract(X_train,
    if is_TrainDataSet:
        y_train.loc[i, 'time_to_failure'] = y_element

    X_element = X_element.reshape(-1)

    xcdm = X_element - np.mean(X_element)

    b, a = des_bw_filter_lp(cutoff=18000)
    xcz = sg.lfilter(b, a, xcdm)

    zc = np.fft.fft(xcz)
    zc = zc[:MAX_FREQ_IDX]

    # FFT transform values
    realFFT = np.real(zc)
    imagFFT = np.imag(zc)

    freq_bands = [x for x in range(0, MAX_FREQ_IDX, FREQ_STEP)]
    magFFT = np.sqrt(realFFT**2 + imagFFT**2)
    phzFFT = np.arctan(imagFFT / realFFT)
    phzFFT[phzFFT == -np.inf] = -np.pi / 2.0
    phzFFT[phzFFT == np.inf] = np.pi / 2.0
    phzFFT = np.nan_to_num(phzFFT)

    for freq in freq_bands:
        X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Mag_01q%d' % freq] = np.quantile(
            magFFT[freq:freq + FREQ_STEP], 0.01)
        X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Mag_10q%d' % freq] = np.quantile(
            magFFT[freq:freq + FREQ_STEP], 0.1)
        X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Mag_90q%d' % freq] = np.quantile(
            magFFT[freq:freq + FREQ_STEP], 0.9)
        X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Mag_99q%d' % freq] = np.quantile(
            magFFT[freq:freq + FREQ_STEP], 0.99)
        X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Mag_mean%d' % freq] = np.mean(magFFT[freq:freq +
        X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Mag_std%d' % freq] = np.std(magFFT[freq:freq +
        X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Mag_max%d' % freq] = np.max(magFFT[freq:freq +

        X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Phz_mean%d' % freq] = np.mean(phzFFT[freq:freq +
        X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Phz_std%d' % freq] = np.std(phzFFT[freq:freq +

    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rmean'] = realFFT.mean()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rstd'] = realFFT.std()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rmax'] = realFFT.max()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rmin'] = realFFT.min()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Imean'] = imagFFT.mean()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Istd'] = imagFFT.std()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Imax'] = imagFFT.max()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Imin'] = imagFFT.min()

    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rmean_first_6000'] = realFFT[:6000].mean()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rstd__first_6000'] = realFFT[:6000].std()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rmax_first_6000'] = realFFT[:6000].max()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rmin_first_6000'] = realFFT[:6000].min()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rmean_first_18000'] = realFFT[:18000].mean()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rstd_first_18000'] = realFFT[:18000].std()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rmax_first_18000'] = realFFT[:18000].max()
    X_train.loc[i, 'FFT_Rmin_first_18000'] = realFFT[:18000].min()

    peaks = [10, 20, 50, 100]
    for peak in peaks:
            i, 'num_peaks_{}'.format(peak)] = feature_calculators.number_peaks(
                X_element, peak)

    autocorr_lags = [5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000]
    for autocorr_lag in autocorr_lags:
        X_train.loc[i, 'autocorrelation_{}'.format(
            autocorr_lag)] = feature_calculators.autocorrelation(
                X_element, autocorr_lag)
        X_train.loc[i, 'c3_{}'.format(autocorr_lag)] = feature_calculators.c3(
            X_element, autocorr_lag)

    X_train.loc[i, 'ave'] = X_element.mean()
    X_train.loc[i, 'std'] = X_element.std()
    X_train.loc[i, 'max'] = X_element.max()
    X_train.loc[i, 'min'] = X_element.min()

    # geometric and harminic means
    X_train.loc[i, 'hmean'] = stats.hmean(
    X_train.loc[i, 'gmean'] = stats.gmean(

    # nth k-statistic and nth moment
    for ii in range(1, 5):
        X_train.loc[i, 'kstat_{}'.format(ii)] = stats.kstat(X_element, ii)
        X_train.loc[i, 'moment_{}'.format(ii)] = stats.moment(X_element, ii)

    for ii in [1, 2]:
                    'kstatvar_{}.format(ii)'] = stats.kstatvar(X_element, ii)

    X_train.loc[i, 'max_to_min'] = X_element.max() / np.abs(X_element.min())
                'max_to_min_diff'] = X_element.max() - np.abs(X_element.min())
    X_train.loc[i, 'count_big'] = len(X_element[np.abs(X_element) > 500])
    X_train.loc[i, 'sum'] = X_element.sum()

    X_train.loc[i, 'av_change_abs'] = np.mean(np.diff(X_element))

    tmp = np.diff(X_element) / X_element[:-1]
    tmp = tmp[~np.isnan(tmp)]
    tmp = tmp[~np.isinf(tmp)]
    X_train.loc[i, 'av_change_rate'] = np.mean(tmp)

    X_train.loc[i, 'abs_max'] = np.abs(X_element).max()
    X_train.loc[i, 'abs_min'] = np.abs(X_element).min()

    X_train.loc[i, 'std_first_50000'] = X_element[:50000].std()
    X_train.loc[i, 'std_last_50000'] = X_element[-50000:].std()
    X_train.loc[i, 'std_first_10000'] = X_element[:10000].std()
    X_train.loc[i, 'std_last_10000'] = X_element[-10000:].std()

    X_train.loc[i, 'avg_first_50000'] = X_element[:50000].mean()
    X_train.loc[i, 'avg_last_50000'] = X_element[-50000:].mean()
    X_train.loc[i, 'avg_first_10000'] = X_element[:10000].mean()
    X_train.loc[i, 'avg_last_10000'] = X_element[-10000:].mean()

    X_train.loc[i, 'min_first_50000'] = X_element[:50000].min()
    X_train.loc[i, 'min_last_50000'] = X_element[-50000:].min()
    X_train.loc[i, 'min_first_10000'] = X_element[:10000].min()
    X_train.loc[i, 'min_last_10000'] = X_element[-10000:].min()

    X_train.loc[i, 'max_first_50000'] = X_element[:50000].max()
    X_train.loc[i, 'max_last_50000'] = X_element[-50000:].max()
    X_train.loc[i, 'max_first_10000'] = X_element[:10000].max()
    X_train.loc[i, 'max_last_10000'] = X_element[-10000:].max()

    percentiles = [1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 95, 99]
    for p in percentiles:
        X_train.loc[i, 'percentile_{}'.format(p)] = np.percentile(X_element, p)
        X_train.loc[i, 'abs_percentile_{}'.format(p)] = np.percentile(
            np.abs(X_element), p)

    windows = [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 10000]
    X_element_df = pd.DataFrame(X_element)
    for w in windows:
        x_roll_std = X_element_df.rolling(w).std().dropna().values
        x_roll_mean = X_element_df.rolling(w).mean().dropna().values
        x_roll_std = x_roll_std.reshape(-1)
        x_roll_mean = x_roll_mean.reshape(-1)

        X_train.loc[i, 'ave_roll_std_{}'.format(w)] = x_roll_std.mean()
        X_train.loc[i, 'std_roll_std_{}'.format(w)] = x_roll_std.std()
        X_train.loc[i, 'max_roll_std_{}'.format(w)] = x_roll_std.max()
        X_train.loc[i, 'min_roll_std_{}'.format(w)] = x_roll_std.min()

        for p in percentiles:
            X_train.loc[i, 'percentile_roll_std_{}_window_{}'.
                        format(p, w)] = np.percentile(x_roll_std, p)

        X_train.loc[i, 'av_change_abs_roll_std_{}'.format(w)] = np.mean(

        tmp = np.diff(x_roll_std) / x_roll_std[:-1]
        tmp = tmp[~np.isnan(tmp)]
        tmp = tmp[~np.isinf(tmp)]
        X_train.loc[i, 'av_change_rate_roll_std_{}'.format(w)] = np.mean(tmp)
        X_train.loc[i, 'abs_max_roll_std_{}'.format(w)] = np.abs(

        X_train.loc[i, 'ave_roll_mean_{}'.format(w)] = x_roll_mean.mean()
        X_train.loc[i, 'std_roll_mean_{}'.format(w)] = x_roll_mean.std()
        X_train.loc[i, 'max_roll_mean_{}'.format(w)] = x_roll_mean.max()
        X_train.loc[i, 'min_roll_mean_{}'.format(w)] = x_roll_mean.min()

        for p in percentiles:
            X_train.loc[i, 'percentile_roll_mean_{}_window_{}'.
                        format(p, w)] = np.percentile(x_roll_mean, p)

        X_train.loc[i, 'av_change_abs_roll_mean_{}'.format(w)] = np.mean(

        tmp = np.diff(x_roll_mean) / x_roll_mean[:-1]
        tmp = tmp[~np.isnan(tmp)]
        tmp = tmp[~np.isinf(tmp)]
        X_train.loc[i, 'av_change_rate_roll_mean_{}'.format(w)] = np.mean(tmp)
        X_train.loc[i, 'abs_max_roll_mean_{}'.format(w)] = np.abs(
 def kstat2(x):
     return stats.kstat(x, 2)