文件: surface.py 项目: icfaust/TRIPPy
    def __init__(self, x_hat, ref, radius, vec=None, angle=None, flag=None):

        super(Surf,self).__init__(x_hat, ref, vec=vec, angle=angle, flag=flag)
        self.sagi.s = scipy.atleast_1d(radius)
        self.meri.s = scipy.atleast_1d(radius)
    def __init__(self, x_hat, ref, radius, vec=None, angle=None, flag=None):

        super(Surf, self).__init__(x_hat, ref, vec=vec, angle=angle, flag=flag)
        self.sagi.s = scipy.atleast_1d(radius)
        self.meri.s = scipy.atleast_1d(radius)
def addGIWdata(conn, shot, name='c_W', name2='c_W_l', table='shots2015'):
    """pulls all time points associated with shot and places in database"""
    c = conn.cursor()
    points = scipy.atleast_1d(
        scipy.squeeze((c.execute('SELECT id from ' + table + ' where shot=' +
    time = scipy.atleast_1d(
        scipy.squeeze((c.execute('SELECT time from ' + table + ' where shot=' +

    #if the shotfile doesn't exist, or if good data at specific timepoints dont exist, set to 0
        output = goodGIW(time, shot, name)
        output2 = goodGIW(time, shot, name2)

    except dd.PyddError:
        output = scipy.zeros(time.shape)
        output2 = scipy.zeros(time.shape)

    for i in xrange(len(points)):
        c.execute('UPDATE ' + table + ' SET "c_W"=' + str(output[i]) +
                  ' WHERE id=' + str(points[i]))
        c.execute('UPDATE ' + table + ' SET "c_W_l"=' + str(output2[i]) +
                  ' WHERE id=' + str(points[i]))

    def ev(self, xi, yi, zi):
        """evaluates tricubic spline at point (xi,yi,zi) which is f[xi,yi,zi].

            xi (scalar float or 1-dimensional float): Position in x dimension.
               This is the first dimension of 3d-valued grid.
            yi (scalar float or 1-dimensional float): Position in y dimension.
               This is the second dimension of 3d-valued grid.
            zi (scalar float or 1-dimensional float): Position in z dimension. 
               This is the third dimension of 3d-valued grid.

            val (array or scalar float): The interpolated value at (xi,yi,zi).
            ValueError: If any of the dimensions exceed the evaluation boundary
                of the grid
        x = scipy.atleast_1d(xi)
        y = scipy.atleast_1d(yi)
        z = scipy.atleast_1d(zi)  # This will not modify x1,y1,z1.

        val = self.fill_value * scipy.ones(x.shape)
        idx = self._check_bounds(x, y, z)

        if z[idx].size != 0:
            if self._regular:
                val[idx] = _tricub.reg_ev(z[idx], y[idx], x[idx], self._f,
                                          self._z, self._y, self._x)
                val[idx] = _tricub.nonreg_ev(z[idx], y[idx], x[idx], self._f,
                                             self._z, self._y, self._x)

        return val
 def __init__(self,params,maxsize=12,label='',):
     if not params.has_key('c'):
     TMMElementIHT.__init__(self,'spring with actuator',params,maxsize=maxsize,label=label)
    def ev(self, xi, yi, zi):
        """evaluates tricubic spline at point (xi,yi,zi) which is f[xi,yi,zi].

            xi (scalar float or 1-dimensional float): Position in x dimension.
               This is the first dimension of 3d-valued grid.
            yi (scalar float or 1-dimensional float): Position in y dimension.
               This is the second dimension of 3d-valued grid.
            zi (scalar float or 1-dimensional float): Position in z dimension. 
               This is the third dimension of 3d-valued grid.

            val (array or scalar float): The interpolated value at (xi,yi,zi).
            ValueError: If any of the dimensions exceed the evaluation boundary
                of the grid
        x = scipy.atleast_1d(xi)
        y = scipy.atleast_1d(yi)
        z = scipy.atleast_1d(zi) # This will not modify x1,y1,z1.

        val = self.fill_value*scipy.ones(x.shape)
        idx = self._check_bounds(x, y, z)

        if z[idx].size != 0:
            if self._regular:
                val[idx] = _tricub.reg_ev(z[idx], y[idx], x[idx], self._f, self._z, self._y, self._x)  
                val[idx] = _tricub.nonreg_ev(z[idx], y[idx], x[idx], self._f, self._z, self._y, self._x)

        return val
文件: texfilt.py 项目: UIKit0/aqsis
	def rasterCoords(self,s,t):
		Return the raster coordinates for this mipmap from the texture
		coordinates (s,t)
		i = scipy.atleast_1d(self.mult[0]*s + self.offset[0] + 1)
		j = scipy.atleast_1d(self.mult[1]*t + self.offset[1] + 1)
		return (i,j)
    def rasterCoords(self, s, t):
		Return the raster coordinates for this mipmap from the texture
		coordinates (s,t)
        i = scipy.atleast_1d(self.mult[0] * s + self.offset[0] + 1)
        j = scipy.atleast_1d(self.mult[1] * t + self.offset[1] + 1)
        return (i, j)
 def __init__(self, mu, sigma):
     sigma = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(sigma, dtype=float))
     mu = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(mu, dtype=float))
     if sigma.shape != mu.shape:
         raise ValueError("sigma and mu must have the same shape!")
     if sigma.ndim != 1:
         raise ValueError("sigma and mu must both be one dimensional!")
     self.sigma = sigma
     self.emu = scipy.exp(mu)
 def __init__(self, mu, sigma):
     sigma = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(sigma, dtype=float))
     mu = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(mu, dtype=float))
     if sigma.shape != mu.shape:
         raise ValueError("sigma and mu must have the same shape!")
     if sigma.ndim != 1:
         raise ValueError("sigma and mu must both be one dimensional!")
     self.sigma = sigma
     self.emu = scipy.exp(mu)
    def __init__(self, x_hat, ref, area, vec=None, angle=None, flag=None):

        if flag is None:
            flag = ref.flag

        super(Surf, self).__init__(x_hat, ref, vec=vec, angle=angle, flag=flag)
        self.sagi.s = old_div(scipy.atleast_1d(area[0]), 2)
        self.meri.s = old_div(scipy.atleast_1d(area[1]), 2)
文件: surface.py 项目: icfaust/TRIPPy
    def __init__(self, x_hat, ref, area, vec=None, angle=None, flag=None):

        if flag is None:
            flag = ref.flag

        super(Surf,self).__init__(x_hat, ref, vec=vec, angle=angle, flag=flag)
        self.sagi.s = scipy.atleast_1d(area[0])/2
        self.meri.s = scipy.atleast_1d(area[1])/2 
文件: surface.py 项目: icfaust/TRIPPy
    def __init__(self, x_hat, ref, area, radius, vec=None, angle=None, flag=None):
        if flag is None:
            flag = ref.flag

        super(Surf,self).__init__(x_hat, ref, vec=vec, angle=angle, flag=flag)
        self.norm.s = scipy.atleast_1d(area[0])/2
        self.meri.s = scipy.atleast_1d(area[1])/2 

        if self.meri.s > scipy.pi:
            raise ValueError('angle of cylinder can only be < 2*pi')
        self.sagi.s = abs(scipy.array(radius))
 def __init__(self,params, symlabel='sd', symname='Usd',**kwargs):
     """Create a TorsionalSpringDamper instance.  params is a
     dictionary with keys of 'k' and 'c'.  'k' and 'c' are lists or
     arrays if maxsize > 4.  If maxsize==8, k = [k0,k1].  If
     maxsize==12, k=[k0, k1, k2].  'c' is optional and will be set
     to zeros(shape(k)) if it is omitted.  Otherwise c=c0, [c0],
     [c0,c1], or [c0, c1, c2]."""
     if not params.has_key('k'):
     if not params.has_key('c'):
def compute_ellipse_params(Sigma, ci=0.95):
    """Compute the parameters of the confidence ellipse for the bivariate
    normal distribution with the given covariance matrix.

    Sigma : 2d array, (2, 2)
        Covariance matrix of the bivariate normal.
    ci : float or 1d array, optional
        Confidence interval(s) to compute. Default is 0.95.

    a : float or 1d array
        Major axes for each element in `ci`.
    b : float or 1d array
        Minor axes for each element in `ci`.
    ang : float
        Angle of ellipse, in radians.
    ci = scipy.atleast_1d(ci)
    lam, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(Sigma)
    chi2 = [-scipy.log(1.0 - cival) * 2.0 for cival in ci]
    a = [2.0 * scipy.sqrt(chi2val * lam[-1]) for chi2val in chi2]
    b = [2.0 * scipy.sqrt(chi2val * lam[-2]) for chi2val in chi2]
    ang = scipy.arctan2(v[1, -1], v[0, -1])
    return a, b, ang
    def __call__(self, x_new):
        """Find linearly interpolated y_new = <name>(x_new).

          x_new -- New independent variables.

          y_new -- Linearly interpolated values corresponding to x_new.
        # 1. Handle values in x_new that are outside of x.  Throw error,
        #    or return a list of mask array indicating the outofbounds values.
        #    The behavior is set by the bounds_error variable.
        ## RHC -- was   x_new = atleast_1d(x_new)
        x_new_1d = atleast_1d(x_new)
        out_of_bounds = self._check_bounds(x_new_1d)
        # 2. Find where in the orignal data, the values to interpolate
        #    would be inserted.
        #    Note: If x_new[n] = x[m], then m is returned by searchsorted.
        x_new_indices = searchsorted(self.x, x_new_1d)
        # 3. Clip x_new_indices so that they are within the range of
        #    self.x indices and at least 1.  Removes mis-interpolation
        #    of x_new[n] = x[0]
        # RHC -- changed Int to Numeric_Int to avoid name clash with numarray
        x_new_indices = clip(x_new_indices, 1,
                             len(self.x) - 1).astype(Numeric_Int)
        # 4. Calculate the slope of regions that each x_new value falls in.
        lo = x_new_indices - 1
        hi = x_new_indices

        # !! take() should default to the last axis (IMHO) and remove
        # !! the extra argument.
        x_lo = take(self.x, lo, axis=self.interp_axis)
        x_hi = take(self.x, hi, axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_lo = take(self.y, lo, axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_hi = take(self.y, hi, axis=self.interp_axis)
        slope = (y_hi - y_lo) / (x_hi - x_lo)
        # 5. Calculate the actual value for each entry in x_new.
        y_new = slope * (x_new_1d - x_lo) + y_lo
        # 6. Fill any values that were out of bounds with NaN
        # !! Need to think about how to do this efficiently for
        # !! mutli-dimensional Cases.
        yshape = y_new.shape
        y_new = y_new.flat
        new_shape = list(yshape)
        new_shape[self.interp_axis] = 1
        sec_shape = [1] * len(new_shape)
        sec_shape[self.interp_axis] = len(out_of_bounds)
        out_of_bounds.shape = sec_shape
        new_out = ones(new_shape) * out_of_bounds
        putmask(y_new, new_out.flat, self.fill_value)
        y_new.shape = yshape
        # Rotate the values of y_new back so that they correspond to the
        # correct x_new values.
        result = swapaxes(y_new, self.interp_axis, self.axis)
            return result
        except TypeError:
            return result[0]
        return result
    def fake_dataset(self,
                     dates=(0., ),
        """Creates a fake single-epoch radial velocity data for Monte Carlo simulations.

        Note that multiple calls will use the same binary properties. Redraw the binary properties to get a new set.

        - `nvel`: number of velocities to draw.
        - `vdisp`: velocity dispersion of the cluster in km/s.
        - `fbin`: binary fraction among observed stars.
        - `sigvel`: array-like of size `nvel` or single number; measurement uncertainty in km/s (undistinguishable from velocity dispersion for single epoch case).
        - `mass`: array-like of size `nvel` or single number; mass of observed stars in solar masses.
        - `dates`: iterable with relative dates of observations in years. Creates a one-dimensional single-epoch dataset if the iterable has a length of one.
        - `vmean`: mean velocity in km/s.
        v_systematic = sp.randn(nvel) * vdisp
        v_bin_offset = sp.array(
            [self[:nvel].velocity(mass, time)[0, :] for time in dates])
        v_bin_offset[:, sp.rand(nvel) > fbin] = 0.
        v_meas_offset = sp.randn(v_bin_offset.size).reshape(
            v_bin_offset.shape) * sp.atleast_1d(sigvel)[:, sp.newaxis]
        return sp.squeeze(v_systematic[sp.newaxis, :] + v_bin_offset +
    def __init__(self, surf1, surf2):

        normal = geometry.pts2Vec(surf1, surf2)
        #orthogonal coordinates based off of connecting normal

        snew = surf1.sagi - normal * ((surf1.sagi * normal) *
                                      (old_div(surf1.sagi.s, normal.s)))
        mnew = surf1.meri - normal * ((surf1.meri * normal) *
                                      (old_div(surf1.meri.s, normal.s)))
        super(Beam, self).__init__(surf1, surf1._origin, vec=[mnew, normal])
        #calculate area at diode.
        self.sagi.s = snew.s
        a1 = surf1.area(snew.s, mnew.s)

        #calculate area at aperature
        a2 = surf2.area(((old_div(
            (self.sagi * surf2.sagi), self.sagi.s))**2 + (old_div(
                (self.meri * surf2.sagi), self.meri.s))**2)**.5, ((old_div(
                    (self.sagi * surf2.meri), self.sagi.s))**2 + (old_div(
                        (self.meri * surf2.meri), self.meri.s))**2)**.5)

        #generate etendue
        self.etendue = a1 * a2 / (normal.s**2)

        # give inital beam, which is two points
        self.norm.s = scipy.atleast_1d(self.norm.s)
        self.norm.s = scipy.insert(self.norm.s, 0, 0.)
def autocorrelation_1d(x):
    """Estimate the normalized autocorrelation function of a 1-D series

		x: The series as a 1-D numpy array.

		array: The autocorrelation function of the time series.
	Taken from: https://github.com/dfm/emcee/blob/master/emcee/autocorr.py
    x = scipy.atleast_1d(x)
    if len(x.shape) != 1:
        raise ValueError("invalid dimensions for 1D autocorrelation function")

    def next_pow_two(n):
        """Returns the next power of two greater than or equal to `n`"""
        i = 1
        while i < n:
            i = i << 1
        return i

    n = next_pow_two(len(x))

    # Compute the FFT and then (from that) the auto-correlation function
    f = fft.fft(x - scipy.mean(x), n=2 * n)
    acf = fft.ifft(f * scipy.conjugate(f))[:len(x)].real

    acf /= acf[0]
    return acf
    def compute_pk(self, k, z=None, cb=False, nonlinear=''):
        """k in h/Mpc, P(k) in (Mpc/h)^3"""
        k = scipy.atleast_1d(k)
        if cb and self.params.get('N_ncdm', 0) == 0:
            self.logger.warning('No neutrinos, switching to compute_pk_lin...')
            cb = False
        if z is not None: self.set_params(z_pk=z)
                'output': 'tCl,pCl,lCl,mPk',
                'lensing': 'yes',
                'P_k_max_h/Mpc': k.max(),
                'non linear': nonlinear
        h = self.h()
        if cb:
                'Computing power spectrum of cold dark matter and baryons.')
            if nonlinear: fun = self.pk_cb
            else: fun = self.pk_cb_lin
            self.logger.info('Computing matter power spectrum.')
            if nonlinear: fun = self.pk
            else: fun = self.pk_lin

        return h**3 * scipy.asarray(
            [fun(k_ * h, self.params['z_pk']) for k_ in k])
文件: beam.py 项目: icfaust/TRIPPy
    def __init__(self, surf1, surf2):

        normal = geometry.pts2Vec(surf1, surf2)
        #orthogonal coordinates based off of connecting normal

        snew = surf1.sagi - normal*((surf1.sagi * normal)*(surf1.sagi.s/normal.s))
        mnew = surf1.meri - normal*((surf1.meri * normal)*(surf1.meri.s/normal.s))
        super(Beam, self).__init__(surf1, surf1._origin, vec=[mnew,normal])
        #calculate area at diode.
        self.sagi.s = snew.s
        a1 = surf1.area(snew.s,mnew.s)

        #calculate area at aperature
        a2 = surf2.area((((self.sagi*surf2.sagi)/self.sagi.s)**2
                         + ((self.meri*surf2.sagi)/self.meri.s)**2)**.5,
                         + ((self.meri*surf2.meri)/self.meri.s)**2)**.5)

        #generate etendue
        self.etendue = a1*a2/(normal.s ** 2)

        # give inital beam, which is two points      
        self.norm.s = scipy.atleast_1d(self.norm.s)
        self.norm.s = scipy.insert(self.norm.s,0,0.)
def gaussians(x,x0,A,sig):
    #if sc.amax(abs(sc.imag(A)))/sc.amax(abs(sc.real(A)))>0.01:
    #    warnings.warn(\
    #'Gaussian amplitude has a sizable imaginary part\(max(|Im|)/max(|Re|)={0}, mean(abs(A))={1}).'\
    #        .format(sc.amax(abs(sc.imag(A)))/sc.amax(abs(sc.real(A))), sc.mean(abs(A))))
    #if len(sc.shape(amp))==1:
    #    gg=sc.einsum('i,ij',amp,sc.exp(-0.5*(X-X0)**2/sc.tile(sig**2,(sc.shape(x)[0],1)).T))
    #elif len(sc.shape(amp))==2:
    #    gg=sc.einsum('ij,jk',amp,sc.exp(-0.5*(X-X0)**2/sc.tile(sig**2,(sc.shape(x)[0],1)).T))
    return gg
    def ev(self, xi, yi):
        """Evaluate the rectBiVariateSpline at (xi,yi).  (x,y)values are
           checked for being in the bounds of the interpolated data.

            xi (float array): input x dimensional values 
            yi (float array): input x dimensional values 

            val (float array): evaluated spline at points (x[i], y[i]), i=0,...,len(x)-1
        idx = self._check_bounds(xi, yi)
        # print(idx)
        zi = self.fill_value*scipy.ones(xi.shape)
        zi[idx] = super(RectBivariateSpline, self).ev(scipy.atleast_1d(xi)[idx],
        return zi
    def ev(self, xi, yi):
        """Evaluate the rectBiVariateSpline at (xi,yi).  (x,y)values are
           checked for being in the bounds of the interpolated data.

            xi (float array): input x dimensional values 
            yi (float array): input x dimensional values 

            val (float array): evaluated spline at points (x[i], y[i]), i=0,...,len(x)-1
        idx = self._check_bounds(xi, yi)
        # print(idx)
        zi = self.fill_value*scipy.ones(xi.shape)
        zi[idx] = super(RectBivariateSpline, self).ev(scipy.atleast_1d(xi)[idx],
        return zi
    def __call__(self,x_new):
        """Find linearly interpolated y_new = <name>(x_new).

          x_new -- New independent variables.

          y_new -- Linearly interpolated values corresponding to x_new.
        # 1. Handle values in x_new that are outside of x.  Throw error,
        #    or return a list of mask array indicating the outofbounds values.
        #    The behavior is set by the bounds_error variable.
        ## RHC -- was   x_new = atleast_1d(x_new)
        x_new_1d = atleast_1d(x_new)
        out_of_bounds = self._check_bounds(x_new_1d)
        # 2. Find where in the orignal data, the values to interpolate
        #    would be inserted.
        #    Note: If x_new[n] = x[m], then m is returned by searchsorted.
        x_new_indices = searchsorted(self.x,x_new_1d)
        # 3. Clip x_new_indices so that they are within the range of 
        #    self.x indices and at least 1.  Removes mis-interpolation
        #    of x_new[n] = x[0]
        # RHC -- changed Int to Numeric_Int to avoid name clash with numarray
        x_new_indices = clip(x_new_indices,1,len(self.x)-1).astype(Numeric_Int)
        # 4. Calculate the slope of regions that each x_new value falls in.
        lo = x_new_indices - 1; hi = x_new_indices
        # !! take() should default to the last axis (IMHO) and remove
        # !! the extra argument.
        x_lo = take(self.x,lo,axis=self.interp_axis)
        x_hi = take(self.x,hi,axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_lo = take(self.y,lo,axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_hi = take(self.y,hi,axis=self.interp_axis)
        slope = (y_hi-y_lo)/(x_hi-x_lo)
        # 5. Calculate the actual value for each entry in x_new.
        y_new = slope*(x_new_1d-x_lo) + y_lo 
        # 6. Fill any values that were out of bounds with NaN
        # !! Need to think about how to do this efficiently for 
        # !! mutli-dimensional Cases.
        yshape = y_new.shape
        y_new = y_new.flat
        new_shape = list(yshape)
        new_shape[self.interp_axis] = 1
        sec_shape = [1]*len(new_shape)
        sec_shape[self.interp_axis] = len(out_of_bounds)
        out_of_bounds.shape = sec_shape
        new_out = ones(new_shape)*out_of_bounds
        putmask(y_new, new_out.flat, self.fill_value)
        y_new.shape = yshape
        # Rotate the values of y_new back so that they correspond to the
        # correct x_new values.
        result = swapaxes(y_new,self.interp_axis,self.axis)
            return result
        except TypeError:
            return result[0]
        return result
文件: beam.py 项目: icfaust/TRIPPy
    def tmin(self, r, z, trace=False):
        """Calculates and returns the s value along the norm vector
        which minimizes the distance from the ray to a circle defined by
        input (r,z). 

            r: value, iterable or scipy.array, radius in meters 
            z: value, iterable or scipy.array, z value in meters
            trace: bool if set true, the ray is assumed to be traced within a
            tokamak.  A further evaluation reduces the value to one within
            the bounds of the vacuum vessel/limiter.

            numpy array of s values in meters
        r = scipy.atleast_1d(r)
        z = scipy.atleast_1d(z)
        params = _beam.lineCirc(self(0).x(),

        sout = scipy.zeros(r.shape)

        for i in xrange(len(params)):
            temp = scipy.roots(params[i])

            # only positive real solutions are taken
            temp = temp[scipy.imag(temp) == 0]
            temp = scipy.real(temp[temp > 0])

            test = self(temp).r()
            # must decide between local and global minima
            sout[i] = temp[((test[0]-r[i])**2 
                            + (test[2] - z[i])**2).argmin()]
            if trace and ((sout[i] > self.norm.s[-1]) or (sout[i] < self.norm.s[-2])):
                #need to implement this such that it searches only in area of interest
                sout[i] = None

        return sout
def te2rho(Te, tcore, tped):
    #solve for rhos for given Te
    tcore = scipy.atleast_1d(tcore)
    tped = scipy.atleast_1d(tped)
    Te = scipy.atleast_2d(Te)
    idx = len(tcore)

    output = scipy.zeros((idx, len(Te)))
    rho = scipy.linspace(0, 1, 1e2 + 1)

    for i in xrange(idx):
        tetemp = te(rho, tcore[idx], tped[idx])
        temp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(tetemp,
        output[i] = temp(Te[i])  # find positions of each temperature
    return output
def interp(X, Y, Z):
    X = scipy.atleast_1d(X)
    Y = scipy.atleast_1d(Y)
    Z = scipy.atleast_1d(Z)

    ox = X[0]
    oy = Y[0]
    oz = Z[0]

    rx = (ox % dx)/dx
    ry = (oy % dy)/dy
    rz = (oz % dz)/dz

    fx = int(len(IntXVals)/2) + int(ox/dx)
    fy = int(len(IntYVals)/2) + int(oy/dy)
    fz = int(len(IntZVals)/2) + int(oz/dz)

    #print fx
    #print rx, ry, rz

    xl = len(X)
    yl = len(Y)
    zl = len(Z)

    #print xl

    m000 = interpModel[fx:(fx+xl),fy:(fy+yl),fz:(fz+zl)]
    m100 = interpModel[(fx+1):(fx+xl+1),fy:(fy+yl),fz:(fz+zl)]
    m010 = interpModel[fx:(fx+xl),(fy + 1):(fy+yl+1),fz:(fz+zl)]
    m110 = interpModel[(fx+1):(fx+xl+1),(fy+1):(fy+yl+1),fz:(fz+zl)]

    m001 = interpModel[fx:(fx+xl),fy:(fy+yl),(fz+1):(fz+zl+1)]
    m101 = interpModel[(fx+1):(fx+xl+1),fy:(fy+yl),(fz+1):(fz+zl+1)]
    m011 = interpModel[fx:(fx+xl),(fy + 1):(fy+yl+1),(fz+1):(fz+zl+1)]
    m111 = interpModel[(fx+1):(fx+xl+1),(fy+1):(fy+yl+1),(fz+1):(fz+zl+1)]

    #print m000.shape

#    m = scipy.sum([((1-rx)*(1-ry)*(1-rz))*m000, ((rx)*(1-ry)*(1-rz))*m100, ((1-rx)*(ry)*(1-rz))*m010, ((rx)*(ry)*(1-rz))*m110,
#        ((1-rx)*(1-ry)*(rz))*m001, ((rx)*(1-ry)*(rz))*m101, ((1-rx)*(ry)*(rz))*m011, ((rx)*(ry)*(rz))*m111], 0)

    m = ((1-rx)*(1-ry)*(1-rz))*m000 + ((rx)*(1-ry)*(1-rz))*m100 + ((1-rx)*(ry)*(1-rz))*m010 + ((rx)*(ry)*(1-rz))*m110+((1-rx)*(1-ry)*(rz))*m001+ ((rx)*(1-ry)*(rz))*m101+ ((1-rx)*(ry)*(rz))*m011+ ((rx)*(ry)*(rz))*m111
    #print m.shape
    return m
def gaussians(x, x0, A, sig):
    #if sc.amax(abs(sc.imag(A)))/sc.amax(abs(sc.real(A)))>0.01:
    #    warnings.warn(\
    #'Gaussian amplitude has a sizable imaginary part\(max(|Im|)/max(|Re|)={0}, mean(abs(A))={1}).'\
    #        .format(sc.amax(abs(sc.imag(A)))/sc.amax(abs(sc.real(A))), sc.mean(abs(A))))
    x0 = sc.atleast_1d(x0)
    A = sc.atleast_1d(A)
    sig = sc.atleast_1d(sig)
    amp = A * sc.sqrt(1 / 2.0 / sc.pi) / sig
    [X, X0] = sc.meshgrid(x, x0)
    gg = None
    #if len(sc.shape(amp))==1:
    #    gg=sc.einsum('i,ij',amp,sc.exp(-0.5*(X-X0)**2/sc.tile(sig**2,(sc.shape(x)[0],1)).T))
    #elif len(sc.shape(amp))==2:
    #    gg=sc.einsum('ij,jk',amp,sc.exp(-0.5*(X-X0)**2/sc.tile(sig**2,(sc.shape(x)[0],1)).T))
    gg = sc.einsum(
        '...i,...ij->...j', amp,
        sc.exp(-0.5 * (X - X0)**2 / sc.tile(sig**2, (sc.shape(x)[0], 1)).T))
    return gg
    def tmin(self, r, z, trace=False):
        """Calculates and returns the s value along the norm vector
        which minimizes the distance from the ray to a circle defined by
        input (r,z). 

            r: value, iterable or scipy.array, radius in meters 
            z: value, iterable or scipy.array, z value in meters
            trace: bool if set true, the ray is assumed to be traced within a
            tokamak.  A further evaluation reduces the value to one within
            the bounds of the vacuum vessel/limiter.

            numpy array of s values in meters
        r = scipy.atleast_1d(r)
        z = scipy.atleast_1d(z)
        params = _beam.lineCirc(self(0).x(), self.norm.unit, r, z)

        sout = scipy.zeros(r.shape)

        for i in range(len(params)):
            temp = scipy.roots(params[i])

            # only positive real solutions are taken
            temp = temp[scipy.imag(temp) == 0]
            temp = scipy.real(temp[temp > 0])

            test = self(temp).r()

            # must decide between local and global minima
            sout[i] = temp[((test[0] - r[i])**2 +
                            (test[2] - z[i])**2).argmin()]

            if trace and ((sout[i] > self.norm.s[-1]) or
                          (sout[i] < self.norm.s[-2])):
                #need to implement this such that it searches only in area of interest
                sout[i] = None

        return sout
    def __init__(self,
        if flag is None:
            flag = ref.flag

        super(Surf, self).__init__(x_hat, ref, vec=vec, angle=angle, flag=flag)
        self.norm.s = old_div(scipy.atleast_1d(area[0]), 2)
        self.meri.s = old_div(scipy.atleast_1d(area[1]), 2)

        if self.meri.s > scipy.pi:
            raise ValueError('angle of cylinder can only be < 2*pi')
        self.sagi.s = abs(scipy.array(radius))
文件: beam.py 项目: icfaust/TRIPPy
    def __init__(self, pt1, inp2):

            self.norm = geometry.pts2Vec(pt1, inp2)
        except AttributeError:
            self.norm = inp2.copy()

        self.norm.s = scipy.atleast_1d(self.norm.s)
        self.norm.s = scipy.insert(self.norm.s,0,0.)
    def __init__(self, pt1, inp2):

            self.norm = geometry.pts2Vec(pt1, inp2)
        except AttributeError:
            self.norm = inp2.copy()

        super(Ray, self).__init__(pt1)

        self.norm.s = scipy.atleast_1d(self.norm.s)
        self.norm.s = scipy.insert(self.norm.s, 0, 0.)
 def __init__(self, k, a, b):
     a = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(a, dtype=float))
     b = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(b, dtype=float))
     if len(a) != k.num_dim:
         raise ValueError("a must have length equal to k.num_dim!")
     if len(b) != k.num_dim:
         raise ValueError("b must have length equal to k.num_dim!")
     param_names = []
     initial_params = []
     param_bounds = []  # Set this to be narrow so the LL doesn't overflow.
     for d in range(0, k.num_dim):
         param_names += ['a_{:d}'.format(d), 'b_{:d}'.format(d)]
         initial_params += [a[d], b[d]]
         param_bounds += [(a[d] - 1e-3, a[d] + 1e-3), (b[d] - 1e-3, b[d] + 1e-3)]
     w = WarpingFunction(
         fixed_params=scipy.ones_like(initial_params, dtype=bool),
     super(LinearWarpedKernel, self).__init__(k, w)
 def update_cost(self, X, y):
     For an ignorance function 1/N, where N is number of times
     the system passed on a point X, update ignorance and wall.
     +1 the n_grid
     Xs = sp.atleast_2d(X)
     ys = sp.atleast_1d(y)
     for X, y in zip(Xs, ys):
         X = X.flatten()
         index = where_a_in_b(X, self.X_grid).item()
         self.y_grid[index] = y
         self.wall[index] = (y > self.y_threshold)
         self.n_grid[index] = 1. / (self.n_grid[index] + 1)
 def __init__(self, k, a, b):
     a = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(a, dtype=float))
     b = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(b, dtype=float))
     if len(a) != k.num_dim:
         raise ValueError("a must have length equal to k.num_dim!")
     if len(b) != k.num_dim:
         raise ValueError("b must have length equal to k.num_dim!")
     param_names = []
     initial_params = []
     param_bounds = []  # Set this to be narrow so the LL doesn't overflow.
     for d in xrange(0, k.num_dim):
         param_names += ['a_%d' % (d, ), 'b_%d' % (d, )]
         initial_params += [a[d], b[d]]
         param_bounds += [(a[d] - 1e-3, a[d] + 1e-3),
                          (b[d] - 1e-3, b[d] + 1e-3)]
     w = WarpingFunction(linear_warp,
     super(LinearWarpedKernel, self).__init__(k, w)
def compute_matrix_cond(sv):
    """yield matrix condition number w.r.t. l2-norm given singular values

    :type sv: ndarray
    :param sv: vector of singular values sorted s.t. :sv[i]: >= :sv[i+1]:
    :returns: float - condition number of :mat: or :inf: on error

    sv = sp.atleast_1d(sv)
    if sv.size == 0:
        raise ValueError('undefined for empty list')
        return sp.absolute(sv[0] / sv[-1])
        return sp.inf
def compute_matrix_cond(sv):
    """yield matrix condition number w.r.t. l2-norm given singular values

    :type sv: ndarray
    :param sv: vector of singular values sorted s.t. :sv[i]: >= :sv[i+1]:
    :returns: float - condition number of :mat: or :inf: on error

    sv = sp.atleast_1d(sv)
    if sv.size == 0:
        raise ValueError('undefined for empty list')
        return sp.absolute(sv[0] / sv[-1])
        return sp.inf
    def __init__(self, track_type, data):
        self.type = track_type
        if not self.type in DataTrack.TYPES:
                'ERROR: Track type %s was given. Allowed track types are: %s\n'
                % (self.type, ','.join(DataTrack.TYPES)))
        self.strains = []
        self.bam_fnames = []
        self.group_labels = []
        self.event_info = []
        ### handle events
        if track_type == 'event':
            for data_items in data:
                ### handle any other type of data
                label = ''
                if ':' in data_items:
                    assert len(
                    ) < 3, 'ERROR: At most one label can be given per data group!\n'
                    label, data_items = data_items.split(':')
                if data_items.endswith('.txt'):
                        str(x) for x in sp.atleast_1d(
                            sp.loadtxt(data_items, dtype='str'))
                if track_type == 'coverage':
                    for group in self.bam_fnames:
                        for fname in group:
                            if not os.path.isfile(fname):
                                    'ERROR: Input file %s can not be found\n\n'
                                    % fname,

                        re.sub(r'(.[bB][aA][mM]|.[hH][dD][fF]5)$', '',
                        for _ in self.bam_fnames[-1]
    def fake_dataset(self, nvel, vdisp, fbin, sigvel, mass=1., dates=(0., ), vmean=0.):
        """Creates a fake single-epoch radial velocity data for Monte Carlo simulations.

        Note that multiple calls will use the same binary properties. Redraw the binary properties to get a new set.

        - `nvel`: number of velocities to draw.
        - `vdisp`: velocity dispersion of the cluster in km/s.
        - `fbin`: binary fraction among observed stars.
        - `sigvel`: array-like of size `nvel` or single number; measurement uncertainty in km/s (undistinguishable from velocity dispersion for single epoch case).
        - `mass`: array-like of size `nvel` or single number; mass of observed stars in solar masses.
        - `dates`: iterable with relative dates of observations in years. Creates a one-dimensional single-epoch dataset if the iterable has a length of one.
        - `vmean`: mean velocity in km/s.
        v_systematic = sp.randn(nvel) * vdisp
        v_bin_offset = sp.array([self[:nvel].velocity(mass, time)[0, :] for time in dates])
        v_bin_offset[:, sp.rand(nvel) > fbin] = 0.
        v_meas_offset = sp.randn(v_bin_offset.size).reshape(v_bin_offset.shape) * sp.atleast_1d(sigvel)[:, sp.newaxis]
        return sp.squeeze(v_systematic[sp.newaxis, :] + v_bin_offset + v_meas_offset)
def generate_noise(shape: List[int], porosity=None, octaves: int = 3,
                   frequency: int = 32, mode: str = 'simplex'):
    Generate a field of spatially correlated random noise using the Perlin
    noise algorithm, or the updated Simplex noise algorithm.

    shape : array_like
        The size of the image to generate in [Nx, Ny, Nz] where N is the
        number of voxels.

    porosity : float
        If specified, this will threshold the image to the specified value
        prior to returning.  If no value is given (the default), then the
        scalar noise field is returned.

    octaves : int
        Controls the *texture* of the noise, with higher octaves giving more
        complex features over larger length scales.

    frequency : array_like
        Controls the relative sizes of the features, with higher frequencies
        giving larger features.  A scalar value will apply the same frequency
        in all directions, given an isotropic field; a vector value will
        apply the specified values along each axis to create anisotropy.

    mode : string
        Which noise algorithm to use, either ``'simplex'`` (default) or

    image : ND-array
        If porosity is given, then a boolean array with ``True`` values
        denoting the pore space is returned.  If not, then normally
        distributed and spatially correlated randomly noise is returned.

    This method depends the a package called 'noise' which must be
    compiled. It is included in the Anaconda distribution, or a platform
    specific binary can be downloaded.

    See Also

        import noise
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise Exception("The noise package must be installed")
    shape = sp.array(shape)
    if sp.size(shape) == 1:
        Lx, Ly, Lz = sp.full((3, ), int(shape))
    elif len(shape) == 2:
        Lx, Ly = shape
        Lz = 1
    elif len(shape) == 3:
        Lx, Ly, Lz = shape
    if mode == 'simplex':
        f = noise.snoise3
        f = noise.pnoise3
    frequency = sp.atleast_1d(frequency)
    if frequency.size == 1:
        freq = sp.full(shape=[3, ], fill_value=frequency[0])
    elif frequency.size == 2:
        freq = sp.concatenate((frequency, [1]))
        freq = sp.array(frequency)
    im = sp.zeros(shape=[Lx, Ly, Lz], dtype=float)
    for x in range(Lx):
        for y in range(Ly):
            for z in range(Lz):
                im[x, y, z] = f(x=x/freq[0], y=y/freq[1], z=z/freq[2],
    im = im.squeeze()
    if porosity:
        im = norm_to_uniform(im, scale=[0, 1])
        im = im < porosity
    return im
def _findLCFS(rgrid, zgrid, psiRZ, rcent, zcent, psiLCFS, nbbbs=100):
    """ internal function for finding the last closed flux surface
    based off of a Equilibrium instance"""

    ang = scipy.linspace(-scipy.pi,scipy.pi,nbbbs)

    fig = plt.figure()
    cs = plt.contour(rgrid,
    splines = []
    for i in cs.collections[0].get_paths():
        temp = i.vertices
        # turn points into polar coordinates about the plasma center
        rvals = scipy.sqrt((temp[:,0] - rcent)**2 + (temp[:,1] - zcent)**2)
        thetvals = scipy.arctan2(temp[:,1] - zcent,temp[:,0] - rcent)
        # find all monotonic sections of contour line in r,theta space
        temp = scipy.diff(thetvals)
        idx = 0
        sign = scipy.sign(temp[0])
        for j in xrange(len(temp)-1):
            if (scipy.sign(temp[j+1]) != sign): 
                sign = scipy.sign(temp[j+1])
                #only write data if the jump at the last point is well resolved

                if (j+2-idx > 2):#abs(thetvals[idx]-thetvals[j+1]) < 7*scipy.pi/4) and
                    sortang = scipy.argsort(thetvals[idx:j+2])
                    splines += [scipy.interpolate.interp1d(thetvals[sortang+idx],
                idx = j+1

        if (len(thetvals) - idx > 2):
            sortang = scipy.argsort(thetvals[idx:])
            splines += [scipy.interpolate.interp1d(thetvals[sortang+idx],

    # construct a set of angles about the center, and use the splines
    # to find the closest part of the contour to the center at that
    # angle, this is the LCFS, store value. If no value is found, store
    # an infite value, which is then tossed out.
    outr = scipy.empty((nbbbs,))

    for i in xrange(nbbbs):
        temp = scipy.inf
        for j in splines:
            pos = j(ang[i])
            if pos < temp:
                temp = pos
        outr[i] = temp

    # remove infinites
    ang = ang[scipy.isfinite(outr)]
    outr = outr[scipy.isfinite(outr)]
    #move back to r,z space
    output = scipy.empty((2,len(ang) + 1))
    output[0,:-1] = outr*scipy.cos(ang) + rcent
    output[1,:-1] = outr*scipy.sin(ang) + zcent                   
    output[0,-1] = output[0,0]
    output[1,-1] = output[1,0]

    # turn off plotting stuff
    return output.T
def grouped_plot_matrix(X,
    """Plot the results of MCMC sampler (posterior and chains).

    Loosely based on triangle.py. Provides extensive options to format the

    X : 2d array, (num_samp, num_dim)
    Y : 1d array, (num_samp,), optional
        Labels. Default is to treat all data as being from same class.
    w : 1d array, (num_samp,), optional
        Weights of the samples. Default is to treat all samples as
    feature_labels : list of str, optional
        The labels to use for each of the features.
    class_labels : list of str, optional
        The labels to use for each class.
    show_legend : bool, optional
        If True, draw a legend. A legend is never drawn for single-class data.
        Default is True.
    colors : list of color strings, optional
        The colors to use for each class. Using strings (either name or hex)
        lets the function automatically pick the corresponding colormaps.
    fixed_height : float, optional
        The desired figure height (in inches). Default is to automatically
        adjust based on `fixed_width` to make the subplots square.
    fixed_width : float, optional
        The desired figure width (in inches). Default is `figure.figsize[0]`.
    l : float, optional
        The location (in relative figure units) of the left margin. Default is
    r : float, optional
        The location (in relative figure units) of the right margin. Default is
    t : float, optional
        The location (in relative figure units) of the top of the grid of
        histograms. Default is 0.9.
    b : float, optional
        The location (in relative figure units) of the bottom of the grid of
        histograms. Default is 0.1.
    ax_space : float, optional
        The `w_space` and `h_space` to use (in relative figure units). Default
        is 0.1.
    rotate_last_hist : bool, optional
        If True, rotate the bottom right histogram. Default is to only do this
        for bivariate data.
    hist1d_kwargs : dict, optional
        Extra keyword arguments for the 1d histograms.
    cmap : str, optional
        Colormap to use, overriding the default color cycle. Probably only
        useful for one-class data.
    autocolor : bool, optional
        If True, automatically assign colors and colormaps. Otherwise, just
        use what is in the optional keywords. Default is True.
    use_kde : bool, optional
        If True, use a kernel density estimator (KDE) for the univariate and
        bivariate (when `plot_heatmap=True`) histograms. Default is False.
    kde_bws : {'scott', 'silverman', array of float (num_dim,) or (2, num_dim)}
        Which rule to use to estimate KDE bandwidths, a bandwidth to use for
        all dimensions, or a list of bandwidths for each dimension. If an array
        of bandwidths is provided, it can either be 1d (same bandwidth for 1d
        and 2d KDEs), or 2d (row 0 is 1d bandwidth, row 1 is 2d bandwidth).
        Default is 'scott' (use Scott's rule of thumb). Note that the labels
        `Y` are ignored when computing the bandwidths, and the same bandwidth
        is used for each label. Therefore, you should compute the proper
        bandwidth externally when plotting KDEs for each label.
    cutoff_w : float, optional
        If `w` and `cutoff_w` are present, points with `w < cutoff_w * w.max()`
        will be excluded. Default is to plot all points.
    kde1d_kwargs : dict, optional
        Extra keyword arguments for the `plot` command when plotting the 1d
    kwargs : optional keywords
        All extra keyword arguments are passed to `hist2d_contour`.
    # TODO: kwarg handling when using KDE is too convoluted!
    # TODO: add proper handling of KDE bandwidth for multiclass data!

    # Mask out points with low weights:
    if w is not None and cutoff_w is not None:
        mask = w >= (cutoff_w * w.max())
        X = X[mask, :]
        if Y is not None:
            Y = Y[mask]
        w = w[mask]

    # Compute kernel bandwidths:
    if use_kde:
        if isinstance(kde_bws, str):
            kde_bw_method = kde_bws
            kde_bws = scipy.zeros((2, X.shape[1]))
            # Handle both weighted and unweighted case:
            if w is None:
                wtmp = scipy.ones(X.shape[0])
                wtmp = w
            if kde_bw_method == 'scott':
                kde_bws[0, :] = wkde.scott_bw(X, wtmp, 1)
                kde_bws[1, :] = wkde.scott_bw(X, wtmp, 2)
            elif kde_bw_method == 'silverman':
                kde_bws[0, :] = wkde.silverman_bw(X, wtmp, 1)
                kde_bws[1, :] = wkde.silverman_bw(X, wtmp, 2)
                raise ValueError(
                    'Invalid KDE bandwidth estimation method "{:s}"!'.format(
            kde_bws = scipy.asarray(kde_bws, dtype=float)
            if kde_bws.ndim == 0:
                kde_bws = kde_bws * scipy.ones((2, X.shape[1]))
            elif kde_bws.ndim == 1:
                kde_bws = scipy.tile(kde_bws, (2, 1))
            if kde_bws.shape != (2, X.shape[1]):
                raise ValueError('Invalid number of KDE bandwidths!')

    # Number of features:
    k = X.shape[1]

    # Unique class labels:
    if Y is None:
        Y = scipy.ones(X.shape[0])
        uY = [
        uY = scipy.unique(Y)

    # Default to plot heatmap for one-class data, contours for multi-class
    # data:
    if len(uY) == 1:
        if 'plot_heatmap' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['plot_heatmap'] = True
        if 'plot_levels_filled' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['plot_levels_filled'] = False
        if 'plot_levels' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['plot_levels'] = False
        if 'plot_points' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['plot_points'] = False
        if cmap is None:
            cmap = mpl.rcParams['image.cmap']
        if 'plot_heatmap' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['plot_heatmap'] = False
        if 'plot_levels_filled' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['plot_levels_filled'] = False
        if 'plot_levels' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['plot_levels'] = True
        if 'plot_points' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['plot_points'] = False
        if 'plot_ci' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['plot_ci'] = 0.95

    # Defaults for 1d histograms:
    if 'density' not in hist1d_kwargs:
        hist1d_kwargs['density'] = True
    if 'histtype' not in hist1d_kwargs:
        hist1d_kwargs['histtype'] = 'stepfilled'
    if 'bins' not in hist1d_kwargs:
        if w is None and not use_kde:
            hist1d_kwargs['bins'] = 'auto'
            # TODO: Come up with better default!
            hist1d_kwargs['bins'] = 50
    if 'alpha' not in hist1d_kwargs:
        hist1d_kwargs['alpha'] = 0.75 if len(uY) > 1 else 1

    # Set color order:
    if colors is None:
        cc = get_color_10_cycle()
        colors = [next(cc) for i in range(0, len(uY))]

    # Handle rotation of bottom right histogram:
    if rotate_last_hist is None:
        rotate_last_hist = k == 2

    # Default labels for features and classes:
    if feature_labels is None:
        feature_labels = ['{:d}'.format(kv) for kv in range(0, k)]
    if class_labels is None:
        class_labels = ['{:d}'.format(int(yv)) for yv in uY]

    # Set up geometry:
    if fixed_height is None:
        if fixed_width is None:
            # Default: use matplotlib's default width, handle remaining
            # parameters with the fixed width case below:
            fixed_width = mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'][0]
        fixed_height = fixed_width * (r - l) / (t - b)
    elif fixed_width is None:
        # Only height specified, compute width to yield square histograms
        fixed_width = fixed_height * (t - b) / (r - l)
    # Otherwise width and height are fixed, and we may not have square
    # histograms, at the user's discretion.

    wspace = ax_space
    hspace = ax_space

    f = plt.figure(figsize=(fixed_width, fixed_height))
    gs = GridSpec(k, k)
    gs.update(bottom=b, top=t, left=l, right=r, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
    axes = []
    # j is the row, i is the column.
    for j in range(k):
        row = []
        for i in range(k):
            if i > j:
                if rotate_last_hist and i == j and i == k - 1:
                    sharey = row[-1]
                    sharey = row[-1] if i > 0 and i < j and j < k else None
                sharex = axes[-1][i] if j > i and j < k else \
                    (row[-1] if i > 0 and j == k else None)
                    f.add_subplot(gs[j, i], sharey=sharey, sharex=sharex))
    axes = scipy.asarray(axes)

    # Update axes with the data:
    # j is the row, i is the column.
    for i in range(0, k):
        if rotate_last_hist and i == k - 1:
            orientation = 'horizontal'
            orientation = 'vertical'
        for ic, yv in enumerate(uY):
            mask = Y == yv
            if autocolor:
                hist1d_kwargs['color'] = colors[ic]
            if use_kde:
                kde_grid = scipy.linspace(X[mask, i].min(), X[mask, i].max(),
                kde = wkde.univariate_weighted_kde(
                      i], w[mask] if w is not None else scipy.ones(mask.sum()),
                    kde_grid, kde_bws[0, i])
                if orientation == 'vertical':
                    axes[i, i].plot(kde_grid,
                    if hist1d_kwargs['alpha'] > 0:
                        axes[i, i].fill(kde_grid,
                    axes[i, i].set_ylim(bottom=0.0)
                    axes[i, i].plot(kde,
                    if hist1d_kwargs['alpha'] > 0:
                        axes[i, i].fill(kde,
                    axes[i, i].set_xlim(left=0.0)
                axes[i, i].hist(X[mask, i],
                                weights=w[mask] if w is not None else None,
        if i < k - 1 or (rotate_last_hist and i == k - 1):
            plt.setp(axes[i, i].get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
            axes[i, i].set_xlabel(feature_labels[i])
        plt.setp(axes[i, i].get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
        for j in range(i + 1, k):
            for ic, yv in enumerate(uY):
                # TODO: more control over coloring!
                mask = Y == yv
                c = colors[ic]
                cm = 'w_' + c + '_a' if cmap is None else cmap

                if autocolor:
                    pcolor_kwargs = kwargs.get('pcolor_kwargs', {})
                    pcolor_kwargs['cmap'] = cm
                    kwargs['pcolor_kwargs'] = pcolor_kwargs

                    contour_kwargs = kwargs.get('contour_kwargs', {})
                    if 'colors' in contour_kwargs:
                        contour_kwargs['colors'] = c
                        contour_kwargs['cmap'] = cm
                    kwargs['contour_kwargs'] = contour_kwargs

                    scatter_kwargs = kwargs.get('scatter_kwargs', {})
                    scatter_kwargs['color'] = c
                    kwargs['scatter_kwargs'] = scatter_kwargs

                plot_ci = kwargs.get('plot_ci', None)
                if plot_ci is not None and autocolor:
                    ci_kwargs = kwargs.get('ci_kwargs', {})
                    plot_ci = scipy.atleast_1d(plot_ci)
                    if 'colors' in ci_kwargs or len(plot_ci) == 1:
                        ci_kwargs['colors'] = c
                        ci_kwargs['cmap'] = cm
                    kwargs['ci_kwargs'] = ci_kwargs
                hist2d_contour(axes[j, i],
                               X[mask, i],
                               X[mask, j],
                               kde_bw0=kde_bws[1, i] if use_kde else None,
                               kde_bw1=kde_bws[1, j] if use_kde else None,
            if j < k - 1:
                plt.setp(axes[j, i].get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
                axes[j, i].set_xlabel(feature_labels[i])
            if i != 0:
                plt.setp(axes[j, i].get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
                axes[j, i].set_ylabel(feature_labels[j])
    # Draw legend:
    if show_legend and len(uY) > 1:
        handles = [
            Patch(color=clr, label=lbl, alpha=hist1d_kwargs['alpha'])
            for clr, lbl in zip(colors, class_labels)
        if 'loc' not in legend_kwargs:
            legend_kwargs['loc'] = 'upper right'
        if 'bbox_to_anchor' not in legend_kwargs:
            legend_kwargs['bbox_to_anchor'] = (r, t)
        if 'bbox_transform' not in legend_kwargs:
            legend_kwargs['bbox_transform'] = f.transFigure
        f.legend(handles, [h.get_label() for h in handles], **legend_kwargs)

    return f, axes
def hist2d_contour(a,
    """Make combined 2d histogram, contour and/or scatter plot.

    a : axes
        The axes to plot on.
    x : 1d array
        The x data.
    y : 1d array
        The y data.
    w : 1d array, optional
        The weights
    plot_heatmap : bool, optional
        If True, plot the heatmap of the histogram. Default is False.
    plot_levels_filled : bool, optional
        If True, plot the filled contours of the histogram. Default is False.
    plot_levels : bool, optional
        If True, plot the contours of the histogram. Default is True.
    plot_points : bool, optional
        If True, make a scatterplot of the points. Default is False.
    filter_contour : bool, optional
        If True, filter the histogram before plotting contours. Default is
    filter_heatmap : bool, optional
        If True, filter the histogram before plotting heatmap. Default is
    hist_kwargs : dict, optional
        Keyword arguments for scipy.histogram2d.
    pcolor_kwargs : dict, optional
        Keyword arguments for pcolormesh when plotting heatmap.
    contour_kwargs : dict, optional
        Keyword arguments for contour and contourf when plotting contours. To
        specify the number of contours, use the key 'N'. To use specific
        contour levels, use the key 'V'.
    scatter_kwargs : dict, optional
        Keyword arguments for scatterplot when plotting points.
    filter_kwargs : dict, optional
        Keyword arguments for filtering of histogram.
    filter_sigma : float, optional
        The standard deviation for the Gaussian filter used to smooth the
        histogram. Default is 2 bins.
    plot_ci : float or 1d array, optional
        If this is a float, the contour containing this much probability mass
        is drawn. Default is None (don't draw contour).
    ci_kwargs : dict, optional
        Keyword arguments for drawing the confidence interval.
    scatter_fraction : float, optional
        Fraction of points to include in the scatterplot. Default is 1.0 (use
        all points).
    use_kde : bool, optional
        If True, use a kernel density estimator (KDE) in place of bivariate
        histogram when `plot_heatmap=True`. Default is False.
    kde_bw0 : float, optional
        KDE bandwidth for the zeroth dimension.
    kde_bw1 : float, optional
        KDE bandwidth for the first dimension.
    if 'bins' not in hist_kwargs:
        hist_kwargs['bins'] = (100, 101)
    if 'normed' not in hist_kwargs:
        hist_kwargs['normed'] = True
    # Only compute histogram if needed:
    if (plot_heatmap or plot_levels or plot_levels_filled
            or (plot_ci is not None)):
        if use_kde:
            xgrid = scipy.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), hist_kwargs['bins'][0])
            ygrid = scipy.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), hist_kwargs['bins'][1])
            H = wkde.bivariate_weighted_kde(
                x, y, w if w is not None else scipy.ones(len(x)), xgrid, ygrid,
                kde_bw0, kde_bw1)
            # Match pcolormesh's silly format:
            dx = xgrid[1] - xgrid[0]
            xedges = (xgrid[1:] + xgrid[:-1]) / 2.0
            xedges = scipy.concatenate(
                ([xedges[0] - dx], xedges, [xedges[-1] + dx]))
            dy = ygrid[1] - ygrid[0]
            yedges = (ygrid[1:] + ygrid[:-1]) / 2.0
            yedges = scipy.concatenate(
                ([yedges[0] - dy], yedges, [yedges[-1] + dy]))
            # Doesn't make sense to filter KDE...
            Hf = H
            H, xedges, yedges = scipy.histogram2d(x,
            if filter_contour or filter_heatmap:
                Hf = gaussian_filter(H, filter_sigma, **filter_kwargs)
    if plot_heatmap:
        XX, YY = scipy.meshgrid(xedges, yedges)
        a.pcolormesh(XX, YY, Hf.T if filter_heatmap else H.T, **pcolor_kwargs)
    if plot_levels or plot_levels_filled or (plot_ci is not None):
        # Convert to bin centers:
        xcenters = 0.5 * (xedges[:-1] + xedges[1:])
        ycenters = 0.5 * (yedges[:-1] + yedges[1:])
        XX, YY = scipy.meshgrid(xcenters, ycenters)
        args = []
        if 'V' in contour_kwargs:
            args += [
        elif 'N' in contour_kwargs:
            args += [
        if plot_levels_filled:
            a.contourf(XX, YY, Hf.T if filter_contour else H.T, *args,
        if plot_levels:
            a.contour(XX, YY, Hf.T if filter_contour else H.T, *args,
        if plot_ci is not None:
            V = prob_contour(H, xedges, yedges, p=plot_ci)
            if 'vmin' not in ci_kwargs:
                ci_kwargs['vmin'] = 0.0
            if 'vmax' not in ci_kwargs:
                ci_kwargs['vmax'] = H.max()
            a.contour(XX, YY, Hf.T if filter_contour else H.T,
                      scipy.unique(scipy.atleast_1d(V)), **ci_kwargs)
    if plot_points:
        # Make the markersize not ridiculous by default:
        if 'ms' not in scatter_kwargs and 'markersize' not in scatter_kwargs:
            scatter_kwargs['ms'] = 0.1
        # Make points transparent by default (approximates heatmap...):
        if 'alpha' not in scatter_kwargs:
            scatter_kwargs['alpha'] = 0.5
        # Do not connect with lines by default:
        if 'ls' not in scatter_kwargs and 'linestyle' not in scatter_kwargs:
            scatter_kwargs['ls'] = ''
        # Plot with circles by default:
        if 'marker' not in scatter_kwargs:
            scatter_kwargs['marker'] = 'o'
        if scatter_fraction != 1.0:
            N = int(round(scatter_fraction * len(x)))
            indices = scipy.random.choice(range(len(x)), size=N, replace=False)
            indices = range(len(x))
        a.plot(x[indices], y[indices], **scatter_kwargs)
文件: invert.py 项目: icfaust/TRIPPy
def fluxFourierSensRho(beams,plasma,time,points,mcos=[0],msin=[],ds=1e-3,meth='psinorm'):
    """Calculates the distance weight matrix for specified fourier components

    Similar to fluxFourierSens, it instead derives weightings from the plasma 
    equilibrium assuming that the plasma object contains a method .rz2rho. 
    It should return a value of normalized radius to some basis function
    related to the plasma equilibrium.

        beams: geometry Object with reference origin

        plasma: geometry Object with reference origin
        time:  equilibrium time for inversion
        points: points in basis function space in which to map to.

        mcos: number of cosine fourier components to generate

        msin: number of sine fourier components to generate
        ds:  step size along beam/ray in which to evaluate
        meth: normalization method (psinorm,phinorm,volnorm)

       output: A 3-dimensional numpy-array of weights in meters which
            follows is [time,beam,radial x fourier components].
            The order of the last dimension is grouped by fourier
            component, cosine radial terms then sine radial terms.
    time = scipy.atleast_1d(time)
    interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(points,scipy.arange(len(points)),kind='cubic')
    # initialize output array of sensitivities
    output = scipy.zeros((len(time),len(beams),len(points)))

    for i in xrange(len(beams)):
        temp = beams[i](scipy.mgrid[beams[i].norm.s[-2]:beams[i].norm.s[-1]:step])
        mapped = plasma.eq.rz2rho(meth,

        # knowing that the last point (point[-1]) is assumed to be a ZERO emissivity point,
        #an additional brightness is added which only sees the last emissivity to yield the zero
        scipy.place(mapped,mapped > points[-1], points[-1])
        # for a given point along a chord, use a spline to solve what reconstruction points
        #it is most close to. Then in the weighting matrix, (which is (brightness,points) in shape add the various fractional weighting.
        out = interp(mapped)
        # find out point using a floor like command (returns ints) 
        idx = out.astype(int)

        # reduce out to the fraction
        out = (out % 1.)*step
        for j in range(len(idx[0])):
            output[:,i,idx[:,j]] += out[:,j]
            scipy.place(idx[:,j], idx[:,j] < len(points)-1, idx[:,j]+1)
            output[:,i,idx[:,j]] += step - out[:,j]

    return output
def plotLine(vector,val=1.0, close=False, tube_radius=None, index=None, **kwargs):
    PlotLine creates a single plot object from a singular vector or from a n-dimensional
    tuple or list.
    plot = False
        x = vector.x()
        temp0 = x[0]
        temp1 = x[1]
        temp2 = x[2]
        s =  val*scipy.ones(temp0.shape)

            # For surface objects, this keyword allows for the last corner to connect with the first
        if close:
            temp0 = scipy.concatenate((temp0,scipy.atleast_1d(temp0[0])))
            temp1 = scipy.concatenate((temp1,scipy.atleast_1d(temp1[0])))
            temp2 = scipy.concatenate((temp2,scipy.atleast_1d(temp2[0])))
            s = scipy.concatenate((s,scipy.atleast_1d(s[0])))

        if not index is None:
            N = len(temp0)
            connect = scipy.vstack([scipy.arange(index,   index + N - 1.5),
                                    scipy.arange(index + 1, index + N - .5)]
                                   ).T # I want to rewrite this...
            index += N

    except AttributeError:
        temp0 = []
        temp1 = []
        temp2 = []
        s = []
        connect = []
        # if it is not some sort of vector or vector-derived class, iterate through and make a surface object 
        if index is None:
            index = 0
            plot = True
        for i in vector:
            output = plotLine(i, close=close, index=index, **kwargs)
            temp0 += [output[0]]
            temp1 += [output[1]]
            temp2 += [output[2]]
            s += [output[3]]
            connect += [output[4]]
            index = output[5]

        #turn to arrays here so I don't accidentally nest lists or tuples
        temp0 = scipy.hstack(temp0)
        temp1 = scipy.hstack(temp1)
        temp2 = scipy.hstack(temp2)
        s = scipy.hstack(s)
        connect = scipy.vstack(connect)

    if index is None:

        except ValueError:
        if plot:
            # follows http://docs.enthought.com/mayavi/mayavi/auto/example_plotting_many_lines.html#example-plotting-many-lines
            src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter(temp0, temp1, temp2, s)
            src.mlab_source.dataset.lines = connect      
            lines = mlab.pipeline.stripper(src)
            mlab.pipeline.surface(lines, **kwargs)
            return (temp0,temp1,temp2,s,connect,index)
文件: RCWA.py 项目: DanHickstein/EMpy
    def solve(self, wls):
        """Anisotropic solver.

        wls = wavelengths to scan (any asarray-able object).

        self.DEO1, self.DEE1, self.DEO3, self.DEE3 = power reflected
        and transmitted.

        self.wls = S.atleast_1d(wls)

        LAMBDA = self.LAMBDA
        n = self.n
        multilayer = self.multilayer
        alpha = self.alpha
        delta = self.delta
        psi = self.psi
        phi = self.phi

        nlayers = len(multilayer)
        i = S.arange(-n, n + 1)
        nood = 2 * n + 1
        hmax = nood - 1

        DEO1 = S.zeros((nood, self.wls.size))
        DEO3 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)
        DEE1 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)
        DEE3 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)

        c1 = S.array([1., 0., 0.])
        c3 = S.array([1., 0., 0.])
        # grating on the xy plane
        K = 2 * pi / LAMBDA * \
            S.array([S.sin(phi), 0., S.cos(phi)], dtype=complex)
        dirk1 = S.array([S.sin(alpha) * S.cos(delta),
                         S.sin(alpha) * S.sin(delta),

        # D polarization vector
        u = S.array([S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * S.cos(delta) - S.sin(psi) * S.sin(delta),
                     S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * S.sin(delta) +
                     S.sin(psi) * S.cos(delta),
                     -S.cos(psi) * S.sin(alpha)])

        kO1i = S.zeros((3, i.size), dtype=complex)
        kE1i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)
        kO3i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)
        kE3i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)

        Mp = S.zeros((4 * nood, 4 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        M = S.zeros((4 * nood, 4 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)

        dlt = (i == 0).astype(int)

        for iwl, wl in enumerate(self.wls):

            nO1 = nE1 = multilayer[0].mat.n(wl).item()
            nO3 = nE3 = multilayer[-1].mat.n(wl).item()

            # wavevectors
            k = 2 * pi / wl

            eps1 = S.diag(S.asarray([nE1, nO1, nO1]) ** 2)
            eps3 = S.diag(S.asarray([nE3, nO3, nO3]) ** 2)

            # ordinary wave
            abskO1 = k * nO1
            # abskO3 = k * nO3
            # extraordinary wave
            # abskE1 = k * nO1 *nE1 / S.sqrt(nO1**2 + (nE1**2 - nO1**2) * S.dot(-c1, dirk1)**2)
            # abskE3 = k * nO3 *nE3 / S.sqrt(nO3**2 + (nE3**2 - nO3**2) * S.dot(-c3, dirk1)**2)

            k1 = abskO1 * dirk1

            kO1i[0, :] = k1[0] - i * K[0]
            kO1i[1, :] = k1[1] * S.ones_like(i)
            kO1i[2, :] = - \
                dispersion_relation_ordinary(kO1i[0, :], kO1i[1, :], k, nO1)

            kE1i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kE1i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
                 :] = -dispersion_relation_extraordinary(kE1i[0,

            kO3i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kO3i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
                2, :] = dispersion_relation_ordinary(
                    0, :], kO3i[
                    1, :], k, nO3)

            kE3i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kE3i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
                2, :] = dispersion_relation_extraordinary(
                    0, :], kE3i[
                    1, :], k, nO3, nE3, c3)

            # k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i * K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [k1[2] - i * K[2]]]
            k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i * K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [- i * K[2]]]

            # aliases for constant wavevectors
            kx = kO1i[0, :]  # o kE1i(1,;), tanto e' lo stesso
            ky = k1[1]

            # matrices
            I = S.eye(nood, dtype=complex)
            ZERO = S.zeros((nood, nood), dtype=complex)
            Kx = S.diag(kx / k)
            Ky = ky / k * I
            Kz = S.diag(k2i[2, :] / k)
            KO1z = S.diag(kO1i[2, :] / k)
            KE1z = S.diag(kE1i[2, :] / k)
            KO3z = S.diag(kO3i[2, :] / k)
            KE3z = S.diag(kE3i[2, :] / k)

            ARO = Kx * eps1[0, 0] + Ky * eps1[1, 0] + KO1z * eps1[2, 0]
            BRO = Kx * eps1[0, 1] + Ky * eps1[1, 1] + KO1z * eps1[2, 1]
            CRO_1 = inv(Kx * eps1[0, 2] + Ky * eps1[1, 2] + KO1z * eps1[2, 2])

            ARE = Kx * eps1[0, 0] + Ky * eps1[1, 0] + KE1z * eps1[2, 0]
            BRE = Kx * eps1[0, 1] + Ky * eps1[1, 1] + KE1z * eps1[2, 1]
            CRE_1 = inv(Kx * eps1[0, 2] + Ky * eps1[1, 2] + KE1z * eps1[2, 2])

            ATO = Kx * eps3[0, 0] + Ky * eps3[1, 0] + KO3z * eps3[2, 0]
            BTO = Kx * eps3[0, 1] + Ky * eps3[1, 1] + KO3z * eps3[2, 1]
            CTO_1 = inv(Kx * eps3[0, 2] + Ky * eps3[1, 2] + KO3z * eps3[2, 2])

            ATE = Kx * eps3[0, 0] + Ky * eps3[1, 0] + KE3z * eps3[2, 0]
            BTE = Kx * eps3[0, 1] + Ky * eps3[1, 1] + KE3z * eps3[2, 1]
            CTE_1 = inv(Kx * eps3[0, 2] + Ky * eps3[1, 2] + KE3z * eps3[2, 2])

            DRE = c1[1] * KE1z - c1[2] * Ky
            ERE = c1[2] * Kx - c1[0] * KE1z
            FRE = c1[0] * Ky - c1[1] * Kx

            DTE = c3[1] * KE3z - c3[2] * Ky
            ETE = c3[2] * Kx - c3[0] * KE3z
            FTE = c3[0] * Ky - c3[1] * Kx

            b = S.r_[u[0] * dlt, u[1] * dlt, (k1[1] / k * u[2] - k1[2] / k * u[1]) * dlt, (
                k1[2] / k * u[0] - k1[0] / k * u[2]) * dlt]
            Ky_CRO_1 = ky / k * CRO_1
            Ky_CRE_1 = ky / k * CRE_1
            Kx_CRO_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CRO_1
            Kx_CRE_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CRE_1
            MR31 = -S.dot(Ky_CRO_1, ARO)
            MR32 = -S.dot(Ky_CRO_1, BRO) - KO1z
            MR33 = -S.dot(Ky_CRE_1, ARE)
            MR34 = -S.dot(Ky_CRE_1, BRE) - KE1z
            MR41 = S.dot(Kx_CRO_1, ARO) + KO1z
            MR42 = S.dot(Kx_CRO_1, BRO)
            MR43 = S.dot(Kx_CRE_1, ARE) + KE1z
            MR44 = S.dot(Kx_CRE_1, BRE)
            MR = S.asarray(S.bmat([[I, ZERO, I, ZERO],
                                   [ZERO, I, ZERO, I],
                                   [MR31, MR32, MR33, MR34],
                                   [MR41, MR42, MR43, MR44]]))

            Ky_CTO_1 = ky / k * CTO_1
            Ky_CTE_1 = ky / k * CTE_1
            Kx_CTO_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CTO_1
            Kx_CTE_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CTE_1
            MT31 = -S.dot(Ky_CTO_1, ATO)
            MT32 = -S.dot(Ky_CTO_1, BTO) - KO3z
            MT33 = -S.dot(Ky_CTE_1, ATE)
            MT34 = -S.dot(Ky_CTE_1, BTE) - KE3z
            MT41 = S.dot(Kx_CTO_1, ATO) + KO3z
            MT42 = S.dot(Kx_CTO_1, BTO)
            MT43 = S.dot(Kx_CTE_1, ATE) + KE3z
            MT44 = S.dot(Kx_CTE_1, BTE)
            MT = S.asarray(S.bmat([[I, ZERO, I, ZERO],
                                   [ZERO, I, ZERO, I],
                                   [MT31, MT32, MT33, MT34],
                                   [MT41, MT42, MT43, MT44]]))


            for nlayer in range(nlayers - 2, 0, -1):  # internal layers

                layer = multilayer[nlayer]
                thickness = layer.thickness

                EPS2, EPS21 = layer.getEPSFourierCoeffs(
                    wl, n, anisotropic=True)

                # Exx = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 0, :])
                # Exx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exx[0:hmax + 1]), Exx[hmax:])
                Exy = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 1, :])
                Exy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exy[0:hmax + 1]), Exy[hmax:])
                Exz = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 2, :])
                Exz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exz[0:hmax + 1]), Exz[hmax:])

                Eyx = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 0, :])
                Eyx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyx[0:hmax + 1]), Eyx[hmax:])
                Eyy = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 1, :])
                Eyy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyy[0:hmax + 1]), Eyy[hmax:])
                Eyz = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 2, :])
                Eyz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyz[0:hmax + 1]), Eyz[hmax:])

                Ezx = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 0, :])
                Ezx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezx[0:hmax + 1]), Ezx[hmax:])
                Ezy = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 1, :])
                Ezy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezy[0:hmax + 1]), Ezy[hmax:])
                Ezz = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 2, :])
                Ezz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezz[0:hmax + 1]), Ezz[hmax:])

                Exx_1 = S.squeeze(EPS21[0, 0, :])
                Exx_1 = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exx_1[0:hmax + 1]), Exx_1[hmax:])
                Exx_1_1 = inv(Exx_1)

                # lalanne
                Ezz_1 = inv(Ezz)
                Ky_Ezz_1 = ky / k * Ezz_1
                Kx_Ezz_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * Ezz_1
                Exz_Ezz_1 = S.dot(Exz, Ezz_1)
                Eyz_Ezz_1 = S.dot(Eyz, Ezz_1)
                H11 = 1j * S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H12 = 1j * S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H13 = S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H14 = I - S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H21 = 1j * S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H22 = 1j * S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H23 = S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Kx) - I
                H24 = -S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H31 = S.dot(Kx, Ky) + Exy - S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H32 = Exx_1_1 - S.dot(Ky, Ky) - S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H33 = 1j * S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H34 = -1j * S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H41 = S.dot(Kx, Kx) - Eyy + S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H42 = -S.dot(Kx, Ky) - Eyx + S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H43 = -1j * S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H44 = 1j * S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H = 1j * S.diag(S.repeat(S.diag(Kz), 4)) + \
                    S.asarray(S.bmat([[H11, H12, H13, H14],
                                      [H21, H22, H23, H24],
                                      [H31, H32, H33, H34],
                                      [H41, H42, H43, H44]]))

                q, W = eig(H)
                W1, W2, W3, W4 = S.split(W, 4)

                # boundary conditions
                # x = [R T]
                # R = [ROx ROy REx REy]
                # T = [TOx TOy TEx TEy]
                # b + MR.R = M1p.c
                # M1.c = M2p.c
                # ...
                # ML.c = MT.T
                # therefore: b + MR.R = (M1p.M1^-1.M2p.M2^-1. ...).MT.T
                # missing equations from (46)..(49) in glytsis_rigorous
                # [b] = [-MR Mtot.MT] [R]
                # [0]   [...........] [T]

                z = S.zeros_like(q)
                z[S.where(q.real > 0)] = -thickness
                D = S.exp(k * q * z)
                Sy0 = W1 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Sx0 = W2 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uy0 = W3 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Ux0 = W4 * D[S.newaxis, :]

                z = thickness * S.ones_like(q)
                z[S.where(q.real > 0)] = 0
                D = S.exp(k * q * z)
                D1 = S.exp(-1j * k2i[2, :] * thickness)
                Syd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W1 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Sxd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W2 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uyd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W3 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uxd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W4 * D[S.newaxis, :]

                Mp[:, :, nlayer] = S.r_[Sx0, Sy0, -1j * Ux0, -1j * Uy0]
                M[:, :, nlayer] = S.r_[Sxd, Syd, -1j * Uxd, -1j * Uyd]

            Mtot = S.eye(4 * nood, dtype=complex)
            for nlayer in range(1, nlayers - 1):
                Mtot = S.dot(
                    S.dot(Mtot, Mp[:, :, nlayer]), inv(M[:, :, nlayer]))

            BC_b = S.r_[b, S.zeros_like(b)]
            BC_A1 = S.c_[-MR, S.dot(Mtot, MT)]
            BC_A2 = S.asarray(S.bmat(
                [[(c1[0] * I - c1[2] * S.dot(CRO_1, ARO)), (c1[1] * I - c1[2] * S.dot(CRO_1, BRO)), ZERO, ZERO, ZERO,
                  ZERO, ZERO, ZERO],
                 [ZERO, ZERO, (DRE - S.dot(S.dot(FRE, CRE_1), ARE)), (ERE - S.dot(S.dot(FRE, CRE_1), BRE)), ZERO, ZERO,
                  ZERO, ZERO],
                 [ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, (c3[0] * I - c3[2] * S.dot(CTO_1, ATO)),
                  (c3[1] * I - c3[2] * S.dot(CTO_1, BTO)), ZERO, ZERO],
                 [ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, (DTE - S.dot(S.dot(FTE, CTE_1), ATE)),
                  (ETE - S.dot(S.dot(FTE, CTE_1), BTE))]]))

            BC_A = S.r_[BC_A1, BC_A2]

            x = linsolve(BC_A, BC_b)

            ROx, ROy, REx, REy, TOx, TOy, TEx, TEy = S.split(x, 8)

            ROz = -S.dot(CRO_1, (S.dot(ARO, ROx) + S.dot(BRO, ROy)))
            REz = -S.dot(CRE_1, (S.dot(ARE, REx) + S.dot(BRE, REy)))
            TOz = -S.dot(CTO_1, (S.dot(ATO, TOx) + S.dot(BTO, TOy)))
            TEz = -S.dot(CTE_1, (S.dot(ATE, TEx) + S.dot(BTE, TEy)))

            denom = (k1[2] - S.dot(u, k1) * u[2]).real
            DEO1[:, iwl] = -((S.absolute(ROx) ** 2 + S.absolute(ROy) ** 2 + S.absolute(ROz) ** 2) * S.conj(kO1i[2, :]) -
                             (ROx * kO1i[0, :] + ROy * kO1i[1, :] + ROz * kO1i[2, :]) * S.conj(ROz)).real / denom
            DEE1[:, iwl] = -((S.absolute(REx) ** 2 + S.absolute(REy) ** 2 + S.absolute(REz) ** 2) * S.conj(kE1i[2, :]) -
                             (REx * kE1i[0, :] + REy * kE1i[1, :] + REz * kE1i[2, :]) * S.conj(REz)).real / denom
            DEO3[:, iwl] = ((S.absolute(TOx) ** 2 + S.absolute(TOy) ** 2 + S.absolute(TOz) ** 2) * S.conj(kO3i[2, :]) -
                            (TOx * kO3i[0, :] + TOy * kO3i[1, :] + TOz * kO3i[2, :]) * S.conj(TOz)).real / denom
            DEE3[:, iwl] = ((S.absolute(TEx) ** 2 + S.absolute(TEy) ** 2 + S.absolute(TEz) ** 2) * S.conj(kE3i[2, :]) -
                            (TEx * kE3i[0, :] + TEy * kE3i[1, :] + TEz * kE3i[2, :]) * S.conj(TEz)).real / denom

        # save the results
        self.DEO1 = DEO1
        self.DEE1 = DEE1
        self.DEO3 = DEO3
        self.DEE3 = DEE3

        return self
文件: RCWA.py 项目: DanHickstein/EMpy
    def solve(self, wls):
        """Isotropic solver.

        wls = wavelengths to scan (any asarray-able object).

        self.DE1, self.DE3 = power reflected and transmitted.

        Moharam, "Formulation for stable and efficient implementation
        of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis of binary gratings",
        JOSA A, 12(5), 1995
        Lalanne, "Highly improved convergence of the coupled-wave
        method for TM polarization", JOSA A, 13(4), 1996
        Moharam, "Stable implementation of the rigorous coupled-wave
        analysis for surface-relief gratings: enhanced trasmittance
        matrix approach", JOSA A, 12(5), 1995

        self.wls = S.atleast_1d(wls)

        LAMBDA = self.LAMBDA
        n = self.n
        multilayer = self.multilayer
        alpha = self.alpha
        delta = self.delta
        psi = self.psi
        phi = self.phi

        nlayers = len(multilayer)
        i = S.arange(-n, n + 1)
        nood = 2 * n + 1
        hmax = nood - 1

        # grating vector (on the xz plane)
        # grating on the xy plane
        K = 2 * pi / LAMBDA * \
            S.array([S.sin(phi), 0., S.cos(phi)], dtype=complex)

        DE1 = S.zeros((nood, self.wls.size))
        DE3 = S.zeros_like(DE1)

        dirk1 = S.array([S.sin(alpha) * S.cos(delta),
                         S.sin(alpha) * S.sin(delta),

        # usefull matrices
        I = S.eye(i.size)
        I2 = S.eye(i.size * 2)
        ZERO = S.zeros_like(I)

        X = S.zeros((2 * nood, 2 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        MTp1 = S.zeros((2 * nood, 2 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        MTp2 = S.zeros_like(MTp1)

        EPS2 = S.zeros(2 * hmax + 1, dtype=complex)
        EPS21 = S.zeros_like(EPS2)

        dlt = (i == 0).astype(int)

        for iwl, wl in enumerate(self.wls):

            # free space wavevector
            k = 2 * pi / wl

            n1 = multilayer[0].mat.n(wl).item()
            n3 = multilayer[-1].mat.n(wl).item()

            # incident plane wave wavevector
            k1 = k * n1 * dirk1

            # all the other wavevectors
            tmp_x = k1[0] - i * K[0]
            tmp_y = k1[1] * S.ones_like(i)
            tmp_z = dispersion_relation_ordinary(tmp_x, tmp_y, k, n1)
            k1i = S.r_[[tmp_x], [tmp_y], [tmp_z]]

            # k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i*K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [-i * K[2]]]

            tmp_z = dispersion_relation_ordinary(tmp_x, tmp_y, k, n3)
            k3i = S.r_[[k1i[0, :]], [k1i[1, :]], [tmp_z]]

            # aliases for constant wavevectors
            kx = k1i[0, :]
            ky = k1[1]

            # angles of reflection
            # phi_i = S.arctan2(ky,kx)
            phi_i = S.arctan2(ky, kx.real)  # OKKIO

            Kx = S.diag(kx / k)
            Ky = ky / k * I
            Z1 = S.diag(k1i[2, :] / (k * n1 ** 2))
            Y1 = S.diag(k1i[2, :] / k)
            Z3 = S.diag(k3i[2, :] / (k * n3 ** 2))
            Y3 = S.diag(k3i[2, :] / k)
            # Fc = S.diag(S.cos(phi_i))
            fc = S.cos(phi_i)
            # Fs = S.diag(S.sin(phi_i))
            fs = S.sin(phi_i)

            MR = S.asarray(S.bmat([[I, ZERO],
                                   [-1j * Y1, ZERO],
                                   [ZERO, I],
                                   [ZERO, -1j * Z1]]))

            MT = S.asarray(S.bmat([[I, ZERO],
                                   [1j * Y3, ZERO],
                                   [ZERO, I],
                                   [ZERO, 1j * Z3]]))

            # internal layers (grating or layer)
            for nlayer in range(nlayers - 2, 0, -1):  # internal layers

                layer = multilayer[nlayer]
                d = layer.thickness

                EPS2, EPS21 = layer.getEPSFourierCoeffs(
                    wl, n, anisotropic=False)

                E = toeplitz(EPS2[hmax::-1], EPS2[hmax:])
                E1 = toeplitz(EPS21[hmax::-1], EPS21[hmax:])
                E11 = inv(E1)
                # B = S.dot(Kx, linsolve(E,Kx)) - I
                B = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E, Kx) - I
                # A = S.dot(Kx, Kx) - E
                A = S.diag((kx / k) ** 2) - E

                # Note: solution bug alfredo
                # randomizzo Kx un po' a caso finche' cond(A) e' piccolo (<1e10)
                # soluzione sporca... :-(
                # per certi kx, l'operatore di helmholtz ha 2 autovalori nulli e A, B
                # non sono invertibili --> cambio leggermente i kx... ma dovrei invece
                # trattare separatamente (analiticamente) questi casi
                if cond(A) > 1e10:
                    warning('BAD CONDITIONING: randomization of kx')
                    while cond(A) > 1e10:
                        Kx = Kx * (1 + 1e-9 * S.rand())
                        B = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E, Kx) - I
                        A = S.diag((kx / k) ** 2) - E

                if S.absolute(K[2] / k) > 1e-10:

                    raise ValueError(
                        'First Order Helmholtz Operator not implemented, yet!')

                elif ky == 0 or S.allclose(S.diag(Ky / ky * k), 1):

                    # lalanne
                    # H_U_reduced = S.dot(Ky, Ky) + A
                    H_U_reduced = (ky / k) ** 2 * I + A
                    # H_S_reduced = S.dot(Ky, Ky) + S.dot(Kx, linsolve(E, S.dot(Kx, E11))) - E11
                    H_S_reduced = (ky / k) ** 2 * I + kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E,
                                                                                      kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * E11) - E11

                    q1, W1 = eig(H_U_reduced)
                    q1 = S.sqrt(q1)
                    q2, W2 = eig(H_S_reduced)
                    q2 = S.sqrt(q2)

                    # boundary conditions

                    # V11 = S.dot(linsolve(A, W1), S.diag(q1))
                    V11 = linsolve(A, W1) * q1[S.newaxis, :]
                    V12 = (ky / k) * S.dot(linsolve(A, Kx), W2)
                    V21 = (ky / k) * S.dot(linsolve(B, Kx), linsolve(E, W1))
                    # V22 = S.dot(linsolve(B, W2), S.diag(q2))
                    V22 = linsolve(B, W2) * q2[S.newaxis, :]

                    # Vss = S.dot(Fc, V11)
                    Vss = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V11
                    # Wss = S.dot(Fc, W1)  + S.dot(Fs, V21)
                    Wss = fc[:, S.newaxis] * W1 + fs[:, S.newaxis] * V21
                    # Vsp = S.dot(Fc, V12) - S.dot(Fs, W2)
                    Vsp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V12 - fs[:, S.newaxis] * W2
                    # Wsp = S.dot(Fs, V22)
                    Wsp = fs[:, S.newaxis] * V22
                    # Wpp = S.dot(Fc, V22)
                    Wpp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V22
                    # Vpp = S.dot(Fc, W2)  + S.dot(Fs, V12)
                    Vpp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * W2 + fs[:, S.newaxis] * V12
                    # Wps = S.dot(Fc, V21) - S.dot(Fs, W1)
                    Wps = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V21 - fs[:, S.newaxis] * W1
                    # Vps = S.dot(Fs, V11)
                    Vps = fs[:, S.newaxis] * V11

                    Mc2bar = S.asarray(S.bmat([[Vss, Vsp, Vss, Vsp],
                                               [Wss, Wsp, -Wss, -Wsp],
                                               [Wps, Wpp, -Wps, -Wpp],
                                               [Vps, Vpp, Vps, Vpp]]))

                    x = S.r_[S.exp(-k * q1 * d), S.exp(-k * q2 * d)]

                    # Mc1 = S.dot(Mc2bar, S.diag(S.r_[S.ones_like(x), x]))
                    xx = S.r_[S.ones_like(x), x]
                    Mc1 = Mc2bar * xx[S.newaxis, :]

                    X[:, :, nlayer] = S.diag(x)

                    MTp = linsolve(Mc2bar, MT)
                    MTp1[:, :, nlayer] = MTp[0:2 * nood, :]
                    MTp2 = MTp[2 * nood:, :]

                    MT = S.dot(
                        Mc1, S.r_[
                            I2, S.dot(
                                MTp2, linsolve(
                                        :, :, nlayer], X[
                                        :, :, nlayer]))])


                        'Second Order Helmholtz Operator not implemented, yet!')

            # M = S.asarray(S.bmat([-MR, MT]))
            M = S.c_[-MR, MT]
            b = S.r_[S.sin(psi) * dlt,
                     1j * S.sin(psi) * n1 * S.cos(alpha) * dlt,
                     -1j * S.cos(psi) * n1 * dlt,
                     S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * dlt]

            x = linsolve(M, b)
            R, T = S.split(x, 2)
            Rs, Rp = S.split(R, 2)
            for ii in range(1, nlayers - 1):
                T = S.dot(linsolve(MTp1[:, :, ii], X[:, :, ii]), T)
            Ts, Tp = S.split(T, 2)

            DE1[:, iwl] = (k1i[2, :] / (k1[2])).real * S.absolute(Rs) ** 2 + \
                          (k1i[2, :] / (k1[2] * n1 ** 2)).real * \
                S.absolute(Rp) ** 2
            DE3[:, iwl] = (k3i[2, :] / (k1[2])).real * S.absolute(Ts) ** 2 + \
                          (k3i[2, :] / (k1[2] * n3 ** 2)).real * \
                S.absolute(Tp) ** 2

        # save the results
        self.DE1 = DE1
        self.DE3 = DE3

        return self
def parse_args(options, identity='main'):

    ### load all default settings
    CFG = default_settings()

    ### general options
    if options.verbose in ['n', 'y']:
        CFG['verbose'] = (options.verbose == 'y')
        print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option verbose should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.verbose

    if options.debug in ['n', 'y']:
        CFG['debug'] = (options.debug == 'y')
        print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option debug should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.debug

    CFG['event_types'] = options.event_types.strip(',').split(',')

    if options.outdir == '-':
        print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: please provide the mandatory parameter: out directory\n\n'
        if not os.path.exists(options.outdir):
            print >> sys.stderr, 'WARNING: Output directory %s does not exist - will be created\n\n' % options.outdir
            except OSError:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Output directory %s can not be created.\n\n' % options.outdir
        CFG['out_dirname'] = options.outdir

    ### options specific for main program
    if identity == 'main':
        if options.insert_ir in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['do_insert_intron_retentions'] = (options.insert_ir == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option insert_ir should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.insert_ir

        if options.insert_es in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['do_insert_cassette_exons'] = (options.insert_es == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option insert_es should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.insert_es

        if options.insert_ni in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['do_insert_intron_edges'] = (options.insert_ni == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option insert_ni should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.insert_ni

        if options.remove_se in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['do_remove_short_exons'] = (options.remove_se == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option remove_se should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.remove_se

        if options.infer_sg in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['do_infer_splice_graph'] = (options.infer_sg == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option infer_sg should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.infer_sg

        if options.var_aware in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['var_aware'] = (options.var_aware == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option var_aware should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.var_aware

        if options.primary_only in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['primary_only'] = (options.primary_only == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option primary_only should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.primary_only

        if options.intron_cov in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['count_intron_cov'] = (options.intron_cov == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option intron_cov should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.intron_cov

        if options.quantify_graph in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['count_segment_graph'] = (options.quantify_graph == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option quantify_graph should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.quantify_graph

        if options.ignore_mismatches in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['ignore_mismatch_tag'] = (options.ignore_mismatches == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option ignore mismatches bam should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.ignore_mismatches
        if options.output_struc in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['output_struc'] = (options.output_struc == 'y')
            CFG['output_confirmed_struc'] = (options.output_struc == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option output struc value y or n, but has %s' % options.output_struc
        ### option to store sparse BAM representation
        if options.sparse_bam in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['bam_to_sparse'] = (options.sparse_bam == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option sparse_bam should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.sparse_bam

        CFG['insert_intron_iterations'] = options.iterations
        if options.spladderfile != '-':
            CFG['spladder_infile'] = options.spladderfile

        ### settings for the alt splice part
        CFG['same_genestruct_for_all_samples'] = (options.same_genome == 'y')
        if options.replicates != '-':
            CFG['replicate_idxs'] = [int(x) for x in options.replicates.split(',')]
        CFG['curate_alt_prime_events'] = (options.curate_alt_prime == 'y')

        ### open log file, if specified
        if options.logfile != '-':
            CFG['log_fname'] = options.logfile
            CFG['fd_log'] = open(options.logfile, 'w')
            CFG['log_fname'] = 'stdout'
            CFG['fd_log'] = sys.stdout

        #if options.user != '-':
        #    CFG['user_settings'] = options.user

        ### alt splice analysis
        CFG['run_as_analysis'] = (options.extract_as == 'y')
        ### mandatory parameters for main spladder
        if options.bams == '-':
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: please provide the mandatory parameter: bam files\n\n'
            CFG['bam_fnames'] = options.bams.strip(',').split(',')
            ### check existence of files
            for fname in CFG['bam_fnames']:
                if not os.path.isfile(fname):
                    print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Input file %s can not be found\n\n' % fname

        if options.annotation == '-':
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: please provide the mandatory parameter: annotation\n\n'
        elif not os.path.isfile(options.annotation):
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Annotation file %s can not be found\n\n' % options.annotation
            CFG['anno_fname'] = options.annotation
        if options.refstrain != '-':
            CFG['reference_strain'] = options.refstrain
            ref_tag = '%s:' % options.refstrain
            ref_tag = ''

        ### rproc options
        if options.pyproc == 'y':
            CFG['rproc'] = (options.pyproc == 'y')
            CFG['options_rproc'] = dict()
            CFG['options_rproc']['mem_req_resubmit']  = [30000, 60000, 80000]
            CFG['options_rproc']['time_req_resubmit'] = [60*60, 80*60, 90*60]
            CFG['options_rproc']['resubmit'] = 3
            CFG['options_rproc']['priority'] = 100
            CFG['options_rproc']['addpaths'] = CFG['paths']

    if identity in ['main', 'test']:
        ### parallel processing
        CFG['parallel'] = options.parallel

        CFG['merge_strategy'] = options.merge
        CFG['read_length'] = options.readlen
        CFG['confidence_level'] = options.confidence

        if options.validate_sg in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['validate_splicegraphs'] = (options.validate_sg == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: validate_sg matlab should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.validate_sg
    if identity == 'test':
        CFG['multiTest'] = options.correction
        CFG['max_0_frac'] = options.max_0_frac
        CFG['min_count'] = options.min_count
        if options.non_alt_norm in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['non_alt_norm'] = (options.non_alt_norm == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option non_alt_norm should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.non_alt_norm

        if options.matlab in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['is_matlab'] = (options.matlab == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option matlab should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.matlab

        if options.conditionA == '-':
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: At least one sample for condition A required'
        if options.conditionB == '-':
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: At least one sample for condition B required'

        if options.diagnose_plots in ['n', 'y']:
            CFG['diagnose_plots'] = (options.diagnose_plots == 'y')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: option diagnose_plots should have value y or n, but has %s' % options.diagnose_plots

        CFG['conditionA'] = [os.path.basename(x).replace('.bam', '') for x in options.conditionA.strip(',').split(',')]
        CFG['conditionB'] = [os.path.basename(x).replace('.bam', '') for x in options.conditionB.strip(',').split(',')]
        if len(CFG['conditionA']) > 0 and CFG['conditionA'][0].lower().endswith('txt'):
            CFG['conditionA'] = [str(x) for x in sp.loadtxt(CFG['conditionA'][0], dtype='str')]
        if len(CFG['conditionB']) > 0 and CFG['conditionB'][0].lower().endswith('txt'):
            CFG['conditionB'] = [str(x) for x in sp.loadtxt(CFG['conditionB'][0], dtype='str')]

    ### check if we got a list of bam files in a text file instead of a comma separated list
    if len(CFG['bam_fnames']) > 0 and CFG['bam_fnames'][0].split('.')[-1] == 'txt':
        CFG['bam_fnames'] = [str(x) for x in sp.atleast_1d(sp.loadtxt(CFG['bam_fnames'][0], dtype='str'))]

    ### assemble strain list
    CFG['samples'] = []
    CFG['strains'] = []
    for i in range(len(CFG['bam_fnames'])):
        if options.label != '-':
            CFG['samples'].append('%s_%s' % (options.label, re.sub(r'(.bam|.hdf5)$', '', CFG['bam_fnames'][i].split('/')[-1])))
            CFG['samples'].append(re.sub(r'(.bam|.hdf5)$', '', CFG['bam_fnames'][i].split('/')[-1]))
        CFG['strains'].append('%s%s' % (ref_tag, CFG['samples'][-1]))
    CFG['strains'] = sp.array(CFG['strains'])

    ### adapt graph validation requirement to max number of samples
    CFG['sg_min_edge_count'] = min(CFG['sg_min_edge_count'], len(CFG['samples']))

    return CFG
def parse_args(options, identity='main'):

    ### load all default settings
    options = default_settings(options)

    ref_tag = ''
    options.event_types = options.event_types.strip(',').split(',')

    if not os.path.exists(options.outdir):
        print('WARNING: Output directory %s does not exist - will be created\n\n' % options.outdir, file=sys.stderr)
        except OSError:
            print('ERROR: Output directory %s can not be created.\n\n' % options.outdir, file=sys.stderr)

    ### options specific for main program
    if identity == 'main':

        ### open log file, if specified
        if options.logfile != '-':
            options.log_fname = options.logfile
            options.log_fname = 'stdout'

        ### set tmp directory default
        if options.tmpdir == '':
            options.tmpdir = os.path.join(options.outdir, 'tmp')

        options.bam_fnames = options.bams.strip(',').split(',')

        if not os.path.isfile(options.annotation):
            print('ERROR: Annotation file %s can not be found\n\n' % options.annotation, file=sys.stderr)
        #if options.refstrain != '-':
        #    CFG['reference_strain'] = options.refstrain
        #    ref_tag = '%s:' % options.refstrain

        ### pyproc options
        if options.pyproc:
            options.options_rproc = dict()
            options.options_rproc['mem_req_resubmit']  = [30000, 60000, 80000]
            options.options_rproc['time_req_resubmit'] = [60*60, 80*60, 90*60]
            options.options_rproc['resubmit'] = 3
            options.options_rproc['priority'] = 100
            options.options_rproc['addpaths'] = options.paths
            if options.environment:
                options.options_rproc['environment'] = options.environment

    if identity == 'viz':

        if options.bams != '-':
            options.bam_fnames = options.bams.strip(':').split(':')
            for g, group in enumerate(options.bam_fnames):
                options.bam_fnames[g] = group.strip(',').split(',')
                ### check existence of files
                for fname in options.bam_fnames[g]:
                    if not os.path.isfile(fname):
                        print('ERROR: Input file %s can not be found\n\n' % fname, file=sys.stderr)

    if identity == 'test':
        if options.conditionA == '-':
            print('ERROR: At least one sample for condition A required', file=sys.stderr)
        if options.conditionB == '-':
            print('ERROR: At least one sample for condition B required', file=sys.stderr)

        options.conditionA = options.conditionA.strip(',').split(',')
        options.conditionB = options.conditionB.strip(',').split(',')
        if len(options.conditionA) > 0 and options.conditionA[0].lower().endswith('txt'):
            options.conditionA = [str(x) for x in sp.loadtxt(options.conditionA[0], dtype='str')]
        if len(options.conditionB) > 0 and options.conditionB[0].lower().endswith('txt'):
            options.conditionB = [str(x) for x in sp.loadtxt(options.conditionB[0], dtype='str')]
        options.conditionA = [re.sub(r'(.[bB][aA][mM]|.[hH][dD][fF]5)|.[nN][pP][zZ]$', '', x) for x in options.conditionA]
        options.conditionB = [re.sub(r'(.[bB][aA][mM]|.[hH][dD][fF]5)|.[nN][pP][zZ]$', '', x) for x in options.conditionB]
        options.conditionA = [os.path.basename(x) for x in options.conditionA]
        options.conditionB = [os.path.basename(x) for x in options.conditionB]

    ### check if we got a list of bam files in a text file instead of a comma separated list
    if len(options.bam_fnames) > 0:
        if identity == 'main' and options.bam_fnames[0].split('.')[-1] == 'txt':
            options.bam_fnames = [str(x) for x in sp.atleast_1d(sp.loadtxt(options.bam_fnames[0], dtype='str'))]
        elif identity == 'viz':
            for g, group in enumerate(options.bam_fnames):
                if group[0].split('.')[-1] == 'txt':
                    options.bam_fnames[g] = [str(x) for x in sp.atleast_1d(sp.loadtxt(group[0], dtype='str'))]

        ### check existence of alignment files
        for fname in flatten(options.bam_fnames):
            if not os.path.isfile(fname):
                print('ERROR: Input file %s can not be found\n\n' % fname, file=sys.stderr)
            if not fname.endswith('.hdf5') and not os.path.isfile(fname + '.bai'):
                print('ERROR: Input file %s is not indexed. %s.bai can not be found\n\n' % (fname, fname), file=sys.stderr)

    ### assemble strain list
    options.samples = []
    options.strains = []
    if identity in ['viz']:
        for g, group in enumerate(options.bam_fnames):
            for i in range(len(group)):
                options.samples[-1].append(re.sub(r'(.[bB][aA][mM]|.[hH][dD][fF]5)$', '', group[i].split('/')[-1]))
                options.strains[-1].append('%s%s' % (ref_tag, options.samples[-1][-1]))
            options.strains[-1] = sp.array(options.strains[-1])
        if options.labels != '':
            options.labels = options.labels.split(',')
            assert (len(options.labels) == len(options.bam_fnames)), "Number of labels (%i given) and file names (%i given) needs to match!" % (len(options.labels), len(options.bam_fnames))
        for i in range(len(options.bam_fnames)):
            options.samples.append(re.sub(r'(.[bB][aA][mM]|.[hH][dD][fF]5)$', '', options.bam_fnames[i].split('/')[-1]))
            options.strains.append('%s%s' % (ref_tag, options.samples[-1]))
        options.strains = sp.array(options.strains)

    ### adapt graph validation requirement to max number of samples
    options.sg_min_edge_count = min(options.sg_min_edge_count, len(options.samples))

    return options
def find_ics(y, yp, time, var_types, rtol, atol, constants, net, 
    # We use this to find consistent sets of initial conditions for our
    #  integrations. (We don't let ddaskr do it, because it doesn't calculate
    #  values for d(alg_var)/dt, and we need them for sensitivity integration.)

    # On some systems, the f2py'd functions don't like len(constants)=0.
    if len(constants) == 0:
        constants = [0]
    var_types = scipy.asarray(var_types)
    atol = scipy.asarray(atol)
    rtol = scipy.asarray(rtol)
    # Note that we're copying y and yprime
    y = scipy.array(y, scipy.float_)
    yp = scipy.array(yp, scipy.float_)

    N_alg = scipy.sum(var_types == -1)

    dv_typ_vals = scipy.asarray([net.get_var_typical_val(id)
                                 for id in net.dynamicVars.keys()])

    if N_alg:
        # First we calculate a consistent set of algebraic variable values
        alg_vars_guess = y[var_types == -1]
        alg_typ_vals = dv_typ_vals[var_types == -1]
        possible_guesses = [alg_vars_guess, alg_typ_vals, 
                            scipy.ones(N_alg, scipy.float_)]
        redir = Utility.Redirector()
        if redirect_msgs:
            for guess in possible_guesses:
                sln, infodict, ier, mesg = \
                        scipy.optimize.fsolve(net.alg_res_func, x0 = guess,
                                              xtol = min(rtol), 
                                              args = (y, time, constants),
                sln = scipy.atleast_1d(sln)
                final_residuals = net.alg_res_func(sln, y, time, constants)
                if not scipy.any(abs(final_residuals) 
                                 > abs(atol[var_types == -1])):
                    # This is success.
                message = ('Failed to calculate consistent algebraic values in '
                           'network %s.' % net.get_id())
                raise Utility.SloppyCellException(message)
            messages = redir.stop()

        # Now plug those values into the current y
        y[var_types == -1] = sln

    # The non-algebraic variable yprimes come straight from the residuals
    yp_non_alg = net.res_function(time, y, y*0, constants)[var_types == 1]
    yp[var_types == 1] = yp_non_alg
    if not N_alg:
        return y, yp

    # Now we need to figure out yprime for the algebraic vars
    curr_alg_yp = yp[var_types == -1]
    ones_arr = scipy.ones(N_alg, scipy.float_)
    # We try a range of possible guesses. Note that this is really just
    # a linear system, so we continue to have difficulties with this part of
    # the calculation, or if it becomes a slow-down, we should consider doing
    # it by a linear solve, rather than using fsolve.
    possible_guesses = [curr_alg_yp, alg_typ_vals, 
                        scipy.mean(abs(yp)) * ones_arr, 
                        -scipy.mean(abs(yp)) * ones_arr,
                        max(abs(yp)) * ones_arr, 
                        -max(abs(yp)) * ones_arr]
    if redirect_msgs:
        for guess in possible_guesses:
            sln, infodict, ier, mesg = \
                    scipy.optimize.fsolve(net.alg_deriv_func, x0 = guess,
                                          xtol = min(rtol),
                                          args = (y, yp, time, constants),
            sln = scipy.atleast_1d(sln)
            final_residuals = net.alg_deriv_func(sln, y, yp, time, constants)
            if not scipy.any(abs(final_residuals) > abs(atol[var_types == -1])):
            raise Utility.SloppyCellException('Failed to calculate alg var '\
                                              'derivatives in network %s.' 
                                              % net.get_id())
    sln = scipy.atleast_1d(sln)
    yp[var_types == -1] = sln

    return y, yp
    def solve(self, wls):
        """Isotropic solver.

        wls = wavelengths to scan (any asarray-able object).

        self.DE1, self.DE3 = power reflected and transmitted.

        Moharam, "Formulation for stable and efficient implementation
        of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis of binary gratings",
        JOSA A, 12(5), 1995
        Lalanne, "Highly improved convergence of the coupled-wave
        method for TM polarization", JOSA A, 13(4), 1996
        Moharam, "Stable implementation of the rigorous coupled-wave
        analysis for surface-relief gratings: enhanced trasmittance
        matrix approach", JOSA A, 12(5), 1995

        self.wls = S.atleast_1d(wls)

        LAMBDA = self.LAMBDA
        n = self.n
        multilayer = self.multilayer
        alpha = self.alpha
        delta = self.delta
        psi = self.psi
        phi = self.phi

        nlayers = len(multilayer)
        i = S.arange(-n, n + 1)
        nood = 2 * n + 1
        hmax = nood - 1

        # grating vector (on the xz plane)
        # grating on the xy plane
        K = 2 * pi / LAMBDA * np.array(
            [S.sin(phi), 0., S.cos(phi)], dtype=complex)

        DE1 = S.zeros((nood, self.wls.size))
        DE3 = S.zeros_like(DE1)

        dirk1 = np.array([
            S.sin(alpha) * S.cos(delta),
            S.sin(alpha) * S.sin(delta),

        # usefull matrices
        I = S.eye(i.size)
        I2 = S.eye(i.size * 2)
        ZERO = S.zeros_like(I)

        X = S.zeros((2 * nood, 2 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        MTp1 = S.zeros((2 * nood, 2 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        MTp2 = S.zeros_like(MTp1)

        EPS2 = S.zeros(2 * hmax + 1, dtype=complex)
        EPS21 = S.zeros_like(EPS2)

        dlt = (i == 0).astype(int)

        for iwl, wl in enumerate(self.wls):

            # free space wavevector
            k = 2 * pi / wl

            n1 = multilayer[0].mat.n(wl).item()
            n3 = multilayer[-1].mat.n(wl).item()

            # incident plane wave wavevector
            k1 = k * n1 * dirk1

            # all the other wavevectors
            tmp_x = k1[0] - i * K[0]
            tmp_y = k1[1] * S.ones_like(i)
            tmp_z = dispersion_relation_ordinary(tmp_x, tmp_y, k, n1)
            k1i = S.r_[[tmp_x], [tmp_y], [tmp_z]]

            # k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i*K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [-i * K[2]]]

            tmp_z = dispersion_relation_ordinary(tmp_x, tmp_y, k, n3)
            k3i = S.r_[[k1i[0, :]], [k1i[1, :]], [tmp_z]]

            # aliases for constant wavevectors
            kx = k1i[0, :]
            ky = k1[1]

            # angles of reflection
            # phi_i = S.arctan2(ky,kx)
            phi_i = S.arctan2(ky, kx.real)  # OKKIO

            Kx = S.diag(kx / k)
            Ky = ky / k * I
            Z1 = S.diag(k1i[2, :] / (k * n1**2))
            Y1 = S.diag(k1i[2, :] / k)
            Z3 = S.diag(k3i[2, :] / (k * n3**2))
            Y3 = S.diag(k3i[2, :] / k)
            # Fc = S.diag(S.cos(phi_i))
            fc = S.cos(phi_i)
            # Fs = S.diag(S.sin(phi_i))
            fs = S.sin(phi_i)

            MR = S.asarray(
                S.bmat([[I, ZERO], [-1j * Y1, ZERO], [ZERO, I],
                        [ZERO, -1j * Z1]]))

            MT = S.asarray(
                S.bmat([[I, ZERO], [1j * Y3, ZERO], [ZERO, I], [ZERO,
                                                                1j * Z3]]))

            # internal layers (grating or layer)
            for nlayer in range(nlayers - 2, 0, -1):  # internal layers

                layer = multilayer[nlayer]
                d = layer.thickness

                EPS2, EPS21 = layer.getEPSFourierCoeffs(wl,

                E = toeplitz(EPS2[hmax::-1], EPS2[hmax:])
                E1 = toeplitz(EPS21[hmax::-1], EPS21[hmax:])
                E11 = inv(E1)
                # B = S.dot(Kx, linsolve(E,Kx)) - I
                B = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E, Kx) - I
                # A = S.dot(Kx, Kx) - E
                A = S.diag((kx / k)**2) - E

                # Note: solution bug alfredo
                # randomizzo Kx un po' a caso finche' cond(A) e' piccolo (<1e10)
                # soluzione sporca... :-(
                # per certi kx, l'operatore di helmholtz ha 2 autovalori nulli e A, B
                # non sono invertibili --> cambio leggermente i kx... ma dovrei invece
                # trattare separatamente (analiticamente) questi casi
                if cond(A) > 1e10:
                    warning("BAD CONDITIONING: randomization of kx")
                    while cond(A) > 1e10:
                        Kx = Kx * (1 + 1e-9 * S.rand())
                        B = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E, Kx) - I
                        A = S.diag((kx / k)**2) - E

                if S.absolute(K[2] / k) > 1e-10:

                    raise ValueError(
                        "First Order Helmholtz Operator not implemented, yet!")

                elif ky == 0 or S.allclose(S.diag(Ky / ky * k), 1):

                    # lalanne
                    # H_U_reduced = S.dot(Ky, Ky) + A
                    H_U_reduced = (ky / k)**2 * I + A
                    # H_S_reduced = S.dot(Ky, Ky) + S.dot(Kx, linsolve(E, S.dot(Kx, E11))) - E11
                    H_S_reduced = ((ky / k)**2 * I + kx[:, S.newaxis] / k *
                                   linsolve(E, kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * E11) -

                    q1, W1 = eig(H_U_reduced)
                    q1 = S.sqrt(q1)
                    q2, W2 = eig(H_S_reduced)
                    q2 = S.sqrt(q2)

                    # boundary conditions

                    # V11 = S.dot(linsolve(A, W1), S.diag(q1))
                    V11 = linsolve(A, W1) * q1[S.newaxis, :]
                    V12 = (ky / k) * S.dot(linsolve(A, Kx), W2)
                    V21 = (ky / k) * S.dot(linsolve(B, Kx), linsolve(E, W1))
                    # V22 = S.dot(linsolve(B, W2), S.diag(q2))
                    V22 = linsolve(B, W2) * q2[S.newaxis, :]

                    # Vss = S.dot(Fc, V11)
                    Vss = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V11
                    # Wss = S.dot(Fc, W1)  + S.dot(Fs, V21)
                    Wss = fc[:, S.newaxis] * W1 + fs[:, S.newaxis] * V21
                    # Vsp = S.dot(Fc, V12) - S.dot(Fs, W2)
                    Vsp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V12 - fs[:, S.newaxis] * W2
                    # Wsp = S.dot(Fs, V22)
                    Wsp = fs[:, S.newaxis] * V22
                    # Wpp = S.dot(Fc, V22)
                    Wpp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V22
                    # Vpp = S.dot(Fc, W2)  + S.dot(Fs, V12)
                    Vpp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * W2 + fs[:, S.newaxis] * V12
                    # Wps = S.dot(Fc, V21) - S.dot(Fs, W1)
                    Wps = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V21 - fs[:, S.newaxis] * W1
                    # Vps = S.dot(Fs, V11)
                    Vps = fs[:, S.newaxis] * V11

                    Mc2bar = S.asarray(
                            [Vss, Vsp, Vss, Vsp],
                            [Wss, Wsp, -Wss, -Wsp],
                            [Wps, Wpp, -Wps, -Wpp],
                            [Vps, Vpp, Vps, Vpp],

                    x = S.r_[S.exp(-k * q1 * d), S.exp(-k * q2 * d)]

                    # Mc1 = S.dot(Mc2bar, S.diag(S.r_[S.ones_like(x), x]))
                    xx = S.r_[S.ones_like(x), x]
                    Mc1 = Mc2bar * xx[S.newaxis, :]

                    X[:, :, nlayer] = S.diag(x)

                    MTp = linsolve(Mc2bar, MT)
                    MTp1[:, :, nlayer] = MTp[0:2 * nood, :]
                    MTp2 = MTp[2 * nood:, :]

                    MT = S.dot(
                                 linsolve(MTp1[:, :, nlayer], X[:, :,
                                                                nlayer])), ],


                        "Second Order Helmholtz Operator not implemented, yet!"

            # M = S.asarray(S.bmat([-MR, MT]))
            M = S.c_[-MR, MT]
            b = S.r_[S.sin(psi) * dlt,
                     1j * S.sin(psi) * n1 * S.cos(alpha) * dlt,
                     -1j * S.cos(psi) * n1 * dlt,
                     S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * dlt, ]

            x = linsolve(M, b)
            R, T = S.split(x, 2)
            Rs, Rp = S.split(R, 2)
            for ii in range(1, nlayers - 1):
                T = S.dot(linsolve(MTp1[:, :, ii], X[:, :, ii]), T)
            Ts, Tp = S.split(T, 2)

            DE1[:, iwl] = (k1i[2, :] / (k1[2])).real * S.absolute(Rs)**2 + (
                k1i[2, :] / (k1[2] * n1**2)).real * S.absolute(Rp)**2
            DE3[:, iwl] = (k3i[2, :] / (k1[2])).real * S.absolute(Ts)**2 + (
                k3i[2, :] / (k1[2] * n3**2)).real * S.absolute(Tp)**2

        # save the results
        self.DE1 = DE1
        self.DE3 = DE3

        return self
def find_ics(y, yp, time, var_types, rtol, atol, constants, net, 
    # We use this to find consistent sets of initial conditions for our
    #  integrations. (We don't let ddaskr do it, because it doesn't calculate
    #  values for d(alg_var)/dt, and we need them for sensitivity integration.)

    # On some systems, the f2py'd functions don't like len(constants)=0.
    if len(constants) == 0:
        constants = [0]
    var_types = scipy.asarray(var_types)
    atol = scipy.asarray(atol)
    rtol = scipy.asarray(rtol)
    # Note that we're copying y and yprime
    y = scipy.array(y, scipy.float_)
    yp = scipy.array(yp, scipy.float_)

    N_alg = scipy.sum(var_types == -1)

    dv_typ_vals = scipy.asarray([net.get_var_typical_val(id)
                                 for id in net.dynamicVars.keys()])

    if N_alg:
        # First we calculate a consistent set of algebraic variable values
        alg_vars_guess = y[var_types == -1]
        alg_typ_vals = dv_typ_vals[var_types == -1]
        possible_guesses = [alg_vars_guess, alg_typ_vals, 
                            scipy.ones(N_alg, scipy.float_)]
        redir = Utility.Redirector()
        if redirect_msgs:
            for guess in possible_guesses:
                sln, infodict, ier, mesg = \
                        scipy.optimize.fsolve(net.alg_res_func, x0 = guess,
                                              xtol = min(rtol), 
                                              args = (y, time, constants),
                sln = scipy.atleast_1d(sln)
                final_residuals = net.alg_res_func(sln, y, time, constants)
                if not scipy.any(abs(final_residuals) 
                                 > abs(atol[var_types == -1])):
                    # This is success.
                message = ('Failed to calculate consistent algebraic values in '
                           'network %s.' % net.get_id())
                raise Utility.SloppyCellException(message)
            messages = redir.stop()

        # Now plug those values into the current y
        y[var_types == -1] = sln

    # The non-algebraic variable yprimes come straight from the residuals
    yp_non_alg = net.res_function(time, y, y*0, constants)[var_types == 1]
    yp[var_types == 1] = yp_non_alg
    if not N_alg:
        return y, yp

    # Now we need to figure out yprime for the algebraic vars
    curr_alg_yp = yp[var_types == -1]
    ones_arr = scipy.ones(N_alg, scipy.float_)
    # We try a range of possible guesses. Note that this is really just
    # a linear system, so we continue to have difficulties with this part of
    # the calculation, or if it becomes a slow-down, we should consider doing
    # it by a linear solve, rather than using fsolve.
    possible_guesses = [curr_alg_yp, alg_typ_vals, 
                        scipy.mean(abs(yp)) * ones_arr, 
                        -scipy.mean(abs(yp)) * ones_arr,
                        max(abs(yp)) * ones_arr, 
                        -max(abs(yp)) * ones_arr]
    if redirect_msgs:
        for guess in possible_guesses:
            sln, infodict, ier, mesg = \
                    scipy.optimize.fsolve(net.alg_deriv_func, x0 = guess,
                                          xtol = min(rtol),
                                          args = (y, yp, time, constants),
            sln = scipy.atleast_1d(sln)
            final_residuals = net.alg_deriv_func(sln, y, yp, time, constants)
            if not scipy.any(abs(final_residuals) > abs(atol[var_types == -1])):
            raise Utility.SloppyCellException('Failed to calculate alg var '\
                                              'derivatives in network %s.' 
                                              % net.get_id())
    sln = scipy.atleast_1d(sln)
    yp[var_types == -1] = sln

    return y, yp
def smooth_data( y, X, smoothing, smoothing_dimensions = None):
    Make a smoothener based on the scheme:
    none - return eye(N) - no mixing between Xs
    all - return 1_N/N complete mixing between Xs
    local - return cdist( x_m, X_N ) partial local mixing between Xs
    subset - return a partition of m random Xs
    random - return rand( m, N ) partial local mixing between Xs

    N, d = X.shape

    if smoothing_dimensions == None:
        smoothing_dimensions = N

    if smoothing == "none":
        return y, X
    elif smoothing == "all":
        Q = ones( N )/N
        y, X = Q.dot( y ), Q.dot( X )
        return sc.atleast_1d( y ), sc.atleast_2d( X )
    elif smoothing == "local":
        # Choose smoothing_dimensions number of random Xs
        Zi = permutation(N)[:smoothing_dimensions]
        Z = X[ Zi ]
        Q = exp( - cdist( Z, X )**2 )
        # Normalise to be stochastic
        Q = (Q.T/Q.sum(1)).T

        y, X = Q.dot( y ), Q.dot( X )
        return y, X
    elif smoothing == "subset":
        # Choose smoothing_dimensions number of random Xs
        Q = zeros( (smoothing_dimensions, N) )
        for i in xrange( smoothing_dimensions ):
            Zi = permutation(N)[:smoothing_dimensions]
            Q[ i, Zi ] = 1.0/len(Zi)

        y, X = Q.dot( y ), Q.dot( X )
        return y, X
    elif smoothing == "dirichlet":
        # Choose smoothing_dimensions number of random Xs
        alpha = 0.1
        Q = dirichlet( alpha * ones(N)/N, smoothing_dimensions )

        y, X = Q.dot( y ), Q.dot( X )
        return y, X
    elif smoothing == "white":
        # Choose smoothing_dimensions number of random Xs
        Q = pinv( X )

        y, X = Q.dot( y ), Q.dot( X )
        return y, X
    elif smoothing == "random":
        # Choose smoothing_dimensions number of random Xs
        Q = rand(smoothing_dimensions, N)
        # Normalise to be stochastic
        Q = (Q.T/Q.sum(1)).T

        y, X = Q.dot( y ), Q.dot( X )
        return y, X
        raise NotImplementedError()
文件: invert.py 项目: icfaust/TRIPPy
def besselFourierSens(beam, rcent, zcent, rmax, l=range(15), mcos=[0], msin=[], rcond=2e-2):
    """Calculates the distance weight matrix for specified fourier components

    This function is used directly for poloidal tomography exstensibly for 
    many tokamaks. It assumes that the sinogram space can be parameterized
    with a radial variable and an angular variable dependent on the plasma
    center (which typically use the tokamak.center method). 

        beam: geometry Object with reference origin

        rcent: geometry Object with reference origin




        Vector object: Vector points from pt1 to pt2.
    # find and store bessel zeros 
    m = scipy.unique(mcos+msin)
    length = len(l)
    zeros = scipy.zeros((len(m),length))
    for i in xrange(len(m)):
        zeros[i] = scipy.special.jn_zeros(m[i],zeros.shape[1])

    kernel = scipy.zeros((len(m),length))

    # need to modify zeros

            output = scipy.zeros((len(rcent), length*(len(mcos)+len(msin))))
        except TypeError:
            output = scipy.zeros((1, length*(len(mcos)+len(msin))))
            rmax = scipy.atleast_1d(rmax)

        for i in xrange(len(rcent)):
            idx = 0
            # returns closest approach vector to plasma center mod for NSTX-U
            #temp = j(j.tmin(rcent,zcent)).t(rcent,zcent)
            cent = geometry.Point(geometry.Vecr([rcent[i],0,zcent[i]]),beam._origin)
            temp2 = beam(beam.smin(cent)) - cent
            temp = [temp2.s,0,scipy.arctan2(temp2.x2(),temp2.x0())]
            #temp = beam(beam.tmin(rcent[i], zcent[i])).t(rcent[i], zcent[i])

            if temp[0] > rmax[i]:
                rho = 1.0
                warnings.warn('chord outside of specified designated edge zero emissivity', RuntimeWarning)
                rho = temp[0]/rmax[i]

            for j in xrange(len(m)):
                for k in xrange(length):
                    kernel[j, k] = rmax[i]*besselFourierKernel(m[j],
            # fill sens matrix
            for j in xrange(len(mcos)):
                output[i, idx*length:(idx+1)*length] = scipy.cos(mcos[j]*temp[2])*kernel[scipy.where(m == mcos[j])]
                idx += 1

            for j in xrange(len(msin)):     
                output[i, idx*length:(idx+1)*length] = scipy.sin(msin[j]*temp[2])*kernel[scipy.where(m == msin[j])]
                idx += 1
        return output

    except AttributeError:
        #implement parallelization here
        output = scipy.zeros((len(rcent),
        for i in xrange(len(beam)):
            output[:,i,:] += besselFourierSens(beam[i],

        return output
def parse_args(options, identity='main'):

    ### load all default settings
    options = default_settings(options)

    ref_tag = ''

    if hasattr(options, 'event_types'):
        options.event_types = options.event_types.strip(',').split(',')

    if not os.path.exists(options.outdir):
            'WARNING: Output directory %s does not exist - will be created\n\n'
            % options.outdir,
        except OSError:
            print('ERROR: Output directory %s can not be created.\n\n' %

    ### options specific for main program
    if identity == 'main':

        ### open log file, if specified
        if options.logfile != '-':
            options.log_fname = options.logfile
            options.log_fname = 'stdout'

        ### set tmp directory default
        if options.tmpdir == '':
            options.tmpdir = os.path.join(options.outdir, 'tmp')

        options.bam_fnames = options.bams.strip(',').split(',')

        if not os.path.isfile(options.annotation):
            print('ERROR: Annotation file %s can not be found\n\n' %

        ### pyproc options
        if options.pyproc:
            options.options_rproc = dict()
            options.options_rproc['mem_req_resubmit'] = [30000, 60000, 80000]
            options.options_rproc['time_req_resubmit'] = [
                60 * 60, 80 * 60, 90 * 60
            options.options_rproc['resubmit'] = 3
            options.options_rproc['priority'] = 100
            options.options_rproc['addpaths'] = options.paths
            if options.environment:
                options.options_rproc['environment'] = options.environment

    if identity == 'test':
        if options.conditionA == '-':
            print('ERROR: At least one sample for condition A required',
        if options.conditionB == '-':
            print('ERROR: At least one sample for condition B required',

        options.conditionA = options.conditionA.strip(',').split(',')
        options.conditionB = options.conditionB.strip(',').split(',')
        if len(options.conditionA) > 0 and options.conditionA[0].lower(
            options.conditionA = [
                str(x) for x in sp.loadtxt(options.conditionA[0], dtype='str')
        if len(options.conditionB) > 0 and options.conditionB[0].lower(
            options.conditionB = [
                str(x) for x in sp.loadtxt(options.conditionB[0], dtype='str')
        options.conditionA = [
            re.sub(r'(.[bB][aA][mM]|.[hH][dD][fF]5)|.[nN][pP][zZ]$', '', x)
            for x in options.conditionA
        options.conditionB = [
            re.sub(r'(.[bB][aA][mM]|.[hH][dD][fF]5)|.[nN][pP][zZ]$', '', x)
            for x in options.conditionB
        options.conditionA = [os.path.basename(x) for x in options.conditionA]
        options.conditionB = [os.path.basename(x) for x in options.conditionB]

    ### check if we got a list of bam files in a text file instead of a comma separated list
    if len(options.bam_fnames) > 0:
        if identity == 'main' and options.bam_fnames[0].split(
                '.')[-1] == 'txt':
            options.bam_fnames = [
                str(x) for x in sp.atleast_1d(
                    sp.loadtxt(options.bam_fnames[0], dtype='str'))

        ### check existence of alignment files
        for fname in flatten(options.bam_fnames):
            if not os.path.isfile(fname):
                print('ERROR: Input file %s can not be found\n\n' % fname,
            if not fname.endswith('.hdf5') and not os.path.isfile(fname +
                    'ERROR: Input file %s is not indexed. %s.bai can not be found\n\n'
                    % (fname, fname),

    ### assemble strain list
    options.samples = []
    options.strains = []
    if identity != 'viz':
        for i in range(len(options.bam_fnames)):
                re.sub(r'(.[bB][aA][mM]|.[hH][dD][fF]5)$', '',
            options.strains.append('%s%s' % (ref_tag, options.samples[-1]))
        options.strains = sp.array(options.strains)

    ### adapt graph validation requirement to max number of samples
    options.sg_min_edge_count = min(options.sg_min_edge_count,

    return options
文件: invert.py 项目: icfaust/TRIPPy
def fluxFourierSens(beam, plasmameth, centermeth, time, points, mcos=[0], msin=[], ds=1e-3):
    """Calculates the distance weight matrix for specified fourier components

    This function is used directly for poloidal tomography extensibly for 
    many tokamaks. It assumes that the sinogram space can be parameterized
    with a flux-based radial variable (which is defined using the eqtools
    methods such as rz2psinorm, rz2volnorm, etc.) and an angular variable
    dependent on the plasma center (which typically use the tokamak.center
    It returns a matrix which is [time,beam,radial x fourier components] in
    size, which is necessary for inverting the measured brightnesses. Each
    value in the array is a length, which is the effective weight of a radial
    surface with specific fourier dependence. Each weight along a chord can be
    summed to represent the beam line-integral through the vessel.
    It is assumed that the toroidal mode number is small such that there is no
    cross coupling of the modes in the line integrals of the chords. This is 
    the cylindrical mode limit, where the ratio of inverse aspect ratio
    to toroidal mode number is negligible.

        beam: geometry Object with reference origin (either beam OR ray)

        plasmameth: flux-based radial method (from plasma object) 

        centermeth: plasma center method (from plasma object)
        time: equilibrium time
        points: points in radial sinogram in which to map to.

        mcos: number of cosine fourier components to generate

        msin: number of sine fourier components to generate
        ds: step size along beam/ray in which to evaluate in meters

        output: A 3-dimensional array of weights in meters which
            follows is [time,beam,radial x fourier components].
            The order of the last dimension is grouped by fourier
            component, cosine radial terms then sine radial terms.
    time = scipy.atleast_1d(time)
    interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(points,
    length = len(points)
        output = scipy.zeros((len(time),length*len(mcos+msin))) 
        temp = beam(scipy.mgrid[beam.norm.s[-2]:beam.norm.s[-1]:ds])
        mapped = scipy.atleast_2d(plasmameth(temp.r0(),

        # recover angles of each position in temp vector utlizing the t2 method
        # to geometry.Vec improper vectorization strategy in t2 causes the use
        # of a for loop
        angle = scipy.zeros(mapped.shape)
        for i in xrange(len(time)):
            pt0 = centermeth(time[i])
            angle[i] = temp.t2(pt0[0],pt0[1])
        # knowing that the last point (point[-1]) is assumed to be a ZERO 
        # emissivity point an additional brightness is added which only sees 
        # the last emissivity to yield the zero
        scipy.place(mapped, mapped > points[-1], points[-1])

        if mapped.min() < 0:
            warning.warn('chord measures at a parameter below point grid', RuntimeWarning)
        # for a given point along a chord, use a spline to solve what 
        # reconstruction points it is most close to. Then in the weighting
        # matrix, (which is (brightness,points) in shape add the various 
        # fractional weighting.
        out = interp(mapped)
        # find out point using a floor like command (returns ints) 
        idx1 = out.astype(int)
        scipy.clip(idx1, 0, length-1, out=idx1)

        idx2 = idx1 + 1
        scipy.clip(idx2, 0, length-1, out=idx2)

        # reduce out to the fraction in nearby bins
        out = (out % 1.)*ds
        lim = 0

        for i in mcos:
            angin = scipy.cos(i*angle)
            lim += length

        for i in msin:
            angin = scipy.sin(i*angle)
            lim += length

    except AttributeError:
        output = scipy.zeros((len(time),len(beam),length*len(mcos+msin)))

        #this for loop should be parallellized (well compartmentalized)
        for i in xrange(len(beam)):
            output[:,i,:] = fluxFourierSens(beam[i],

    return output
    def solve(self, wls):
        """Anisotropic solver.

        wls = wavelengths to scan (any asarray-able object).

        self.DEO1, self.DEE1, self.DEO3, self.DEE3 = power reflected
        and transmitted.

        self.wls = S.atleast_1d(wls)

        LAMBDA = self.LAMBDA
        n = self.n
        multilayer = self.multilayer
        alpha = self.alpha
        delta = self.delta
        psi = self.psi
        phi = self.phi

        nlayers = len(multilayer)
        i = S.arange(-n, n + 1)
        nood = 2 * n + 1
        hmax = nood - 1

        DEO1 = S.zeros((nood, self.wls.size))
        DEO3 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)
        DEE1 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)
        DEE3 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)

        c1 = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
        c3 = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
        # grating on the xy plane
        K = 2 * pi / LAMBDA * np.array(
            [S.sin(phi), 0., S.cos(phi)], dtype=complex)
        dirk1 = np.array([
            S.sin(alpha) * S.cos(delta),
            S.sin(alpha) * S.sin(delta),

        # D polarization vector
        u = np.array([
            S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * S.cos(delta) -
            S.sin(psi) * S.sin(delta),
            S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * S.sin(delta) +
            S.sin(psi) * S.cos(delta),
            -S.cos(psi) * S.sin(alpha),

        kO1i = S.zeros((3, i.size), dtype=complex)
        kE1i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)
        kO3i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)
        kE3i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)

        Mp = S.zeros((4 * nood, 4 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        M = S.zeros((4 * nood, 4 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)

        dlt = (i == 0).astype(int)

        for iwl, wl in enumerate(self.wls):

            nO1 = nE1 = multilayer[0].mat.n(wl).item()
            nO3 = nE3 = multilayer[-1].mat.n(wl).item()

            # wavevectors
            k = 2 * pi / wl

            eps1 = S.diag(S.asarray([nE1, nO1, nO1])**2)
            eps3 = S.diag(S.asarray([nE3, nO3, nO3])**2)

            # ordinary wave
            abskO1 = k * nO1
            # abskO3 = k * nO3
            # extraordinary wave
            # abskE1 = k * nO1 *nE1 / S.sqrt(nO1**2 + (nE1**2 - nO1**2) * S.dot(-c1, dirk1)**2)
            # abskE3 = k * nO3 *nE3 / S.sqrt(nO3**2 + (nE3**2 - nO3**2) * S.dot(-c3, dirk1)**2)

            k1 = abskO1 * dirk1

            kO1i[0, :] = k1[0] - i * K[0]
            kO1i[1, :] = k1[1] * S.ones_like(i)
            kO1i[2, :] = -dispersion_relation_ordinary(kO1i[0, :], kO1i[1, :],
                                                       k, nO1)

            kE1i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kE1i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
            kE1i[2, :] = -dispersion_relation_extraordinary(
                kE1i[0, :], kE1i[1, :], k, nO1, nE1, c1)

            kO3i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kO3i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
            kO3i[2, :] = dispersion_relation_ordinary(kO3i[0, :], kO3i[1, :],
                                                      k, nO3)

            kE3i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kE3i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
            kE3i[2, :] = dispersion_relation_extraordinary(
                kE3i[0, :], kE3i[1, :], k, nO3, nE3, c3)

            # k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i * K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [k1[2] - i * K[2]]]
            k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i * K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [-i * K[2]]]

            # aliases for constant wavevectors
            kx = kO1i[0, :]  # o kE1i(1,;), tanto e' lo stesso
            ky = k1[1]

            # matrices
            I = S.eye(nood, dtype=complex)
            ZERO = S.zeros((nood, nood), dtype=complex)
            Kx = S.diag(kx / k)
            Ky = ky / k * I
            Kz = S.diag(k2i[2, :] / k)
            KO1z = S.diag(kO1i[2, :] / k)
            KE1z = S.diag(kE1i[2, :] / k)
            KO3z = S.diag(kO3i[2, :] / k)
            KE3z = S.diag(kE3i[2, :] / k)

            ARO = Kx * eps1[0, 0] + Ky * eps1[1, 0] + KO1z * eps1[2, 0]
            BRO = Kx * eps1[0, 1] + Ky * eps1[1, 1] + KO1z * eps1[2, 1]
            CRO_1 = inv(Kx * eps1[0, 2] + Ky * eps1[1, 2] + KO1z * eps1[2, 2])

            ARE = Kx * eps1[0, 0] + Ky * eps1[1, 0] + KE1z * eps1[2, 0]
            BRE = Kx * eps1[0, 1] + Ky * eps1[1, 1] + KE1z * eps1[2, 1]
            CRE_1 = inv(Kx * eps1[0, 2] + Ky * eps1[1, 2] + KE1z * eps1[2, 2])

            ATO = Kx * eps3[0, 0] + Ky * eps3[1, 0] + KO3z * eps3[2, 0]
            BTO = Kx * eps3[0, 1] + Ky * eps3[1, 1] + KO3z * eps3[2, 1]
            CTO_1 = inv(Kx * eps3[0, 2] + Ky * eps3[1, 2] + KO3z * eps3[2, 2])

            ATE = Kx * eps3[0, 0] + Ky * eps3[1, 0] + KE3z * eps3[2, 0]
            BTE = Kx * eps3[0, 1] + Ky * eps3[1, 1] + KE3z * eps3[2, 1]
            CTE_1 = inv(Kx * eps3[0, 2] + Ky * eps3[1, 2] + KE3z * eps3[2, 2])

            DRE = c1[1] * KE1z - c1[2] * Ky
            ERE = c1[2] * Kx - c1[0] * KE1z
            FRE = c1[0] * Ky - c1[1] * Kx

            DTE = c3[1] * KE3z - c3[2] * Ky
            ETE = c3[2] * Kx - c3[0] * KE3z
            FTE = c3[0] * Ky - c3[1] * Kx

            b = S.r_[u[0] * dlt, u[1] * dlt,
                     (k1[1] / k * u[2] - k1[2] / k * u[1]) * dlt,
                     (k1[2] / k * u[0] - k1[0] / k * u[2]) * dlt, ]
            Ky_CRO_1 = ky / k * CRO_1
            Ky_CRE_1 = ky / k * CRE_1
            Kx_CRO_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CRO_1
            Kx_CRE_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CRE_1
            MR31 = -S.dot(Ky_CRO_1, ARO)
            MR32 = -S.dot(Ky_CRO_1, BRO) - KO1z
            MR33 = -S.dot(Ky_CRE_1, ARE)
            MR34 = -S.dot(Ky_CRE_1, BRE) - KE1z
            MR41 = S.dot(Kx_CRO_1, ARO) + KO1z
            MR42 = S.dot(Kx_CRO_1, BRO)
            MR43 = S.dot(Kx_CRE_1, ARE) + KE1z
            MR44 = S.dot(Kx_CRE_1, BRE)
            MR = S.asarray(
                    [I, ZERO, I, ZERO],
                    [ZERO, I, ZERO, I],
                    [MR31, MR32, MR33, MR34],
                    [MR41, MR42, MR43, MR44],

            Ky_CTO_1 = ky / k * CTO_1
            Ky_CTE_1 = ky / k * CTE_1
            Kx_CTO_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CTO_1
            Kx_CTE_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CTE_1
            MT31 = -S.dot(Ky_CTO_1, ATO)
            MT32 = -S.dot(Ky_CTO_1, BTO) - KO3z
            MT33 = -S.dot(Ky_CTE_1, ATE)
            MT34 = -S.dot(Ky_CTE_1, BTE) - KE3z
            MT41 = S.dot(Kx_CTO_1, ATO) + KO3z
            MT42 = S.dot(Kx_CTO_1, BTO)
            MT43 = S.dot(Kx_CTE_1, ATE) + KE3z
            MT44 = S.dot(Kx_CTE_1, BTE)
            MT = S.asarray(
                    [I, ZERO, I, ZERO],
                    [ZERO, I, ZERO, I],
                    [MT31, MT32, MT33, MT34],
                    [MT41, MT42, MT43, MT44],


            for nlayer in range(nlayers - 2, 0, -1):  # internal layers

                layer = multilayer[nlayer]
                thickness = layer.thickness

                EPS2, EPS21 = layer.getEPSFourierCoeffs(wl,

                # Exx = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 0, :])
                # Exx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exx[0:hmax + 1]), Exx[hmax:])
                Exy = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 1, :])
                Exy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exy[0:hmax + 1]), Exy[hmax:])
                Exz = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 2, :])
                Exz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exz[0:hmax + 1]), Exz[hmax:])

                Eyx = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 0, :])
                Eyx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyx[0:hmax + 1]), Eyx[hmax:])
                Eyy = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 1, :])
                Eyy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyy[0:hmax + 1]), Eyy[hmax:])
                Eyz = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 2, :])
                Eyz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyz[0:hmax + 1]), Eyz[hmax:])

                Ezx = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 0, :])
                Ezx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezx[0:hmax + 1]), Ezx[hmax:])
                Ezy = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 1, :])
                Ezy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezy[0:hmax + 1]), Ezy[hmax:])
                Ezz = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 2, :])
                Ezz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezz[0:hmax + 1]), Ezz[hmax:])

                Exx_1 = S.squeeze(EPS21[0, 0, :])
                Exx_1 = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exx_1[0:hmax + 1]), Exx_1[hmax:])
                Exx_1_1 = inv(Exx_1)

                # lalanne
                Ezz_1 = inv(Ezz)
                Ky_Ezz_1 = ky / k * Ezz_1
                Kx_Ezz_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * Ezz_1
                Exz_Ezz_1 = S.dot(Exz, Ezz_1)
                Eyz_Ezz_1 = S.dot(Eyz, Ezz_1)
                H11 = 1j * S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H12 = 1j * S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H13 = S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H14 = I - S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H21 = 1j * S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H22 = 1j * S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H23 = S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Kx) - I
                H24 = -S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H31 = S.dot(Kx, Ky) + Exy - S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H32 = Exx_1_1 - S.dot(Ky, Ky) - S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H33 = 1j * S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H34 = -1j * S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H41 = S.dot(Kx, Kx) - Eyy + S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H42 = -S.dot(Kx, Ky) - Eyx + S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H43 = -1j * S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H44 = 1j * S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H = 1j * S.diag(S.repeat(S.diag(Kz), 4)) + S.asarray(
                        [H11, H12, H13, H14],
                        [H21, H22, H23, H24],
                        [H31, H32, H33, H34],
                        [H41, H42, H43, H44],

                q, W = eig(H)
                W1, W2, W3, W4 = S.split(W, 4)

                # boundary conditions
                # x = [R T]
                # R = [ROx ROy REx REy]
                # T = [TOx TOy TEx TEy]
                # b + MR.R = M1p.c
                # M1.c = M2p.c
                # ...
                # ML.c = MT.T
                # therefore: b + MR.R = (M1p.M1^-1.M2p.M2^-1. ...).MT.T
                # missing equations from (46)..(49) in glytsis_rigorous
                # [b] = [-MR Mtot.MT] [R]
                # [0]   [...........] [T]

                z = S.zeros_like(q)
                z[S.where(q.real > 0)] = -thickness
                D = S.exp(k * q * z)
                Sy0 = W1 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Sx0 = W2 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uy0 = W3 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Ux0 = W4 * D[S.newaxis, :]

                z = thickness * S.ones_like(q)
                z[S.where(q.real > 0)] = 0
                D = S.exp(k * q * z)
                D1 = S.exp(-1j * k2i[2, :] * thickness)
                Syd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W1 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Sxd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W2 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uyd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W3 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uxd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W4 * D[S.newaxis, :]

                Mp[:, :, nlayer] = S.r_[Sx0, Sy0, -1j * Ux0, -1j * Uy0]
                M[:, :, nlayer] = S.r_[Sxd, Syd, -1j * Uxd, -1j * Uyd]

            Mtot = S.eye(4 * nood, dtype=complex)
            for nlayer in range(1, nlayers - 1):
                Mtot = S.dot(S.dot(Mtot, Mp[:, :, nlayer]), inv(M[:, :,

            BC_b = S.r_[b, S.zeros_like(b)]
            BC_A1 = S.c_[-MR, S.dot(Mtot, MT)]
            BC_A2 = S.asarray(
                        (c1[0] * I - c1[2] * S.dot(CRO_1, ARO)),
                        (c1[1] * I - c1[2] * S.dot(CRO_1, BRO)),
                        (DRE - S.dot(S.dot(FRE, CRE_1), ARE)),
                        (ERE - S.dot(S.dot(FRE, CRE_1), BRE)),
                        (c3[0] * I - c3[2] * S.dot(CTO_1, ATO)),
                        (c3[1] * I - c3[2] * S.dot(CTO_1, BTO)),
                        (DTE - S.dot(S.dot(FTE, CTE_1), ATE)),
                        (ETE - S.dot(S.dot(FTE, CTE_1), BTE)),

            BC_A = S.r_[BC_A1, BC_A2]

            x = linsolve(BC_A, BC_b)

            ROx, ROy, REx, REy, TOx, TOy, TEx, TEy = S.split(x, 8)

            ROz = -S.dot(CRO_1, (S.dot(ARO, ROx) + S.dot(BRO, ROy)))
            REz = -S.dot(CRE_1, (S.dot(ARE, REx) + S.dot(BRE, REy)))
            TOz = -S.dot(CTO_1, (S.dot(ATO, TOx) + S.dot(BTO, TOy)))
            TEz = -S.dot(CTE_1, (S.dot(ATE, TEx) + S.dot(BTE, TEy)))

            denom = (k1[2] - S.dot(u, k1) * u[2]).real
            DEO1[:, iwl] = (-(
                (S.absolute(ROx)**2 + S.absolute(ROy)**2 + S.absolute(ROz)**2)
                * S.conj(kO1i[2, :]) -
                (ROx * kO1i[0, :] + ROy * kO1i[1, :] + ROz * kO1i[2, :]) *
                S.conj(ROz)).real / denom)
            DEE1[:, iwl] = (-(
                (S.absolute(REx)**2 + S.absolute(REy)**2 + S.absolute(REz)**2)
                * S.conj(kE1i[2, :]) -
                (REx * kE1i[0, :] + REy * kE1i[1, :] + REz * kE1i[2, :]) *
                S.conj(REz)).real / denom)
            DEO3[:, iwl] = (
                (S.absolute(TOx)**2 + S.absolute(TOy)**2 + S.absolute(TOz)**2)
                * S.conj(kO3i[2, :]) -
                (TOx * kO3i[0, :] + TOy * kO3i[1, :] + TOz * kO3i[2, :]) *
                S.conj(TOz)).real / denom
            DEE3[:, iwl] = (
                (S.absolute(TEx)**2 + S.absolute(TEy)**2 + S.absolute(TEz)**2)
                * S.conj(kE3i[2, :]) -
                (TEx * kE3i[0, :] + TEy * kE3i[1, :] + TEz * kE3i[2, :]) *
                S.conj(TEz)).real / denom

        # save the results
        self.DEO1 = DEO1
        self.DEE1 = DEE1
        self.DEO3 = DEO3
        self.DEE3 = DEE3

        return self
def _findLCFS(rgrid, zgrid, psiRZ, rcent, zcent, psiLCFS, nbbbs=100):
    """ internal function for finding the last closed flux surface
    based off of a Equilibrium instance"""

    ang = scipy.linspace(-scipy.pi, scipy.pi, nbbbs)

    fig = plt.figure()
    cs = plt.contour(rgrid, zgrid, scipy.squeeze(psiRZ),

    splines = []
    for i in cs.collections[0].get_paths():
        temp = i.vertices
        # turn points into polar coordinates about the plasma center
        rvals = scipy.sqrt((temp[:, 0] - rcent)**2 + (temp[:, 1] - zcent)**2)
        thetvals = scipy.arctan2(temp[:, 1] - zcent, temp[:, 0] - rcent)

        # find all monotonic sections of contour line in r,theta space
        temp = scipy.diff(thetvals)
        idx = 0
        sign = scipy.sign(temp[0])
        for j in range(len(temp) - 1):

            if (scipy.sign(temp[j + 1]) != sign):
                sign = scipy.sign(temp[j + 1])
                #only write data if the jump at the last point is well resolved

                if (j + 2 - idx > 2
                    ):  #abs(thetvals[idx]-thetvals[j+1]) < 7*scipy.pi/4) and
                    plt.plot(thetvals[idx:j + 2], rvals[idx:j + 2], 'o')
                    sortang = scipy.argsort(thetvals[idx:j + 2])
                    splines += [
                        scipy.interpolate.interp1d(thetvals[sortang + idx],
                                                   rvals[sortang + idx],
                idx = j + 1

        if (len(thetvals) - idx > 2):
            plt.plot(thetvals[idx:], rvals[idx:], 'o')
            sortang = scipy.argsort(thetvals[idx:])
            splines += [
                scipy.interpolate.interp1d(thetvals[sortang + idx],
                                           rvals[sortang + idx],

    # construct a set of angles about the center, and use the splines
    # to find the closest part of the contour to the center at that
    # angle, this is the LCFS, store value. If no value is found, store
    # an infite value, which is then tossed out.
    outr = scipy.empty((nbbbs, ))

    for i in range(nbbbs):
        temp = scipy.inf
        for j in splines:
            pos = j(ang[i])
            if pos < temp:
                temp = pos
        outr[i] = temp

    # remove infinites
    ang = ang[scipy.isfinite(outr)]
    outr = outr[scipy.isfinite(outr)]

    #move back to r,z space
    output = scipy.empty((2, len(ang) + 1))
    output[0, :-1] = outr * scipy.cos(ang) + rcent
    output[1, :-1] = outr * scipy.sin(ang) + zcent
    output[0, -1] = output[0, 0]
    output[1, -1] = output[1, 0]

    # turn off plotting stuff

    return output.T