def calcLambdaMat_2(jtj, Dmat): n = len(jtj) lambdaMat = (1. / scipy.sqrt(2.)) * scipy.sqrt( 1. + (scipy.outer(scipy.diagonal(jtj), scipy.ones(n, 'd')) - scipy.outer(scipy.ones(n, 'd'), scipy.diagonal(jtj))) / scipy.sqrt(Dmat)) return lambdaMat
def calcR2mat_Terms(jtj, lambdaMat): n = len(jtj) jaa = scipy.outer(scipy.diagonal(jtj), scipy.ones(n, 'd')) jbb = scipy.outer(scipy.ones(n, 'd'), scipy.diagonal(jtj)) crosstermMat = 2. * lambdaMat * scipy.sqrt(1. - lambdaMat**2.) * jtj diagtermMat = (lambdaMat**2.) * jaa + (1. - lambdaMat**2.) * jbb return crosstermMat, diagtermMat
def calcR2mat_2(jtj, Dmat): n = len(jtj) jaa = scipy.outer(scipy.diagonal(jtj), scipy.ones(n, 'd')) jbb = scipy.outer(scipy.ones(n, 'd'), scipy.diagonal(jtj)) r2mat = (1. / 2.) * (scipy.sqrt(Dmat) - 4. * (jtj**2) / scipy.sqrt(Dmat) + (jaa + 4. * jtj * scipy.sqrt((jtj**2) / Dmat) + jbb)) return r2mat
def calcCovarianceMat(origMat): covarMat =, origMat) n = len(covarMat) jaa = scipy.outer(scipy.diagonal(covarMat), scipy.ones(n, 'd')) jbb = scipy.outer(scipy.ones(n, 'd'), scipy.diagonal(covarMat)) covarMat = covarMat / scipy.sqrt(jaa) covarMat = covarMat / scipy.sqrt(jbb) return covarMat
def calcR2mat_3(jtj, Dmat): #def calcR2mat_3(jtj,lambdaMat): n = len(jtj) jaa = scipy.outer(scipy.diagonal(jtj), scipy.ones(n, 'd')) jbb = scipy.outer(scipy.ones(n, 'd'), scipy.diagonal(jtj)) r2mat = (1. / 2.) * (-scipy.sqrt(Dmat) + 4. * (jtj**2) / scipy.sqrt(Dmat) + (jaa - 4. * jtj * scipy.sqrt((jtj**2) / Dmat) + jbb)) # r2mat = (lambdaMat**2.)*jaa + (1.-lambdaMat**2.)*jbb + 2.*lambdaMat*scipy.sqrt(1.-lambdaMat**2.)*jtj return r2mat
def calcR2mat_4(jtj, Dmat): n = len(jtj) jaa = scipy.outer(scipy.diagonal(jtj), scipy.ones(n, 'd')) jbb = scipy.outer(scipy.ones(n, 'd'), scipy.diagonal(jtj)) r2mat = (1. / 2.) * (-scipy.sqrt(Dmat) + old_div(4. * (jtj**2), scipy.sqrt(Dmat)) + (jaa + 4. * jtj * scipy.sqrt(old_div( (jtj**2), Dmat)) + jbb)) return r2mat
def expectation_prop_inner(m0, V0, Y, Z, F, z, needed): #expectation propagation on multivariate gaussian for soft inequality constraint #m0,v0 are mean vector , covariance before EP #Y is inequality value, Z is sign, 1 for geq, -1 for leq, F is softness variance #z is number of ep rounds to run #returns mt, Vt the value and variance for observations created by ep m0 = sp.array(m0).flatten() V0 = sp.array(V0) n = V0.shape[0] print "expectation prpagation running on " + str( n) + " dimensions for " + str(z) + " loops:" mt = sp.zeros(n) Vt = sp.eye(n) * float(1e10) m = sp.empty(n) V = sp.empty([n, n]) conv = sp.empty(z) for i in xrange(z): #compute the m V give ep obs m, V = gaussian_fusion(m0, mt, V0, Vt) mtprev = mt.copy() Vtprev = Vt.copy() for j in [k for k in xrange(n) if needed[k]]: print[i, j] #the cavity dist at index j tmp = 1. / (Vt[j, j] - V[j, j]) v_ = (V[j, j] * Vt[j, j]) * tmp m_ = tmp * (m[j] * Vt[j, j] - mt[j] * V[j, j]) alpha = sp.sign(Z[j]) * (m_ - Y[j]) / (sp.sqrt(v_ + F[j])) pr = PhiR(alpha) if sp.isnan(pr): pr = -alpha beta = pr * (pr + alpha) / (v_ + F[j]) kappa = sp.sign(Z[j]) * (pr + alpha) / (sp.sqrt(v_ + F[j])) #print [alpha,beta,kappa,pr] mt[j] = m_ + 1. / kappa #mt[j] = min(abs(mt[j]),1e5)*sp.sign(mt[j]) Vt[j, j] = min(1e10, 1. / beta - v_) #print sp.amax(mtprev-mt) #print sp.amax(sp.diagonal(Vtprev)-sp.diagonal(Vt)) #TODO make this a ratio instead of absolute delta = max(sp.amax(mtprev - mt), sp.amax(sp.diagonal(Vtprev) - sp.diagonal(Vt))) conv[i] = delta print "EP finished with final max deltas " + str(conv[-3:]) V = + Vt, Vt)) m =, m0) + spl.solve(Vt, mt)).T) return mt, Vt
def expectation_prop_inner(m0,V0,Y,Z,F,z,needed): #expectation propagation on multivariate gaussian for soft inequality constraint #m0,v0 are mean vector , covariance before EP #Y is inequality value, Z is sign, 1 for geq, -1 for leq, F is softness variance #z is number of ep rounds to run #returns mt, Vt the value and variance for observations created by ep m0=sp.array(m0).flatten() V0=sp.array(V0) n = V0.shape[0] print "expectation prpagation running on "+str(n)+" dimensions for "+str(z)+" loops:" mt =sp.zeros(n) Vt= sp.eye(n)*float(1e10) m = sp.empty(n) V = sp.empty([n,n]) conv = sp.empty(z) for i in xrange(z): #compute the m V give ep obs m,V = gaussian_fusion(m0,mt,V0,Vt) mtprev=mt.copy() Vtprev=Vt.copy() for j in [k for k in xrange(n) if needed[k]]: print [i,j] #the cavity dist at index j tmp = 1./(Vt[j,j]-V[j,j]) v_ = (V[j,j]*Vt[j,j])*tmp m_ = tmp*(m[j]*Vt[j, j]-mt[j]*V[j, j]) alpha = sp.sign(Z[j])*(m_-Y[j]) / (sp.sqrt(v_+F[j])) pr = PhiR(alpha) if sp.isnan(pr): pr = -alpha beta = pr*(pr+alpha)/(v_+F[j]) kappa = sp.sign(Z[j])*(pr+alpha) / (sp.sqrt(v_+F[j])) #print [alpha,beta,kappa,pr] mt[j] = m_+1./kappa #mt[j] = min(abs(mt[j]),1e5)*sp.sign(mt[j]) Vt[j,j] = min(1e10,1./beta - v_) #print sp.amax(mtprev-mt) #print sp.amax(sp.diagonal(Vtprev)-sp.diagonal(Vt)) #TODO make this a ratio instead of absolute delta = max(sp.amax(mtprev-mt),sp.amax(sp.diagonal(Vtprev)-sp.diagonal(Vt))) conv[i]=delta print "EP finished with final max deltas "+str(conv[-3:]) V =,Vt)) m =,m0)+spl.solve(Vt,mt)).T) return mt, Vt
def gradEval(self, x, data1): #gradient is calculated in a vectorized way '''by calling stack fn we will create a giant matrix of variables that mirrors the data. Then, we will apply the gradient operation i.e, 2*(w-data). Next, we will call the grad_pooling to add the relevant components; here stacking is done horizontally (784 components are stacked horizontall to be exact)''' self.dat_temp = data1 m = float(sp.shape(x)[1]) #no of columns = sp.ones(m) self.x_temp = x map(self.stack, data1[1], ['gd' for i in range(len(data1[1]))]) = sp.delete(, (0), axis=0) #deleting the first row (of ones created above) self.grad_vec_l = 2 * ( - data1[0]) self.grad_vec = sp.ones((10, 1)) iter_temp = sp.array([i for i in range(784)]) map(self.grad_pooling, iter_temp) self.grad_vec = sp.delete(self.grad_vec, (0), axis=1) '''normalizing gradient vector if necessary len_vec is a array of length 10 or no of parameters''' len_vec = sp.sqrt( sp.diagonal(, sp.transpose(self.grad_vec)))) for i in range(len(len_vec)): if len_vec[i] > 1000: self.grad_vec[i, :] = m * self.grad_vec[i, :] / float( len_vec[i]) return self.grad_vec #10X784 matrix
def sgrad(self, x, ndata=100, bound=True, average=True): low_no = sp.random.randint(0, high=50000 - ndata) high_no = low_no + ndata sli = slice(low_no, high_no) data2 = [] data2.append([0][sli]) data2.append([1][sli]) gradient = self.gradEval(x, tuple(data2)) m = int(sp.shape(gradient)[1]) '''u is the random direction matrix''' u = sp.random.randint(0, high=m, size=sp.shape(gradient)) '''taking element wise product of u and gradient and then row wise sum to get dot product of the matrices. dotprod is 10X1 matrix''' dotprod = (u * gradient).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) stoc_grad = dotprod * u if bound == True: len_vec = sp.sqrt( sp.diagonal(, sp.transpose(stoc_grad)))) #creating the list where len_vec is greater than desired value bool_list = list(map(lambda z: z > 10, len_vec)) #converting boolean list to array of 1 0 bool_array = sp.array(bool_list, dtype=int) #calculating factor to be divided with norm_factor = sp.divide(bool_array, float(m) * len_vec) norm_factor[norm_factor == 0] = 1 #replacing 0's with 1 temp_norm = sp.reshape(norm_factor, (len(norm_factor), 1)) * sp.ones( sp.shape(stoc_grad)) stoc_grad = sp.divide(stoc_grad, temp_norm) '''alternatively we can use this for i in range(len(len_vec)): #this for loop is small as len_vec len is 10 if len_vec[i] > 10: stoc_grad[i,:] = stoc_grad[i,:]/(float(m)*float(len_vec[i]))''' return stoc_grad
def get_vals(Cl_crosses_in, Cl_inputs): ##- Trim off smallest and largest scales (gives 7 bins of ell=104) Cl_crosses = Cl_crosses_in[:, 40:768] ##- Rebin cross_rebin = [] cross_weights = [] for i, j in enumerate(Cl_crosses): ell, crosses, cross_wei = rebin(Cl_crosses[i]) cross_rebin.append(crosses) cross_weights.append(cross_wei) cross_cl = np.asarray(cross_rebin) cross_we = np.asarray(cross_weights) cross_mean = (np.sum(cross_cl * cross_we, axis=0) / np.sum(cross_we, axis=0)) input_mean = (np.sum(Cl_inputs, axis=0) / 100) ##- Calculate covariance matrices, variance and errors QW = (cross_cl - cross_mean) * cross_we cross_cov = / cross_var = sp.diagonal(cross_cov) cross_stdev = np.sqrt(cross_var) #cross_stdev = np.sqrt(cross_var/100) ##- Calc chi2 chi2 = np.sum((cross_mean - 0.)**2 / cross_stdev**2) return ell, cross_mean, cross_stdev, input_mean, chi2
def rand_unitary(n): x = (sp.randn(n, n) + 1j * sp.randn(n, n)) / np.sqrt(2.0) q, r = np.linalg.qr(x) d = sp.diagonal(r) ph = d / sp.absolute(d) q = np.multiply(q, ph, q) return q
def get_vals(cl_crosses_in): ##- Trim off smallest and largest scales (gives 7 bins of ell=104) #cl_crosses = cl_crosses_in[:,40:768] ##- Rebin cross_rebin = [] cross_weights = [] for i, j in enumerate(cl_crosses_in): ell, crosses, cross_wei = rebin(cl_crosses_in[i].ravel(), ellmin=48, ellmax=768, nell=7) cross_rebin.append(crosses) cross_weights.append(cross_wei) cross_cl = np.asarray(cross_rebin) cross_we = np.asarray(cross_weights) cross_mean = (np.sum(cross_cl * cross_we, axis=0) / np.sum(cross_we, axis=0)) ##- Calculate covariance matrices, variance and errors QW = (cross_cl - cross_mean) * cross_we cross_cov = / cross_var = sp.diagonal(cross_cov) cross_stdev = np.sqrt(cross_var) #cross_stdev = np.sqrt(cross_var/100) ##- Calc chi2 chi2 = np.sum((cross_mean - 0.)**2 / cross_stdev**2) chi2_cov = return ell, cross_mean, cross_stdev, chi2_cov
def wedge(self, da, co): we = 1 / sp.diagonal(co) w = Wwe = self.W * we mask = w > 0 Wwe[mask, :] /= w[mask, None] d = return self.r, d,
def randomHaarUnitary(n): """A Haar distributed random n x n unitary matrix """ z = (scipy.randn(n, n) + 1j * scipy.randn(n, n)) / scipy.sqrt(2.0) q, r = np.linalg.qr(z) d = scipy.diagonal(r) ph = d / scipy.absolute(d) q = scipy.multiply(q, ph, q) return q
def haar(d): """ to generate random matrix for Haar measure see """ array = (randn(d, d) + 1j * randn(d, d)) / np.sqrt(2.0) ortho, upper = qr(array) diag = diagonal(upper) temp = diag / absolute(diag) result = multiply(ortho, temp, ortho) return result
def atomsdb_get_features(self, at_db, return_features=False): """ type(at_db) == """ IVs = [] EIGs = [] Y = [] exps, r_cuts = self.iv_params[0], self.iv_params[1] # each iv is an independent information channel for feature, (r_cut, exp) in enumerate(zip(r_cuts, exps)): print("Evaluating database feature %d of %d..." % (feature+1, exps.size)) ivs = sp.zeros((sp.asarray(at_db.n).sum(), 3)) eigs = sp.zeros((sp.asarray(at_db.n).sum(), self.n_eigs)) i = 0 for atoms in at_db: atoms.set_cutoff(8.0) atoms.calc_connect() for at_idx in frange(atoms.n): if feature == 0: Y.append(sp.array(atoms.force[at_idx])) # get target forces ivs[i] = internal_vector(atoms, at_idx, exp, r_cut, do_calc_connect=False) eigs[i] = coulomb_mat_eigvals(atoms, at_idx, r_cut, do_calc_connect=False, n_eigs=self.n_eigs) i+=1 IVs.append(ivs) EIGs.append(eigs) # rescale eigenvalues descriptor if self.normalise_scalar: eig_means = sp.array([e[e.nonzero()[0], e.nonzero()[1]].mean() for e in EIGs]) eig_stds = sp.array([e[e.nonzero()[0], e.nonzero()[1]].std() for e in EIGs]) eig_stds[eig_stds == 0.] = 1. EIGs = [(e - mean) / std for e, mean, std in zip(EIGs, eig_means, eig_stds)] # rescale internal vector to have average length = 1 if self.normalise_ivs: # iv_stds = [e[e.nonzero()[0], e.nonzero()[1]].std() for e in IVs] # iv_stds[iv_stds == 0.] = 1. iv_means = [sp.array([LA.norm(vector) for vector in e]).mean() for e in IVs] IVs = [iv / mean for iv, mean in zip(IVs, iv_means)] # output cleanup: add machine epsilon if force is exactly zero Y = sp.asarray(Y) Y[sp.array(map(LA.norm, Y)) <= MACHINE_EPSILON] = 10 * MACHINE_EPSILON * sp.ones(3) # correlations wrt actual forces IV_corr = sp.array([sp.diagonal(spdist.cdist(Y, iv, metric='correlation')).mean() for iv in IVs]) if return_features: return IVs, EIGs, Y, IV_corr, iv_means, eig_means, eig_stds else: self.ivs = IVs self.eigs = EIGs self.y = Y self.iv_corr = IV_corr self.iv_means = iv_means self.eig_means, self.eig_stds = eig_means, eig_stds
def orthogonal(n): """Generate a random orthogonal 'd' dimensional matrix, using the the technique described in: Francesco Mezzadri, "How to generate random matrices from the classical compact groups" """ n = int( n ) z = sc.randn(n, n) q,r = sc.linalg.qr(z) d = sc.diagonal(r) ph = d/sc.absolute(d) q = sc.multiply(q, ph, q) return q
def orthogonal(n): """Generate a random orthogonal 'd' dimensional matrix, using the the technique described in: Francesco Mezzadri, "How to generate random matrices from the classical compact groups" """ n = int(n) z = sc.randn(n, n) q, r = sc.linalg.qr(z) d = sc.diagonal(r) ph = d / sc.absolute(d) q = sc.multiply(q, ph, q) return q
def addmins(G,X,Y,S,D,xmin,mode=OFFHESSZERO, GRADNOISE=1e-9,EP_SOFTNESS=1e-9,EPROP_LOOPS=20): dim=X.shape[1] #grad elements are zero Xg = sp.vstack([xmin]*dim) Yg = sp.zeros([dim,1]) Sg = sp.ones([dim,1])*GRADNOISE Dg = [[i] for i in range(dim)] #offdiag hessian elements nh = ((dim-1)*dim)/2 Xh = sp.vstack([sp.empty([0,dim])]+[xmin]*nh) Dh=[] for i in xrange(dim): for j in xrange(i): Dh.append([i,j]) class MJMError(Exception): pass if mode==OFFHESSZERO: Yh = sp.zeros([nh,1]) Sh = sp.ones([nh,1])*GRADNOISE elif mode==OFFHESSINFER: raise MJMError("addmins with mode offhessinfer not implemented yet") else: raise MJMError("invalid mode in addmins") #diag hessian and min Xd = sp.vstack([xmin]*(dim+1)) Dd = [[sp.NaN]]+[[i,i] for i in xrange(dim)] [m,V] = G.infer_full_post(Xd,Dd) for i in xrange(dim): if V[i,i]<0: class MJMError(Exception): pass print [m,V] raise MJMError('negative on diagonal') yminarg = sp.argmin(Y) Y_ = sp.array([Y[yminarg,0]]+[0.]*dim) Z = sp.array([-1]+[1.]*dim) F = sp.array([S[yminarg,0]]+[EP_SOFTNESS]*dim) [Yd,Stmp] = eprop.expectation_prop(m,V,Y_,Z,F,EPROP_LOOPS) Sd = sp.diagonal(Stmp).flatten() Sd.resize([dim+1,1]) Yd.resize([dim+1,1]) #concat the obs Xo = sp.vstack([X,Xg,Xd,Xh]) Yo = sp.vstack([Y,Yg,Yd,Yh]) So = sp.vstack([S,Sg,Sd,Sh]) Do = D+Dg+Dd+Dh return [Xo,Yo,So,Do]
def h_diag_target_fun(X): results = [] X = sp.asarray(X) thX = the.dvector('thX') y = - 0.8 * twoD_gauss(thX[0], thX[1], sp.array([-1,-1]), sp.array([3,2]), sp.pi/4 ) + 1.2 * twoD_gauss(thX[0], thX[1], sp.array([3,0]), sp.array([1,1]), 0 ) + 2.0 * twoD_gauss(thX[0], thX[1], sp.array([-2,2]), sp.array([1,4]), 0) grady = the.grad(y, thX) H, updates = theano.scan(lambda i, grady, thX : the.grad(grady[i], thX), sequences=the.arange(grady.shape[0]), non_sequences=[grady, thX]) hfun = theano.function([thX], H, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True) if len(sp.shape(X)) == 0: thX = the.scalar('thX') return sp.diagonal(hfun(X)) elif len(X.shape) == 1: return sp.diagonal(hfun(X)) elif len(X.shape) == 2: results = [] for x in X: results.append(sp.diagonal(hfun(x))) return sp.array(results) else: print("Bad Input")
def aboveDiagFlat(mat, keepDiag=False, offDiagMult=None): """ Return a flattened list of all elements of the matrix above the diagonal. Use offDiagMult = 2 for symmetric J matrix. """ m = copy.copy(mat) if offDiagMult is not None: m *= offDiagMult * (1. - scipy.tri(len(m))) + scipy.diag( scipy.ones(len(m))) if keepDiag: begin = 0 else: begin = 1 return scipy.concatenate([ scipy.diagonal(m,i) \ for i in range(begin,len(m)) ])
def haar_measure(n): """A Random matrix distributed with the Haar measure. For more details, see :cite:`mezzadri2006`. Args: n (int): matrix size Returns: array: an nxn random matrix """ z = (sp.randn(n, n) + 1j * sp.randn(n, n)) / np.sqrt(2.0) q, r = qr(z) d = sp.diagonal(r) ph = d / np.abs(d) q = np.multiply(q, ph, q) return q
def random_interferometer(N): r"""Random unitary matrix representing an interferometer. For more details, see :cite:`mezzadri2006`. Args: N (int): number of modes Returns: array: random :math:`N\times N` unitary distributed with the Haar measure """ z = randnc(N, N) / np.sqrt(2.0) q, r = sp.linalg.qr(z) d = sp.diagonal(r) ph = d / np.abs(d) U = np.multiply(q, ph, q) return U
def estimate(self): self.nobs = self.Y.shape[0] self.ncoef = self.X.shape[1] self.Q_inv = linalg.inv( self.A = dot(self.Q_inv, self.X.T) try: self.N = dot(self.X, self.A) except: self.N = dot(self.X.values, self.A) self.M = np.eye(self.nobs) - self.N XY = dot(self.X.T, self.Y) self.b = dot(self.Q_inv, XY) self.df_e = self.nobs - self.ncoef self.df_r = self.ncoef - 1 self.e = self.Y - dot(self.X, self.b) self.sse = dot(self.e, self.e) / self.df_e # SSE = np.sqrt(diagonal(self.sse * self.Q_inv)) # Non robust SE self.t = self.b / self.p_value = (1 - stats.t.cdf(abs(self.t), self.df_e)) * 2 self.cov_params = self.sse * self.Q_inv self.white_cov = dot( dot( dot(dot(self.Q_inv, self.X.T), self.e.values**2 * np.eye(self.nobs)), self.X), self.Q_inv) self.t_r = self.b / self.white_cov.diagonal() self.p_value_r = (1 - stats.t.cdf(abs(self.t_r), self.df_e)) * 2 # TODO: make this take optional arg for one-sided vs. default of 2 self.R2 = 1 - self.e.var() / self.Y.var() self.R2adj = 1 - (1 - self.R2) * ((self.nobs - 1) / (self.nobs - self.ncoef)) self.F = (self.R2 / self.df_r) / ((1 - self.R2) / self.df_e) self.F_p_value = 1 - stats.f.cdf(self.F, self.df_r, self.df_e) self.s_sq = / (self.nobs - self.ncoef ) # Greene p161
def random_interferometer(N): r"""Returns a random unitary matrix representing an interferometer. For more details, see :cite:`mezzadri2006`. Args: N (int): number of modes passive (bool): if True, returns a passive Gaussian transformation (i.e., one that preserves photon number). If False (default), returns an active transformation. Returns: array: random :math:`N\times N` unitary distributed with the Haar measure """ z = randnc(N, N)/np.sqrt(2.0) q, r = sp.linalg.qr(z) d = sp.diagonal(r) ph = d/np.abs(d) U = np.multiply(q, ph, q) return U
def smooth_cov(da, we, rp, rt, drt=4, drp=4, co=None): if co is None: co = cov(da, we) nda = co.shape[1] var = sp.diagonal(co) if sp.any(var == 0.): print('WARNING: data has some empty bins, impossible to smooth') print('WARNING: returning the unsmoothed covariance') return co cor = co / sp.sqrt(var * var[:, None]) cor_smooth = sp.zeros([nda, nda]) dcor = {} dncor = {} for i in range(nda): print("\rsmoothing {}".format(i), end="") for j in range(i + 1, nda): idrp = round(abs(rp[j] - rp[i]) / drp) idrt = round(abs(rt[i] - rt[j]) / drt) if not (idrp, idrt) in dcor: dcor[(idrp, idrt)] = 0. dncor[(idrp, idrt)] = 0 dcor[(idrp, idrt)] += cor[i, j] dncor[(idrp, idrt)] += 1 for i in range(nda): cor_smooth[i, i] = 1. for j in range(i + 1, nda): idrp = round(abs(rp[j] - rp[i]) / drp) idrt = round(abs(rt[i] - rt[j]) / drt) cor_smooth[i, j] = dcor[(idrp, idrt)] / dncor[(idrp, idrt)] cor_smooth[j, i] = cor_smooth[i, j] print("\n") co_smooth = cor_smooth * sp.sqrt(var * var[:, None]) return co_smooth
def mask(mat,items): """Returns a matrix with the given items retained (and 0's elsewhere). items can be: - None or 'all': all items (in this case, mat is returned, not a copy) - 'diagonal' or 'diag': only diagonal items - 'scalar': only a constant multiple times the identity - a list of pairs: a list of retained indices """ if items==None or items=='all': return mat elif items=='diagonal' or items=='diag': res = sp.zeros(mat.shape) for i in xrange(min(mat.shape[0],mat.shape[1])): res[i,i] = mat[i,i].real return res elif items=='scalar': s = sum(v.real for v in sp.diagonal(mat)) res = sp.eye(mat.shape)*s return res else: res = sp.zeros(mat.shape) for (i,j) in items: res[i,j] = mat[i,j].real return res
def setCovariance(self,cov): """ set hyperparameters from given covariance """ self.setParams(sp.log(sp.diagonal(cov)))
def setCovariance(self, cov): """ set hyperparameters from given covariance """ self.setParams(sp.log(sp.diagonal(cov)))
# Make predictions: # Rstar = scipy.linspace(0.63, 0.93, 24*30) fits_file = '/home/markchil/codes/gptools/demo/') # Average over the inexplicably shifting Rmajor array: Rstar = scipy.mean(fits_file.te_fit.rmajor[0][:, 32:72], axis=1) # Rstar = fits_file.ne_fit.rmajor[0][:, 0] Te_nth = fits_file.te_fit.te_comb_fit[0][:, 32:72] mean_nth, std_nth = gptools.compute_stats(Te_nth, robust=robust) mean_start = time.time() # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() mean, cov = gp.predict(Rstar, noise=False) mean_elapsed = time.time() - mean_start mean = scipy.asarray(mean).flatten() std = scipy.sqrt(scipy.diagonal(cov)) meand_start = time.time() meand, covd = gp.predict(Rstar, noise=False, n=1) meand_elapsed = time.time() - meand_start meand = scipy.asarray(meand).flatten() stdd = scipy.sqrt(scipy.diagonal(covd)) print("Optimization took: %.2fs\nMean prediction took: %.2fs\nGradient " "prediction took: %.2fs\n" % (opt_elapsed, mean_elapsed, meand_elapsed)) # meand_approx = scipy.gradient(mean, Rstar[1] - Rstar[0]) f = plt.figure() # f.suptitle('Univariate GPR on TS data')
def computeLogPji(self, transmatrix, j, i): """ This code calculates the logarithm of P_i[tj<ti] (Pji for short) for a specific i and j, according to Brian's paper on Dropbox (as of writing this comment, it is on page 5). To do this, it first calculates the matrix (I-F_{j}^{i}) which we denote here as A, as well as the column vector F_{notj,j}. The vector p_m is the solution to the equation A*p_m=F_{notj,j}), and the i'th element of this p_m is P_i[tj<ti]. From a linear algebra standpoint, the equation is solved using Cramer's rule, combined with some log math. ######Algorithm notes:###### This routine uses logarithms to calculate Pji, in case of an over/under/whateverflow error. This is generally safer for large senvitivities. There is no good reason to use Cramer's rule here, apart from the fact that Erik doesn't trust python's Linear Algebra solver. This will hopefully be replaced by a better method, once Erik gets off of his lazy ass and rewrites all this so that it handles arbitrary precision. -- written by Erik, incorporated by Jeremy (date 5/16/2013) """ numcolumns = len(transmatrix[0]) # We form F_{j}^{i}, by taking the transition matrix, setting the i'th row # equal to zero, and then taking the j'th principal minor. Fsupi = sp.copy(transmatrix) Fsupi[:,i] = 0 Fnotjj = sp.delete(transmatrix[:,j],j) Fsupisubj = sp.delete(sp.delete(Fsupi,j,0),j,1) newi = i # Since we have deleted a column and row from our system, all the indices # above j have been shifted by one. Therefore, if i>j, we need change i # correspondingly. if i > j: newi -= 1 # We define the matrix A=(I-F_{j}^{i}) Amatrix = sp.eye(numcolumns-1)-Fsupisubj ### We start calculating p_ji using Cramer's Rule. # We calculate the top matrix in Cramer's Rule Aswapped = sp.copy(Amatrix) Aswapped[:,newi] = Fnotjj[:] # To take the determinants of the two matrices, we use LU decomposition. Pdenom, Ldenom, Udenom = Pnumer,Lnumer,Unumer = # The determinant is just the product of the elements on the diagonal. # Since Pji is guaranteed positive, we can also just take the absolute # value of all the diagonal elements, and sum their logarithms. numerdiag = abs(sp.diagonal(Unumer)) denomdiag = abs(sp.diagonal(Udenom)) lognumdiag = sp.log(numerdiag) logdenomdiag = sp.log(denomdiag) logpji = sp.sum(lognumdiag) - sp.sum(logdenomdiag) # Note that this is returns in ln (log base e), not log base 10. return logpji
def spectro_perf(fl,iv,re,tol=1e-3,log=None,ndiag_max=27): t0 = time.time() ## compute R and F R = sp.sqrt(iv)*re F =*fl) R = ## diagonalize d,s = linalg.eigh(R) ## invert d_inv = d*0 w = d>d.max()*1e-10 #w=d>1e-20 d[~w]=0 d_inv[w]=1/d[w] IR =[:,None]*s.T) F = Q =[:,None])*s.T) norm = Q.sum(axis=1) w=norm>0 Q[w,:] = Q[w,:]/norm[w,None] flux = ivar = norm**2 ## ndiag is such that the sum of the diagonals > 1-tol ## and at most ndiag_max ndiag=1 for i in range(Q.shape[0]): imin = i-ndiag/2 if imin<0:imin=0 imax = i+ndiag/2 if imax>=Q.shape[1]: imax = Q.shape[1] frac=Q[i,imin:imax].sum() while frac<1-tol: ndiag+=2 imin = i-ndiag/2 if imin<0:imin=0 imax = i+ndiag/2 if imax>=Q.shape[1]:imax = Q.shape[1] frac = Q[i,imin:imax].sum() if ndiag>ndiag_max: log.write("WARNING, reducing ndiag {} to {}".format(ndiag,ndiag_max)) ndiag=ndiag_max nbins = Q.shape[1] reso = sp.zeros([ndiag,nbins]) for i in range(ndiag): offset = ndiag/2-i d = sp.diagonal(Q,offset=offset) if offset<0: reso[i,:len(d)] = d else: reso[i,nbins-len(d):nbins]=d t = time.time() sys.stdout.write("spectro perfected in: {} \n".format(t-t0)) if log is not None: log.write("\n final ndiag: {}\n".format(ndiag)) log.write("spectro perfected in: {} \n".format(t-t0)) log.flush() return flux,ivar,reso
# Make predictions: # Rstar = scipy.linspace(0.63, 0.93, 24*30) fits_file ="/home/markchil/codes/gptools/demo/") # Average over the inexplicably shifting Rmajor array: Rstar = scipy.mean(fits_file.te_fit.rmajor[0][:, 32:72], axis=1) # Rstar = fits_file.ne_fit.rmajor[0][:, 0] Te_nth = fits_file.te_fit.te_comb_fit[0][:, 32:72] mean_nth, std_nth = gptools.compute_stats(Te_nth, robust=robust) mean_start = time.time() # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() mean, cov = gp.predict(Rstar, noise=False) mean_elapsed = time.time() - mean_start mean = scipy.asarray(mean).flatten() std = scipy.sqrt(scipy.diagonal(cov)) meand_start = time.time() meand, covd = gp.predict(Rstar, noise=False, n=1) meand_elapsed = time.time() - meand_start meand = scipy.asarray(meand).flatten() stdd = scipy.sqrt(scipy.diagonal(covd)) print( "Optimization took: %.2fs\nMean prediction took: %.2fs\nGradient " "prediction took: %.2fs\n" % (opt_elapsed, mean_elapsed, meand_elapsed) ) # meand_approx = scipy.gradient(mean, Rstar[1] - Rstar[0]) f = plt.figure()
def predict(self, X, eval_MSE=False, return_k=False): """ This function evaluates the Gaussian Process model at x. Parameters X : array_like An array with shape (n_eval, n_features) giving the point(s) at which the prediction(s) should be made. eval_MSE : boolean, optional A boolean specifying whether the Mean Squared Error should be evaluated or not. Default assumes evalMSE = False and evaluates only the BLUP (mean prediction). return_k : boolean, optional A boolean specifying whether the function should return the kernel vector (kernel of distances between test configurations and database ones). Default is False. Returns ------- y : array_like, shape (n_samples, ) or (n_samples, n_targets) An array with shape (n_eval, ) if the Gaussian Process was trained on an array of shape (n_samples, ) or an array with shape (n_eval, n_targets) if the Gaussian Process was trained on an array of shape (n_samples, n_targets) with the Best Linear Unbiased Prediction at x. MSE : array_like, optional (if eval_MSE == True) An array with shape (n_eval, ) or (n_eval, n_targets) as with y, with the Mean Squared Error at x. k : array_like, optional (if return_k == True) An array with shape (n_eval, ) or (n_eval, n_targets) as with y """ # Check input shapes X = array2d(X) n_eval, _ = X.shape n_samples, n_features = self.X.shape n_samples_y, n_targets = self.y.shape if X.shape[1] != n_features: raise ValueError(("The number of features in X (X.shape[1] = %d) " "should match the number of features used " "for fit() " "which is %d.") % (X.shape[1], n_features)) X = (X - self.X_mean) / self.X_std # Initialize output y = sp.zeros(n_eval) if eval_MSE: MSE = sp.zeros(n_eval) # Get distances between each new point in X and all input training set # dx = sp.asarray([[ LA.norm(p-q) for q in self.X] for p in X]) # SLOW!!! if self.metric == 'euclidean': dx = (((self.X - X[:,None])**2).sum(axis=2))**0.5 elif self.metric == 'cityblock': dx = (sp.absolute(self.X - X[:,None])).sum(axis=2) else: print "ERROR: metric not understood" if self.normalise == -1: natoms_db = (self.X != 0.).sum(1) natoms_t = (X != 0.).sum(1) dx = dx / sp.sqrt(natoms_db * natoms_t[:, None]) # Evaluate correlation k = kernel(dx, self.theta0, self.corr) # UNNECESSARY: feature relevance if self.do_features_projection: self.feat_proj = self.alpha.flatten() * k y_scaled = self.feat_proj.sum(axis=1) else: # Scaled predictor y_scaled =, self.alpha) # Predictor y = (self.y_mean + self.y_std * y_scaled).reshape(n_eval, n_targets) if self.y_ndim_ == 1: y = y.ravel() # Calculate mean square error of each prediction if eval_MSE: MSE =, self.inverse), k.T) if k.ndim > 1: MSE = sp.diagonal(MSE) MSE = kernel(0.0, self.theta0, self.corr) + self.nugget - MSE # Mean Squared Error might be slightly negative depending on # machine precision: force to zero! MSE[MSE < MACHINE_EPSILON] = 0. if self.y_ndim_ == 1: MSE = MSE.ravel() if return_k: return y, MSE, k else: return y, MSE elif return_k: return y, k else: return y
def smooth_cov_wick(infile, Wick_infile, outfile): """ Model the missing correlation in the Wick computation with an exponential Args: infile (str): path to the correlation function (produced by picca_cf, picca_xcf) Wick_infile (str): path to the Wick correlation function (produced by picca_wick, picca_xwick) outfile (str): poutput path Returns: None """ h = fitsio.FITS(infile) da = sp.array(h[2]['DA'][:]) we = sp.array(h[2]['WE'][:]) head = h[1].read_header() nt = head['NT'] np = head['NP'] h.close() co = cov(da, we) nbin = da.shape[1] var = sp.diagonal(co) if sp.any(var == 0.): print('WARNING: data has some empty bins, impossible to smooth') print('WARNING: returning the unsmoothed covariance') return co cor = co / sp.sqrt(var * var[:, None]) cor1d = cor.reshape(nbin * nbin) h = fitsio.FITS(Wick_infile) cow = sp.array(h[1]['CO'][:]) h.close() varw = sp.diagonal(cow) if sp.any(varw == 0.): print('WARNING: Wick covariance has bins with var = 0') print('WARNING: returning the unsmoothed covariance') return co corw = cow / sp.sqrt(varw * varw[:, None]) corw1d = corw.reshape(nbin * nbin) Dcor1d = cor1d - corw1d #### indices ind = sp.arange(nbin) rtindex = ind % nt rpindex = ind // nt idrt2d = abs(rtindex - rtindex[:, None]) idrp2d = abs(rpindex - rpindex[:, None]) idrt1d = idrt2d.reshape(nbin * nbin) idrp1d = idrp2d.reshape(nbin * nbin) #### reduced covariance (50*50) Dcor_red1d = sp.zeros(nbin) for idr in range(0, nbin): print("\rsmoothing {}".format(idr), end="") Dcor_red1d[idr] = sp.mean(Dcor1d[(idrp1d == rpindex[idr]) & (idrt1d == rtindex[idr])]) Dcor_red = Dcor_red1d.reshape(np, nt) print("") #### fit for L and A at each drp def corrfun(idrp, idrt, L, A): r = sp.sqrt(float(idrt)**2 + float(idrp)**2) - float(idrp) return A * sp.exp(-r / L) def chisq(L, A, idrp): chi2 = 0. idrp = int(idrp) for idrt in range(1, nt): chi = Dcor_red[idrp, idrt] - corrfun(idrp, idrt, L, A) chi2 += chi**2 chi2 = chi2 * np * nbin return chi2 Lfit = sp.zeros(np) Afit = sp.zeros(np) for idrp in range(np): m = iminuit.Minuit(chisq, L=5., error_L=0.2, limit_L=(1., 400.), A=1., error_A=0.2, idrp=idrp, fix_idrp=True, print_level=1, errordef=1.) m.migrad() Lfit[idrp] = m.values['L'] Afit[idrp] = m.values['A'] #### hybrid covariance from wick + fit co_smooth = sp.sqrt(var * var[:, None]) cor0 = Dcor_red1d[rtindex == 0] for i in range(nbin): print("\rupdating {}".format(i), end="") for j in range(i + 1, nbin): idrp = idrp2d[i, j] idrt = idrt2d[i, j] newcov = corw[i, j] if (idrt == 0): newcov += cor0[idrp] else: newcov += corrfun(idrp, idrt, Lfit[idrp], Afit[idrp]) co_smooth[i, j] *= newcov co_smooth[j, i] *= newcov print("\n") h = fitsio.FITS(outfile, 'rw', clobber=True) h.write([co_smooth], names=['CO'], extname='COR') h.close() print(outfile, ' written') return
### Append the data da = sp.append(data[0]['DA'], data[1]['DA'], axis=1) we = sp.append(data[0]['WE'], data[1]['WE'], axis=1) ### Compute the covariance co = cov(da, we) ### Get the cross-covariance size1 = data[0]['DA'].shape[1] cross_co = co.copy() cross_co = cross_co[:, size1:] cross_co = cross_co[:size1, :] ### Get the cross-correlation var = sp.diagonal(co) cor = co / sp.sqrt(var * var[:, None]) cross_cor = cor.copy() cross_cor = cross_cor[:, size1:] cross_cor = cross_cor[:size1, :] ### Test if valid try: scipy.linalg.cholesky(co) except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError: print('WARNING: Matrix is not positive definite') ### Save h = fitsio.FITS(args.out, 'rw', clobber=True) h.write([cross_co, cross_cor], names=['CO', 'COR'],