def centroid(stamp): """ Calcula el centro de la estrella viendo un centro de masasx con el flujo. Parameters ---------- stamp : (N,)array_like Arreglo en 2-D, representa una seccion de imagen que engloba a una estrella. Returns ------- cx : float Coordenada x del centro de la estrella. cy : float Coordenada y del centro de la estrella. """ # Se crean vectores con los indices x e y de la estampilla. x_vect = sp.arange(0, sp.shape(stamp)[1]) y_vect = sp.arange(0, sp.shape(stamp)[0]) # Se estima un centro de la estrella. cx = sp.median(x_vect) cy = sp.median(y_vect) # Se calcula la coordenada x del centro de la estrella. sum_x = sp.nansum(x_vect * stamp[cy, :]) cx = sum_x / sp.nansum(stamp[cy, :]) # Se calcula la coordenada y del centro de la estrella. sum_y = sp.nansum(y_vect * stamp[:, cx]) cy = sum_y / sp.nansum(stamp[:, cx]) return cx, cy
def fitdata(basedir, configfile, optintputs): dirio = ("ACF", "Fitted") inputdir = os.path.join(basedir, dirio[0]) outputdir = os.path.join(basedir, dirio[1]) dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir, "*lags.h5")) dirlistsig = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir, "*sigs.h5")) Ionoin = IonoContainer.readh5(dirlist[0]) Ionoinsig = IonoContainer.readh5(dirlistsig[0]) fitterone = Fitterionoconainer(Ionoin, Ionoinsig, configfile) (fitteddata, fittederror) = fitterone.fitdata( ISRSfitfunction, startvalfunc, exinputs=[fitterone.simparams["startfile"]] ) if fitterone.simparams["Pulsetype"].lower() == "barker": paramlist = fitteddata species = fitterone.simparams["species"] paranamsf = ["Ne"] else: (Nloc, Ntimes, nparams) = fitteddata.shape fittederronly = fittederror[:, :, range(nparams), range(nparams)] paramnames = [] species = fitterone.simparams["species"] Nions = len(species) - 1 Nis = fitteddata[:, :, 0 : Nions * 2 : 2] Tis = fitteddata[:, :, 1 : Nions * 2 : 2] Nisum = sp.nansum(Nis, axis=2)[:, :, sp.newaxis] Tisum = sp.nansum(Nis * Tis, axis=2)[:, :, sp.newaxis] Ti = Tisum / Nisum nNis = fittederronly[:, :, 0 : Nions * 2 : 2] nTis = fittederronly[:, :, 1 : Nions * 2 : 2] nNisum = sp.sqrt(sp.nansum(Nis * nNis ** 2, axis=2))[:, :, sp.newaxis] / Nisum nTisum = sp.sqrt(sp.nansum(Nis * nTis ** 2, axis=2))[:, :, sp.newaxis] nTi = nTisum / Nisum paramlist = sp.concatenate((fitteddata, Nisum, Ti, fittederronly, nNisum, nTi), axis=2) for isp in species[:-1]: paramnames.append("Ni_" + isp) paramnames.append("Ti_" + isp) paramnames = paramnames + ["Ne", "Te", "Vi", "Nepow", "Ni", "Ti"] paramnamese = ["n" + ip for ip in paramnames] paranamsf = sp.array(paramnames + paramnamese) Ionoout = IonoContainer( Ionoin.Sphere_Coords, paramlist, Ionoin.Time_Vector, ver=1, coordvecs=Ionoin.Coord_Vecs, paramnames=paranamsf, species=species, ) outfile = os.path.join(outputdir, "fitteddata.h5") Ionoout.saveh5(outfile)
def nandot(x1, x2): if len(x1.shape) == 1 and len(x2.shape) == 2: x1T = SP.tile(x1, [x2.shape[1], 1]).transpose() return SP.nansum(SP.multiply(x1T, x2), axis=0) elif len(x2.shape) == 1 and len(x1.shape) == 2: x2T = SP.tile(x2, [x1.shape[0], 1]) return SP.nansum(SP.multiply(x1, x2T), axis=1) elif len(x1.shape) == 1 and len(x2.shape) == 1: return SP.nansum(SP.multiply(x1, x2)) return None
def calc_MI_fore_only(self): """ Calculate the mutual information; now response variability comes from responses to background; information calculated for foreground """ ds = 1. / self.num_fore_signals dr = self.entropy_pdf_dy pdf_r = ds * sp.sum(self.pdf_r_s, axis=0) noise_H = -dr * ds * sp.nansum( sp.log(self.pdf_r_s) / sp.log(2) * self.pdf_r_s, axis=(0, 1)) response_H = -dr * sp.nansum(sp.log(pdf_r + 1e-9) / sp.log(2) * pdf_r, axis=0) self.entropy = response_H - noise_H
def vi_metric(confmx): """computes Marina Meila's variation of information metric between two clusterings of the same data""" # init rval = {'MI': None, 'VI': None, 'Px': None, 'Py': None, 'Pxy': None, 'Hx': None, 'Hy': None} nx, ny = confmx.shape Px = sp.zeros(nx) Py = sp.zeros(ny) # compute tot = sp.nansum(confmx) for i in xrange(nx): Px[i] = confmx[i, :].sum() / tot for j in xrange(ny): Py[j] = confmx[:, j].sum() / tot Pxy = confmx / tot Hx = ModMetricMeila.entropy(Px) Hy = ModMetricMeila.entropy(Py) MI = ModMetricMeila.mutual_information(Px, Py, Pxy) # return rval['VI'] = Hx + Hy - 2 * MI rval['MI'] = MI rval['Pxy'] = Pxy rval['Px'] = Px rval['Py'] = Py rval['Hx'] = Hx rval['Hy'] = Hy return rval
def movnanmean(x, window_size, axis=0, accumulate=False): r''' Calculate the moving average for a given window size, without NaN Parameters ---------- x : 1d numpy array . window_size : int . axis : int . Returns ------- Obs: ---- Slower and higher memory consumption but can ignore NaN values in the window ''' if x.ndim == 1: y = rolling_window(x, window_size) if accumulate: z = scipy.nansum(y, axis) else: z = scipy.stats.stats.nanmean(y, axis) return z
def rl_standard(raw_image, psf, niter): """ Standerd lucy-richardson convolution arXiv 2002 Lauer """ psf /= psf.sum() psf_inverse = psf[::-1] lucy = np.ones( raw_image.shape ) * raw_image.mean() for i in xrange( niter ): estimate = convolve(lucy, psf, mode='mirror') estimate[ np.isnan(estimate) ] = 0 correction = convolve(raw_image/estimate, psf_inverse, mode='mirror') correction[ np.isnan(correction) ] = 0 print 'Correction:',correction.mean() lucy *= correction print 'Means:', raw_image.mean(), lucy.mean() chisq = scipy.nansum((lucy - raw_image)**2 / (lucy)) / (raw_image.size-1) print chisq return lucy
def veldist_1d_rolr(plotfilename,phi=_DEFAULTPHI,R=_DEFAULTR, ngrid=201,saveDir='../bar/1dvar/'): """ NAME: veldist_1d_rolr PURPOSE: make a plot showing the influence of the bar R_OLR INPUT: plotfilename - filename for figure phi - Galactocentric azimuth R - Galactocentric radius ngrid - number of grid-points to calculate the los velocity distribution on saveDir - save pickles here OUTPUT: Figure in plotfilename HISTORY: 2010-09-11 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ rolrs= [0.85,0.9,0.95] vloslinspace= (-.9,.9,ngrid) vloss= sc.linspace(*vloslinspace) vlosds= [] basesavefilename= os.path.join(saveDir,'rolr_') for rolr in rolrs: thissavefilename= basesavefilename+'%.3f.sav' % rolr if os.path.exists(thissavefilename): print "Restoring los-velocity distribution at R_OLR %.2f" % rolr savefile= open(thissavefilename,'r') vlosd= pickle.load(savefile) savefile.close() else: print "Calculating los-velocity distribution at R_OLR %.2f" % rolr potparams= (rolr,0.01,25.*_degtorad,.8,None) vlosd= predictVlos(vloslinspace, l=phi, d=R, distCoord='GCGC', pot='bar',beta=0., potparams=potparams) vlosd= vlosd/(sc.nansum(vlosd)*(vloss[1]-vloss[0])) savefile= open(thissavefilename,'w') pickle.dump(vlosd,savefile) savefile.close() vlosds.append(vlosd) #Plot plot.bovy_print() plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[1],'k-',zorder=3, xrange=[vloslinspace[0],vloslinspace[1]], yrange=[0.,sc.amax(sc.array(vlosds).flatten())*1.1], xlabel=r'$v_{\mathrm{los}} / v_0$') plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[0],ls='-',color='0.75', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=2.) plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[2],ls='-',color='0.5', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=1.5) plot.bovy_text(r'$\mathrm{bar}\ R_{\mathrm{OLR}}$',title=True) plot.bovy_text(0.36,.75,r'$R_{\mathrm{OLR}} = 0.95\ R_0$'+'\n'+r'$R_{\mathrm{OLR}} = 0.90\ R_0$'+ '\n'+r'$R_{\mathrm{OLR}} = 0.85\ R_0$') plot.bovy_end_print(plotfilename)
def replaceNansByMeans(self): """Replace all not-a-number entries in the dataset by the means of the corresponding column.""" for d in means = scipy.nansum(d[:self.getLength()], axis=0) / self.getLength() for i in xrange(self.getLength()): for j in xrange(d.dim): if not scipy.isfinite(d[i, j]): d[i, j] = means[j]
def replaceNansByMeans(self): """Replace all not-a-number entries in the dataset by the means of the corresponding column.""" for d in means = scipy.nansum(d[:self.getLength()], axis=0) / self.getLength() for i in xrange(self.getLength()): for j in xrange(ds.dim): if not scipy.isfinite(d[i, j]): d[i, j] = means[j]
def calc_MI(self): """ Calculate the mutual information between signal and response. """ cond_H = -sp.nansum(self.pdf_r_s * sp.log(self.pdf_r_s), axis=0) * self.entropy_pdf_dy noise_H = (1 + sp.log(2 * sp.pi * (self.NL_scale * self.meas_noise)**2)) / 2 self.entropy = (cond_H - noise_H) / sp.log(2)
def average_out_degree_fraction(cover, weights=None): ''' Out Degree Fraction (ODF) of a node in a cluster is the ratio between its number of external (boundary) edges and its internal edges. Average ODF returns the average fraction for the cluster. ''' rv = [] odf = out_degree_fraction(cover, weights) for i in range(len(cover)): ratios = odf[i] rv += [ nansum(ratios)/cover.subgraph(i).vcount() ] return rv
def mutual_information(x, y, xy): """compute mutual information between the associated random variables""" # init MI = sp.zeros(x.size, y.size) for i in xrange(x.size): for j in xrange(y.size): MI[i, j] = xy[i, j] * sp.log(xy[i, j] / (x[i] * y[j])) # return return sp.nansum(MI)
def kullbackLeibler(p, q, dx=1, nan=False): """ NAME: kullbackLeibler PURPOSE: Calculate the Kullback-Leibler divergence D(p||q) INPUT: p - probability density at points i q - another probability density at points i dx - distance between points i (can be an array) nan - ignore nans OUTPUT: D(p||q) HISTORY: 2010-05-09 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ if nan: return sc.nansum(p * dx * sc.log(p / q)) else: return sc.sum(p * dx * sc.log(p / q))
def vi_metric(confmx): """computes Marina Meila's variation of information metric between two clusterings of the same data""" # init rval = { 'MI': None, 'VI': None, 'Px': None, 'Py': None, 'Pxy': None, 'Hx': None, 'Hy': None } nx, ny = confmx.shape Px = sp.zeros(nx) Py = sp.zeros(ny) # compute tot = sp.nansum(confmx) for i in xrange(nx): Px[i] = confmx[i, :].sum() / tot for j in xrange(ny): Py[j] = confmx[:, j].sum() / tot Pxy = confmx / tot Hx = ModMetricMeila.entropy(Px) Hy = ModMetricMeila.entropy(Py) MI = ModMetricMeila.mutual_information(Px, Py, Pxy) # return rval['VI'] = Hx + Hy - 2 * MI rval['MI'] = MI rval['Pxy'] = Pxy rval['Px'] = Px rval['Py'] = Py rval['Hx'] = Hx rval['Hy'] = Hy return rval
def entropy(x): """compute entropy of a discrete random variable""" return -sp.nansum(x * sp.log(x))
def invertRSTO(RSTO,Iono,alpha_list=1e-2,invtype='tik',rbounds=[100,200],Nlin=0): """ This will run the inversion program given an ionocontainer, an alpha and """ nlout,ntout,nl=Iono.Param_List.shape if Nlin !=0: nl=Nlin nlin=len(RSTO.Cart_Coords_In) time_out=RSTO.Time_Out time_in=RSTO.Time_In overlaps = RSTO.overlaps xin,yin,zin=RSTO.Cart_Coords_In.transpose() z_u=sp.unique(zin) rplane=sp.sqrt(xin**2+yin**2)*sp.sign(xin) r_u=sp.unique(rplane) n_z=z_u.size n_r=r_u.size dims= [n_r,n_z] rin,azin,elin=RSTO.Sphere_Coords_In.transpose() anglist=RSTO.simparams['angles'] ang_vec=sp.array([[i[0],i[1]] for i in anglist]) # trim out cruft zmin,zmax=[150,500] rpmin,rpmax=rbounds#[-50,100]#[100,200] altlog= sp.logical_and(zin>zmin,zin<zmax) rplog=sp.logical_and(rplane>rpmin,rplane<rpmax) allrng= RSTO.simparams['Rangegatesfinal'] dR=allrng[1]-allrng[0] nldir=sp.ceil(int(nl)/2.) posang_log1= sp.logical_and(ang_vec[:,0]<=180.,ang_vec[:,0]>=0) negang_log1 = sp.logical_or(ang_vec[:,0]>180.,ang_vec[:,0]<0) azin_pos = sp.logical_and(azin<=180.,azin>=0) azin_neg = sp.logical_or(azin>180.,azin<0) minangpos=0 minangneg=0 if sp.any(posang_log1): minangpos=ang_vec[posang_log1,1].min() if sp.any(negang_log1): minangneg=ang_vec[negang_log1,1].min() rngbounds=[allrng[0]-nldir*dR,allrng[-1]+nldir*dR] rng_log=sp.logical_and(rin>rngbounds[0],rin<rngbounds[1]) elbounds_pos=sp.logical_and(azin_pos,elin>minangpos) elbounds_neg=sp.logical_and(azin_neg,elin>minangneg) elbounds=sp.logical_or(elbounds_pos,elbounds_neg) keeplog=sp.logical_and(sp.logical_and(rng_log,elbounds),sp.logical_and(altlog,rplog)) keeplist=sp.where(keeplog)[0] nlin_red=len(keeplist) # set up derivative matrix dx,dy=diffmat(dims) dx_red=dx[keeplist][:,keeplist] dy_red=dy[keeplist][:,keeplist] # need the sparse vstack to make srue things stay sparse D=sp.sparse.vstack((dx_red,dy_red)) # New parameter matrix new_params=sp.zeros((nlin,len(time_out),nl),dtype=Iono.Param_List.dtype) if isinstance(alpha_list,numbers.Number): alpha_list=[alpha_list]*nl ave_datadif=sp.zeros((len(time_out),nl)) ave_data_const = sp.zeros_like(ave_datadif) q=1e10 for itimen, itime in enumerate(time_out): print('Making Outtime {0:d} of {1:d}'.format(itimen+1,len(time_out))) #allovers=overlaps[itimen] #curintimes=[i[0] for i in allovers] #for it_in_n,it in enumerate(curintimes): #print('\t Making Intime {0:d} of {1:d}'.format(it_in_n+1,len(curintimes))) #A=RSTO.RSTMat[itimen*nlout:(itimen+1)*nlout,it*nlin:(it+1)*nlin] A=RSTO.RSTMat[itimen*nlout:(itimen+1)*nlout,itimen*nlin:(itimen+1)*nlin] Acvx=cvx.Constant(A[:,keeplist]) for ip in range(nl): alpha=alpha_list[ip]*2 print('\t\t Making Lag {0:d} of {1:d}'.format(ip+1,nl)) datain=Iono.Param_List[:,itimen,ip] xr=cvx.Variable(nlin_red) xi=cvx.Variable(nlin_red) if invtype.lower()=='tik': constr=alpha*cvx.norm(xr,2) consti=alpha*cvx.norm(xi,2) elif invtype.lower()=='tikd': constr=alpha*cvx.norm(D*xr,2) consti=alpha*cvx.norm(D*xi,2) elif invtype.lower()=='tv': constr=alpha*cvx.norm(D*xr,1) consti=alpha*cvx.norm(D*xi,1) br=datain.real/q bi=datain.imag/q if ip==0: objective=cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(Acvx*xr-br,2)+constr) constraints= [xr>=0] prob=cvx.Problem(objective) result=prob.solve(verbose=True,solver=cvx.SCS,use_indirect=True,max_iters=4000) # new_params[keeplog,it,ip]=xr.value.flatten() xcomp=sp.array(xr.value).flatten()*q else: objective=cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(Acvx*xr-br,2)+constr) prob=cvx.Problem(objective) result=prob.solve(verbose=True,solver=cvx.SCS,use_indirect=True,max_iters=4000) objective=cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(Acvx*xi-bi,2)+consti) prob=cvx.Problem(objective) result=prob.solve(verbose=True,solver=cvx.SCS,use_indirect=True,max_iters=4000) xcomp=sp.array(xr.value + 1j*xi.value).flatten()*q # new_params[keeplog,it,ip]=xcomp new_params[keeplog,itimen,ip]=xcomp ave_datadif[itimen,ip]=sp.sqrt(sp.nansum(sp.absolute(A[:,keeplist].dot(xcomp)-datain)**2)) if invtype.lower()=='tik': sumconst=sp.sqrt(sp.nansum(sp.power(sp.absolute(xcomp),2))) elif invtype.lower()=='tikd': sumconst=sp.sqrt(sp.nansum(sp.power(sp.absolute(dx),2))) elif invtype.lower()=='tv': sumconst=sp.nansum(sp.absolute(dx)) ave_data_const[itimen,ip]=sumconst # set up nans new_params[sp.logical_not(keeplog),itimen]=sp.nan datadif=sp.nanmean(ave_datadif,axis=0) constval=sp.nanmean(ave_data_const,axis=0) ionoout=IonoContainer(coordlist=RSTO.Cart_Coords_In,paramlist=new_params,times = time_out,sensor_loc = sp.zeros(3),ver =0,coordvecs = ['x','y','z'],paramnames=Iono.Param_Names[:Nlin]) return (ionoout,datadif,constval)
def veldist_1d_Rphi(plotfilename,nx=100,ny=20,dx=_XWIDTH/20.,dy=_YWIDTH/20., ngrid=201,rrange=[0.7,1.3], phirange=[-m.pi/2.,m.pi/2.], saveDir='../bar/1dLarge/',normalize=True, row=None): """ NAME: veldist_1d_Rphi PURPOSE: plot how the los-velocity distribution changes as a function of R and phi INPUT: nx - number of plots in the x-direction ny - number of plots in the y direction dx - x-spacing dy - y-spacing ngrid - number of gridpoints to evaluate the density on rrange - range of Galactocentric radii to consider phirange - range of Galactic azimuths to consider saveDir - directory to save the pickles in normalize - if True (default), normalize the los-vd to integrate to one row - if set to a row number, calculate the los-velocity distributions for this row only, and do not plot anything (just save for later) OUTPUT: plot! HISTORY: 2010-04-21 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ if row == None: rowStart= 0 rowEnd= nx calcOnly= False else: rowStart= row rowEnd= rowStart+1 calcOnly= True vloslinspace= (-.9,.9,ngrid) vloss= sc.linspace(*vloslinspace) picklebasename= '1d_%i_%i_%i_%.1f_%.1f_%.1f_%.1f' % (nx,ny,ngrid,rrange[0],rrange[1],phirange[0],phirange[1]) if not os.path.exists(saveDir): os.mkdir(saveDir) left, bottom = 0.1, 0.1 width= (nx*_XWIDTH+(nx-1)*dx)/(1.-2.*left) height= (ny*_YWIDTH+(ny-1)*dy)/(1.-2.*bottom) if not calcOnly: plot.bovy_print(fig_width=width,fig_height=height, xtick_major_size=2.,ytick_major_size=2., xtick_minor_size=0.,ytick_minor_size=0.) fig= pyplot.figure() #Make theta-R axes fudge= 8.0 thisax= fig.add_axes([left-_XWIDTH/width/fudge, bottom-_XWIDTH/height/fudge, 1.+2*_XWIDTH/width/fudge-2*left, 1.+2*_XWIDTH/height/fudge-2*bottom]) xrange= sc.array(phirange)*_radtodeg yrange=rrange thisax.xaxis.set_label_text(r'$\mathrm{Galactocentric\ azimuth}\ [\mathrm{deg}]$') thisax.set_xlim(-90.01,90.01) thisax.yaxis.set_label_text(r'$\mathrm{Galactocentric\ radius}\ / R_0$') thisax.set_ylim(yrange[0],yrange[1]) thisax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(10.)) for ii in range(rowStart,rowEnd): for jj in range(ny): if not calcOnly: thisax= fig.add_axes([left+ii*(_XWIDTH+dx)/width, bottom+jj*(_YWIDTH+dy)/height, _XWIDTH/width,_YWIDTH/height]) thisR= (rrange[0]+(rrange[1]-rrange[0])/ (ny*_YWIDTH+(ny-1)*dy)*(jj*(_YWIDTH+dy)+_YWIDTH/2.)) thisphi= (phirange[0]+(phirange[1]-phirange[0])/ (nx*_XWIDTH+(nx-1)*dx)*(ii*(_XWIDTH+dx)+_XWIDTH/2.)) thissavefilename= os.path.join(saveDir,picklebasename+'_%i_%i.sav' %(ii,jj)) if os.path.exists(thissavefilename): print "Restoring los-velocity distribution at %.1f, %.1f ..." %(thisR,thisphi) savefile= open(thissavefilename,'r') vlosd= pickle.load(savefile) axivlosd= pickle.load(savefile) savefile.close() else: print "Calculating los-velocity distribution at %.1f, %.1f ..." %(thisR,thisphi) vlosd= predictVlos(vloslinspace, l=thisphi, d=thisR, distCoord='GCGC', pot='bar',beta=0., potparams=(0.9,0.01,25.*_degtorad,.8,None)) axivlosd= predictVlos(vloslinspace, l=thisphi, d=thisR, distCoord='GCGC', pot='bar',beta=0.,t=-0.00001, potparams=(0.9,0.0,25.*_degtorad,.8,None)) if normalize: vlosd= vlosd/(sc.nansum(vlosd)*(vloss[1]-vloss[0])) axivlosd= axivlosd/(sc.nansum(axivlosd)*(vloss[1]-vloss[0])) savefile= open(thissavefilename,'w') pickle.dump(vlosd,savefile) pickle.dump(axivlosd,savefile) savefile.close() if calcOnly: continue plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosd,'k', overplot=True,zorder=3) plot.bovy_plot(vloss,axivlosd,ls='-',color='0.5', overplot=True,zorder=2) thisax.set_xlim(vloslinspace[0],vloslinspace[1]) thisax.set_ylim(0.,sc.amax(sc.concatenate((axivlosd,vlosd)))*1.1) thisax.xaxis.set_ticklabels('') thisax.yaxis.set_ticklabels('') if not calcOnly: plot.bovy_end_print(plotfilename)
def fit_5_peaks_cest(scn_to_analyse, fitrounds = 1): scn = sarpy.Scan(scn_to_analyse) pdata_num = 0 x_size = scn.pdata[pdata_num].data.shape[0] y_size = scn.pdata[pdata_num].data.shape[1] try: roi = scn.adata['roi'].data except KeyError: roi = scn.pdata[0].data[:,:,0]*0+1 # Get the bbox so that the whole image isn't fit try: bbox = scn.adata['bbox'].data except KeyError: bbox = numpy.array([0,x_size-1,0,y_size-1]) datashape = roi.shape roi_reshaped = numpy.reshape(roi,[roi.shape[0],roi.shape[1],1]) cestscan_roi = scn.pdata[0].data * roi_reshaped # Fit multiple peaks, need some empty arrays offst = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk1_amp = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk1_pos = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk1_width = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk2_amp = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk2_pos = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk2_width = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk3_amp = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk3_pos = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk3_width = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk4_amp = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk4_pos = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan pk4_width = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan water_amp = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan water_pos = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan water_width = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan fit_quality = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan fit_params_arr = numpy.empty_like(roi, dtype=object) fit_params_arr[:] = [numpy.nan] ppm_corrected_arr = numpy.empty_like(roi, dtype=object) # Defining parameters freq_list = scn.method.CEST_FreqListPPM ppm_limit_min = -50 ppm_limit_max = 50 exclude_ppm = 200 normalize_to_ppm = 66.6 possibleNormalizations = [i for i, x in enumerate(freq_list) if numpy.abs(x - normalize_to_ppm) <1E-4] normalizeTo = possibleNormalizations[-1] # Get only the frequencies within the ppm_limit ppm_filtered = [f for f in freq_list if ppm_limit_max > f > ppm_limit_min] # Exclude the dummy frequencies at the beginning (66.6 ppm) ppm_filtered = sorted([n for n in ppm_filtered if n!= exclude_ppm]) # Get the index of the good frequencies relative to the original list ppm_filtered_ind = [freq_list.index(c) for c in ppm_filtered] # get the freqs that'll be used for water fit water_fit_freqs = [f for f in ppm_filtered if (numpy.abs(f)< 3.)] water_fit_freqs_ind = sorted([ppm_filtered.index(c) for c in water_fit_freqs]) # Create some empty arrays water_shifts = numpy.empty_like(roi) + numpy.nan new_shifted = numpy.empty(shape=(water_shifts.shape[0], water_shifts.shape[0], len(ppm_filtered))) + numpy.nan # Create temporary structs to store paramArrays tempstruct = numpy.zeros((1), dtype=[('offset', 'float64'), ('A1', 'float64'),('w1', 'float64'),('p1', 'float64'), ('A2', 'float64'),('w2', 'float64'),('p2', 'float64'), ('A3', 'float64'),('w3', 'float64'),('p3', 'float64'), ('A4', 'float64'),('w4', 'float64'),('p4', 'float64'), ('water_A', 'float64'),('water_w', 'float64'),('water_p', 'float64')]) newstruct = numpy.zeros(roi.shape, dtype=[('offset', 'float64'), ('A1', 'float64'),('w1', 'float64'),('p1', 'float64'), ('A2', 'float64'),('w2', 'float64'),('p2', 'float64'), ('A3', 'float64'),('w3', 'float64'),('p3', 'float64'), ('A4', 'float64'),('w4', 'float64'),('p4', 'float64'), ('water_A', 'float64'),('water_w', 'float64'),('water_p', 'float64')]) # Nan the array so there are no zeroes anywhere newstruct[:] = numpy.nan #tempstruct[:] = numpy.nan # Fit count, this counts the number of rounds the data has been fit fitcount = 0 while fitcount < fitrounds: for xval in range(bbox[0],bbox[1]): for yval in range(bbox[2],bbox[3]): # Get the data and normalize it to index of normalize_to_ppm tmp = cestscan_roi[xval,yval][ppm_filtered_ind] / scn.pdata[0].data[xval,yval,normalizeTo] # Check to make sure I'm inside the ROI if numpy.isfinite(numpy.sum(tmp)): # First do the water fit and shift the data so water is at 0 shiftParams = fit_water_peak(tmp[water_fit_freqs_ind],water_fit_freqs,allParams=True) shift = shiftParams[3] water_shifts[xval,yval] = shift # Interpolation happens here if numpy.isfinite(shift): s_shifted_back = scipy.interp(ppm_filtered, ppm_filtered+shift/2, tmp) new_shifted[xval,yval,:] = s_shifted_back else: print(shift) pass testParams = get_neighbours_starting(fit_params_arr,xval,yval) testParams = h_convertBetweenStructArrays(testParams,toType = 'array') fit_params,cov,infodict,mesg,ier = scipy.optimize.leastsq( h_residual_Zspectrum_N, testParams, args=(new_shifted[xval,yval], ppm_filtered), full_output = True, maxfev = 900, ftol =1E-9) # Specify paramsets for peaks: #TOFIX: why is the offset applied to each peak #pk1 = [fit_params[0]]+list(fit_params[1:4]) #pk2 = [fit_params[0]]+list(fit_params[4:7]) #pk3 = [fit_params[0]]+list(fit_params[7:10]) #pk4 = [fit_params[0]]+list(fit_params[10:13]) #waterpk = [fit_params[0]]+list(fit_params[13:16]) offst[xval,yval] = fit_params[0] pk1_amp[xval,yval] = fit_params[1] pk1_width[xval,yval] = fit_params[2] pk1_pos[xval,yval] = fit_params[3] pk2_amp[xval,yval] = fit_params[4] pk2_width[xval,yval] = fit_params[5] pk2_pos[xval,yval] = fit_params[6] pk3_amp[xval,yval] = fit_params[7] pk3_width[xval,yval] = fit_params[8] pk3_pos[xval,yval] = fit_params[9] pk4_amp[xval,yval] = fit_params[10] pk4_width[xval,yval] = fit_params[11] pk4_pos[xval,yval] = fit_params[12] water_amp[xval,yval] = fit_params[13] water_width[xval,yval] = fit_params[14] water_pos[xval,yval] = fit_params[15] fit_quality[xval,yval] = scipy.nansum(numpy.abs(new_shifted - h_zspectrum_N(fit_params,ppm_filtered-shift))) fit_params_arr[xval,yval] = fit_params ppm_corrected_arr[xval,yval] = ppm_filtered fitcount+=1 # increment fitcounter # Save the data as a structured array newstruct['offset'] = offst newstruct['A1'] = pk1_amp newstruct['w1'] = pk1_width newstruct['p1'] = pk1_pos newstruct['A2'] = pk2_amp newstruct['w2'] = pk2_width newstruct['p2'] = pk2_pos newstruct['A3'] = pk3_amp newstruct['w3'] = pk3_width newstruct['p3'] = pk3_pos newstruct['A4'] = pk4_amp newstruct['w4'] = pk4_width newstruct['p4'] = pk4_pos newstruct['water_A'] = water_amp newstruct['water_w'] = water_width newstruct['water_p'] = water_pos return {'':newstruct,'fit_quality':fit_quality}
def parametersweep(basedir,configfile,acfdir='ACF',invtype='tik'): """ This function will run the inversion numerious times with different constraint parameters. This will create a directory called cost and place. Input basedir - The directory that holds all of the data for the simulator. configfile - The ini file for the simulation. acfdir - The directory within basedir that hold the acfs to be inverted. invtype - The inversion method that will be tested. Can be tik, tikd, and tv. """ alpha_sweep=sp.logspace(-3.5,sp.log10(7),25) costdir = os.path.join(basedir,'Cost') ionoinfname=os.path.join(basedir,acfdir,'00lags.h5') ionoin=IonoContainer.readh5(ionoinfname) dirio = ('Spectrums','Mat','ACFMat') inputdir = os.path.join(basedir,dirio[0]) dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir,'*.h5')) (listorder,timevector,filenumbering,timebeg,time_s) = IonoContainer.gettimes(dirlist) Ionolist = [dirlist[ikey] for ikey in listorder] RSTO = RadarSpaceTimeOperator(Ionolist,configfile,timevector,mattype='Sim') npts=RSTO.simparams['numpoints'] ionospec=makeionocombined(dirlist) if npts==ionospec.Param_List.shape[-1]: tau,acfin=spect2acf(ionospec.Param_Names,ionospec.Param_List) nloc,ntimes=acfin.shape[:2] ambmat=RSTO.simparams['amb_dict']['WttMatrix'] np=ambmat.shape[0] acfin_amb=sp.zeros((nloc,ntimes,np),dtype=acfin.dtype) # get the original acf ambmat=RSTO.simparams['amb_dict']['WttMatrix'] np=ambmat.shape[0] for iloc,locarr in enumerate(acfin): for itime,acfarr in enumerate(locarr): acfin_amb[iloc,itime],acfarr) acfin_amb=acfin_amb[:,0] else: acfin_amb=ionospec.Param_List[:,0] if not os.path.isdir(costdir): os.mkdir(costdir) # pickle file stuff pname=os.path.join(costdir,'cost{0}-{1}.pickle'.format(acfdir,invtype)) alpha_list=[] errorlist=[] errorlaglist=[] datadiflist=[] constlist=[] if 'perryplane' in basedir.lower() or 'SimpData': rbounds=[-500,500] else: rbounds=[0,500] alpha_list_new=alpha_sweep.tolist() for i in alpha_list: if i in alpha_list_new: alpha_list_new.remove(i) for i in alpha_list_new: ionoout,datadif,constdif=invertRSTO(RSTO,ionoin,alpha_list=i,invtype=invtype,rbounds=rbounds,Nlin=1) datadiflist.append(datadif) constlist.append(constdif) acfout=ionoout.Param_List[:,0] alpha_list.append(i) outdata=sp.power(sp.absolute(acfout-acfin_amb),2) aveerror=sp.sqrt(sp.nanmean(outdata,axis=0)) errorlaglist.append(aveerror) errorlist.append(sp.nansum(aveerror)) pickleFile = open(pname, 'wb') pickle.dump([alpha_list,errorlist,datadiflist,constlist,errorlaglist],pickleFile) pickleFile.close() mkalphalist(pname) alphaarr=sp.array(alpha_list) errorarr=sp.array(errorlist) errorlagarr=sp.array(errorlaglist) datadif=sp.array(datadiflist) constdif=sp.array(constlist) fig,axlist,axmain=plotalphaerror(alphaarr,errorarr,errorlagarr) fig.savefig(os.path.join(costdir,'cost{0}-{1}.png'.format(acfdir,invtype))) fig,axlist=plotLcurve(alphaarr,datadif,constdif) fig.savefig(os.path.join(costdir,'lcurve{0}-{1}.png'.format(acfdir,invtype)))
def veldist_1d_slope(plotfilename,phi=_DEFAULTPHI,R=_DEFAULTR, ngrid=201,saveDir='../bar/1dvar/'): """ NAME: veldist_1d_slope PURPOSE: make a plot showing the influence of the shape of the rotation curve INPUT: plotfilename - filename for figure phi - Galactocentric azimuth R - Galactocentric radius ngrid - number of grid-points to calculate the los velocity distribution on saveDir - save pickles here OUTPUT: Figure in plotfilename HISTORY: 2010-05-15 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ slopes= [-0.2,-0.1,0.,0.1,0.2] vloslinspace= (-.9,.9,ngrid) vloss= sc.linspace(*vloslinspace) vlosds= [] basesavefilename= os.path.join(saveDir,'slope_') for slope in slopes: thissavefilename= basesavefilename+'%.1f.sav' % slope if os.path.exists(thissavefilename): print "Restoring los-velocity distribution at slope %.1f" % slope savefile= open(thissavefilename,'r') vlosd= pickle.load(savefile) savefile.close() else: print "Calculating los-velocity distribution at slope %.1f" % slope potparams= (0.9,0.01,25.*_degtorad,.8,None) vlosd= predictVlos(vloslinspace, l=phi, d=R, distCoord='GCGC', pot='bar',beta=slope, potparams=potparams) vlosd= vlosd/(sc.nansum(vlosd)*(vloss[1]-vloss[0])) savefile= open(thissavefilename,'w') pickle.dump(vlosd,savefile) savefile.close() vlosds.append(vlosd) #Plot plot.bovy_print() plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[2],'k-',zorder=3, xrange=[vloslinspace[0],vloslinspace[1]], yrange=[0.,sc.nanmax(sc.array(vlosds).flatten())*1.1], xlabel=r'$v_{\mathrm{los}} / v_0$') plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[0],ls='-',color='0.75', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=2.) plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[1],ls='-',color='0.60', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=2.) plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[3],ls='-',color='0.45', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=1.5) plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[4],ls='-',color='0.3', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=1.5) plot.bovy_text(r'$\mathrm{shape\ of\ the\ rotation\ curve}$',title=True) plot.bovy_text(0.5,.5,r'$\beta = -0.2$'+'\n'+r'$\beta = -0.1$'+ '\n'+ r'$\beta = \phantom{-}0.0$'+'\n'+ r'$\beta= \phantom{-}0.1$'+'\n'+ r'$\beta= \phantom{-}0.2$') plot.bovy_end_print(plotfilename)
def extract(data, varimg, fitwidth=10., extractwidth=1.5, thresh=5.): """ extract(data,varimg,width=WIDTH,nsig=NSIG,noise=NOISE) From an input 2d array, find and extract spectral traces. Inputs: data - 2d science spectrum varimg - 2d variance spectrum fitwidth - width to fit profile to in pixels extractwidth - width to extract (in sigma) thresh - signal/noise threshold for extraction Outputs: a list containing the [profile, extracted spectrum, a smoothed spectrum, the extracted variance spectrum] for each extracted trace """ WIDTH = fitwidth NSIG = extractwidth NOISE = thresh FILTSIZE = 7 data = data.copy() spectra = [] # Replace nan with zero data[scipy.isnan(data)] = 0. varimg[scipy.isnan(varimg)] = 0. data[scipy.isinf(data)] = 0. varimg[scipy.isinf(varimg)] = 0. # Create model of real flux. We ignore the slit ends, which may have # artifacts from the resampling. slit = data[:, 8:-8].astype(scipy.float32) var = varimg[:, 8:-8] # negative-variance also isn't good; set these pixels to zero var[var < 0] = 0 # Create noise models sigmaimg = slit / scipy.sqrt(var) highpix = scipy.where(sigmaimg > 1.5, sigmaimg, 0.) source_columns = highpix.sum(axis=0) # MASKING DISABLED (this would take only columns with lotsa flux...) # mask = scipy.where(source_columns>4.,1.,scipy.nan) mask = source_columns * 0. # Condition 1, dealing with bad pixels if (var == 0).any(): cond = var == 0 var[cond] = scipy.nan slit[cond] = scipy.nan mask = scipy.where(cond, 0, 1) flux = scipy.nansum(slit / var, axis=1) / scipy.nansum(1. / var, axis=1) noise = scipy.sqrt(scipy.nansum(var, axis=1)) / mask.sum(axis=1) # Condition 2, no masking elif scipy.nansum(mask) == 0: flux = (slit / var).sum(axis=1) / (1. / var).sum(axis=1) noise = scipy.sqrt(var.sum(axis=1)) / mask.size # Condition 3, masking else: fluxmodel = slit * mask noisemodel = var * mask noise = scipy.sqrt(scipy.nansum(noisemodel, axis=1)) / scipy.nansum(mask) flux = stats.stats.nanmean(fluxmodel, axis=1) # A smooth S/N estimate for the slit # sig2noise = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(flux,1)/noise row = scipy.arange(flux.size) model = flux.copy() nspec = 10 # Maximum number of attempts while nspec: nspec -= 1 # Fit a gaussian around the peak of the S/N model start = model.argmax() - WIDTH end = model.argmax() + WIDTH + 1 if start < 0: start = 0. if end > model.size: end = model.size fitarr = model[start:end] p = scipy.zeros(4) p[1] = fitarr.max() p[2] = fitarr.argmax() p[3] = 2. fit, val = special_functions.ngaussfit(fitarr, p) chi2 = val / (fitarr.size - 3) fit[2] += start # If the centroid doesn't lie on the slit, get use the edge pix midcol = fit[2].round() if midcol >= flux.size: midcol = flux.size - 1 elif midcol < 0: midcol = 0 # Require a reasonable S/N and width if fit[3] > fitarr.size / 2. or fit[3] < 0.85: break elif fit[0] > 0 and fit[1] < NOISE * noise[midcol]: break elif fit[0] < 0 and fit[1] - fit[0] < NOISE * noise[midcol]: break else: fit[1] += fit[0] fit[0] = 0. # Subtract away a model of the source source = special_functions.ngauss(row, fit) model -= scipy.where(source > noise, source, 0.) # Skip Slits off the edge if fit[2] < 0 or fit[2] >= flux.size: continue # Skip residuals! if fit[1] < scipy.sqrt(flux[fit[2]]): continue fit[1] = 1. weight = special_functions.ngauss(row, fit) cond = (row > fit[2] - fit[3] * NSIG) & (row < fit[2] + fit[3] * NSIG) weight = scipy.where(cond, weight, 0) weight /= weight.sum() spec = weight * data.T spec = spec.sum(axis=1) varspec = weight * varimg.T varspec = varspec.sum(axis=1) spec[varspec == 0] = 0. smooth = signal.wiener(spec, FILTSIZE, varspec) smooth[scipy.isnan(smooth)] = 0. spectra.append([fit, spec, smooth, varspec]) return spectra
''' end ''' stitchLower = sp.searchsorted(wavelength, 5570, side="left") stitchUpper = sp.searchsorted(wavelength, 5590, side="right") flux[stitchLower:stitchUpper] = sp.nan flux[flux < 0] = sp.nan smoothFlux = convolve(flux, Box1DKernel(width))[5 * width:-5 * width] flux = flux[5 * width:-5 * width] wavelength = wavelength[5 * width:-5 * width] totalCounts = sp.nansum(flux) #spike = sp.median(sp.diff(flux[::10])) plt.plot(wavelength, smoothFlux) ''' start ''' #testing = sp.diff(flux[::10]) #testing2 = (testing==testing and abs(testing)>10) # counts = [abs(testing)] #to do: look into 'spikeness' ''' end '''
def bovy_dens2d(X, **kwargs): """ NAME: bovy_dens2d PURPOSE: plot a 2d density with optional contours INPUT: first argument is the density matplotlib.pyplot.imshow keywords (see xlabel - (raw string!) x-axis label, LaTeX math mode, no $s needed ylabel - (raw string!) y-axis label, LaTeX math mode, no $s needed xrange yrange noaxes - don't plot any axes overplot - if True, overplot colorbar - if True, add colorbar shrink= colorbar argument: shrink the colorbar by the factor (optional) Contours: contours - if True, draw contours (10 by default) levels - contour-levels cntrmass - if True, the density is a probability and the levels are probability masses contained within the contour cntrcolors - colors for contours (single color or array) cntrlabel - label the contours cntrlw, cntrls - linewidths and linestyles for contour cntrlabelsize, cntrlabelcolors,cntrinline - contour arguments onedhists - if True, make one-d histograms on the sides onedhistcolor - histogram color retAxes= return all Axes instances OUTPUT: HISTORY: 2010-03-09 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ if kwargs.has_key('overplot'): overplot = kwargs['overplot'] kwargs.pop('overplot') else: overplot = False if not overplot: pyplot.figure() if kwargs.has_key('xlabel'): xlabel = kwargs['xlabel'] kwargs.pop('xlabel') else: xlabel = None if kwargs.has_key('ylabel'): ylabel = kwargs['ylabel'] kwargs.pop('ylabel') else: ylabel = None if kwargs.has_key('zlabel'): zlabel = kwargs['zlabel'] kwargs.pop('zlabel') else: zlabel = None if kwargs.has_key('extent'): extent = kwargs['extent'] kwargs.pop('extent') else: if kwargs.has_key('xrange'): xlimits = list(kwargs['xrange']) kwargs.pop('xrange') else: xlimits = [0, X.shape[0]] if kwargs.has_key('yrange'): ylimits = list(kwargs['yrange']) kwargs.pop('yrange') else: ylimits = [0, X.shape[1]] extent = xlimits + ylimits if not kwargs.has_key('aspect'): kwargs['aspect'] = (xlimits[1] - xlimits[0]) / float(ylimits[1] - ylimits[0]) if kwargs.has_key('noaxes'): noaxes = kwargs['noaxes'] kwargs.pop('noaxes') else: noaxes = False if (kwargs.has_key('contours') and kwargs['contours']) or \ kwargs.has_key('levels') or \ (kwargs.has_key('cntrmass') and kwargs['cntrmass']): contours = True else: contours = False if kwargs.has_key('contours'): kwargs.pop('contours') if kwargs.has_key('levels'): levels = kwargs['levels'] kwargs.pop('levels') elif contours: if kwargs.has_key('cntrmass') and kwargs['cntrmass']: levels = sc.linspace(0., 1., _DEFAULTNCNTR) elif True in sc.isnan(sc.array(X)): levels = sc.linspace(sc.nanmin(X), sc.nanmax(X), _DEFAULTNCNTR) else: levels = sc.linspace(sc.amin(X), sc.amax(X), _DEFAULTNCNTR) if kwargs.has_key('cntrmass') and kwargs['cntrmass']: cntrmass = True kwargs.pop('cntrmass') else: cntrmass = False if kwargs.has_key('cntrmass'): kwargs.pop('cntrmass') if kwargs.has_key('cntrcolors'): cntrcolors = kwargs['cntrcolors'] kwargs.pop('cntrcolors') elif contours: cntrcolors = 'k' if kwargs.has_key('cntrlabel') and kwargs['cntrlabel']: cntrlabel = True kwargs.pop('cntrlabel') else: cntrlabel = False if kwargs.has_key('cntrlabel'): kwargs.pop('cntrlabel') if kwargs.has_key('cntrlw'): cntrlw = kwargs['cntrlw'] kwargs.pop('cntrlw') elif contours: cntrlw = None if kwargs.has_key('cntrls'): cntrls = kwargs['cntrls'] kwargs.pop('cntrls') elif contours: cntrls = None if kwargs.has_key('cntrlabelsize'): cntrlabelsize = kwargs['cntrlabelsize'] kwargs.pop('cntrlabelsize') elif contours: cntrlabelsize = None if kwargs.has_key('cntrlabelcolors'): cntrlabelcolors = kwargs['cntrlabelcolors'] kwargs.pop('cntrlabelcolors') elif contours: cntrlabelcolors = None if kwargs.has_key('cntrinline'): cntrinline = kwargs['cntrinline'] kwargs.pop('cntrinline') elif contours: cntrinline = None if kwargs.has_key('retCumImage'): retCumImage = kwargs['retCumImage'] kwargs.pop('retCumImage') else: retCumImage = False if kwargs.has_key('colorbar'): cb = kwargs['colorbar'] kwargs.pop('colorbar') else: cb = False if kwargs.has_key('shrink'): shrink = kwargs['shrink'] kwargs.pop('shrink') else: shrink = None if kwargs.has_key('onedhists'): onedhists = kwargs['onedhists'] kwargs.pop('onedhists') else: onedhists = False if kwargs.has_key('onedhistcolor'): onedhistcolor = kwargs['onedhistcolor'] kwargs.pop('onedhistcolor') else: onedhistcolor = 'k' if kwargs.has_key('retAxes'): retAxes = kwargs['retAxes'] kwargs.pop('retAxes') else: retAxes = False if onedhists: if overplot: fig = pyplot.gcf() else: fig = pyplot.figure() nullfmt = NullFormatter() # no labels # definitions for the axes left, width = 0.1, 0.65 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65 bottom_h = left_h = left + width rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height] axScatter = pyplot.axes(rect_scatter) axHistx = pyplot.axes(rect_histx) axHisty = pyplot.axes(rect_histy) # no labels axHistx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHistx.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHisty.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHisty.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) ax = pyplot.gca() ax.set_autoscale_on(False) out = pyplot.imshow(X, extent=extent, **kwargs) pyplot.axis(extent) _add_axislabels(xlabel, ylabel) _add_ticks() #Add colorbar if cb: if shrink is None: if kwargs.has_key('aspect'): shrink = sc.amin([float(kwargs['aspect']) * 0.87, 1.]) else: shrink = 0.87 CB1 = pyplot.colorbar(out, shrink=shrink) if not zlabel is None: if zlabel[0] != '$': thiszlabel = r'$' + zlabel + '$' else: thiszlabel = zlabel CB1.set_label(zlabel) if contours or retCumImage: if kwargs.has_key('aspect'): aspect = kwargs['aspect'] else: aspect = None if kwargs.has_key('origin'): origin = kwargs['origin'] else: origin = None if cntrmass: #Sum from the top down! X[sc.isnan(X)] = 0. sortindx = sc.argsort(X.flatten())[::-1] cumul = sc.cumsum(sc.sort(X.flatten())[::-1]) / sc.sum(X.flatten()) cntrThis = sc.zeros( cntrThis[sortindx] = cumul cntrThis = sc.reshape(cntrThis, X.shape) else: cntrThis = X if contours: cont = pyplot.contour(cntrThis, levels, colors=cntrcolors, linewidths=cntrlw, extent=extent, aspect=aspect, linestyles=cntrls, origin=origin) if cntrlabel: pyplot.clabel(cont, fontsize=cntrlabelsize, colors=cntrlabelcolors, inline=cntrinline) if noaxes: ax.set_axis_off() #Add onedhists if not onedhists: if retCumImage: return cntrThis elif retAxes: return pyplot.gca() else: return out histx = sc.nansum(X.T, axis=1) * m.fabs(ylimits[1] - ylimits[0]) / X.shape[ 1] #nansum bc nan is *no dens value* histy = sc.nansum(X.T, axis=0) * m.fabs(xlimits[1] - xlimits[0]) / X.shape[0] histx[sc.isnan(histx)] = 0. histy[sc.isnan(histy)] = 0. dx = (extent[1] - extent[0]) / float(len(histx)) axHistx.plot(sc.linspace(extent[0] + dx, extent[1] - dx, len(histx)), histx, drawstyle='steps-mid', color=onedhistcolor) dy = (extent[3] - extent[2]) / float(len(histy)) axHisty.plot(histy, sc.linspace(extent[2] + dy, extent[3] - dy, len(histy)), drawstyle='steps-mid', color=onedhistcolor) axHistx.set_xlim(axScatter.get_xlim()) axHisty.set_ylim(axScatter.get_ylim()) axHistx.set_ylim(0, 1.2 * sc.amax(histx)) axHisty.set_xlim(0, 1.2 * sc.amax(histy)) if retCumImage: return cntrThis elif retAxes: return (axScatter, axHistx, axHisty) else: return out
def veldist_1d_apogee(plotfilename,l=250./180.*m.pi,d=0.25, ngrid=201,saveDir='../bar/apogee/'): """ NAME: veldist_1d_apogee PURPOSE: make a plot showing a 1d velocity distribution in an apogee los INPUT: plotfilename - filename for figure l - Galactic longitude d - distance from the Sun ngrid - number of grid-points to calculate the los velocity distribution on saveDir - save pickles here OUTPUT: Figure in plotfilename HISTORY: 2010-05-28 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ vloslinspace= (-.9,.9,ngrid) vloss= sc.linspace(*vloslinspace) basesavefilename= os.path.join(saveDir,'apogee_') thissavefilename= basesavefilename+'%.2f_%.2f.sav' % (d,l) if os.path.exists(thissavefilename): print "Restoring apogee los-velocity distribution at d,l = %.2f,%.2f" % (d,l) savefile= open(thissavefilename,'r') vlosd= pickle.load(savefile) axivlosd= pickle.load(savefile) savefile.close() else: print "Calculating apogee los-velocity distribution at d,l = %.2f,%.2f" % (d,l) potparams= (0.9,0.01,25.*_degtorad,.8,None) vlosd= predictVlos(vloslinspace, l=l, d=d, distCoord='sun', pot='bar',beta=0., potparams=potparams) vlosd= vlosd/(sc.nansum(vlosd)*(vloss[1]-vloss[0])) potparams= (0.9,0.00,25.*_degtorad,.8,None) axivlosd= predictVlos(vloslinspace, l=l, d=d, t=0.01, distCoord='sun', pot='bar',beta=0., potparams=potparams) axivlosd= axivlosd/(sc.nansum(axivlosd)*(vloss[1]-vloss[0])) savefile= open(thissavefilename,'w') pickle.dump(vlosd,savefile) pickle.dump(axivlosd,savefile) savefile.close() #Plot plot.bovy_print() plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosd,'k', xlabel=r'$v_{\mathrm{los}} / v_0$',zorder=3) plot.bovy_plot(vloss,axivlosd,ls='-',color='0.5', overplot=True,zorder=2) thisax= pyplot.gca() thisax.set_xlim(vloslinspace[0],vloslinspace[1]) thisax.set_ylim(0.,sc.amax(sc.concatenate((axivlosd,vlosd)))*1.1) plot.bovy_text(r'$d = %.2f R_0$' % d + '\n'+r'$l = %.0f^\circ$' %(l/m.pi*180.), top_right=True) plot.bovy_end_print(plotfilename)
def veldist_1d_convolve(plotfilename,phi=_DEFAULTPHI,R=_DEFAULTR, ngrid=201,saveDir='../bar/1dvar/'): """ NAME: veldist_1d_convolve PURPOSE: make a plot showing the influence of the distance uncertainties INPUT: plotfilename - filename for figure phi - Galactocentric azimuth R - Galactocentric radius ngrid - number of grid-points to calculate the los velocity distribution on saveDir - save pickles here OUTPUT: Figure in plotfilename HISTORY: 2010-05-15 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ convolves= [0.,0.2,0.3] vloslinspace= (-.9,.9,ngrid) vloss= sc.linspace(*vloslinspace) vlosds= [] basesavefilename= os.path.join(saveDir,'convolve_') for distsig in convolves: thissavefilename= basesavefilename+'%.1f.sav' % distsig if os.path.exists(thissavefilename): print "Restoring los-velocity distribution at distance uncertainties %.1f" % distsig savefile= open(thissavefilename,'r') vlosd= pickle.load(savefile) savefile.close() else: print "Calculating los-velocity distribution at distance uncertainties %.1f" % distsig potparams= (0.9,0.01,25.*_degtorad,.8,None) if distsig == 0.: vlosd= predictVlos(vloslinspace, l=phi, d=R, distCoord='GCGC', pot='bar',beta=0., potparams=potparams) else: vlosd= predictVlosConvolve(vloslinspace, l=phi, d=R, distCoord='GCGC', pot='bar',beta=0., potparams=potparams, convolve=distsig) vlosd= vlosd/(sc.nansum(vlosd)*(vloss[1]-vloss[0])) savefile= open(thissavefilename,'w') pickle.dump(vlosd,savefile) savefile.close() vlosds.append(vlosd) #Plot plot.bovy_print() plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[0],'k-',zorder=3, xrange=[vloslinspace[0],vloslinspace[1]], yrange=[0.,sc.nanmax(sc.array(vlosds).flatten())*1.1], xlabel=r'$v_{\mathrm{los}} / v_0$') plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[1],ls='-',color='0.75', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=2.) plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[2],ls='-',color='0.6', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=2.) #plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[3],ls='-',color='0.45', # overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=2.) plot.bovy_text(r'$\mathrm{distance\ uncertainties}$',title=True) plot.bovy_text(0.5,.65,r'$\sigma_d = 0$'+'\n'+r'$\sigma_d = 20 \%$'+'\n'+r'$\sigma_d = 30 \%$') plot.bovy_end_print(plotfilename)
def veldist_1d_df(plotfilename,phi=_DEFAULTPHI,R=_DEFAULTR, ngrid=201,saveDir='../bar/1dvar/'): """ NAME: veldist_1d_df PURPOSE: make a plot showing the influence of the DF INPUT: plotfilename - filename for figure phi - Galactocentric azimuth R - Galactocentric radius ngrid - number of grid-points to calculate the los velocity distribution on saveDir - save pickles here OUTPUT: Figure in plotfilename HISTORY: 2010-05-15 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ dftypes= ['dehnen','dehnen','dehnen','dehnen','shu'] scalelengths= [1./3.,1./3.,1./4.,4./10.,1./3] sigscales= [1.,2./3.,3./4.,12./10.,1.] vloslinspace= (-.9,.9,ngrid) vloss= sc.linspace(*vloslinspace) vlosds= [] basesavefilename= os.path.join(saveDir,'df_') ndfs= len(dftypes) for ii in range(ndfs): thissavefilename= basesavefilename+dftypes[ii]+'_%.3f_%.3f.sav' % (scalelengths[ii],sigscales[ii]) if os.path.exists(thissavefilename): print "Restoring los-velocity distribution at df: "+dftypes[ii]+' %.3f and %.3f' % (scalelengths[ii],sigscales[ii]) savefile= open(thissavefilename,'r') vlosd= pickle.load(savefile) savefile.close() else: print "Calculating los-velocity distribution at df: "+dftypes[ii]+' %.3f and %.3f' % (scalelengths[ii],sigscales[ii]) potparams= (0.9,0.01,25.*_degtorad,.8,None) dftype= dftypes[ii] dfparams= (scalelengths[ii],sigscales[ii],0.2) vlosd= predictVlos(vloslinspace, l=phi, d=R, distCoord='GCGC', pot='bar',beta=0., potparams=potparams, dftype=dftype,dfparams=dfparams) vlosd= vlosd/(sc.nansum(vlosd)*(vloss[1]-vloss[0])) savefile= open(thissavefilename,'w') pickle.dump(vlosd,savefile) savefile.close() vlosds.append(vlosd) #Plot plot.bovy_print() plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[0],'k-',zorder=3, xrange=[vloslinspace[0],vloslinspace[1]], yrange=[0.,sc.amax(sc.array(vlosds).flatten())*1.1], xlabel=r'$v_{\mathrm{los}} / v_0$') plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[1],ls='-',color='0.75', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=2.) plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[2],ls='-',color='0.60', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=2.) plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[3],ls='-',color='0.45', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=1.5) plot.bovy_plot(vloss,vlosds[4],ls='-',color='0.3', overplot=True,zorder=2,lw=1.5) plot.bovy_text(r'$\mathrm{distribution\ function}$',title=True) plot.bovy_text(0.53,.3,r'$R_s = 0.25 R_0$'+'\n' +r'$R_{\sigma} = 2 R_s$'+'\n' +r'$\mathrm{fiducial}$'+'\n' +r'$\mathrm{Shu\ DF}$'+'\n' +r'$R_s = 0.4 R_0$',size=10.) plot.bovy_end_print(plotfilename)
def fit_px_cest(scn_to_analyse, xval, yval, fitrounds = 1): scn = sarpy.Scan(scn_to_analyse) pdata_num = 0 # Defining parameters freq_list = scn.method.CEST_FreqListPPM ppm_limit_min = -50 ppm_limit_max = 50 exclude_ppm = 200 normalize_to_ppm = 66.6 possibleNormalizations = [i for i, x in enumerate(freq_list) if numpy.abs(x - normalize_to_ppm) <1E-4] normalizeTo = possibleNormalizations[-1] # Get only the frequencies within the ppm_limit ppm_filtered = [f for f in freq_list if ppm_limit_max > f > ppm_limit_min] # Exclude the dummy frequencies at the beginning (66.6 ppm) ppm_filtered = sorted([n for n in ppm_filtered if n!= exclude_ppm]) # Get the index of the good frequencies relative to the original list ppm_filtered_ind = [freq_list.index(c) for c in ppm_filtered] # get the freqs that'll be used for water fit water_fit_freqs = [f for f in ppm_filtered if (numpy.abs(f)< 3.)] water_fit_freqs_ind = sorted([ppm_filtered.index(c) for c in water_fit_freqs]) # Create some empty arrays water_shifts = numpy.zeros(shape=(1)) + numpy.nan new_shifted = numpy.zeros(shape=(1)) + numpy.nan newstruct = numpy.zeros((1), dtype=[('offset', 'float64'), ('A1', 'float64'),('w1', 'float64'),('p1', 'float64'), ('A2', 'float64'),('w2', 'float64'),('p2', 'float64'), ('A3', 'float64'),('w3', 'float64'),('p3', 'float64'), ('A4', 'float64'),('w4', 'float64'),('p4', 'float64'), ('water_A', 'float64'),('water_w', 'float64'),('water_p', 'float64')]) # Fit count, this counts the number of rounds the data has been fit fitcount = 0 while fitcount < fitrounds: # Get the data and normalize it to index of normalize_to_ppm tmp = scn.pdata[0].data[xval,yval,:][ppm_filtered_ind] / scn.pdata[0].data[xval,yval,normalizeTo] # First do the water fit and shift the data so water is at 0 shiftParams = fit_water_peak(tmp[water_fit_freqs_ind],water_fit_freqs,allParams=True) shift = shiftParams[3] # Interpolating the Y-data so that it gets shifted to the acquired offsets! if numpy.isfinite(shift): s_shifted_back = scipy.interp(ppm_filtered, ppm_filtered+shift/2, tmp) new_shifted = s_shifted_back else: print(shift) pass if fitcount>0: # Use parameters from last fit testParams = h_convertBetweenStructArrays(newstruct,toType='array') else: # Get initial starting parameters testParams = get_neighbours_starting() testParams = h_convertBetweenStructArrays(testParams,toType = 'array') fit_params,cov,infodict,mesg,ier = scipy.optimize.leastsq( h_residual_Zspectrum_N, testParams, args=(new_shifted, ppm_filtered), full_output = True, maxfev = 900, ftol =1E-9) newstruct['offset'] = fit_params[0] newstruct['A1'] = fit_params[1] newstruct['w1'] = fit_params[2] newstruct['p1'] = fit_params[3] newstruct['A2'] = fit_params[4] newstruct['w2'] = fit_params[5] newstruct['p2'] = fit_params[6] newstruct['A3'] = fit_params[7] newstruct['w3'] = fit_params[8] newstruct['p3'] = fit_params[9] newstruct['A4'] = fit_params[10] newstruct['w4'] = fit_params[11] newstruct['p4'] = fit_params[12] newstruct['water_A'] = fit_params[13] newstruct['water_w'] = fit_params[14] newstruct['water_p'] = fit_params[15] fitcount+=1 freqs = numpy.arange(-10,10,0.1) fit_quality = scipy.nansum(numpy.abs(new_shifted - h_zspectrum_N(fit_params,ppm_filtered))) return {'fit_params':newstruct, 'data': [ppm_filtered, new_shifted], 'fitdata': [freqs, h_zspectrum_N(newstruct, freqs)], 'fit_quality': fit_quality}
def calculate_avg(): #DONE global data_avg global data_std global nb_rows global nb_cols #calculate raw average #--------------------- data_avg = np.zeros((nb_rows,nb_cols)) if len(args.xvgfilenames) > 1: data_std = np.zeros((nb_rows,nb_cols-1)) data_avg[:,0] = first_col for col_index in range(1, nb_cols): col_name = columns_names[col_index-1] #initialise average with first file filename = args.xvgfilenames[0] tmp_col_nb = files_columns[filename]["leg2col"][col_name] tmp_col_avg = files_columns[filename]["data"][:,tmp_col_nb:tmp_col_nb+1] * files_columns[filename]["weight"] * len(args.xvgfilenames) / float(weight_sum) #add columns of following files for f_index in range(1,len(args.xvgfilenames)): filename = args.xvgfilenames[f_index] tmp_col_nb = files_columns[filename]["leg2col"][col_name] tmp_col_avg = np.concatenate([tmp_col_avg,files_columns[filename]["data"][:,tmp_col_nb:tmp_col_nb+1] * files_columns[filename]["weight"] * len(args.xvgfilenames) / float(weight_sum)], axis = 1) if len(args.xvgfilenames) > 1: #calculate weighted average taking into account "nan" #---------------------------------------------------- data_avg[:,col_index] = scipy.stats.nanmean(tmp_col_avg, axis = 1) #calculate unbiased weighted std dev taking into account "nan" #------------------------------------------------------------- #initialise average with first file filename = args.xvgfilenames[0] tmp_col_nb = files_columns[filename]["leg2col"][col_name] tmp_col_std = files_columns[filename]["weight"] * (files_columns[filename]["data"][:,tmp_col_nb:tmp_col_nb+1] - data_avg[:,col_index:col_index+1])**2 tmp_weigh2_sum = files_columns[filename]["weight"]**2 #add columns of following files for f_index in range(1,len(args.xvgfilenames)): filename = args.xvgfilenames[f_index] tmp_col_nb = files_columns[filename]["leg2col"][col_name] tmp_col_std = np.concatenate([tmp_col_std, files_columns[filename]["weight"] * (files_columns[filename]["data"][:,tmp_col_nb:tmp_col_nb+1] - data_avg[:,col_index:col_index+1])**2], axis = 1) tmp_weigh2_sum += files_columns[filename]["weight"]**2 #calculate unbiased standard deviation as defined on wikipedia: tmp_col_std = np.sqrt(weight_sum / float(weight_sum**2 - tmp_weigh2_sum) * scipy.nansum(tmp_col_std, axis = 1)) data_std[:,col_index-1] = tmp_col_std else: data_avg[:,col_index] = tmp_col_avg[:,0] #update by smoothing #------------------- if args.nb_smoothing > 1: nb_rows = nb_rows - args.nb_smoothing + 1 tmp_data_avg_smoothed = np.zeros((nb_rows,nb_cols)) tmp_data_std_smoothed = np.zeros((nb_rows,nb_cols-1)) tmp_data_avg_smoothed[:,0] = np.transpose(rolling_avg(np.transpose(data_avg[:,0]))[0]) for col_index in range(1, nb_cols): tmp_avg, tmp_std = rolling_avg(np.transpose(data_avg[:,col_index])) tmp_data_avg_smoothed[:,col_index] = np.transpose(tmp_avg) #if one file the std correspond to the fluctuation around the smooth value if len(args.xvgfilenames) == 1: tmp_data_std_smoothed[:,col_index-1] = np.transpose(tmp_std) #if several files the std correspond to the smoothing of the std obtained when calculating the files average else: tmp_data_std_smoothed[:,col_index-1] = np.transpose(rolling_avg(np.transpose(data_std[:,col_index-1]))) data_avg = tmp_data_avg_smoothed data_std = tmp_data_std_smoothed #update by skipping #------------------ if args.nb_skipping > 1 : rows_to_keep = [r for r in range(0,nb_rows) if r%args.nb_skipping ==0] nb_rows = len(rows_to_keep) data_avg = data_avg[rows_to_keep,:] if len(args.xvgfilenames) > 1: data_std = data_std[rows_to_keep,:] #replace nan values if necessary #------------------------------- if args.nan2num != "no": data_avg[np.isnan(data_avg)] = args.nan2num if len(args.xvgfilenames) > 1: data_std[np.isnan(data_std)] = args.nan2num return
def lowerBound(x1, x2, w1, w2, y, tau): xw = SP.outer(x1, w1) return SP.nansum(tau * (y**2 + SP.outer(x2, w2) - 2 * xw * y))
def apogee_figures( plotfilename, savefilename=None, bar_angle=25.0, dt=None, l=None, rolr=None, bar_strength=None, slope=None, vlosgrid=201, dgrid=101, conditional=False, dmax=10.0 / 8.0, ): """ NAME: apogee_figures PURPOSE: make a vlos-d plot for APOGEE INPUT: plotfilename - name of the file the figure will be saved to savefilename - name of the file the velocity distributions will be saved to bar_angle= angle between the GC-Sun lin and the bar major axis dt= - time to integrate for (in bar-periods) l= - Galactic longitude rolr= radius of outer lindblad radius bar_strength= strength of the bar slop= slope of the rotation curve (power-law index) conditional= if True, normalize each velocity distribution independently OUTPUT: saves velocity distributions to pickle save file and produces plot HISTORY: 2011-03-19 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ # Grid vlosgrid = _VLOSGRID dgrid = _DGRID vloslinspace = (-0.9, 0.9, vlosgrid) vloss = sc.linspace(*vloslinspace) dlinspace = (0.0001, dmax, dgrid) ds = sc.linspace(*dlinspace) # Set up parameters potparams = (rolr, bar_strength, bar_angle * _degtorad, 0.8, None) if os.path.exists(savefilename): savefile = open(savefilename, "rb") vlosds = pickle.load(savefile) dd = pickle.load(savefile) savefile.close() else: vlosds = [] dd = 0 while dd < dgrid: print "Working on %i / %i ..." % (dd + 1, dgrid) # Calculate vlos for this distance if dt is None: vlosd = predictVlos( vloslinspace, l=(l * _degtorad), d=ds[dd], distCoord="Sun", pot="bar", beta=slope, potparams=potparams ) else: vlosd = predictVlos( vloslinspace, l=(l * _degtorad), d=ds[dd], distCoord="Sun", pot="bar", beta=slope, potparams=potparams, t=dt, ) vlosds.append(vlosd) dd += 1 # Save savefile = open(savefilename, "wb") pickle.dump(vlosds, savefile) pickle.dump(dd, savefile) savefile.close() # Plot if conditional: newvlosds = [] for vlosd in vlosds: newvlosds.append(vlosd / (sc.nansum(vlosd) * (vloss[1] - vloss[0]))) vlosds = newvlosds bovy_plot.bovy_print() bovy_plot.bovy_dens2d( sc.array(vlosds).T, origin="lower", cmap="gist_yarg", aspect=0.66, xlabel=r"$d\ /\ R_0$", ylabel=r"$(v_{\mathrm{los}} - \vec{v}_c \cdot \vec{d})\ /\ v_0$", yrange=sc.array([vloslinspace[0], vloslinspace[1]]), xrange=sc.array([dlinspace[0], dlinspace[1]]), contours=True, cntrmass=True, cntrcolors=["w", "w", "w", "w", "w", "k", "k", "k", "k", "k"], ) if bar_strength == 0.0: bovy_plot.bovy_text(r"$l = %i^\circ$" % int(l), top_right=True) else: bovy_plot.bovy_text( r"$l = %i^\circ$" % int(l) + "\n" + r"$R_{\mathrm{OLR}} = %3.1f$" % rolr + "\n" + r"$\alpha = %5.3f$" % bar_strength + "\n" + r"$\phi_{\mathrm{bar}} = %i^\circ$" % int(bar_angle), top_right=True, ) bovy_plot.bovy_end_print(plotfilename)
def processdata(self): """ This will perform the the data processing and create the ACF estimates for both the data and noise. Inputs: timevec - A numpy array of times in seconds where the integration will begin. inttime - The integration time in seconds. lagfunc - A function that will make the desired lag products. Outputs: DataLags: A dictionary with keys 'Power' 'ACF','RG','Pulses' that holds the numpy arrays of the data. NoiseLags: A dictionary with keys 'Power' 'ACF','RG','Pulses' that holds the numpy arrays of the data. """ timevec = self.simparams['Timevec'] + self.timeoffset inttime = self.simparams['Tint'] # Get array sizes NNs = int(self.simparams['NNs']) range_gates = self.simparams['Rangegates'] N_rg = len(range_gates) # take the size pulse = self.simparams['Pulse'] Pulselen = len(pulse) N_samps = N_rg + Pulselen - 1 simdtype = self.simparams['dtype'] Ntime = len(timevec) if 'outangles' in self.simparams.keys(): Nbeams = len(self.simparams['outangles']) inttime = inttime else: Nbeams = len(self.simparams['angles']) # Choose type of processing if self.simparams['Pulsetype'].lower() == 'barker': lagfunc = BarkerLag Nlag = 1 else: lagfunc = CenteredLagProduct Nlag = Pulselen # initialize output arrays outdata = sp.zeros((Ntime, Nbeams, N_rg, Nlag), dtype=simdtype) outaddednoise = sp.zeros((Ntime, Nbeams, N_rg, Nlag), dtype=simdtype) outnoise = sp.zeros((Ntime, Nbeams, NNs - Pulselen + 1, Nlag), dtype=simdtype) pulses = sp.zeros((Ntime, Nbeams)) pulsesN = sp.zeros((Ntime, Nbeams)) timemat = sp.zeros((Ntime, 2)) Ksysvec = self.sensdict['Ksys'] # set up arrays that hold the location of pulses that are to be processed together infoname = self.datadir / 'INFO.h5' # Just going to assume that the info file is in the directory infodict = h52dict(str(infoname)) flist = infodict['Files'] file_list = [str(self.datadir / i) for i in flist] pulsen_list = infodict['Pulses'] beamn_list = infodict['Beams'] time_list = infodict['Time'] file_loclist = [ ifn * sp.ones(len(ifl)) for ifn, ifl in enumerate(beamn_list) ] if 'NoiseTime' in infodict.keys(): sridata = True tnoiselist = infodict['NoiseTime'] nfile_loclist = [ ifn * sp.ones(len(ifl)) for ifn, ifl in enumerate(tnoiselist) ] else: sridata = False pulsen = sp.hstack(pulsen_list).astype(int) # pulse number beamn = sp.hstack(beamn_list).astype(int) # beam numbers ptimevec = sp.hstack(time_list).astype(float) # time of each pulse file_loc = sp.hstack(file_loclist).astype(int) # location in the file if sridata: ntimevec = sp.vstack(tnoiselist).astype(float) nfile_loc = sp.hstack(nfile_loclist).astype(int) outnoise = sp.zeros((Ntime, Nbeams, NNs - Pulselen + 1, Nlag), dtype=simdtype) # run the time loop print("Forming ACF estimates") # For each time go through and read only the necisary files for itn, it in enumerate(timevec): update_progress( float(itn) / Ntime, "Time {0:d} of {1:d}".format(itn, Ntime)) # do the book keeping to determine locations of data within the files cur_tlim = (it, it + inttime) curcases = sp.logical_and(ptimevec >= cur_tlim[0], ptimevec < cur_tlim[1]) # SRI data Hack if sridata: curcases_n = sp.logical_and(ntimevec[:, 0] >= cur_tlim[0], ntimevec[:, 0] < cur_tlim[1]) curfileloc_n = nfile_loc[curcases_n] curfiles_n = set(curfileloc_n) if not sp.any(curcases): update_progress( float(itn) / Ntime, "No pulses for time {0:d} of {1:d}, lagdata adjusted accordinly" .format(itn, Ntime)) outdata = outdata[:itn] outnoise = outnoise[:itn] pulses = pulses[:itn] pulsesN = pulsesN[:itn] timemat = timemat[:itn] continue pulseset = set(pulsen[curcases]) poslist = [sp.where(pulsen == item)[0] for item in pulseset] pos_all = sp.hstack(poslist) try: pos_all = sp.hstack(poslist) curfileloc = file_loc[pos_all] except: pdb.set_trace() # Find the needed files and beam numbers curfiles = set(curfileloc) beamlocs = beamn[pos_all] timemat[itn, 0] = ptimevec[pos_all].min() timemat[itn, 1] = ptimevec[pos_all].max() # cur data pulls out all data from all of the beams and posisions curdata = sp.zeros((len(pos_all), N_samps), dtype=simdtype) curaddednoise = sp.zeros((len(pos_all), N_samps), dtype=simdtype) curnoise = sp.zeros((len(pos_all), NNs), dtype=simdtype) # Open files and get required data # XXX come up with way to get open up new files not have to reread in data that is already in memory for ifn in curfiles: curfileit = [ sp.where(pulsen_list[ifn] == item)[0] for item in pulseset ] curfileitvec = sp.hstack(curfileit) ifile = file_list[ifn] curh5data = h52dict(ifile) file_arlocs = sp.where(curfileloc == ifn)[0] curdata[file_arlocs] = curh5data['RawData'][curfileitvec] curaddednoise[file_arlocs] = curh5data['AddedNoise'].astype( simdtype)[curfileitvec] # Read in noise data when you have don't have ACFs if not sridata: curnoise[file_arlocs] = curh5data['NoiseData'].astype( simdtype)[curfileitvec] #SRI data if sridata: curnoise = sp.zeros( (len(curfileloc_n), Nbeams, NNs - Pulselen + 1, Pulselen), dtype=simdtype) for ifn in curfiles_n: curfileit_n = sp.where( sp.logical_and(tnoiselist[ifn][:, 0] >= cur_tlim[0], tnoiselist[ifn][:, 0] < cur_tlim[1]))[0] ifile = file_list[ifn] curh5data_n = h52dict(ifile) file_arlocs = sp.where(curfileloc_n == ifn)[0] curnoise[file_arlocs] = curh5data_n['NoiseDataACF'][ curfileit_n] # differentiate between phased arrays and dish antennas if self.sensdict['Name'].lower() in ['risr', 'pfisr', 'risr-n']: # After data is read in form lags for each beam for ibeam in range(Nbeams): update_progress( float(itn) / Ntime + float(ibeam) / Ntime / Nbeams, "Beam {0:d} of {1:d}".format(ibeam, Nbeams)) beamlocstmp = sp.where(beamlocs == ibeam)[0] pulses[itn, ibeam] = len(beamlocstmp) outdata[itn, ibeam] = lagfunc(curdata[beamlocstmp].copy(), numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse, lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) if sridata: pulsesN[itn, ibeam] = len(curnoise) outnoise[itn, ibeam] = sp.nansum(curnoise[:, ibeam], axis=0) else: pulsesN[itn, ibeam] = len(beamlocstmp) outnoise[itn, ibeam] = lagfunc( curnoise[beamlocstmp].copy(), numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse, lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) outaddednoise[itn, ibeam] = lagfunc( curaddednoise[beamlocstmp].copy(), numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse, lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) else: for ibeam, ibeamlist in enumerate(self.simparams['outangles']): update_progress( float(itn) / Ntime + float(ibeam) / Ntime / Nbeams, "Beam {0:d} of {1:d}".format(ibeam, Nbeams)) beamlocstmp = sp.where(sp.in1d(beamlocs, ibeamlist))[0] curbeams = beamlocs[beamlocstmp] ksysmat = Ksysvec[curbeams] ksysmean = Ksysvec[ibeamlist[0]] inputdata = curdata[beamlocstmp].copy() noisedata = curnoise[beamlocstmp].copy() noisedataadd = curaddednoise[beamlocstmp].copy() ksysmult = ksysmean / sp.tile(ksysmat[:, sp.newaxis], (1, inputdata.shape[1])) ksysmultn = ksysmean / sp.tile(ksysmat[:, sp.newaxis], (1, noisedata.shape[1])) ksysmultna = ksysmean / sp.tile(ksysmat[:, sp.newaxis], (1, noisedataadd.shape[1])) pulses[itn, ibeam] = len(beamlocstmp) pulsesN[itn, ibeam] = len(beamlocstmp) outdata[itn, ibeam] = lagfunc(inputdata * ksysmult, numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse, lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) outnoise[itn, ibeam] = lagfunc( noisedata * ksysmultn, numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse, lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) outaddednoise[itn, ibeam] = lagfunc( noisedataadd * ksysmultna, numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse, lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) # Create output dictionaries and output data DataLags = { 'ACF': outdata, 'Pow': outdata[:, :, :, 0].real, 'Pulses': pulses, 'Time': timemat, 'AddedNoiseACF': outaddednoise } NoiseLags = { 'ACF': outnoise, 'Pow': outnoise[:, :, :, 0].real, 'Pulses': pulsesN, 'Time': timemat } return (DataLags, NoiseLags)
def bovy_dens2d(X,**kwargs): """ NAME: bovy_dens2d PURPOSE: plot a 2d density with optional contours INPUT: first argument is the density matplotlib.pyplot.imshow keywords (see xlabel - (raw string!) x-axis label, LaTeX math mode, no $s needed ylabel - (raw string!) y-axis label, LaTeX math mode, no $s needed xrange yrange noaxes - don't plot any axes overplot - if True, overplot colorbar - if True, add colorbar shrink= colorbar argument: shrink the colorbar by the factor (optional) conditional - normalize each column separately (for probability densities, i.e., cntrmass=True) Contours: justcontours - if True, only draw contours contours - if True, draw contours (10 by default) levels - contour-levels cntrmass - if True, the density is a probability and the levels are probability masses contained within the contour cntrcolors - colors for contours (single color or array) cntrlabel - label the contours cntrlw, cntrls - linewidths and linestyles for contour cntrlabelsize, cntrlabelcolors,cntrinline - contour arguments cntrSmooth - use ndimage.gaussian_filter to smooth before contouring onedhists - if True, make one-d histograms on the sides onedhistcolor - histogram color retAxes= return all Axes instances retCont= return the contour instance OUTPUT: plot to output device, Axes instances depending on input HISTORY: 2010-03-09 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ overplot= kwargs.pop('overplot',False) if not overplot: pyplot.figure() xlabel= kwargs.pop('xlabel',None) ylabel= kwargs.pop('ylabel',None) zlabel= kwargs.pop('zlabel',None) if 'extent' in kwargs: extent= kwargs.pop('extent') else: xlimits= kwargs.pop('xrange',[0,X.shape[1]]) ylimits= kwargs.pop('yrange',[0,X.shape[0]]) extent= xlimits+ylimits if not 'aspect' in kwargs: kwargs['aspect']= (xlimits[1]-xlimits[0])/float(ylimits[1]-ylimits[0]) noaxes= kwargs.pop('noaxes',False) justcontours= kwargs.pop('justcontours',False) if ('contours' in kwargs and kwargs['contours']) or \ 'levels' in kwargs or justcontours or \ ('cntrmass' in kwargs and kwargs['cntrmass']): contours= True else: contours= False kwargs.pop('contours',None) if 'levels' in kwargs: levels= kwargs['levels'] kwargs.pop('levels') elif contours: if 'cntrmass' in kwargs and kwargs['cntrmass']: levels= sc.linspace(0.,1.,_DEFAULTNCNTR) elif True in sc.isnan(sc.array(X)): levels= sc.linspace(sc.nanmin(X),sc.nanmax(X),_DEFAULTNCNTR) else: levels= sc.linspace(sc.amin(X),sc.amax(X),_DEFAULTNCNTR) cntrmass= kwargs.pop('cntrmass',False) conditional= kwargs.pop('conditional',False) cntrcolors= kwargs.pop('cntrcolors','k') cntrlabel= kwargs.pop('cntrlabel',False) cntrlw= kwargs.pop('cntrlw',None) cntrls= kwargs.pop('cntrls',None) cntrSmooth= kwargs.pop('cntrSmooth',None) cntrlabelsize= kwargs.pop('cntrlabelsize',None) cntrlabelcolors= kwargs.pop('cntrlabelcolors',None) cntrinline= kwargs.pop('cntrinline',None) retCumImage= kwargs.pop('retCumImage',False) cb= kwargs.pop('colorbar',False) shrink= kwargs.pop('shrink',None) onedhists= kwargs.pop('onedhists',False) onedhistcolor= kwargs.pop('onedhistcolor','k') retAxes= kwargs.pop('retAxes',False) retCont= kwargs.pop('retCont',False) if onedhists: if overplot: fig= pyplot.gcf() else: fig= pyplot.figure() nullfmt = NullFormatter() # no labels # definitions for the axes left, width = 0.1, 0.65 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65 bottom_h = left_h = left+width rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height] axScatter = pyplot.axes(rect_scatter) axHistx = pyplot.axes(rect_histx) axHisty = pyplot.axes(rect_histy) # no labels axHistx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHistx.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHisty.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHisty.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) ax=pyplot.gca() ax.set_autoscale_on(False) if conditional: plotthis= X/sc.tile(sc.sum(X,axis=0),(X.shape[1],1)) else: plotthis= X if not justcontours: out= pyplot.imshow(plotthis,extent=extent,**kwargs) if not overplot: pyplot.axis(extent) _add_axislabels(xlabel,ylabel) _add_ticks() #Add colorbar if cb and not justcontours: if shrink is None: shrink= sc.amin([float(kwargs.pop('aspect',1.))*0.87,1.]) CB1= pyplot.colorbar(out,shrink=shrink) if not zlabel is None: if zlabel[0] != '$': thiszlabel=r'$'+zlabel+'$' else: thiszlabel=zlabel CB1.set_label(thiszlabel) if contours or retCumImage: aspect= kwargs.get('aspect',None) origin= kwargs.get('origin',None) if cntrmass: #Sum from the top down! plotthis[sc.isnan(plotthis)]= 0. sortindx= sc.argsort(plotthis.flatten())[::-1] cumul= sc.cumsum(sc.sort(plotthis.flatten())[::-1])/sc.sum(plotthis.flatten()) cntrThis= sc.zeros( cntrThis[sortindx]= cumul cntrThis= sc.reshape(cntrThis,plotthis.shape) else: cntrThis= plotthis if contours: if not cntrSmooth is None: cntrThis= ndimage.gaussian_filter(cntrThis,cntrSmooth, mode='nearest') cont= pyplot.contour(cntrThis,levels,colors=cntrcolors, linewidths=cntrlw,extent=extent,aspect=aspect, linestyles=cntrls,origin=origin) if cntrlabel: pyplot.clabel(cont,fontsize=cntrlabelsize, colors=cntrlabelcolors, inline=cntrinline) if noaxes: ax.set_axis_off() #Add onedhists if not onedhists: if retCumImage: return cntrThis elif retAxes: return pyplot.gca() elif retCont: return cont elif justcontours: return cntrThis else: return out histx= sc.nansum(X.T,axis=1)*m.fabs(ylimits[1]-ylimits[0])/X.shape[1] #nansum bc nan is *no dens value* histy= sc.nansum(X.T,axis=0)*m.fabs(xlimits[1]-xlimits[0])/X.shape[0] histx[sc.isnan(histx)]= 0. histy[sc.isnan(histy)]= 0. dx= (extent[1]-extent[0])/float(len(histx)) axHistx.plot(sc.linspace(extent[0]+dx,extent[1]-dx,len(histx)),histx, drawstyle='steps-mid',color=onedhistcolor) dy= (extent[3]-extent[2])/float(len(histy)) axHisty.plot(histy,sc.linspace(extent[2]+dy,extent[3]-dy,len(histy)), drawstyle='steps-mid',color=onedhistcolor) axHistx.set_xlim( axScatter.get_xlim() ) axHisty.set_ylim( axScatter.get_ylim() ) axHistx.set_ylim( 0, 1.2*sc.amax(histx)) axHisty.set_xlim( 0, 1.2*sc.amax(histy)) if retCumImage: return cntrThis elif retAxes: return (axScatter,axHistx,axHisty) elif justcontours: return cntrThis else: return out
def bovy_dens2d(X,**kwargs): """ NAME: bovy_dens2d PURPOSE: plot a 2d density with optional contours INPUT: first argument is the density matplotlib.pyplot.imshow keywords (see xlabel - (raw string!) x-axis label, LaTeX math mode, no $s needed ylabel - (raw string!) y-axis label, LaTeX math mode, no $s needed xrange yrange noaxes - don't plot any axes overplot - if True, overplot colorbar - if True, add colorbar shrink= colorbar argument: shrink the colorbar by the factor (optional) Contours: contours - if True, draw contours (10 by default) levels - contour-levels cntrmass - if True, the density is a probability and the levels are probability masses contained within the contour cntrcolors - colors for contours (single color or array) cntrlabel - label the contours cntrlw, cntrls - linewidths and linestyles for contour cntrlabelsize, cntrlabelcolors,cntrinline - contour arguments onedhists - if True, make one-d histograms on the sides onedhistcolor - histogram color retAxes= return all Axes instances OUTPUT: HISTORY: 2010-03-09 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ if kwargs.has_key('overplot'): overplot= kwargs['overplot'] kwargs.pop('overplot') else: overplot= False if not overplot: pyplot.figure() if kwargs.has_key('xlabel'): xlabel= kwargs['xlabel'] kwargs.pop('xlabel') else: xlabel=None if kwargs.has_key('ylabel'): ylabel= kwargs['ylabel'] kwargs.pop('ylabel') else: ylabel=None if kwargs.has_key('zlabel'): zlabel= kwargs['zlabel'] kwargs.pop('zlabel') else: zlabel=None if kwargs.has_key('extent'): extent= kwargs['extent'] kwargs.pop('extent') else: if kwargs.has_key('xrange'): xlimits=list(kwargs['xrange']) kwargs.pop('xrange') else: xlimits=[0,X.shape[0]] if kwargs.has_key('yrange'): ylimits=list(kwargs['yrange']) kwargs.pop('yrange') else: ylimits=[0,X.shape[1]] extent= xlimits+ylimits if not kwargs.has_key('aspect'): kwargs['aspect']= (xlimits[1]-xlimits[0])/float(ylimits[1]-ylimits[0]) if kwargs.has_key('noaxes'): noaxes= kwargs['noaxes'] kwargs.pop('noaxes') else: noaxes= False if (kwargs.has_key('contours') and kwargs['contours']) or \ kwargs.has_key('levels') or \ (kwargs.has_key('cntrmass') and kwargs['cntrmass']): contours= True else: contours= False if kwargs.has_key('contours'): kwargs.pop('contours') if kwargs.has_key('levels'): levels= kwargs['levels'] kwargs.pop('levels') elif contours: if kwargs.has_key('cntrmass') and kwargs['cntrmass']: levels= sc.linspace(0.,1.,_DEFAULTNCNTR) elif True in sc.isnan(sc.array(X)): levels= sc.linspace(sc.nanmin(X),sc.nanmax(X),_DEFAULTNCNTR) else: levels= sc.linspace(sc.amin(X),sc.amax(X),_DEFAULTNCNTR) if kwargs.has_key('cntrmass') and kwargs['cntrmass']: cntrmass= True kwargs.pop('cntrmass') else: cntrmass= False if kwargs.has_key('cntrmass'): kwargs.pop('cntrmass') if kwargs.has_key('cntrcolors'): cntrcolors= kwargs['cntrcolors'] kwargs.pop('cntrcolors') elif contours: cntrcolors='k' if kwargs.has_key('cntrlabel') and kwargs['cntrlabel']: cntrlabel= True kwargs.pop('cntrlabel') else: cntrlabel= False if kwargs.has_key('cntrlabel'): kwargs.pop('cntrlabel') if kwargs.has_key('cntrlw'): cntrlw= kwargs['cntrlw'] kwargs.pop('cntrlw') elif contours: cntrlw= None if kwargs.has_key('cntrls'): cntrls= kwargs['cntrls'] kwargs.pop('cntrls') elif contours: cntrls= None if kwargs.has_key('cntrlabelsize'): cntrlabelsize= kwargs['cntrlabelsize'] kwargs.pop('cntrlabelsize') elif contours: cntrlabelsize= None if kwargs.has_key('cntrlabelcolors'): cntrlabelcolors= kwargs['cntrlabelcolors'] kwargs.pop('cntrlabelcolors') elif contours: cntrlabelcolors= None if kwargs.has_key('cntrinline'): cntrinline= kwargs['cntrinline'] kwargs.pop('cntrinline') elif contours: cntrinline= None if kwargs.has_key('retCumImage'): retCumImage= kwargs['retCumImage'] kwargs.pop('retCumImage') else: retCumImage= False if kwargs.has_key('colorbar'): cb= kwargs['colorbar'] kwargs.pop('colorbar') else: cb= False if kwargs.has_key('shrink'): shrink= kwargs['shrink'] kwargs.pop('shrink') else: shrink= None if kwargs.has_key('onedhists'): onedhists= kwargs['onedhists'] kwargs.pop('onedhists') else: onedhists= False if kwargs.has_key('onedhistcolor'): onedhistcolor= kwargs['onedhistcolor'] kwargs.pop('onedhistcolor') else: onedhistcolor= 'k' if kwargs.has_key('retAxes'): retAxes= kwargs['retAxes'] kwargs.pop('retAxes') else: retAxes= False if onedhists: if overplot: fig= pyplot.gcf() else: fig= pyplot.figure() nullfmt = NullFormatter() # no labels # definitions for the axes left, width = 0.1, 0.65 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65 bottom_h = left_h = left+width rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height] axScatter = pyplot.axes(rect_scatter) axHistx = pyplot.axes(rect_histx) axHisty = pyplot.axes(rect_histy) # no labels axHistx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHistx.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHisty.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHisty.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) ax=pyplot.gca() ax.set_autoscale_on(False) out= pyplot.imshow(X,extent=extent,**kwargs) pyplot.axis(extent) _add_axislabels(xlabel,ylabel) _add_ticks() #Add colorbar if cb: if shrink is None: if kwargs.has_key('aspect'): shrink= sc.amin([float(kwargs['aspect'])*0.87,1.]) else: shrink= 0.87 CB1= pyplot.colorbar(out,shrink=shrink) if not zlabel is None: if zlabel[0] != '$': thiszlabel=r'$'+zlabel+'$' else: thiszlabel=zlabel CB1.set_label(zlabel) if contours or retCumImage: if kwargs.has_key('aspect'): aspect= kwargs['aspect'] else: aspect= None if kwargs.has_key('origin'): origin= kwargs['origin'] else: origin= None if cntrmass: #Sum from the top down! X[sc.isnan(X)]= 0. sortindx= sc.argsort(X.flatten())[::-1] cumul= sc.cumsum(sc.sort(X.flatten())[::-1])/sc.sum(X.flatten()) cntrThis= sc.zeros( cntrThis[sortindx]= cumul cntrThis= sc.reshape(cntrThis,X.shape) else: cntrThis= X if contours: cont= pyplot.contour(cntrThis,levels,colors=cntrcolors, linewidths=cntrlw,extent=extent,aspect=aspect, linestyles=cntrls,origin=origin) if cntrlabel: pyplot.clabel(cont,fontsize=cntrlabelsize, colors=cntrlabelcolors, inline=cntrinline) if noaxes: ax.set_axis_off() #Add onedhists if not onedhists: if retCumImage: return cntrThis elif retAxes: return pyplot.gca() else: return out histx= sc.nansum(X.T,axis=1)*m.fabs(ylimits[1]-ylimits[0])/X.shape[1] #nansum bc nan is *no dens value* histy= sc.nansum(X.T,axis=0)*m.fabs(xlimits[1]-xlimits[0])/X.shape[0] histx[sc.isnan(histx)]= 0. histy[sc.isnan(histy)]= 0. dx= (extent[1]-extent[0])/float(len(histx)) axHistx.plot(sc.linspace(extent[0]+dx,extent[1]-dx,len(histx)),histx, drawstyle='steps-mid',color=onedhistcolor) dy= (extent[3]-extent[2])/float(len(histy)) axHisty.plot(histy,sc.linspace(extent[2]+dy,extent[3]-dy,len(histy)), drawstyle='steps-mid',color=onedhistcolor) axHistx.set_xlim( axScatter.get_xlim() ) axHisty.set_ylim( axScatter.get_ylim() ) axHistx.set_ylim( 0, 1.2*sc.amax(histx)) axHisty.set_xlim( 0, 1.2*sc.amax(histy)) if retCumImage: return cntrThis elif retAxes: return (axScatter,axHistx,axHisty) else: return out
def bovy_dens2d(X, **kwargs): """ NAME: bovy_dens2d PURPOSE: plot a 2d density with optional contours INPUT: first argument is the density matplotlib.pyplot.imshow keywords (see xlabel - (raw string!) x-axis label, LaTeX math mode, no $s needed ylabel - (raw string!) y-axis label, LaTeX math mode, no $s needed xrange yrange noaxes - don't plot any axes overplot - if True, overplot colorbar - if True, add colorbar shrink= colorbar argument: shrink the colorbar by the factor (optional) conditional - normalize each column separately (for probability densities, i.e., cntrmass=True) gcf=True does not start a new figure (does change the ranges and labels) Contours: justcontours - if True, only draw contours contours - if True, draw contours (10 by default) levels - contour-levels cntrmass - if True, the density is a probability and the levels are probability masses contained within the contour cntrcolors - colors for contours (single color or array) cntrlabel - label the contours cntrlw, cntrls - linewidths and linestyles for contour cntrlabelsize, cntrlabelcolors,cntrinline - contour arguments cntrSmooth - use ndimage.gaussian_filter to smooth before contouring onedhists - if True, make one-d histograms on the sides onedhistcolor - histogram color retAxes= return all Axes instances retCont= return the contour instance OUTPUT: plot to output device, Axes instances depending on input HISTORY: 2010-03-09 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ overplot = kwargs.pop('overplot', False) gcf = kwargs.pop('gcf', False) if not overplot and not gcf: pyplot.figure() xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', None) ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', None) zlabel = kwargs.pop('zlabel', None) if 'extent' in kwargs: extent = kwargs.pop('extent') else: xlimits = kwargs.pop('xrange', [0, X.shape[1]]) ylimits = kwargs.pop('yrange', [0, X.shape[0]]) extent = xlimits + ylimits if not 'aspect' in kwargs: kwargs['aspect'] = (xlimits[1] - xlimits[0]) / float(ylimits[1] - ylimits[0]) noaxes = kwargs.pop('noaxes', False) justcontours = kwargs.pop('justcontours', False) if ('contours' in kwargs and kwargs['contours']) or \ 'levels' in kwargs or justcontours or \ ('cntrmass' in kwargs and kwargs['cntrmass']): contours = True else: contours = False kwargs.pop('contours', None) if 'levels' in kwargs: levels = kwargs['levels'] kwargs.pop('levels') elif contours: if 'cntrmass' in kwargs and kwargs['cntrmass']: levels = sc.linspace(0., 1., _DEFAULTNCNTR) elif True in sc.isnan(sc.array(X)): levels = sc.linspace(sc.nanmin(X), sc.nanmax(X), _DEFAULTNCNTR) else: levels = sc.linspace(sc.amin(X), sc.amax(X), _DEFAULTNCNTR) cntrmass = kwargs.pop('cntrmass', False) conditional = kwargs.pop('conditional', False) cntrcolors = kwargs.pop('cntrcolors', 'k') cntrlabel = kwargs.pop('cntrlabel', False) cntrlw = kwargs.pop('cntrlw', None) cntrls = kwargs.pop('cntrls', None) cntrSmooth = kwargs.pop('cntrSmooth', None) cntrlabelsize = kwargs.pop('cntrlabelsize', None) cntrlabelcolors = kwargs.pop('cntrlabelcolors', None) cntrinline = kwargs.pop('cntrinline', None) retCumImage = kwargs.pop('retCumImage', False) cb = kwargs.pop('colorbar', False) shrink = kwargs.pop('shrink', None) onedhists = kwargs.pop('onedhists', False) onedhistcolor = kwargs.pop('onedhistcolor', 'k') retAxes = kwargs.pop('retAxes', False) retCont = kwargs.pop('retCont', False) if onedhists: if overplot or gcf: fig = pyplot.gcf() else: fig = pyplot.figure() nullfmt = NullFormatter() # no labels # definitions for the axes left, width = 0.1, 0.65 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65 bottom_h = left_h = left + width rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height] axScatter = pyplot.axes(rect_scatter) axHistx = pyplot.axes(rect_histx) axHisty = pyplot.axes(rect_histy) # no labels axHistx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHistx.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHisty.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHisty.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) ax = pyplot.gca() ax.set_autoscale_on(False) if conditional: plotthis = X / sc.tile(sc.sum(X, axis=0), (X.shape[1], 1)) else: plotthis = X if not justcontours: out = pyplot.imshow(plotthis, extent=extent, **kwargs) if not overplot: pyplot.axis(extent) _add_axislabels(xlabel, ylabel) _add_ticks() #Add colorbar if cb and not justcontours: if shrink is None: shrink = sc.amin([float(kwargs.pop('aspect', 1.)) * 0.87, 1.]) CB1 = pyplot.colorbar(out, shrink=shrink) if not zlabel is None: if zlabel[0] != '$': thiszlabel = r'$' + zlabel + '$' else: thiszlabel = zlabel CB1.set_label(thiszlabel) if contours or retCumImage: aspect = kwargs.get('aspect', None) origin = kwargs.get('origin', None) if cntrmass: #Sum from the top down! plotthis[sc.isnan(plotthis)] = 0. sortindx = sc.argsort(plotthis.flatten())[::-1] cumul = sc.cumsum(sc.sort(plotthis.flatten())[::-1]) / sc.sum( plotthis.flatten()) cntrThis = sc.zeros( cntrThis[sortindx] = cumul cntrThis = sc.reshape(cntrThis, plotthis.shape) else: cntrThis = plotthis if contours: if not cntrSmooth is None: cntrThis = ndimage.gaussian_filter(cntrThis, cntrSmooth, mode='nearest') cont = pyplot.contour(cntrThis, levels, colors=cntrcolors, linewidths=cntrlw, extent=extent, aspect=aspect, linestyles=cntrls, origin=origin) if cntrlabel: pyplot.clabel(cont, fontsize=cntrlabelsize, colors=cntrlabelcolors, inline=cntrinline) if noaxes: ax.set_axis_off() #Add onedhists if not onedhists: if retCumImage: return cntrThis elif retAxes: return pyplot.gca() elif retCont: return cont elif justcontours: return cntrThis else: return out histx = sc.nansum(X.T, axis=1) * m.fabs(ylimits[1] - ylimits[0]) / X.shape[ 1] #nansum bc nan is *no dens value* histy = sc.nansum(X.T, axis=0) * m.fabs(xlimits[1] - xlimits[0]) / X.shape[0] histx[sc.isnan(histx)] = 0. histy[sc.isnan(histy)] = 0. dx = (extent[1] - extent[0]) / float(len(histx)) axHistx.plot(sc.linspace(extent[0] + dx, extent[1] - dx, len(histx)), histx, drawstyle='steps-mid', color=onedhistcolor) dy = (extent[3] - extent[2]) / float(len(histy)) axHisty.plot(histy, sc.linspace(extent[2] + dy, extent[3] - dy, len(histy)), drawstyle='steps-mid', color=onedhistcolor) axHistx.set_xlim(axScatter.get_xlim()) axHisty.set_ylim(axScatter.get_ylim()) axHistx.set_ylim(0, 1.2 * sc.amax(histx)) axHisty.set_xlim(0, 1.2 * sc.amax(histy)) if retCumImage: return cntrThis elif retAxes: return (axScatter, axHistx, axHisty) elif justcontours: return cntrThis else: return out
def processdata(self): """ This will perform the the data processing and create the ACF estimates for both the data and noise. Inputs: timevec - A numpy array of times in seconds where the integration will begin. inttime - The integration time in seconds. lagfunc - A function that will make the desired lag products. Outputs: DataLags: A dictionary with keys 'Power' 'ACF','RG','Pulses' that holds the numpy arrays of the data. NoiseLags: A dictionary with keys 'Power' 'ACF','RG','Pulses' that holds the numpy arrays of the data. """ timevec = self.simparams['Timevec'] +self.timeoffset inttime = self.simparams['Tint'] # Get array sizes NNs = int(self.simparams['NNs']) range_gates = self.simparams['Rangegates'] N_rg = len(range_gates)# take the size pulse = self.simparams['Pulse'] Pulselen = len(pulse) N_samps = N_rg +Pulselen-1 simdtype = self.simparams['dtype'] Ntime=len(timevec) if 'outangles' in self.simparams.keys(): Nbeams = len(self.simparams['outangles']) inttime = inttime else: Nbeams = len(self.simparams['angles']) # Choose type of processing if self.simparams['Pulsetype'].lower() == 'barker': lagfunc=BarkerLag Nlag=1 else: lagfunc=CenteredLagProduct Nlag=Pulselen # initialize output arrays outdata = sp.zeros((Ntime,Nbeams,N_rg,Nlag),dtype=simdtype) outaddednoise = sp.zeros((Ntime,Nbeams,N_rg,Nlag),dtype=simdtype) outnoise = sp.zeros((Ntime,Nbeams,NNs-Pulselen+1,Nlag),dtype=simdtype) pulses = sp.zeros((Ntime,Nbeams)) pulsesN = sp.zeros((Ntime,Nbeams)) timemat = sp.zeros((Ntime,2)) Ksysvec = self.sensdict['Ksys'] # set up arrays that hold the location of pulses that are to be processed together infoname = self.datadir / 'INFO.h5' # Just going to assume that the info file is in the directory infodict =h52dict(str(infoname)) flist = infodict['Files'] file_list = [str(self.datadir/i) for i in flist] pulsen_list = infodict['Pulses'] beamn_list = infodict['Beams'] time_list = infodict['Time'] file_loclist = [ifn*sp.ones(len(ifl)) for ifn,ifl in enumerate(beamn_list)] if 'NoiseTime'in infodict.keys(): sridata = True tnoiselist=infodict['NoiseTime'] nfile_loclist=[ifn*sp.ones(len(ifl)) for ifn,ifl in enumerate(tnoiselist)] else: sridata=False pulsen = sp.hstack(pulsen_list).astype(int)# pulse number beamn = sp.hstack(beamn_list).astype(int)# beam numbers ptimevec = sp.hstack(time_list).astype(float)# time of each pulse file_loc = sp.hstack(file_loclist).astype(int)# location in the file if sridata: ntimevec = sp.vstack(tnoiselist).astype(float) nfile_loc = sp.hstack(nfile_loclist).astype(int) outnoise = sp.zeros((Ntime,Nbeams,NNs-Pulselen+1,Nlag),dtype=simdtype) # run the time loop print("Forming ACF estimates") # For each time go through and read only the necisary files for itn,it in enumerate(timevec): print("\tTime {0:d} of {1:d}".format(itn,Ntime)) # do the book keeping to determine locations of data within the files cur_tlim = (it,it+inttime) curcases = sp.logical_and(ptimevec>=cur_tlim[0],ptimevec<cur_tlim[1]) # SRI data Hack if sridata: curcases_n=sp.logical_and(ntimevec[:,0]>=cur_tlim[0],ntimevec[:,0]<cur_tlim[1]) curfileloc_n = nfile_loc[curcases_n] curfiles_n = set(curfileloc_n) if not sp.any(curcases): print("\tNo pulses for time {0:d} of {1:d}, lagdata adjusted accordinly".format(itn,Ntime)) outdata = outdata[:itn] outnoise = outnoise[:itn] pulses=pulses[:itn] pulsesN=pulsesN[:itn] timemat=timemat[:itn] continue pulseset = set(pulsen[curcases]) poslist = [sp.where(pulsen==item)[0] for item in pulseset ] pos_all = sp.hstack(poslist) try: pos_all = sp.hstack(poslist) curfileloc = file_loc[pos_all] except: pdb.set_trace() # Find the needed files and beam numbers curfiles = set(curfileloc) beamlocs = beamn[pos_all] timemat[itn,0] = ptimevec[pos_all].min() timemat[itn,1]=ptimevec[pos_all].max() # cur data pulls out all data from all of the beams and posisions curdata = sp.zeros((len(pos_all),N_samps),dtype = simdtype) curaddednoise = sp.zeros((len(pos_all),N_samps),dtype = simdtype) curnoise = sp.zeros((len(pos_all),NNs),dtype = simdtype) # Open files and get required data # XXX come up with way to get open up new files not have to reread in data that is already in memory for ifn in curfiles: curfileit = [sp.where(pulsen_list[ifn]==item)[0] for item in pulseset ] curfileitvec = sp.hstack(curfileit) ifile = file_list[ifn] curh5data = h52dict(ifile) file_arlocs = sp.where(curfileloc==ifn)[0] curdata[file_arlocs] = curh5data['RawData'][curfileitvec] curaddednoise[file_arlocs] = curh5data['AddedNoise'].astype(simdtype)[curfileitvec] # Read in noise data when you have don't have ACFs if not sridata: curnoise[file_arlocs] = curh5data['NoiseData'].astype(simdtype)[curfileitvec] #SRI data if sridata: curnoise = sp.zeros((len(curfileloc_n),Nbeams,NNs-Pulselen+1,Pulselen),dtype = simdtype) for ifn in curfiles_n: curfileit_n = sp.where(sp.logical_and(tnoiselist[ifn][:,0]>=cur_tlim[0],tnoiselist[ifn][:,0]<cur_tlim[1]))[0] ifile=file_list[ifn] curh5data_n = h52dict(ifile) file_arlocs = sp.where(curfileloc_n==ifn)[0] curnoise[file_arlocs] = curh5data_n['NoiseDataACF'][curfileit_n] # differentiate between phased arrays and dish antennas if self.sensdict['Name'].lower() in ['risr','pfisr','risr-n']: # After data is read in form lags for each beam for ibeam in range(Nbeams): print("\t\tBeam {0:d} of {0:d}".format(ibeam,Nbeams)) beamlocstmp = sp.where(beamlocs==ibeam)[0] pulses[itn,ibeam] = len(beamlocstmp) outdata[itn,ibeam] = lagfunc(curdata[beamlocstmp].copy(), numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse,lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) if sridata: pulsesN[itn,ibeam] = len(curnoise) outnoise[itn,ibeam] = sp.nansum(curnoise[:,ibeam],axis=0) else: pulsesN[itn,ibeam] = len(beamlocstmp) outnoise[itn,ibeam] = lagfunc(curnoise[beamlocstmp].copy(), numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse,lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) outaddednoise[itn,ibeam] = lagfunc(curaddednoise[beamlocstmp].copy(), numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse,lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) else: for ibeam,ibeamlist in enumerate(self.simparams['outangles']): print("\t\tBeam {0:d} of {1:d}".format(ibeam,Nbeams)) beamlocstmp = sp.where(sp.in1d(beamlocs,ibeamlist))[0] curbeams = beamlocs[beamlocstmp] ksysmat = Ksysvec[curbeams] ksysmean = Ksysvec[ibeamlist[0]] inputdata = curdata[beamlocstmp].copy() noisedata = curnoise[beamlocstmp].copy() noisedataadd=curaddednoise[beamlocstmp].copy() ksysmult = ksysmean/sp.tile(ksysmat[:,sp.newaxis],(1,inputdata.shape[1])) ksysmultn = ksysmean/sp.tile(ksysmat[:,sp.newaxis],(1,noisedata.shape[1])) ksysmultna = ksysmean/sp.tile(ksysmat[:,sp.newaxis],(1,noisedataadd.shape[1])) pulses[itn,ibeam] = len(beamlocstmp) pulsesN[itn,ibeam] = len(beamlocstmp) outdata[itn,ibeam] = lagfunc(inputdata *ksysmult, numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse,lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) outnoise[itn,ibeam] = lagfunc(noisedata*ksysmultn, numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse,lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) outaddednoise[itn,ibeam] = lagfunc(noisedataadd*ksysmultna, numtype=self.simparams['dtype'], pulse=pulse,lagtype=self.simparams['lagtype']) # Create output dictionaries and output data DataLags = {'ACF':outdata,'Pow':outdata[:,:,:,0].real,'Pulses':pulses, 'Time':timemat,'AddedNoiseACF':outaddednoise} NoiseLags = {'ACF':outnoise,'Pow':outnoise[:,:,:,0].real,'Pulses':pulsesN,'Time':timemat} return(DataLags,NoiseLags)