def spheres(shape, radius, porosity): r""" Generate a packing of overlapping mono-disperse spheres Parameters ---------- shape : list The size of the image to generate in [Nx, Ny, Nz] where N is the number of voxels. radius : scalar The radius of spheres in the packing porosity : scalar The porosity of the final image. This number is approximated by the method so the returned result may not have exactly the specified value. Notes ----- This method can also be used to generate a dispersion of hollows by treating ``porosity`` as solid volume fraction and inverting the returned image. """ if sp.size(shape) == 1: shape = sp.full((3, ), int(shape)) im = sp.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) while sp.sum(im)/sp.size(im) < (1 - porosity): temp = sp.rand(shape[0], shape[1], shape[2]) < 0.9995 im = im + (spim.distance_transform_edt(temp) < radius) return ~im
def test_check_network_health_bidirectional_throat(self): net = OpenPNM.Network.Cubic(shape=[5, 5, 5]) P12 = net['throat.conns'][0] net['throat.conns'][0] = [P12[1], P12[0]] a = net.check_network_health() assert sp.size(a['bidirectional_throats']) == 1 assert sp.size(a['duplicate_throats']) == 0
def ideal_data(num, dimU, dimY, dimX, noise=1): """Linear system data""" # generate randomized linear system matrices A = randn(dimX, dimX) B = randn(dimX, dimU) C = randn(dimY, dimX) D = randn(dimY, dimU) # make sure state evolution is stable U, S, V = svd(A) A = dot(U, dot(diag(S / max(S)), V)) U, S, V = svd(B) S2 = zeros((size(U,1), size(V,0))) S2[:,:size(U,1)] = diag(S / max(S)) B = dot(U, dot(S2, V)) # random input U = randn(num, dimU) # initial state X = reshape(randn(dimX), (1,-1)) # initial output Y = reshape(dot(C, X[-1]) + dot(D, U[0]), (1,-1)) # generate next state X = concatenate((X, reshape(dot(A, X[-1]) + dot(B, U[0]), (1,-1)))) # and so forth for u in U[1:]: Y = concatenate((Y, reshape(dot(C, X[-1]) + dot(D, u), (1,-1)))) X = concatenate((X, reshape(dot(A, X[-1]) + dot(B, u), (1,-1)))) return U, Y + randn(num, dimY) * noise
def plotConn(): # Create plot figh = figure(figsize=(8,6)) figh.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left figh.subplots_adjust(right=0.98) # Less space on right figh.subplots_adjust(top=0.96) # Less space on bottom figh.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.02) # Less space on bottom figh.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) # More space between figh.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) # More space between h = axes() totalconns = zeros(shape(f.connprobs)) for c1 in range(size(f.connprobs,0)): for c2 in range(size(f.connprobs,1)): for w in range(f.nreceptors): totalconns[c1,c2] += f.connprobs[c1,c2]*f.connweights[c1,c2,w]*(-1 if w>=2 else 1) imshow(totalconns,interpolation='nearest',cmap=bicolormap(gap=0)) # Plot grid lines hold(True) for pop in range(f.npops): plot(array([0,f.npops])-0.5,array([pop,pop])-0.5,'-',c=(0.7,0.7,0.7)) plot(array([pop,pop])-0.5,array([0,f.npops])-0.5,'-',c=(0.7,0.7,0.7)) # Make pretty h.set_xticks(range(f.npops)) h.set_yticks(range(f.npops)) h.set_xticklabels(f.popnames) h.set_yticklabels(f.popnames) h.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') xlim(-0.5,f.npops-0.5) ylim(f.npops-0.5,-0.5) clim(-abs(totalconns).max(),abs(totalconns).max()) colorbar()
def blobs(shape, porosity, blobiness=8): """ Generates an image containing amorphous blobs Parameters ---------- shape : list The size of the image to generate in [Nx, Ny, Nz] where N is the number of voxels blobiness : scalar Controls the morphology of the image. A higher number results in a larger number of smaller blobs. porosity : scalar The porosity of the final image. This number is approximated by the method so the returned result may not have exactly the specified value. """ if sp.size(shape) == 1: shape = sp.full((3, ), int(shape)) [Nx, Ny, Nz] = shape sigma = sp.mean(shape)/(4*blobiness) mask = sp.rand(Nx, Ny, Nz) mask = spim.gaussian_filter(mask, sigma=sigma) hist = sp.histogram(mask, bins=1000) cdf = sp.cumsum(hist[0])/sp.size(mask) xN = sp.where(cdf >= porosity)[0][0] im = mask <= hist[1][xN] return im
def test_set_boundary_conditions_bctypes(self): self.alg.setup(invading_phase=self.water, defending_phase=self.air, trapping=True) Ps = sp.random.randint(0,, 10) self.alg.set_boundary_conditions(pores=Ps, bc_type='inlets') assert sp.sum(self.alg['pore.inlets']) == sp.size(sp.unique(Ps)) self.alg['pore.inlets'] = False self.alg.set_boundary_conditions(pores=Ps, bc_type='outlets') assert sp.sum(self.alg['pore.outlets']) == sp.size(sp.unique(Ps)) self.alg['pore.outlets'] = False self.alg.set_boundary_conditions(pores=Ps, bc_type='residual') assert sp.sum(self.alg['pore.residual']) == sp.size(sp.unique(Ps)) self.alg['pore.residual'] = False flag = False try: self.alg.set_boundary_conditions(pores=Ps, bc_type='bad_type') except: flag = True assert flag flag = False try: self.alg.set_boundary_conditions(bc_type=None, mode='bad_type') except: flag = True assert flag
def jplot2d(*args): arg=' -2D -l SOUTH ' i=0 while (i<len(args)): i_arg=0 q=False arg_txt=True while ((len(args)>(i_arg+i+1)) & arg_txt): if (type(args[i+i_arg+1]) is str): i_arg+=1 arg=arg+' '+args[i+i_arg] else: arg_txt=False name='.'+str(scipy.stats.random_integers(10000))+'.plot.tmp' if ((len(args[i])==scipy.size(args[i]))): a=scipy.dstack((scipy.arange(1,scipy.size(args[i])+1),args[i]))[0],a) else:,args[i]) i+=i_arg+1 arg=arg+' '+name os.system('java -cp jmathplot.jar org.math.plot.PlotPanel '+arg)
def run(self, N=100): r''' ''' im = self.image # Create a list of N random points to use as box centers pad = [0.1,0.1,0.45] # Ensure points are near middle Cx = sp.random.randint(pad[0]*sp.shape(im)[0],(1-pad[0])*sp.shape(im)[0],N) Cy = sp.random.randint(pad[1]*sp.shape(im)[1],(1-pad[1])*sp.shape(im)[1],N) Cz = sp.random.randint(pad[2]*sp.shape(im)[2],(1-pad[2])*sp.shape(im)[2],N) C = sp.vstack((Cx,Cy,Cz)).T # Find maximum radius allowable for each point Rmax = sp.array(C>sp.array(sp.shape(im))/2) Rlim = sp.zeros(sp.shape(Rmax)) Rlim[Rmax[:,0],0] = sp.shape(im)[0] Rlim[Rmax[:,1],1] = sp.shape(im)[1] Rlim[Rmax[:,2],2] = sp.shape(im)[2] R = sp.absolute(C-Rlim) R = R.astype(sp.int_) Rmin = sp.amin(R,axis=1) vol = [] size = [] porosity = [] for i in range(0,N): for r in sp.arange(Rmin[i],1,-10): imtemp = im[C[i,0]-150:C[i,0]+150,C[i,1]-150:C[i,1]+150:,C[i,2]-r:C[i,2]+r] vol.append(sp.size(imtemp)) size.append(2*r) porosity.append(sp.sum(imtemp==1)/(sp.size(imtemp))) vals = namedtuple('REV', ('porosity', 'size')) vals.porosity = porosity vals.size = size return vals
def __init__(self, network=None, phase=None, geometry=None, pores=[], throats=[], **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = # Associate with Network if network is None: self._net = GenericNetwork() else: self._net = network # Attach network to self self._net._physics.append(self) # Register self with network # Associate with Phase if phase is None: phase = GenericPhase(network=self._net) phase._physics.append(self) # Register self with phase self._phases.append(phase) # Register phase with self if geometry is not None: if (sp.size(pores) > 0) or (sp.size(throats) > 0): raise Exception('Cannot specify a Geometry AND pores or throats') pores = self._net.toindices(self._net['pore.' +]) throats = self._net.toindices(self._net['throat.' +]) # Initialize a label dictionary in the associated phase and network self._phases[0]['pore.'] = False self._phases[0]['throat.'] = False self._net['pore.'] = False self._net['throat.'] = False try: self.set_locations(pores=pores, throats=throats) except: self.controller.purge_object(self) raise Exception('Provided locations are in use, instantiation cancelled')
def cdf2d(x, y, z): """ 2D Cumulative Density Function extracted from cdf2d.m Assumes the grid is uniformly defined, i.e. dx and dy are constant. """ if size(x) < 2 or size(y) < 2: logger.critical("X or Y grids are not arrays") raise TypeError, "X or Y grids are not arrays" grid_area = abs(x[1] - x[0])*abs(y[1] - y[0]) grid_volume = grid_area*z cz = zeros([x.size, y.size], 'd') cz[:, 0] = (grid_volume[:,0]).cumsum() cz[0, :] = (grid_volume[0,:]).cumsum() for i in xrange(1, len(x)): for j in xrange(1, len(y)): cz[i,j] = cz[i-1,j] + cz[i,j-1] - cz[i-1,j-1] + grid_volume[i,j] if cz[-1,-1] == 0: return cz #normalize cy cz = cz/cz[-1,-1] return cz
def find_clusters(self, mask=[]): r""" Identify connected clusters of pores in the network. Parameters ---------- mask : array_like, boolean A list of active nodes. This method will automatically search for clusters based on site or bond connectivity depending on wheather the received mask is Np or Nt long. Returns ------- clusters : array_like An Np long list of clusters numbers """ if sp.size(mask) == self.num_throats(): # Convert to boolean mask if not already temp = sp.zeros((self.num_throats(),), dtype=bool) temp[mask] = True elif sp.size(mask) == self.num_pores(): conns = self.find_connected_pores(throats=self.throats()) conns[:, 0] = mask[conns[:, 0]] conns[:, 1] = mask[conns[:, 1]] temp = sp.array(conns[:, 0]*conns[:, 1], dtype=bool) else: raise Exception('Mask received was neither Nt nor Np long') temp = self.create_adjacency_matrix(data=temp, sprsfmt='csr', dropzeros=True) clusters = sprs.csgraph.connected_components(csgraph=temp, directed=False)[1] return clusters
def MNEfit(stim,resp,order): # in order for dlogloss to work, we need to know -<g(yt(n),xt)>data # == calculate the constrained averages over the data set Nsamples = sp.size(stim,0) Ndim = sp.size(stim,1) psp = sp.mean(sp.mean(resp)) #spike probability (first constraint) avg = (1.0*stim.T*resp)/(Nsamples*1.0) avgs = sp.vstack((psp,avg)) if(order > 1): avgsqrd = (stim.T*1.0)*(sp.array(sp.tile(resp,(1,Ndim)))*sp.array(stim))/(Nsamples*1.0) avgsqrd = sp.reshape(avgsqrd,(Ndim**2,1)) avgs = sp.vstack((avgs,avgsqrd)) #initialize params: pstart = sp.log(1/avgs[0,0] - 1) pstart = sp.hstack((pstart,(.001*(2*sp.random.rand(Ndim)-1)))) if(order > 1): temp = .0005*(2*sp.random.rand(Ndim,Ndim)-1) pstart = sp.hstack((pstart,sp.reshape(temp+temp.T,(1,Ndim**2))[0])) #redefine functions with fixed vals: def logLoss(p): return LLF.log_loss(p, stim, resp, order) def dlogLoss(p): return LLF.d_log_loss(p, stim, avgs, order) #run the function: #pfinal = opt.fmin_tnc(logLoss,pstart,fprime=dlogLoss) # conjugate-gradient: pfinal = opt.fmin_cg(logLoss,pstart,fprime=dlogLoss) #pfinal = opt.fmin(logLoss,pstart,fprime=dlogLoss) return pfinal
def test_far_apart_clusters_estimate_all(self): cluster1 = sp.randn(40,1000) cluster2 = sp.randn(40,1000) * 2 cluster2[0,:] += 10 clusterList1 = [cluster1[:,i] for i in xrange(sp.size(cluster1,1))] clusterList2 = [cluster2[:,i] for i in xrange(sp.size(cluster2,1))] total, pair = qa.overlap_fp_fn( {1: clusterList1, 2: clusterList2}) self.assertLess(total[1][0], 1e-4) self.assertLess(total[1][1], 1e-4) self.assertLess(total[2][0], 1e-4) self.assertLess(total[2][1], 1e-4) self.assertLess(pair[1][2][0], 1e-4) self.assertLess(pair[1][2][1], 1e-4) self.assertLess(pair[2][1][0], 1e-4) self.assertLess(pair[2][1][1], 1e-4) self.assertGreater(total[1][0], 0.0) self.assertGreater(total[1][1], 0.0) self.assertGreater(total[2][0], 0.0) self.assertGreater(total[2][1], 0.0) self.assertGreater(pair[1][2][0], 0.0) self.assertGreater(pair[1][2][1], 0.0) self.assertGreater(pair[2][1][0], 0.0) self.assertGreater(pair[2][1][1], 0.0)
def __init__(self,filename='', path='', xtra_pore_data=None, xtra_throat_data=None,**kwargs): r""" """ super(MatFile,self).__init__(**kwargs) if filename == '': return if path == '': path = os.path.abspath('.') self._path = path filepath = os.path.join(self._path,filename) self._xtra_pore_data=xtra_pore_data self._xtra_throat_data=xtra_throat_data self._dictionary=spio.loadmat(filepath) self._Np=sp.size(self._dictionary['pnumbering']) self._Nt=sp.size(self._dictionary['tnumbering']) #Run through generation steps self._add_pores() self._add_throats() self._remove_disconnected_clusters() self._add_xtra_pore_data() self._add_xtra_throat_data() self._add_geometry()
def convertToTimeAndFrequencyData(self, grain, target): d = self.sample_duration length = max(sp.shape(sp.arange(1, sp.size(target) - sp.size(self.gabor[1]), d))) scale = sp.zeros((88, length)) datacapsule = sp.zeros((sp.shape(self.gabor)[1], grain)) # 行列を束ねて処理 # 個々にgabor*datadataを計算すると時間がかかる # 一気にdatadataを束ねるとメモリ消費量が半端ない # よってdatadataに定義された数だけ束ねて処理 m = 0 datasize = sp.size(target) - sp.size(self.gabor[1]) for k in sp.arange(1, datasize+1, d*grain): capsule_pointer = 0 endl = k+d*grain if endl > datasize: endl = k + datasize%(d*grain) for l in sp.arange(k, endl, d): datadata = target[l:l+sp.size(self.gabor[1])] datacapsule[:, capsule_pointer] = datadata capsule_pointer += 1 try: scale[:, m:m+grain] = sp.absolute(,datacapsule[:, :capsule_pointer])) except ValueError: pass m += grain self.time_freq = scale
def maxCellNum(gridLimit, gridSpace): """ Get maximum cell number based on grid and grid space """ latCells = size(arange(gridLimit['yMax'], gridLimit['yMin'], -gridSpace['y'])) lonCells = size(arange(gridLimit['xMin'], gridLimit['xMax'], gridSpace['x'])) return latCells*lonCells - 1
def slepian_bw(windows,Fs): l = s.size(windows,axis = 0) N = s.size(windows,axis = 1) avg = s.zeros(2*N-1) for i in range(l): w_norm = windows[i,:]/s.sqrt(s.sum(windows[i,:]**2)) avg += s.signal.correlate(w_norm,w_norm)**2 return Fs/s.sum(avg/l)
def off(matrix): h_size = sp.size(matrix, 1) // 3 v_size = sp.size(matrix, 0) // 4 size = sp.size(matrix, 0) * sp.size(matrix, 1) T = sp.zeros(size) for i in range(size): T[i] = matrix[(i // 12) // h_size + (i % 12) // 3 * v_size, (i // 12) % h_size + i % 3 * h_size] return T
def __init__(self, start): """Initialize a Particle at the given start vector.""" self.dim = scipy.size(start) self.position = start self.velocity = scipy.zeros(scipy.size(start)) self.bestPosition = scipy.zeros(scipy.size(start)) self._fitness = None self.bestFitness = -scipy.inf
def folderinfo(self, path): """ accept folder path and return tuple: - target path - item count - list of items :param path: :return: """ loc = self.pstruct[1] for p in path.split(":"): #drill down to the folder specified in the path... try: loc[p] except: loc=loc[p.encode()] else: loc=loc[p] items=[] for key in loc.keys(): try: key.decode() except: items.append(key) else: items.append(key.decode()) waves=[] variables=[] strings=[] folders=[] for item in items: try: loc[item] except: if type(loc[item.encode()])==igor.record.wave.WaveRecord: waves.append(item) if type(loc[item.encode()])==int or type(loc[item.encode()])==float or type(loc[item.encode()])==numpy.float64: variables.append(item) if type(loc[item.encode()])==str: strings.append(item) if type(loc[item.encode()])==dict: folders.append(item) else: if type(loc[item])==igor.record.wave.WaveRecord: waves.append(item) if type(loc[item])==int or type(loc[item])==float: variables.append(item) if type(loc[item])==str: strings.append(item) if type(loc[item])==dict: folders.append(item) # waves = [item for item in items if type(loc[item.encode()])==igor.record.wave.WaveRecord] # variables = [item for item in items if type(loc[item.encode()])==int or type(item)==float] # strings = [item for item in items if type(loc[item.encode()])==str] # folders = [item for item in items if type(loc[item.encode()])==dict] return dict(fullpath=path,waves=(scipy.size(waves), waves),variables=(scipy.size(variables),variables),strings=(scipy.size(strings),strings),folders=(scipy.size(folders),folders))
def connect_pores(network, pores1, pores2, labels=[], add_conns=True): r''' Returns the possible connections between two group of pores, and optionally makes the connections. Parameters ---------- network : OpenPNM Network Object pores1 : array_like The first group of pores on the network pores2 : array_like The second group of pores on the network labels : list of strings The labels to apply to the new throats. This argument is only needed if ``add_conns`` is True. add_conns : bool Indicates whether the connections should be added to the supplied network (default is True). Otherwise, the connections are returned as an Nt x 2 array that can be passed directly to ``extend``. Notes ----- It creates the connections in a format which is acceptable by the default OpenPNM connection ('throat.conns') and either adds them to the network or returns them. Examples -------- >>> import OpenPNM >>> pn = OpenPNM.Network.TestNet() >>> pn.Nt 300 >>> pn.connect_pores(pores1=[22, 32], pores2=[16, 80, 68]) >>> pn.Nt 306 >>> pn['throat.conns'][300:306] array([[16, 22], [22, 80], [22, 68], [16, 32], [32, 80], [32, 68]]) ''' size1 = _sp.size(pores1) size2 = _sp.size(pores2) array1 = _sp.repeat(pores1, size2) array2 = _sp.tile(pores2, size1) conns = _sp.vstack([array1, array2]).T if add_conns: extend(network=network, throat_conns=conns, labels=labels) else: return conns
def __init__(self, X, Y, reg=None): if size(shape(X)) is 1: X = reshape(X, (-1, 1)) if size(shape(Y)) is 1: Y = reshape(Y, (-1, 1)) if reg is None: reg = 0 W1 = pinv(dot(X.T, X) + reg * eye(size(X, 1))) W2 = dot(X, W1) self.W = dot(Y.T, W2)
def generate(self,filename='standard_cubic_5x5x5.mat', path='LocalFiles', xtra_pore_data=None, xtra_throat_data=None): ''' Create network from Matlab file. Returns OpenPNM.Network.GenericNetwork() object. Parameters ---------- Critical\n filename : string filename = 'standard_cubic_5x5x5.mat' (default)\n Name of mat file\n path : string path='LocalFiles' (default)\n the location of the mat file on your computer \n xtra_pore_data : list of strings xtra_pore_data = ['type','shape','material'] any additional props to look for in the dictionary xtra_throat_data : list of strings xtra_throat_data = ['type','shape','material'] any additional props to look for in the dictionary Examples: --------- generate network using example mat file >>> import OpenPNM as PNM >>> pn=PNM.Geometry.MatFile(filename='standard_cubic_5x5x5.mat', path='LocalFiles') ''' if path == 'LocalFiles': long_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) short_path, fname = os.path.split(long_path) short_path, foldername = os.path.split(short_path) path, foldername = os.path.split(short_path) path = os.path.join(path,'LocalFiles') self._path = path filepath = os.path.join(self._path,filename) self._xtra_pore_data=xtra_pore_data self._xtra_throat_data=xtra_throat_data self._dictionary=spio.loadmat(filepath) self._Np=sp.size(self._dictionary['pnumbering']) self._Nt=sp.size(self._dictionary['tnumbering']) #Run through generation steps self._add_pores() self._add_throats() self._add_geometry() self._add_xtra_pore_data() self._add_xtra_throat_data() return self
def mcUnitConvergeEst(func,dims,minPoints,maxPoints,numTestPoints,testRuns): #Couldn't get this to work, spits out an answer near 0 testPoints=sp.around(sp.linspace(minPoints,maxPoints,numTestPoints)) error = sp.zeros(sp.size(testPoints)) area = sp.zeros(testRuns) for i in range(0,numTestPoints): for k in range(0,testRuns): area[k]=mcUnit(func,testPoints[i],dims) error[i] = sp.mean(sp.absolute(area-sp.pi)) estimate = la.lstsq(sp.vstack((sp.log(testPoints),sp.ones(sp.size(testPoints)))).T,sp.log(error)) return estimate
def permuteToBlocks2d(arr, blockheight, blockwidth): _height, width = arr.shape arr = arr.flatten() new = zeros(size(arr)) for i in xrange(size(arr)): blockx = (i % width) / blockwidth blocky = i / width / blockheight blockoffset = blocky * width / blockwidth + blockx blockoffset *= blockwidth * blockheight inblockx = i % blockwidth inblocky = (i / width) % blockheight j = blockoffset + inblocky * blockwidth + inblockx new[j] = arr[i] return new
def test_find_neighbor_throats(): pn = OpenPNM.Network.Cubic(shape=(10, 10, 10)) a = pn.find_neighbor_throats(pores=[]) assert sp.size(a) == 0 Pind = sp.zeros((pn.Np,), dtype=bool) Pind[[0, 1]] = True a = pn.find_neighbor_throats(pores=Pind) assert sp.all(a == [0, 1, 900, 901, 1800, 1801]) a = pn.find_neighbor_throats(pores=[0, 2], mode='union') assert sp.all(a == [0, 1, 2, 900, 902, 1800, 1802]) a = pn.find_neighbor_throats(pores=[0, 2], mode='intersection') assert sp.size(a) == 0 a = pn.find_neighbor_throats(pores=[0, 2], mode='not_intersection') assert sp.all(a == [0, 1, 2, 900, 902, 1800, 1802])
def __init__(self, X, Y, rank, reg=None): if size(shape(X)) == 1: X = reshape(X, (-1, 1)) if size(shape(Y)) == 1: Y = reshape(Y, (-1, 1)) if reg is None: reg = 0 self.rank = rank CXX = dot(X.T, X) + reg * eye(size(X, 1)) CXY = dot(X.T, Y) _U, _S, V = svd(dot(CXY.T, dot(pinv(CXX), CXY))) self.W = V[0:rank, :].T self.A = dot(pinv(CXX), dot(CXY, self.W)).T
def num_neighbors(self, pores, flatten=False): r""" Returns an ndarray containing the number of neigbhor pores for each element in pores Parameters ---------- pores : array_like Pores whose neighbors are to be counted flatten : boolean (optional) If False (default) the number pore neighbors for each input are returned as an array. If True the sum total number of unique neighbors is counted, not including the input pores even if they neighbor each other. Returns ------- num_neighbors : 1D array with number of neighbors in each element Examples -------- >>> import OpenPNM >>> pn = OpenPNM.Network.TestNet() >>> pn.num_neighbors(pores=[0, 1], flatten=False) array([3, 4]) >>> pn.num_neighbors(pores=[0, 1], flatten=True) 5 >>> pn.num_neighbors(pores=[0, 2], flatten=True) 6 """ pores = sp.array(pores, ndmin=1) if pores.dtype == bool: pores = self.toindices(pores) if sp.size(pores) == 0: return sp.array([], ndmin=1, dtype=int) # Count number of neighbors if flatten: neighborPs = self.find_neighbor_pores(pores, flatten=True, mode='union', excl_self=True) num = sp.shape(neighborPs)[0] else: neighborPs = self.find_neighbor_pores(pores, flatten=False) num = sp.zeros(sp.shape(neighborPs), dtype=int) for i in range(0, sp.shape(num)[0]): num[i] = sp.size(neighborPs[i]) return num
def validCellNum(cellNum, gridLimit, gridSpace): """ Checks whether the given cell number is valid """ if (cellNum < 0): return False latCells = size(arange(gridLimit['yMax'], gridLimit['yMin'], -gridSpace['y'])) lonCells = size(arange(gridLimit['xMin'], gridLimit['xMax'], gridSpace['x'])) numCells = latCells*lonCells - 1 if (cellNum > numCells): return False else: return True
def test_equal_clusters_estimate_all(self): # Smaller dimensionality and more data for reliable estimates cluster1 = self.rand.randn(8, 100000) cluster2 = self.rand.randn(8, 100000) clusterList1 = [cluster1[:, i] for i in xrange(sp.size(cluster1, 1))] clusterList2 = [cluster2[:, i] for i in xrange(sp.size(cluster2, 1))] total, pair = qa.overlap_fp_fn({1: clusterList1, 2: clusterList2}) self.assertAlmostEqual(total[1][0], 0.5, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(total[1][1], 0.5, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(total[2][0], 0.5, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(total[2][1], 0.5, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(pair[1][2][0], 0.5, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(pair[1][2][1], 0.5, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(pair[2][1][0], 0.5, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(pair[2][1][1], 0.5, 2)
def value(self,t,xs,ys): array_at_time = self.array_at_time(t) # plt.imshow(array_at_time, extent=self.simulation_region, # cmap=self.cmap,vmin=self.vmin,vmax=self.vmax) # print(scipy.shape(scipy.sum(array_at_time,0))) # print(scipy.where(scipy.sum(array_at_time,0)>0.01)) # print(scipy.where(scipy.sum(array_at_time,1)>0.01)) conc_list = scipy.zeros(scipy.size(xs)) x_inds = scipy.floor( (xs-self.xmin)/(self.xmax-self.xmin)*self.grid_size[0]) y_inds = scipy.floor( abs(ys-self.ymax)/(self.ymax-self.ymin)*self.grid_size[1]) # print(x_inds,y_inds) # for i,(x_ind,y_ind) in zip(range(len(xs)),zip(x_inds,y_inds)): try: conc_list[i] = array_at_time[y_ind,x_ind] except(IndexError): # print(x_ind,y_ind) conc_list[i]=0. return conc_list
def HMC_Stepper(epsilon, L, q_current): q = q_current p = scipy.random.normal( 0.0, 1.0, scipy.size(q_current) ) #choose fictitious momentum variables that are normally distributed p_current = p #START LEAPFROG METHOD #make half step for momentum at the beginning of the Leapfrog method p = p - epsilon * UDE.gradV(q) / 2.0 #alternate full steps for microscopic state and momentum for l in range( 1, L ): #We take L-1 steps, last step is done explicitly below the loop #make full step for the microscopic state q = q + epsilon * p #make full step for the momentum p = p - epsilon * UDE.gradV(q) #final (L-th) step: full step for q, half step for p q = q + epsilon * p p = p - epsilon * UDE.gradV(q) / 2.0 #END LEAPFROG METHOD #negate momentum at end of trajectory to make the proposal symmetric p = -p #evaluate potential and kinetic energies at start and end of trajectory currentV = UDE.V(q_current) currentK = scipy.inner(p_current, p_current) / 2.0 proposedV = UDE.V(q) proposedK = scipy.inner(p, p) / 2.0 #Accept or reject the state at end of trajectory, returning either #the position at the end of the trajectory or the initial position U = math.log(scipy.random.uniform( 0.0, 1.0)) # generate uniform distributed random number and take logarithm testvalue = currentV - proposedV + currentK - proposedK if U > testvalue: #print("reject") q = q_current return q
def vpd_calc(airtemp= scipy.array([]),\ rh= scipy.array([])): ''' Function to calculate vapour pressure deficit. Input: - airtemp: measured air temperatures [Celsius] - rh: (array of) rRelative humidity [%] Output: - vpd: (array of) vapour pressure deficits [Pa] Examples: >>> vpd_calc(30,60) 1697.0903978626527 >>> T=[20,25] >>> RH=[50,100] >>> vpd_calc(T,RH) array([ 1168.540099, 0. ]) ''' # Determine length of array n = scipy.size(airtemp) # Check if we have a single value or an array if n < 2: # Dealing with single value... # Calculate saturation vapour pressures es = es_calc(airtemp) eact = ea_calc(airtemp, rh) # Calculate vapour pressure deficit vpd = es - eact else: # Dealing with an array # Initiate the output arrays vpd = scipy.zeros(n) # Calculate saturation vapor pressures es = es_calc(airtemp) eact = ea_calc(airtemp, rh) # Calculate vapour pressure deficit for i in range(0, n): vpd[i] = es[i] - eact[i] return vpd # in hPa
def plot_primary_drainage_curve(self, pore_volume='volume', throat_volume='volume', pore_label='all', throat_label='all'): r""" Plot the primary drainage curve as the capillary pressure on ordinate and total saturation of the wetting phase on the abscissa. This is the preffered style in the petroleum engineering """ try: PcPoints = sp.unique(self['pore.inv_Pc']) except: raise Exception( 'Cannot print drainage curve: ordinary percolation simulation has not been run' ) pores = self._net.pores(labels=pore_label) throats = self._net.throats(labels=throat_label) Snwp_t = sp.zeros_like(PcPoints) Snwp_p = sp.zeros_like(PcPoints) Snwp_all = sp.zeros_like(PcPoints) Swp_all = sp.zeros_like(PcPoints) Pvol = self._net['pore.' + pore_volume] Tvol = self._net['throat.' + throat_volume] Pvol_tot = sum(Pvol) Tvol_tot = sum(Tvol) for i in range(0, sp.size(PcPoints)): Pc = PcPoints[i] Snwp_p[i] = sum(Pvol[self._p_inv[pores] <= Pc]) / Pvol_tot Snwp_t[i] = sum(Tvol[self._t_inv[throats] <= Pc]) / Tvol_tot Snwp_all[i] = (sum(Tvol[self._t_inv[throats] <= Pc]) + sum( Pvol[self._p_inv[pores] <= Pc])) / (Tvol_tot + Pvol_tot) Swp_all[i] = 1 - Snwp_all[i] plt.plot(Swp_all, PcPoints, 'k.-') plt.xlim(xmin=0) plt.xlabel('Saturation of wetting phase') plt.ylabel('Capillary Pressure [Pa]') plt.title('Primay Drainage Curve') plt.grid(True)
def discretelognorm(xpoints, m, v): mu = sp.log(m**2 / float(sp.sqrt(v + m**2))) sigma = sp.sqrt(sp.log((v / float(m**2)) + 1)) xmax = sp.amax(xpoints) xmin = sp.amin(xpoints) N = sp.size(xpoints) xincr = (xmax - xmin) / float(N - 1) binnodes = sp.arange(xmin + .5 * xincr, xmax + .5 * xincr, xincr) lnormcdf = lognorm.cdf(binnodes, sigma, 0, sp.exp(mu)) discrpdf = sp.zeros((N, 1)) for i in sp.arange(N): if i == 0: discrpdf[i] = lnormcdf[i] elif (i > 0) and (i < N - 1): discrpdf[i] = lnormcdf[i] - lnormcdf[i - 1] elif (i == N - 1): discrpdf[i] = discrpdf[i - 1] return discrpdf
def write_point_data(self): pore_keys = self._net.pore_properties.keys() num_pore_keys = sp.size(pore_keys) self._f.write('<PointData Scalars="pore_data">\n') for j in range(num_pore_keys): if pore_keys[j] != 'coords': self._f.write('<DataArray type="Float32" Name="') self._f.write(pore_keys[j]) self._f.write('" format="ascii">\n') shape = np.shape(self._net.pore_properties[pore_keys[j]]) if np.size(shape) == 1: for i in range(self._net.get_num_pores()): self._f.write( str(self._net.pore_properties[pore_keys[j]][i])) self._f.write(' ') else: for i in range(self._net.get_num_pores()): self._f.write( str(self._net.pore_properties[pore_keys[j]][i][0])) self._f.write(' ') self._f.write('\n</DataArray>\n') self._f.write('</PointData>\n')
def sarfilter(H, signal): """ image = sarfilter(H, signal); Apply the SAR filter H to the radar data signal using Fourier transforms. H should be a matched filter. Patrik Dammert 1998-02-23 Smal modifications made to avoid alliasing effects. Björn Hallberg 2002-12-27 get right linear convolution from ifft. Wiebke Aldenhoff 2016-05-24 """ rows, cols = np.shape(H) if (rows != 350) or (cols > 2000): print('Wrong size of filter input!') return image = np.zeros((350, 4096)) # Choose between # 1 - Fourier transform of whole matrix (uses MUCH memory) # 2 - Fourier transform of row-by-row (uses little memory) choice = 2 if choice == 1: # This implementation will be affected by alliasing image = ifftrows(fftrows(H)*fftrows(signal)) elif choice == 2: for s in range(350): temp = npfft.ifft(npfft.fft(H[s], 8192)*npfft.fft(signal[s], 8192)) # center portion of the convolution a = np.floor(np.size(H, axis=1)/2) + 1 b = np.floor(sp.size(H, axis=2)/2) + 4096 image[s] = temp[a:b] return image
def map_to_regions(regions, values): r""" Maps pore values from a network onto the image from which it was extracted This function assumes that the pore numbering in the network has remained unchanged from the region labels in the partitioned image. Parameters ---------- regions : ND-array An image of the pore space partitioned into regions and labeled values : array_like An array containing the numerical values to insert into each region. The value at location *n* will be inserted into the image where ``regions`` is *n+1*. This mis-match is caused by the fact that 0's in the ``regions`` image is assumed to be the backgroung phase, while pore index 0 is valid. Returns ------- image : ND-array A copy of the ``regions`` image, with with values in each region replaced by those specified by ``values`` Notes ----- This function assumes that the array of pore values are indexed starting at location 0, while in the region image 0's indicate background phase and the region indexing starts at 1. That is, region 1 corresponds to pore 0. """ values = sp.array(values).flatten() if sp.size(values) != regions.max() + 1: raise Exception('Number of values does not match number of regions') im = sp.zeros_like(regions) im = values[regions] return im
def rbf_exe3(net, x): Nin = net.Nin Nmes = np.size(x, 1) Nhid = net.Nhid Nhid2 = net.Nhid2 Nout = net.Nout Y1 = np.zeros((Nhid, Nmes)) Y2 = np.zeros((Nout, Nmes)) for i in range(Nin): for j in range(Nhid2): for k in range(Nhid): for l in range(Nout): xi = x[i] yi = xi xj = yi * net.IW[i, j] yj = basisfunc(xj, net.centers[i, j], func=net.func) Y1[l] = Y1[l] + yj xk = yj * net.HW[j, k] yk = basisfunc(xk, net.centers[j, k], func=net.func) xl = yk * net.OW[k, l] yl = xl Y2[l] = Y2[l] + yl return Y2, Y1
def msini(a_AU, K_min=1, dur_yr=10, M_Msun=1): """Calculate the minimum detectable mass (in Jupiter masses) as a function of semi-major axis (in AU) and for a given minimum semi-amplitude (in m/s), stellar mass (in Solar masses) and survey duration (in years).""" a = a_AU * 1.49e11 print a_AU dur = 365.0 * 3600.0 * 24.0 * dur_yr print dur_yr M = M_Msun * 1.989e30 print M_Msun G = 6.67e-11 P = 2 * scipy.pi * (a**3 / (G * M))**(1 / 2.) P_yr = P / (365.0 * 3600.0 * 24.0) print P_yr mlim = K_min * (M**2 * P / (2 * scipy.pi * G))**(1 / 3.) if scipy.size(mlim) > 1: mlim[P > dur] = scipy.nan else: if P > dur: mlim = scipy.nan m_mjup = mlim / 1.89e27 print m_mjup return m_mjup
def getHessAALogTime(amounts=None, gammas=None, numExps=3): """use this routine for the new paper""" if amounts is None: amounts = getAmounts(numExps) if gammas is None: gammas = getGammas(numExps) numExps = scipy.size(amounts) amountsLess1 = amounts[0:-1] gammasLess1 = gammas[0:-1] numerAA1 = scipy.array(scipy.outer(amountsLess1, amountsLess1)) numerAA2 = scipy.array( scipy.outer(gammasLess1 + gammas[-1], scipy.ones(numExps - 1))) numerAA3 = scipy.array( scipy.outer(scipy.ones(numExps - 1), gammasLess1 + gammas[-1])) denomAA1 = scipy.array( scipy.outer(scipy.ones(numExps - 1), 2 * gammas[-1] * gammasLess1)) denomAA2 = scipy.array(scipy.transpose(denomAA1) + denomAA1) hessAA = 2. * scipy.array( numerAA1 * scipy.log(old_div(numerAA2 * numerAA3, denomAA2))) return hessAA
def plot_drainage_curve(self, pore_volume='volume', throat_volume='volume', pore_label='all', throat_label='all'): r""" Plot drainage capillary pressure curve """ try: PcPoints = sp.unique(self['pore.inv_Pc']) except: raise Exception( 'Cannot print drainage curve: ordinary percolation simulation has not been run' ) pores = self._net.pores(labels=pore_label) throats = self._net.throats(labels=throat_label) Snwp_t = sp.zeros_like(PcPoints) Snwp_p = sp.zeros_like(PcPoints) Pvol = self._net['pore.' + pore_volume] Tvol = self._net['throat.' + throat_volume] Pvol_tot = sum(Pvol) Tvol_tot = sum(Tvol) for i in range(0, sp.size(PcPoints)): Pc = PcPoints[i] Snwp_p[i] = sum(Pvol[self._p_inv[pores] <= Pc]) / Pvol_tot Snwp_t[i] = sum(Tvol[self._t_inv[throats] <= Pc]) / Tvol_tot if sp.mean(self._phase_inv["pore.contact_angle"]) < 90: Snwp_p = 1 - Snwp_p Snwp_t = 1 - Snwp_t PcPoints *= -1 plt.plot(PcPoints, Snwp_p, 'r.-') plt.plot(PcPoints, Snwp_t, 'b.-') r''' TODO: Add legend to distinguish the pore and throat curves ''' #plt.xlim(xmin=0)
def test_find_neighbor_pores(): pn = OpenPNM.Network.Cubic(shape=(10, 10, 10)) a = pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[]) assert sp.size(a) == 0 Pind = sp.zeros((pn.Np, ), dtype=bool) Pind[[0, 1]] = True a = pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=Pind) assert sp.all(a == [2, 10, 11, 100, 101]) a = pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], mode='union') assert sp.all(a == [1, 3, 10, 12, 100, 102]) a = pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], mode='intersection') assert sp.all(a == [1]) a = pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], mode='not_intersection') assert sp.all(a == [3, 10, 12, 100, 102]) a = pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], mode='union', excl_self=False) assert sp.all(a == [0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, 100, 102]) a = pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], mode='intersection', excl_self=False) assert sp.all(a == [1]) a = pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], mode='not_intersection', excl_self=False) assert sp.all(a == [0, 2, 3, 10, 12, 100, 102])
def run(self, npts=25, inv_points=None, access_limited=True, **kwargs): r""" Parameters ---------- npts : int (default = 25) The number of pressure points to apply. The list of pressures is logarithmically spaced between the lowest and highest throat entry pressures in the network. inv_points : array_like, optional A list of specific pressure point(s) to apply. """ if 'inlets' in kwargs.keys():'Inlets recieved, passing to set_inlets') self.set_inlets(pores=kwargs['inlets']) if 'outlets' in kwargs.keys():'Outlets recieved, passing to set_outlets') self.set_outlets(pores=kwargs['outlets']) self._AL = access_limited if inv_points is None:'Generating list of invasion pressures') if self._percolation_type == 'bond': min_p = sp.amin( self['throat.entry_pressure']) * 0.98 # nudge down max_p = sp.amax( self['throat.entry_pressure']) * 1.02 # bump up else: min_p = sp.amin( self['pore.entry_pressure']) * 0.98 # nudge down max_p = sp.amax(self['pore.entry_pressure']) * 1.02 # bump up inv_points = sp.logspace(sp.log10(min_p), sp.log10(max_p), npts) self._npts = sp.size(inv_points) # Execute calculation self._do_outer_iteration_stage(inv_points)
def set_outlets(self, pores, defending_phase=None): r""" Specify outlet locations Parameters ---------- pores : array_like The pores through which the defending phase exits the Network. defending_phase : OpenPNM Phase Object The Phase object defining the defending phase. The defending Phase may be specified during the ``setup`` step, or through this method. """ if defending_phase is not None: self._def_phase = defending_phase self._trapping = True Ps = sp.array(pores) if sp.size(Ps) > 0: if Ps.dtype == bool: Ps = self._net.Ps[Ps] self['pore.outlets'] = False self['pore.outlets'][Ps] = True
def ra(z=float,\ z0=float,\ d=float,\ u = scipy.array([])): ''' Function to calculate the aerodynamic resistance (in s/m) from windspeed and height/roughness values Input (measured at 2 m height): - z: measurement height [m] - z0: roughness length [m] - d: displacement length [m] - u: (array of) windspeed [m/s] Output: - ra: (array of) aerodynamic resistances [s/m] Examples: >>> ra(3,0.12,2.4,5.0) 3.2378629924752942 >>> u=([2,4,6]) >>> ra(3,0.12,2.4,u) array([ 8.09465748, 4.04732874, 2.69821916]) ''' # Determine length of array l = scipy.size(u) # Check if we have a single value or an array if l < 2: # Dealing with single value... ra = (scipy.log((z - d) / z0))**2 / (0.16 * u) else: # Dealing with an array # Initiate output arrays ra = scipy.zeros(l) for i in range(0, l): ra[i] = (scipy.log((z - d) / z0))**2 / (0.16 * u[i]) return ra # aerodynamic resistanc in s/m
def __init__(self, indent="\t",filename="dakota_tabular.dat", responsenames={"obj1":"current"}): r""" Constructor of the class - Reads and parses datafile """ self._indent=indent print indent,"="*40 print indent,"= Dakota tabular file parser =" print indent,"-"*40 print indent,"= - Parse body of the data file (1st row skipped)" print indent,"= Filename: ", filename self.myData=sp.genfromtxt(fname=filename,names=True) print indent,"= - The following columns have been detected" print indent,"= ", self.myData.dtype.names self.DictParameters={} self.DictObjective={};iter1=0 for item in self.myData.dtype.names: if item.find("obj") != -1: print indent, "=\t - Response detected: ", item if sp.size(responsenames)>iter1: print indent, "=\t - Response identified as: ", responsenames[iter1] self.DictObjective[responsenames[iter1]] = item else: print indent, "=\t - Response not identified" iter1=iter1+1 if item.find("obj") == -1: print indent, "=\t - Parameter detected: ", item self.DictParameters[item]=item self.DictAll=self.DictParameters.copy() self.DictAll.update(self.DictObjective)
def setup(self, conductance, quantity): r''' This setup provides the initial data for the solver ''' if sp.size(self._phase) == 1: self._conductance = 'throat.' + conductance.split('.')[-1] self._quantity = 'pore.' + + '_' + quantity.split( '.')[-1] #Check health of conductance vector if self._phase.check_data_health(props=self._conductance, quiet=True): #If no nans, check for 0's ind = sp.nonzero(self._phase[self._conductance])[0] gmin = sp.amin(self._phase[self._conductance][ind]) ind = sp.where(self._phase[self._conductance] == 0)[0] self['throat.conductance'] = self._phase[self._conductance] #To prevent singular matrix self['throat.conductance'][ind] = gmin / 1000000 else: raise Exception('The provided throat conductance has problems') else: raise Exception( 'The linear transport solver accepts just one phase.')
def getGlobalGradients(self, coords, IP=None): """ Input: coords = global coordinates of shape nodes IP = integration point Output: N_x = array of global shape gradients at given IP w = w*j = weight at given IP """ if coords.ndim > 1: if np.size(coords, axis=1) > self.ndim: raise ValueError("Element dimensions exceeded!") if IP is None: # ================================================== N_x = [] w = [] for ip in range(self.nIP): [J, j] = self.getJacobian(coords, ip) # J = N_xi * coords N_x.append(inverse(J).dot(self.N_xi[ip])) w.append(self.w[ip] * j) else: # =========================================================== [J, j] = self.getJacobian(coords, IP) N_x = inverse(J).dot(self.N_xi[IP]) w = self.w[IP] * j return [N_x, w]
def __first_dim__(X): if sp.size(X) == 1: m = 1 else: m = sp.size(X,0) return m
def removeQuadOff(input_unw_path, width, length): ramp_removed_unw_path = "ramp_removed_" + input_unw_path[input_unw_path.rfind("/") + 1 : input_unw_path.rfind(".")] + ".unw"; assert not os.path.exists(ramp_removed_unw_path), "\n***** ERROR: " + ramp_removed_unw_path + " already exists, exiting...\n"; import subprocess; mag = input_unw_path[input_unw_path.rfind("/") + 1 : input_unw_path.rfind(".")] + ".mag"; phs = input_unw_path[input_unw_path.rfind("/") + 1 : input_unw_path.rfind(".")] + ".phs"; cmd = "\nrmg2mag_phs " + input_unw_path + " " + mag + " " + phs + " " + width + "\n"; cmd += "\nrm " + mag + "\n";,shell=True); infile = open(phs, "rb"); import pylab; indat = pylab.fromfile(infile,pylab.float32,-1).reshape(int(length), int(width)); #indat = pylab.fromfile(infile,pylab.float32,-1).reshape(int(width) * int(length), -1); infile.close(); import scipy; x = scipy.arange(0, int(length)); y = scipy.arange(0, int(width)); import numpy; x_grid, y_grid = numpy.meshgrid(x, y); indices = numpy.arange(0, int(width) * int(length)); mx = scipy.asarray(x_grid).reshape(-1); my = scipy.asarray(y_grid).reshape(-1); d = scipy.asarray(indat).reshape(-1); nonan_ids = indices[scipy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(d))]; mx = mx[nonan_ids]; my = my[nonan_ids]; d = d[nonan_ids]; init_mx = scipy.asarray(x_grid).reshape(-1)[nonan_ids]; init_my = scipy.asarray(y_grid).reshape(-1)[nonan_ids]; #ramp_removed = scipy.asarray(indat).reshape(-1)[nonan_ids]; ramp_removed = scipy.zeros(int(length) * int(width))[nonan_ids]; init_m_ones = scipy.ones(int(length) * int(width))[nonan_ids]; # init_xs = [init_m_ones, init_mx, init_my, scipy.multiply(init_mx,init_my), scipy.power(init_mx,2), scipy.power(init_my,2)]; init_xs = [init_mx]; print(len(init_xs)); p0 = scipy.zeros(len(init_xs)); p = scipy.zeros(len(init_xs)); import scipy.optimize; for i in scipy.arange(0,10): m_ones = scipy.ones(scipy.size(mx)); # xs = [m_ones, mx, my, scipy.multiply(mx,my), scipy.power(mx,2), scipy.power(my,2)]; xs = [mx]; G = scipy.vstack(xs).T; print(mx); plsq = scipy.optimize.leastsq(residuals, p0, args = (d, xs)); res = d - peval(xs, plsq[0]); mod = plsq[0]; p = p + mod; print(plsq[0]); # synth = G * scipy.matrix(mod).T; # cutoff = res.std(axis=0,ddof=1); #print(cutoff); # indices = numpy.arange(0, numpy.size(mx)); # good_ids = indices[abs(res) <= cutoff]; # plt.figure(i + 2); # plt.plot(mx,d,'b.',label='alloff'); # plt.plot(mx[good_ids],synth[good_ids],'.',label='fit',color='lightgreen'); # plt.plot(mx[bad_ids],d[bad_ids],'r.',label='cull #' + str(i + 1)); # plt.legend(); # mx = mx[good_ids]; # my = my[good_ids]; # d = res[good_ids]; d = res; print(sum(res)); # ramp_removed = scipy.asarray(ramp_removed - peval(init_xs, plsq[0])); ramp_removed = scipy.asarray(ramp_removed + peval(init_xs, plsq[0])); d = scipy.asarray(indat).reshape(-1); for i in range(0, scipy.size(nonan_ids)): d[nonan_ids[i]] = ramp_removed[i]; ramp_removed = d.reshape(int(length), int(width)); # import matplotlib; # matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(scipy.array(indat),interpolation='nearest',origin='lower'); #; outfile = open(ramp_removed_unw_path, "wb"); outoff = scipy.matrix(scipy.hstack((ramp_removed, ramp_removed)), scipy.float32); outoff.tofile(outfile); outfile.close();
def norm2(a): """ Mean squared norm. """ return la.norm(a) / sp.size(a)
assert array_equal( Y, sp.array([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 1.], [2., 2., 2.], [3., 3., 3.]])) if '## indices': assert array_equal( sp.indices((2, 3)), sp.array([[[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]], [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]])) if '## size': # Get total number of elements: assert sp.zeros((2, 3, 4)).size == 24 assert sp.size(sp.zeros((2, 3, 4))) == 24 assert sp.size(1) == 1 # 2 vs 1x2 vs 1x2: assert not sp.array_equal( [1, 2], # number of dimensions: 1. size of dimension 1: 2 [ [1, 2] ] # 2. : 1 size of dimension 2: 2 ) if '## shape': # Get / set size of each dimension.
def cylinders(shape: List[int], radius: int, ncylinders: int, phi_max: float = 0, theta_max: float = 90, length: float = None): r""" Generates a binary image of overlapping cylinders. This is a good approximation of a fibrous mat. Parameters ---------- shape : list The size of the image to generate in [Nx, Ny, Nz] where N is the number of voxels. 2D images are not permitted. radius : scalar The radius of the cylinders in voxels ncylinders : scalar The number of cylinders to add to the domain. Adjust this value to control the final porosity, which is not easily specified since cylinders overlap and intersect different fractions of the domain. theta_max : scalar A value between 0 and 90 that controls the amount of rotation *in the* XY plane, with 0 meaning all cylinders point in the X-direction, and 90 meaning they are randomly rotated about the Z axis by as much as +/- 90 degrees. phi_max : scalar A value between 0 and 90 that controls the amount that the cylinders lie *out of* the XY plane, with 0 meaning all cylinders lie in the XY plane, and 90 meaning that cylinders are randomly oriented out of the plane by as much as +/- 90 degrees. length : scalar The length of the cylinders to add. If ``None`` (default) then the cylinders will extend beyond the domain in both directions so no ends will exist. If a scalar value is given it will be interpreted as the Euclidean distance between the two ends of the cylinder. Note that one or both of the ends *may* still lie outside the domain, depending on the randomly chosen center point of the cylinder. Returns ------- image : ND-array A boolean array with ``True`` values denoting the pore space """ shape = sp.array(shape) if sp.size(shape) == 1: shape = sp.full((3, ), int(shape)) elif sp.size(shape) == 2: raise Exception("2D cylinders don't make sense") if length is None: R = sp.sqrt(sp.sum(sp.square(shape))).astype(int) else: R = length/2 im = sp.zeros(shape) # Adjust max angles to be between 0 and 90 if (phi_max > 90) or (phi_max < 0): raise Exception('phi_max must be betwen 0 and 90') if (theta_max > 90) or (theta_max < 0): raise Exception('theta_max must be betwen 0 and 90') n = 0 while n < ncylinders: # Choose a random starting point in domain x = sp.rand(3)*shape # Chose a random phi and theta within given ranges phi = (sp.pi/2 - sp.pi*sp.rand())*phi_max/90 theta = (sp.pi/2 - sp.pi*sp.rand())*theta_max/90 X0 = R*sp.array([sp.cos(phi)*sp.cos(theta), sp.cos(phi)*sp.sin(theta), sp.sin(phi)]) [X0, X1] = [x + X0, x - X0] crds = line_segment(X0, X1) lower = ~sp.any(sp.vstack(crds).T < [0, 0, 0], axis=1) upper = ~sp.any(sp.vstack(crds).T >= shape, axis=1) valid = upper*lower if sp.any(valid): im[crds[0][valid], crds[1][valid], crds[2][valid]] = 1 n += 1 im = sp.array(im, dtype=bool) dt = spim.distance_transform_edt(~im) < radius return ~dt
def generate_noise(shape: List[int], porosity=None, octaves: int = 3, frequency: int = 32, mode: str = 'simplex'): r""" Generate a field of spatially correlated random noise using the Perlin noise algorithm, or the updated Simplex noise algorithm. Parameters ---------- shape : array_like The size of the image to generate in [Nx, Ny, Nz] where N is the number of voxels. porosity : float If specified, this will threshold the image to the specified value prior to returning. If no value is given (the default), then the scalar noise field is returned. octaves : int Controls the *texture* of the noise, with higher octaves giving more complex features over larger length scales. frequency : array_like Controls the relative sizes of the features, with higher frequencies giving larger features. A scalar value will apply the same frequency in all directions, given an isotropic field; a vector value will apply the specified values along each axis to create anisotropy. mode : string Which noise algorithm to use, either ``'simplex'`` (default) or ``'perlin'``. Returns ------- image : ND-array If porosity is given, then a boolean array with ``True`` values denoting the pore space is returned. If not, then normally distributed and spatially correlated randomly noise is returned. Notes ----- This method depends the a package called 'noise' which must be compiled. It is included in the Anaconda distribution, or a platform specific binary can be downloaded. See Also -------- """ try: import noise except ModuleNotFoundError: raise Exception("The noise package must be installed") shape = sp.array(shape) if sp.size(shape) == 1: Lx, Ly, Lz = sp.full((3, ), int(shape)) elif len(shape) == 2: Lx, Ly = shape Lz = 1 elif len(shape) == 3: Lx, Ly, Lz = shape if mode == 'simplex': f = noise.snoise3 else: f = noise.pnoise3 frequency = sp.atleast_1d(frequency) if frequency.size == 1: freq = sp.full(shape=[3, ], fill_value=frequency[0]) elif frequency.size == 2: freq = sp.concatenate((frequency, [1])) else: freq = sp.array(frequency) im = sp.zeros(shape=[Lx, Ly, Lz], dtype=float) for x in range(Lx): for y in range(Ly): for z in range(Lz): im[x, y, z] = f(x=x/freq[0], y=y/freq[1], z=z/freq[2], octaves=octaves) im = im.squeeze() if porosity: im = norm_to_uniform(im, scale=[0, 1]) im = im < porosity return im
def overlapping_spheres(shape: List[int], radius: int, porosity: float, iter_max: int = 10, tol: float = 0.01): r""" Generate a packing of overlapping mono-disperse spheres Parameters ---------- shape : list The size of the image to generate in [Nx, Ny, Nz] where Ni is the number of voxels in the i-th direction. radius : scalar The radius of spheres in the packing. porosity : scalar The porosity of the final image, accurate to the given tolerance. iter_max : int Maximum number of iterations for the iterative algorithm that improves the porosity of the final image to match the given value. tol : float Tolerance for porosity of the final image compared to the given value. Returns ------- image : ND-array A boolean array with ``True`` values denoting the pore space Notes ----- This method can also be used to generate a dispersion of hollows by treating ``porosity`` as solid volume fraction and inverting the returned image. """ shape = sp.array(shape) if sp.size(shape) == 1: shape = sp.full((3, ), int(shape)) ndim = (shape != 1).sum() s_vol = ps_disk(radius).sum() if ndim == 2 else ps_ball(radius).sum() bulk_vol = N = int(sp.ceil((1 - porosity)*bulk_vol/s_vol)) im = sp.random.random(size=shape) # Helper functions for calculating porosity: phi = g(f(N)) f = lambda N: spim.distance_transform_edt(im > N/bulk_vol) < radius g = lambda im: 1 - im.sum() / # # Newton's method for getting image porosity match the given # w = 1.0 # Damping factor # dN = 5 if ndim == 2 else 25 # Perturbation # for i in range(iter_max): # err = g(f(N)) - porosity # d_err = (g(f(N+dN)) - g(f(N))) / dN # if d_err == 0: # break # if abs(err) <= tol: # break # N2 = N - int(err/d_err) # xnew = xold - f/df # N = w * N2 + (1-w) * N # Bisection search: N is always undershoot (bc. of overlaps) N_low, N_high = N, 4*N for i in range(iter_max): N = sp.mean([N_high, N_low], dtype=int) err = g(f(N)) - porosity if err > 0: N_low = N else: N_high = N if abs(err) <= tol: break return ~f(N)
def lattice_spheres(shape: List[int], radius: int, offset: int = 0, lattice: str = 'sc'): r""" Generates a cubic packing of spheres in a specified lattice arrangement Parameters ---------- shape : list The size of the image to generate in [Nx, Ny, Nz] where N is the number of voxels in each direction. For a 2D image, use [Nx, Ny]. radius : scalar The radius of spheres (circles) in the packing offset : scalar The amount offset (+ or -) to add between sphere centers. lattice : string Specifies the type of lattice to create. Options are: 'sc' - Simple Cubic (default) 'fcc' - Face Centered Cubic 'bcc' - Body Centered Cubic For 2D images, 'sc' gives a square lattice and both 'fcc' and 'bcc' give a triangular lattice. Returns ------- image : ND-array A boolean array with ``True`` values denoting the pore space """ print(78*'―') print('lattice_spheres: Generating ' + lattice + ' lattice') r = radius shape = sp.array(shape) if sp.size(shape) == 1: shape = sp.full((3, ), int(shape)) im = sp.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) im = im.squeeze() # Parse lattice type lattice = lattice.lower() if im.ndim == 2: if lattice in ['sc']: lattice = 'sq' if lattice in ['bcc', 'fcc']: lattice = 'tri' if lattice in ['sq', 'square']: spacing = 2*r s = int(spacing/2) + sp.array(offset) coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0]-r:2*s, r:im.shape[1]-r:2*s] im[coords[0], coords[1]] = 1 elif lattice in ['tri', 'triangular']: spacing = 2*sp.floor(sp.sqrt(2*(r**2))).astype(int) s = int(spacing/2) + offset coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0]-r:2*s, r:im.shape[1]-r:2*s] im[coords[0], coords[1]] = 1 coords = sp.mgrid[s+r:im.shape[0]-r:2*s, s+r:im.shape[1]-r:2*s] im[coords[0], coords[1]] = 1 elif lattice in ['sc', 'simple cubic', 'cubic']: spacing = 2*r s = int(spacing/2) + sp.array(offset) coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0]-r:2*s, r:im.shape[1]-r:2*s, r:im.shape[2]-r:2*s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 elif lattice in ['bcc', 'body cenetered cubic']: spacing = 2*sp.floor(sp.sqrt(4/3*(r**2))).astype(int) s = int(spacing/2) + offset coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0]-r:2*s, r:im.shape[1]-r:2*s, r:im.shape[2]-r:2*s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 coords = sp.mgrid[s+r:im.shape[0]-r:2*s, s+r:im.shape[1]-r:2*s, s+r:im.shape[2]-r:2*s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 elif lattice in ['fcc', 'face centered cubic']: spacing = 2*sp.floor(sp.sqrt(2*(r**2))).astype(int) s = int(spacing/2) + offset coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0]-r:2*s, r:im.shape[1]-r:2*s, r:im.shape[2]-r:2*s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 coords = sp.mgrid[r:im.shape[0]-r:2*s, s+r:im.shape[1]-r:2*s, s+r:im.shape[2]-r:2*s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 coords = sp.mgrid[s+r:im.shape[0]-r:2*s, s:im.shape[1]-r:2*s, s+r:im.shape[2]-r:2*s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 coords = sp.mgrid[s+r:im.shape[0]-r:2*s, s+r:im.shape[1]-r:2*s, s:im.shape[2]-r:2*s] im[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]] = 1 im = ~(spim.distance_transform_edt(~im) < r) return im
def __second_dim__(X): if sp.size(X) == 1: m = 1 else: m = sp.size(X,1) return m
import scipy.stats import scipy as sp import pandas as pd alpha = 0.05 output = [] for i in sp.arange(1, 36): dfDenominator = i for j in sp.arange(1, 11): dfNumerator = j f = scipy.stats.f.ppf(q=1 - alpha, dfn=dfNumerator, dfd=dfDenominator) output.append(round(f, 2)) #print(f) n = sp.size(output) out = sp.reshape(output, [n / 10, 10]) rowNames = list(range(1, 36)) #index=list(range(1,36)) out2 = pd.DataFrame(out, index=rowNames, columns=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) # output to screen import sys out2.to_csv(sys.stdout) #out2=round(out,2) #old_names = ['$a', '$b', '$c', '$d', '$e'] #new_names = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] #df.rename(columns=dict(zip(old_names, new_names)), inplace=True)
__author__ = 'fabio.lana' import numpy as np import pylab as plt import scipy as sp from scipy import stats import win32api scores = np.array([ 114, 100, 104, 89, 102, 91, 114, 114, 103, 105, 108, 130, 120, 132, 111, 128, 118, 119, 86, 72, 111, 103, 74, 112, 107, 103, 98, 96, 112, 112, 93 ]) xmean = sp.mean(scores) sigma = sp.std(scores) n = sp.size(scores) print xmean, xmean - 2.576 * sigma / sp.sqrt( n), xmean + 2.576 * sigma / sp.sqrt(n) result = sp.stats.bayes_mvs(scores) print result