def plotConvergence(cls, scale, error4scale, title, legend, regression = False): p.figure() p.loglog(scale, error4scale, "k-d", xlabel = "samples", ylabel = "error",) # semilogy p.title(title) p.legend(legend) if regression and len(error4scale) > 1: p.hold('on') lineSpace = np.array((scale[0], scale[-1])) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(scale, np.log10(error4scale)) line = np.power(10, slope * lineSpace + intercept) p.plot(lineSpace, line, "k:", legend = "{slope:.2}x + c" \ .format(slope = slope)) p.hardcopy(cls.folder + title + " " + t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M') + ".pdf")
def plotConvergenceMean(cls, approx, exact, regression = False): nApprox = approx.shape[0] errorMean = np.empty(nApprox) for curSampleN in range(0, nApprox): errorMean[curSampleN] = cls.computeError(np.mean(approx[:curSampleN + 1], 0), exact) p.figure() # lSpace = p.linspace(0, errorMean.size, errorMean.size) lSpace = list(i * (len(exact) ** 2) for i in range(nApprox)) p.loglog(lSpace, errorMean, "k-", xlabel = "samples", ylabel = "error", legend = "E[(Q_M - E[Q])^2]^{1/2}") print("CompCost: {compCost:5.2e}\t Error: {error:5.4e}" .format(compCost = lSpace[-1], error = errorMean[-1])) if regression: p.hold('on') lineSpace = np.array((lSpace[0], lSpace[-1])) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(lSpace, np.log10(errorMean)) line = np.power(10, slope * lineSpace + intercept) p.plot(lineSpace, line, "k:", legend = "{slope:.2}x + c" \ .format(slope = slope))
n = 0 while n<N and T[n]>=temp_after_death-0.0001 : T[n+1] = (T[n] - k*dt*((1-theta)*T[n] - T_s))/(1.0 + theta*dt*k) n = n + 1 t = linspace(0,t_end,N+1) return T,t def exact_sol(T0,k,T_s,t_end,dt): N = int(round(t_end/float(dt))) t = linspace(0,t_end,N+1) exact = (T0-T_s)*exp(-t*k) + T_s return exact,t if __name__ == "__main__": T,t = cooling(37.5, 0.1, 14.0, 60.0, 5, 0.5) plot(t,T,"r--o") T_exact,t = exact_sol(37.5, 0.1, 14.0, 60.0, 5) #figure() hold("on") plot(t,T_exact) legend(["discrete sol","exact sol"]) print "maximum error :" ,max(abs(T-T_exact)) raw_input("press enter")
h0 = 2277. # Height of the top of the mountain (m) R = 4. # The radius of the mountain (km) x = y = np.linspace(-10., 10., 41) xv, yv = plt.ndgrid(x, y) # Grid for x, y values (km) hv = h0 / (1 + (xv**2 + yv**2) / (R**2)) # Compute height (m) x = y = np.linspace(-10., 10., 11) x2v, y2v = plt.ndgrid(x, y) # Define a coarser grid for the vector field h2v = h0 / (1 + (x2v**2 + y2v**2) / (R**2)) # Compute height for new grid dhdx, dhdy = np.gradient(h2v) # Compute the gradient vector (dh/dx,dh/dy) # Draw contours and gradient field of h plt.figure(9) plt.quiver(x2v, y2v, dhdx, dhdy, 0, 'r') plt.hold('on') plt.contour(xv, yv, hv) plt.axis('equal') # end draw contours and gradient field of h x = y = np.linspace(-5, 5, 11) xv, yv = plt.ndgrid(x, y) u = xv**2 + 2 * yv - .5 * xv * yv v = -3 * yv # Draw 2D-field plt.figure(10) plt.quiver(xv, yv, u, v, 200, 'b') plt.axis('equal') # end draw 2D-field
xv, yv = plt.ndgrid(x, y) hv = h0/(1+(xv**2+yv**2)/(R**2)) s = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) curve_x = 10*(1 - s/(2*np.pi))*np.cos(s) curve_y = 10*(1 - s/(2*np.pi))*np.sin(s) curve_z = h0/(1 + 100*(1 - s/(2*np.pi))**2/(R**2)) # Simple plot of mountain plt.figure(1) plt.mesh(xv, yv, hv) # Simple plot of mountain and parametric curve plt.figure(2), yv, hv) plt.hold('on') # add the parametric curve. Last parameter controls color of the curve plt.plot3(curve_x, curve_y, curve_z, 'b-') # endsimpleplots # Default two-dimensional contour plot plt.figure(3) plt.contour(xv, yv, hv) # Default three-dimensional contour plot plt.figure(4) plt.contour3(xv, yv, hv, 10) # 10 contour lines (equally spaced contour levels) plt.figure(5)