def read_mol_xyz(mol_dict: Settings) -> Optional[Molecule]:
    """Read an .xyz file."""
        mol = Molecule(mol_dict.mol, inputformat='xyz')
        if mol_dict.guess_bonds and not mol_dict.is_qd:
        if not mol_dict.is_core:
        return mol
    except Exception as ex:
        print_exception('read_mol_xyz', mol_dict.name, ex)
def set_qd(qd: Molecule, mol_dict: Settings) -> Molecule:
    """Update quantum dots imported by :func:`.read_mol`."""
    # Create ligand (and anchor) molecules
    ligand = molkit.from_smiles(mol_dict.ligand_smiles)
    ligand_rdmol = molkit.to_rdmol(ligand)
    anchor = molkit.from_smiles(mol_dict.ligand_anchor)
    anchor_rdmol = molkit.to_rdmol(anchor)
    qd_rdmol = molkit.to_rdmol(qd)

    # Create arrays of atomic indices of the core and ligands
    lig_idx = 1 + np.array(qd_rdmol.GetSubstructMatches(ligand_rdmol))
    core_idx = np.arange(1, len(qd))[~lig_idx]
    lig_idx = lig_idx.ravel().tolist()
    core_idx = core_idx.tolist()

    # Guess bonds
    if mol_dict.guess_bonds:
        qd.guess_bonds(atom_subset=[qd[i] for i in lig_idx])

    # Reorder all atoms: core atoms first followed by ligands
    qd.atoms = [qd[i] for i in core_idx] + [qd[j] for i in lig_idx for j in i]

    # Construct a list with the indices of all ligand anchor atoms
    core_idx_max = 1 + len(core_idx)
    _anchor_idx = ligand_rdmol.GetSubstructMatch(anchor_rdmol)[0]
    start = core_idx_max + _anchor_idx
    stop = core_idx_max + _anchor_idx + np.product(lig_idx.shape)
    step = len(ligand)
    anchor_idx = list(range(start, stop, step))

    # Update the properties of **qd**
    for i in anchor_idx:
        qd[i].properties.anchor = True
    qd.properties.indices = list(range(1, core_idx_max)) + anchor_idx
    qd.properties.job_path = []
    qd.properties.name = mol_dict.name
    qd.properties.path = mol_dict.path
    qd.properties.ligand_smiles = Chem.CanonSmiles(mol_dict.ligand_smiles)
    qd.properties.ligand_anchor = f'{ligand[_anchor_idx].symbol}{_anchor_idx}'

    # Update the pdb_info of all atoms
    for i, at in enumerate(qd, 1):
        at.properties.pdb_info.SerialNumber = i
        if i <= core_idx_max:  # A core atom
            at.properties.pdb_info.ResidueNumber = 1
        else:  # A ligand atom
            at.properties.pdb_info.ResidueNumber = 2 + int(
                (i - core_idx_max) / len(ligand))
import os
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
    import dill as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

from scm.plams import Molecule, Atom, MoleculeError
from scm.plams import read_all_molecules_in_xyz_file

PATH = Path('.') / 'xyz'

BENZENE = Molecule(PATH / 'benzene.xyz')

def test_index():
    """Test :meth:`Molecule.index`."""
    atom = BENZENE[1]
    bond = BENZENE[1, 2]
    atom_test = Atom(coords=[0, 0, 0], symbol='H')

    assert BENZENE.index(atom) == 1
    assert BENZENE.index(bond) == (1, 2)

        BENZENE.index(None)  # None is of invalid type
    except MoleculeError:
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import (bsr_matrix, coo_matrix, csr_matrix, csc_matrix,
                          dia_matrix, dok_matrix, lil_matrix)

from scm.plams import Molecule, MoleculeError
from assertionlib import assertion

from FOX.ff.degree_of_separation import degree_of_separation, sparse_bond_matrix

PATH = Path('tests', 'test_files')
MOL = Molecule(PATH / 'Cd68Se55_26COO_MD_trajec.xyz')
MOL.guess_bonds([at for at in MOL if at.symbol in {'C', 'H', 'O'}])

def test_degree_of_separation():
    """Test :func:`degree_of_separation`."""
    ref1 = np.load(PATH / 'degree_of_separation.npy')
    ref2 = ref1.copy()
    ref2[ref1 > 1] = np.inf

    mat1 = degree_of_separation(MOL)
    mat2 = degree_of_separation(MOL, bond_mat=MOL.bond_matrix())
    mat3 = degree_of_separation(MOL, limit=1)

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(mat1, ref1)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(mat2, ref1)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(mat3, ref2)