文件: gcl.py 项目: miaosf/depot_tools
def CMDchange(args):
  """Creates or edits a changelist.

  Only scans the current directory and subdirectories.
  # Verify the user is running the change command from a read-write checkout.
  svn_info = SVN.CaptureLocalInfo([], '.')
  if not svn_info:
    ErrorExit("Current checkout is unversioned.  Please retry with a versioned "

  if len(args) == 0:
    # Generate a random changelist name.
    changename = GenerateChangeName()
  elif args[0] == '--force':
    changename = GenerateChangeName()
    changename = args[0]
  change_info = ChangeInfo.Load(changename, GetRepositoryRoot(), False, True)

  if len(args) == 2:
    if not os.path.isfile(args[1]):
      ErrorExit('The change "%s" doesn\'t exist.' % args[1])
    f = open(args[1], 'rU')
    override_description = f.read()
    override_description = None

  if change_info.issue and not change_info.NeedsUpload():
      description = change_info.GetIssueDescription()
    except urllib2.HTTPError, err:
      if err.code == 404:
        # The user deleted the issue in Rietveld, so forget the old issue id.
        description = change_info.description
        change_info.issue = 0
        ErrorExit("Error getting the description from Rietveld: " + err)
文件: gcl.py 项目: miaosf/depot_tools
def GetCachedFile(filename, max_age=60*60*24*3, use_root=False):
  """Retrieves a file from the repository and caches it in GetCacheDir() for
  max_age seconds.

  use_root: If False, look up the arborescence for the first match, otherwise go
            directory to the root repository.

  Note: The cache will be inconsistent if the same file is retrieved with both
        use_root=True and use_root=False. Don't be stupid.
  if filename not in FILES_CACHE:
    # Don't try to look up twice.
    FILES_CACHE[filename] = None
    # First we check if we have a cached version.
      cached_file = os.path.join(GetCacheDir(), filename)
    except (gclient_utils.Error, subprocess2.CalledProcessError):
      return None
    if (not os.path.exists(cached_file) or
        (time.time() - os.stat(cached_file).st_mtime) > max_age):
      dir_info = SVN.CaptureLocalInfo([], '.')
      repo_root = dir_info['Repository Root']
      if use_root:
        url_path = repo_root
        url_path = dir_info['URL']
      while True:
        # Look in the repository at the current level for the file.
        for _ in range(5):
          content = None
            # Take advantage of the fact that svn won't output to stderr in case
            # of success but will do in case of failure so don't mind putting
            # stderr into content_array.
            content_array = []
            svn_path = url_path + '/' + filename
            args = ['svn', 'cat', svn_path]
            if sys.platform != 'darwin':
              # MacOSX 10.5.2 has a bug with svn 1.4.4 that will trigger the
              # 'Can\'t get username or password' and can be fixed easily.
              # The fix doesn't work if the user upgraded to svn 1.6.x. Bleh.
              # I don't have time to fix their broken stuff.
                args, cwd='.', filter_fn=content_array.append)
            # Exit the loop if the file was found. Override content.
            content = '\n'.join(content_array)
          except (gclient_utils.Error, subprocess2.CalledProcessError):
            if content_array[0].startswith(
                'svn: Can\'t get username or password'):
              ErrorExit('Your svn credentials expired. Please run svn update '
                        'to fix the cached credentials')
            if content_array[0].startswith('svn: Can\'t get password'):
              ErrorExit('If are using a Mac and svn --version shows 1.4.x, '
                  'please hack gcl.py to remove --non-interactive usage, it\'s'
                  'a bug on your installed copy')
            if (content_array[0].startswith('svn: File not found:') or
                content_array[0].endswith('path not found')):
            # Otherwise, fall through to trying again.
        if content:
        if url_path == repo_root:
          # Reached the root. Abandoning search.
        # Go up one level to try again.
        url_path = os.path.dirname(url_path)
      if content is not None or filename != CODEREVIEW_SETTINGS_FILE:
        # Write a cached version even if there isn't a file, so we don't try to
        # fetch it each time. codereview.settings must always be present so do
        # not cache negative.
        gclient_utils.FileWrite(cached_file, content or '')
      content = gclient_utils.FileRead(cached_file, 'r')
    # Keep the content cached in memory.
    FILES_CACHE[filename] = content
  return FILES_CACHE[filename]