    def _get_trajopt_obj(self, plan, active_ts=None):
        if active_ts == None:
            active_ts = (0, plan.horizon - 1)
        start, end = active_ts
        traj_objs = []
        for param in plan.params.values():
            if param not in self._param_to_ll:
            if param._type in ['Robot', 'Can']:
                for attr_name in param.__dict__.iterkeys():
                    attr_type = param.get_attr_type(attr_name)
                    if issubclass(attr_type, Vector):
                        T = end - start + 1
                        K = attr_type.dim
                        attr_val = getattr(param, attr_name)
                        KT = K * T
                        v = -1 * np.ones((KT - K, 1))
                        d = np.vstack((np.ones((KT - K, 1)), np.zeros((K, 1))))
                        # [:,0] allows numpy to see v and d as one-dimensional so
                        # that numpy will create a diagonal matrix with v and d as a diagonal
                        P = np.diag(v[:, 0], K) + np.diag(d[:, 0])
                        Q = np.dot(np.transpose(P), P)

                        quad_expr = QuadExpr(Q, np.zeros((1, KT)),
                                             np.zeros((1, 1)))
                        robot_ll = self._param_to_ll[param]
                        ll_attr_val = getattr(robot_ll, attr_name)
                        robot_ll_grb_vars = ll_attr_val.reshape((KT, 1),
                        # init_val = attr_val[:, start:end+1].reshape((KT, 1), order='F')
                        # bexpr = BoundExpr(quad_expr, Variable(robot_ll_grb_vars, init_val))
                        bexpr = BoundExpr(quad_expr,
        return traj_objs
    def create_variable(self, grb_vars, init_vals, save=False):
            if save is Ture
            Update the grb_init_mapping so that each grb_var is mapped to
            the right initial values.
            Then find the sco variables that includes the grb variables we are updating and change the corresponding initial values inside of it.
            if save is False
            Iterate the var_list and use the last initial value used for each gurobi, and construct the sco variables
        sco_var, grb_val_map, ret_val = None, {}, []

        for grb, v in zip(grb_vars.flatten(), init_vals.flatten()):
            grb_name = grb.VarName
            if save: self.grb_init_mapping[grb_name] = v
            grb_val_map[grb_name] = self.grb_init_mapping.get(grb_name, v)
            if grb_name in self._grb_to_var_ind.keys():
                for var, i in self._grb_to_var_ind[grb_name]:
                    var._value[i] = grb_val_map[grb_name]
                    if np.all(var._grb_vars is grb_vars):
                        sco_var = var

        if sco_var is None:
            sco_var = Variable(grb_vars, np.array(ret_val).reshape((len(ret_val), 1)))
            for i, grb in enumerate(grb_vars.flatten()):
                index_val_list = self._grb_to_var_ind.get(grb.VarName, [])
                index_val_list.append((sco_var, i))
                self._grb_to_var_ind[grb.VarName] = index_val_list

        if DEBUG: self.check_sync()
        return sco_var
    def _get_trajopt_obj(self, plan, active_ts=None):
        if active_ts == None:
            active_ts = (0, plan.horizon - 1)
        start, end = active_ts
        traj_objs = []
        for param in plan.params.values():
            if param not in self._param_to_ll:
            if param._type in ['Robot', 'Can']:
                T = end - start + 1
                K = 2
                pose = param.pose
                KT = K * T
                v = -1 * np.ones((KT - K, 1))
                d = np.vstack((np.ones((KT - K, 1)), np.zeros((K, 1))))
                # [:,0] allows numpy to see v and d as one-dimensional so
                # that numpy will create a diagonal matrix with v and d as a diagonal
                P = np.diag(v[:, 0], K) + np.diag(d[:, 0])
                Q = np.dot(np.transpose(P), P)

                Q *= TRAJOPT_COEFF

                quad_expr = QuadExpr(Q, np.zeros((1, KT)), np.zeros((1, 1)))
                robot_ll = self._param_to_ll[param]
                robot_ll_grb_vars = robot_ll.pose.reshape((KT, 1), order='F')
                init_val = param.pose[:, start:end + 1].reshape((KT, 1),
                bexpr = BoundExpr(quad_expr,
                                  Variable(robot_ll_grb_vars, init_val))
        return traj_objs
 def _get_transfer_obj(self, plan, norm):
     transfer_objs = []
     if norm == 'min-vel':
         for param in plan.params.values():
             if param._type in ['Robot', 'Can']:
                 T = plan.horizon
                 K = 2
                 pose = param.pose
                 assert (K, T) == pose.shape
                 KT = K * T
                 v = -1 * np.ones((KT - K, 1))
                 d = np.vstack((np.ones((KT - K, 1)), np.zeros((K, 1))))
                 # [:,0] allows numpy to see v and d as one-dimensional so
                 # that numpy will create a diagonal matrix with v and d as a diagonal
                 P = np.diag(v[:, 0], K) + np.diag(d[:, 0])
                 Q = np.dot(np.transpose(P), P)
                 cur_pose = pose.reshape((KT, 1), order='F')
                 A = -2 * cur_pose.T.dot(Q)
                 b = cur_pose.T.dot(Q.dot(cur_pose))
                 # QuadExpr is 0.5*x^Tx + Ax + b
                 quad_expr = QuadExpr(2 * self.transfer_coeff * Q,
                                      self.transfer_coeff * A,
                                      self.transfer_coeff * b)
                 ll_param = self._param_to_ll[param]
                 ll_grb_vars = ll_param.pose.reshape((KT, 1), order='F')
                 bexpr = BoundExpr(quad_expr,
                                   Variable(ll_grb_vars, cur_pose))
         raise NotImplemented
     return transfer_objs
    def _resample(self, plan, preds):
        val, attr_inds = None, None
        for negated, pred, t in preds:
            ## returns a vector of new values and an
            ## attr_inds (OrderedDict) that gives the mapping
            ## to parameter attributes
            if (self.early_converge and self._failed_groups != ['all']
                    and self._failed_groups != [] and not np.any([
                        param.name in self._failed_groups
                        for param in pred.params
                ## using early converge and one group didn't converge
                ## but no parameter from this pred in that group

            val, attr_inds = pred.resample(negated, t, plan)
            ## no resample defined for that pred
            if val is not None: break
        if val is None:
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            return []

        t_local = t
        bexprs = []
        i = 0
        for p in attr_inds:
            ## get the ll_param for p and gurobi variables
            ll_p = self._param_to_ll[p]
            if p.is_symbol(): t_local = 0
            n_vals = 0
            grb_vars = []
            for attr, ind_arr in attr_inds[p]:
                n_vals += len(ind_arr)
                grb_vars.extend(list(getattr(ll_p, attr)[ind_arr, t_local]))

            for j, grb_var in enumerate(grb_vars):
                ## create an objective saying stay close to this value
                ## e(x) = x^2 - 2*val[i+j]*x + val[i+j]^2
                Q = np.eye(1)
                A = -2 * val[i + j] * np.ones((1, 1))
                b = np.ones((1, 1)) * np.power(val[i + j], 2)
                # QuadExpr is 0.5*x^Tx + Ax + b
                quad_expr = QuadExpr(2 * Q * self.rs_coeff, A * self.rs_coeff,
                                     b * self.rs_coeff)
                v_arr = np.array([grb_var]).reshape((1, 1), order='F')
                init_val = np.ones((1, 1)) * val[i + j]
                bexpr = BoundExpr(quad_expr,
                                  Variable(v_arr, val[i + j].reshape((1, 1))))


            i += n_vals
        return bexprs
    def _get_trajopt_obj(self, plan, active_ts=None):
            This function selects parameter of type Robot and Can and returns
            the expression e(x) = |Px|^2
            Which optimize trajectory so that robot and can's attributes in
            current timestep is close to that of next timestep.
            forming a straight line between each end points.

            Where P is the KT x KT matrix, where Px is the difference of
            value in current timestep compare to next timestep
        if active_ts == None:
            active_ts = (0, plan.horizon-1)
        start, end = active_ts
        traj_objs = []
        for param in plan.params.values():
            if param not in self._param_to_ll:
            if param._type in ['Robot', 'Can']:
                for attr_name in param.__dict__.iterkeys():
                    attr_type = param.get_attr_type(attr_name)
                    if issubclass(attr_type, Vector):
                        T = end - start + 1
                        K = attr_type.dim
                        attr_val = getattr(param, attr_name)
                        KT = K*T
                        v = -1 * np.ones((KT - K, 1))
                        d = np.vstack((np.ones((KT - K, 1)), np.zeros((K, 1))))
                        # [:,0] allows numpy to see v and d as one-dimensional so
                        # that numpy will create a diagonal matrix with v and d as a diagonal
                        P = np.diag(v[:, 0], K) + np.diag(d[:, 0])
                        Q = np.dot(np.transpose(P), P)
                        Q *= TRAJOPT_COEFF

                        quad_expr = None
                        if attr_name == 'pose' and param._type == 'Robot':
                            quad_expr = QuadExpr(BASE_MOVE_COEFF*Q,
                            quad_expr = QuadExpr(Q, np.zeros((1,KT)), np.zeros((1,1)))
                        param_ll = self._param_to_ll[param]
                        ll_attr_val = getattr(param_ll, attr_name)
                        param_ll_grb_vars = ll_attr_val.reshape((KT, 1), order='F')
                        attr_val = getattr(param, attr_name)
                        init_val = attr_val[:, start:end+1].reshape((KT, 1), order='F')
                        bexpr = BoundExpr(quad_expr, Variable(param_ll_grb_vars, init_val))
                        # bexpr = BoundExpr(quad_expr, Variable(param_ll_grb_vars))
        return traj_objs
    def _get_transfer_obj(self, plan, norm):
            This function returns the expression e(x) = P|x - cur|^2
            Which says the optimized trajectory should be close to the
            previous trajectory.
            Where P is the KT x KT matrix, where Px is the difference of parameter's attributes' current value and parameter's next timestep value

        transfer_objs = []
        if norm == 'min-vel':
            for param in plan.params.values():
                # if param._type in ['Robot', 'Can', 'EEPose']:
                for attr_name in param.__dict__.iterkeys():
                    attr_type = param.get_attr_type(attr_name)
                    if issubclass(attr_type, Vector):
                        if param.is_symbol():
                            T = 1
                            T = plan.horizon
                        K = attr_type.dim
                        attr_val = getattr(param, attr_name)

                        # pose = param.pose
                        assert (K, T) == attr_val.shape
                        KT = K*T
                        v = -1 * np.ones((KT - K, 1))
                        d = np.vstack((np.ones((KT - K, 1)), np.zeros((K, 1))))
                        # [:,0] allows numpy to see v and d as one-dimensional so
                        # that numpy will create a diagonal matrix with v and d as a diagonal
                        P = np.diag(v[:, 0], K) + np.diag(d[:, 0])
                        # P = np.eye(KT)
                        Q = np.dot(np.transpose(P), P)
                        cur_val = attr_val.reshape((KT, 1), order='F')
                        A = -2*cur_val.T.dot(Q)
                        b = cur_val.T.dot(Q.dot(cur_val))
                        # QuadExpr is 0.5*x^Tx + Ax + b
                        quad_expr = QuadExpr(2*self.transfer_coeff*Q,
                                             self.transfer_coeff*A, self.transfer_coeff*b)
                        param_ll = self._param_to_ll[param]
                        ll_attr_val = getattr(param_ll, attr_name)
                        param_ll_grb_vars = ll_attr_val.reshape((KT, 1), order='F')
                        bexpr = BoundExpr(quad_expr, Variable(param_ll_grb_vars, cur_val))
            raise NotImplemented
        return transfer_objs
    def _resample(self, plan, preds):
            This function first calls fail predicate's resample function,
            then, uses the resampled value to create a square difference cost
            function e(x) = |x - rs_val|^2 that will be minimized later.
            rs_val is the resampled value
        val, attr_inds = None, None
        for negated, pred, t in preds:
            ## returns a vector of new values and an
            ## attr_inds (OrderedDict) that gives the mapping
            ## to parameter attributes
            val, attr_inds = pred.resample(negated, t, plan)
            ## if no resample defined for that pred, continue
            if val is not None: break
        if val is None:
            return []

        bexprs, i = [], 0
        for p in attr_inds:
            ## get the ll_param for p and gurobi variables
            ll_p = self._param_to_ll[p]
            n_vals = 0
            grb_vars = []
            for attr, ind_arr, t in attr_inds[p]:
                n_vals += len(ind_arr)
                    list(getattr(ll_p, attr)[ind_arr, t].flatten()))

            for j, grb_var in enumerate(grb_vars):
                ## create an objective saying stay close to the resampled value
                ## e(x) = (x - val[i+j])**2
                ## e(x) = x^2 - 2*val[i+j]*x + val[i+j]^2
                Q = np.eye(1)
                A = -2*val[i+j]*np.ones((1, 1))
                b = np.ones((1, 1))*np.power(val[i+j], 2)
                # QuadExpr is 0.5*x^Tx + Ax + b
                quad_expr = QuadExpr(2*Q*self.rs_coeff, A*self.rs_coeff, b*self.rs_coeff)
                v_arr = np.array([grb_var]).reshape((1, 1), order='F')
                init_val = np.ones((1, 1))*val[i+j]
                bexpr = BoundExpr(quad_expr,
                                  Variable(v_arr, val[i+j].reshape((1, 1))))
            i += n_vals
        return bexprs
    def _get_transfer_obj(self, plan, norm):
        transfer_objs = []
        if norm == 'min-vel':
            for param in plan.params.values():
                # if param._type in ['Robot', 'Can', 'EEPose']:
                for attr_name in param.__dict__.iterkeys():
                    attr_type = param.get_attr_type(attr_name)
                    if issubclass(attr_type, Vector):
                        if param.is_symbol():
                            T = 1
                            T = plan.horizon
                        K = attr_type.dim
                        attr_val = getattr(param, attr_name)

                        # pose = param.pose
                        assert (K, T) == attr_val.shape
                        KT = K * T
                        v = -1 * np.ones((KT - K, 1))
                        d = np.vstack((np.ones((KT - K, 1)), np.zeros((K, 1))))
                        # [:,0] allows numpy to see v and d as one-dimensional so
                        # that numpy will create a diagonal matrix with v and d as a diagonal
                        P = np.diag(v[:, 0], K) + np.diag(d[:, 0])
                        Q = np.dot(np.transpose(P), P)
                        cur_val = attr_val.reshape((KT, 1), order='F')
                        A = -2 * cur_val.T.dot(Q)
                        b = cur_val.T.dot(Q.dot(cur_val))
                        # QuadExpr is 0.5*x^Tx + Ax + b
                        quad_expr = QuadExpr(2 * self.transfer_coeff * Q,
                                             self.transfer_coeff * A,
                                             self.transfer_coeff * b)
                        param_ll = self._param_to_ll[param]
                        ll_attr_val = getattr(param_ll, attr_name)
                        param_ll_grb_vars = ll_attr_val.reshape((KT, 1),
                        bexpr = BoundExpr(quad_expr,
                                          Variable(param_ll_grb_vars, cur_val))
            raise NotImplemented
        return transfer_objs
    def _spawn_sco_var_for_pred(self, pred, t):
        x = np.empty(pred.x_dim, dtype=object)
        v = np.empty(pred.x_dim)
        i = 0
        start, end = pred.active_range
        for rel_t in range(start, end + 1):
            for p in pred.attr_inds:
                for attr, ind_arr in pred.attr_inds[p]:
                    n_vals = len(ind_arr)
                    ll_p = self._param_to_ll[p]
                    if p.is_symbol():
                        x[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(ll_p, attr)[ind_arr, 0]
                        v[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(p, attr)[ind_arr, 0]
                        x[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(
                            ll_p, attr)[ind_arr, t + rel_t - self.ll_start]
                        v[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(p, attr)[ind_arr, t + rel_t]
                    i += n_vals

        assert i >= pred.x_dim
        x = x.reshape((pred.x_dim, 1))
        v = v.reshape((pred.x_dim, 1))
        return Variable(x, v)
    def _spawn_sco_var_for_pred(self, pred, t):

        i = 0
        x = np.empty(pred.x_dim, dtype=object)
        v = np.empty(pred.x_dim)
        for p in pred.attr_inds:
            for attr, ind_arr in pred.attr_inds[p]:
                n_vals = len(ind_arr)
                ll_p = self._param_to_ll[p]
                if p.is_symbol():
                    x[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(ll_p, attr)[ind_arr, 0]
                    v[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(p, attr)[ind_arr, 0]
                    x[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(ll_p, attr)[ind_arr,
                                                          t - self.ll_start]
                    v[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(p, attr)[ind_arr, t]
                i += n_vals
        if pred.dynamic:
            ## include the variables from the next time step
            for p in pred.attr_inds:
                for attr, ind_arr in pred.attr_inds[p]:
                    n_vals = len(ind_arr)
                    ll_p = self._param_to_ll[p]
                    if p.is_symbol():
                        x[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(ll_p, attr)[ind_arr, 0]
                        v[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(p, attr)[ind_arr, 0]
                        x[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(ll_p,
                                                        t + 1 - self.ll_start]
                        v[i:i + n_vals] = getattr(p, attr)[ind_arr, t + 1]
                    i += n_vals
        assert i >= pred.x_dim
        x = x.reshape((pred.x_dim, 1))
        v = v.reshape((pred.x_dim, 1))
        return Variable(x, v)