def findMissingData():
    GB_ID = 5
    games = db_utils.customQuery(
        "SELECT game.title,game.id,game.alt_title,(SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(platform.short) FROM platform LEFT JOIN gameplatform on platform.id=gameplatform.platformID WHERE gameID=game.id) as 'platforms',gameplatform.* FROM `gameplatform` LEFT join game on gameID=game.id WHERE cover_platform_link is null and platformID=5"
    listpro = scrape_utils.findSuitableProxy()
    while (len(listpro) == 0):
        print("trying to extract proxylist")
        listpro = scrape_utils.findSuitableProxy()
    counter = 10
    for count in range(0, len(games)):
        counter = counter - 1
        if (counter == 0):
            listpro = scrape_utils.findSuitableProxy()
            while (len(listpro) == 0):
                print("trying to extract proxylist")
                listpro = scrape_utils.findSuitableProxy()
            counter = 10
        game = games[count]
        title = re.sub('\(.*\)', '', game['title'])
        print('doing ' + str(game['id']) + ":" + title)
        data = scrape_utils.getGamefaqsDescAndImage(title, 'GAMEBOY', listpro)
        if (data != -1 and data is not None):
            db_utils.saveCoverPlatformLink(game['id'], GB_ID, data['img'])
            db_utils.saveDescription(game['id'], data['desc'])
            db_utils.saveWikiCoverLink(game['id'], data['img'])
        elif (game['alt_title'] is not None):
            data = scrape_utils.getGamefaqsDescAndImage(
                game['alt_title'], 'GAMEBOY', listpro)
            if (data != -1 and data is not None):
                db_utils.saveCoverPlatformLink(game['id'], GB_ID, data['img'])
                db_utils.saveDescription(game['id'], data['desc'])
                db_utils.saveWikiCoverLink(game['id'], data['img'])
def findMissingData():
    games = db_utils.customQuery(
        "SELECT * FROM `game` WHERE description is null and game.id>4750;")
    listpro = scrape_utils.findSuitableProxy()
    while (len(listpro) == 0):
        print("trying to extract proxylist")
        listpro = scrape_utils.findSuitableProxy()
    for count in range(0, len(games)):
        game = games[count]
        if (r' (SMS)' in game['title']):
            cleanTitle = re.sub(' \(SMS\)', '', game['title'])
            data = scrape_utils.getGamefaqsDescAndImage(
                cleanTitle, 'SMS', listpro)
        elif (r'Starring' in game['title']):
            cleanTitleParts = re.split(' Starring', game['title'])
            cleanTitle = cleanTitleParts[1] + ": " + cleanTitleParts[0]
            data = scrape_utils.getGamefaqsDescAndImage(
                cleanTitle, 'SMS', listpro)
        elif ('Sonic' in game['title']):
            cleanTitle = re.sub('Sonic', 'Sonic The Hedgehog', game['title'])
            data = scrape_utils.getGamefaqsDescAndImage(
                cleanTitle, 'SMS', listpro)
        elif ('Solomon' in game['title']):
            cleanTitle = 'Solomon\'s Key'
            data = scrape_utils.getGamefaqsDescAndImage(
                cleanTitle, 'SMS', listpro)
            data = scrape_utils.getGamefaqsDescAndImage(
                game['title'], 'SMS', listpro)
        if (data != -1 and data is not None):
            db_utils.saveDescription(game['id'], data['desc'])
            db_utils.saveWikiCoverLink(game['id'], data['img'])
            db_utils.saveCoverPlatformLink(game['id'], 3, data['img'])
def gamefaqsScraping(cleanTitle, gameID, extractImage, newGame):
    data = scrape_utils.getGamefaqsDescAndImage(cleanTitle, 'GAMEBOY', listpro)
    if (data != -1 and data is not None):
        if (newGame):
            db_utils.saveDescription(gameID, data['desc'])
        if (extractImage):
            if (newGame):
                db_utils.saveWikiCoverLink(gameID, data['img'])
        db_utils.saveCoverPlatformLink(gameID, GB_ID, data['img'])
def findMissingData():
    games = db_utils.customQuery(
        "SELECT * FROM `game` WHERE cover_wikipedia_link is null or description is null and game.id>4033;"
    listpro = scrape_utils.findSuitableProxy()
    for count in range(0, len(games)):
        game = games[count]
        data = scrape_utils.getGamefaqsDescAndImage(game['title'], 'NES',
        if (data != -1 and data is not None):
            db_utils.saveDescription(game['id'], data['desc'])
            db_utils.saveWikiCoverLink(game['id'], data['img'])
def gamefaqsScraping(cleanTitle, gameID, extractImage):
    data = scrape_utils.getGamefaqsDescAndImage(cleanTitle, 'NES')
    if (data != -1 and data is not None):
        db_utils.saveDescription(gameID, data['desc'])
        if (extractImage):
            db_utils.saveWikiCoverLink(gameID, data['img'])