def get_sources(self, video, video_type): source_url = self.get_url(video) hosters = [] if source_url and source_url != FORCE_NO_MATCH: page_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, source_url) headers = {'Refer': self.base_url} html = self._http_get(page_url, headers=headers, cache_limit=.5) table = dom_parser.parse_dom(html, 'div', {'class': 'linktable'}) if table: for row in dom_parser.parse_dom(table[0], 'tr'): spans = dom_parser.parse_dom(row, 'span') stream_url = dom_parser.parse_dom(row, 'a', ret='href') is_sponsored = any( [i for i in spans if 'sponsored' in i.lower()]) if not is_sponsored and len(spans) > 1 and stream_url: host, rating = spans[0], spans[1] stream_url = stream_url[0] quality = scraper_utils.get_quality( video, host, QUALITIES.HIGH) hoster = { 'multi-part': False, 'host': host, 'class': self, 'quality': quality, 'views': None, 'rating': None, 'url': stream_url, 'direct': False } if 'rating'.endswith('%') and rating[:-1].isdigit(): hoster['rating'] = rating[:-1] hosters.append(hoster) return hosters
def get_sources(self, video): source_url = self.get_url(video) hosters = [] if source_url and source_url != FORCE_NO_MATCH: url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, source_url) html = self._http_get(url, cache_limit=.5) match ='This movie is of poor quality', html, re.I) if match: quality = QUALITIES.LOW else: quality = QUALITIES.HIGH for match in re.finditer('href="([^"]+/embed\d*/[^"]+)', html): url = embed_html = self._http_get(url, cache_limit=.5) hosters += self.__get_links(embed_html) pattern = 'href="([^"]+)[^>]*>\s*<[^>]+play_video.gif' for match in re.finditer(pattern, html, re.I): stream_url = host = urlparse.urlparse(stream_url).hostname quality = scraper_utils.get_quality(video, host, quality) hoster = { 'multi-part': False, 'url': stream_url, 'host': host, 'class': self, 'quality': quality, 'rating': None, 'views': None, 'direct': False } hosters.append(hoster) return hosters
def get_sources(self, video, video_type): source_url = self.get_url(video) hosters = [] if source_url and source_url != FORCE_NO_MATCH: url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, source_url) html = self._http_get(url, cache_limit=.5) fragment = dom_parser.parse_dom(html, 'table', {'id': 'streamlinks'}) if fragment: max_age = 0 now = min_age = int(time.time()) for row in dom_parser.parse_dom(fragment[0], 'tr', {'id': 'pt\d+'}): if video_type == 'movies': pattern = 'href="([^"]+).*?/>([^<]+).*?(?:<td>.*?</td>\s*){1}<td>(.*?)</td>\s*<td>(.*?)</td>' else: pattern = 'href="([^"]+).*?/>([^<]+).*?(<span class="linkdate">.*?)</td>\s*<td>(.*?)</td>' match =, row, re.DOTALL) if match: url, host, age, quality = match.groups() age = self.__get_age(now, age) quality = quality.upper() if age > max_age: max_age = age if age < min_age: min_age = age host = host.strip() hoster = { 'hostname': 'iWatchOnline', 'multi-part': False, 'class': '', 'url': self.resolve_link(url), 'host': host, 'age': age, 'views': None, 'rating': None, 'direct': False } hoster['quality'] = scraper_utils.get_quality( video, host, QUALITY_MAP.get(quality, QUALITIES.HIGH)) hosters.append(hoster) unit = (max_age - min_age) / 100 if unit > 0: for hoster in hosters: hoster['rating'] = (hoster['age'] - min_age) / unit main_scrape.apply_urlresolver(hosters) return hosters
def get_sources(self, video, video_type): source_url = self.get_url(video) hosters = [] if source_url and source_url != FORCE_NO_MATCH: page_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, source_url) html = self._http_get(page_url, cache_limit=.25) for link in dom_parser.parse_dom(html, 'div', {'class': '[^"]*ldr-item[^"]*'}): stream_url = dom_parser.parse_dom(link, 'a', ret='data-actuallink') views = None watched = dom_parser.parse_dom(link, 'div', {'class': 'click-count'}) if watched: match =' (\d+) ', watched[0]) if match: views = score = dom_parser.parse_dom(link, 'div', {'class': '\s*point\s*'}) if score: score = int(score[0]) rating = score * 10 if score else None if stream_url: stream_url = stream_url[0].strip() host = urlparse.urlparse(stream_url).hostname quality = scraper_utils.get_quality( video, host, QUALITIES.HIGH) #source = {'hostname': 'IceFilms', 'multi-part': False, 'quality': quality, 'class': '','version': label,'rating': None, 'views': None, 'direct': False} hoster = { 'hostname': 'WatchEpisodes', 'multi-part': False, 'host': host, 'class': self, 'quality': quality, 'views': views, 'rating': rating, 'url': stream_url, 'direct': False } hosters.append(hoster) main_scrape.apply_urlresolver(hosters) return hosters
def get_sources(self, video): #kodi.log(video.url) source_url = self.get_url(video) hosters = [] if source_url and source_url != FORCE_NO_MATCH: url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, source_url) html = self._http_get(url, cache_limit=.5) match ='This movie is of poor quality', html, re.I) if match: quality = QUALITIES.LOW else: quality = QUALITIES.HIGH for match in re.finditer('href="([^"]+/embed\d*/[^"]+)', html): url = embed_html = self._http_get(url, cache_limit=.5) r ='{\s*write\("([^"]+)', embed_html) if r: plaintext = self._caesar(, 13).decode('base-64') if 'http' not in plaintext: plaintext = self._caesar('base-64'), 13).decode('base-64') else: plaintext = embed_html hosters += self._get_links(plaintext) pattern = 'href="([^"]+)"[^>]*><[^>]+play_video.gif' for match in re.finditer(pattern, html, re.I): url = host = urlparse.urlparse(url).hostname hoster = { 'hostname': 'Afdah', 'multi-part': False, 'url': url, 'host': host, 'class': '', 'quality': scraper_utils.get_quality(video, host, quality), 'rating': None, 'views': None, 'direct': False } hosters.append(hoster) main_scrape.apply_urlresolver(hosters) return hosters
def get_sources(self, video): source_url = self.get_url(video) hosters = [] if source_url and source_url != FORCE_NO_MATCH: page_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, source_url) headers = {'Referer': ''} html = self._http_get(page_url, headers=headers, cache_limit=.5) page_links = [] for iframe_url in dom_parser.parse_dom(html, 'iframe', ret='src'): if 'youtube' not in iframe_url: host = urlparse.urlparse(iframe_url).hostname page_links.append((iframe_url, 'embedded', host)) page_links += re.findall( '<a[^>]+href="([^"]+)[^>]+>(Version \d+)</a>([^<]+)', html) for stream_url, version, host in page_links: if not stream_url.startswith('http'): url = source_url + stream_url host = host.replace(' ', '') else: url = stream_url host = urlparse.urlparse(stream_url).hostname base_quality = QUALITIES.HD720 if version == 'embedded' else QUALITIES.HIGH hoster = { 'hostname': 'Putlocker', 'multi-part': False, 'host': host, 'class': self, 'quality': scraper_utils.get_quality(video, host, base_quality), 'views': None, 'rating': None, 'url': url, 'direct': False } hoster['version'] = '(%s)' % (version) hosters.append(hoster) fullsource = main_scrape.apply_urlresolver(hosters) return fullsource
def get_sources(self, video, video_type): source_url = self.get_url(video) hosters = [] if source_url and source_url != FORCE_NO_MATCH: page_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, source_url) html = self._http_get(page_url, cache_limit=.5) fragment = dom_parser.parse_dom(html, 'div', {'class': 'alternativesc'}) if fragment: for item in dom_parser.parse_dom(fragment[0], 'div', {'class': 'altercolumn'}): link = dom_parser.parse_dom(item, 'a', {'class': 'altercolumnlink'}, ret='href') host = dom_parser.parse_dom(item, 'span') if link and host: link = link[0] if not link.startswith('http'): link = source_url + link host = host[0] quality = scraper_utils.get_quality( video, host, QUALITIES.HIGH) hoster = { 'hostname': 'PutLocker', 'multi-part': False, 'host': host, 'class': '', 'quality': quality, 'views': None, 'rating': None, 'url': link, 'direct': False } hosters.append(hoster) main_scrape.apply_urlresolver(hosters) return hosters