    def screenshots(self):
        Take screenshots of all the pages in sitemap.
        if not os.path.exists(Sitemap.screenshot_dir):

        cookies_list = []
        for (key, value) in self.cookies.items():
            cookies_list.append(key + '=' + value)

        urls = []
        for url in self.sitemap.keys():
            if not self.skipscreenshot \
               or self.skipscreenshot not in url:
                self.sitemap[url]['image'] = os.path.join(
                    Sitemap.screenshot_dir, url.pretty() + '.png')
        screenshot = Screenshot(path=Sitemap.screenshot_dir)
        screenshot.screenshot(urls, cookies_list)
from control import patterns_overlap, determine_next_basket_position
from mouse import shoot, click_play_again
from debug import draw_trajectory, draw_ball, draw_basket, display_image

""" General TODOs """
# TODO: basket is found as (x, y) instead of (y, x)
# TODO: logging
# TODO: learn how to write python documentation
# TODO: important comment should be in docstrings and not as comments
# TODO: consistent use of ints for data storage

# how much to sleep between two consecutive measurements
if __name__ == '__main__':

  s = Screenshot()
  screen_and_crop = lambda: crop_game_area(s.screenshot())
  shots_hit = 0  
  pattern_length = 10
  measurement_interval = 0
  # shooting loop
  while True:
    trajectory = []
    # record the beggining of the pattern
    first_pattern = []
    for _ in xrange(0, pattern_length):
      img_screen = screen_and_crop()

      measurement = find_basket(img_screen)