def newWikiTextBlock(cont, x, y, w): h = 0 #title title = scribus.createText(x, y, w, 1) scribus.setText(cont["wp"].title, title) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, title) scribus.setFont("Open Sans Bold", title) scribus.setFontSize(14, title) scribus.setLineSpacing(14, title) tw, th = scribus.getSize(title) while scribus.textOverflows(title): scribus.sizeObject(tw, th + 1, title) tw, th = scribus.getSize(title) h = th #content content = scribus.createText(x, y + h + 1, w, 1) scribus.setText(cont["summary"], content) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, content) scribus.setFont("Open Sans Regular", content) scribus.setFontSize(10, content) tw, th = scribus.getSize(content) while scribus.textOverflows(content): scribus.sizeObject(tw, th + 1, content) tw, th = scribus.getSize(content) if h + th > bH: break h = h + th return h
def run(self): selCount = scribus.selectionCount() if selCount == 0: scribus.messageBox('Scribus Data Merger- Usage Error', "There is no objects selected.\nPlease try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) sys.exit(2) csvData = self.loadCsvData() # Create a list with the names of the selected objects: selectedObjects = [] # Loop through the selected objects and put their names into the list selectedObjects o = 0 while (o < selCount): selectedObjects.append(scribus.getSelectedObject(o)) o = o + 1 startingPage = scribus.currentPage() lastRow = len(csvData) if(self.__dataObject.getNumberOfLinesToMerge() != 'All'): lastRow = int(self.__dataObject.getNumberOfLinesToMerge()) lastRow = min(lastRow, len(csvData)) # This will prevent the script from trying to merge data from non-existing rows in the data file currentPage = scribus.currentPage() rowNumber = 0 insertPageBeforeThis = -1 while (rowNumber < lastRow): if(scribus.pageCount() > currentPage): insertPageBeforeThis = currentPage + 1 scribus.newPage(insertPageBeforeThis) # Inserts a page before the page given as an argument currentPage = currentPage + 1 for selectedObject in selectedObjects: # Loop through the names of all the selected objects scribus.gotoPage(startingPage) # Set the working page to the one we want to copy objects from scribus.copyObject(selectedObject) scribus.gotoPage(currentPage) scribus.pasteObject() # Paste the copied object on the new page scribus.docChanged(1) scribus.gotoPage(currentPage) # Make sure ware are on the current page before we call getAllObjects() newPageObejcts = scribus.getAllObjects() for pastedObject in newPageObejcts: # Loop through all the items on the current page objType = scribus.getObjectType(pastedObject) text = CONST.EMPTY if(objType == 'TextFrame'): text = scribus.getAllText(pastedObject) # This should have used getText but getText does not return the text values of just pasted objects text = self.replaceText(csvData[rowNumber], text) scribus.setText(text, pastedObject) if(objType == 'ImageFrame'): text = scribus.getImageFile(pastedObject) #"Image text", text) # Todo: Find out if it is possible to replace text in the ImageFile property rowNumber = rowNumber + 1 scribus.setRedraw(1) scribus.docChanged(1) scribus.messageBox("Merge Completed", "Merge Completed", icon=scribus.ICON_INFORMATION, button1=scribus.BUTTON_OK)
def importData(filename, idxPro): (nbLogo, nbImg, nbChange, nbPro, nbCol, nbCat) =(0,0,0,0,0,0) global filParam strDir = os.path.dirname(filename) if os.path.isfile(filParam): nbCol=importParametres(filParam, idxPro) if idxPro==1: if os.path.isfile(strDir+LOGO) and scribus.objectExists("imgLogo"): #Logo de la première page lorsque le document est entièrement plié en huit scribus.loadImage(strDir+LOGO, "imgLogo") nbLogo+=1 if os.path.isfile(strDir+LOGO) and scribus.objectExists("imgSmallLogo"): #Petit logo de la dernière page lorsque le document est entièrement plié en huit scribus.loadImage(strDir+SMALL_LOGO, "imgSmallLogo") nbLogo+=1 if os.path.isfile(strDir+QRCODE) and scribus.objectExists("imgQrcode"): #QR code de la dernière page scribus.loadImage(strDir+QRCODE, "imgQrcode") nbImg=1 for img in range(1,5): if os.path.isfile(strDir+("/image%d.png"%img)): #images facultatives scribus.loadImage(strDir+("/image%d.png"%img), "img%d"%img) nbImg+=1 # Date de l'importation comme date de l'annuaire scribus.setText(datJ.strftime("%B %Y"), "txtDate") scribus.setStyle("styleDate","txtDate") if os.path.isfile(filename): #Sociétés de l'annuaire et les noms des catégories (nbChange, nbPro, nbCat)=importSocietes(filename, strDir+CATEGORIE, idxPro) return (nbLogo, nbImg, nbCol, nbChange, nbPro, nbCat)
def getColorsFromCsv(filename, idxPro): csvreader=csv.reader(file(filename)) csvcolors=[] for row in csvreader: if len(row)>1 and idxPro==1: name=row[0].strip() if len(row)>4 and name[0:7]=='couleur': c=int(row[1] )* 2.55 c=int(c) m=int(row[2] )* 2.55 m=int(m) y=int(row[3] )* 2.55 y=int(y) k=int(row[4] )* 2.55 k=int(k) if checkValue(c, m, y, k) ==False: scribus.messageBox("importerPros", "At least one CMYK value in your csv file is not correct \n(must be between 0 and 100)\nAborting script - nothing imported.", icon=scribus.ICON_WARNING) sys.exit() color=(name, c, m, y, k) csvcolors.append(color) elif name[0:3]=='txt': if scribus.objectExists(name): scribus.setText(row[1].replace("\\n","\n"), name) nbContent=scribus.getTextLength(name) scribus.selectText(0, nbContent, name) scribus.setStyle("style"+name[3:], name) else: scribus.messageBox("Objet non trouvé","Aucun objet correspondant au paramètre %s n'a été trouvé dans le document vierge"%name) readGlobalParameter(row) return csvcolors
def addWatermark(self): '''Create a Draft watermark layer. This was taken from:''' L = len(self.watermark) # The length of the word # will determine the font size scribus.defineColor("gray", 11, 11, 11, 11) # Set your own color here u = scribus.getUnit() # Get the units of the document al = scribus.getActiveLayer() # Identify the working layer scribus.setUnit( scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS) # Set the document units to mm, (w, h) = scribus.getPageSize() # needed to set the text box size scribus.createLayer("c") scribus.setActiveLayer("c") T = scribus.createText(w / 6, 6 * h / 10, h, w / 2) # Create the text box scribus.setText(self.watermark, T) # Insert the text scribus.setTextColor("gray", T) # Set the color of the text scribus.setFontSize( (w / 210) * (180 - 10 * L), T) # Set the font size according to length and width scribus.rotateObject(45, T) # Turn it round antclockwise 45 degrees scribus.setUnit(u) # return to original document units # FIXME: It would be nice if we could move the watermark box down to the lowest layer so # that it is under all the page text. Have not found a method to do this. For now we just # plop the watermark on top of everything else. scribus.setActiveLayer(al) # return to the original active layer
def addWatermark (self) : '''Create a Draft watermark layer. This was taken from:''' L = len(self.watermark) # The length of the word # will determine the font size scribus.defineColor("gray", 11, 11, 11, 11) # Set your own color here u = scribus.getUnit() # Get the units of the document al = scribus.getActiveLayer() # Identify the working layer scribus.setUnit(scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS) # Set the document units to mm, (w,h) = scribus.getPageSize() # needed to set the text box size scribus.createLayer("c") scribus.setActiveLayer("c") T = scribus.createText(w/6, 6*h/10 , h, w/2) # Create the text box scribus.setText(self.watermark, T) # Insert the text scribus.setTextColor("gray", T) # Set the color of the text scribus.setFontSize((w/210)*(180 - 10*L), T) # Set the font size according to length and width scribus.rotateObject(45, T) # Turn it round antclockwise 45 degrees scribus.setUnit(u) # return to original document units # FIXME: It would be nice if we could move the watermark box down to the lowest layer so # that it is under all the page text. Have not found a method to do this. For now we just # plop the watermark on top of everything else. scribus.setActiveLayer(al) # return to the original active layer
def newWikiTextBlock(cont,x,y,w): h = 0 #title title = scribus.createText(x, y, w, 1) scribus.setText(cont["wp"].title, title) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, title) scribus.setFont("Open Sans Bold", title) scribus.setFontSize(14, title) scribus.setLineSpacing(14, title) tw,th = scribus.getSize(title) while scribus.textOverflows(title): scribus.sizeObject(tw, th+1, title) tw,th = scribus.getSize(title) h = th #content content = scribus.createText(x, y+h+1, w, 1) scribus.setText(cont["summary"], content) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, content) scribus.setFont("Open Sans Regular", content) scribus.setFontSize(10, content) tw,th = scribus.getSize(content) while scribus.textOverflows(content): scribus.sizeObject(tw, th+1, content) tw,th = scribus.getSize(content) if h+th > bH: break h = h+th return h
def textframes(text_id, x, y, width, height, bg_colour, text_colour, fontsize, font, spacing, parsedtext, layer, linespacing=0, resize=0): scribus.createText(x, y, width, height, text_id) #scribus.text_id = scribus.createText(120, 10, 200, 20) scribus.setText(parsedtext, text_id) scribus.setFont(font, text_id) scribus.setTextColor(text_colour, text_id) scribus.setTextDistances(3*spacing, spacing, 0, spacing, text_id) scribus.sentToLayer(layer, text_id) scribus.setFontSize(fontsize, text_id)
def main(argv): """This is a documentation string. Write a description of what your code does here. You should generally put documentation strings ("docstrings") on all your Python functions.""" ######################### # YOUR CODE GOES HERE # ######################### #copyPlayer("__player__","PLAYER 1") #copyPlayer("__player__","PLAYER 2") #copyPlayer("__player__","PLAYER 3") csv = scribus.fileDialog('Open input', 'CSV files (*.csv)') stuff = { 'NAME': 'Mike Hingley', 'ADDRESS': '22 Trinity Street, Cradley Heath, West Midlands', 'PHOTO': '128.jpg' } print(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))) print os.getcwd() print(sys.path[0]) print(os.path.abspath('')) sourceName = "__player__" if scribus.objectExists(sourceName): scribus.selectObject(sourceName) scribus.unGroupObject() childObjectCount = scribus.selectionCount() for x in range(0, childObjectCount): element = scribus.getSelectedObject(x) if scribus.getObjectType(str(element)) == 'TextFrame': current = scribus.getAllText(element) if current in stuff: fontsize = scribus.getFontSize(element) font = scribus.getFont(element) scribus.setText(stuff[current], element) scribus.setFont(font) scribus.setFontSize(fontsize) if scribus.getObjectType(str(element)) == 'ImageFrame': current = scribus.getImageFile(element) currentName = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(current)) print current print currentName if currentName in stuff: ExistingFolder = os.path.split(current) print ExistingFolder[0] newFile = os.path.join(ExistingFolder[0], stuff[currentName]) print newFile scribus.loadImage(newFile, element) print scribus.getObjectType(str(element)) print str(scribus.getSelectedObject(x)) scribus.groupObjects() print "name = " + scribus.getSelectedObject() scribus.setNewName("__player__", scribus.getSelectedObject())
def drawNameTag(xOff, yOff, participant): firstNamePos = {"x": xOff+5.0, "y": yOff+12.5} lastNamePos = {"x": xOff+5.0, "y": yOff+20.5} drawNameTagBox(xOff, yOff) firstName = scribus.createText(firstNamePos["x"], firstNamePos["y"], 70, 9) scribus.setText(participant["Vorname"], firstName) scribus.setStyle(STYLE_FIRST_NAME, firstName) lastName = scribus.createText(lastNamePos["x"], lastNamePos["y"], 70, 9) scribus.setText(participant["Nachname"], lastName) scribus.setStyle(STYLE_LAST_NAME, lastName)
def setPageNumber (self, crds, pageSide, row, pageNumber) : '''Place the page number on the page if called for.''' if self.pageNumbers : # Make the page number box pNumBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['pageNumXPos' + pageSide], crds[row]['pageNumYPos'], crds[row]['pageNumWidth'], crds[row]['pageNumHeight']) # Put the page number in it and format according to the page we are on scribus.setText(`pageNumber`, pNumBox) if pageSide == 'Odd' : scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, pNumBox) else: scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, pNumBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['pageNum']['bold'], pNumBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['pageNum']['size'], pNumBox)
def trovasostituisci(text_to_find,text_to_replace): #itero tutti gli oggetti presenti in Scribus for obj in scribus.getAllObjects(): #ottengo il tipo di oggetto di tutti gli elementi della pagina obj_type = scribus.getObjectType(obj) #controllo che il tipo di oggetto scribus sia TextFrame if obj_type == "TextFrame": #ottengo il testo contenuto in tutti gli oggetti obj_text = scribus.getText(obj) #text_to_find = "_F6%" #text_to_replace = "123 TESTO SOSTITUITO 123456789" #cerco la variabile text_to_find if text_to_find in obj_text: #se la trovo la sostituisco text_to_find = obj_text.replace(text_to_find, text_to_replace) scribus.setText(text_to_find, obj) scribus.setFontSize(8, obj)
def fill_page(contacts): #where contacts is an array or at most max_contact contacts assert(len(contacts) < MAX_PAGE_CONTACTS) nb_lines = (len(contacts) / (CONST_COL_NUMBER)) if((len(contacts) % CONST_COL_NUMBER) != 0): nb_lines = nb_lines+1 for curline in range (0, nb_lines): nb_col = min(len(contacts) - (curline * CONST_COL_NUMBER), CONST_COL_NUMBER) for curcol in range (0, nb_col): x = CONST_TOP_MARGIN + CONST_COL_SIZE * curline y = CONST_LEFT_MARGIN + CONST_LINE_SIZE * curcol txtFrameName= "etiketo"+str(curline)+str(curcol) scribus.createText(y, x, CONST_LINE_SIZE, CONST_COL_SIZE, txtFrameName) contact_idx=curline*CONST_COL_NUMBER+curcol scribus.setText(contacts[contact_idx].print_contact(), txtFrameName) scribus.setTextDistances(6, 0, 3, 0, txtFrameName) scribus.setFontSize(10, txtFrameName) scribus.setFont("Liberation Serif Regular", txtFrameName)
def insert_text_frame(): page_size = scribus.getPageSize() page_margins_right = scribus.getPageMargins() page_margins_left = (page_margins_right[0], page_margins_right[2], page_margins_right[1], page_margins_right[3]) if (scribus.currentPage() % 2) == 1: page_margins = page_margins_right else: page_margins = page_margins_left name = 'test%d' % random.randint(100, 999) # x, y, width, height scribus.createText(page_margins[0], page_margins[1], page_size[0] - (page_margins[0] + page_margins[2]), page_size[1] - (page_margins[1] + page_margins[3]), name) scribus.setText("test", name)
def drawNameTagBox(xOff, yOff): logoPos = {"x": xOff+75.0-LOGO_WIDTH, "y": yOff+10.5} metaEventPos = {"x": xOff+5.0, "y": yOff+39.795} metaLocationPos = {"x": xOff+5.0, "y": yOff+43.6} #swkLogo = scribus.createImage(xOff+5.0, yOff+5.0, 70, 40) #scribus.loadImage("softwerkskammer.png", swkLogo) #scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=swkLogo) #scribus.setProperty(swkLogo, "fillTransparency", 0.9) metaEvent = scribus.createText(metaEventPos["x"], metaEventPos["y"], 70, 9) scribus.setText(EVENT_NAME, metaEvent) scribus.setStyle(STYLE_META, metaEvent) metaLocation = scribus.createText(metaLocationPos["x"], metaLocationPos["y"], 70, 9) scribus.setText(EVENT_LOCATION, metaLocation) scribus.setStyle(STYLE_META, metaLocation) metaLogo = scribus.createImage(logoPos["x"], logoPos["y"], LOGO_WIDTH, LOGO_HEIGHT) scribus.loadImage("logo.png", metaLogo) scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=metaLogo)
def fill_page(contacts): #where contacts is an array or at most max_contact contacts assert (len(contacts) < MAX_PAGE_CONTACTS) nb_lines = (len(contacts) / (CONST_COL_NUMBER)) if ((len(contacts) % CONST_COL_NUMBER) != 0): nb_lines = nb_lines + 1 for curline in range(0, nb_lines): nb_col = min( len(contacts) - (curline * CONST_COL_NUMBER), CONST_COL_NUMBER) for curcol in range(0, nb_col): x = CONST_TOP_MARGIN + CONST_COL_SIZE * curline y = CONST_LEFT_MARGIN + CONST_LINE_SIZE * curcol txtFrameName = "etiketo" + str(curline) + str(curcol) scribus.createText(y, x, CONST_LINE_SIZE, CONST_COL_SIZE, txtFrameName) contact_idx = curline * CONST_COL_NUMBER + curcol scribus.setText(contacts[contact_idx].print_contact(), txtFrameName) scribus.setTextDistances(6, 0, 3, 0, txtFrameName) scribus.setFontSize(10, txtFrameName) scribus.setFont("Liberation Serif Regular", txtFrameName)
scribus.createLayer("randomcircles") scribus.createLayer("textlayer") distros.keys().sort() for distro in sorted(distros.iterkeys()): # extract the dictionary content description = distros[distro][0] filesizeiso = distros[distro][1] md5sum = distros[distro][2] modified = distros[distro][3] # create page title/header B = scribus.createText(left_page_x, 10, 100, 10) scribus.setText(distro, B) scribus.setFont("Gentium Plus Compact Regular", B) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, B) scribus.setFontSize(18, B) # load small-logo into page imagedir = "./logos/" f = scribus.createImage(left_page_x, 23, 65, 65) scribus.loadImage(imagedir + distro + ".png", f) scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(1,1,f) scribus.sentToLayer("textlayer", f) # get description text for each distro scribus.createText(left_page_x, 92, 120, 80,distro) scribus.setText(description, distro) scribus.setLineSpacing(12,distro)
def main (self) : # Load up all the file and record information. # Use CSV reader to build list of record dicts records = self.loadCSVData(self.dataFile) totalRecs = len(records) # Reality check first to see if we have anything to process if totalRecs <= 0 : scribus.messageBox('Not Found', 'No records found to process!') sys.exit() pageNumber = 1 recCount = 0 row = 0 pageSide = 'Odd' scribus.progressTotal(totalRecs) paIndex = {} lastName = '' firstName = '' photoFirstName = '' verseRef = '' verseText = '' # Get the page layout coordinates for this publication crds = self.getCoordinates(self.dimensions) # Make a new document to put our records on if scribus.newDocument(getattr(scribus, self.dimensions['page']['scribusPageCode']), (self.dimensions['margins']['left'], self.dimensions['margins']['right'], self.dimensions['margins']['top'], self.dimensions['margins']['bottom']), scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS, scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT, 1) : self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, row, pageNumber) while recCount < totalRecs : # Output a new page on the first row after we have done the first page if row == 0 and recCount != 0: scribus.newPage(-1) if pageSide == 'Odd' : pageSide = 'Even' else : pageSide = 'Odd' self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, row, pageNumber) ########### Now set the current record in the current row ########## # Set the last name lastName = records[recCount]['NameLast'] # Adjust the NameFirst field to include the spouse if there is one if records[recCount]['Spouse'] != '' : firstName = records[recCount]['NameFirst'] + ' & ' + records[recCount]['Spouse'] else : firstName = records[recCount]['NameFirst'] # Make the photo file name photoFirstName = firstName.replace('&', '-').replace('.', '').replace(' ', '') # Set our record count for progress display and send a status message scribus.progressSet(recCount) scribus.statusMessage('Placing record ' + `recCount` + ' of ' + `totalRecs`) # Add a watermark if a string is specified if self.outputWatermark : self.addWatermark() # Put the last name element in this row nameLastBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['nameLastXPos'], crds[row]['nameLastYPos'], crds[row]['nameLastWidth'], crds[row]['nameLastHeight']) scribus.setText(lastName, nameLastBox) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, nameLastBox) scribus.setTextDistances(0, 0, 0, 0, nameLastBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['nameLast']['bold'], nameLastBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['nameLast']['size'], nameLastBox) scribus.setTextShade(80, nameLastBox) scribus.rotateObject(90, nameLastBox) # Place the first name element in this row nameFirstBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['nameFirstXPos'], crds[row]['nameFirstYPos'], crds[row]['nameFirstWidth'], crds[row]['nameFirstHeight']) scribus.setText(records[recCount]['Caption'], nameFirstBox) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, nameFirstBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['nameFirst']['boldItalic'], nameFirstBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['nameFirst']['size'], nameFirstBox) # Place the image element in this row # We will need to do some processing on the first pass # The default output format is JPG orgImgFileName = records[recCount]['Photo'] orgImgFile = os.path.join(self.orgImgDir, orgImgFileName) baseImgFileName = lastName + '_' + photoFirstName if self.willBePngImg : ext = 'png' else : ext = 'jpg' if not self.rgbColor : imgFile = os.path.join(getattr(self, ext + 'ImgDir'), baseImgFileName + '-gray' + '.' + ext) else : imgFile = os.path.join(getattr(self, ext + 'ImgDir'), baseImgFileName + '.' + ext) # Process the image now if there is none if not os.path.exists(imgFile) : self.img_process.sizePic(orgImgFile, imgFile, self.maxHeight) # self.img_process.outlinePic(imgFile, imgFile) self.img_process.scalePic(imgFile, imgFile, self.imgDensity) self.img_process.addPoloroidBorder(imgFile, imgFile) # Color RGB is the default if not self.rgbColor : self.img_process.makeGray(imgFile, imgFile) # Double check the output and substitute with placeholder pic if not os.path.exists(imgFile) : imgFile = self.placeholderPic # Create the imageBox and load the picture imageBox = scribus.createImage(crds[row]['imageXPos'], crds[row]['imageYPos'], crds[row]['imageWidth'], crds[row]['imageHeight']) if os.path.isfile(imgFile) : scribus.loadImage(imgFile, imageBox) scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=imageBox) # Place the country element in this row (add second one if present) countryBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['countryXPos'], crds[row]['countryYPos'], crds[row]['countryWidth'], crds[row]['countryHeight']) countryLine = records[recCount]['Country1'] try : if records[recCount]['Country2'] != '' : countryLine = countryLine + ' & ' + records[recCount]['Country2'] except : pass scribus.setText(countryLine, countryBox) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, countryBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['text']['boldItalic'], countryBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['text']['size'], countryBox) # Place the assignment element in this row assignBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['assignXPos'], crds[row]['assignYPos'], crds[row]['assignWidth'], crds[row]['assignHeight']) scribus.setText(self.fixText(records[recCount]['Assignment']), assignBox) # Assign style to box # scribus.createParagraphStyle(name='assignStyle', alignment=0, leftmargin=10, firstindent=-10) # scribus.setStyle('assignStyle', assignBox) # Hard formated box scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, assignBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['text']['italic'], assignBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['text']['size'], assignBox) scribus.setLineSpacing(self.fonts['text']['size'] + 1, assignBox) scribus.setTextDistances(4, 0, 0, 0, assignBox) # Resize the frame height and determine the difference for # placing the next frame below it assignHeightNew = self.resizeFrame(assignBox) assignHeightDiff = crds[row]['assignHeight'] - assignHeightNew # Place the verse element in this row verseYPosNew = crds[row]['verseYPos'] - assignHeightDiff verseBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['verseXPos'], verseYPosNew, crds[row]['verseWidth'], crds[row]['verseHeight']) # The verse element may be either a Scripture verse or a prayer request # If it is Scripture, and it has a verse ref, we want to set that # seperatly so we need to do a little preprocess on the text to find # out if it has a ref. This script will only recognize references # at the end of the string that are enclosed in brackets. See the # findVerseRef() function for more details verseRef = self.findVerseRef(records[recCount]['Prayer']) if verseRef : verseText = self.removeVerseRef(self.fixText(records[recCount]['Prayer'])) scribus.setText(verseText, verseBox) else : scribus.setText(self.fixText(records[recCount]['Prayer']), verseBox) # Can't find a way to set alignment to justified using setTextAlignment() # scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, verseBox) # Because of this, we make a style which seems to work scribus.createParagraphStyle(name='vBoxStyle', alignment=3) scribus.setStyle('vBoxStyle', verseBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['verse']['regular'], verseBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['verse']['size'], verseBox) scribus.setLineSpacing(self.fonts['verse']['size'] + 1, verseBox) scribus.setTextDistances(4, 0, 4, 0, verseBox) if self.hyphenate : scribus.hyphenateText(verseBox) # Get the height difference in case we need to set ref box verseHeightNew = self.resizeFrame(verseBox) verseHeightDiff = crds[row]['verseHeight'] - verseHeightNew if verseRef : # Set coordinates for this box vRefBoxX = crds[row]['verseXPos'] vRefBoxY = (verseYPosNew + verseHeightNew) vRefBoxH = crds[row]['nameFirstHeight'] / 2 vRefBoxW = crds[row]['verseWidth'] verseRefBox = scribus.createText(vRefBoxX, vRefBoxY, vRefBoxW, vRefBoxH) scribus.setText(verseRef, verseRefBox) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, verseRefBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['verse']['italic'], verseRefBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['verse']['size'] - 2, verseRefBox) scribus.setLineSpacing(self.fonts['verse']['size'], verseRefBox) scribus.setTextDistances(2, 0, 0, 0, verseRefBox) # Up our counts if row >= self.dimensions['rows']['count'] - 1 : row = 0 pageNumber +=1 else : row +=1 recCount +=1 # Create the index page here # Output a new page for the index if row == 0 and recCount != 0: scribus.newPage(-1) if pageSide == 'Odd' : pageSide = 'Even' else : pageSide = 'Odd' self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, 0, pageNumber) # Outut the index entries at this point # for key in paIndex.keys() : # Report we are done now before we loose focus scribus.statusMessage('Process Complete!') ############################################################################### ############################## Output Results ################################# ############################################################################### # Now we will output the results to PDF if that is desired if self.makePdf : pdfExport = scribus.PDFfile() = self.pdfFile pdfExport.file = self.pdfFile # View the output if set if self.makePdf and self.viewPdf : cmd = ['evince', self.pdfFile] try : subprocess.Popen(cmd) except Exception as e : result = scribus.messageBox ('View PDF command failed with: ' + str(e), scribus.BUTTON_OK)
layercount].elements[elementcount].size.height x_pos = albumdata.pages[pagenum].layers[ layercount].elements[elementcount].position.x - ( size_x / 2) y_pos = albumdata.pages[pagenum].layers[ layercount].elements[elementcount].position.y - ( size_y / 2) #This is the kind of text defined within the "text" label #<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><span style=\"color:#000000;font-family: Calibri; font-size: 2.82mm;\">Cataratas de Iguazú (Argentina) 27/11/2016</span></p>\n caption_text = "" parser.feed(albumdata.pages[pagenum].layers[layercount]. elements[elementcount].text) #print "caption_text : " + caption_text captionBox = scribus.createText(x_pos, y_pos, size_x, size_y) scribus.setText(caption_text, captionBox) #scribus.setFont("Copper Std", captionBox) scribus.setFontSize(fontsize, captionBox) #The following are defined within the element attributes, but they don't seem to be used. The fonts are rather taken from the html info within the "text" attribute #scribus.setFont(albumdata.pages[pagenum].layers[layercount].elements[elementcount], captionBox) #scribus.setFontSize(albumdata.pages[pagenum].layers[layercount].elements[elementcount].font.size, captionBox) rotation = -albumdata.pages[pagenum].layers[ layercount].elements[elementcount].rotation % (2 * math.pi) if rotation > 0.5: # # Scribus by default rotates the text box over the upper leftmost corner, while myphotobook uses the center point. # Therefore, I use the function in the above site to translate the frame after rotation # It works for most of our rotated text (upside down, as in the album spine) but sometimes not in the straight horizontal text # ox, oy = origin ox, oy = 0, 0
def main(argv): """This is a documentation string. Write a description of what your code does here. You should generally put documentation strings ("docstrings") on all your Python functions.""" ######################### # YOUR CODE GOES HERE # ######################### script = "" version = "20140107" csvfile = scribus.fileDialog("csv2table :: open file", "*.csv") fname_ext = csvfile[csvfile.rfind("/") + 1:] fname_noext = fname_ext[:fname_ext.rfind(".")] reader = csv.reader(open(csvfile, "rb"), delimiter=";") boxes = [["strat_d", 2.25], ["strat_n", 2.25], ["strat_b", 6.5], ["strat_p", 2.3], ["strat_a", 3.9]] start_x = float(1.9075) start_y = float(10.5) strats = [] strat_ct = int(0) strat_ok = float(0.0) print getpass.getuser() for line in reader: if line[0].find("Tiefe bis [m]") <> 0: start_x_0 = start_x strat_ct = strat_ct + 1 strat_d = line[0].replace(",", "."); strat_uk = float(strat_d) + float(strat_ok) strat_draw = float(strat_d) * 2.0 strat_uk_draw = start_y + strat_draw if strat_uk_draw > 26.4: nPage = scribus.currentPage() + 1 pageendtext = "Fortsetzung nächste Seite" #print nPage scribus.createText(start_x_0 + 0.1, start_y + 0.1, 17, 0.5, "box_txt_pageend") scribus.sentToLayer("profil_txt", "box_txt_pageend") scribus.setText(pageendtext, "box_txt_pageend") scribus.setStyle("Buchner_sehrklein", "box_txt_pageend") scribus.newPage(-1,"Buchner_Standard") scribus.gotoPage(nPage) start_y = float(5.5) strat_uk_draw = start_y + strat_draw box_nr = int(0) #print strat_uk #print "aktuelle Seite:", scribus.currentPage() #print strat_uk strat_uk_txt = str(strat_uk).replace(".", ","); #print strat_uk_txt strat_h = line[0] strat_n = line[1] strat_b = line[2] strat_p = line[3] strat_a = line[4] strat = [strat_d, strat_uk, strat_h, strat_n, strat_b, strat_p, strat_a] #print strat strats.append(strat) for box in boxes: box_n = box[0] + str(strat_ct) box_txt = strat[box_nr + 2] box_txt_n = box_n + "txt" #print box_nr #print box_txt #print box_n, box_txt_n, dimensions[1], position scribus.createRect(start_x_0, start_y, float(box[1]), strat_draw, box_n) scribus.setLineWidth(0.567, box_n) scribus.sentToLayer("profil_rahmen", box_n) if box_nr == 0: scribus.createText(start_x_0 + 0.1, start_y + (strat_draw) - 0.4, float(box[1]) - 0.2, 0.4, box_txt_n) #print strat_uk_txt scribus.setText(strat_uk_txt, box_txt_n) else: scribus.createText(start_x_0 + 0.1, start_y + 0.1, float(box[1]) - 0.2, (strat_draw) - 0.1, box_txt_n) scribus.setText(box_txt, box_txt_n) scribus.setStyle("Buchner_Standard schmal", box_txt_n) scribus.sentToLayer("profil_txt", box_txt_n) start_x_0 = start_x_0 + float(box[1]) box_nr = box_nr + 1 #print "end: strat count:", strat_ct start_y = strat_uk_draw start_x_0 = start_x strat_ok = strat_ok + float(strat_d) print "end: all" scribus.createText(start_x_0 + 0.1, start_y + 0.1, 17, 0.5, "box_txt_end") scribus.sentToLayer("profil_txt", "box_txt_end") endtext = "Erstellt von " + getpass.getuser() + " mit " + fname_ext + ", " + script + " (V" + version + ")" scribus.setText(endtext, "box_txt_end") scribus.setStyle("Buchner_sehrklein", "box_txt_end") scribus.saveDocAs(fname_noext + ".sla")
def funzioneprincipale(csvData): # def funzioneprincipale(row,headerRow): # scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', str(row), scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) # scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', str(headerRow), scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) # scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', str(csvData), scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) if scribus.haveDoc(): # scribus.newDoc(scribus.PAPER_LETTER, (20,20,20,20),scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS, scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT) # Dichiaro variabili e costanti # le COSTANTI sono quelle in maiuscolo POS_X_FOOTER = 43 WIDTH1 = 330 WIDTH2 = 90 HEIGHT = 26 MAX_HEIGHT = 710 # max_width = 520 INTERLINEA = 12.5 MARGIN_SX = 3.5 MARGIN_DX = 3.5 MARGIN_UP = 3.5 MARGIN_DOWN = 2 FONT_SIZE = 8 NUM_COL = 3 # primo numero da inserire dopo %VAR_F # n = 6 # Riga di partenza del csv, da cui inizio a creare la tabella ROW_START = 1 # Colonna di partenza, da cui creare la tabella COL_START = 3 # variabili in minuscolo pos_y = 521 # ciclo tutte le righe del csv for i in range(ROW_START, len(csvData)): # creo la variabile pos_footer, che contiene la nuova posizione della y # che verrà assegnata alla cornice di testo chiamata 'footer' pos_x = 43 for j in range(COL_START, len(csvData[i])): # i è la riga attuale del csv # j è la colonna attuale del csv # cur_col è la colonna attuale nella pagina cur_col = j % NUM_COL cur_width = WIDTH1 if cur_col == 0: # and pos_x <= pos_x: # a capo ogni num_col celle # pos_y = pos_y + height pos_x = 43 if pos_y >= MAX_HEIGHT: # crea una nuova pagina se la variabile pos_y raggiunge la dimensione # massima prestabilita scribus.newPage(-1) pos_y = HEIGHT + 20 else: pos_y = pos_y + HEIGHT if cur_col == 1 or cur_col == 2: cur_width = WIDTH2 nometxtbox = "Cella: csvrow=%d, row=%d, col=%d" % (i, pos_y, pos_x) # cell_label = "%VAR_F" + str(n) + "%" cell_label = csvData[i][j] scribus.createText(pos_x, pos_y, cur_width, HEIGHT, nometxtbox) scribus.createRect(pos_x, pos_y, cur_width, HEIGHT) scribus.setText(cell_label, nometxtbox) # modifico la dimensione del testo scribus.setFontSize(FONT_SIZE, nometxtbox) # modifico i margini (sx, dx, alto, basso) scribus.setTextDistances(MARGIN_SX, MARGIN_DX, MARGIN_UP, MARGIN_DOWN, nometxtbox) # modifico l’interlinea scribus.setLineSpacing(INTERLINEA, nometxtbox) pos_x = pos_x + cur_width # n=n+1 pos_footer = pos_y + HEIGHT + 5 scribus.moveObjectAbs(POS_X_FOOTER, pos_footer, "footer") # Salvo il documento attivo altrimenti # lo script ScribusGenerator non inserisce la tabella appena creata # scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', str(cell_label), scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) scribus.saveDoc() else: scribus.messageBox( "Alert di errore", "Devi avere una pagina Scribus aperta!!!", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK ) scribus.newDoc( scribus.PAPER_LETTER, (20, 20, 20, 20), scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS, scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT, )
# Database related issues try: conn = MySQLdb.connect(passwd=password, db=dbname, host=hostname, user=username) except: scribus.messageBox( 'DB connection example', 'Connection error. You should specify your login in the script') sys.exit(1) cur = conn.cursor() # get the list of the databases # it's like 'select * from dba_tables' in Oracle count = cur.execute('show tables') # formating the output result = str(count) + ' table(s) in the ' + dbname + ' database.\n\n' for i in cur.fetchall(): result = result + i[0] + '\n' # Scribus presentation part scribus.newDoc(scribus.PAPER_A5, (10, 10, 20, 20), scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS, scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT) txtName = scribus.createText(10, 10, 200, 200) scribus.setText(result, txtName) scribus.statusMessage('Script done.')
text_usage = "scribus -g -py " + sys.argv[0] + " -pa -o <outputfile.pdf> -pa -t <text place holder> <inputfile.sla>" pdf_file = '' text_placeholder = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:],"ho:t:",["output=", "text="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print(text_usage) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-h": print(text_usage) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): pdf_file = arg elif opt in ("-t", "--text"): text_placeholder = arg if (pdf_file == "" or text_placeholder == "") : print(text_usage) sys.exit() if scribus.haveDoc() : scribus.setText(text_placeholder, "placeholder") pdf = scribus.PDFfile() pdf.file = pdf_file else : print("No file open")
lattextshade = scribus.getTextShade(lattextstring) for row in data: #if i > 0 : #sys.exit(1) #scribus.messageBox("csv2table", row) roseid = row[0] rosenameger = row[1] rosenamelat = row[2] #scribus.messageBox("csv2table", roseid+' '+rosenameger+' ('+rosenamelat+')') #Insert the Right Text into the Right Position #Write ID into ID Field scribus.deleteText(idtextstring) scribus.setText(roseid, idtextstring) scribus.setFont(idfont, idtextstring) scribus.setFontSize(idfonSize, idtextstring) scribus.setTextColor(idtextcolor, idtextstring) scribus.setTextShade(idtextshade, idtextstring) #Write German Name into german Name Field scribus.deleteText(gertextstring) scribus.setText(rosenameger, gertextstring) scribus.setFont(gerfont, gertextstring) scribus.setFontSize(gerfonSize, gertextstring) scribus.setTextColor(gertextcolor, gertextstring) scribus.setTextShade(gertextshade, gertextstring) #Write Latin Name into Latin Name field scribus.deleteText(lattextstring)
def createDefaultVal(): scribus.gotoPage(1) if scribus.objectExists("myframe") == False: scribus.createText(-70, 10, 40, 10, "myframelabel") scribus.setText("Default Frame:", "myframelabel") scribus.setProperty("myframelabel", "m_PrintEnabled", False) scribus.createText(-30, 10, 10, 10, "myframe") scribus.setText("3", "myframe") scribus.setProperty("myframe", "m_PrintEnabled", False) if scribus.objectExists("myborder") == False: scribus.createText(-70, 30, 40, 10, "myborderlabel") scribus.setText("Default Border:", "myborderlabel") scribus.setProperty("myborderlabel", "m_PrintEnabled", False) scribus.createText(-30, 30, 10, 10, "myborder") scribus.setText("3", "myborder") scribus.setProperty("myborder", "m_PrintEnabled", False) if scribus.objectExists("mylayout") == False: scribus.createText(-70, 50, 40, 10, "mylayoutlabel") scribus.setText("Default Layout:", "mylayoutlabel") scribus.setProperty("mylayoutlabel", "m_PrintEnabled", False) scribus.createText(-30, 50, 10, 10, "mylayout") scribus.setText("h", "mylayout") scribus.setProperty("mylayout", "m_PrintEnabled", False)
def main(self): # Load up all the file and record information. # Use CSV reader to build list of record dicts records = self.loadCSVData(self.dataFile) totalRecs = len(records) # Reality check first to see if we have anything to process if totalRecs <= 0: scribus.messageBox('Not Found', 'No records found to process!') sys.exit() pageNumber = 1 recCount = 0 row = 0 pageSide = 'Odd' scribus.progressTotal(totalRecs) paIndex = {} lastName = '' firstName = '' photoFirstName = '' verseRef = '' verseText = '' # Get the page layout coordinates for this publication crds = self.getCoordinates(self.dimensions) # Make a new document to put our records on if scribus.newDocument( getattr(scribus, self.dimensions['page']['scribusPageCode']), (self.dimensions['margins']['left'], self.dimensions['margins']['right'], self.dimensions['margins']['top'], self.dimensions['margins']['bottom']), scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS, scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT, 1): self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, row, pageNumber) while recCount < totalRecs: # Output a new page on the first row after we have done the first page if row == 0 and recCount != 0: scribus.newPage(-1) if pageSide == 'Odd': pageSide = 'Even' else: pageSide = 'Odd' self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, row, pageNumber) ########### Now set the current record in the current row ########## # Set the last name lastName = records[recCount]['NameLast'] # Adjust the NameFirst field to include the spouse if there is one if records[recCount]['Spouse'] != '': firstName = records[recCount][ 'NameFirst'] + ' & ' + records[recCount]['Spouse'] else: firstName = records[recCount]['NameFirst'] # Make the photo file name photoFirstName = firstName.replace('&', '-').replace( '.', '').replace(' ', '') # Set our record count for progress display and send a status message scribus.progressSet(recCount) scribus.statusMessage('Placing record ' + ` recCount ` + ' of ' + ` totalRecs `) # Add a watermark if a string is specified if self.outputWatermark: self.addWatermark() # Put the last name element in this row nameLastBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['nameLastXPos'], crds[row]['nameLastYPos'], crds[row]['nameLastWidth'], crds[row]['nameLastHeight']) scribus.setText(lastName, nameLastBox) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, nameLastBox) scribus.setTextDistances(0, 0, 0, 0, nameLastBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['nameLast']['bold'], nameLastBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['nameLast']['size'], nameLastBox) scribus.setTextShade(80, nameLastBox) scribus.rotateObject(90, nameLastBox) # Place the first name element in this row nameFirstBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['nameFirstXPos'], crds[row]['nameFirstYPos'], crds[row]['nameFirstWidth'], crds[row]['nameFirstHeight']) scribus.setText(records[recCount]['Caption'], nameFirstBox) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, nameFirstBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['nameFirst']['boldItalic'], nameFirstBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['nameFirst']['size'], nameFirstBox) # Place the image element in this row # We will need to do some processing on the first pass # The default output format is JPG orgImgFileName = records[recCount]['Photo'] orgImgFile = os.path.join(self.orgImgDir, orgImgFileName) baseImgFileName = lastName + '_' + photoFirstName if self.willBePngImg: ext = 'png' else: ext = 'jpg' if not self.rgbColor: imgFile = os.path.join( getattr(self, ext + 'ImgDir'), baseImgFileName + '-gray' + '.' + ext) else: imgFile = os.path.join(getattr(self, ext + 'ImgDir'), baseImgFileName + '.' + ext) # Process the image now if there is none if not os.path.exists(imgFile): self.img_process.sizePic(orgImgFile, imgFile, self.maxHeight) # self.img_process.outlinePic(imgFile, imgFile) self.img_process.scalePic(imgFile, imgFile, self.imgDensity) self.img_process.addPoloroidBorder(imgFile, imgFile) # Color RGB is the default if not self.rgbColor: self.img_process.makeGray(imgFile, imgFile) # Double check the output and substitute with placeholder pic if not os.path.exists(imgFile): imgFile = self.placeholderPic # Create the imageBox and load the picture imageBox = scribus.createImage(crds[row]['imageXPos'], crds[row]['imageYPos'], crds[row]['imageWidth'], crds[row]['imageHeight']) if os.path.isfile(imgFile): scribus.loadImage(imgFile, imageBox) scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=imageBox) # Place the country element in this row (add second one if present) countryBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['countryXPos'], crds[row]['countryYPos'], crds[row]['countryWidth'], crds[row]['countryHeight']) countryLine = records[recCount]['Country1'] try: if records[recCount]['Country2'] != '': countryLine = countryLine + ' & ' + records[recCount][ 'Country2'] except: pass scribus.setText(countryLine, countryBox) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, countryBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['text']['boldItalic'], countryBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['text']['size'], countryBox) # Place the assignment element in this row assignBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['assignXPos'], crds[row]['assignYPos'], crds[row]['assignWidth'], crds[row]['assignHeight']) scribus.setText(self.fixText(records[recCount]['Assignment']), assignBox) # Assign style to box # scribus.createParagraphStyle(name='assignStyle', alignment=0, leftmargin=10, firstindent=-10) # scribus.setStyle('assignStyle', assignBox) # Hard formated box scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, assignBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['text']['italic'], assignBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['text']['size'], assignBox) scribus.setLineSpacing(self.fonts['text']['size'] + 1, assignBox) scribus.setTextDistances(4, 0, 0, 0, assignBox) # Resize the frame height and determine the difference for # placing the next frame below it assignHeightNew = self.resizeFrame(assignBox) assignHeightDiff = crds[row]['assignHeight'] - assignHeightNew # Place the verse element in this row verseYPosNew = crds[row]['verseYPos'] - assignHeightDiff verseBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['verseXPos'], verseYPosNew, crds[row]['verseWidth'], crds[row]['verseHeight']) # The verse element may be either a Scripture verse or a prayer request # If it is Scripture, and it has a verse ref, we want to set that # seperatly so we need to do a little preprocess on the text to find # out if it has a ref. This script will only recognize references # at the end of the string that are enclosed in brackets. See the # findVerseRef() function for more details verseRef = self.findVerseRef(records[recCount]['Prayer']) if verseRef: verseText = self.removeVerseRef( self.fixText(records[recCount]['Prayer'])) scribus.setText(verseText, verseBox) else: scribus.setText(self.fixText(records[recCount]['Prayer']), verseBox) # Can't find a way to set alignment to justified using setTextAlignment() # scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, verseBox) # Because of this, we make a style which seems to work scribus.createParagraphStyle(name='vBoxStyle', alignment=3) scribus.setStyle('vBoxStyle', verseBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['verse']['regular'], verseBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['verse']['size'], verseBox) scribus.setLineSpacing(self.fonts['verse']['size'] + 1, verseBox) scribus.setTextDistances(4, 0, 4, 0, verseBox) if self.hyphenate: scribus.hyphenateText(verseBox) # Get the height difference in case we need to set ref box verseHeightNew = self.resizeFrame(verseBox) verseHeightDiff = crds[row]['verseHeight'] - verseHeightNew if verseRef: # Set coordinates for this box vRefBoxX = crds[row]['verseXPos'] vRefBoxY = (verseYPosNew + verseHeightNew) vRefBoxH = crds[row]['nameFirstHeight'] / 2 vRefBoxW = crds[row]['verseWidth'] verseRefBox = scribus.createText(vRefBoxX, vRefBoxY, vRefBoxW, vRefBoxH) scribus.setText(verseRef, verseRefBox) scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, verseRefBox) scribus.setFont(self.fonts['verse']['italic'], verseRefBox) scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['verse']['size'] - 2, verseRefBox) scribus.setLineSpacing(self.fonts['verse']['size'], verseRefBox) scribus.setTextDistances(2, 0, 0, 0, verseRefBox) # Up our counts if row >= self.dimensions['rows']['count'] - 1: row = 0 pageNumber += 1 else: row += 1 recCount += 1 # Create the index page here # Output a new page for the index if row == 0 and recCount != 0: scribus.newPage(-1) if pageSide == 'Odd': pageSide = 'Even' else: pageSide = 'Odd' self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, 0, pageNumber) # Outut the index entries at this point # for key in paIndex.keys() : # Report we are done now before we loose focus scribus.statusMessage('Process Complete!') ############################################################################### ############################## Output Results ################################# ############################################################################### # Now we will output the results to PDF if that is desired if self.makePdf: pdfExport = scribus.PDFfile() = self.pdfFile pdfExport.file = self.pdfFile # View the output if set if self.makePdf and self.viewPdf: cmd = ['evince', self.pdfFile] try: subprocess.Popen(cmd) except Exception as e: result = scribus.messageBox( 'View PDF command failed with: ' + str(e), scribus.BUTTON_OK)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import scribus scribus.openDoc('/Users/mforaste/Desktop/gabarit_test.sla') scribus.setText('Resultat concluant : ' + sys.argv[1], 'Text4') scribus.saveDoc() scribus.closeDoc()
textbox = scribus.getSelectedObject() pageitems = scribus.getPageItems() boxcount = 1 for item in pageitems: if (item[0] == textbox): if (item[1] != 4): scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error', "This is not a textframe. Try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) sys.exit(2) contents = scribus.getTextLength(textbox) probably_url = scribus.getAllText(textbox) button = scribus.messageBox('url is', probably_url, scribus.ICON_NONE, scribus.BUTTON_OK, scribus.BUTTON_CANCEL) if button == scribus.BUTTON_CANCEL: sys.exit(2) r = requests.get(probably_url) scribus.setText(r.text, textbox) scribus.setRedraw(1) scribus.docChanged(1) # TODO: save in a new doc # TODO: Check for a valid url # TODO: make it possible to do all text boxes in a document # TODO: Format the text, make it possible to use basic markdown, basic wiki formatting scribus.messageBox("Finished", "That should do it!", scribus.ICON_NONE, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
#!/usr/bin/env python import scribus from oblique_text import make_oblique_4 scribus.setText(make_oblique_4(scribus.getAllText()))
# scribus.openDoc(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/cards.sla') # scribus.openDoc(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) + '/cards.sla') scribus.messageBox("Error", "You should first open the cards.sla file", ICON_WARNING, BUTTON_OK) sys.exit(1) # for page in range(2, scribus.pageCount()) : # scribus.messageBox("Error", str(scribus.pageCount()), ICON_WARNING, BUTTON_OK) for page in range(scribus.pageCount(), 1, -1) : scribus.deletePage(page) for project in projects : scribus.newPage(-1, project['section']) # title: x=10 y=10 w=85mm h=20 # description: x=10 y=40 w=85mm h=80 titleFrame = scribus.createText(10, 10, 85, 20) scribus.setText(project['title'], titleFrame) scribus.setStyle('title', titleFrame) descriptionFrame = scribus.createText(10, 40, 85, 80) scribus.setText(project['description'], descriptionFrame) scribus.setStyle('description', descriptionFrame) # shrink the title and text size if it does not fit in the frame while scribus.textOverflows(titleFrame) != 0 : fontSize = scribus.getFontSize(titleFrame) scribus.setFontSize(fontSize - 1, titleFrame) while scribus.textOverflows(descriptionFrame) != 0 : fontSize = scribus.getFontSize(descriptionFrame) scribus.setFontSize(fontSize - 1, descriptionFrame)
hostname = '' dbname = 'name' username = '******' password = '******' # connection to the network wide server would be time consuming. So get the hint to the user. scribus.statusMessage('Connecting to the ' + hostname + ' server. Be patient, please...') # Database related issues try: conn = MySQLdb.connect(passwd=password, db=dbname, host=hostname, user=username) except: scribus.messageBox('DB connection example', 'Connection error. You should specify your login in the script') sys.exit(1) cur = conn.cursor() # get the list of the databases # it's like 'select * from dba_tables' in Oracle count = cur.execute('show tables') # formating the output result = str(count) + ' table(s) in the ' + dbname + ' database.\n\n' for i in cur.fetchall(): result = result + i[0] + '\n' # Scribus presentation part scribus.newDoc(scribus.PAPER_A5, (10, 10, 20, 20), scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS, scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT) txtName = scribus.createText(10, 10, 200, 200) scribus.setText(result, txtName) scribus.statusMessage('Script done.')
def main(argv): scribus.setUnit(scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS) # get page size pagesize = scribus.getPageSize() ########################################### # size and position of the exit buttons linksize = pagesize[0] / 30 linkpos = pagesize[0] - linksize - 2 # set up exit to page pagenum = scribus.pageCount() exittopage = scribus.valueDialog( "Exit to page", "Exit buttons should go to page (1-" + str(pagenum) + ") :", "1") #error #if exittopage > pagenum: # scribus.messageBox("Error", "This page doesn't exist.") # sys.exit() # get active layer, create new layer for exit buttons, set it as active activelayer = scribus.getActiveLayer() scribus.createLayer("Exitbuttons") scribus.setActiveLayer("Exitbuttons") #progressbar max scribus.progressTotal(pagenum) # iterate through all the pages page = 1 while (page <= pagenum): #messagebar text scribus.messagebarText("Create exit buttons...") scribus.progressSet(page) scribus.gotoPage(page) # create rectangle exitrect = scribus.createRect(linkpos, 2, linksize, linksize, "exitrect" + str(page)) scribus.setFillColor("White", exitrect) # create text in rectangle exittext = scribus.createText(linkpos, 4, linksize, linksize, "exittext" + str(page)) scribus.setText("X", exittext) scribus.setFontSize(20, exittext) scribus.setTextAlignment(1, exittext) # create link annotation exitlink = scribus.createText(linkpos, 2, linksize, linksize, "exitlink" + str(page)) #setLinkAnnotation(page,x,y,["name"]) scribus.setLinkAnnotation(int(exittopage), 0, 0, exitlink) # add page number to iteration page += 1 # go back to active layer scribus.setActiveLayer(activelayer)
def frontPage(LogoPath, ChurchPath, ChurchImage, Citation, CitationLocation): #scribus.setText('Gemeindebrief DIGITAL Buxtehude',"Oben") #Line upper left corner l_line = scribus.createLine(10,10,10,33,"l_Line") scribus.setLineWidth(0.75, l_line) scribus.setLineColor("NAK-blau 100%", l_line) scribus.setLineShade("NAK-blau 100%", l_line) #Headline t_headline = scribus.createText(10,22,128,20,"t_Headline") scribus.setText("Gemeindebrief", t_headline) scribus.selectText(1, 100, t_headline) scribus.setCharacterStyle( "Erste Seite - Gemeindebrief - gross", t_headline) scribus.deselectAll() # Digital - Text t_digitalText = scribus.createText(107,27,30,7, "t_Digital") scribus.selectText(1, 100, t_digitalText) scribus.setCharacterStyle( "Erste Seite - Gemeindebrief - gross", t_digitalText) scribus.deselectAll() # Congregation - Text t_congregationText = scribus.createText(10,35.250, 70, 6, "t_Congregation") scribus.selectText(1, 100, t_congregationText) scribus.setCharacterStyle( "Erste Seite - Gemeindebrief - klein", t_congregationText) scribus.deselectAll() # Month Year t_monthYear = scribus.createText(56, 46.500, 82, 10, "t_MonthYear") scribus.selectText(1, 100, t_monthYear) scribus.setCharacterStyle( "Erste Seite - Gemeindebrief - Monat", t_monthYear) scribus.deselectAll() # Logo charitable i_charitable = scribus.createImage(10, 46, 35.5, 9, "i_NAC_charitable") scribus.loadImage(LogoPath + "Logo_NAK_karitativ_HQ.tiff", i_charitable) scribus.setImageScale(0.0613, 0.0613, i_charitable) # Church image i_churchImage = scribus.createImage(10,57,128,100,"i_Church") scribus.loadImage(ChurchPath + ChurchImage, i_churchImage) scribus.setImageScale(1, 1, i_churchImage) scribus.setImageOffset(-18.244, -0.342, i_churchImage) # Citation t_citation = scribus.createText(42.500, 162.500,95.500,4.500, "t_Citation") # OverflowCheck scribus.setText(Citation, t_citation) scribus.selectText(1, 100, t_citation) scribus.setCharacterStyle("Erste Seite - Bibelzitat - Text", t_citation) scribus.deselectAll() # Citation Location t_citationLocation = scribus.createText(42.500, 170, 95.500, 3, "t_CitationLocation") scribus.setText(CitationLocation, t_citationLocation) scribus.selectText(1, 100, t_citationLocation) scribus.setCharacterStyle( "Erste Seite - Bibelzitat - Ort", t_citationLocation) scribus.deselectAll() # NAC t_nac = scribus.createText(52.500,195,66,5,"t_NAC") scribus.setText("Neuapostolische Kirche", t_nac) scribus.selectText(1, 100, t_nac) scribus.setCharacterStyle("Erste Seite - NAK", t_nac) scribus.deselectAll() # North and east germany t_northEastGermany = scribus.createText(52.500, 195, 66, 5, "t_NorthEastGermany") scribus.setText("Nord- und Ostdeutschland", t_northEastGermany) scribus.selectText(1, 100, t_northEastGermany) scribus.setCharacterStyle( "Erste Seite - Nord- und Ostdeutschland", t_northEastGermany) scribus.deselectAll() # NAC Logo i_nacLogo = scribus.createImage(122, 184, 16, 16,"i_Logo") scribus.loadImage("L:\\GB\\Bilder\\Logos\\Logo_NAK_HQ.tif", i_nacLogo) scribus.setImageScale(0.0384, 0.0384, i_nacLogo) scribus.saveDocAs()
import scribus if scribus.haveDoc(): scribus.setText("bblablabla","Texte1");
def main(argv): ########################################### scribus.newDocDialog() if scribus.haveDoc: scribus.setUnit(scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS) (w, h) = scribus.getPageSize() ################### # ask for workdir workdir = scribus.fileDialog("Open directory with images", "", haspreview=False, issave=False, isdir=True) #workdir = "/media/sda7/StudioSession3/PDFTools/pics" #workdir = "/media/sda7/ISG/Itex/PhotoVisit/Boilerroom" # file filter filefilter = scribus.valueDialog( "File filter", "File filter examples: \n\n* or *.* = add all files\n*.jpg = add .jpg files only\nIMG_*.* = add all files starting with IMG_\n\nThis filter is case sensitive!", "*.*") # get image paths filelist = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(workdir, filefilter))) #scribus.messageBox("Help", str(filelist)) # count files filesinworkdir = len(filelist) #scribus.messageBox("Help", str(filesinworkdir)) #messagebar text scribus.messagebarText("Importing images...") #error if filesinworkdir == 0: scribus.messageBox("Error", "This directory is empty.") sys.exit() # add filename text? addfilenames = scribus.messageBox("Import images", "Files found in workdir : " + str(filesinworkdir) + "\n\nAdd file names to images?", button1=scribus.BUTTON_YES, button2=scribus.BUTTON_NO) #create text layer if addfilenames == 16384: activelayer = scribus.getActiveLayer() scribus.createLayer("Filenames") scribus.setActiveLayer(activelayer) #progressbar max scribus.progressTotal(filesinworkdir) page = 1 #create page, add and load image for i in filelist: scribus.progressSet(page) scribus.gotoPage(page) scribus.createImage(0, 0, w, h, "imagename" + str(page)) scribus.loadImage(filelist[page - 1], "imagename" + str(page)) scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(True, proportional=True, name="imagename" + str(page)) #scribus.setImageOffset(0, 0, "imagename"+str(page)) #scribus.setScaleFrameToImage(name="imagename"+str(page)) # add filename on page? if addfilenames == 16384: scribus.setActiveLayer("Filenames") filename = scribus.createText(2, 2, 50, 10, filelist[page - 1]) scribus.setText(os.path.basename(filelist[page - 1]), filename) scribus.setTextColor("White", filename) scribus.setActiveLayer(activelayer) scribus.newPage(-1) page += 1 #delete last blank page scribus.deletePage(filesinworkdir + 1)
def pageFn(left, right): page = scribus.newPage(-1, 'planner') i = 0 sizeDate = (20, 15) sizeMonth = (20, 7) sizeName = (290, 7) for xend, y in iterDayLines(): try: tLeftDate = left[i] posLeftDate = (xstart, y - sizeDate[1]) posLeftMonth = (xstart + sizeDate[0], y - sizeDate[1]) posLeftName = (xstart + sizeDate[0], y - sizeName[1]) tLeftName = ', '.join(d[tLeftDate.month][]) objLeftDate = scribus.createText(*posLeftDate + sizeDate) objLeftMonth = scribus.createText(*posLeftMonth + sizeMonth) objLeftName = scribus.createText(*posLeftName + sizeName) scribus.setText(tLeftDate.strftime('%d'), objLeftDate) scribus.setText(mm(tLeftDate), objLeftMonth) scribus.setText(tLeftName, objLeftName) scribus.setStyle('dateL', objLeftDate) scribus.setStyle('monthL', objLeftMonth) scribus.setStyle('nameL', objLeftName) except IndexError: pass try: posRightDate = (xend - sizeDate[0], y - sizeDate[1]) posRightMonth = (xend - sizeDate[0] - sizeMonth[0], y - sizeDate[1]) posRightName = (xend - sizeDate[0] - sizeName[0], y - sizeName[1]) tRightDate = right[i] tRightName = ', '.join(d[tRightDate.month][]) objRightDate = scribus.createText(*posRightDate + sizeDate) objRightMonth = scribus.createText(*posRightMonth + sizeMonth) objRightName = scribus.createText(*posRightName + sizeName) scribus.setText(tRightDate.strftime('%d'), objRightDate) scribus.setText(mm(tRightDate), objRightMonth) scribus.setText(tRightName, objRightName) scribus.setStyle('dateR', objRightDate) scribus.setStyle('monthR', objRightMonth) scribus.setStyle('nameR', objRightName) except IndexError: pass i += 1
def funzioneprincipale(csvData): for line in csvData: i = 0 listacompleta=[] while i < len(line): listacompleta.append(line[i]) #scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', str(line[i]), scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) i = i + 1 if scribus.haveDoc(): #scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', str(listacompleta), scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) #scribus.newDoc(scribus.PAPER_LETTER, (20,20,20,20),scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS, scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT) #variabili pos_footer_x = 43 pos_y = 521 width1 = 330 width2 = 90 height = 26 max_height = 710 max_width = 520 interlinea = 12.5 margin_sx = 3.5 margin_dx = 3.5 margin_up = 3.5 margin_down = 2 font_size = 8 # primo numero da inserire dopo %VAR_F n = 6 num_col = 3 width3 = width1 + width2 #ciclo tutte le righe del csv for i in range(1, len(csvData)): #scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', str(len(csvData[i])), scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) pos_x = 43 #colonne for j in range(3, len(csvData[i])): #creo la variabile pos_footer, che contiene la nuova posizione della y #che verrà assegnata alla cornice di testo chiamata 'footer' while (pos_x <= max_width): #creazione di 3 colonne con dimensioni diverse # la prima ha larghezza pari a variabile width1 # la seconda e la terza hanno la larghezza pari a width2 if (pos_x <= width1): nometxtbox = "Cella: I=%d, Pos_x=%d, Pos_y=%d" % (i, pos_x, pos_y) cell_label = csvData[i][j] scribus.createText(pos_x, pos_y, width1, height, nometxtbox) scribus.createRect(pos_x, pos_y, width1, height) scribus.setText(cell_label, nometxtbox) #scribus.setText("Testo di pcsvDataa","Testo1") #comando per creare una cornice di testo #modifico la dimensione del testo scribus.setFontSize(font_size, nometxtbox) #modifico i margini (sx, dx, alto, basso) scribus.setTextDistances(margin_sx, margin_dx, margin_up, margin_down, nometxtbox) #modifico l’interlinea scribus.setLineSpacing(interlinea,nometxtbox) j = j + 1 pos_x = pos_x + width1 #n = n + 1 elif (pos_x <= width3): nometxtbox = "Cella: I=%d, Pos_x=%d, Pos_y=%d" % (i, pos_x, pos_y) cell_label = csvData[i][j] scribus.createText(pos_x, pos_y, width2, height, nometxtbox) scribus.createRect(pos_x, pos_y, width2, height) scribus.setText(cell_label, nometxtbox) #Allineo il testo al centro scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_CENTERED, nometxtbox) scribus.setFontSize(font_size, nometxtbox) scribus.setTextDistances(margin_sx, margin_dx, margin_up, margin_down, nometxtbox) scribus.setLineSpacing(interlinea,nometxtbox) j = j + 1 pos_x = pos_x + width2 #n = n + 1 else: nometxtbox = "Cella: I=%d, Pos_x=%d, Pos_y=%d" % (i, pos_x, pos_y) cell_label = csvData[i][j] scribus.createText(pos_x, pos_y, width2, height, nometxtbox) scribus.createRect(pos_x, pos_y, width2, height) scribus.setText(cell_label, nometxtbox) #Allineo il testo al centro scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_CENTERED, nometxtbox) scribus.setFontSize(font_size, nometxtbox) scribus.setTextDistances(margin_sx, margin_dx, margin_up, margin_down, nometxtbox) scribus.setLineSpacing(interlinea,nometxtbox) j = j + 1 pos_x = pos_x + width2 #n = n + 1 if pos_y >= max_height: #crea una nuova pagina se la variabile pos_y raggiunge la dimensione #massima prestabilita scribus.newPage(-1) pos_y = height + 20 else: pos_y = pos_y + height #Salvo il documento attivo altrimenti #lo script ScribusGenerator non inserisce la tabella appena creata pos_footer_y = pos_y + height + 5 scribus.moveObjectAbs(pos_footer_x, pos_footer_y,"footer") scribus.saveDoc() else: scribus.messageBox('Alert di errore', "Devi avere una pagina Scribus aperta!!!", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) scribus.newDoc(scribus.PAPER_LETTER, (20,20,20,20),scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS, scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT) #per importare uno script copiarlo nella cartella: C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages #Ottenere testo da textbox #a=scribus.getText(nometextbox) #mostrare msgbox #scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', a, scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)