def _create_tagged_worksheet(self, name, title): uuid = run_command([self._cl, 'new', name]) run_command([self._cl, 'work', name]) run_command([ self._cl, 'wedit', '--tag=%s' % SampleWorksheet.TAG, '--title=%s' % title ]) return uuid
def _test_many_worksheet_copies(self): # Initialize a worksheet with 10 bundles to be replicated worksheet_uuid = self._set_worksheet('many_worksheet_copies') file = TestFile('copy_file', 1) for _ in range(10): self._run_bundle([self._cl, 'upload',]) file.delete() # Create many worksheets with current worksheet's content copied over for _ in range(self._args.create_worksheet_count): other_worksheet_uuid = self._set_worksheet('other_worksheet_copy') run_command([self._cl, 'wadd', worksheet_uuid, other_worksheet_uuid])
def _create_sample_worksheet(self): # Write out the contents to a temporary file with open(SampleWorksheet._WORKSHEET_FILE_PATH, 'w') as file: file.write('\n'.join(self._content)) # Create the main worksheet used for stress testing the frontend title = '{} Worksheet'.format(self._description[0].upper() + self._description[1:]) self._create_tagged_worksheet(self._worksheet_name, title) # Replace the content of the current worksheet with the temporary file's content. Delete the temp file after. run_command([self._cl, 'wedit', '--file=' + SampleWorksheet._WORKSHEET_FILE_PATH]) os.remove(SampleWorksheet._WORKSHEET_FILE_PATH) print('Deleted worksheet file at {}.'.format(SampleWorksheet._WORKSHEET_FILE_PATH))
def _create_dependencies(self): if self._preview_mode: # When in preview mode, search for existing bundles and worksheets instead of creating new ones random_worksheets = run_command([ self._cl, 'wsearch', '.limit=%d' % self._entities_count, '--uuid-only' ]).split('\n') self._valid_worksheets = random_worksheets self._private_worksheets = random_worksheets random_bundles = run_command([ self._cl, 'search', 'state=ready', '.limit=%d' % self._entities_count, '--uuid-only', ]).split('\n') self._valid_bundles = random_bundles self._private_bundles = random_bundles return self._valid_worksheets = [] self._private_worksheets = [] self._valid_bundles = [] self._private_bundles = [] for _ in range(self._entities_count): # Create valid worksheets with a bundle each for the sample worksheet to reference id = self._random_id() name = 'valid_worksheet_%s' % id title = 'Other Worksheet %s' % id self._valid_worksheets.append( self._create_tagged_worksheet(name, title)) uuid = run_command([ self._cl, 'run', '--request-memory', '10m', '--request-docker-image', 'python:3.6.10-slim-buster', 'echo codalab rules!', '--tags=%s' % SampleWorksheet.TAG, ]) self._valid_bundles.append(uuid) # Create a valid private worksheet and a bundle each name = 'valid_private_worksheet_%s' % id title = 'Other Private Worksheet %s' % id uuid = self._create_tagged_worksheet(name, title) run_command([self._cl, 'wperm', uuid, 'public', 'none']) self._private_worksheets.append(uuid) uuid = run_command([ self._cl, 'run', '--request-memory', '10m', '--request-docker-image', 'python:3.6.10-slim-buster', 'echo private run', '--tags=%s' % SampleWorksheet.TAG, ]) run_command([self._cl, 'perm', uuid, 'public', 'none']) self._private_bundles.append(uuid)
def _test_large_bundle_upload(self) -> None: self._set_worksheet('large_bundle_upload') large_file: TestFile = TestFile('large_file', self._args.large_file_size_gb * 1000) dependency_uuid: str = self._run_bundle( [self._cl, 'upload',]) large_file.delete() uuid: str = self._run_bundle([ self._cl, 'run', 'large_dependency:{}'.format(dependency_uuid), 'wc -c large_dependency', ]) # Wait for the run to finish before cleaning up the dependency run_command([cl, 'wait', uuid])
def create(self): # Skip creating a sample worksheet if one already exists worksheet_uuids = run_command( [self._cl, 'wsearch', self._worksheet_name, '--uuid-only'] ).split('\n') if re.match(SampleWorksheet._FULL_UUID_REGEX, worksheet_uuids[0]): print( 'There is already an existing {} with UUID {}. Skipping creating a sample worksheet...'.format( self._worksheet_name, worksheet_uuids[0] ) ) return print('Creating a {} worksheet...'.format(self._description)) self._create_dependencies() self._add_introduction() self._add_worksheet_references() self._add_bundle_references() self._add_schemas() self._add_display_modes() self._add_search() self._add_invalid_directives() self._add_rendering_logic() self._create_sample_worksheet() print('Done.')
def _test_large_bundle(self): self._set_worksheet('large_bundles') # Set this to larger than the max memory on the system to test that data is being # streamed when the large bundle is being used as a dependency. large_file = TestFile('large_file', self._args.large_file_size_gb * 1000) dependency_uuid = self._run_bundle( [self._cl, 'upload',]) large_file.delete() uuid = self._run_bundle([ self._cl, 'run', 'large_dependency:{}'.format(dependency_uuid), 'wc -c large_dependency', ]) # Wait for the run to finish before cleaning up the dependency run_command([cl, 'wait', uuid])
def _test_large_bundle_result(self) -> None: def create_large_file_in_bundle(large_file_size_gb: int) -> TestFile: code: str = 'with open("largefile", "wb") as out:\n\tout.truncate({} * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)'.format( large_file_size_gb) return TestFile('', content=code) self._set_worksheet('large_bundle_result') file: TestFile = create_large_file_in_bundle( self._args.large_dependency_size_gb) self._run_bundle([self._cl, 'upload',]) file.delete() dependency_uuid: str = self._run_bundle( [self._cl, 'run', ':' +, 'python ' +]) uuid: str = self._run_bundle([ self._cl, 'run', 'large_bundle:{}'.format(dependency_uuid), 'wc -c large_bundle/largefile', ]) # Wait for the run to finish before cleaning up the dependency run_command([cl, 'wait', uuid])
def test_print(self): output_lines = run_command([self._cl, 'print', self._worksheet_name]).split('\n') has_error = False for i in range(len(self._expected_lines)): if not re.match(self._expected_lines[i], output_lines[i]): has_error = True # Output mismatch message in red print( '\033[91mMISMATCH! line: {} pattern: {} output: {}\033[0m'. format(i + 1, self._expected_lines[i], output_lines[i])) assert not has_error print('Finished validating content of the sample worksheet...') print('Success.')
def _search_bundles(self, query): if self._preview_mode: # When in preview mode, just return the cached UUIDs of valid bundles instead of performing a new search return self._valid_bundles bundles = run_command([ self._cl, 'search', query, '.limit=%d' % self._entities_count, 'created=.sort-', '--uuid-only', ]) if not bundles: return [] return bundles.split('\n')
def test_print(self): self._wait_for_bundles_to_finish() print('\n\nValidating output of cl print {}...'.format( self._worksheet_name)) output_lines = run_command([self._cl, 'print', self._worksheet_name]).split('\n') has_error = False for i in range(len(self._expected_lines)): line = str(i + 1).zfill(5) if re.match(self._expected_lines[i], output_lines[i]): print('\x1b[1;34m{}| {}\x1b[0m'.format(line, output_lines[i])) else: has_error = True # Output mismatch message in red print('\033[91m{}| {} EXPECTED: {} \033[0m'.format( line, output_lines[i], self._expected_lines[i])) assert not has_error print('Finished validating content of the sample worksheet...') print('Success.')
def _run_bundle(self, args): args.append('--tags=%s' % StressTestRunner._TAG) return run_command(args)
def _set_worksheet(self, run_name): worksheet_name = self._create_worksheet_name(run_name) uuid = run_command([self._cl, 'new', worksheet_name]) run_command([self._cl, 'work', worksheet_name]) run_command([self._cl, 'wedit', '--tag=%s' % StressTestRunner._TAG]) return uuid
def _heartbeat_cl_commands(cl): run_command([cl, 'search', 'state=failed', 'created=.sort-']) run_command([cl, 'workers'])
def _run_bundle(self, args, expected_exit_code=0): args.append('--tags=%s' % StressTestRunner._TAG) return run_command(args, expected_exit_code)
def _simple_run(cl): run_command([cl, 'run', 'echo stress testing...', '--tags=%s' % StressTestRunner._TAG])
def _search_failed_runs(cl): run_command([cl, 'search', 'state=failed', 'created=.sort-'])
def _wait_for_bundles_to_finish(self): if self._valid_bundles: for bundle in self._valid_bundles: run_command([self._cl, 'wait', bundle]) print('Bundle {} is finished.'.format(bundle))