def generate_main_window( self, data_table_columns: List[Dict[str, str]] ) -> html.Div: return html.Div( children=[ html.Div( [ html.Div( sd_material_ui.RaisedButton( id=self.id_button_options, label="Options" ), style={"display": "inline-block"}, ), html.Div( sd_material_ui.RaisedButton( id=self.id_button_update, label="Update Graphs" ), style={ "display": "inline-block", "margin-left": "15px", }, ), ], style={"margin-bottom": "5px"}, ), core.Loading( id=self.id_loader_graph, children=[ sd_material_ui.Paper([core.Graph(id=self.id_plot)]) ], ), core.Loading( id=self.id_loader_data_table, children=[ sd_material_ui.Paper( [ dash_table.DataTable( id=self.id_data_table, columns=data_table_columns, data=self.df_func().to_dict("records"), page_size=50, sort_action="native", sort_mode="multi", export_format="csv", ) ] ) ], type="circle", ), ] )
]), id='non-modal-output', modal=False, open=False), html.Div(id='non-modal-input', children=[html.P('Share the page (non-modal)')]), spacer, # Test SDRaisedButton html.Div(children=[ html.P(id='output4', children=['n_clicks value: . n_clicks_previous value: ']) ]), html.Div(children=[ sd_material_ui.RaisedButton(id='input4', label='Use', primary=True, buttonStyle=dict(width=50)), ], style=dict(backgroundColor='#1D3153')), spacer, # Test SDFlatButton html.Div(children=[ html.P(id='output5', children=['n_clicks value: . n_clicks_previous value: ']) ]), sd_material_ui.FlatButton(id='input5', label='Click me', backgroundColor='orange'), # Test SDIconButton
{'external_url': ''}) spacer = html.Div(children=[], style=dict(height=20)) app.layout = \ html.Div([ html.Div([ html.Div([ html.H3(children='Local Politics in Massachusetts'), html.P('Choose between State House or State Senate elections to view voting patterns in those districts.'), ], style=dict(padding='10px')), html.Div(children=[ html.Div([ sd_material_ui.RaisedButton(id='houseButton', label='House', buttonStyle=dict(width=275)), ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'padding': '10px'}), html.Div([ sd_material_ui.RaisedButton(id='senateButton', label='Senate', buttonStyle=dict(width=275)), ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'padding': '10px'}), sd_material_ui.Toggle(id='historical', label="Average ideology by district from 2010 to 2018", labelPosition='right', style=dict(padding='10px'), labelStyle={'font-size': 18}), spacer,
"EX", "TS", "AS", "MR", "SM", "WT", "TR", ], clearable=False, multi=True, ), ]), ]) ], ), sd.RaisedButton(id="filters", label="Filters"), html.Div( children=[ # TODO - URL bug # dcc.ConfirmDialog( # id='warning', # message='The selected run does not return any data. Analysis may have not been completed yet.' ''' # '''' Click either "Ok" or "Cancel" to return to the most recent run.' # ), # dcc.Location( # id='PBQCrun_url', # refresh=False # ), html.P( children="Pool Balancing QC Report", style={
"AS", "MR", "SM", "WT", "TR", ], clearable=False, multi=True, ), ] ), ] ) ], ), sd.RaisedButton(id=ids["filters"], label="Filters"), html.Div( children=[ # TODO - URL bug # core.ConfirmDialog( # id='warning', # message='The selected run does not return any data. Analysis may have not been completed yet.' ''' # '''' Click either "Ok" or "Cancel" to return to the most recent run.' # ), # core.Location( # id='PBQCrun_url', # refresh=False # ), html.P( children="Pool Balancing QC Report", style={