文件: buddies.py 项目: marvin2k/sdaps
    def get_coverage(self, x, y, width, height):
        assert(not self.obj.ignored)

        return image.get_coverage(
            x, y, width, height
文件: buddies.py 项目: bgeneto/sdaps
    def get_coverage(self, x, y, width, height):
        assert(not self.obj.ignored)

        return image.get_coverage(
            x, y, width, height
    def recognize(self):
        class Quadrilateral():
            """This class iterates through small box areas in a quadriliteral.
            This is usefull because some scanners have trapezoidal distortions."""

            # Assumes top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left
            # corner.
            def __init__(self, p0, p1, p2, p3):
                self.x0 = p0[0]
                self.y0 = p0[1]
                self.x1 = p1[0]
                self.y1 = p1[1]
                self.x2 = p2[0]
                self.y2 = p2[1]
                self.x3 = p3[0]
                self.y3 = p3[1]

                # 0 -> 1
                self.m0 = (self.y1 - self.y0) / (self.x1 - self.x0)
                self.m1 = (self.x2 - self.x1) / (self.y2 - self.y1)
                self.m2 = (self.y3 - self.y2) / (self.x3 - self.x2)
                self.m3 = (self.x0 - self.x3) / (self.y0 - self.y3)

                self.top = min(self.y0, self.y1)
                self.bottom = max(self.y2, self.y3)
                self.left = min(self.x0, self.x3)
                self.right = max(self.x1, self.x2)

            def iterate_bb(self, step_x, step_y, test_width, test_height,
                y = self.top
                while y + test_height < self.bottom:
                    x = self.left
                    while x + test_width < self.right:
                        yield x, y
                        x += step_x

                    y += step_y

            def iterate_outline(self, step_x, step_y, test_width, test_height,
                # Top
                x, y = self.x0, self.y0
                x += padding
                y += padding

                dest_x = self.x1 - padding - test_width
                dest_y = self.y1 + padding

                dist_x = dest_x - x
                dist_y = dest_y - y

                length = math.sqrt(dist_x**2 + dist_y**2)
                for step in xrange(int(length / step_x)):
                    yield x + dist_x * step / (
                        length / step_x), y + dist_y * step / (length / step_x)
                yield dest_x, dest_y

                # Bottom
                x, y = self.x3, self.y3
                x = x + padding
                y = y - padding - test_height

                dest_x = self.x2 - padding - test_width
                dest_y = self.y2 - padding - test_height

                dist_x = dest_x - x
                dist_y = dest_y - y

                length = math.sqrt(dist_x**2 + dist_y**2)
                for step in xrange(int(length / step_x)):
                    yield x + dist_x * step / (
                        length / step_x), y + dist_y * step / (length / step_x)
                yield dest_x, dest_y

                # Left
                x, y = self.x0, self.y0
                x += padding
                y += padding

                dest_x = self.x3 + padding
                dest_y = self.y3 - padding - test_height

                dist_x = dest_x - x
                dist_y = dest_y - y

                length = math.sqrt(dist_x**2 + dist_y**2)
                for step in xrange(int(length / step_y)):
                    yield x + dist_x * step / (
                        length / step_y), y + dist_y * step / (length / step_y)
                yield dest_x, dest_y

                # Right
                x, y = self.x1, self.y1
                x = x - padding - test_width
                y = y + padding

                dest_x = self.x2 - padding - test_width
                dest_y = self.y2 - padding - test_height

                dist_x = dest_x - x
                dist_y = dest_y - y

                length = math.sqrt(dist_x**2 + dist_y**2)
                for step in xrange(int(length / step_y)):
                    yield x + dist_x * step / (
                        length / step_y), y + dist_y * step / (length / step_y)
                yield dest_x, dest_y

            def iterate(self, step_x, step_y, test_width, test_height,
                for x, y in self.iterate_bb(step_x, step_y, test_width,
                                            test_height, padding):
                    ly = self.y0 + self.m0 * (x - self.x0)
                    if not ly + padding < y:

                    ly = self.y2 + self.m2 * (x - self.x2)
                    if not ly - padding > y + test_height:

                    lx = self.x1 + self.m1 * (y - self.y1)
                    if not lx - padding > x + test_width:

                    lx = self.x3 + self.m3 * (y - self.y3)
                    if not lx + padding < x:

                    yield x, y

                for x, y in self.iterate_outline(step_x, step_y, test_width,
                                                 test_height, padding):
                    yield x, y

        bbox = None
        img = self.obj.sheet.get_page_image(self.obj.page_number)

        if img is None or img.recognize.matrix is None:
            self.obj.sheet.valid = 0

        x = self.obj.x
        y = self.obj.y
        width = self.obj.width
        height = self.obj.height

        # Scanning area and stepping
        step_x = defs.textbox_scan_step_x
        step_y = defs.textbox_scan_step_x
        test_width = defs.textbox_scan_width
        test_height = defs.textbox_scan_height

        # extra_padding is always added to the box side at the end.
        extra_padding = defs.textbox_extra_padding
        scan_padding = defs.textbox_scan_uncorrected_padding

        quad = Quadrilateral((x, y), (x + width, y), (x + width, y + height),
                             (x, y + height))
            quad = Quadrilateral(
                *img.recognize.find_box_corners(x, y, width, height))
            # Lower padding, as we found the corners and are therefore more acurate
            scan_padding = defs.textbox_scan_padding
        except AssertionError:

        surface = img.surface.surface
        matrix = img.recognize.matrix
        for x, y in quad.iterate(step_x, step_y, test_width, test_height,
            # Use the image module directly as we are calling in *a lot*
            coverage = image.get_coverage(surface, matrix, x, y, test_width,
            if coverage > defs.textbox_scan_coverage:
                if not bbox:
                    bbox = [x, y, test_width, test_height]
                    bbox_x = min(bbox[0], x)
                    bbox_y = min(bbox[1], y)
                    bbox[2] = max(bbox[0] + bbox[2], x + test_width) - bbox_x
                    bbox[3] = max(bbox[1] + bbox[3], y + test_height) - bbox_y
                    bbox[0] = bbox_x
                    bbox[1] = bbox_y

        if bbox and (bbox[2] > defs.textbox_minimum_writing_width
                     or bbox[3] > defs.textbox_minimum_writing_height):
            # Do not accept very small bounding boxes.
            self.obj.data.state = True

            self.obj.data.x = bbox[0] - (scan_padding + extra_padding)
            self.obj.data.y = bbox[1] - (scan_padding + extra_padding)
            self.obj.data.width = bbox[2] + 2 * (scan_padding + extra_padding)
            self.obj.data.height = bbox[3] + 2 * (scan_padding + extra_padding)
            self.obj.data.state = False

            self.obj.data.x = self.obj.x
            self.obj.data.y = self.obj.y
            self.obj.data.width = self.obj.width
            self.obj.data.height = self.obj.height
文件: buddies.py 项目: bgeneto/sdaps
    def recognize(self):
        class Quadrilateral():
            """This class iterates through small box areas in a quadriliteral.
            This is usefull because some scanners have trapezoidal distortions."""
            # Assumes top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left
            # corner.
            def __init__(self, p0, p1, p2, p3):
                self.x0 = p0[0]
                self.y0 = p0[1]
                self.x1 = p1[0]
                self.y1 = p1[1]
                self.x2 = p2[0]
                self.y2 = p2[1]
                self.x3 = p3[0]
                self.y3 = p3[1]

                # 0 -> 1
                self.m0 = (self.y1 - self.y0) / (self.x1 - self.x0)
                self.m1 = (self.x2 - self.x1) / (self.y2 - self.y1)
                self.m2 = (self.y3 - self.y2) / (self.x3 - self.x2)
                self.m3 = (self.x0 - self.x3) / (self.y0 - self.y3)

                self.top = min(self.y0, self.y1)
                self.bottom = max(self.y2, self.y3)
                self.left = min(self.x0, self.x3)
                self.right = max(self.x1, self.x2)

            def iterate_bb(self, step_x, step_y, test_width, test_height, padding):
                y = self.top
                while y + test_height < self.bottom:
                    x = self.left
                    while x + test_width < self.right:
                        yield x, y
                        x += step_x

                    y += step_y

            def iterate_outline(self, step_x, step_y, test_width, test_height, padding):
                # Top
                x, y = self.x0, self.y0
                x += padding
                y += padding

                dest_x = self.x1 - padding - test_width
                dest_y = self.y1 + padding

                dist_x = dest_x - x
                dist_y = dest_y - y

                length = math.sqrt(dist_x ** 2 + dist_y ** 2)
                for step in xrange(int(length / step_x)):
                    yield x + dist_x * step / (length / step_x), y + dist_y * step / (length / step_x)
                yield dest_x, dest_y

                # Bottom
                x, y = self.x3, self.y3
                x = x + padding
                y = y - padding - test_height

                dest_x = self.x2 - padding - test_width
                dest_y = self.y2 - padding - test_height

                dist_x = dest_x - x
                dist_y = dest_y - y

                length = math.sqrt(dist_x ** 2 + dist_y ** 2)
                for step in xrange(int(length / step_x)):
                    yield x + dist_x * step / (length / step_x), y + dist_y * step / (length / step_x)
                yield dest_x, dest_y

                # Left
                x, y = self.x0, self.y0
                x += padding
                y += padding

                dest_x = self.x3 + padding
                dest_y = self.y3 - padding - test_height

                dist_x = dest_x - x
                dist_y = dest_y - y

                length = math.sqrt(dist_x ** 2 + dist_y ** 2)
                for step in xrange(int(length / step_y)):
                    yield x + dist_x * step / (length / step_y), y + dist_y * step / (length / step_y)
                yield dest_x, dest_y

                # Right
                x, y = self.x1, self.y1
                x = x - padding - test_width
                y = y + padding

                dest_x = self.x2 - padding - test_width
                dest_y = self.y2 - padding - test_height

                dist_x = dest_x - x
                dist_y = dest_y - y

                length = math.sqrt(dist_x ** 2 + dist_y ** 2)
                for step in xrange(int(length / step_y)):
                    yield x + dist_x * step / (length / step_y), y + dist_y * step / (length / step_y)
                yield dest_x, dest_y

            def iterate(self, step_x, step_y, test_width, test_height, padding):
                for x, y in self.iterate_bb(step_x, step_y, test_width, test_height, padding):
                    ly = self.y0 + self.m0 * (x - self.x0)
                    if not ly + padding < y:

                    ly = self.y2 + self.m2 * (x - self.x2)
                    if not ly - padding > y + test_height:

                    lx = self.x1 + self.m1 * (y - self.y1)
                    if not lx - padding > x + test_width:

                    lx = self.x3 + self.m3 * (y - self.y3)
                    if not lx + padding < x:

                    yield x, y

                for x, y in self.iterate_outline(step_x, step_y, test_width, test_height, padding):
                    yield x, y

        bbox = None
        img = self.obj.sheet.get_page_image(self.obj.page_number)

        if img is None or img.recognize.matrix is None:
            self.obj.sheet.valid = 0

        x = self.obj.x
        y = self.obj.y
        width = self.obj.width
        height = self.obj.height

        # Scanning area and stepping
        step_x = defs.textbox_scan_step_x
        step_y = defs.textbox_scan_step_x
        test_width = defs.textbox_scan_width
        test_height = defs.textbox_scan_height

        # extra_padding is always added to the box side at the end.
        extra_padding = defs.textbox_extra_padding
        scan_padding = defs.textbox_scan_uncorrected_padding

        quad = Quadrilateral((x, y), (x + width, y), (x + width, y + height), (x, y + height))
            quad = Quadrilateral(*img.recognize.find_box_corners(x, y, width, height))
            # Lower padding, as we found the corners and are therefore more acurate
            scan_padding = defs.textbox_scan_padding
        except AssertionError:

        surface = img.surface.surface
        matrix = img.recognize.matrix
        for x, y in quad.iterate(step_x, step_y, test_width, test_height, scan_padding):
            # Use the image module directly as we are calling in *a lot*
            coverage = image.get_coverage(surface, matrix, x, y, test_width, test_height)
            if coverage > defs.textbox_scan_coverage:
                if not bbox:
                    bbox = [x, y, test_width, test_height]
                    bbox_x = min(bbox[0], x)
                    bbox_y = min(bbox[1], y)
                    bbox[2] = max(bbox[0] + bbox[2], x + test_width) - bbox_x
                    bbox[3] = max(bbox[1] + bbox[3], y + test_height) - bbox_y
                    bbox[0] = bbox_x
                    bbox[1] = bbox_y

        if bbox and (bbox[2] > defs.textbox_minimum_writing_width or
                     bbox[3] > defs.textbox_minimum_writing_height):
            # Do not accept very small bounding boxes.
            self.obj.data.state = True

            self.obj.data.x = bbox[0] - (scan_padding + extra_padding)
            self.obj.data.y = bbox[1] - (scan_padding + extra_padding)
            self.obj.data.width = bbox[2] + 2 * (scan_padding + extra_padding)
            self.obj.data.height = bbox[3] + 2 * (scan_padding + extra_padding)
            self.obj.data.state = False

            self.obj.data.x = self.obj.x
            self.obj.data.y = self.obj.y
            self.obj.data.width = self.obj.width
            self.obj.data.height = self.obj.height
 def get_coverage(self, x, y, width, height):
     return image.get_coverage(
         x, y, width, height