def runExaustiveSearch(plain_text, cipher_text):
        Run the exaustive search using the above keys
    max_cost = 0
    presumed_keys = []

    for key in keysFormation():
        sdes_obj = main_sdes(plain_text, key[0], encrypt=True)
        cipher = sdes_obj.cipher_text

        cost = calculateCost(cipher, cipher_text)

        if cost > max_cost:
            presumed_keys = [key[0]]
            max_cost = cost
        elif cost == max_cost:

    return (presumed_keys, max_cost)
def runExaustiveSearch(plain_text, cipher_text):
        Run the exaustive search using the above keys
    max_cost        = 0
    presumed_keys   = []

    for key in keysFormation():
        sdes_obj = main_sdes(plain_text, key[0], encrypt=True)
        cipher   = sdes_obj.cipher_text

        cost = calculateCost(cipher, cipher_text)

        if cost > max_cost:
            presumed_keys = [key[0]]
            max_cost = cost
        elif cost == max_cost:

    return (presumed_keys, max_cost)
        sdes_obj = main_sdes(plain_text, key[0], encrypt=True)
        cipher = sdes_obj.cipher_text

        cost = calculateCost(cipher, cipher_text)

        if cost > max_cost:
            presumed_keys = [key[0]]
            max_cost = cost
        elif cost == max_cost:

    return (presumed_keys, max_cost)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    plain_text = '11001001'
    key = '1010101011'
    cipher_text = main_sdes(plain_text, key, True).cipher_text

    start = time.time()
    search, cost = runExaustiveSearch(plain_text, cipher_text)
    stop = time.time()

    total_time = stop - start

    print 'Cipher -> ', cipher_text
    print 'Time taken -> ', total_time
    print 'Key present in sol -> ', key in search
    print 'Presumed Cost -> ', cost
    print 'All matching keys -> ', search
    for key in keysFormation():
        sdes_obj = main_sdes(plain_text, key[0], encrypt=True)
        cipher   = sdes_obj.cipher_text

        cost = calculateCost(cipher, cipher_text)

        if cost > max_cost:
            presumed_keys = [key[0]]
            max_cost = cost
        elif cost == max_cost:

    return (presumed_keys, max_cost)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    plain_text  = '11001001'
    key         = '1010101011'
    cipher_text = main_sdes(plain_text, key, True).cipher_text

    start = time.time()
    search, cost = runExaustiveSearch(plain_text, cipher_text)
    stop  = time.time()

    total_time = stop - start

    print 'Cipher -> ', cipher_text
    print 'Time taken -> ', total_time
    print 'Key present in sol -> ', key in search
    print 'Presumed Cost -> ', cost
    print 'All matching keys -> ', search