def parse(self, report_xml): try: base = minidom.parse(report_xml) except Exception as e: raise FortifyIntegrationError("Error opening report xml %s Reason: %s" % (report_xml, str(e))) = "" root = base.documentElement if root.tagName != "ReportDefinition": raise FortifyIntegrationError("Malformed report detected: ReportDefinition is not found") report_sections = root.getElementsByTagName('ReportSection') if not report_sections: raise FortifyIntegrationError("Malformed report detected: ReportSection not found") for report_section in report_sections: titles = report_section.getElementsByTagName('Title') if not titles: raise FortifyIntegrationError("Malformed report detected: Title not found") title = titles[0] if == 'Issue Count by Category': issue_listing = report_section.getElementsByTagName('IssueListing')[0] grouping_sections = issue_listing.getElementsByTagName('GroupingSection') for grouping_section in grouping_sections: self.findings.append(self._make_raw_finding(grouping_section)) elif == 'Project Summary': subsection = report_section.getElementsByTagName('SubSection')[0] subsection_text = subsection.getElementsByTagName('Text')[0] m ='Build Label:\s*(.+)', if m: =
def parse_report_file(self, report_file, report_type): if report_type != 'xml' and self.config['integration_mode'] == 'file': raise UsageError("Unsupported file type (%s)" % report_type) # Caller sent in an XML document if report_type == 'xml_dom': base = report_file # XML has to be parsed else: try: base = minidom.parse(report_file) except Exception as err: raise VeracodeIntegrationError("Error opening report xml (%s): %s" % (report_file, str(err))) detailed_reports = base.getElementsByTagName('detailedreport') if len(detailed_reports) != 1: raise VeracodeIntegrationError('An unexpected number of detailedreport nodes found (%d)' % len(detailed_reports)) dr = detailed_reports[0] report_id = "%s (%s-b%s)" % ( dr.attributes['app_name'].value, dr.attributes['app_id'].value, dr.attributes['build_id'].value ) findings = [self._make_raw_finding(node) for node in base.getElementsByTagName('flaw')] # Veracode tracks 'fixed' flaws - prune them out for flaw in list(findings): if flaw['remediation_status'] == 'Fixed': findings.remove(flaw) return findings, report_id
def load_mapping_from_xml(self, xml_file): self.mapping = {} try: base = minidom.parse(xml_file) except Exception as e: raise MappingError("An error occurred opening mapping file '%s': %s" % (xml_file, e)) for task in base.getElementsByTagName('task'): confidence = 'low' if task.attributes.has_key('confidence'): confidence = task.attributes['confidence'].value for weakness in task.getElementsByTagName('weakness'): self._register_mapping( weakness.attributes[self.weakness_attribute.lower()].value, weakness.attributes['title'].value, task.attributes['id'].value, task.attributes['title'].value, confidence, weakness.attributes['cwe'] if weakness.attributes.has_key('cwe') else None ) if not self.mapping: raise MappingError("No mapping was found in file '%s'" % xml_file)
def load_mapping_from_xml(self): try: base = minidom.parse(self.config['mapping_file']) except KeyError, ke: raise IntegrationError("Missing configuration option 'mapping_file'")
def parse(self, report_xml): try: base = minidom.parse(report_xml) except Exception, e: raise FortifyIntegrationError("Error opening report xml (%s)" % report_xml)