def _walk_schemas(self, schema_dir):
        """Walks the `schema_dir` directory and builds a dictionary of
        schema ``targetNamespace`` values to a list of schema file paths.

        Because multiple schemas can declare the same ``targetNamespace``
        value, the ``value`` portion of the returned dictionary is a ``list``.

            This method attempts to resolve issues where the same schema
            exists in two or more locations under `schema_dir` by keeping
            a record of visited target namespaces and filenames. If the same
            filename:targetNS (not file path) pair has been visited already,
            the file is not added to the schemalocation dictionary.

            A dictionary of  schema ``targetNamespace`` values to a list of
            schema file paths.

        seen = []
        schemalocs = collections.defaultdict(list)

        for top, _, files in os.walk(schema_dir):
            for fn in files:
                if not fn.endswith('.xsd'):

                fp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(top, fn))
                target_ns = utils.get_target_ns(fp)

                if (target_ns, fn) in seen:

                seen.append((target_ns, fn))

        for ns, loc in self.OVERRIDE_SCHEMALOC.iteritems():
            schemalocs[ns] = [loc]

        return schemalocs
    def _walk_schemas(self, schema_dir):
        """Walks the `schema_dir` directory and builds a dictionary of
        schema ``targetNamespace`` values to a list of schema file paths.

        Because multiple schemas can declare the same ``targetNamespace``
        value, the ``value`` portion of the returned dictionary is a ``list``.

            This method attempts to resolve issues where the same schema
            exists in two or more locations under `schema_dir` by keeping
            a record of visited target namespaces and filenames. If the same
            filename:targetNS (not file path) pair has been visited already,
            the file is not added to the schemalocation dictionary.

            A dictionary of  schema ``targetNamespace`` values to a list of
            schema file paths.

        seen = []
        schemalocs = collections.defaultdict(list)

        for top, _, files in os.walk(schema_dir):
            for fn in files:
                if not fn.endswith('.xsd'):

                fp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(top, fn))
                target_ns = utils.get_target_ns(fp)

                if (target_ns, fn) in seen:

                seen.append((target_ns, fn))

        for ns, loc in iteritems(self.OVERRIDE_SCHEMALOC):
            schemalocs[ns] = [loc]

        return schemalocs
 def test_target_ns(self):
     sio = StringIO(XML)
     target_ns = utils.get_target_ns(sio)
     self.assertEqual(target_ns, TARGET_NS)
 def test_target_ns(self):
     sio = StringIO(XML)
     target_ns = utils.get_target_ns(sio)
     self.assertEqual(target_ns, TARGET_NS)