def transversal_cuts(img, cuts, cmap='gray', normalize=False, axes=None): if normalize: vmin, vmax = img.min(), img.max() else: vmin, vmax = 0, 255 if axes is None: ax = plt.subplot(121) else: ax = axes[0] ax.imshow(img, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) for c in cuts: if c.orientation == 'v': lines = ax.plot([c.idx, c.idx], [0, img.shape[0] - 0.5]) if c.orientation == 'h': lines = ax.plot([0, img.shape[1] - 0.5], [c.idx, c.idx]) plt.setp(lines, color=c.color) plt.setp(lines, linewidth=1) ax.axis('off') with sns.axes_style('whitegrid'): if axes is None: ax = plt.subplot(122) else: ax = axes[1] def test(x): return (x * 0.5).sum() for c in cuts: if c.orientation == 'v': curve = img[:, c.idx] if c.orientation == 'h': curve = img[c.idx, :] ax.plot(curve, color=c.color, alpha=0.5)
def plot_elbow_kernel( values, xlabel=r"$k$", #ylabel=r"$\textnormal{Tr}(Y^\top G \, Y)$", ylabel=r"$\log Q_{k+1} - \log Q_{k}$", output="elbow.pdf", colors=['b', 'r', 'g'], legend=[r'$\widehat{\rho}_{\sqrt{7}}$', r'$\rho_{1}$'], marker=['o', 's']): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for i, g in enumerate(values): xs = range(1, len(g)+1) ax.plot(xs, g, color=colors[i], linestyle='-', marker=marker[i], linewidth=1.5, markersize=5, label=legend[i], alpha=0.7) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlim([1, 12]) ax.legend(loc=2, framealpha=.5, ncol=1) with sns.axes_style("whitegrid"): axins = inset_axes(ax, width="50%", height="50%", loc=1) for i, g in enumerate(values): axins.plot(xs[2:10], g[2:10], color=colors[i], linestyle='-', marker=marker[i], linewidth=1.5, markersize=5, alpha=0.7) #axins.set_xlim([5,12]) #axins.set_ylim([19.9,20]) #axins.set_xticks([]) #axins.set_yticks([]) fig.savefig(output, bbox_inches='tight')
def parallel_coordinates(dataframe, hue, cols=None, palette=None, **subplot_kws): """ Produce a parallel coordinates plot from a dataframe. Parameters ---------- dataframe : pandas.DataFrame The data to be plotted. hue : string The column used to the determine assign the lines' colors. cols : list of strings, optional The non-hue columns to include. If None, all other columns are used. palette : string, optional Name of the seaborn color palette to use. **subplot_kws : keyword arguments Options passed directly to plt.subplots() Returns ------- fig : matplotlib Figure """ # get the columsn to plot if cols is None: cols = c: c != hue, axis=1).columns.tolist() # subset the data final_cols = copy.copy(cols) final_cols.append(hue) data = dataframe[final_cols] # these plots look ridiculous in anything other than 'ticks' with seaborn.axes_style('ticks'): fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=len(cols), **subplot_kws) hue_vals = dataframe[hue].unique() colors = seaborn.color_palette(name=palette, n_colors=len(hue_vals)) color_dict = dict(zip(hue_vals, colors)) for col, ax in zip(cols, axes): data_limits =[(0, dataframe[col].min()), (0, dataframe[col].max())] ax.set_xticks([0]) ax.update_datalim(data_limits) ax.set_xticklabels([col]) ax.autoscale(axis='y') ax.tick_params(axis='y', direction='inout') ax.tick_params(axis='x', direction='in') for row in data.values: for n, (ax1, ax2) in enumerate(zip(axes[:-1], axes[1:])): line = _connect_spines(ax1, ax2, row[n], row[n+1], color=color_dict[row[-1]]) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) seaborn.despine(fig=fig, bottom=True, trim=True) return fig
def movie_plot(dir_name, files, box=None): with sns.axes_style("white"): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4)) grid = ImageGrid(fig, rect=(0.05, 0, 0.9, 1), nrows_ncols=(2, len(files)), direction="row", axes_pad=0.1, add_all=True, share_all=True) for k, fn in enumerate(files): movie = tifffile.imread(dir_name + fn) if box is None: movie = movie[:, ::2, :] else: movie = movie[:, box[0]:box[1]:2, box[2]:box[3]] print('Movie min:', movie.min(), 'max:', movie.max()) grid.axes_row[0][k].imshow(movie[0], cmap='viridis') grid.axes_row[0][k].set_title('Movie {}'.format(k+1)) grid.axes_row[0][k].grid(False) grid.axes_row[0][k].tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', left='off', right='off', labelbottom='off', labelleft='off') grid.axes_row[0][k].spines['top'].set_visible(False) grid.axes_row[0][k].spines['right'].set_visible(False) grid.axes_row[0][k].spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) grid.axes_row[0][k].spines['left'].set_visible(False) grid.axes_row[1][k].imshow(np.mean(movie, axis=0), cmap='viridis') grid.axes_row[1][k].grid(False) grid.axes_row[1][k].tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', left='off', right='off', labelbottom='off', labelleft='off') grid.axes_row[1][k].spines['top'].set_visible(False) grid.axes_row[1][k].spines['right'].set_visible(False) grid.axes_row[1][k].spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) grid.axes_row[1][k].spines['left'].set_visible(False) grid.axes_row[0][0].set_ylabel('Individual\nframe') grid.axes_row[1][0].set_ylabel('Temporal\nmean') # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('ground_truth_movie.pdf')
def plot_elbow_kernel( values, xlabel=r"$k$", #ylabel=r"$\textnormal{Tr}(Y^\top G \, Y)$", ylabel=r"$\log Q_{k+1} - \log Q_{k}$", output="elbow.pdf", colors=['b', 'r', 'g'], legend=[r'$\widehat{\rho}_{\sqrt{7}}$', r'$\rho_{1}$'], marker=['o', 's']): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for i, g in enumerate(values): xs = range(1, len(g) + 1) ax.plot(xs, g, color=colors[i], linestyle='-', marker=marker[i], linewidth=1.5, markersize=5, label=legend[i], alpha=0.7) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlim([1, 12]) ax.legend(loc=2, framealpha=.5, ncol=1) with sns.axes_style("whitegrid"): axins = inset_axes(ax, width="50%", height="50%", loc=1) for i, g in enumerate(values): axins.plot(xs[2:10], g[2:10], color=colors[i], linestyle='-', marker=marker[i], linewidth=1.5, markersize=5, alpha=0.7) #axins.set_xlim([5,12]) #axins.set_ylim([19.9,20]) #axins.set_xticks([]) #axins.set_yticks([]) fig.savefig(output, bbox_inches='tight')
def corr_heatmap(x, mask_half=True, cmap='RdYlGn_r', vmin=-1, vmax=1, linewidths=0.5, square=True, figsize=(10,10), **kwargs): """Wrapper around seaborn.heatmap for visualizing correlation matrix. Parameters ========== x : DataFrame Underlying data (not a correlation matrix) mask_half : bool, default True If True, mask (whiteout) the upper right triangle of the matrix All other parameters passed to seaborn.heatmap: Example ======= %matplotlib inline # Generate some correlated data k = 10 size = 400 mu = np.random.randint(0, 10, k).astype(float) r = np.random.ranf(k ** 2).reshape((k, k)) * 5 df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, r, size=size)) corr_heatmap(df) """ if mask_half: mask = np.zeros_like(x.corr().values) mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True else: mask = None with sns.axes_style('white'): return sns.heatmap(x.corr(), cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, linewidths=linewidths, square=square, mask=mask, **kwargs)
def ground_truth_patchwise(dir_name, files, gt_means_means, gt_vars_means, box=None, block_size=8, stride=8): colors = sns.color_palette('Pastel1', len(files)) colors_means = sns.color_palette('Set1', len(files)) with sns.axes_style("white"): fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4)) for k, fn in enumerate(files): movie = tifffile.imread(dir_name + fn) if box is None: movie = movie[:, ::2, :] else: movie = movie[:, box[0]:box[1]:2, box[2]:box[3]] movie = movie.astype(np.float32) means = [] variances = [] for i in range(0, len(movie), 10): blocks_i = im2col(movie[i], block_size, stride) means_i, vars_i = compute_mean_var(blocks_i) means.append(means_i) variances.append(vars_i) means = np.hstack(means) variances = np.hstack(variances) axes.plot(means, variances, '.', alpha=0.7, color=colors[k], markeredgecolor='none', zorder=10 - k, rasterized=True) axes.scatter(means.mean(), variances.mean(), marker='x', s=1000, linewidth=2, color=colors_means[k], edgecolor=colors_means[k], zorder=1000) axes.scatter(gt_means_means[k], gt_vars_means[k], marker='+', s=1000, linewidth=2, color=colors_means[k], edgecolor=colors_means[k], zorder=1000) axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter( plt_tick.FuncFormatter(lambda t, pos: fix_scientific_notation(t))) axes.set_xlabel('Mean', fontsize='large') axes.set_ylabel('Variance', fontsize='large') markers1 = [plt_lines.Line2D([], [], marker='o', color=colors[k], linestyle='None') for k in range(len(files))] label1 = ['Movie {} - patch'.format(k+1) for k in range(len(files))] markers2 = [plt_lines.Line2D([], [], marker='x', color=colors_means[k], mec=colors_means[k], linestyle='None', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2) for k in range(len(files))] label2 = ['Movie {} - patch AVG'.format(k+1) for k in range(len(files))] markers3 = [plt_lines.Line2D([], [], marker='+', color=colors_means[k], mec=colors_means[k], linestyle='None', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2) for k in range(len(files))] label3 = ['Movie {} - pixel AVG'.format(k+1) for k in range(len(files))] plt.legend(markers1 + markers2 + markers3, label1 + label2 + label3, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc='best', fontsize='large') fig.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0, 0.7, 1)) plt.savefig('ground_truth_patchwise.pdf')
def ground_truth_pixelwise(dir_name, files, box=None, plt_regression=True): colors = sns.color_palette('Pastel1', len(files)) colors_means = sns.color_palette('Set1', len(files)) with sns.axes_style("white"): fig, axes_scatter = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4)) means_means = [] variances_means = [] all_means = [] all_variances = [] for k, fn in enumerate(files): movie = tifffile.imread(dir_name + fn) if box is None: movie = movie[:, ::2, :] else: movie = movie[:, box[0]:box[1]:2, box[2]:box[3]] movie = movie.astype(np.float32) means, variances = compute_temporal_mean_var(movie) means = means.flatten() variances = variances.flatten() means_means.append(means.mean()) variances_means.append(variances.mean()) if plt_regression: all_means.extend(means) all_variances.extend(variances) axes_scatter.plot(means, variances, '.', alpha=0.7, color=colors[k], markeredgecolor='none', label='Movie {}'.format(k + 1), zorder=10 - k, rasterized=True) if plt_regression: all_means = np.array(all_means)[:, np.newaxis] all_variances = np.array(all_variances) mod = LinearRegression(), all_variances) x = np.array([all_means.min(), all_means.max()])[:, np.newaxis] axes_scatter.plot(x, mod.predict(x), 'k-', zorder=11) print('Linear fit:', mod.coef_[0], mod.intercept_) print('R2 score', r2_score(all_variances, mod.predict(all_means))) for k, (mean, variance) in enumerate(zip(means_means, variances_means)): axes_scatter.scatter(mean, variance, marker='+', s=1000, linewidth=2, color=colors_means[k], edgecolor='k', zorder=1000) axes_scatter.yaxis.set_major_formatter( plt_tick.FuncFormatter(lambda t, pos: fix_scientific_notation(t))) axes_scatter.set_xlabel('Mean', fontsize='large') axes_scatter.set_ylabel('Variance', fontsize='large') markers1 = [plt_lines.Line2D([], [], marker='o', color=colors[k], linestyle='None') for k in range(len(files))] label1 = ['Movie {} - pixel'.format(k+1) for k in range(len(files))] markers2 = [plt_lines.Line2D([], [], marker='+', color=colors_means[k], mec=colors_means[k], linestyle='None', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2) for k in range(len(files))] label2 = ['Movie {} - pixel AVG'.format(k+1) for k in range(len(files))] plt.legend(markers1 + markers2, label1 + label2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc='best', fontsize='large') fig.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0, 0.73, 1)) plt.savefig('ground_truth_pixelwise.pdf') return means_means, variances_means
def ground_truth_estimate_vst(dir_name, files, box=None, block_size=8, stride=8): variances_all_single_image = [] variances_all_multi_image = [] for k, fn in enumerate(files): print(k) movie = tifffile.imread(dir_name + fn) if box is None: movie = movie[:, ::2, :] else: movie = movie[:, box[0]:box[1]:2, box[2]:box[3]] movie = movie.astype(np.float32) img_gt = movie.mean(axis=0) img_noisy = movie[0] # single image estimation print('Single-image estimation') res = estimate_vst_image(img_noisy, block_size=block_size, stride=stride) movie_gat = compute_gat(movie, res.sigma_sq, res.alpha) means, variances = compute_temporal_mean_var(movie_gat) print('Temporal variance MEAN={}, STD={}'.format(variances.mean(), variances.std(ddof=1))) variances = [] for i in range(len(movie)): img_noisy = movie[i] v = assess_variance_stabilization(img_gt, img_noisy, res.sigma_sq, res.alpha, verbose=False, correct_noiseless=False) variances.append(v) variances = np.array(variances) print('variance AVG', variances.mean()) variances_all_single_image.append(variances) # multi-image estimation print('Multi-image estimation') res = estimate_vst_movie(movie[::200]) movie_gat = compute_gat(movie, res.sigma_sq, res.alpha) means, variances = compute_temporal_mean_var(movie_gat) print('Temporal variance MEAN={}, STD={}'.format(variances.mean(), variances.std(ddof=1))) variances = [] for i in range(len(movie)): img_noisy = movie[i] v = assess_variance_stabilization(img_gt, img_noisy, res.sigma_sq, res.alpha, verbose=False, correct_noiseless=False) variances.append(v) variances = np.array(variances) print('variance AVG', variances.mean()) variances_all_multi_image.append(variances) with sns.axes_style('white'): plt.figure() plt.plot([0, 2 * len(files) - 1], [1, 1], color='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=0) pos = np.arange(0, 2 * len(files), 2) + 0.2 vio_single = plt.violinplot(variances_all_single_image, positions=pos) pos = np.arange(1, 2 * len(files), 2) - 0.2 vio_multi = plt.violinplot(variances_all_multi_image, positions=pos) plt.xticks(2 * np.arange(len(files)) + 0.5, ['Movie {}'.format(k+1) for k in range(len(files))], fontsize='large') plt.ylabel('Stabilized noise variance per frame', fontsize='large') p_single = plt_patches.Patch( facecolor=vio_single['bodies'][0].get_facecolor().flatten(), edgecolor=vio_single['cbars'].get_edgecolor().flatten(), label='Single-image estimation') p_multi = plt_patches.Patch( facecolor=vio_multi['bodies'][0].get_facecolor().flatten(), edgecolor=vio_multi['cbars'].get_edgecolor().flatten(), label='Multi-image estimation') plt.legend(handles=[p_single, p_multi], loc='upper right', fontsize='large') plt.savefig('ground_truth_single-multi.pdf')
def plot_results(transformation): res_dir = '../results' _, dir_sigmas, _ = next(os.walk(res_dir)) dir_sigmas = [ds for ds in dir_sigmas if ds.find(transformation) == 0] sigmas = [float(ds[len(transformation) + 1:]) for ds in dir_sigmas] idx_sigmas = np.argsort(sigmas) sigmas = [sigmas[i] for i in idx_sigmas] dir_sigmas = [dir_sigmas[i] for i in idx_sigmas] sigma_miss_err = {} sigma_times = {'PM': {}, 'NMU': {}, 'TOTAL': {}} example_miss_err = {} res_files = ['{}/{}/test.txt'.format(res_dir, ds) for ds in dir_sigmas] # Very crude parser, do not change console printing output # or this will break for s, rf in zip(sigmas, res_files): with open(rf, 'r') as file_contents: sigma_miss_err[s] = [] sigma_times['PM'][s] = [] sigma_times['NMU'][s] = [] sigma_times['TOTAL'][s] = [] for i, line in enumerate(file_contents): if line.find('Statistics') == 0: break if i % 10 == 0: example = line[:-5] if i % 10 == 3: t = float(line.split()[4]) sigma_times['PM'][s].append(t) if i % 10 == 4: t = float(line.split()[2]) sigma_times['NMU'][s].append(t) if i % 10 == 7: t = float(line.split()[2]) sigma_times['TOTAL'][s].append(t) if i % 10 == 8: pr = 100 * float(line.split()[3][:-1]) if example not in example_miss_err: example_miss_err[example] = [] example_miss_err[example].append(pr) sigma_miss_err[s].append(pr) def sort_dict(d): return collections.OrderedDict(sorted(d.items())) example_miss_err = sort_dict(example_miss_err) sigma_miss_err = sort_dict(sigma_miss_err) sigma_times['PM'] = sort_dict(sigma_times['PM']) sigma_times['NMU'] = sort_dict(sigma_times['NMU']) sigma_times['TOTAL'] = sort_dict(sigma_times['TOTAL']) def round2(vals, decimals=2): return np.round(vals, decimals=decimals) print('Misclassification error') for key in sigma_miss_err: values = np.array(sigma_miss_err[key]) stats = (key, round2(np.mean(values)), round2(np.median(values)), round2(np.std(values, ddof=1))) fmt_str = 'sigma: {}\tmean: {}\tmedian: {}\tstd: {}' print(fmt_str.format(*stats)) # print('\t', values) with sns.axes_style("whitegrid"): values = np.array(list(sigma_miss_err.values())).T max_val = values.max() plt.figure() sns.boxplot(data=values, color='.95', whis=100) sns.stripplot(data=values, jitter=True) sigmas_text = ['{:.2f}'.format(s) for s in sigmas] plt.xticks(range(len(sigmas)), sigmas_text, size='x-large') yticks = [yt for yt in plt.yticks()[0] if yt >= 0] plt.yticks(yticks, size='x-large') plt.xlabel(r'$\sigma$', size='x-large') plt.ylabel('Misclassification error (%)', size='x-large') plt.ylim((-2, 10 * np.ceil(max_val / 10))) if transformation == 'homography': plt.title('Homographies', size='x-large') if transformation == 'fundamental': plt.title('Fundamental matrices', size='x-large') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('{}/{}_result.pdf'.format(res_dir, transformation), bbox_inches='tight') print('Time') for key in sigma_miss_err: mean_PM = round2(np.mean(np.array(sigma_times['PM'][key]))) mean_NMU = round2(np.mean((np.array(sigma_times['NMU'][key])))) mean_total = round2(np.mean((np.array(sigma_times['TOTAL'][key])))) stats = (key, mean_total, round2(mean_PM / mean_total), round2(mean_NMU / mean_total)) fmt_str = 'sigma: {}\tTOTAL: {}\tRATIO PM: {}\tRATIO NMU: {}' print(fmt_str.format(*stats))'../digits/digit8.png'),'../digits/digit9.png') ] imgs = [np.array(im.convert('L'), dtype=np.float) / 255. for im in imgs] img_size = imgs[0].shape mat = 1 - np.stack([im.flatten() for im in imgs], axis=1) t = timeit.default_timer() factors = nmu.recursive_nmu(mat, r=10, init='svd') t = timeit.default_timer() - t print('time {:.2f}'.format(t)) recs = sum( for u, v in factors) with sns.axes_style("whitegrid"): plt.figure() for i, im in enumerate(imgs): plt.subplot(1, len(imgs), i + 1) plt.imshow(im, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', labelbottom='off', left='off', right='off', labelleft='off') plt.grid(b=False) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(dir_name + 'digits_original.pdf', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_times(log_filenames, output_filename, relative=False, col_width=0.35): pattern_size = 'Preference matrix size: \((?P<m>.+), (?P<n>.+)\)' pref_sizes = [] comp_time = [] reg_time = [] for fn in log_filenames: with open(fn, 'r') as f: s = str( m =, s).groupdict() pref_sizes.append((int(m['m']), int(m['n']))) def retrieve_time(pat_type): pattern_time = 'Running {0} bi-clustering\nTime: (?P<time>.+)' m =, s) if m is None: return np.nan else: return float(m.groupdict()['time']) comp_time.append(retrieve_time('compressed')) reg_time.append(retrieve_time('regular')) idx = np.arange(len(log_filenames)) rse_time = np.array(reg_time) arse_time = np.array(comp_time) if relative: ps = np.array([ for s in pref_sizes]) rse_time = rse_time / ps arse_time = arse_time / ps def autolabel(rects): for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() if np.isnan(height): continue str = '{:.2e}'.format(height) str = str.split('e') print(str) str = str[0] + 'e' + str[1][2:] plt.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2., 1.05 * height, str, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize='16') colors = sns.color_palette('Set1', n_colors=2) with sns.axes_style('whitegrid'): plt.figure() plt.yscale('log') bars1 =, rse_time, col_width, linewidth=0, color=colors[0]) bars1.set_label('RSE') bars2 = + col_width, arse_time, col_width, linewidth=0, color=colors[1]) bars2.set_label('ARSE') if not relative: autolabel(bars1) autolabel(bars2) plt.xticks(idx + col_width, pref_sizes, horizontalalignment='center', fontsize='16') _, labels = plt.yticks() for l in labels: l.set_fontsize(16) plt.xlabel('Preference matrix size', fontsize='16') if relative: plt.ylabel('Time / size', fontsize='16') loc = 'upper right' else: plt.ylabel('Time (s)', fontsize='16') loc = 'upper left' plt.legend(ncol=2, fontsize='16', loc=loc) plt.xlim(-col_width, idx.size + col_width / 2) plt.tight_layout() if relative: output_filename += '_relative' output_filename += '.pdf' plt.savefig(output_filename, dpi=600)
def plot_vst_estimation(movie, blocks, sigma_sq_init, alpha_init, res, idx, gt=None, filename=None): img = movie[idx] if gt is not None: img_gt =[idx] means, variances = est.compute_mean_var(blocks) if gt is not None: movie_gat = compute_gat(movie, sigma_sq_init, alpha=alpha_init) _, temp_vars = compute_temporal_mean_var(movie_gat) print( '---> Temporal variance', 'MEAN={}, STD={}'.format(temp_vars.mean(), temp_vars.std(ddof=1))) compare_variance_stabilization(img_gt, img, gt.sigma_sq, gt.alpha, sigma_sq_init, alpha_init) gt_movie_gat = compute_gat(movie, res.sigma_sq, alpha=res.alpha) _, temp_vars = compute_temporal_mean_var(gt_movie_gat) print( '---> Temporal variance', 'MEAN={}, STD={}'.format(temp_vars.mean(), temp_vars.std(ddof=1))) compare_variance_stabilization(img_gt, img, gt.sigma_sq, gt.alpha, res.sigma_sq, res.alpha) line_cmap = ['#377eb8', '#e41a1c'] with sns.axes_style('white'): if gt is None: plt.figure(figsize=(24, 5)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 5, width_ratios=[1, 3, 3, 3, 3], left=0.02, right=0.98, wspace=0.3) axes0 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) axes1 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) axes2 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 2]) axes3 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 3]) axes4 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 4]) axes0.imshow(img, cmap='viridis') axes0.axis('off') axes0.set_title('Input image', fontsize='xx-large') else: plt.figure(figsize=(24, 5)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 5, width_ratios=[2, 2, 3, 3, 3], left=0.02, right=0.98, wspace=0.3) axes00 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) axes10 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) axes1 = plt.subplot(gs[:, 1]) axes2 = plt.subplot(gs[:, 2]) axes3 = plt.subplot(gs[:, 3]) axes4 = plt.subplot(gs[:, 4]) axes00.imshow(img_gt, cmap='viridis') axes00.axis('off') axes00.set_title('Noiseless image', fontsize='xx-large') axes10.imshow(img, cmap='viridis') axes10.axis('off') axes10.set_title('Noisy image', fontsize='xx-large') scatter_color = '#a6cee3' # Using rasterized=True drastically reduces the file size axes1.plot(means, variances, '.', alpha=0.2, color=scatter_color, markeredgecolor='none', rasterized=True, label='Patch') x = np.array([[means.min()], [means.max()]]) axes1.plot(x, alpha_init * x + sigma_sq_init, color=line_cmap[0], label='Initial estimation') axes1.plot(x, res.alpha * x + res.sigma_sq, color=line_cmap[1], label='Refined estimation') if gt is not None: axes1.plot(x, gt.alpha * x + gt.sigma_sq, color='k', label='Ground truth') set_tick_label_size(axes1) axes1.set_xlabel('Mean', fontsize='xx-large') axes1.set_ylabel('Variance', fontsize='xx-large') # lgnd = axes1.legend(markerscale=5, fontsize='xx-large') # for h in lgnd.legendHandles: # h._sizes = [600] xdiff = np.percentile(means, 99) - means.min() ydiff = np.percentile(variances, 99) - variances.min() axes1.set_xlim((means.min() - 0.1 * xdiff, np.percentile(means, 99) + 0.1 * xdiff)) axes1.set_ylim((variances.min() - 0.1 * ydiff, np.percentile(variances, 99) + 0.1 * ydiff)) axes1.set_title('Patch mean vs patch variance', fontsize='xx-large') # Accumulator space plot_vst_accumulator_space(res.acc_space_init, ax=axes2, plot_focus=True) set_tick_label_size(axes2) axes2.set_title('Coarse accumulator space', fontsize='xx-large') # Zoom-in on the accumulator space plot_vst_accumulator_space(res.acc_space, ax=axes3, plot_estimates=True) set_tick_label_size(axes3) axes3.set_title('Focused accumulator space', fontsize='xx-large') # Density plot of block variances blocks_gat = compute_gat(blocks, sigma_sq_init, alpha=alpha_init) _, variances_init = est.compute_mean_var(blocks_gat) blocks_gat = compute_gat(blocks, res.sigma_sq, alpha=res.alpha) _, variances = est.compute_mean_var(blocks_gat) data_range = (np.minimum(variances_init.min(), variances.min()), np.maximum(variances_init.max(), variances.max())) samples = np.linspace(*data_range, num=1000) kde = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.05) probas_both = [] for vs, color, label in zip([variances_init, variances], line_cmap, ['Initial', 'Refined']):[:, np.newaxis]) probas = np.exp(kde.score_samples(samples[:, np.newaxis])) probas /= probas.sum() probas_both.append(probas) axes4.fill_between(samples, probas, color=color, alpha=0.3, label=label + ' estimation') loc = np.argmax(probas) axes4.plot([samples[loc], samples[loc]], [0, probas[loc]], '-', color=color) axes4.plot([1, 1], [0, probas[loc] * 1.05], 'k:') probas_both = np.maximum(*probas_both) idx_nnz = np.where(probas_both > 1e-4)[0] axes4.set_xlim(samples[0], samples[idx_nnz[-1]]) set_tick_label_size(axes4) axes4.legend(fontsize='xx-large', loc='upper right') axes4.set_xlabel('Patch variance', fontsize='xx-large') axes4.set_title('Patch variance density', fontsize='xx-large') if filename is not None: if 'cai-1' in filename: filename = filename.replace('/raw_data/', '_') filename = filename.replace('/', '_') plt.savefig(filename + '_estimation.pdf')