def plot_wfs(waveforms, tvec, cols=None, lw=0.1, alpha=0.05, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, ffig=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot large set of waveforms efficiently as LineCollections. waveforms: waveform matrix of (waveform x time sample) tvec: vector of sample times cols: color matrix of (waveform x RGBA) """ # Init. nwfs = waveforms.shape[0] ntsamp = tvec.size ax = putil.axes(ax) if cols is None: cols = np.tile(putil.convert_to_rgba('g'), (nwfs, 1)) # Plot all waveforms efficiently at the same time as LineCollections. # Reformat waveform matrix and tvec vector into format: # [[(t0, v0), (t1, v1)], [(t0, v0), (t1, v1)], ...] wf_col = waveforms.reshape((-1, 1)) tvec_col = np.tile(np.array(tvec), (nwfs, 1)).reshape((-1, 1)) tvec_wf_cols = np.hstack((tvec_col, wf_col)).reshape(-1, 1, 2) tv_segments = np.hstack([tvec_wf_cols[:-1], tvec_wf_cols[1:]]) btw_wf_mask = ntsamp * np.arange(1, nwfs) - 1 tv_segments = np.delete(tv_segments, btw_wf_mask, axis=0) # Set color of each segment. cols_segments = np.repeat(cols, ntsamp - 1, axis=0) # Create and add LineCollection to axes. lc = LineCollection(tv_segments, linewidths=lw, colors=cols_segments, **kwargs) ax.add_collection(lc) # Need to update view manually after adding artists manually. ax.autoscale_view() # Format plot. putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title) # Save and return plot. putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def raster(spk_trains, t_unit=ms, prds=None, c='b', xlim=None, title=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, ffig=None, ax=None): """Plot rasterplot.""" # Init. ax = putil.axes(ax) putil.plot_periods(prds, ax=ax) putil.set_limits(ax, xlim) # There's nothing to plot. if not len(spk_trains): return ax # Plot raster. for i, spk_tr in enumerate(spk_trains): x = np.array(spk_tr.rescale(t_unit)) y = (i + 1) * np.ones_like(x) # Spike markers are plotted in absolute size (figure coordinates). # ax.scatter(x, y, c=c, s=1.8, edgecolor=c, marker='|') # Spike markers are plotted in relative size (axis coordinates) patches = [ Rectangle((xi - wsp / 2, yi - hsp / 2), wsp, hsp) for xi, yi in zip(x, y) ] collection = PatchCollection(patches, facecolor=c, edgecolor=c) ax.add_collection(collection) # Format plot. ylim = [0.5, len(spk_trains) + 0.5] if len(spk_trains) else [0, 1] if xlab is not None: xlab = putil.t_lbl.format(xlab) putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title) putil.hide_axes(ax, show_x=True) putil.hide_spines(ax) # Order trials from top to bottom, only after setting axis limits. ax.invert_yaxis() # Save and return plot. putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def plot_tuning(xfit, yfit, vals=None, meanr=None, semr=None, color='b', baseline=None, xticks=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, title=None, ffig=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot tuning curve, optionally with data samples.""" ax = putil.axes(ax) # Plot baseline. if baseline is not None: putil.add_baseline(baseline, ax=ax) # Plot fitted curve. pplot.lines(xfit, yfit, color=color, ax=ax) # Plot data samples. if meanr is not None and semr is not None: pplot.errorbar(vals, meanr, yerr=semr, fmt='o', color=color, ax=ax, **kwargs) # Set x axis ticks. if xticks is not None: putil.set_xtick_labels(ax, xticks) elif vals is not None: putil.set_xtick_labels(ax, vals) # Format plot. putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title) # Save and return plot. putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def joint_scatter(x, y, is_sign=None, kind='reg', stat_func=util.pearson_r, c='b', xlim=None, ylim=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, title=None, ytitle=None, ffig=None, **kwargs): """ Plot paired data on scatter plot with - marginal distributions added to the side - linear regression on center scatter - N, r and p values reported Additional parameters for scatter (e.g. size) can be passed as kwargs. """ # Create scatter plot and distribution plots on the side. g = sns.jointplot(x, y, color=c, kind=kind, stat_func=stat_func, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) ax = g.ax_joint # scatter axes # Make non-significant points hollow (white face color). if is_sign is not None or kwargs is not None: ax.collections[0].set_visible(False) # hide scatter points scatter(x, y, is_sign, c=c, ax=ax, **kwargs) # Add N to legend. leg_txt = g.ax_joint.get_legend().texts[0] new_txt = 'n = {}\n'.format(len(x)) + leg_txt.get_text() leg_txt.set_text(new_txt) # Format and save figure. putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title, ytitle) putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def scatter(x, y, is_sign=None, c='b', bc='w', nc='grey', ec='k', alpha=0.5, xlim=None, ylim=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, title=None, ytitle=None, polar=False, id_line=True, ffig=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot paired data on scatter plot. Color settings: - c: face color of significant points (is_sign == True) - bc: face color of non-significant points (is_sign == False) - nc: face color of untested/untestable points (is_sign == None) """ # Init. ax = putil.axes(ax, polar=polar) cols = c # Get point-specific color array. if (is_sign is not None) and isinstance(c, str) and isinstance(bc, str): cols = putil.get_cmat(is_sign, c, bc, nc) # Plot colored points. ax.scatter(x, y, c=cols, edgecolor=ec, alpha=alpha, **kwargs) # Add identity line. if id_line: putil.add_identity_line(equal_xy=True, zorder=99, ax=ax) # Format and save figure. putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title, ytitle) putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def plot_spike_count_hist(spk_cnt, title, ax, hist=True, kde_alpha=1.0, kde_color='b', kde_lw=2): """Plot spike count histogram.""" # Set histrogram parameters. max_spk = spk_cnt.max() bins = np.linspace(0, max_spk+1, max_spk+2) - 0.5 hist_kws = {'edgecolor': 'grey'} kde_kws = {'alpha': kde_alpha, 'color': kde_color, 'lw': kde_lw} # Plot spike count histogram. sns.distplot(spk_cnt, bins=bins, ax=ax, hist=hist, hist_kws=hist_kws, kde_kws=kde_kws) # Format plot. xlim = None ylim = None xlab = '# spikes' ylab = 'density' putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title)
def heatmap(mat, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, cbar=True, cbar_ax=None, annot=None, square=False, xlab=None, ylab=None, title=None, ytitle=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, ffig=None, ax=None): """Plot rectangular data as heatmap.""" # Plot data. ax = putil.axes(ax) sns.heatmap(mat, vmin, vmax, cmap, annot=annot, cbar=cbar, cbar_ax=cbar_ax, square=square, xticklabels=xticklabels, yticklabels=yticklabels, ax=ax) # Format and save figure. putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title, ytitle) putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def multi_hist(vals, xlim=None, ylim=None, xlab=None, ylab='n', title=None, ytitle=None, polar=False, ffig=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot histogram of multiple samples side by side.""" # Plot data. ax = putil.axes(ax, polar=polar) ax.hist(vals, **kwargs) # Format and save figure. putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title, ytitle) putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def cat_hist(vals, xlim=None, ylim=None, xlab=None, ylab='n', title=None, ytitle=None, polar=False, ffig=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot histogram of categorical data.""" # Plot data. ax = putil.axes(ax, polar=polar) ax = sns.countplot(vals, ax=ax) # Format and save figure. putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title, ytitle) putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def bars(x, y, ylim=None, xlim=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, title=None, ytitle=None, polar=False, ffig=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot bar plot.""" # Plot data. ax = putil.axes(ax, polar=polar), y, **kwargs) # Format and save figure. putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title, ytitle) putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def mean_err(x, ymean, ystd, ylim=None, xlim=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, title=None, ytitle=None, polar=False, ffig=None, ax=None, mean_kws=None, band_kws=None): """Plot mean and highlighted band area around it.""" # Init params. if mean_kws is None: mean_kws = dict() if band_kws is None: band_kws = dict() # Init data. ylower = ymean - ystd yupper = ymean + ystd # Plot data. ax = putil.axes(ax, polar=polar) lines(x, ymean, ax=ax, **mean_kws) band(x, ylower, yupper, ax=ax, **band_kws) # Format and save figure. putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title, ytitle) putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def band(x, ylower, yupper, ylim=None, xlim=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, title=None, ytitle=None, polar=False, ffig=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot highlighted band area.""" # Plot data. ax = putil.axes(ax, polar=polar) ax.fill_between(x, ylower, yupper, **kwargs) # Format and save figure. putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title, ytitle) putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def plot_DR_tuning(DS, title=None, labels=True, baseline=None, DR_legend=True, tuning_legend=True, ffig=None, fig=None, sps=None): """Plot direction selectivity on polar plot and tuning curve.""" # Init subplots. sps, fig = putil.sps_fig(sps, fig) gsp = putil.embed_gsp(sps, 1, 2, wspace=0.3) ax_DR = fig.add_subplot(gsp[0], polar=True) ax_tuning = fig.add_subplot(gsp[1]) DR_patches = [] tuning_patches = [] stims = DS.DSI.index for stim in stims: # Extract params and results. a, b, x0, sigma, FWHM, R2, RMSE = DS.TP.loc[stim] DSI = DS.DSI.wDS[stim] PD, cPD = DS.PD.loc[(stim, 'weighted'), ['PD', 'cPD']] dirs = np.array(DS.DR[stim].index) * deg SR, SRsem = [DS.DR[stim][col] for col in ('mean', 'sem')] # Center direction and response stats. dirsc = direction.center_to_dir(dirs, PD) # Generate data points for plotting fitted tuning curve. x, y = tuning.gen_fit_curve(tuning.gaus, -180, 180, a=a, b=b, x0=x0, sigma=sigma) # Plot DR polar plot. color = putil.stim_colors.loc[stim] ttl = 'Direction response' if labels else None plot_DR(dirs, SR, DSI, PD, baseline, title=ttl, color=color, ax=ax_DR) # Collect parameters of DR plot (stimulus - response). s_pd = str(float(round(PD, 1))) s_pd_c = str(int(cPD)) if not np.isnan(float(cPD)) else 'nan' lgd_lbl = '{}: {:.3f}'.format(stim, DSI) lgd_lbl += ' {:>5}$^\circ$ --> {:>3}$^\circ$ '.format(s_pd, s_pd_c) DR_patches.append(putil.get_artist(lgd_lbl, color)) # Calculate and plot direction tuning curve. xticks = np.arange(-180, 180 + 1, 45) plot_tuning(x, y, dirsc, SR, SRsem, color, baseline, xticks, ax=ax_tuning) # Collect parameters tuning curve fit. s_a, s_b, s_x0, s_sigma, s_FWHM = [ str(float(round(p, 1))) for p in (a, b, x0, sigma, FWHM) ] s_R2 = format(R2, '.2f') lgd_lbl = '{}:{}{:>6}{}{:>6}'.format(stim, 5 * ' ', s_a, 5 * ' ', s_b) lgd_lbl += '{}{:>6}{}{:>6}'.format(5 * ' ', s_x0, 8 * ' ', s_sigma) lgd_lbl += '{}{:>6}{}{:>6}'.format(8 * ' ', s_FWHM, 8 * ' ', s_R2) tuning_patches.append(putil.get_artist(lgd_lbl, color)) # Format tuning curve plot (only after all stimuli has been plotted!). xlab = 'Difference from preferred direction (deg)' if labels else None ylab = putil.FR_lbl if labels else None xlim = [-180 - 5, 180 + 5] # degrees ylim = [0, None] ttl = 'Tuning curve' if labels else None putil.format_plot(ax_tuning, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, ttl) putil.add_zero_line('y', ax=ax_tuning) # add zero reference line # Set super title. if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, y=1.1, fontsize='x-large') # Set legends. ylegend = -0.38 if labels else -0.15 fr_on = False if labels else True lgd_kws = dict([('fancybox', True), ('shadow', False), ('frameon', fr_on), ('framealpha', 1.0), ('loc', 'lower center'), ('bbox_to_anchor', [0., ylegend, 1., .0]), ('prop', { 'family': 'monospace' })]) DR_lgn_ttl = 'DSI'.rjust(20) + 'PD'.rjust(14) + 'PD8'.rjust(14) tuning_lgd_ttl = ('a (sp/s)'.rjust(35) + 'b (sp/s)'.rjust(15) + 'x0 (deg)'.rjust(13) + 'sigma (deg)'.rjust(15) + 'FWHM (deg)'.rjust(15) + 'R-squared'.rjust(15)) lgn_params = [(DR_legend, DR_lgn_ttl, DR_patches, ax_DR), (tuning_legend, tuning_lgd_ttl, tuning_patches, ax_tuning)] for (plot_legend, lgd_ttl, patches, ax) in lgn_params: if not plot_legend: continue if not labels: # customize for summary plot lgd_ttl = None lgd = putil.set_legend(ax, handles=patches, title=lgd_ttl, **lgd_kws) lgd.get_title().set_ha('left') if lgd_kws['frameon']: lgd.get_frame().set_linewidth(.5) # Save figure. if ffig is not None: putil.save_fig(ffig, fig, rect_height=0.55) return ax_DR, ax_tuning
def rate(rate_list, names=None, prds=None, evts=None, cols=None, baseline=None, pval=0.05, test='mann_whitney_u', test_kws=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, xlab=None, ylab=putil.FR_lbl, add_lgn=True, lgn_lbl='trs', ffig=None, ax=None): """Plot firing rate.""" # Init. ax = putil.axes(ax) if test_kws is None: test_kws = dict() # Plot periods and baseline first. putil.plot_periods(prds, ax=ax) if baseline is not None: putil.add_baseline(baseline, ax=ax) putil.set_limits(ax, xlim) if not len(rate_list): return ax if cols is None: cols = putil.get_colors(as_cycle=False) if names is None: names = len(rate_list) * [''] # Iterate through list of rate arrays xmin, xmax, ymax = None, None, None for i, rts in enumerate(rate_list): # Init. name = names[i] col = cols[i] # Skip empty array (no trials). if not rts.shape[0]: continue # Set line label. Convert to Numpy array to format floats nicely. lbl = str(np.array(name)) if util.is_iterable(name) else str(name) if lgn_lbl is not None: lbl += ' ({} {})'.format(rts.shape[0], lgn_lbl) # Plot mean +- SEM of rate vectors. tvec, meanr, semr = rts.columns, rts.mean(), rts.sem() ax.plot(tvec, meanr, label=lbl, color=col) ax.fill_between(tvec, meanr - semr, meanr + semr, alpha=0.2, facecolor=col, edgecolor=col) # Update limits. tmin, tmax, rmax = tvec.min(), tvec.max(), (meanr + semr).max() xmin = np.min([xmin, tmin]) if xmin is not None else tmin xmax = np.max([xmax, tmax]) if xmax is not None else tmax ymax = np.max([ymax, rmax]) if ymax is not None else rmax # Set ticks, labels and axis limits. if xlim is None: if xmin == xmax: # avoid setting identical limits xmax = None xlim = (xmin, xmax) if ylim is None: ymax = 1.02 * ymax if (ymax is not None) and (ymax > 0) else None ylim = (0, ymax) if xlab is not None: xlab = putil.t_lbl.format(xlab) putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title) t1, t2 = ax.get_xlim() # in case it was set to None tmarks, tlbls = putil.get_tick_marks_and_labels(t1, t2) putil.set_xtick_labels(ax, tmarks, tlbls) putil.set_max_n_ticks(ax, 7, 'y') # Add legend. if add_lgn and len(rate_list): putil.set_legend(ax, loc=1, borderaxespad=0.0, handletextpad=0.4, handlelength=0.6) # Add significance line to top of axes. if (pval is not None) and (len(rate_list) == 2): rates1, rates2 = rate_list sign_prds = stats.sign_periods(rates1, rates2, pval, test, **test_kws) putil.plot_signif_prds(sign_prds, color='m', linewidth=4.0, ax=ax) # Plot event markers. putil.plot_event_markers(evts, ax=ax) # Save and return plot. putil.save_fig(ffig) return ax
def plot_up_down_raster(Spikes, task, rec, itrs): """Plot spike raster for up-down dynamics analysis.""" # Set params for plotting. uids, trs = Spikes.index, Spikes.columns plot_trs = trs[itrs] ntrs = len(plot_trs) nunits = len(uids) tr_gap = nunits / 2 # Init figure. putil.set_style('notebook', 'ticks') fig = putil.figure(figsize=(10, ntrs)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Per trial, per unit. for itr, tr in enumerate(plot_trs): for iu, uid in enumerate(uids): # Init y level and spike times. i = (tr_gap + nunits) * itr + iu spk_tr = Spikes.loc[uid, tr] # Plot (spike time, y-level) pairs. x = np.array(spk_tr.rescale('ms')) y = (i+1) * np.ones_like(x) patches = [Rectangle((xi-wsp/2, yi-hsp/2), wsp, hsp) for xi, yi in zip(x, y)] collection = PatchCollection(patches, facecolor=c, edgecolor=c) ax.add_collection(collection) # Add stimulus lines. for stim in constants.stim_dur.index: t_start, t_stop = constants.fixed_tr_prds.loc[stim] events = pd.DataFrame([(t_start, 't_start'), (t_stop, 't_stop')], index=['start', 'stop'], columns=['time', 'label']) putil.plot_events(events, add_names=False, color='grey', alpha=0.5, ls='-', lw=0.5, ax=ax) # Add inter-trial shading. for itr in range(ntrs+1): ymin = itr * (tr_gap + nunits) - tr_gap + 0.5 ax.axhspan(ymin, ymin+tr_gap, alpha=.05, color='grey') # Set tick labels. pos = np.arange(ntrs) * (tr_gap + nunits) + nunits/2 lbls = plot_trs + 1 putil.set_ytick_labels(ax, pos, lbls) # putil.sparsify_tick_labels(ax, 'y', freq=2, istart=1) putil.hide_tick_marks(ax, show_x_tick_mrks=True) # Format plot. xlim = constants.fixed_tr_prds.loc['whole trial'] ylim = [-tr_gap/2, ntrs * (nunits+tr_gap)-tr_gap/2] xlab = 'Time since S1 onset (ms)' ylab = 'Trial number' title = '{} {}'.format(rec, task) putil.format_plot(ax, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, title) putil.set_spines(ax, True, False, False, False) # Save figure. fname = 'UpDown_dynamics_{}_{}.pdf'.format(rec, task) ffig = util.join(['results', 'UpDown', fname]) putil.save_fig(ffig, fig, dpi=600)