melbourneBox = [143.7,-38.5,145.9,-37.05]

# just obfuscate, meaning these are harder to find / steal
firstHidden = base64.b64decode("VWxQNkdMc2s1TTJVVUEwVHVGZHVNREd2Yg==").decode("utf-8")
secondHidden = base64.b64decode("NHNqQ1VHWE81VGZqemM5RTNuUlFXUlVLTG1iY0M2dkFPS2p3d0tUZDYwbHFvVDNyZVM=").decode("utf-8")

thirdHidden = base64.b64decode("MjgwOTIyNTk0LXB4dTBtMnNqR01xeUU3ZTZhdmFOUUk0bmlDdXE2d2RoY202UmFRV04=").decode("utf-8")
fourthHidden = base64.b64decode("aVV4cVk3UjNCVE5lTWN6NmZRakloczJuYTRqbjV6RUx5cmtYdGdTYTFUNGs3").decode("utf-8")

# create the interface to the database
db = DBInterface(dbstring)

# authenticate
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(firstHidden, secondHidden)
auth.set_access_token(thirdHidden, fourthHidden)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

# decide what mode to run the application in
mode = sys.argv[1]

if mode == 'search' or mode == 'both':
    # start searching for all tweets going back a week
    sfThread = Searcher(api, db, melbourneRadial)

if mode == 'stream' or mode == 'both':
    # start streaming tweets
    listener = Streamer(db)
    stream = tweepy.Stream(auth=api.auth, listener=listener)