def _get_offices_held_by_corp_party(corp_party_id): results = CorpParty.get_offices_held_by_corp_party_id(corp_party_id) if len(results) == 0: return {'offices': [], 'sameAddr': [], 'sameNameAndCompany': []} offices = [] for row in results: result_dict = {} result_dict['corpPartyId'] = int(row.corp_party_id) result_dict['officerTypCd'] = row.officer_typ_cd result_dict['shortDesc'] = row.short_desc result_dict['appointmentDt'] = row.appointment_dt result_dict[ 'year'] = row.event_timestmp.year if row.event_timestmp else None offices.append(result_dict) same_addr = CorpParty.get_corp_party_at_same_addr(corp_party_id) same_name_and_company = CorpParty.get_corp_party_same_name_at_same_addr( corp_party_id) results = { 'offices': offices, 'sameAddr': [{ **s[0].as_dict(), **{ 'year': int(s[1].year) } } for s in same_addr if s[0].corp_party_id != int(corp_party_id)], 'sameNameAndCompany': [{ **s[0].as_dict(), **{ 'year': int(s[1].year) } } for s in same_name_and_company if s[0].corp_party_id != int(corp_party_id)], } return results
def corpparty_search_export(): """Export a list of CorpParty search results. Uses the same arguments as corpparty_search().""" account_id = request.headers.get('X-Account-Id', None) if not authorized(jwt, account_id): return ( jsonify({ 'message': 'User is not authorized to access Director Search' }), HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, ) # Query string arguments args = request.args # Fetching results results = CorpParty.search_corp_parties(args) if current_app.config.get('IS_ORACLE'): results = results.filter(literal_column('rownum') <= 500).yield_per(50) else: results = results.limit(500) # Exporting to Excel workbook = Workbook() export_dir = '/tmp' with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b', dir=export_dir, delete=True): sheet = for index, column_header in enumerate( _get_corp_party_export_column_headers(args), start=1): _ = sheet.cell(column=index, row=1, value=column_header) for row_index, row in enumerate(results, start=2): for column_index, column_value in enumerate( _get_corp_party_export_column_values(row, args), start=1): _ = sheet.cell(column=column_index, row=row_index, value=column_value) current_date = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') filename = 'Director Search Results {date}.xlsx'.format( date=current_date)'{dir}/{filename}'.format(dir=export_dir, filename=filename)) return send_from_directory(export_dir, filename, as_attachment=True)
def corp_party_2param_search(): """Corp party 2 params""" args = ImmutableMultiDict([ ('field', 'firstNme'), ('field', 'lastNme'), ('operator', 'startswith'), ('operator', 'startswith'), ('value', 'clark'), ('value', 'van'), ('mode', 'ALL'), ('additional_cols', 'none'), ('page', '1'), ('sort_type', 'dsc'), ('sort_value', 'lastNme'), ]) return (CorpParty.search_corp_parties(args).filter( literal_column('rownum') <= 165))
def test_corp_party_search(session): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Assert that CorpParty entities can be found by name.""" args = ImmutableMultiDict( [ ('field', 'lastNme'), ('operator', 'exact'), ('value', 'PATTERSON'), ('mode', 'ALL'), ('page', '1'), ('sort_type', 'dsc'), ('sort_value', 'lastNme'), ('additional_cols', 'none'), ] ) results = CorpParty.search_corp_parties(args).limit(50) assert results.count() == 2 assert results[0].last_nme == 'PATTERSON' assert results[1].last_nme == 'Patterson'
def corp_party_postal_cd_search(): """Search Corp Party by Postal Code""" # Notes - # Ideally we'd like an index of UPPER(TRIM(POSTAL_CD)) for address. # Instead, the implementation is to try the 2 common versions. Uppercase with a space and # uppercase without. args = ImmutableMultiDict([ ('field', 'postalCd'), ('operator', 'exact'), ('value', 'V0H2B0'), ('mode', 'ALL'), ('page', '1'), ('sort_type', 'dsc'), ('sort_value', 'lastNme'), ('additional_cols', 'none'), ]) return (CorpParty.search_corp_parties(args).filter( literal_column('rownum') <= 165))
def corp_party_addr_search(): """Search Corp Party by Address""" args = ImmutableMultiDict([ # ('field', 'firstNme'), # ('operator', 'exact'), # ('value', 'donna'), ('field', 'addrLine1'), ('operator', 'contains'), ('value', '123 main st'), ('mode', 'ALL'), ('page', '1'), ('sort_type', 'dsc'), ('sort_value', 'lastNme'), ('additional_cols', 'none'), ]) return (CorpParty.search_corp_parties(args).filter( literal_column('rownum') <= literal_column('165')))
def corp_party_nickname_search(): """Search Corp Party by nickname""" args = ImmutableMultiDict([ ('field', 'firstNme'), ('field', 'lastNme'), ('operator', 'nicknames'), ('operator', 'exact'), ('value', 'john'), ('value', 'smith'), ('mode', 'ALL'), ('additional_cols', 'none'), ('page', '1'), ('sort_type', 'dsc'), ('sort_value', 'lastNme'), ]) return (CorpParty.search_corp_parties(args).filter( literal_column('rownum') <= 165))
def populate_corps(): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """ Generate some mock corporation filings """ office_types = ['BC'] officer_types = ['SEC', 'DIR', 'INC'] corp_op_states = ['ACT', 'HIS'] index = 0 while index < len(CORP_NUMS): print(index) default_date = + datetime.timedelta(weeks=-(1 + index)) # ADDRESS address_array = ADDRESSES[index].split(',') address = Address( addr_id=index, province=address_array[2].strip(), postal_cd=address_array[3].strip(), addr_line_1=address_array[0].strip(), city=address_array[1].strip(), ) db.session.add(address) # CORPORATION corporation = Corporation( corp_num=CORP_NUMS[index], recognition_dts=default_date, corp_typ_cd=CORP_TYP_CDS[index % 11], ) db.session.add(corporation) # CORPNAME corp_name2 = CorpName( corp_num=CORP_NUMS[index], corp_name_seq_num=2, corp_nme=CORP_NAMES[index], corp_name_typ_cd='CO', ) db.session.add(corp_name2) # CORPSTATE corp_state = CorpState( corp_num=CORP_NUMS[index], state_typ_cd=corp_op_states[index % 2], start_event_id=1, ) db.session.add(corp_state) # OFFICE office = Office( corp_num=CORP_NUMS[index], office_typ_cd=office_types[0], start_event_id=index, mailing_addr_id=index, delivery_addr_id=index, ) db.session.add(office) # CORPPARTY corp_party_name = CORP_PARTY_NAMES[index].split(' ') appointment_date = default_date cessation_date = default_date party_types = ['FIO', 'DIR'] corp_party = CorpParty( corp_party_id=(index), party_typ_cd=(party_types[index % 2]), corp_num=CORP_NUMS[index], first_nme=corp_party_name[0], middle_nme=corp_party_name[1] if len(corp_party_name) > 1 else None, last_nme=corp_party_name[2] if len(corp_party_name) > 2 else corp_party_name[1], appointment_dt=appointment_date, cessation_dt=cessation_date, mailing_addr_id=index, delivery_addr_id=index, start_event_id=index, ) db.session.add(corp_party) # EVENT event = Event( event_id=index, corp_num=None, event_type_cd=None, event_timestmp=None, trigger_dts=None, ) db.session.add(event) # FILING filing = Filing( event_id=index, filing_typ_cd=FILING_TYPES[index % 4]['filing_typ_cd'], effective_dt=None, change_dt=None, registration_dt=None, period_end_dt=None, accession_num=None, arrangement_ind=None, auth_sign_dt=None, withdrawn_event_id=None, ods_typ_cd=None, dd_event_id=None, access_cd=None, nr_num=None, court_appr_ind=None, court_order_num=None, agm_date=None, new_corp_num=None, ) db.session.add(filing) # OFFICESHELD officer_type_base1 = officer_types[0] officer_type_base2 = officer_types[0] if index % 3 == 0: officer_type_base1 = officer_types[0] officer_type_base2 = officer_types[1] elif index % 3 == 1: officer_type_base1 = officer_types[0] officer_type_base2 = officer_types[2] elif index % 3 == 2: officer_type_base1 = officer_types[1] officer_type_base2 = officer_types[2] offices_held1 = OfficesHeld( corp_party_id=index, officer_typ_cd=officer_type_base1, ) db.session.add(offices_held1) offices_held2 = OfficesHeld( corp_party_id=index, officer_typ_cd=officer_type_base2, ) db.session.add(offices_held2) index = index + 1 db.session.commit()
def corpparty_search(): """Search for CorpParty entities. This function takes any number of field triples in the following format: - field={field name} - operator={'exact', 'contains', 'startswith', 'nicknames', 'similar' or 'endswith'} - value={search keyword} To include Address or CorpOpState info in the search results, set the additional_cols field to 'addr' or 'active', respectively. - additional_cols={'none', 'addr', or 'active'} In addition, the following arguments are provided: - page={page number} - sort_type={'asc' or 'dsc'} - sort_value={field name to sort results by} """'Starting director search') account_id = request.headers.get('X-Account-Id', None) if not authorized(jwt, account_id): return ( jsonify({ 'message': 'User is not authorized to access Director Search' }), HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, ) 'Authorization check finished; starting query {query}'.format( query=request.url)) args = request.args fields = args.getlist('field') additional_cols = args.get('additional_cols') try: results = CorpParty.search_corp_parties(args) except BadSearchValue as e: return {'results': [], 'error': 'Invalid search: {}'.format(str(e))}'Before query') # Pagination page = int(args.get('page')) if 'page' in args else 1 per_page = 50 # Manually paginate results, because flask-sqlalchemy's paginate() method counts the total, # which is slow for large tables. This has been addressed in flask-sqlalchemy but is unreleased. # Ref: # results = results.limit(per_page).offset((page - 1) * per_page).all() # update: # We've switched to using ROWNUM rather than pagination, for performance reasons. # for benchmarking, dump the query here and copy to # This means queries with more than 500 results are invalid. # from sqlalchemy.dialects import oracle # results = results.limit(per_page).offset((page - 1) * per_page).all() # oracle_dialect = oracle.dialect(max_identifier_length=30) if current_app.config.get( 'IS_ORACLE' ): # raise Exception(results.statement.compile(dialect=oracle_dialect)) results = results.filter( literal_column('rownum') <= 500).yield_per(per_page) else: results = results.limit(500)'After query') result_fields = [ 'corpPartyId', 'firstNme', 'middleNme', 'lastNme', 'appointmentDt', 'cessationDt', 'corpNum', 'corpNme', 'partyTypCd', ] corp_parties = [] index = 0 for row in results: if (page - 1) * per_page <= index < page * per_page: result_dict = { key: getattr(row, convert_to_snake_case(key)) for key in result_fields } result_dict['corpPartyId'] = int(result_dict['corpPartyId']) additional_result_columns = CorpParty.add_additional_cols_to_search_results( additional_cols, fields, row) result_dict = {**result_dict, **additional_result_columns} corp_parties.append(result_dict) index += 1'Returning JSON results') return jsonify({'results': corp_parties, 'num_results': index})
def get_corp_party_by_id(corp_party_id): """Get a CorpParty by id.""" account_id = request.headers.get('X-Account-Id', None) if not authorized(jwt, account_id): return ( jsonify({ 'message': 'User is not authorized to access Director Search' }), HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, ) result = CorpParty.get_corporation_info_by_corp_party_id(corp_party_id) if not result: return jsonify({ 'message': 'Director with id {} could not be found.'.format(corp_party_id) }), 404 person = result[0] result_dict = {} filing_description = CorpParty.get_filing_description_by_corp_party_id( corp_party_id) name = CorpName.get_corp_name_by_corp_id(person.corp_num)[0] offices = Office.get_offices_by_corp_id(person.corp_num) delivery_addr = Address.normalize_addr(person.delivery_addr_id) mailing_addr = Address.normalize_addr(person.mailing_addr_id) states = CorpState.get_corp_states_by_corp_id(person.corp_num) corp_delivery_addr = ';'.join([ Address.normalize_addr(office.delivery_addr_id) for office in offices ]) corp_mailing_addr = ';'.join( [Address.normalize_addr(office.mailing_addr_id) for office in offices]) result_dict['corpPartyId'] = int(person.corp_party_id) result_dict['firstNme'] = person.first_nme result_dict['middleNme'] = person.middle_nme result_dict['lastNme'] = person.last_nme result_dict['appointmentDt'] = person.appointment_dt result_dict['cessationDt'] = person.cessation_dt result_dict['corpNum'] = person.corp_num result_dict['corpNme'] = name.corp_nme result_dict['partyTypCd'] = person.party_typ_cd result_dict['partyTypeDesc'] = PartyType.query.filter( PartyType.party_typ_cd == person.party_typ_cd).one().short_desc result_dict['corpPartyEmail'] = person.email_address result_dict['deliveryAddr'] = delivery_addr result_dict['mailingAddr'] = mailing_addr result_dict['corpDeliveryAddr'] = corp_delivery_addr result_dict['corpMailingAddr'] = corp_mailing_addr result_dict['corpTypCd'] = result.corp_typ_cd result_dict['corpAdminEmail'] = result.admin_email result_dict['fullDesc'] = filing_description[ 0].full_desc if filing_description else None result_dict['states'] = [s.as_dict() for s in states] offices_held = _get_offices_held_by_corp_party(corp_party_id) incorporator_name_types = [ 'APP', 'ATT', 'FBO', 'FCP', 'FIO', 'INC', 'LIQ', 'PAS', 'PSA', 'RAD', 'RAF', 'RAO', 'RCC', 'RCM', 'TAA', 'TAP', ] if person.party_typ_cd in incorporator_name_types: result_dict['businessNme'] = person.business_nme return jsonify({**result_dict, **offices_held})
def test_corp_party_offices(session): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Assert that offices held by CorpParty can be found.""" offices = CorpParty.get_offices_held_by_corp_party_id(1) assert len(offices) == 2
def test_corp_party_same_addr(session): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Assert that CorpParty entities at same address can be found.""" results = CorpParty.get_corp_party_at_same_addr(1) assert results.count() == 1