def expand_sentence(text_p: Union[str, Example], word_indices: List[int], query=None, additional_mask_indices: List[int] = None, schedule_idx=[-1]) -> List[Example]: if additional_mask_indices is None: additional_mask_indices = [] if isinstance(text_p, Example): text = text_p.sentence else: text = text_p text = Sentence(text) word_indices = list(word_indices) word_indices = [ wi for wi in word_indices if not all([s in ":,;.*" for s in text.words[wi]]) ] if len(word_indices) == 0: return [] original_words = {i: text.words[i] for i in word_indices} max_words = query.consider_max_words if query is not None else Query( None).consider_max_words masked_sentence = Sentence( text.get_with_masked(word_indices + additional_mask_indices)) predictions = masked_sentence.calc_mask_predictions(max_words) result = [] for word_idx in word_indices: if not predictions[word_idx]: continue sentences = [] for predicted_token, score in predictions[word_idx]: new_sen = text.replace_word(word_idx, predicted_token) sentences.append(new_sen) classification = calc_sentiment_batch(sentences) for i, (predicted_token, score) in enumerate(predictions[word_idx]): if original_words[word_idx] != predicted_token: if isinstance(text_p, str): e = Example(sentences[i], classification[i], [(word_idx, score)], pred_ind=[i], sched_ind=[schedule_idx], sent_ind=[0]) else: e = Example(sentences[i], classification[i], text_p.changes + [(word_idx, score)], pred_ind=text_p.prediction_indices + [i], sched_ind=text_p.schedule_indices + [schedule_idx], sent_ind=text_p.sentence_indices + [0]) result.append(e) return result
def one_mask(): max_words = 20 result = defaultdict(list) result_dist_diff_only = defaultdict(list) result_wdiff = defaultdict(list) for enm in range(len(dataset)): print(f"\nSentence {enm}: ", end="") data = dataset[enm] x, y = data["sentence"], data["label"] x = model_config.tokenizer.clean_up_tokenization(x) y = [0, 1] if y == 1 else [1, 0] y_prime = [1 - y[0], 1 - y[1]] s = Sentence(x) word_gradients = s.calc_gradients(y_prime) sorted_highest = np.argsort(word_gradients)[::-1] for observed_idx in sorted_highest[:10]: # observed_idx = sorted_highest[0] print(f"{observed_idx},", end="") sdir = 1 if len(s.words) - observed_idx > observed_idx else -1 alt_s = Sentence(s.get_with_masked([observed_idx])) original_answer = alt_s.calc_mask_predictions()[observed_idx] if len(original_answer) != 0: for mask_distance in range(1, max_words): if observed_idx + mask_distance * sdir < 0 or observed_idx + mask_distance * sdir >= len( alt_s.words): continue new_sen = Sentence( alt_s.get_with_masked([ observed_idx + mask_distance * sdir, observed_idx ])) alt_sen_pred = new_sen.calc_mask_predictions( )[observed_idx] avg_distance, avg_word_diff, dist_diff_only = find_differences( original_answer, alt_sen_pred) # print(f"Mask offset {mask_distance}: dist={avg_distance:.3f} word_dist={avg_word_diff:.3f}") result[mask_distance].append(avg_distance) result_wdiff[mask_distance].append(avg_word_diff) result_dist_diff_only[mask_distance].append(dist_diff_only) if enm % 50 == 0 or enm == len(dataset) - 1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8)) plt.title( "Relation Bewertung der Wörter zur Nähe des nächsten [MASK]-Token" ) plt.xlabel("Entfernung zum zusätzlichen [MASK]-Token") plt.xlim(0, max_words) plt.ylim(0., 0.65) plt.ylabel("Veränderung der Bewertung") idx, mean, std = list( zip(*[(md, np.mean(lst), np.std(lst)) for (md, lst) in result_wdiff.items()])) mean = np.array(mean) std = np.array(std) plt.plot(idx, mean, color='r', label="Wort-Unterschiede") plt.fill_between(idx, mean - std, mean + std, color='r', alpha=.2) idx, mean, std = list( zip(*[(md, np.mean(lst), np.std(lst)) for (md, lst) in result_dist_diff_only.items()])) mean = np.array(mean) std = np.array(std) plt.plot(idx, mean, color='green', label="Distanz-Unterschiede") plt.fill_between(idx, mean - std, mean + std, color='green', alpha=.2) plt.xticks(idx) plt.legend() plt.savefig(f'{root}saved_plots/all/_besser_{enm}.png') # plt.close(fig)
def two_mask(): max_words = 15 result = defaultdict(list) result_dist_diff_only = defaultdict(list) result_wdiff = defaultdict(list) for enm in range(len(dataset)): print(f"\nSentence {enm}: ", end="") data = dataset[enm] x, y = data["sentence"], data["label"] x = model_config.tokenizer.clean_up_tokenization(x) y = [0, 1] if y == 1 else [1, 0] y_prime = [1 - y[0], 1 - y[1]] s = Sentence(x) word_gradients = s.calc_gradients(y_prime) sorted_highest = np.argsort(word_gradients)[::-1] for observed_idx in sorted_highest[:10]: print(f"{observed_idx},", end="") alt_s = Sentence(s.get_with_masked([observed_idx])) original_answer = alt_s.calc_mask_predictions()[observed_idx] if len(original_answer) != 0: for mask_distance1 in range(-max_words, max_words + 1): for mask_distance2 in range(-max_words, max_words + 1): if not (0 <= observed_idx + mask_distance1 < len( alt_s.words)): continue if not (0 <= observed_idx + mask_distance2 < len( alt_s.words)): continue new_sen = Sentence( alt_s.get_with_masked( [observed_idx + mask_distance1, observed_idx])) new_sen = Sentence( new_sen.get_with_masked( [observed_idx + mask_distance2, observed_idx])) alt_sen_pred = new_sen.calc_mask_predictions( )[observed_idx] avg_distance, avg_word_diff, dist_diff_only = find_differences( original_answer, alt_sen_pred) result[(mask_distance1, mask_distance2)].append(avg_distance) result_wdiff[(mask_distance1, mask_distance2)].append(avg_word_diff) result_dist_diff_only[( mask_distance1, mask_distance2)].append(dist_diff_only) if enm % 2 == 0 or enm == len(dataset) - 1: all_variants = [(result, "result"), (result_wdiff, "wdiff"), (result_dist_diff_only, "ddiff")] with open('used_data.pickle', 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(all_variants, handle) for res, name in all_variants: data = [(k, np.mean(v)) for k, v in res.items()] matrix = np.zeros(shape=(2 * max_words + 1, 2 * max_words + 1)) for (i, j), m in data: matrix[(i + max_words), j + max_words] = m plt.figure(figsize=(15, 12)) ax = sns.heatmap( np.flip(matrix, axis=0), linewidth=0.0, xticklabels=list(range(-max_words, max_words + 1)), yticklabels=list(reversed(range(-max_words, max_words + 1)))) ax.set_title( "Durchschnittliche Veränderung der Wörter bei 2 MASK-Tokens" ) plt.savefig(f'{root}saved_plots/2d/{name}_{enm}.pdf') plt.close()
def expand_sentence_neighbour(text_p: Union[str, Example], query, word_indices: List[int], schedule_idx) -> List[Example]: """ Parameters ---------- schedule_idx text_p word_indices query : search_helper.classes.Query.Query Returns ------- """ if isinstance(text_p, Example): text = text_p.sentence else: text = text_p text = Sentence(text) word_indices = list(word_indices) word_indices = [ wi for wi in word_indices if not all([s in ":,;.*" for s in text.words[wi]]) ] if len(word_indices) == 0: return [] word_indices = word_indices[:MBS_DEPTH] masked_text = Sentence(text.get_with_masked(word_indices)) initial_example = [Example(masked_text.text, [], [], [], [], [])] results = [] for word_idx in word_indices: debug(f"expand neighbours: {word_idx} of {word_indices}") tmp_results = examples_sorted(results, query.wanted_cls, query.c)[:MBS_BEAMS] results = [] for interm_example in (initial_example if word_idx == word_indices[0] else tmp_results): intermediate_sen = Sentence(interm_example) predictions = Sentence(interm_example).calc_mask_predictions( query.consider_max_words) if not predictions[word_idx]: continue sentences = [] for predicted_token, score in predictions[word_idx]: new_sen = intermediate_sen.replace_mask( word_idx, predicted_token) sentences.append(new_sen) classification = calc_sentiment_batch(sentences) for i, (predicted_token, score) in enumerate(predictions[word_idx]): results.append( Example(sentences[i], classification[i], interm_example.changes + [(word_idx, score)], pred_ind=interm_example.prediction_indices + [i], sched_ind=interm_example.schedule_indices + [schedule_idx], sent_ind=[0])) return examples_sorted(results, query.wanted_cls, query.c)
wv = api.load('word2vec-google-news-300') wv: Word2VecKeyedVectors s = """my thoughts were focused on the characters .""" s = model_config.tokenizer.clean_up_tokenization(s) sen_s = Sentence(s) df_wv = dict() df = dict() for i in range(len(sen_s.words)): word = sen_s.words[i] if word in ".:,?!-(){}[]/\\|&%": continue new_s = sen_s.get_with_masked(i) bert_preds = Sentence(new_s).calc_mask_predictions()[i] wv_preds = wv.most_similar(word, topn=15, restrict_vocab=200_000) df_wv[word] = list(list(zip(*wv_preds))[0]) df[word] = list(zip(*bert_preds))[0][:15] df = pd.DataFrame(df) df_wv = pd.DataFrame(df_wv) print("BERT") print(df.to_latex()) print("WordVec") print(df_wv.to_latex())