class TestSearchEngine(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.engine = SearchEngine('db_name') self.engine.database.update(database) with open("test1.txt", 'w') as file: file.write(test1) with open("test2.txt", 'w') as file: file.write(test2) def test_empty(self): result = self.engine.search_one('') self.assertEqual(result, {}) def test_search_one(self): result = self.engine.search_one('test') self.assertEqual( result, { 'test1.txt': [Position_with_lines(11, 15, 0)], 'test2.txt': [Position_with_lines(3, 7, 0)] }) def test_search_many_one(self): result = self.engine.search_many('test') self.assertEqual( result, { 'test1.txt': [Position_with_lines(11, 15, 0)], 'test2.txt': [Position_with_lines(3, 7, 0)] }) def test_search_many_two(self): result = self.engine.search_many('my test') self.assertEqual( result, { 'test1.txt': [ Position_with_lines(8, 10, 0), Position_with_lines(11, 15, 0) ], 'test2.txt': [Position_with_lines(0, 2, 0), Position_with_lines(3, 7, 0)] }) def test_search_limit_offset_default(self): result = self.engine.search_limit_offset('test') self.assertEqual(result, {'test1.txt': [], 'test2.txt': []}) def test_search_limit_offset_all(self): result = self.engine.search_limit_offset('test', doclimit=2, docoffset=0, limits=[2, 2], offsets=[0, 0]) self.assertEqual( result, { 'test1.txt': ['this is my <strong>test</strong>'], 'test2.txt': ['my <strong>test</strong>'] }) def test_search_limit_offset_one(self): result = self.engine.search_limit_offset('test', doclimit=1, docoffset=0, limits=[2, 2], offsets=[0, 0]) self.assertEqual(result, { 'test1.txt': ['this is my <strong>test</strong>'], 'test2.txt': [] }) def test_search_limit_offset_shift(self): result = self.engine.search_limit_offset('test', doclimit=2, docoffset=1, limits=[2, 2], offsets=[0, 0]) self.assertEqual(result, { 'test1.txt': [], 'test2.txt': ['my <strong>test</strong>'] }) def test_search_many_limit_offset_one(self): result = self.engine.search_many_limit_offset('test', limit=1, offset=0, limits=[2, 2], offsets=[0, 0]) self.assertEqual(result, {'test1.txt': [Position_with_lines(11, 15, 0)]}) def test_search_many_limit_offset_shift(self): result = self.engine.search_many_limit_offset('test', limit=1, offset=1, limits=[2, 2], offsets=[0, 0]) self.assertEqual(result, {'test2.txt': [Position_with_lines(3, 7, 0)]}) def test_search_many_limit_offset_all(self): result = self.engine.search_many_limit_offset('test', limit=2, offset=0, limits=[2, 2], offsets=[0, 0]) self.assertEqual( result, { 'test1.txt': [Position_with_lines(11, 15, 0)], 'test2.txt': [Position_with_lines(3, 7, 0)] }) def test_generator(self): result = self.engine.generator( [[Position_with_lines(12, 13, 1), Position_with_lines(3, 7, 0)], [Position_with_lines(11, 15, 0), Position_with_lines(3, 7, 0)], []]) a = [] for r in result: a.append(r) self.assertEqual(a, [ Position_with_lines(11, 15, 0), Position_with_lines(3, 7, 0), Position_with_lines(12, 13, 1), Position_with_lines(3, 7, 0) ]) def test_search_many_limit_offset_gen_one(self): result = self.engine.search_many_limit_offset_gen('test', limit=1, offset=0, limits=[2, 2], offsets=[0, 0]) result_keys = list(result.keys()) self.assertEqual(result_keys, ['test1.txt']) for key in result.keys(): for data in result[key]: self.assertEqual(data, Position_with_lines(11, 15, 0)) def test_search_many_limit_offset_gen_shift(self): result = self.engine.search_many_limit_offset_gen('test', limit=1, offset=1, limits=[2, 2], offsets=[0, 0]) result_keys = list(result.keys()) self.assertEqual(result_keys, ['test2.txt']) for key in result.keys(): for data in result[key]: self.assertEqual(data, Position_with_lines(3, 7, 0)) def test_search_many_limit_offset_gen_all(self): result = self.engine.search_many_limit_offset_gen('test', limit=2, offset=0, limits=[2, 2], offsets=[0, 0]) result_keys = list(result.keys()) self.assertEqual(result_keys, ['test1.txt', 'test2.txt']) for key in result.keys(): for data in result[key]: self.assertEqual(data, database['test'][key][0]) def tearDown(self): del self.engine for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): if filename == 'db_name' or filename.startswith('db_name'): os.remove(filename) if 'test1.txt' in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): os.remove('test1.txt') if 'test2.txt' in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): os.remove('test2.txt')
def do_POST(self): """ POST handler for query """ try: content_length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) body = str( print("body = " + body) query, limit, offset, limits, offsets, action, action_doc, action_exists = self.parse_url( body) print("query = " + query) print("doclimit = " + limit) print("docoffset = " + offset) print("action = " + action) print("actiondoc = " + action_doc) if action_exists: offsets = self.get_new_offset_limit(action, action_doc, offsets, limits) print('limits = ' + str(limits)) print('offsets = ' + str(offsets)) search_engine = SearchEngine('database') r = search_engine.search_limit_offset(query, 4, limit, offset, limits, offsets) myresp = '' myresp += 'Documents Limit<br><input type="text" name="limit" value="' + str( limit) + '"><br>' myresp += 'Documents Offset<br><input type="text" name="offset" value="' + str( offset) + '"><br>' key_list = list(r.keys()) key_list.sort() j = 0 for key in key_list: myresp += '<ol>\n' myresp += '<li>' + key + '</li>\n<ul>' myresp += 'Limit<br><input type="text" name="doc' + str( j) + 'limit" value="' + limits[j] + '"><br>' myresp += 'Offset<br><input type="text" name=doc' + str( j) + 'offset" value="' + offsets[j] + '"><br>' myresp += '<input type="submit" name=action' + str( j) + ' value="perv">' myresp += '<input type="submit" name=action' + str( j) + ' value="back">' myresp += '<input type="submit" name=action' + str( j) + ' value="next"> <br>' for val in r[key]: myresp += '<li>' + val + '</li>' myresp += '</ul>' j = j + 1 myresp += '</ol>' self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write( bytes((resp + data.format(query, myresp)), "utf-8")) except TypeError: response = 'fields "limit" and "offset" can not take a negative or fractional values' self.wfile.write(bytes((resp + data.format('', response)), "utf-8")) except Exception as ex: response = '<br>Uuups. Something went wrong. Error message: ' + str( ex) + '<br>' self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") self.end_headers() files = os.listdir(".\\") i = 0 response += 'Documents Limit<br><input type="text" name="limit" value="0"><br>' response += 'Documents Offset<br><input type="text" name="offset" value="0"><br>' for f in files: if re.match(".*\.txt", f): response += (f + "<br>") response += 'Limit<br><input type="text" name=doc' + str( i) + 'limit value="0"><br>' response += 'Offset<br><input type="text" name=doc' + str( i) + 'offset value="0"><br>' response += '<input type="submit" name=action' + str( i) + ' value="perv">' response += '<input type="submit" name=action' + str( i) + ' value="back">' response += '<input type="submit" name=action' + str( i) + ' value="next"> <br>' i = i + 1 self.wfile.write( bytes((resp + data.format('', 'Not Found<br>' + response)), "utf-8"))