def hasAccess(self,type_,src_,destination,auth):
        checks if the script has access 
        @param type_: TCP,UDP,UNIX
        @param src: the source url of the script [is null if local]
        @param destination: the destination url/ip to connect to   
        @param auth:
        #Log.debug("checking policy: \n type: %s \n  src: %s \n dest: %s \n auth: %s"%(type_,src_, destination,auth))
        d_uri, d_port = Policies.splitURI(destination)
        src = src_.decode() 
        if src == "null":
            src = "localhost"
        incomingRequestPolicy = Policy("", d_uri, d_port,src, type_)

        matchaction = None
        for k,rule in self.policies.specificRules.items():
            if self.matches(rule,incomingRequestPolicy):
                if matchcount != 0 and matchaction != rule.action:
                    Log.warning("multiple rules with conflicting actions detected: %s"%k)
                matchcount += 1
                matchaction = rule.action
        if matchaction != None:
            return self.__proceed(matchaction,incomingRequestPolicy)
        Log.debug("passed specific")    
        #no specific rule found:
        #testing for:
        #    trustedSource
        #    trustedDest
        #    localSource
        #    general rule
        SALTLEN = 8 
        for authElem in auth:
            #    trustedSource
            if chr(authElem[0]) == "S":
                authString1 = Authentication.hash(b"", authElem[1:SALTLEN+1])[1].encode()
                if authString1 == authElem[SALTLEN+1:]:
                    #trusted source detected
                    Log.policycontrol("Sourcekey detected")
                    return self.__proceed(self.policies.trustedSource,incomingRequestPolicy,"sourcekey")
            Log.debug("passed srckey")
            #    trustedDest
            if chr(authElem[0]) == "H":
                deststr = d_uri+":"+str(d_port)
                authString1 = Authentication.hash(deststr.encode(), authElem[1:SALTLEN+1])[1].encode()
                authString2 = Authentication.hash(d_uri.encode(), authElem[1:SALTLEN+1])[1].encode()
                if authString1 == authElem[SALTLEN+1:] or authString2 == authElem[SALTLEN+1:]:
                    Log.policycontrol("Hostkey detected")
                    return self.__proceed(self.policies.trustedDest,incomingRequestPolicy,"hostkey")
        Log.debug("passed hostkey")    
        #    localSource
        if src == b"localhost":
            return self.__proceed(self.policies.localSource,incomingRequestPolicy)
        Log.debug("passed local")            
        #    general rule
        return self.__proceed(self.policies.unknownPolicyRule,incomingRequestPolicy)
        Log.debug("passed general")
        return False