    def __init__(
        ordering: str = "NDA",
        in_channels: Optional[int] = None,
        act: Optional[Union[Tuple, str]] = "RELU",
        norm: Optional[Union[Tuple, str]] = None,
        norm_dim: Optional[int] = None,
        dropout: Optional[Union[Tuple, str, float]] = None,
        dropout_dim: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> None:

        op_dict = {"A": None, "D": None, "N": None}
        # define the normalization type and the arguments to the constructor
        if norm is not None:
            if norm_dim is None and dropout_dim is None:
                raise ValueError("norm_dim or dropout_dim needs to be specified.")
            norm_name, norm_args = split_args(norm)
            norm_type = Norm[norm_name, norm_dim or dropout_dim]
            kw_args = dict(norm_args)
            if has_option(norm_type, "num_features") and "num_features" not in kw_args:
                kw_args["num_features"] = in_channels
            if has_option(norm_type, "num_channels") and "num_channels" not in kw_args:
                kw_args["num_channels"] = in_channels
            op_dict["N"] = norm_type(**kw_args)

        # define the activation type and the arguments to the constructor
        if act is not None:
            act_name, act_args = split_args(act)
            act_type = Act[act_name]
            op_dict["A"] = act_type(**act_args)

        if dropout is not None:
            # if dropout was specified simply as a p value, use default name and make a keyword map with the value
            if isinstance(dropout, (int, float)):
                drop_name = Dropout.DROPOUT
                drop_args = {"p": float(dropout)}
                drop_name, drop_args = split_args(dropout)

            if norm_dim is None and dropout_dim is None:
                raise ValueError("norm_dim or dropout_dim needs to be specified.")
            drop_type = Dropout[drop_name, dropout_dim or norm_dim]
            op_dict["D"] = drop_type(**drop_args)

        for item in ordering.upper():
            if item not in op_dict:
                raise ValueError(f"ordering must be a string of {op_dict}, got {item} in it.")
            if op_dict[item] is not None:
                self.add_module(item, op_dict[item])  # type: ignore
    def __init__(
        spatial_dims: int,
        in_channels: int,
        r: int = 2,
        acti_type_1: Union[Tuple[str, Dict], str] = ("relu", {
            "inplace": True
        acti_type_2: Union[Tuple[str, Dict], str] = "sigmoid",
        add_residual: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
            spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions, could be 1, 2, or 3.
            in_channels: number of input channels.
            r: the reduction ratio r in the paper. Defaults to 2.
            acti_type_1: activation type of the hidden squeeze layer. Defaults to ``("relu", {"inplace": True})``.
            acti_type_2: activation type of the output squeeze layer. Defaults to "sigmoid".

            ValueError: When ``r`` is nonpositive or larger than ``in_channels``.

        See also:


        super(ChannelSELayer, self).__init__()

        self.add_residual = add_residual

        pool_type = Pool[Pool.ADAPTIVEAVG, spatial_dims]
        self.avg_pool = pool_type(1)  # spatial size (1, 1, ...)

        channels = int(in_channels // r)
        if channels <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"r must be positive and smaller than in_channels, got r={r} in_channels={in_channels}."

        act_1, act_1_args = split_args(acti_type_1)
        act_2, act_2_args = split_args(acti_type_2)
        self.fc = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(in_channels, channels, bias=True),
            nn.Linear(channels, in_channels, bias=True),
    def __init__(
        in_shape: Sequence[int],
        classes: int,
        channels: Sequence[int],
        strides: Sequence[int],
        kernel_size: Union[Sequence[int], int] = 3,
        num_res_units: int = 2,
        dropout: Optional[float] = None,
        bias: bool = True,
        last_act: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
            in_shape: tuple of integers stating the dimension of the input tensor (minus batch dimension)
            classes: integer stating the dimension of the final output tensor
            channels: tuple of integers stating the output channels of each convolutional layer
            strides: tuple of integers stating the stride (downscale factor) of each convolutional layer
            kernel_size: integer or tuple of integers stating size of convolutional kernels
            num_res_units: integer stating number of convolutions in residual units, 0 means no residual units
            act: name or type defining activation layers
            norm: name or type defining normalization layers
            dropout: optional float value in range [0, 1] stating dropout probability for layers, None for no dropout
            bias: boolean stating if convolution layers should have a bias component
            last_act: name defining the last activation layer
        super().__init__(in_shape, (classes, ), channels, strides, kernel_size,
                         num_res_units, act, norm, dropout, bias)

        if last_act is not None:
            last_act_name, last_act_args = split_args(last_act)
            last_act_type = Act[last_act_name]

            self.final.add_module("lastact", last_act_type(**last_act_args))
def get_acti_layer(act: Union[Tuple[str, Dict], str]):
    act_name, act_args = split_args(act)
    act_type = Act[act_name]
    return act_type(**act_args)
def get_acti_layer(act: Union[Tuple[str, Dict], str], nchan: int = 0):
    if act == "prelu":
        act = ("prelu", {"num_parameters": nchan})
    act_name, act_args = split_args(act)
    act_type = Act[act_name]
    return act_type(**act_args)
    def __init__(
        spatial_dims: int,
        in_channels: int,
        n_chns_1: int,
        n_chns_2: int,
        n_chns_3: int,
        conv_param_1: Optional[Dict] = None,
        conv_param_2: Optional[Dict] = None,
        conv_param_3: Optional[Dict] = None,
        project: Optional[Convolution] = None,
        r: int = 2,
        acti_type_1: Union[Tuple[str, Dict], str] = ("relu", {
            "inplace": True
        acti_type_2: Union[Tuple[str, Dict], str] = "sigmoid",
        acti_type_final: Optional[Union[Tuple[str, Dict], str]] = ("relu", {
            spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions, could be 1, 2, or 3.
            in_channels: number of input channels.
            n_chns_1: number of output channels in the 1st convolution.
            n_chns_2: number of output channels in the 2nd convolution.
            n_chns_3: number of output channels in the 3rd convolution.
            conv_param_1: additional parameters to the 1st convolution.
                Defaults to ``{"kernel_size": 1, "norm": Norm.BATCH, "act": ("relu", {"inplace": True})}``
            conv_param_2: additional parameters to the 2nd convolution.
                Defaults to ``{"kernel_size": 3, "norm": Norm.BATCH, "act": ("relu", {"inplace": True})}``
            conv_param_3: additional parameters to the 3rd convolution.
                Defaults to ``{"kernel_size": 1, "norm": Norm.BATCH, "act": None}``
            project: in the case of residual chns and output chns doesn't match, a project
                (Conv) layer/block is used to adjust the number of chns. In SENET, it is
                consisted with a Conv layer as well as a Norm layer.
                Defaults to None (chns are matchable) or a Conv layer with kernel size 1.
            r: the reduction ratio r in the paper. Defaults to 2.
            acti_type_1: activation type of the hidden squeeze layer. Defaults to "relu".
            acti_type_2: activation type of the output squeeze layer. Defaults to "sigmoid".
            acti_type_final: activation type of the end of the block. Defaults to "relu".

        See also:


        super(SEBlock, self).__init__()

        if not conv_param_1:
            conv_param_1 = {
                "kernel_size": 1,
                "norm": Norm.BATCH,
                "act": ("relu", {
                    "inplace": True
        self.conv1 = Convolution(dimensions=spatial_dims,

        if not conv_param_2:
            conv_param_2 = {
                "kernel_size": 3,
                "norm": Norm.BATCH,
                "act": ("relu", {
                    "inplace": True
        self.conv2 = Convolution(dimensions=spatial_dims,

        if not conv_param_3:
            conv_param_3 = {"kernel_size": 1, "norm": Norm.BATCH, "act": None}
        self.conv3 = Convolution(dimensions=spatial_dims,

        self.se_layer = ChannelSELayer(spatial_dims=spatial_dims,

        if project is None and in_channels != n_chns_3:
            self.project = Conv[Conv.CONV, spatial_dims](in_channels,
        elif project is None:
            self.project = nn.Identity()
            self.project = project

        if acti_type_final is not None:
            act_final, act_final_args = split_args(acti_type_final)
            self.act = Act[act_final](**act_final_args)
            self.act = nn.Identity()